Them: Adventures With Extremists
Jon Ronson
Published 1 Jan 2001
I asked for examples, and I was given one: ‘During the Falklands War, the British government’s request for international sanctions against Argentina fell on stony ground. But at a Bilderberg meeting in, I think, Denmark, David Owen stood up and gave the most fiery speech in favour of imposing them. Well, the speech changed a lot of minds. I’m sure that various foreign ministers went back to their respective countries and told their leaders about what David Owen had said. And you know what, sanctions were imposed.’ The man who told me this story added, ‘I hope that gives you a flavour of what really does go on in Bilderberg meetings.’ This is how Denis Healey described a Bilderberg person to me: ‘To say we were striving for a one world government is exaggerated but not wholly unfair.
It was that afternoon I first heard about the Bilderberg Group, the secret rulers of the world, a tiny group of pernicious men and one or two pernicious women who meet in a secret room and determine the course of world events. It is they who start the wars, Yacob said, own the media and destroy – by covert violence or propaganda – anyone who gets too close to the truth. ‘One mysterious case,’ said Yacob, ‘is that of the peanut farmer who attended a Bilderberg meeting and overnight became the most powerful man in the world. Yes. I’m speaking of Jimmy Carter. So you can see that they are extremely secretive and powerful.’ I didn’t really take it in. I stared blankly at Yacob. I didn’t realize that the people Yacob spoke of would come to occupy – in the most unpleasant ways – a tremendous part of the next five years of my life.
Their first meeting took place in the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland, which is why the secret rulers of the world go by the name of the Bilderberg Group. * Big Jim said that I happened to have caught him at a very good time. He was ready to take things further, to turn up the heat and cause some trouble. ‘So you’ve actually managed to obtain the address of the next Bilderberg meeting?’ I asked Jim. ‘Yes, sir,’ he said. ‘You know exactly where it is?’ I asked. ‘Yes I do,’ he said. Big Jim said he fully intended to thwart their security and barge in unannounced to catch them red-handed going about their covert wickedness. I was welcome to tag along, he said, ‘Just so long as you don’t step on twigs or fall off walls while we’re on the prowl.’
Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making
David Rothkopf
Published 18 Mar 2008
More than half a century ago a powerful group was formed to take the fate of this planet into hand and steer the world in the direction of a secret brand of internationalism. Numerous crucial events in politics and economics can be traced back to subtle manipulation by Bilderberg. Their goal: total global control. The “high priests of globalization” first met in 1954 under strictest secrecy for the first time in the Netherlands hotel de Bilderberg. Since then “Bilderberg” meets once a year in the most distinguished hotels of the world. What is discussed there behind locked doors, remains strictly secret, but we have no choice. Whatever the Bilderberger decides will shape our future. They rank among the central organs of a world-wide shadow government. The annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group has provided ample fodder for the conspiracy-minded since its founding by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in the mid-1950s.
Nonetheless, despite the simple explanations for Bilderberg’s low profile, trying to break through what is perceived or characterized as a wall of secrecy has created a cottage industry of Bilderberg sleuths, some with very fanciful imaginations, from the British Tony Gosling to the American James Tucker (founder of American Free Press and author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary), the French Pierre and Danièle de Villemarest and William Wolf (authors of Facts & Chronicles Denied to the Public), and the Belgian Geoffrey Geuens (author of Tous Pouvoirs Confondus [All Powers Confounded], which contains an extensive history of Bilderberg). The four-day Bilderberg meeting in Kanata attracted the usual crowd of spectators and protestors, each with various theories about what was going on inside. Speculations about the group’s agenda included world domination, a merger of Canada with the United States and Mexico, the suppression of technology for fuel-efficient cars, and hiding the cure for cancer.
