A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age
Jimmy Soni
Rob Goodman
Published 17 Jul 2017
“Shannon’s puzzle-solving”: Robert Gallager, “The Impact of Information Theory on Information Technology,” lecture slides, February 28, 2006. “Dear Dennis”: Quoted in John Horgan, “Poetic Masterpiece of Claude Shannon, Father of Information Theory, Published for the First Time,” Scientific American, March 28, 2011, blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/poetic-masterpiece-of-claude-shannon-father-of-information-theory-published-for-the-first-time. Acknowledgments “Modern man”: Arthur Koestler, The Act of Creation (London: Hutchinson, 1976), 264. Bibliography Books and Articles Aftab, Omar, et al. “Information Theory and the Digital Age.” web.mit.edu/6.933/www/Fall2001/Shannon2.pdf.
“an analysis of some of the fundamental properties”: Letter from Claude Shannon to Vannevar Bush, February 16, 1939, Claude Elwood Shannon Papers, Library of Congress. “How he got that insight”: Robert Fano, quoted in W. Mitchell Waldrop, “Claude Shannon: Reluctant Father of the Digital Age,” MIT Technology Review, July 1, 2001, www.technologyreview.com/s/401112/claude-shannon-reluctant-father-of-the-digital-age. “a mote of dust”: Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space (New York: Random House, 1994), 6. “bandwagon”: Claude Shannon, “The Bandwagon,” IRE Transactions—Information Theory 2, no. 1 (1956): 3. “XFOML RXKHRJFFJUJ”: Claude Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” in Claude Elwood Shannon: Collected Papers, ed.
“It may be no exaggeration”: Bello, “The Information Theory,” 136. “Gaylord native son”: “Gaylord’s Claude Shannon: ‘Einstein of Mathematical Theory,’ ” Gaylord Herald Times, October 11, 2000. “There were many”: Poundstone, Fortune’s Formula, 15. “What kind of man”: Bello, “The Young Scientists,” Fortune, June 1954, 142. “OMNI: Did you feel”: “Profile of Claude Shannon—Interview by Anthony Liversidge,” in Claude Elwood Shannon: Collected Papers, xxviii. “The expansion of the applications”: L. A. de Rosa, “In Which Fields Do We Graze?,” IRE Transactions on Information Theory 1, no. 3 (1955): 2. “Information theory has,” etc.: Shannon, “The Bandwagon,” 3.
The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation
Jon Gertner
Published 15 Mar 2012
Shannon Collection, Library of Congress. 3 Vannevar Bush, recommendation for Claude Shannon for a National Research Fellowship, undated, circa late 1939. Shannon Collection, Library of Congress. 4 Erico Marui Guizzo, “The Essential Message: Claude Shannon and the Making of Information Theory” (master’s thesis, MIT, 2003). 5 Len Kleinrock, a former student of Shannon’s, author interview. 6 Liversidge, “Profile of Claude Shannon.” 7 Claude Shannon, letter to Dr. V. Bush, December 13, 1939. Shannon Collection, Library of Congress. 8 Liversidge, “Profile of Claude Shannon.” Biographical facts relating to Shannon’s father are in a personal letter Shannon wrote, October 20, 1981, to Ms.
John Pierce likened the surprise he felt upon encountering his friend’s ideas to the dropping of a powerful explosive. 29 Shannon, Kyoto Prize speech. 30 Robert Lucky, Silicon Dreams: Information, Man, and Machine (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991). 31 “Information Theory,” from Shannon’s article on the topic in Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th ed., 1968. 32 John Robinson Pierce, quoted in M. Mitchell Waldrop, “Claude Shannon: Reluctant Father of the Digital Age,” Technology Review, January 7, 2002. For my explication of information theory, I owe a debt to a number of people who have written on Shannon’s theory: John Pierce, Warren Weaver, David Kahn, Robert Gallager, Bob Lucky, Neil Sloane, Aaron Wyner, John Horgan, Wiliam Poundstone, and Erico Marui Guizzo.
Many of these exploits are detailed in William Poundstone’s book Fortune’s Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street (New York: Hill & Wang, 2005). 27 Arthur Lewbel, author interview. 28 Claude Shannon, “Scientific Aspects of Juggling,” in Collected Papers, edited by N. J. A. Sloane and Aaron D. Wyner (New York: IEEE Press, 1993). 29 Arthur Lewbel, “A Personal Tribute to Claude Shannon,” http://www2.bc.edu/~lewbel/Shannon.html. 30 Shannon still rarely answered letters or spoke with reporters. The exception was when he received a letter about chess or juggling, which he would often answer promptly, even if the correspondent was a high school student. 31 John Horgan, “Claude E. Shannon: Unicyclist, Juggler and Father of Information Theory,” Scientific American, January 1990. 32 Rudi Kompfner, note to John Pierce, June 1, 1977.
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood
James Gleick
Published 1 Mar 2011
♦ “D MEASURES, IN A SENSE, HOW MUCH A TEXT”: “Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,” in Claude Shannon, Collected Papers, 85. ♦ “THE ENEMY IS NO BETTER OFF”: Ibid., 97. ♦ “THE ‘MEANING’ OF A MESSAGE IS GENERALLY IRRELEVANT”: “Communication Theory—Exposition of Fundamentals,” IRE Transactions on Information Theory, no. 1 (February 1950), in Claude Shannon, Collected Papers, 173. ♦ “WHAT GIBBS DID FOR PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY”: Warren Weaver letter to Claude Shannon, 27 January 1949, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. ♦ “SOMETHING OF A DELAYED ACTION BOMB”: John R. Pierce, “The Early Days of Information Theory,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 19, no. 1 (1973): 4
♦ “THE CAPACITY OF A SYSTEM TO TRANSMIT”: R. V. L. Hartley, “Transmission of Information,” 537. 7. INFORMATION THEORY ♦ “PERHAPS COMING UP WITH A THEORY”: Jon Barwise, “Information and Circumstance,” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27, no. 3 (1986): 324. ♦ SAID NOTHING TO EACH OTHER ABOUT THEIR WORK: Shannon interview with Robert Price: “A Conversation with Claude Shannon: One Man’s Approach to Problem Solving,” IEEE Communications Magazine 22 (1984): 125; cf. Alan Turing to Claude Shannon, 3 June 1953, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. ♦ “NO, I’M NOT INTERESTED IN DEVELOPING A POWERFUL BRAIN”: Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma (London: Vintage, 1992), 251
The actual lines, from Cummings’s poem “voices to voices, lip to lip,” are: “who cares if some oneeyed son of a bitch / invents an instrument to measure Spring with?” ♦ A MACHINE THAT WOULD REPAIR ITSELF: Claude Shannon to Irene Angus, 8 August 1952, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress. ♦ “WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU SWITCH ON ONE OF THESE MECHANICAL COMPUTERS”: Robert McCraken, “The Sinister Machines,” Wyoming Tribune, March 1954. ♦ “INFORMATION THEORY, PHOTOSYNTHESIS, AND RELIGION”: Peter Elias, “Two Famous Papers,” IRE Transactions on Information Theory 4, no. 3 (1958): 99. ♦ “WE HAVE HEARD OF ‘ENTROPIES’ ”: E. Colin Cherry, On Human Communication (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1957), 214. 9.
Fortune's Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System That Beat the Casinos and Wall Street
William Poundstone
Published 18 Sep 2006
Several of its scientists, notably Billy Kluver, collaborated with the New York avant-garde: John Cage, Robert Rauschenberg, Nam June Paik, Andy Warhol, David Tudor, and others, some of whom lived and worked steps away from Bell Labs’ Manhattan building on West Street. Many of these artists were acquainted with at least the name of Claude Shannon and the conceptual gist of his theory. To people like Cage and Rauschenberg, who were exploring how minimal a work of music or art may be, information theory appeared to have something to say—even if no one was ever entirely sure what. Shannon came to feel that information theory had been over-sold. In a 1956 editorial he gently derided the information theory “bandwagon.” People who did not understand the theory deeply were seizing on it as a trendy metaphor and overstating its relevance to fields remote from its origin.
PART ONE Entropy Claude Shannon LIFE IS A GAMBLE. There are few sure things, least of all in the competitive world of academic recruitment. Claude Shannon was as close to a sure thing as existed. That is why the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was prepared to do what was necessary to lure Shannon away from AT&T’s Bell Labs, and why the institute was delighted when Shannon became a visiting professor in 1956. Shannon had done what practically no one else had done since the Renaissance. He had single-handedly invented an important new science. Shannon’s information theory is an abstract science of communication that lies behind computers, the Internet, and all digital media.
Weaver’s essay presented information theory as a humanistic discipline—perhaps misleadingly so. Strongly influenced by Shannon, media theorist Marshall McLuhan coined the term “information age” in Understanding Media (1964). Oracular as some of his pronouncements were, McLuhan spoke loud and clear with that concise coinage. It captured the way the electronic media (still analog in the 1960s) were changing the world. It implied, more presciently than McLuhan could have known, that Claude Shannon was a prime mover in that revolution. There were earnest attempts to apply information theory to semantics, linguistics, psychology, economics, management, quantum physics, literary criticism, garden design, music, the visual arts, and even religion.
The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age
Paul J. Nahin
Published 27 Oct 2012
See also Busy Beaver Game redundancy Reilly, Sidney relay: crummy; theory of Riordan, John RS flip-flop sample (point); (space) shannon (information unit). See also bit Shannon, Catherine (sister of Claude) Shannon, Claude (father of Claude) Shannon, Claude Elwood; codes by; life of; on probability; his salesmen and engineers puzzle; and switches; and time machines; and Turing machines Shannon, Mabel (mother of Claude) Shannon-Hagelbarger theorem Sheffer, Henry Shestakov, Victor Shor, Peter. See also algorithm (Shor’s) Sklansky, Jack source rate sphere-packing spooky-action-at-a-distance. See also quantum mechanics square-root of NOT state-transition state-vector; collapse of.
The Logician and the Engineer How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age PAUL J . NAHIN PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD Copyright © 2013 by Princeton University Press Published by Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 In the United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 6 Oxford Street, Woodstock, Oxfordshire OX20 1TW press.princeton.edu All Rights Reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nahin, Paul J. The logician and the engineer : how George Boole and Claude Shannon created the information age / Paul J.
Gallager, “Claude Elwood Shannon,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, June 2003, pp. 187–191. (b) Anthony Liversidge, “Profile of Claude Shannon,” Omni, August 1987 (reprinted in Shannon’s Collected Papers, N.J.A. Sloane and Aaron D. Wyner, editors, IEEE Press, 1993). (c) Solomon W. Golomb et al., “Claude Elwood Shannon (1916–2001),” Notices of the American Mathematical Society, January 2002, pp. 8–16. (d) James F. Crow, “Shannon’s Brief Foray into Genetics,” Genetics, November 2001, pp. 915–917. 10. Liversidge, “Profile of Claude Shannon.” 4 Boolean Algebra They who are acquainted with the present state of the theory of Symbolical Algebra, are aware that the validity of the processes of analysis does not depend upon the interpretation of the symbols which are employed, but solely upon the laws of their combination
Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-Expanding Technology
Howard Rheingold
Published 14 May 2000
It turns out that coding and storing happen to be central problems in the logical design of computing machines and the creation of software. The basic scientific work that resulted in information theory did not originate from any investigation of computation, however, but from an analysis of communication. Claude Shannon, several years younger than Turing, working about a year after the British logician's discoveries in metamathematics, did another nifty little bit of graduate work that tied together theory and engineering, philosophy, and machinery. Chapter Six: Inside Information His unicycle skills notwithstanding, Claude Shannon has been more flamboyant but no less brilliant than his elder colleagues.
Cybernetics was about the nature of control and communication systems in animals, humans, and machines. Claude Shannon, another lone-wolf genius, is still known to his neighbors in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for his skill at riding a motorcycle. In 1937, as a twenty-one-year-old graduate student, he showed that Boole's logical algebra was the perfect tool for analyzing the complex networks of switching circuits used in telephone systems and, later, in computers. During the war and afterward, Shannon established the mathematical foundation of information theory. Together with cybernetics, this collection of theorems about information and communication created a new way to understand people and machines--and established information as a cosmic fundamental, along with energy and matter.
Ideally, the same set of mathematical tools would work for both electrical and logical operations. The problem of the late 1930s was that nobody knew of any mathematical operations that had the power to describe both logical and electrical networks. Then the right kind of mind looked in the right place. An exceptionably astute graduate student at MIT named Claude Shannon, who later invented information theory, found Boole's algebra to be exactly what the engineers were looking for. Without Boole, a poverty-stricken, self-taught mathematics teacher who was born the same year as Ada, the critical link between logic and mathematics might never have been accomplished. While the Analytical Engine was an inspiring attempt, it had remarkably little effect on the later thinkers who created modern computers.
The Most Human Human: What Talking With Computers Teaches Us About What It Means to Be Alive
Brian Christian
Published 1 Mar 2011
A Mathematical Theory of Communication It seems, at first glance, that information theory—the science of data transmission, data encryption, and data compression—would be mostly a question of engineering, having little to do with the psychological and philosophical questions that surround the Turing test and AI. But these two ships turn out to be sailing quite the same seas. The landmark paper that launched information theory is Claude Shannon’s 1948 “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” and as it happens, this notion of scientifically evaluating “communication” binds information theory and the Turing test to each other from the get-go.
For more, see Hofstadter’s I Am a Strange Loop. 56 Benjamin Seider, Gilad Hirschberger, Kristin Nelson, and Robert Levenson, “We Can Work It Out: Age Differences in Relational Pronouns, Physiology, and Behavior in Marital Conflict,” Psychology and Aging 24, no. 3 (September 2009), pp. 604–13. 10. High Surprisal 1 Claude Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Bell System Technical Journal 27 (1948), pp. 379–423, 623–56. 2 average American teenager: Katie Hafner, “Texting May Be Taking a Toll,” New York Times, May 25, 2009. 3 The two are in fact related: For more information on the connections between Shannon (information) entropy and thermodynamic entropy, see, e.g., Edwin Jaynes, “Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics,” Physical Review 106, no. 4, (May 1957), pp. 620–30; and Edwin Jaynes, “Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics II,” Physical Review 108, no. 2 (October 1957), pp. 171–90. 4 Donald Barthelme, “Not-Knowing,” in Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews of Donald Barthelme, edited by Kim Herzinger (New York: Random House, 1997). 5 Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005). 6 The cloze test comes originally from W.
Epilogue: The Unsung Beauty of the Glassware Cabinet Acknowledgments Notes The beautiful changes as a forest is changed By a chameleon’s tuning his skin to it; As a mantis, arranged On a green leaf, grows Into it, makes the leaf leafier … –RICHARD WILBUR I think metaphysics is good if it improves everyday life; otherwise forget it. –ROBERT PIRSIG As President, I believe that robotics can inspire young people to pursue science and engineering. And I also want to keep an eye on those robots, in case they try anything. –BARACK OBAMA 0. Prologue Claude Shannon, artificial intelligence pioneer and founder of information theory, met his wife, Mary Elizabeth, at work. This was Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey, the early 1940s. He was an engineer, working on wartime cryptography and signal transmission. She was a computer. 1. Introduction: The Most Human Human I wake up five thousand miles from home in a hotel room with no shower: for the first time in fifteen years, I take a bath.