Contrary to the mystique and the mythologies surrounding the conference, former and current participants readily assert that Bilderberg does not in fact set the global agenda. “Crap!” pronounced Lord Denis Healey, a former participant, when asked about the conspiracy theories. “There’s absolutely nothing in it.” One former senior U.S. official who has been a regular participant for more than a decade said that the Bilderberg meeting had far greater relevance when it was first established in the 1950s but that it had since become worthless as far as effecting change. “There is nothing that happens at Bilderberg that affects events after Bilderberg,” he said. Discussions with veteran Bilderbergers suggest that the group has, perhaps inevitably, faded; its members no longer represent the global power elite in the way they once did.
The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire
Jeff Berwick
Charlie Robinson
Published 14 Apr 2020
David Rockefeller had a habit of telling the truth about his actual intentions for these think tanks and organizations that he founded during his century on planet earth. In his autobiography titled Memoirs, David Rockefeller wrote: “If the Council on Foreign Relations raises the hackles of the conspiracy theorists, the Bilderberg meetings must induce apocalyptic visions of omnipotent international bankers plotting with unscrupulous government officials to impose cunning schemes on an ignorant and unsuspecting world.” They do. The Rockefeller family was not content just running some of the world’s biggest corporations. Their true intention still is to run the world, and their vehicles for doing so are the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Recent topics for discussion included: Topics of discussion at the meetings include the world economy, country-specific economics, global affairs, current and future wars, new technology to be rolled out, scientific breakthroughs to be announced, and decisions on when and how to collapse the dollar. After the coming financial collapse in America, as well as the takedown of the American Empire, the Bilderberg meetings will, no doubt, have played a pivotal role in starting the dominoes falling in the order designated to take the system down in a coordinated manner. This will have been where the world currency was proposed, debated, and decided on. These are the most important meetings in the world, and the general public has no idea that anything is even happening, let alone that their fate is being decided by a bunch of unelected psychopaths that honestly want them all dead.
Globalists: The End of Empire and the Birth of Neoliberalism
Quinn Slobodian
Published 16 Mar 2018
In 1934 he had generated serious interest from the Rockefeller Foundation to fund the creation of an International Monetary Institute in Geneva.31 A student of Rappard’s, Heilperin took a position at Geneva’s Graduate Institute for International Studies in 1935, A W o r l d of Rights 129 a year a fter Mises.32 For three years he worked “in almost daily contact” with Mises and also alongside Röpke, who arrived at the institute in 1937.33 Heilperin presented on monetary issues at the Lippmann Colloquium in 1938.34 He was a vocal member of the MPS after the war as well as an associate editor of Fortune magazine, a participant in Bilderberg meetings and in the Bellagio Group meetings that helped end the Bretton Woods system of fixed but adjustable exchange rates.35 Heilperin first became involved with international business circles in 1943, when he took a leave of absence from his position at Hamilton College to work as an adviser for the pharmaceutical and cosmetics com pany Bristol-Meyers, which had flagship products in laxatives and toothpastes and secured a major contract to supply penicillin to Allied soldiers during the war.36 At the 1944 International Business Conference, which brought together the ICC, the National Association of Manufacturers, and others, Heilperin was the rapporteur for the section on international monetary relations.37 Enjoying the highest consultative status on the UN Economic and Social Council, the ICC was a participant at every stage of the attempt to create the ITO.38 As the ICC adviser, Heilperin was one of the few Americans attending both the Geneva and Havana conferences in an unofficial capacity.39 When the president of Bristol-Myers, Lee H.
., 35 Belgium, 170; Benelux countries, 181; and European integration, 184 Bellagio Group, 129, 317n35 Beltrán, Pedro, 165 Berlin, 74, 82; Berlin Conference of 1884–1885, 94, 195; Berlin Wall, 263–264 Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 227 Bevan, Aneurin, 139 Beveridge, William, 63, 96 Bhagwati, Jagdish, 219 Bilderberg meetings, 129 Biology, 227; neurobiology, 229; physiology, 238–239, 254; sociobiology, 237 Blacks, as a group, 152, 168–169, 171 Böhm, Franz, 7, 114–115, 189, 205, 248, 355n199; critique of democracy, 251; on cybernetics, 233; on decisionism, 257; on economic constitution, 115, 204, 210–213, 253; on “idea of Ordo,” 268; on role of law, 226; as teacher, 208 Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen, 75 Bonn, Moritz, 95–99, 113, 118, 310n19 Booth, Willis H., 36 Boulding, Kenneth, 227 Boycotts, 179.
Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There
David Brooks
Published 1 Jan 2000
She will be asked to attend boards of directors meetings hosted by associations, universities, and corporations (which in this day and age like to have a few deep thinkers hanging about, if only for their conversation). If she is deemed clubable, there will be invitation-only conferences to discuss the next millennium. There will be Alpha clubs to join, such as the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg meetings, and the Ditchley Park conferences in Oxfordshire. There will be working groups, presidential commissions, and special research groups. Her first trip to one of these get-togethers will be like Natasha’s first ball in War and Peace. She’ll stare proudly at her name on the roster, mingling so intimately with big names of past and present.
SUPERHUBS: How the Financial Elite and Their Networks Rule Our World
Sandra Navidi
Published 24 Jan 2017
At Bilderberg, they can interact with their peers in a relaxed atmosphere and get a better sense of geoeconomic issues, impending developments, and business opportunities. I have never attended but know many people who have. Participants take the confidentiality surprisingly seriously, although most of them do drop hints here and there, adding pieces to the puzzle. The consensus seems to be that the Bilderberg meetings are far less exciting than commonly supposed, as nothing politically actionable and implementable is decided. Yet secrecy evokes suspicion, and some outsiders believe Bilderberg to be a global corporate-controlled shadow government, bent on engineering the fate of humanity. While this is a bit far-fetched considering the varying participants and interests, the direct interaction of such powerful people behind closed doors without any involvement of civil society does pose a problem, because they are privy to the most valuable opportunities and can align their interests without any accountability.
The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites' Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis
James Rickards
Published 15 Nov 2016
They are by invitation only, or come with admission and sponsorship conditions that self-select for power elite participation. One encounters heads of state, cabinet officials, CEOs, and billionaires. Hoi polloi need not apply. The most exclusive gathering, and the one that generates the most conspiracy theories, is the Bilderberg Meeting, held annually since 1954 in various locations. Bilderberg has a core group of about forty regular attendees, and a larger group of about one hundred invitees who vary from year to year depending on topical urgency or political ascendancy. The core group are mostly financial and industrial elites; the broader group leans toward policymakers and public intellectuals.
This Machine Kills Secrets: Julian Assange, the Cypherpunks, and Their Fight to Empower Whistleblowers
Andy Greenberg
Published 12 Sep 2012
What better outlet to prevent the next Domscheit-Berg from undoing the group’s work, after all, than that Swedish bastion of uncensorable file-sharing? “Now you can have your very own copy of the WikiLeaks archive! How cool is that?” wrote the unnamed user who first uploaded the document collection. Any curious visitor who downloaded the file might have noticed a strange folder among the CIA memos, Bilderberg meeting reports, lists of words banned from the Internet by the Chinese government, and stolen e-mails from Sarah Palin’s Yahoo! account. It came last in alphabetical order, and hardly attracted attention. It was called, simply, “xyz.” Opening it revealed four files: x, y, y-docs, and z, each encrypted with PGP and thus unreadable.
First Friends: The Powerful, Unsung (And Unelected) People Who Shaped Our Presidents
Gary Ginsberg
Published 14 Sep 2021
As he began a new chapter of his personal life, his public life was thriving. By 1991, as the nation’s focus started to turn to next year’s presidential election, Vernon Jordan was as powerful and adored as anyone in America who worked at the intersection of politics and business. Every year, Vernon Jordan traveled to Europe to attend the Bilderberg Meeting, a gathering of the world’s elite who met to discuss issues threatening the US-European alliance. It was also a chance for leaders and would-be leaders from both sides of the Atlantic to see and be seen. Jordan had been invited to join the group back in 1968 at the behest of Richard Neustadt, a Harvard historian and presidential advisor who saw him as an up-and-coming civil rights leader.