Einstein's Fridge: How the Difference Between Hot and Cold Explains the Universe
Paul Sen
Published 16 Mar 2021
Sparking intense research over the last few decades, another field of physics entered the discussion along with thermodynamics, quantum theory, and general relativity. That field is information theory. To see why, imagine again that a box of hot gas is hurtling into the black hole. To calculate the gas’s entropy, one could theoretically make an enormously long list of the position of each gas molecule and the direction in which it was traveling. One could then convert each item in this list into a binary number using the methods discovered by Claude Shannon in the 1940s. Doing so would generate a complete description of the gas’s contents as a long string of 1s and 0s.
But in 1982, in a taped interview Shannon is rather hazy about why he chose the term entropy. MST PPL HV: From “Information Theory” by Claude E. Shannon, Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th ed. “information is physical”: Landauer wrote an article with this title in 1991 in Physics Today. another Bell Labs discovery: See Idea Factory by Gertner. 10 million-millionths of a joule of heat: See the calculation in chapter 10 of The Logician and the Engineer: How George Boole and Claude Shannon Created the Information Age by Paul J. Nahin. hot plates on stoves: See “A Research Agenda Towards Zero-Power ICT” by Gabriel Abadal Berini, Giorgos Fagas, Luca Gammaitoni, and Douglas Paul, 2014.
Ma Bell, as the company: For a detailed history of Bell Labs, see The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation by Jon Gertner. “Mr. Watson, come here”: See above. Claude Shannon was born: For details on Shannon’s life and work, see A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman. “if you walked a couple of blocks”: As quoted in “Profile of Claude Shannon” by Anthony Liversidge, in the introduction to Claude Elwood Shannon: Collected Papers. “when a husband was capable”: As quoted in Mind at Play by Soni and Goodman. “A decidedly unconventional type of youngster”: Letter from Vannevar Bush to E.
Possible Minds: Twenty-Five Ways of Looking at AI
John Brockman
Published 19 Feb 2019
Inspired by communications theorist Marshall McLuhan, architect-designer Buckminster Fuller, futurist John McHale, and cultural anthropologists Edward T. “Ned” Hall and Edmund Carpenter, I started reading avidly in the fields of information theory, cybernetics, and systems theory. McLuhan suggested I read biologist J. Z. Young’s Doubt and Certainty in Science, in which he said that we create tools and we mold ourselves through our use of them. The other text he recommended was Warren Weaver and Claude Shannon’s 1949 paper “Recent Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Communication,” which begins: “The word communication will be used here in a very broad sense to include all of the procedures by which one mind may affect another.
“The machine plays no favorites between manual labor and white-collar labor,” he observed. For all that, many of the central arguments in The Human Use of Human Beings seem closer to the 19th century than the 21st. In particular, although Wiener made reference throughout to Claude Shannon’s then-new work on information theory, he seems not to have fully embraced Shannon’s notion of information as consisting of irreducible, meaning-free bits. Since Wiener’s day, Shannon’s theory has come to undergird recent advances in “Big Data” and “deep learning,” which makes it all the more interesting to revisit Wiener’s cybernetic imagination.
Wiener’s three c’s (command, control, communication) drew on the mathematics of probability to formalize systems (whether biological or mechanical) theorized as a set of inputs of information achieving outputs of actions in an environment—a muscular, fleshy agenda often minimized in genealogies of AI. But the etymology does little to capture the excitement felt by participants, as mathematics joined theoretical biology (Arturo Rosenblueth) and information theory (Claude Shannon, Walter Pitts, Warren McCulloch) to produce a barrage of interdisciplinary research and publications viewed as changing not just the way science was done but the way future humans would engage with the technosphere. As Wiener put it, “We have modified our environment so radically that we must now modify ourselves in order to exist.”* The pressing question is: How are we modifying ourselves?
Between Human and Machine: Feedback, Control, and Computing Before Cybernetics
David A. Mindell
Published 10 Oct 2002
Indeed, Nyquist’s and Hartley’s notions began to resemble digital representations, as their techniques analyzed the subtleties of converting discrete pulses to and from the continuous world. These men laid the groundwork for the theory of information that Claude Shannon would articulate in 1948. 79 In the first paragraph of his famous work, Shannon cited Nyquist’s and Hartley’s work on transmission and information theory: each related the abstraction of signals to the extension of human activity by the telephone’s spreading network. Conclusion Harold Black, Hendrik Bode, and Harry Nyquist brought negative feedback and the vacuum tube within the realm of signals, frequencies, and networks.
As Wiener had done in Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing of Stationary Time Series , Blackman, Bode, and Shannon broadened the relevance of their study beyond fire control, treating it as “a special case of the transmission, manipulation, and utilization of intelligence.” Like Wiener, they pointed out that predicting time-series data had broad application to “weather records, stock market prices, production statistics, and the like.” 21 Just a few years later Claude Shannon expanded these ideas in his 1948 paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” which famously created information theory. 22 Following Nyquist’s and Hartley’s analyses years earlier, Shannon defined the act of communication as transferring a given message, or a series of symbols, from one place to another (from one person to another or from one machine to another) through a noisy channel of finite bandwidth.
From this work emerged new theories and practices of feedback, control, and computing. As always, the continuous nature of these processes makes the choice of beginning and ending somewhat arbitrary. This narrative ends in 1945, when the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) closed down, and with the subsequent publication of Cybernetics , Claude Shannon’s “Mathematical Theory of Communications,” and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Radiation Laboratory series of textbooks on radar, electronics, and servomechanisms. These and other publications helped spread the results of the war’s massive research and development projects and laid foundations for a new era of communications, control, and computing.
Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy
George Gilder
Published 16 Jul 2018
Another, less celebrated, was his key role in establishing a trustworthy gold standard, which made economic valuations as calculable and reliable as the physical dimensions of items in trade. Since Claude Shannon in 1948 and Peter Drucker in the 1950s, we have all spoken of the information economy as if it were a new idea. But both Newton’s physics and his gold standard were information systems. More specifically, the Newtonian system is what we call today an information theory. Newton’s biographers typically underestimate his achievement in establishing the information theory of money on a firm foundation. As one writes, Watching over the minting of a nation’s coin, catching a few counterfeiters, increasing an already respectably sized personal fortune, being a political figure, even dictating to one’s fellow scientists [as president of the Royal Society]; it should all seem a crass and empty ambition once you have written a Principia.2 But build a better money ratchet and the world will beat a path to your door.
They offer the still-remote promise of new computer architectures such as quantum computers that can actually model physical reality and thus may finally yield some real intelligence. The current generation in Silicon Valley has yet to come to terms with the findings of von Neumann and Gödel early in the last century or with the breakthroughs in information theory of Claude Shannon, Gregory Chaitin, Anton Kolmogorov, and John R. Pierce. In a series of powerful arguments, Chaitin, the inventor of algorithmic information theory, has translated Gödel into modern terms. When Silicon Valley’s AI theorists push the logic of their case to explosive extremes, they defy the most crucial findings of twentieth-century mathematics and computer science.
Ludwig Boltzmann (1844–1906) identified this difference with missing information, or uncertainty about the arrangement of the molecules, thus opening the way for Claude Shannon and information theory. Both forms of entropy register disorder. Boltzmann’s entropy is analog and governed by the natural logarithm e, while Shannon’s entropy is digital and governed by log 2. Chaitin’s Law: Gregory Chaitin, inventor of algorithmic information theory, ordains that you cannot use static, eternal, perfect mathematics to model dynamic creative life. Determinist math traps the mathematician in a mechanical process that cannot yield innovation or surprise, learning or life.
In Our Own Image: Savior or Destroyer? The History and Future of Artificial Intelligence
George Zarkadakis
Published 7 Mar 2016
For now, I want to focus on four individuals who took part in the Macy Conferences, and whose work laid the foundations for Artificial Intelligence: Norbert Wiener, Claude Shannon, Warren McCulloch and John von Neumann. We have already met the first two. Norbert Wiener was the grand visionary of cybernetics. Inspired by mechanical control systems, such as artillery targeting and servomechanisms, as well as Claude Shannon’s mathematical theory of communication and information, he articulated the theory of cybernetics in his landmark book, Cybernetics, of 1948.4 Godfather number two, Claude Shannon, was the genius who gave us information theory. We saw how Wiener and Shannon pondered on the ontology of information, and how they decided to regard it as something beyond matter and energy.
Instead of adhering to the principle that universals are always predicated by physical objects they adopted the opposite, Platonic, idea. In Part III of this book, we will explore in more detail the technological reasons behind this conceptual shift. But before we do so, let us first examine the concept of information. The father of information theory is the American mathematician, electronic engineer and cryptographer Claude Shannon (1916–2001). He worked as a cryptanalyst in the Second World War, and in early 1943 he met Alan Turing, who had been posted to Washington to work with the Americans on breaking the German naval codes. Like his English counterpart, Shannon is one of the great heroes of computer science, a man whose work has shaped the world we live in.
Two of them were, arguably, the most significant. In 1876 Graham Bell discovered the telephone. And four years later, in 1879, Thomas Edison discovered the incandescent lamp.14 These two inventions would become fundamental in the birth and evolution of electronics and telecommunications. By the time Claude Shannon began to formulate his information theory, there was a pressing need for better telecommunications systems because of the ubiquity of the telephone. Meanwhile, Edison’s incandescent lamp had evolved into sophisticated vacuum tubes that acted as electronic amplifiers, rectifiers, switches and oscillators. Shannon was the genius who combined logic with electronics.
The Chip: How Two Americans Invented the Microchip and Launched a Revolution
T. R. Reid
Published 18 Dec 2007
He published another seminal paper, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” that launched an even more important new academic discipline known as information theory; today information theory is fundamental not only in electronics and computer science but also in linguistics, sociology, and numerous other fields. You could argue that Claude Shannon was the Alexander Graham Bell of the cellular phone, because mobile communications would be impossible without the basic formulas of information theory that Shannon devised. In 1949, Shannon published a monograph—once again, the first one ever written on the topic—called “Programming a Computer for Playing Chess.”
To this day, the capacity of computers and other digital devices is still measured in bits; if a personal computer is rated at 64 megabits, that means it comes with enough random-access memory to store 64 million bits, or distinct pieces of information. The term is now used by digital designers everywhere, many of whom have probably never heard of Claude Shannon. Shannon wouldn’t mind that, though. He was not one to blow his own horn. During the years he taught information theory at MIT, he never mentioned that he was the creator of the academic discipline his students were studying, and seemed somewhat embarrassed when diligent students figured out that their prof was the progenitor. Early in 2001, Bell Labs set up an exhibit in Shannon’s honor, noting how many of his twentieth-century ideas have become part and parcel of daily life in the new century.
There is also interesting Booleana in Mary Everest Boole, A Boolean Anthology (Association of Teachers of Mathematics, 1972). Dover Press deserves our gratitude for keeping in print a paperback version of George Boole’s masterpiece, The Laws of Thought (New York: Dover Publications, 1951). There is as yet no biography of Claude Shannon, but a reader might be interested in the book that launched the burgeoning field of information theory—that is, Claude E. Shannon, The Mathematical Theory of Communication (Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 1949). Computer history is just now emerging as an academic discipline of its own, and there will no doubt be some fine books written on the work of von Neumann, Turing, and other computer pioneers.
The Scandal of Money
George Gilder
Published 23 Feb 2016
Like the electromagnetic spectrum, which bears all the messages of the Internet to and from your smartphone or computer, it must be rooted in the absolute speed of light, the ultimate guarantor of the integrity of time. Dominating our own era and revealing in fundamental ways the nature of money is the information theory of Kurt Gödel, John von Neumann, Alan Turing, and Claude Shannon. Information theory tells us that information is not order but disorder, not the predictable regularity that contains no news, but the unexpected modulation, the surprising bits. But human creativity and surprise depend upon a matrix of regularities, from the laws of physics to the stability of money.4 Information theory has impelled the global ascendancy of information technology. From worldwide webs of glass and light to a boom in biotech based on treating life itself as chiefly an information system, a new system of the world is transforming our lives.
The Stanford physicist and Nobel laureate Robert Laughlin has derided the elaborate efforts of scientists to find significance in the intrinsically transitory forms that arise on their computers during phase changes, such as bubbles in water on the brink of a boil.7 These computational figments have an analogue here in the outside traders’ search for momentary correlations. As Claude Shannon knew, in principle a creative pattern of data points—reflecting long and purposeful preparation and invention—is indistinguishable from a random pattern. Both are high entropy. Parsing of random patterns for transitory correlations fails to yield new knowledge. You cannot meaningfully study the ups and downs of the market with an oscilloscope. You need a microscope, exploring inside the cells of individual companies. Currency values should be stable. In information theory terms, they should function as low-entropy carriers for high-entropy creations.
Because we use it to prioritize most of our activities, register and endow our accomplishments of learning and invention, and organize the life-sustaining work of our society, money is more than a mere payments system. It expresses a system of the world. That is why I link it to the information theory of Kurt Gödel, Alan Turing, and Claude Shannon. Each of these thinkers attempted to define his philosophy in utilitarian and determinist mathematics. Addressing pure logic as math, Gödel concluded that even arithmetic cannot constitute a complete and coherent system. All logical schemes have to move beyond self-referential circularity and invoke axioms outside themselves.
A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload
Cal Newport
Published 2 Mar 2021
When I was writing my master’s thesis at MIT in the electrical engineering and computer science department (the field Shannon created from scratch with his 1937 work), we heard about Shannon’s spectacular student efforts. In retrospect, I’m not sure if this was supposed to motivate us or demoralize us. 2. For a more complete treatment of Claude Shannon, I recommend Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman’s fascinating 2017 biography, which was the source for much of the summary that follows: A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2017). 3. Information theorists would traditionally use the word code instead of protocol in this instance, but for the sake of clarity in the discussion we’re having here, I’m going to use protocol—as in a set of communication rules agreed on in advance—as it sidesteps the colloquial associations people hold with respect to the word code. 4.
Whether you’re deploying complex automation or just following handcrafted procedures, these processes will reduce your dependence on the hyperactive hive mind workflow and reward you with extra cognitive energy and mental peace. Make automatic what you can reasonably make automatic, and only then worry about what to do with what remains. Chapter 6 The Protocol Principle The Invention of Information Claude Shannon is one of the most important figures in twentieth-century science, yet few outside the specialized fields he helped innovate know his name. Perhaps his largest intellectual leap was his 1937 MIT master’s thesis, which he submitted at the age of twenty-one and, among other contributions, laid the foundation for all of digital electronics.1 But it’s toward another of his most famous works that I’ll turn our attention now, as it will prove useful in our quest to move beyond the hyperactive hive mind workflow.
You might think that the gains here are small—how hard is it to send some emails?—but if you’re like me, you’ll likely be surprised by the feeling of a burden being lifted when you eliminate all these ongoing scheduling conversations, which have a way of nibbling at the borders of your concentration, driving you again and again back into the hive mind chatter. Claude Shannon’s framework underscores this reality. Meeting-scheduling protocols induce a small extra inconvenience cost, as you have to set up the system, and your correspondents now have to select times from a website instead of simply shooting back a short email reply in the moment. But the cognitive cycles saved are so substantial that there’s no comparison: the average cost of these meeting-scheduling protocols is significantly lower than what’s required by the status quo of energy-minimizing email ping-pong.
A Man for All Markets
Edward O. Thorp
Published 15 Nov 2016
Thorp’s method is as follows: He cuts to the chase in identifying a clear edge (that is something that in the long run puts the odds in his favor). The edge has to be obvious and uncomplicated. For instance, calculating the momentum of a roulette wheel, which he did with the first wearable computer (and with no less a coconspirator than the great Claude Shannon, father of information theory), he estimated a typical edge of roughly 40 percent per bet. But that part is easy, very easy. It is capturing the edge, converting it into dollars in the bank, restaurant meals, interesting cruises, and Christmas gifts to friends and family—that’s the hard part. It is the dosage of your betting—not too little, not too much—that matters in the end.
To protect myself from this happening with my work on blackjack, I settled on Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, as it was the quickest to publish of any journal I knew, taking as little as two or three months, and was also very prestigious. This required a member of the academy to approve and forward my work, so I sought out the only mathematics member of the academy at MIT, Claude Shannon. Claude was famous for the creation of information theory, which is crucial for modern computing, communications, and much more. The department secretary arranged a short appointment with a reluctant Shannon at noon. However, she warned me that Shannon was going to be in for only a few minutes, that I shouldn’t expect more, and that he didn’t spend time on topics or people that didn’t interest him.
During the long ride back I wondered how my research into the mathematical theory of a game might change my life. In the abstract, life is a mixture of chance and choice. Chance can be thought of as the cards you are dealt in life. Choice is how you play them. I chose to investigate blackjack. As a result, chance offered me a new set of unexpected opportunities. Ever since my first meeting with Claude Shannon in September, we had been working on the roulette project approximately twenty hours a week. Meanwhile, I was teaching courses, doing research in pure mathematics, attending department functions, writing up my blackjack research, and adjusting to being a new father. Following a roulette work session at the Shannons’, Claude asked me at dinner if I thought anything would ever top this in my life.
Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext
Belinda Barnet
Published 14 Jul 2013
(Engelbart 1986) The Analyzer evaluated and solved these equations by mechanical integration. It automated a task that was previously done by human beings and created a small revolution at MIT. Many of the people who worked on the machine (for example Harold Hazen, Gordon Brown and Claude Shannon) later made contributions to feedback control, information theory and computing (Mindell 2000). The machine was a huge success that brought prestige and a flood of federal money to MIT and Bush. However, by the spring of 1950 the Analyzer was gathering dust in a storeroom; the project had died. Why did it fail? Why did the world’s most 14 Memory Machines important analogue computer end up obsolescing in a backroom?
(Burke 1991, 147) Bush transferred these three technologies to the new design. This decision was not pure genius on his part; they were perfect analogues for a popular conception of how the brain worked at the time. The scientific community at MIT were developing a pronounced interest in man-machine analogues, and although Claude Shannon had not yet published his information theory (Dutta 1995), it was already being formulated. Much discussion also took place around MIT about how the brain might process information in the manner of an analogue machine. Bush thought and designed in terms of analogies between brain and machine, electricity and information.
They wanted a long-term project that would give the United States the most technically advanced cryptanalytic capabilities in the world, a superfast machine to count the coincidences of letters in two messages or copies of a single message. Bush assembled a research team for this project that included Claude Shannon, one of the early information theorists and a significant part of the emerging cybernetics community (Nyce and Kahn 1991). Three new technologies were emerging at the time that handled information: photoelectricity, microfilm and digital electronics. All three were just emerging, but, unlike the fragile magnetic recording [Bush’s] students were exploring, they appeared to be ready to use in calculation machines.
Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers
John MacCormick
Chris Bishop
Published 27 Dec 2011
So it is not altogether surprising that the two major events triggering the creation of error-correcting codes both occurred in the research laboratories of the Bell Telephone Company. The two heroes of our story, Claude Shannon and Richard Hamming, were both researchers at Bell Labs. Hamming we have met already: it was his annoyance at the weekend crashes of a company computer that led directly to his invention of the first error-correcting codes, now known as Hamming codes. However, error-correcting codes are just one part of a larger discipline called information theory, and most computer scientists trace the birth of the field of information theory to a 1948 paper by Claude Shannon. This extraordinary paper, entitled “The Mathematical Theory of Communication,” is described in one biography of Shannon as “the Magna Carta of the information age.”
THE ORIGINS OF COMPRESSION ALGORITHMS The same-as-earlier trick described in this chapter—one of the main compression methods used in ZIP files—is known to computer scientists as the LZ77 algorithm. It was invented by two Israeli computer scientists, Abraham Lempel and Jacob Ziv, and published in 1977. To trace the origins of compression algorithms, however, we need to delve three decades further back into scientific history. We have already met Claude Shannon, the Bell Labs scientist who founded the field of information theory with his 1948 paper. Shannon was one of the two main heroes in our story of error-correcting codes (chapter 5), but he and his 1948 paper also figure importantly in the emergence of compression algorithms. This is no coincidence. In fact, error-correcting codes and compression algorithms are two sides of the same coin.
Mathematicians will greatly enjoy Thompson's delightful book, but it definitely assumes the reader has a healthy dose of college math. Dewdney's book (see above) has two interesting chapters on coding theory. The two quotations about Shannon on pages 77-78 are taken from a brief biography by N. J. A. Sloane and A. D. Wyner, appearing in Claude Shannon: Collected Papers edited by Sloane and Wyner (1993). Pattern recognition (chapter 6). Bishop's lectures (see above) have some interesting material that nicely complements this chapter. The geographical data about political donations is taken from the Fundrace project of the Huffington Post. All the handwritten digit data is taken from a dataset provided by Yann LeCun, of New York University's Courant Institute, and his collaborators.
The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
Walter Isaacson
Published 6 Oct 2014
This Shannon section draws on Jon Gertner, The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation (Penguin, 2012; locations refer to the Kindle edition), chapter 7; M. Mitchell Waldrop, “Claude Shannon: Reluctant Father of the Digital Age,” MIT Technology Review, July 2001; Graham Collins, “Claude E. Shannon: Founder of Information Theory,” Scientific American, Oct. 2012; James Gleick, The Information (Pantheon, 2011), chapter 7. 14. Peter Galison, Image and Logic (University of Chicago, 1997), 781. 15. Claude Shannon, “A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits,” Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Dec. 1938. For a clear explanation, see Daniel Hillis, The Pattern on the Stone (Perseus, 1998), 2–10. 16.
Originally located on the western edge of Manhattan’s Greenwich Village overlooking the Hudson River, it brought together theoreticians, materials scientists, metallurgists, engineers, and even AT&T pole climbers. It was where George Stibitz developed a computer using electromagnetic relays and Claude Shannon worked on information theory. Like Xerox PARC and other corporate research satellites that followed, Bell Labs showed how sustained innovation could occur when people with a variety of talents were brought together, preferably in close physical proximity where they could have frequent meetings and serendipitous encounters.
Church was not only generous; he introduced the term Turing machine for what Turing had called a Logical Computing Machine. Thus at twenty-four, Turing’s name became indelibly stamped on one of the most important concepts of the digital age.12 CLAUDE SHANNON AND GEORGE STIBITZ AT BELL LABS There was another seminal theoretical breakthrough in 1937, similar to Turing’s in that it was purely a thought experiment. This one was the work of an MIT graduate student named Claude Shannon, who that year turned in the most influential master’s thesis of all time, a paper that Scientific American later dubbed “the Magna Carta of the Information Age.”13 Shannon grew up in a small Michigan town where he built model planes and amateur radios, then went on to major in electrical engineering and math at the University of Michigan.
Thinking Machines: The Inside Story of Artificial Intelligence and Our Race to Build the Future
Luke Dormehl
Published 10 Aug 2016
‘But most of this is probably used in remembering visual impressions, and other comparatively wasteful ways. One might reasonably hope to be able to make some real progress [towards Artificial Intelligence] with a few million digits [of computer memory].’ The third of AI’s forefathers was a man named Claude Shannon, known today as the father of ‘information theory’. Born in 1916 – making him the youngest of the three – Shannon’s big contribution to computing related to the way in which transistors work. Transistors are the billions of tiny switches that make up a computer. An algorithm is the sequence of instructions that tells a computer what to do by switching these transistors on and off.
Compared with the unreliable memory of humans, a machine capable of accessing thousands of items in the span of microseconds had a clear advantage. There are entire books written about the birth of modern computing, but three men stand out as laying the philosophical and technical groundwork for the field that became known as Artificial Intelligence: John von Neumann, Alan Turing and Claude Shannon. A native of Hungary, von Neumann was born in 1903 into a Jewish banking family in Budapest. In 1930, he arrived at Princeton University as a maths teacher and, by 1933, had established himself as one of six professors in the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton: a position he stayed in until the day he died.
In the summer of 1956 – when Elvis Presley was scandalising audiences with his hip gyrations, Marilyn Monroe married playwright Arthur Miller, and President Dwight Eisenhower authorised ‘In God we trust’ as the US national motto – AI’s first official conference took place. A rolling six-week workshop, bringing together the smartest academics from a broad range of disciplines, the event unfolded on the sprawling 269-acre estate of Dartmouth College in Hanover, New England. Along with Claude Shannon, two of the organisers were young men named John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, both of whom became significant players in the growing field of Artificial Intelligence. ‘The study [of AI] is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it,’ they wrote.
The Dream Machine: J.C.R. Licklider and the Revolution That Made Computing Personal
M. Mitchell Waldrop
Published 14 Apr 2001
And yet even in the midst of all that, Claude Shannon's long-delayed opus on information theory exploded like a bomb. His analysis of communication was breathtaking in scope, masterful in execution-and, for most people, totally unexpected. "It was like a bolt out of the blue, a really unique thing," recalls his Bell Labs colleague John Pierce. "I don't know of any other theory that came in a complete form like that, with very few antecedents or history." "It was a revelation," agrees Oliver Selfridge. "Around MIT the reaction was 'Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?' Information theory gave us a whole con- ceptual vocabulary, as well as a technical vocabulary."
NEW KINDS OF PEOPLE 75 Miller kept on reading. And by the time he was finished, he now says, he knew that his life had changed. THE CONJURER Legend has it that Claude Shannon published "A Mathematical Theory of Com- munication" in 1948 only because his boss at Bell Labs finally badgered him into it. And whatever the truth of that story, the point is that no one who knew Shannon has any trouble believing it. "He wrote beautiful papers-when he wrote," says Robert Fano, who became a leader of MIT's information-theory group in the 1950s and still has a reveren- tial photograph of Shannon hanging in his office. "And he gave beautiful talks- when he gave a talk.
Indeed, his meet- ing with Chomsky was as pivotal as the moment eight years earlier when he'd picked up that July 1948 issue of the Bell Systems Technical Journal containing Claude Shannon's article-and all the more so because Chomsky's message was to be strongly reinforced just a short time later. Miller remembers the day very clearly: Tuesday, September 11, 1956, the second day of the second international conference on information theory. Actually, the whole conference was good. Held in MIT's Sloan Building, right on the river- front, it included talks by Jerry Wiesner, Bob Fano, Peter Elias, Oliver Selfridge, Walter Rosenblith, and even Shannon himself.
Turing's Vision: The Birth of Computer Science
Chris Bernhardt
Published 12 May 2016
After Turing completed his Ph.D., von Neumann offered him a position as his assistant, but Turing decided not to accept and instead returned to England. During the time that Turing was working on his Ph.D. another breakthrough paper was written. This was on logic and switching circuits and was written by Claude Shannon. Claude Shannon In 1936, Claude Shannon graduated from the University of Michigan with two undergraduate degrees; one in electrical engineering and one in mathematics. He then went to M.I.T. for graduate school. At M.I.T. he worked on an early analog computer. This work led him to consider switches and digital computing.
His first bombe was operational in the spring of 1940.7 In 1942, after the United States joined the war, Turing went to America to work with cryptologists there, helping with the design of American bombes. While in America, he visited Bell Labs, which was then in lower Manhattan, where he met Claude Shannon. In addition to working on cryptology, they discussed their work on computing.8 At the end of the war there were a large number of bombes working in both the US and England. Being able to read Germany’s messages enabled the allies to locate German U-boats and the routes of ships. It helped with the choice of when and where to attack.
Rejewsksi, when asked about this, is said to have replied that he couldn’t think of a better name. 8. Both Shannon and Turing were interested in using ideas from probability to extract information from data. Shannon would later extend some of his wartime work and write the groundbreaking paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” that is one of the foundations of Information Theory. Turing wrote several articles on the application of probability to cryptography. These were classified and only now are being made available to the public (two papers were declassified in 2012. They are available at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk). 9. The English use the term valve where the Americans use vacuum tube. 10.
How to Predict the Unpredictable
William Poundstone
At a place like Bell Labs in the 1950s, brilliant people were always firing off sparks of genius. John Pierce had a special job — catching the best ideas in a basket and pressing their originators to follow them up. A Caltech-educated engineer, Pierce juggled the roles of instigator, motivational speaker, and life coach. His hardest case may have been Claude Shannon. It was a running joke: “You should do something on that,” Pierce would say to Shannon. “Should?” Shannon would reply. “What does ‘should’ mean?” Shannon, in his late thirties, had wavy hair and handsome, rather angular features. At Bell Labs he came in when he pleased and left when he pleased.
This cuts the exponentially vast range of potential options down to manageable size. Password-cracking software does what Goodfellow did, only billions of times faster. * * * For a time, AT&T’s vision of a wireless future did not rule out telepathy. Thornton Fry, head of Bell Labs’ mathematics division and the man who hired Claude Shannon, was in that diehard minority of scientists who believed that J. B. Rhine might be onto something. About 1948, Bell Labs built an ESP machine. It was a device for generating random sequences that a would-be psychic would attempt to guess. By taking the place of Zener cards, the machine could exclude the possibility of cheating or unconscious signaling that had dogged Rhine’s research.
It silently churns data to guess locations of meth labs and carjackings; to put a price tag on the value of customers, employees, and managers; and, above all, to predict who will buy what and pay how much. Big Data makes the most of its ninja invisibility. The consumer rarely suspects how many of his actions have been tracked and outguessed. The predictions are not perfect (yet). And just as Claude Shannon could outguess his own prediction machine, you can outguess Big Data. This chapter will describe a few of the more widely applicable tricks. You’ve probably got weird calls from your mobile phone carrier, power company, or health club. The caller will ask if there’s anything she can do to serve you better.
How Not to Network a Nation: The Uneasy History of the Soviet Internet (Information Policy)
Benjamin Peters
Published 2 Jun 2016
These include Claude Lévi-Strauss’s treatment of language as a technologically ordered series (after meeting with Macy Conference attendee Roman Jakobson in Paris in 1950); Jacques Lacan’s turning to mathematical concepts; Roland Barthes’s turn to schematic accounts of communication; Gilles Deleuze’s abandonment of meaning, with Claude Shannon’s information theory in hand; Felix Guattari’s, Michel Foucault’s, and other French theorists’ experimentation with terms such as encoding, decoding, information, and communication.34 Postmodern French theory owes a deep debt to postwar information theory and the cybernetic sciences. In England, cybernetics took on a different character in the form of the Ratio Club, a small but potent gathering of British cybernetic figures who gathered regularly in the basement of the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in London from 1949 through 1955.
Gerovitch details the translation of their terms: “What Wiener called ‘the feedback mechanism’ they called ‘the theory of feedback’ … ‘basic principles of digital computing’ became ‘the theory of automatic high-speed electronic calculating machines’; ‘cybernetic models of human thinking’ became the ‘theory of self-organizing logical processes.’”70 In fact, the coauthors used the word theory six times in their definition of cybernetics to emphasize the theoretical nature of the new science, possibly as a way to avoid having to discuss the political implications of introducing a practical field of human-machine applications into a society well suited to adopt them. The coauthors also integrated and expanded the stochastic analysis of Claude Shannon’s information theory while simultaneously stripping Wiener’s organism-machine analogy of its political potency.71 Wiener’s core analogies between animal and machine, machine and mind were stressed as analogies—or how “self-organizing logical processes [appeared] similar to the processes of human thought” but were not synonyms.
The Macy Conferences, as they were informally known, staked out a spacious interdisciplinary purview for cybernetic research.11 In addition to McCulloch, who directed the conferences, a few noted participants included Wiener himself, the mathematician and game theorist John von Neumann, leading anthropologist Margaret Mead and her then husband Gregory Bateson, founding information theorist and engineer Claude Shannon, sociologist-statistician and communication theorist Paul Lazarsfeld, psychologist and computer scientist J.C.R. Licklider, as well as influential psychiatrists, psychoanalysts, and philosophers such as Kurt Lewin, F.S.C. Northrop, Molly Harrower, and Lawrence Kubie, among others. Relying on mathematical and formal definitions of communication, participants rendered permeable the boundaries that distinguished humans, machines, and animals as information systems.
The Deep Learning Revolution (The MIT Press)
Terrence J. Sejnowski
Published 27 Sep 2018
When you make a cell phone call, your voice is encoded into bits and transmitted over radio waves and digital transmission lines to a receiver, where the digital signals are decoded and converted to sounds. Information theory puts bounds on the capacity of the communications channel (figure 15.2), and codes have been devised that approach the Shannon limit. Despite the many forms of information in the world, there is a way to measure precisely how much of it is in a data set. The unit of information is a “binary bit,” which can take on a value of 1 or 0. A “byte” is eight bits. 220 Chapter 15 Figure 15.1 Claude Shannon around 1963 in front of a telephone switching network. He worked at AT&T Bell Laboratories when he invented information theory. From Alfred Eisenstaedt/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images.
The National Security Agency uses machine learning to sift through all of the data it has been collecting everywhere. The economy is going digital, and programming skills are in great demand at many companies. As the world shifts from an industrial to an information economy, education and job training will have to adapt. This already is having a profound impact on the world. Information Theory In 1948, Claude Shannon (figure 15.1) at the AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, proposed a remarkably simple but subtle theory for information to understand signal transmission through noisy phone lines.1 Shannon’s theory drove the digital communications revolution that gave rise to cell phones, digital television, and the Internet.
The latest growth spurt has been fueled by the widespread availability of big data, and the story of NIPS has been one of preparing for this day to come. III Technological and Scientific Impact Timeline 1971—Noam Chomsky publishes “The Case against B. F. Skinner” in the New York Review of Books, an essay that steered a generation of cognitive scientists away from learning. 1982—Claude Shannon publishes the seminal book A Mathematical Theory of Communication, which laid the foundation for modern digital communication. 1989—Carver Mead publishes Analog VLSI and Neural Systems, founding the field of neuromorphic engineering, which builds computer chips inspired by biology. 2002—Stephen Wolfram publishes A New Kind of Science, which explored the computational capabilities of cellular automata, algorithms that are even simpler than neural networks but still capable of powerful computing. 2005—Sebastian Thrun’s team wins the DARPA Grand Challenge for an autonomous vehicle. 2008—Tobias Delbrück develops a highly successful spiking retina chip called the “Dynamic Vision Sensor” (DVS) that uses asynchronous spikes rather than synchronous frames used in current digital cameras. 2013—U.S.
Life's Greatest Secret: The Race to Crack the Genetic Code
Matthew Cobb
Published 6 Jul 2015
When it became a scientific best-seller we were all astonished, not least myself.14 * Wiener was not the sole creator of this revolution in thinking, nor did he claim to be. In the Introduction to Cybernetics, he described how this new vision of control had been developed through years of discussions with his intellectual partners, including Claude Shannon. Wiener generously explained that something like his ‘statistical theory of the amount of information’ had been simultaneously arrived at by Shannon in the US, by R. A. Fisher in the UK and by Andrei Kolmogoroff in the USSR. Fisher’s approach to information was in fact quite different, and the works of Kolmogoroff were unobtainable, but Shannon’s views were virtually identical to Wiener’s, as readers with the necessary mathematical ability were soon able to appreciate.
One of the ways in which these ideas came to influence biologists was through the promise of creating automata and thereby testing models of how organisms function and reproduce.20 These links were explored at a symposium on Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior that was held at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) a month before the publication of Cybernetics, at the end of September 1948. The symposium was a small affair – only fourteen speakers, with a further five participants, one of whom was the Caltech chemist Linus Pauling. 1. Claude Shannon’s model of communication. From Shannon and Weaver (1949). Von Neumann gave the opening talk, entitled ‘General and logical theory of automata’, and explored one of the defining features of life: its ability to reproduce. Von Neumann’s starting point was Alan Turing’s prewar theory of a universal machine that carried out its operations by reading and writing on a paper tape.
Roch, A., ‘Biopolitics and intuitive algebra in the mathematization of cryptology? A review of Shannon’s ‘A mathematical theory of cryptography’ from 1945’, Cryptologia, vol. 23, 1999, pp. 261–6. Roche, J., ‘Notice nécrologique: André Boivin (1895–1949)’, Bulletin de la Société de Chimie Biologique, vol. 31, 1949, pp. 1564–7. Rogers, E. M., ‘Claude Shannon’s cryptography research during World War II and the mathematical theory of communication’, Proceedings, IEEE 28th International Carnaham Conference on Security Technology, 1994, pp. 1–5. Rogozin, I. B., Carmel, L., Csuros, M. and Koonin, E. V., ‘Origin and evolution of spliceosomal introns’, Biology Direct, vol. 7, 2012, p. 11.
Darwin Among the Machines
George Dyson
Published 28 Mar 2012
By repeated sorting and other iterated functions, primitive punched-card machines could perform complex operations, but, like the original Turing machine, they had only a small number of possible states. The fundamental unit of information was the bit; its explicit definition as the contraction of “binary digit” was first noted in an internal Bell Laboratories memo written by John W. Tukey on 9 January 1947,20 and first published in Claude Shannon’s Mathematical Theory of Communication in 1948.21 Shannon’s definition was foreshadowed by Vannevar Bush’s analysis, in 1936, of the number of “bits of information” that could be stored on a punched card. In those days bits were assigned only fleetingly to electrical or electronic form. Most bits, most of the time, were bits of paper (or bits of missing paper, represented by the chad that was carted off to landfills by the ton).
In November 1945, a committee led by von Neumann and including Herman Goldstine (still attached to the ENIAC project at the Moore School) held its first meeting in Vladimir Zworykin’s office at RCA. Also in attendance was John Tukey, a statistician with Bell Telephone Laboratories (and the originator of information theorist Claude Shannon’s landmark contraction of “binary digit” to “bit”). Von Neumann issued a memorandum of objectives, concluding that “it is to be expected that the future evolution of high-speed computing will be decisively influenced by the experiences gained.”22 By the spring of 1946 the project was under way and staff, led by Goldstine, were signing on.
Most early digital computers—from the Colossus to the IAS machine—used paper-tape teletype equipment for input and output between the computer and the outside world, augmented by the ubiquitous punched-card equipment from Hollerith and IBM. It was only natural that the first computers incorporated high-speed telegraphic equipment, and it is no accident that the genesis of the Colossus within the British Telecommunications Research Establishment was mirrored in the United States by early steps taken toward computers by Claude Shannon and others within Bell Laboratories and RCA. Only later did the communications industry and the computer industry become temporarily estranged. The solitary computers of the early 1950s exchanged code sequences by means of mutually intelligible storage media and, before the end of the decade, by connecting directly or, in language that has now been extended to human beings, on-line.
The Theory That Would Not Die: How Bayes' Rule Cracked the Enigma Code, Hunted Down Russian Submarines, and Emerged Triumphant From Two Centuries of Controversy
Sharon Bertsch McGrayne
Published 16 May 2011
During the Second World War, Warren Weaver of the Rockefeller Foundation was impressed with how “a multiplicity of languages impedes cultural interchange between the peoples of the earth and is a serious deterrent to international understanding.”6 Struck by the power of mechanized cryptography and by Claude Shannon’s new information theory, Weaver suggested that computerized statistical methods could treat translation as a cryptography problem. In the absence of computer power and a wealth of machine-readable text, Weaver’s idea lay fallow for decades. Ever since, the holy grail of translators has been a universal machine that can transform written and spoken words from one language into any other.
One spectacular success occurred during the Second World War, when Alan Turing developed Bayes to break Enigma, the German navy’s secret code, and in the process helped to both save Britain and invent modern electronic computers and software. Other leading mathematical thinkers—Andrei Kolmogorov in Russia and Claude Shannon in New York—also rethought Bayes for wartime decision making. During the years when ivory tower theorists thought they had rendered Bayes taboo, it helped start workers’ compensation insurance in the United States; save the Bell Telephone system from the financial panic of 1907; deliver Alfred Dreyfus from a French prison; direct Allied artillery fire and locate German U-boats; and locate earthquake epicenters and deduce (erroneously) that Earth’s core consists of molten iron.
He named his unit a ban for Banburismus and defined it as “about the smallest change in weight of evidence that is directly perceptible to human intuition.”13 One ban represented odds of 10 to 1 in favor of a guess, but Turing normally dealt with much smaller quantities, decibans and even centibans. The ban was basically the same as the bit, the measure of information Claude Shannon discovered by using Bayes’ rule at roughly the same time at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Turing’s measure of belief, the ban, and its supporting mathematical framework have been called his greatest intellectual contribution to Britain’s defense. To estimate the probability of a guess when information was arriving piecemeal, Turing used bans to discriminate between sequential hypotheses.
Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Steven Levy
Published 15 Jan 2002
But he never did. (Worse, he came to confuse this book with another book published at that time, David Kahn’s The Codebreakers, which delayed his reading of the more important work.) Similarly, one day at Mitre, a colleague moving out of his office gave Diffie a 1949 paper by Claude Shannon. The legendary father of information theory had been teaching at MIT since 1956, but Diffie had never met him, a slight, introverted professor who lived a quiet family life, pursuing a variety of interests from reading science fiction to listening to jazz. (Presumably, by the time Shannon had reached his sixties, he had put aside the unicycle he had once mastered.)
The answer was cryptography. Though Tuchman had a background in information theory, he had never specifically done any crypto work. But he soon found out about the system that the guys in IBM research at Yorktown Heights had cooked up. He ventured down to Watson Labs one day and heard Feistel speak about Lucifer. He immediately set up a lunch with Feistel and Alan Konheim. The first thing Tuchman asked Feistel was where he had gotten the ideas for Lucifer. Feistel, in his distinctive German accent, mentioned the early papers of Claude Shannon. “The Shannon paper reveals all,” he said. Meanwhile, Tuchman’s colleague Karl Meyer was exploring whether Lucifer might be a good fit for an expanded version of the Lloyd’s Cashpoint system.
Though Hellman didn’t work directly with Horst Feistel, the German-born cryptographer worked nearby in the building, and sometimes the two of them would sit together at lunch, where the older man would describe some of the classical cryptosystems and some of the means of breaking them. Hellman left IBM in 1970, accepting a post as assistant professor at MIT. At that time Peter Elias, who had worked closely with Claude Shannon, was just stepping down as the head of the electronic engineering department. Elias’s talks with Hellman drew the young academic deeper into crypto, and for the first time he began thinking about making it the focus of his research. “Partially, it was the magician aspect, being able to impress people with magic tricks,” he now explains.
Why Information Grows: The Evolution of Order, From Atoms to Economies
Cesar Hidalgo
Published 1 Jun 2015
What is surprising to most people, however, is that information is meaningless, even though the meaningless nature of information, much like its physicality, is often misunderstood. In 1949 Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver published a short book entitled The Mathematical Theory of Communication. In its first section, Weaver described the conceptual aspects of information. In the second section, Shannon described the mathematics of what we now know as information theory. For information theory to be properly understood, Shannon and Weaver needed to detach the word information from its colloquial meaning. Weaver made this distinction early on his essay: “The word information, in this theory, is used in a special sense that must not be confused with its ordinary usage.
This is another way of saying that the $2.5 million worth of value was stored not in the car’s atoms but in the way those atoms were arranged.3 That arrangement is information.4 So the value of the Bugatti is connected to physical order, which is information, even though people still debate what information is.5 According to Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, information is a measure of the minimum volume of communication required to uniquely specify a message. That is, it’s the number of bits we need to communicate an arrangement, like the arrangement of atoms that made the Bugatti. To grasp Shannon’s definition of information firmly, however, it is better to start with something simpler than a Bugatti.
Mathematicians continued to formalize the idea of information, but they framed their efforts in the context of communication technologies, transcending the efforts to decipher intercepted messages. The mathematicians who triumphed became known as the world’s first information theorists or cyberneticists. These pioneers included Claude Shannon, Warren Weaver, Alan Turing, and Norbert Wiener. In the 1950s and 1960s the idea of information took science by storm. Information was welcomed in all academic fields as a powerful concept that cut across scientific boundaries. Information was neither microscopic nor macroscopic.3 It could be inscribed sparsely on clay tablets or packed densely in a strand of DNA.
Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World
Steven Johnson
Published 15 Nov 2016
He was, instead, a computer scientist from MIT named Edward Thorp, who had come to Vegas not to break the bank but rather to test a brand-new device: the very first wearable computer ever designed. Thorp had an accomplice at the roulette table, standing unobserved at the other end, pretending not to know his partner. He would have been unrecognizable to the average casino patron, but he was in fact one of the most important minds of the postwar era: Claude Shannon, the father of information theory and one of the key participants in the invention of digital computers. Thorp had begun thinking about beating the odds at roulette as a graduate student in physics at UCLA in 1955. Unlike card games like blackjack or poker where strategy could make a profound difference in outcomes, roulette was supposed to be a game of pure chance; the ball was equally likely to end up on any number on the wheel.
Turing’s speculations form a kind of origin point for two parallel paths that would run through the rest of the century: building intelligence into computers by teaching them to play chess, and studying humans playing chess as a way of understanding our own intelligence. Those interpretative paths would lead to some extraordinary breakthroughs: from the early work on cybernetics and game theory from people like Claude Shannon and John von Neumann, to machines like IBM’s Deep Blue that could defeat grandmasters with ease. In cognitive science, the litany of insights that derived from the study of chess could almost fill an entire textbook, insights that have helped us understand the human capacity for problem solving, pattern recognition, visual memory, and the crucial skill that scientists call, somewhat awkwardly, chunking, which involves grouping a collection of ideas or facts into a single “chunk” so that they can be processed and remembered as a unit.
Impressed by Thorp’s blackjack system, Shannon inquired whether Thorp was working on anything else “in the gambling area.” Dormant for five years, Thorp’s roulette investigation was suddenly reawakened as the two men began a furious year of activity, seeking a predictable pattern in the apparent randomness of the roulette wheel. Claude Shannon with an electronic mouse In his old, rambling wooden house outside of Cambridge, Shannon had created a basement exploratorium that would have astounded Merlin and Babbage. Thorp later described it as a “gadgeteer’s paradise”: It had perhaps a hundred thousand dollars (about six hundred thousand 1998 dollars) worth of electronic, electrical and mechanical items.
Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction
Alec Nevala-Lee
Published 22 Oct 2018
Campbell even reached out to Wiener himself, writing that his former professor would “be greatly interested” in dianetics “as suggesting a new direction of development of the work from the cybernetics side,” and concluding, “Further study of dianetics will be of immense aid in your projects.” He also contacted his neighbor, the mathematician Claude Shannon, who had founded the field of information theory at Bell Labs. Shannon encouraged Warren McCulloch to meet Hubbard: “If you read science fiction as avidly as I do you’ll recognize him as one of the best writers in that field. . . . [He] has been doing some very interesting work lately in using a modified hypnotic technique for therapeutic purposes. . . .
At that point, Hubbard took over, claiming to have spent eleven years on observations of “the medicine man of the Goldi people of Manchuria, the shamans of North Borneo, Sioux medicine men, the cults of Los Angeles, and modern psychology. . . . Odds and ends like these, countless odds and ends.” The article reflected this hodgepodge of influences, comparing the analytic mind to “a well-greased Univac,” alluding to demon circuits, and quoting Claude Shannon and Warren McCulloch. Hubbard provided no real description of the therapy itself, but he concluded with what might have been the motto of the postwar Astounding: “Up there are the stars. Down in the arsenal is an atom bomb. Which one is it going to be?” The issue also carried an advertisement for Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which was scheduled to be released by Hermitage House on April 19.
It was exactly the attitude that had infuriated him in Parker, and his refusal to be pinned down undermined any attempts to investigate the subject seriously. Many were skeptical, and when a fan asked Campbell whether the Hieronymus Machine was a hoax, like Asimov’s articles about thiotimoline, the editor seemed horrified by the implication. There were inquiries from Bell Aircraft and the RAND Corporation, and Claude Shannon offered to test it, although the timing never worked out. Campbell soon moved on to other causes, and Hieronymus himself felt that the editor had set back acceptance of his work by a century. The symbolic machine, he said, functioned because the ink conducted lines of force, but when it came to serious research, it wasn’t worth “a tinker’s damn.”
When Things Start to Think
Neil A. Gershenfeld
Published 15 Feb 1999
Since then computer chess has been studied by a who's who of computing pioneers who took it to be a defining challenge for what came to be known as Artificial Intelligence. It was thought that if a machine could win at chess it would have to draw on fundamental insights into how humans think. Claude Shannon, the inventor of Information Theory, which provides the foundation for modern digital communications, designed a simple chess program in 1949 and was able to get it running to play endgames. The first program that could play a full game of chess was developed at IBM in 1957, and an MIT computer won the first BIT BELIEFS + 129 tournament match against a human player in 1967.
There is a disconnect between the breathless pronouncements of cyber gurus and the experience of ordinary people left perpetually upgrading hardware to meet the demands of new software, or wondering where their files have gone, or trying to understand why they can't connect to the network. The revolution so far has been for the computers, not the people. Digital data of all kinds, whether an e-mail message or a movie, is encoded as a string of O's and 1's because of a remarkable discovery by Claude Shannon and John von Neumann in the 1940s. Prior to their work, it was obvious that engineered systems degraded with time and use. A tape recording sounds worse after it is duplicated, a photocopy is less satisfactory than an original, a telephone call becomes more garbled the farther it has to travel.
An important step came in 1929 when Leo Szilard reduced the problem to its essence with a single molecule that could be on either side of a partition. While he wasn't able to solve the demon paradox, this introduced the notion of a "bit" of information. Szilard's one-bit analysis of Maxwell's demon provided the inspiration for Claude Shannon's theory of information in 1948. Just as the steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution, electronic communications was powering an information revolution. And just as finding the capacity of a steam engine was a matter of some industrial import, the growing demand for communications links required an understanding of how many messages could be sent through a wire.
Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don't Have To
David A. Sinclair
Matthew D. Laplante
Published 9 Sep 2019
Worse still, information is lost as it’s copied. No one was more acutely disturbed by the problem of information loss than Claude Shannon, an electrical engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston. Having lived through World War II, Shannon knew firsthand how the introduction of “noise” into analog radio transmissions could cost lives. After the war, he wrote a short but profound scientific paper called “The Mathematical Theory of Communication” on how to preserve information, which many consider the foundation of Information Theory. If there is one paper that propelled us into the digital, wireless world in which we now live, that would be it.26 Shannon’s primary intention, of course, was to improve the robustness of electronic and radio communications between two points.
EPIGENETIC REPROGRAMMING REGROWS OPTIC NERVES AND RESTORES EYESIGHT IN OLD MICE. The Information Theory of Aging predicts that it is a loss of epigenetic rather than genetic information in the form of mutations. By infecting mice with reprogramming genes called Oct4, Sox2, and Klf4, the age of cells is reversed by the TET enzymes, which remove just the right methyl tags on DNA, reversing the clock of aging and allowing the cells to survive and grow like a newborn’s. How the enzymes know which tags are the youthful ones is a mystery. Solving that mystery would be the equivalent of finding Claude Shannon’s “observer,” the person who holds the the original data.
What they show is that aging can be reset. The scratches on the DVD can be removed, and the original information can be recovered. Epigenomic noise is not a one-way street. But how might we reset the body without becoming a clone? In his 1948 publications about the preservation of information during data transmissions, Claude Shannon provided a valuable clue.10 In an abstract sense, he proposed that information loss is simply an increase in entropy, or the uncertainty of resolving a message, and provided brilliant equations to back his ideas up. His work stemmed from the mathematics of Harry Nyquist and Ralph Hartley, two other engineers at Bell Labs who, in the 1920s, revolutionized our understanding of information transmission.
From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism
Fred Turner
Published 31 Aug 2006
In his book Cybernetics; or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, he defined cybernetics as a field focused on “the study of messages as a means of controlling machinery and society,” with machinery seeming to include, by analogy at least, biological organisms. For Wiener, the world, like the anti-aircraft predictor, was composed of systems linked by, and to some extent made out of, messages. Drawing on Claude Shannon’s information theory (published in 1948, but likely familiar to Wiener much earlier), Wiener defined messages as “forms of pattern and organization.”37 Like Shannon’s information, Wiener’s messages were surrounded by “noise,” yet they somehow maintained their integrity. So too did organisms and machines: incorporating and responding to feedback through structural mechanisms, Wiener explained, both kept themselves in a state of homeostasis.
Cybernetics, as the theory of control mechanisms in technology and nature and founded on the concepts of information and feedback, is but a part of a general theory of systems; cybernetic systems are a special case, however important, of systems showing self-regulation.” Bertalanffy, General System Theory, 3. For Bertalanffy, cybernetics was only one root of systems theory, albeit an important one. Others included the servomechanisms of the nineteenth century, Claude Shannon’s information theory, Von Neumann and Morgenstern’s game theory, and the increasing need in the post–World War II world to monitor and control large systems for social functions such as traffic and finance. For a critical analysis of the relationship between cybernetics and other systems theories, see Lilienfeld, Rise of Systems Theory. 44.
Sirius), 164 Goldstein, Emmanuel, 168, 169 Gore, Al, 219 Graham, Bill, 66 graphical user interface, 111 Grateful Dead, 13, 65, 66, 166 Great Society, 26 Greenblatt, Richard, 136 Greenspan, Alan, 215 Griesemer, James, 72 [ 319 ] Grooms, Red, 48 Gullichsen, Eric, 163 Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovitch, Meetings with Remarkable Men, 187 hacker ethic, 134 –35, 136 hackers, 117, 132 –35, 133 Hackers’ Conference, 132, 137–38, 168, 169, 171, 219, 249, 254 hacking, as a free-speech issue, 169 Hafner, Katie, 143, 145, 221, 252 Hagel, John, Net Gain, 234 Haight-Ashbury, 32, 48, 66 – 67 Hapgood, Fred, 221–22 “happenings,” 48, 49, 67, 269n14 “hardware hackers,” 133 Harman, Willis, 61, 185, 274n12 Harper’s Magazine, 167 Hart, Pam, 117 Harvard Business Review, analysis of Out of Control, 204 –5 Harvey, David, 242 Hawken, Paul, 128, 185, 188 Hayles, Katherine, 26, 122 Hedgepeth, William, 77 Hefner, Christy, 211 Heims, Steve, 26, 122 Helmreich, Stefan, 198 Hermosillo, Carmen, 155 Herring, Susan, 152 Hertzfeld, Andy, 135 heterarchy, 156 Hewlett-Packard, 138 Hickman, Berry, 96 High Frontiers (’zine), 164 Hillis, Danny, 182, 183, 189 hippies, 32 Hiroshima, 16 Hitt, Jack, 167 Hofmann, Albert, 164 Hog Farm commune, 110 Holm, Richard, 44 Homebrew Computer Club, 70, 102, 106, 114 homeostat, 26, 146, 178 Horowitz, Ed, 208 Hoyt, Brad, 193 HTML code, 222 Hudson Institute, 186 Hudson Review, 47 human-machine collaboration, 108 –9, 111 hyperlinks, 213 [ 320 ] Index I Ching, 65, 82, 93 I. M. Pei, 178 Industry Standard, 207 information: economic paradox of, 136 –37; free dissemination of, 137 Information Processing Techniques Office, 108 Information Superhighway, 219 information system, material world imagined as, 15 information theory: and American art, 268n13; of Claude Shannon, 265n43; and microbiology, 43 – 44 Information Week, 131 Innis, Harold, 52, 269n21 Institute for Advanced Study, 185 Intel, 212 Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 24 interdisciplinary migration, 58 International Federation for Advanced Study (IFAS), 61 Internet, 247; growth of, 160, 214; as infrastructure and symbol of new economic era, 7; as the New Millennium, 232 –36; privatization of backbone, 213; as symbol of a post-Fordist economic order, 202; utopian claims surrounding the emergence of the, 1–3, 33 Internet stocks, 214, 232 Inuit, 53 IT-290, 60 Jackson, Charles, 211 Jennings, Lois, 70 Jerome, Judson, 32 Jobs, Steve, 133, 138 Johnson, Lyndon, 26 Joselit, David, 46 journalism, shaping of public perceptions, 253 Joy, Bill, 220 juxtaposition, 84 Kahn, Herman, 130, 181, 186, 197 Kahn, Lloyd, 94, 95, 97 Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 76, 271n9 Kapor, Mitch, 171–72, 218 Kaprow, Allan, 46, 48, 58, 67 Katz, Bruce, 211, 277n1 Kay, Alan, 111–13, 117, 177, 246 Kay, Lily, 44 Kelly, Kevin, 3, 16, 131–32; account of “vivisystems,” 200; commercial sphere as a site of social change, 202 –3; “computational metaphor,” 216; concept of “hive mind,” 201, 202, 204; doctrine of cyberevolutionism, 204; editorial model, 195; editor of Signal, 196; editor of Whole Earth Review, 177, 195 –96; as executive director of Wired, 7, 206, 209, 212, 217; and first Hackers’ Conference, 195; forum on hacking on the WELL, 168 –70; and Gilder, 223; and hacking community, 135; Internet as symbol of post-Fordist economy, 202; longing to return to an egalitarian world, 248; as network entrepreneur, 194 –99; “New Rules for the New Economy,” 15, 234 –35; Out of Control: The Rise of Neo-Biological Civilization, 176, 195, 199 –206; response to 1987 conference on artificial life, 199; review of Electric Word, 211; underplayed the work of embodied labor, 204; and the WELL, 148; on WELL design goals, 143 Keniston, Kenneth, 31; The Young Radicals, 261– 62 Kennedy, Alison (aka Queen Mu), 163 Kennedy, John F., 229, 271n10 Kent State University killings, 98, 118 Kepler’s bookstore, 70 Kerouac, Jack, 62 Kerr, Clark, 11, 12 Kesey, Ken: and geodesic dome, 94; leadership of Merry Pranksters, 63, 65, 67; and LSD, 61, 63; notion of Acid Test, 65; One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 59 – 60, 64; rejection of agonistic politics, 64; subject of CIA experimental drug protocols, 60 – 61; and the Supplement, 81; and Trips Festival, 66; at Vietnam Day in 1965, 98 Keyworth, George, 222; “Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age,” 228 –30 Kleiner, Art, 131, 132, 135, 185 Kline, David, 287n37 Korzybski, Alfred, 62 Kravitz, Henry, 211 Kubrick, Stanley, 186 Kuhr, Barbara, 211, 285n2 Lama Foundation, 75, 76, 94, 97, 109, 119 Lampson, Butler, 111 Langton, Christopher, 198 Language Technology (magazine), 211 Lanier, Jaron, 163, 165, 172, 195 laser printer, 111 Index Last Whole Earth Catalog, 70, 81, 98, 112, 118 Learning Conferences, 181– 84 Leary, Timothy, 51, 163, 164, 165 legitimacy exchange, 25 –26, 84, 85, 88, 95, 250 Lehr, Stan, 210 Levy, Steven, 137, 139, 195; Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution, 132 –35 Leyden, Peter, 233 –34 Libertarianism, 210, 249, 259, 287n49 Libre commune, 81, 94, 96, 109 Licklider, Joseph C.
Information: A Very Short Introduction
Luciano Floridi
Published 25 Feb 2010
The name for this branch of probability theory comes from Claude Shannon's seminal work. Shannon pioneered the field of mathematical studies of information and obtained many of its principal results, even though he acknowledged the importance of previous work done by other researchers and colleagues at Bell laboratories. After Shannon, MTC became known as information theory. Today, Shannon is considered `the father of information theory', and the kind of information MTC deals with is often qualified as Shannon information. The term `information theory' is an appealing but unfortunate label, which continues to cause endless misunderstandings.
Information is notorious for coming in many forms and having many meanings. It can be associated with several explanations, depending on the perspective adopted and the requirements and desiderata one has in mind. The father of information theory, Claude Shannon (1916-2001), for one, was very cautious: The word ' information' has been given different meanings by various writers in the general field of information theory. It is likely that at least a number of these will prove sufficiently useful in certain applications to deserve further study and permanent recognition. It is hardly to be expected that a single concept of information would satisfactorily account for the numerous possible applications of this general field.
Seligman, Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). G. Bateson, Steps to an Ecology of Mind (Frogmore, St Albans: Paladin, 1973). T. M. Cover and J. A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory (New York; Chichester: Wiley, 1991). F. I. Dretske, Knowledge and the Flow of Information (Oxford: Blackwell, 1981). D. S. Jones, Elementary Information Theory (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979). D. M. MacKay, Information, Mechanism and Meaning (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1969). J. R. Pierce, An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise, 2nd edn (New York: Dover Publications, 1980). A. M. Turing, `Computing Machinery and Intelligence', Minds and Machines, 1950, 59, 433-60.
Complexity: A Guided Tour
Melanie Mitchell
Published 31 Mar 2009
On the other hand, people want language to be unambiguous, which they can accomplish by using different words for similar but nonidentical meanings. Zipf showed mathematically that these two pressures working together could produce the observed power-law distribution. In the 1950s, Benoit Mandelbrot, of fractal fame, had a somewhat different explanation, in terms of information content. Following Claude Shannon’s formulation of information theory (cf. chapter 3), Mandelbrot considered a word as a “message” being sent from a “source” who wants to maximize the amount of information while minimizing the cost of sending that information. For example, the words feline and cat mean the same thing, but the latter, being shorter, costs less (or takes less energy) to transmit.
The nineteenth-century studies of thermodynamics were inspired and driven by the challenge of improving steam engines. The studies of information by mathematician Claude Shannon were likewise driven by the twentieth-century revolution in communications—particularly the development of the telegraph and telephone. In the 1940s, Shannon adapted Boltzmann’s ideas to the more abstract realm of communications. Shannon worked at Bell Labs, a part of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T). One of the most important problems for AT&T was to figure out how to transmit signals more quickly and reliably over telegraph and telephone wires. Claude Shannon, 1916–2001. (Reprinted with permission of Lucent Technologies Inc.
A prime mover of this group was the mathematician Norbert Wiener, whose work on the control of anti-aircraft guns during World War II had convinced him that the science underlying complex systems in both biology and engineering should focus not on the mass, energy, and force concepts of physics, but rather on the concepts of feedback, control, information, communication, and purpose (or “teleology”). Norbert Wiener, 1894–1964 (AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives) In addition to Norbert Wiener, the series of Macy Foundation conferences included several scientific luminaries of the time, such as John von Neumann, Warren McCulloch, Margaret Mead, Gregory Bateson, Claude Shannon, W. Ross Ashby, among others. The meetings led Wiener to christen a new discipline of cybernetics, from the Greek word for “steersman”—that is, one who controls a ship. Wiener summed up cybernetics as “the entrie field of control and communication theory, whether in the machine or in the animal.”
Kitten Clone: Inside Alcatel-Lucent
Douglas Coupland
Published 29 Sep 2014
But we couldn’t have done anything too practical with the transistor unless someone figured out that information needs to be converted into ones and zeroes to be processed properly. That happened here, and was shared with the world in the July and October 1948 issues of the Bell System Technical Journal, in Claude Shannon’s seminal ‘A Mathematical Theory of Communication.’ In the next decades, lasers and optical fibre were developed to overcome the limitations of copper wiring; cellular-based wireless communication was developed to maximize the amount of information that could be passed within a system. An iPhone 4, if made with vacuum tubes, would fill one-quarter of the Grand Canyon.”
Cinder-block walls, ivory enamel paint. Solid creative energy. And yes, as Markus Hofmann told me earlier, the hallways are very narrow and very, very long. Two people passing each other have no choice but to say hello, and it’s easy to imagine the transistor’s 1947 inventor, William Shockley, bumping into Claude Shannon while absent-mindedly whistling an Andrews Sisters tune, then saying, “Claude, wouldn’t it be something if all information could be reduced to ones and zeroes?” Aside from the dimmed lighting (cost-cutting) and the blue recycling boxes outside some of the doors, there’s no tangible difference in these hallways from what would have been here six decades earlier.
Maybe we can control what we invent and when we invent it. Since 1925, Bell Labs has generated seven Nobel prizes and changed the course of humanity with stunning regularity. No California redwood forest full of brainstorming genius billionaires could compete with Bell Labs’ creative heyday of the mid-twentieth century: the transistor, information theory, lasers, solar energy, radio astronomy, microchips, UNIX, mobile phones, mobile networks—all invented here. Most of these inventions led to the Internet in one way or other, and many of them could plausibly only have been invented here, in the way they were. So much for technological determinism.
Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control
Stuart Russell
Published 7 Oct 2019
From then on, I would be publicly committed to the view that my own field of research posed a potential risk to my own species. How Did We Get Here? The roots of AI stretch far back into antiquity, but its “official” beginning was in 1956. Two young mathematicians, John McCarthy and Marvin Minsky, had persuaded Claude Shannon, already famous as the inventor of information theory, and Nathaniel Rochester, the designer of IBM’s first commercial computer, to join them in organizing a summer program at Dartmouth College. The goal was stated as follows: The study is to proceed on the basis of the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.
AI had, by all accounts, achieved a massive breakthrough. From the point of view of AI research, the match represented no breakthrough at all. Deep Blue’s victory, impressive as it was, merely continued a trend that had been visible for decades. The basic design for chess-playing algorithms was laid out in 1950 by Claude Shannon,1 with major improvements in the early 1960s. After that, the chess ratings of the best programs improved steadily, mainly as a result of faster computers that allowed programs to look further ahead. In 1994,2 Peter Norvig and I charted the numerical ratings of the best chess programs from 1965 onwards, on a scale where Kasparov’s rating was 2805.
A very unfortunate incident with image labeling: Daniel Howley, “Google Photos mislabels 2 black Americans as gorillas,” Yahoo Tech, June 29, 2015. 72. Follow-up article on Google and gorillas: Tom Simonite, “When it comes to gorillas, Google Photos remains blind,” Wired, January 11, 2018. CHAPTER 3 1. The basic plan for game-playing algorithms was laid out by Claude Shannon, “Programming a computer for playing chess,” Philosophical Magazine, 7th ser., 41 (1950): 256–75. 2. See figure 5.12 of Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 1st ed. (Prentice Hall, 1995). Note that the rating of chess players and chess programs is not an exact science.
The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life
Paul Davies
Published 31 Jan 2019
If I wanted more storage and faster processing, I would have to pay more. Numbers like this are bandied about all the time. But what are Gb and GHz anyway? (Warning: this section of the book contains some elementary mathematics. It’s the only part that does.) Quantifying information began in earnest with the work of the engineer Claude Shannon in the mid-1940s. An eccentric and somewhat reclusive figure, Shannon worked at Bell Labs in the US, where his primary concern was how to transmit coded messages accurately. The project began as war work: if you are cursed with a hissing radio or a crackly telephone line, what is the best strategy you can adopt to get word through with the least chance of error?
Peterson et al., ‘Experimental demonstration of information to energy conversion in a quantum system at the Landauer limit’, Proceedings of The Royal Society A, vol. 472, issue 2188 (2016): 20150813 Takahiro Sagawa, ‘Thermodynamic and logical reversibilities revisited’, Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2014); doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/03/P03025 Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman, A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age (Simon and Schuster, 2017) 3. THE LOGIC OF LIFE Gregory Chaitin, The Unknowable: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Springer, 1999) Peter Csermely, ‘The wisdom of networks: a general adaptation and learning mechanism of complex systems’, BioEssays, 1700150 (2017) Deborah Gordon, Ants at Work: How an Insect Society is Organized (Free Press, 2011) Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma: The Book that Inspired the Film ‘The Imitation Game’ (Princeton University Press, 2014) Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid (Basic Books, 1979) Bernd-Olaf Küppers, Information and the Origin of Life (MIT Press, 1990) Janna Levin, A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines (Knopf, 2006) G.
Merali (eds.), Wandering Towards a Goal: How Can Mindless Mathematical Laws Give Rise to Aims and Intention? (Springer, 2018), pp. 17–27. 8. Eric Smith, ‘Chemical Carnot cycles, Landauer’s principle and the thermodynamics of natural selection’, Talk/Lecture, Bariloche Complex Systems Summer School (2008). 2. ENTER THE DEMON 1. Peter Hoffman, Life’s Ratchet (Basic Books, 2012), p. 136. 2. Claude Shannon, The Mathematical Theory of Communication (University of Illinois Press, 1949). 3. Christoph Adami, ‘What is information?’, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society, A 374: 20150230 (2016). 4. Leo Szilárd, ‘On the decrease of entropy in a thermodynamic system by the intervention of intelligent beings’, Zeitschrift fur Physik, 53, 840–56 (1929). 5.
Tripping on Utopia: Margaret Mead, the Cold War, and the Troubled Birth of Psychedelic Science
Benjamin Breen
Published 16 Jan 2024
After all, scientists in those years were celebrating not just a new era of wonder drugs such as penicillin, but a genuinely revolutionary approach to thinking about consciousness and communication. Starting with a series of Macy conferences that began in March 1946—later dubbed the “cybernetics conferences”—Mead, Bateson, and colleagues such as Norbert Wiener of MIT and Claude Shannon at Bell Labs were reimagining the brain itself as a computer. History’s first general-purpose digital computer, ENIAC, had been announced at the beginning of that year. ENIAC was a weapon of war, used to calculate atomic bomb yields. Crucially, however, it could be reprogrammed—altered for peacetime use, gifted with new potentials.
They knew that the world was heading toward a revolutionary moment—the birth of the Information Age. Each meeting promised profound insights. In one, the emerging field of neuroscience was transformed by the presentation of the legendary paper “What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain.” In another, the information theorist (and ardent amateur juggler) Claude Shannon shared a new coinage: the word “bit,” for measuring units of data. And then there was Harold Abramson. On the surface, Abramson, a physician specializing in allergies at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan, was an impressive but unmemorable man. Indeed, one of his only published writings outside of academic journals is a letter to the editor of the New York Times explaining that the paper had gotten him mixed up with a different Dr.
Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics, a so-called science of the mind that sought to replace traditional psychiatry. Though the two never met, Hubbard’s disdain for mainstream psychiatry and society apparently resonated with Bateson. It may also have helped that throughout 1950, Hubbard had been doing his best to ingratiate himself into the Macy circle, befriending Claude Shannon and attempting to attend the Macy cybernetics conferences in person. Hubbard exemplified the era of DIY pharmacology in the early 1950s, a time when expertise was highly valued, but also a time when expertise could be faked more easily than ever before. Figures like Hubbard were able to bypass traditional academic publishing by publicizing their work in mass-market magazines, capturing the attention of audiences worldwide.
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software
Charles Petzold
Published 28 Sep 1999
John von Neumann wasn't the only person doing some major conceptual thinking about the nature of computers in the 1940s. Claude Shannon (born 1916) was another influential thinker. In Chapter 11, I discussed his 1938 master's thesis, which established the relationship between switches, relays, and Boolean algebra. In 1948, while working for Bell Telephone Laboratories, he published a paper in the Bell System Technical Journal entitled "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" that not only introduced the word bit in print but established a field of study today known as information theory. Information theory is concerned with transmitting digital information in the presence of noise (which usually prevents all the information from getting through) and how to compensate for that.
This bulb lights up if the switches describe a satisfactory cat. The switches shown in the control panel on page 104 are set for a female unneutered black cat. This satisfies your criteria, so the lightbulb is lit. Now all we have to do is design a circuit that makes this control panel work. You'll recall that Claude Shannon's thesis was entitled "A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits." The relays he was referring to were quite similar to the telegraph relays that we encountered in Chapter 6. By the time of Shannon's paper, however, relays were being used for other purposes and, in particular, in the vast network of the telephone system.
In the second expression, the two operands are inverted and then combined with the Boolean OR operator. This is the same as combining the operands with the Boolean AND operator and then inverting (which is the NAND). De Morgan's Laws are an important tool for simplifying Boolean expressions and hence, for simplifying circuits. Historically, this was what Claude Shannon's paper really meant for electrical engineers. But obsessively simplifying circuits won't be a major concern in this book. It's preferable to get things working rather than to get things working as simply as possible. And what we're going to get working next is nothing less than an adding machine.
The Fractalist
Benoit Mandelbrot
Published 30 Oct 2012
Turning to me, he continued, “It seems that you don’t believe me!” I responded, “Of course I do. I tailored it to my needs, and am delighted that they also fit yours.” In a serious vein, liaising was a good opportunity to scout for Ph.D. topics. At Caltech, I had read the seed papers in which Claude Shannon founded information theory, and I badly wanted to know more. A get-together in London on this topic attracted me greatly, so I asked if I could attend. The air force obliged and sent me there. It was my first scientific conference. An Extended Sentence? The end of my twelve months of duty was approaching, and I was counting days.
Therefore, RLE was often filled with either the aroma of a traditional chocolate factory or the stench of a rendering plant that boiled carrion into pure white soap. I took all this as constant confirmation that the process of creation is intrinsically messy and suffers more from soulless order than from surrounding physical decay. Controversial Balance Between Conjecture and Proof Claude Shannon (1916–2001) was the intellectual leader whose wartime work, published in 1948, created information theory and provided RLE with an intellectual backbone. His work on noiseless channels was a point of departure for the theory of word frequencies presented in my Ph.D. thesis. But far more impressive was his noisy channel theorem. Actually, it was not a theorem at all, only a brilliant conjecture—in a style that is controversial, and of which I eventually became a very active supplier.
The timing was ideal because several new developments that had been “bottled up” by war conditions were being revealed in a kind of fireworks I saw on no other occasion. My restless curiosity led me to read works that were widely discussed when they appeared: Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude Shannon, Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine by Norbert Wiener, and Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern. Except for a fleeting thought that I might return to mathematics in 1949 via the University of Chicago, I was beginning to think that the examples of Wiener and von Neumann might guide me to an idea big enough to make me, in some way, the Delbrück of a new field.
The End of College: Creating the Future of Learning and the University of Everywhere
Kevin Carey
Published 3 Mar 2015
Bill was enacted, the director of the national Office of Scientific Research and Development, Vannevar Bush, sent a report to President Truman titled Science: The Endless Frontier. Bush had a doctorate in electrical engineering from MIT, where he had served as a scientist and administrator. He and his colleagues had made important contributions to the emerging development of computer science; his student Claude Shannon helped develop the information theory that sits at the heart of modern computing. Science, Bush said, was a source of great good for humanity. Penicillin and other medical advances had saved countless lives. “In 1939 millions of people were employed in industries which did not even exist at the close of the last war—radio, air conditioning, rayon and other synthetic fibers, and plastics. . . .
Six months later, Simon attended a conference at Dartmouth College, where he and a small group of scientists gave a name to this new field of research: artificial intelligence. The study of the human mind and the exploding power of information technology were coming together, and the smartest people in the world were in the middle of the action. Among the Dartmouth participants was Claude Shannon, a former student of Vannevar Bush at MIT and one of the fathers of modern information theory. In addition to creating the blueprint for the Cold War university, Bush had also seen the future technological revolution. In a 1945 Atlantic article titled “As We May Think,” Bush observed that various fields of manufacturing and computing were on trajectories of improvement that would soon lead to changes that, although they might be unknowable in the specific, were highly predictable in general.
Until, that is, the summer of 2011, when a computer science professor named Sebastian Thrun had a kind of inspiration. Thrun was born in Germany and trained in computer science and statistics at the University of Bonn. His specialty was artificial intelligence, continuing the project first outlined at the Dartmouth conference by Herbert Simon, Claude Shannon, and others back in 1956. Carnegie Mellon hired Thrun as a professor in 1995, and he spent most of the next decade in Pittsburgh working at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and machines. Artificial intelligence had come in and out of fashion over the years. Initial hopes for replicating the human mind in silicon had proved highly optimistic as the parallel march of neuroscience and cognitive psychology revealed how fantastically complicated human cognition truly was.
The Myth of Artificial Intelligence: Why Computers Can't Think the Way We Do
Erik J. Larson
Published 5 Apr 2021
To win at chess, it is not enough to apply the rules; you have to know which rules to select in the first place. Turing saw chess as a handy (and no doubt entertaining) way to think about machines and the possibility of giving them intuition. Across the Atlantic, the founder of modern information theory, Turing’s colleague and friend Claude Shannon at Bell Labs, was also thinking about chess. He later built one of the first chess-playing computers, an extension of work he had done earlier on a proto-computer called the “differential analyzer,” which could convert certain problems in calculus into mechanical procedures.1 THE SIMPLIFICATION OF INTELLIGENCE BEGINS Chess fascinated Turing and his colleagues in part because it seemed that a computer could be programmed to play it, without the human programmer needing to know everything in advance.
The shift away from linguistics and rule-based approaches to data-driven or “empirical” methods seemed to liberate AI from those early, cloudy days of work on machine translation, when seemingly endless problems with capturing meaning and context plagued engineering efforts. In fact, machine translation itself was later cracked by a group of IBM researchers using a statistical (that is, not grammar-based) approach that was essentially an ingenious application of Claude Shannon’s early work on information theory. Called the “noisy channel” approach, it viewed sentences from a source language (say, French) and a target language (say, English) as an information exchange in which bad translations constituted a form of noise—making it the system’s task to reduce the noise in the translation channel between source and target sentences.
Bletchley, meanwhile, also proved a haven for thinking about computation: Bombes were machines, and they ran programs to solve problems that humans, by themselves, could not. INTUITIVE MACHINES? NO. For Turing, Bletchley played a major role in crystallizing his ideas about the possibility of intelligent machines. Like his colleagues Jack Good and Claude Shannon, Turing saw the power and utility of their “brain games” as cryptanalysts during the war: they could decipher messages that were otherwise completely opaque to the military. The new methods of computation were not just interesting for considering automated chess-playing. Computation could, quite literally, sink warships.
The Fourth Age: Smart Robots, Conscious Computers, and the Future of Humanity
Byron Reese
Published 23 Apr 2018
In addition to the computer’s memory, there might also be external storage to hold data and information not currently needed. Throw in input and output devices, and one has a von Neumann setup. If, when you were reading that, your brain mapped it to your computer’s CPU, memory, hard drive, keyboard, and monitor, then move to the head of the class. Finally, in 1949, Claude Shannon wrote a paper entitled “Programming a Computer for Playing Chess” in which he described a way to reduce chess to a series of calculations that could be performed on a computer. While this may not sound like it should earn Shannon one of the four spots on the Mount Rushmore of computer history, for the first time, in a practical and realistic way, computers were thought of as not just machines to perform mathematical calculations.
Has the Fourth Age begun yet? Well, when just a few humans learned to farm, or a few isolated places developed writing, did that mark the beginning of a new age or the beginning of the end of an old one? It matters very little where we draw the line. Whether it already happened decades ago when Claude Shannon explained how a computer could be programmed to play chess, or whether it will happen in a few years when a computer can carry on a complex conversation with a human using natural language, this kind of hairsplitting is not particularly meaningful. Let’s say that the transition began no earlier than 1950 and will complete no later than 2050.
The goal was to “find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve [the] kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves.” To do this, he put together a group of four computer scientists who were already thinking about machines that could think: himself, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon, whom we met earlier when we discussed the first chess-playing computer program. Their proposal then added a very, shall we say, “optimistic” prediction, especially given that it was 1955: “We think that a significant advance can be made in one or more of these problems if a carefully selected group of scientists work on it together for a summer.”
Collaborative Society
Dariusz Jemielniak
Aleksandra Przegalinska
Published 18 Feb 2020
Keith, “Wearable Technology: If the Tech Fits, Wear It,” Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries 11, (2014): 204–216. 15. F. da Costa and F. de Sá-Soares, “Authenticity Challenges of Wearable Technologies,” Managing Security Issues and the Hidden Dangers of Wearable Technologies 33 (2016). 16. E. M. Guizzo, “The Essential Message: Claude Shannon and the Making of Information Theory (MIT Press, 2003). 17. M. Swan, “Sensor Mania! The Internet of Things, Wearable Computing, Objective Metrics, and the Quantified Self 2.0,” Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 1 (2012): 217–253. 18. T. O. Zander and C. Kothe, “Towards Passive Brain–Computer Interfaces: Applying Brain–Computer Interface Technology to Human–Machine Systems in General,” Journal of Neural Engineering 8 (2011): 025005. 19.
Recently these devices have begun to significantly affect the areas of fitness, health, and medicine, even though the concept of a wearable is hardly new.14 For instance, the seventeenth-century Chinese abacus ring allowed bean counters and other “accountants” to perform mathematical tasks by moving tiny beads along nine rows.15 And in the early 1960s, long before the development of the Internet of Things, Edward O. Thorpe and Claude Shannon created an electronics- and wire-stuffed “smart box” that could fairly accurately predict the end position of the roulette ball; it was meant to be worn strapped around the waist, with input and output made possible (respectively) via a tap of the wearer’s shoe and an audible earpiece.16 This gadget and others of its era, however, did not reach a wide audience, and their availability was limited to experimentation.
The Road Ahead
Bill Gates
Nathan Myhrvold
Peter Rinearson
Published 15 Nov 1995
This is why a computer's capacity to compress digital data, store or transmit it, then expand it back into its original form is so useful and will become more so. Quickly, here's how the computer accomplishes these feats. It goes back to Claude Shannon, the mathematician who in the 1930s recognized how to express information in binary form. During World War II, he began developing a mathematical description of information and founded a field that later became known as information theory. Shannon defined information as the reduction of uncertainty. By this definition, if you already know it is Saturday and someone tells you it is Saturday, you haven't been given any information.
It is hard to sort out the paternity of the modern computer, because much of the thinking and work was done in the United States and Britain during World War II under the cloak of wartime secrecy. Three major contributors were Alan Turing, Claude Shannon, and John von Neumann. In the mid-1930s, Alan Turing, like Babbage a superlative Cambridge-trained British mathematician, proposed what is known today as a Turing machine. It was his version of a completely general-purpose calculating machine that could be instructed to work with almost any kind of information. In the late 1930s, when Claude Shannon was still a student, he demonstrated that a machine executing logical instructions could manipulate information. His insight, the subject of his master's thesis, was about how computer circuits—closed for true and open for false—could perform logical operations, using the number 1 to represent "true" and 0 to represent "false."
By this definition, if you already know it is Saturday and someone tells you it is Saturday, you haven't been given any information. On the other hand, if you're not sure of the day and someone tells you it is Saturday, you've been given information, because your uncertainty has been reduced. Shannon's information theory eventually led to other break-throughs. One was effective data-compression, vital to both computing and communications. On the face of it what he said is obvious: Those parts of data that don't provide unique information are redundant and can be eliminated. Headline writers leave out nonessential words, as do people paying by the word to send a telegraph message or place a classified advertisement.
Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (History of Computing)
Douglas R. Dechow
Published 2 Jul 2015
Xanadu is a daring design that presented awesome challenges: how to link to evolving documents, how to track changes to a document, how to manipulate linkages, how to organize archival storage, how to name the target of a link, how to track micro-copyright royalties, how to organize the physical storage of a universe of discourse and how to scale storage and processing around the world. Many people are still skeptical of the need for bi-directional links. I am one who suspects links might only occasionally need to be bi-directional, or that a pair of one-way links could simulate a bi-directional link. Claude Shannon’s popular demonstration of his computer-controlled maze-navigating mouse was essential to the success of his project. Shannon’s demonstration appeared as a segment in the television show, Time Machine: Robots [2]. Shannon went to a lot of trouble to prepare a tabletop maze and to eliminate any arm or cord connecting the mouse to the computer.
Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References 1. Nelson TH (1974) Computer lib: you can and must understand computers now/dream Machines. Hugo’s Book Service, Chicago 2. Time Machine: Robots. Robots. History Channel. Aug.–Sept. 2000. Television. See segment on Claude, Shannon. 1952. Theseus Maze-Solving Mouse. (begins at 9:16 in the video). http://youtu.be/KmURvu4x0Do Part III Hypertext and Ted Nelson-Influenced Research © The Author(s) 2015 Douglas R. Dechow and Daniele C. Struppa (eds.)IntertwingledHistory of Computing10.1007/978-3-319-16925-5_9 9.
From Nelson, Computer Lib/Dream Machines (Courtesy of Theodor Holm Nelson) The problem of the relationship between coding and thinking has always been central to the work of Theodor Holm Nelson, and a key aspect of his influence both inside and outside computer fields has been his unwavering insistence on the epistemological consequences of this relationship, often discussed under the rubric he calls “systems humanism.” While there is every reason to read Nelson as a figure in the modern history of information theory and design, there are as many reasons to read him in the stream of the contemporary humanities. More concretely, there are excellent reasons to consider Nelson’s work—from his earliest efforts such as the literary journal, Nothing, through to his visionary samizdat manifesto, Computer Lib/Dream Machines, and his recent work reconceptualizing the spreadsheet—as a guide to the universe of paper as it is to that of the screen.
Machine Translation
Thierry Poibeau
Published 14 Sep 2017
These propositions were the first step toward a global approach to automatic translation but were quickly recognized as too simplistic, particularly by Weaver. Weaver’s Memorandum The father of machine translation—and more generally of natural language processing—is unquestionably Warren Weaver. Along with Claude Shannon, he was the author of a mathematical model of communication in 1949. His proposal was very general and therefore applicable to many contexts. In Weaver and Shannon’s model, a message is first encoded by a source (which can be a human or a machine), sent, and then decoded by a receiver. For example, a message can be coded in Morse code, transmitted by radio, and then decoded in order to be comprehensible by a human.
The key focus of this short report was in fact translation needs: the usefulness of translation for relevant agencies—mostly the public sector and businesses related to security and defense; the report observes that the majority of requested translations are of negligible interest, and ultimately are either partially read or not read at all—and the costs associated with these translations. The discussion on machine translations takes up only a short five-page chapter. The Automatic Language Processing Advisory Committee (ALPAC) was directed by John R. Pierce, an information and communication theory specialist (he had worked with Claude Shannon in particular; see chapter 5). In addition to Pierce, the committee was made up of linguists, artificial intelligence specialists, and a psychologist. None of the committee members were working on machine translation at the time of the report, though two of the members (David G. Hays and Anthony G.
We must also keep in mind the relative lack of computers and their limited capabilities—at the time of punch cards—which drastically restricted possibilities for experimentation. However, Bar-Hillel’s report raised doubts not only for those funding the research, but also for researchers themselves. Several leading figures left the field at the beginning of the 1960s and moved to research in linguistics, computer science, or information theory. Certain researchers were even more negative than Bar-Hillel himself on machine translation. Alternatively, the demonstration gave a glimpse of the numerous problems the first projects had underestimated. Georgetown’s and IBM’s attempt to industrialize practical solutions yielded very poor results.
The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation Is the Key to an Abundant Future
Jeff Booth
Published 14 Jan 2020
In the test, a human evaluator would have a conversation with two others, one being a machine and one a human, and the test would be passed when the human evaluator could not distinguish between the human and machine—in short, when humans can’t distinguish artificial from real intelligence. Around the same time that Turing was publishing “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” another eminent thinker named Claude Shannon (1916–2001) was breaking barriers that enabled many of the advances in computers and artificial intelligence that we now take for granted. Shannon was an American mathematician and one of the main architects of the Information Age. Although not as well known, his breakthroughs rival Albert Einstein’s in that he changed the way we think about information.
Karl Popper, as quoted by Mark Damazer, “In Our Time’s Greatest Philosopher Vote,” In Our Time (BBC 4). 47. “The Babbage Engine,” Computer History Museum. computer history.org/babbage. 48. Claude E. Shannon, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Bell System Technical Journal, 1948. 49. John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude Shannon, “A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence,” August 31, 1955. Available at www-formal.stanford.edu/jmc/history/dartmouth/dartmouth.html. 50. Jack Copeland, “Biography of Turing,” AlanTuring.net, July 2000. alanturing.net/turing_archive/pages/Reference%20Articles/Bio%20of%20Alan%20Turing.html. 51.
By doing so, he invented a unit of measure for information, the bit. In partial messages, one bit of information cuts the number of possibilities in half for the receiver. A message that doesn’t reduce the possibilities for the receiver transmits zero bits of information. Because of Shannon’s information theory, for the first time, information became quantifiable. Measuring information and its growth became as easy as measuring anything else, and information processing, storage, and retrieval were born. As computers and storage of information made it possible to analyze more information, artificial intelligence research was born at a workshop at Dartmouth College in 1956.
The Big Nine: How the Tech Titans and Their Thinking Machines Could Warp Humanity
Amy Webb
Published 5 Mar 2019
There wasn’t a way to build a thinking machine—the processes, materials, and power weren’t yet available—and so the theory couldn’t be tested. The leap from theoretical thinking machines to computers that began to mimic human thought happened in the 1930s with the publication of two seminal papers: Claude Shannon’s “A Symbolic Analysis of Switching and Relay Circuits” and Alan Turing’s “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem.” As an electrical engineering student at MIT, Shannon took an elective course in philosophy—an unusual diversion. Boole’s An Investigation of the Laws of Thought became the primary reference for Shannon’s thesis.
This would require his fellow researchers to observe cognition without spiritualism and to believe in the plausibility of intelligent machines that, unlike people, would make decisions in a nonconscious way. The Summer and Winter of AI In 1955, professors Marvin Minsky (mathematics and neurology) and John McCarthy (mathematics), along with Claude Shannon (a mathematician and cryptographer at Bell Labs) and Nathaniel Rochester (a computer scientist at IBM), proposed a two-month workshop to explore Turing’s work and the promise of machine learning. Their theory: if it was possible to describe every feature of human intelligence, then a machine could be taught to simulate it.17 But it was going to take a broad, diverse group of experts in many different fields.
Professors Allen Newell, Herbert Simon, and Cliff Shaw came up with a way to discover proofs of logical theorems and simulated the process by hand—a program they called Logic Theorist—at one of the general sessions. It was the first program to mimic the problem-solving skills of a human. (Eventually, it would go on to prove 38 of the first 52 theorems in Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell’s Principia Mathematica, a standard text on the foundations of mathematics.) Claude Shannon, who had several years earlier proposed teaching computers to play chess against humans, got the opportunity to show a prototype of his program, which was still under construction.20 McCarthy and Minsky’s expectations for groundbreaking advancements in AI didn’t materialize that summer at Dartmouth.
Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans
Melanie Mitchell
Published 14 Oct 2019
In graduate school in the mathematics department at Princeton, McCarthy had met a fellow student, Marvin Minsky, who shared his fascination with the potential of intelligent computers. After graduating, McCarthy had short-lived stints at Bell Labs and IBM, where he collaborated, respectively, with Claude Shannon, the inventor of information theory, and Nathaniel Rochester, a pioneering electrical engineer. Once at Dartmouth, McCarthy persuaded Minsky, Shannon, and Rochester to help him organize “a 2 month, 10 man study of artificial intelligence to be carried out during the summer of 1956.”1 The term artificial intelligence was McCarthy’s invention; he wanted to distinguish this field from a related effort called cybernetics.2 McCarthy later admitted that no one really liked the name—after all, the goal was genuine, not “artificial,” intelligence—but “I had to call it something, so I called it ‘Artificial Intelligence.’”3 The four organizers submitted a proposal to the Rockefeller Foundation asking for funding for the summer workshop.
In particular, the best-known reinforcement-learning successes have been in the domain of game playing. Applying reinforcement learning to games is the topic of the next chapter. 9 Game On Since the earliest days of AI, enthusiasts have been obsessed with creating programs that can beat humans at games. In the late 1940s, both Alan Turing and Claude Shannon, two founders of the computer age, wrote programs to play chess before there were even computers that could run their code. In the decades that followed, many a young game fanatic has been driven to learn to program in order to get computers to play their favorite game, whether it be checkers, chess, backgammon, Go, poker, or, more recently, video games.
Like Samuel’s checkers player before it, Deep Blue’s defeat of Kasparov spurred a significant increase in IBM’s stock price.16 This defeat also generated considerable consternation in the media about the implications for superhuman intelligence as well as doubts about whether humans would still be motivated to play chess. But in the decades since Deep Blue, humanity has adapted. As Claude Shannon wrote presciently in 1950, a machine that can surpass humans at chess “will force us either to admit the possibility of mechanized thinking or to further restrict our concept of thinking.”17 The latter happened. Superhuman chess playing is now seen as something that doesn’t require general intelligence.
The Founders: The Story of Paypal and the Entrepreneurs Who Shaped Silicon Valley
Jimmy Soni
Published 22 Feb 2022
“To this day,” remarked a fraud analyst, Jeremy Roybal, “I still bleed PayPal blue.” * * * Many who ended up working at PayPal came to the company circuitously. This project emerged in a similar way. In the course of writing my last book—a biography of the late Dr. Claude Shannon, the founder of the field of information theory and one of the great, forgotten geniuses of the twentieth century—I examined his employer, Bell Laboratories. Bell Labs was the research arm of the Bell Telephone company, and as a group, Bell’s scientists and engineers won six Nobel Prizes and invented, among other things, touch-tone dialing, the laser, cellular networks, communications satellites, solar cells, and the transistor.
One day, Musk hoped X.com would serve as the “global center for all money” and store the world’s dollars, deutschmarks (soon to be euros), and yen in one place. To Musk, this trajectory wasn’t revolutionary—it was obvious. Musk thought about currencies “from an information theory standpoint,” a reference to the field founded by Dr. Claude Shannon in 1948. “Money is an information system,” he explained. “Most people think money has power in and of itself. But actually, it’s really just an information system, so that we don’t have to engage in barter and that we can time-shift value in the form of loans and equity and stuff like that.”
I hope you map out some new ones in your search, and if I’m still kicking when you do, drop me a line. I will join you in nerding out on the PayPal years with gusto. J.S. More from the Author A Mind at Play About the Author © DAMON DAHLEN JIMMY SONI is an award-winning author. His book, A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age, won the 2017 Neumann Prize, awarded by the British Society for the History of Mathematics for the best book on the history of mathematics for a general audience, and the Middleton Prize from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). His most recent work, Jane’s Carousel, completed with the late Jane Walentas, captured one woman’s remarkable twenty-five-year journey to restore a beloved carousel in Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Hedge Fund Market Wizards
Jack D. Schwager
Published 24 Apr 2012
For example, the basic strategy indicates standing with 16 if the dealer’s card is between two and six, and hitting otherwise. The basic strategy does not involve any card counting. 7The opening paragraph in the Wikipedia entry for Claude Shannon provides the following synopsis: Claude Elwood Shannon (April 30, 1916–February 24, 2001) was an American mathematician, electronics engineer, and cryptographer known as “the father of information theory.” Shannon is famous for having founded information theory with one landmark paper published in 1948. But he is also credited with founding both digital computer and digital circuit design theory in 1937, when, as a 21-year-old master’s student at MIT, he wrote a thesis demonstrating that electrical application of Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical, numerical relationship.
Track records such as Thorp’s prove conclusively that it is possible to beat the market and that the large group of economists who insist otherwise are choosing to believe theory over evidence.2 The contention that it is possible to beat the markets, however, does not say anything about the difficulty of the task. In fact, it is the difficulty in beating the market (the vast majority of market participants fail to do so) that helps create the illusion that markets are efficient. Thorp’s career encompasses an extraordinary number of first achievements: He co-developed (along with Claude Shannon) the first wearable computer that could be used to win at roulette. He developed the first blackjack betting strategy that provided a positive edge to the player, which he divulged in his global best seller, Beat the Dealer. The book changed the way casinos operate. Thorp along with Sheen Kassouf developed the first known systematic approach to trading warrants and other convertible securities (e.g., options, convertible bonds, convertible preferred stocks) by hedging them with offsetting stock positions, an approach they detailed in their book, Beat the Market.3 He was the first to formulate an option-pricing model that was equivalent to the Black-Scholes model.
The best way to do that was to get it published in the National Academy of Sciences, but you had to find a member who would submit the paper for you or else they wouldn’t take it. I researched the Cambridge area where I was located and found that there were two members. One member was an algebraist at Harvard who wouldn’t have any idea what I was talking about and probably wouldn’t have cared if he did. The other member was Claude Shannon at MIT. Shannon was a joint professor of mathematics and engineering, and one of only two Distinguished Professors at MIT. I went to his secretary and asked if I could get an appointment. She said, “He might see you for five minutes, but he doesn’t talk to people if he is not interested. So don’t expect more than a very brief interview.”
The Perfect Bet: How Science and Math Are Taking the Luck Out of Gambling
Adam Kucharski
Published 23 Feb 2016
They eventually found him inside rolling marbles along the kitchen floor in the midst of an experiment to find out how far each would travel. After completing his PhD, Thorp headed east to work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. There he met Claude Shannon, one of the university’s academic giants. Over the previous decade, Shannon had pioneered the field of “information theory,” which revolutionized how data are stored and communicated; the work would later help pave the way for space missions, mobile phones, and the Internet. Thorp told Shannon about the roulette predictions, and the professor suggested they continue the work at his house a few miles outside the city.
After Thorp put together his winning blackjack system, he turned his attention to the problem of such bankroll management. Given a particular edge over the casino, what was the optimal amount to bet? He found the answer in a formula known as the Kelly criterion. The formula is named after John Kelly, a gunslinging Texan physicist who worked with Claude Shannon in the 1950s. Kelly argued that, in the long run, you should wager a percentage of your bankroll equal to your expected profit divided by the amount you’ll receive if you win. For the coin toss above, the Kelly criterion would be the expected payoff ($0.50) divided by the potential winnings ($2.00).
See soccer Four Horseman’s method, 36–38, 45, 72 Fréchet, Maurice, 148 freeroll tournament, 144 Friedman, Milton, 111 Friedrich, Carl, 80–81 fundamental analysis, 55–56 future payoffs, maximizing, 153 Galileo fund, 100 Galla, Tobias, 160, 161, 162 Galton, Francis, 46–47, 51, 106, 205 Gambling Act, 71, 201 gambling laws, 20–21, 22, 71, 100, 198, 200, 201 gambling traits, traditional, 208 “Game of Poker, The” (Turing), 170 game theory, 137, 141, 148, 149, 151, 154, 155, 156, 160, 162, 163, 169, 178, 180, 181, 183, 208, 217 Gaming Act, 21 Gandy, Robin, 170 Ganzfried, Sam, 184 Garrood, Andrew, 87, 88 Gerrard, Steven, 104 get-so-many-in-a-row-style games, 158–159 See also tic-tac-toe Ginther, Joan, 28 Gödel, Kurt, 150, 151, 169, 176 golf, 84–85, 107 Gossett, William, 26, 52 Government Code and Cypher School, 169 gravity, 19 Guardian (newspaper), 94, 117 Guinness brewery, 52 hackers, 121 Hand, David, 204 Hanson, Robin, 92 Hard Rock casino, 87 Harvey, James, 28–29, 30, 31–32, 218 Hastie, David, 78, 105, 113 headline wager, 75 “Heads-Up Limit Hold’em Poker Is Solved” (Bowling et al.), 188 heads-up poker, 172, 186, 188, 195 See also Texas hold’em poker hedge funds, 96, 97, 99–100, 101, 120, 122, 204 hedging bets, 95, 96, 99 Heeb, Randal, 198, 199, 200, 201 Henry, Thierry, 104 Heuer, Andreas, 78 Hibbs, Albert, 3–4, 7, 21 Hibernia Atlantic, 113 Hilbert, David, 150 hockey, 85, 204, 205, 207 Holt, Matthew, 88 Hong Kong Jockey Club, 43, 90 horse racing bankroll management in, 65–67 betting syndicates and, 35, 52–53, 54, 56, 57–58, 64, 66–69, 103, 206 compared to golf, 84 fading of data availability limitations in, 73 favorite-long-shot bias in, 45, 46, 57 gambling law and, 198 and the Hong Kong tracks, 43–44, 54–55, 66–69, 74, 114 measuring individual performance in, 103 and the Monte Carlo method, 61–62 pari-mutuel system in, 43–45, 66, 114 Pinnacle Sports and, 93 prediction methods in, 46, 49–50, 51–54, 55–58, 64, 68, 69, 74, 206, 207, 216, 218 and quality measurement, 50–51, 74 and regression analysis, 49, 50 robotic betting and, 115–117 university courses studying, 215 “How to Gamble If You Must” (MIT course), 213–214 human insight, importance of, 105 human language, analyzing, 166 hybrid bots, 184 hydrogen bomb, 58, 59, 60, 61, 83, 202 IBM, 166–167 iceberg order, 115 ignorance first degree of, 2 second degree of, 3, 8, 11, 21–22 third degree of, 3, 8, 12, 21 illegal betting/gambling, 42, 81–82, 90–91, 101, 198 Illegal Gambling Business Act, 200 illusion, 218 imitation game, 170–171, 177, 194 incompleteness, 150, 168, 173 incompleteness theorem, 150, 176 inconsistencies, 150 Indian Premier League, 90 infinite monkey theorem, 156–157, 199 information theory, 11 information-processing problem, 168 inheritance, 47–49, 51, 106 in-play analysis, 97–98 Internet, benefits of, 72–73 investing, 96, 97–100, 204 See also hedge funds; stock/financial markets Irish National Lottery, 33 Jackson, Eric, 167 Jagger, Joseph, 7 Jennings, Ken, 165–166 Jeopardy!
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Published 20 Feb 2018
For, in the quarter millennia since an initial formulation of decision making under uncertainty by the mathematician Jacob Bernoulli, one that has since become standard, almost all people involved in the field have made the severe mistake of missing the effect of the difference between ensemble and time.fn1 Everyone? Not quite: every economist maybe, but not everyone: the applied mathematicians Claude Shannon and Ed Thorp, and the physicist J. L. Kelly of the Kelly Criterion got it right. They also got it in a very simple way. The father of insurance mathematics, the Swedish applied mathematician Harald Cramér, also got the point. And, more than two decades ago, practitioners such as Mark Spitznagel and myself built our entire business careers around it.
Unless one is a genius, that is, has the clarity of mind to see through the mud, or has a sufficiently profound command of probability theory to cut through the nonsense. Now, certifiably, Murray Gell-Mann is a genius (and, likely, Peters). Gell-Mann discovered the subatomic particles he himself called quarks (which got him the Nobel). Peters said that when he presented the idea to Gell-Mann, “he got it instantly.” Claude Shannon, Ed Thorp, J. L. Kelly, and Harald Cramér are, no doubt, geniuses—I can personally vouch for Thorp, who has an unmistakable clarity of mind combined with a depth of thinking that juts out in conversation. These people could get it without skin in the game. But economists, psychologists, and decision theorists have no geniuses among them (unless one counts the polymath Herb Simon, who did some psychology on the side), and odds are they never will.
All these risks add up, and the attitude of the subject reflects them all. Ruin is indivisible and invariant to the source of randomness that may cause it. Another common error in the psychology literature concerns what is called “mental accounting.” The Thorp, Kelly, and Shannon school of information theory requires that, for an investment strategy to be ergodic and eventually capture the return of the market, agents increase their risks as they are winning, but contract after losses, a technique called “playing with the house money.” In practice, it is done by threshold, for ease of execution, not complicated rules: you start betting aggressively whenever you have a profit, never when you have a deficit, as if a switch was turned on or off.
Concentrated Investing
Allen C. Benello
Published 7 Dec 2016
Sure, there would be swings up and down, but over a large number of hands, that edge, properly exploited, would probably allow the player to beat the game. But how heavily should the player bet when he held an edge? And how should he bet when the deck was stacked against him? Thorp discussed his blackjack findings with MIT colleague Claude Shannon, the brilliant mathematician whose 1948 master’s thesis single‐ handedly invented information theory and ushered in the age of the digital circuit and computer. Shannon’s thesis dealt with the transmission of a signal over a noisy line. The problem: Boosting a signal also boosts the noise. How then to transmit a message without losing its meaning due to the signal being misheard or unheard?
How could he justify risking such a titanic sum for such a minuscule payoff? Thorp had a secret. He employed a little-known formula for optimal position sizing—the mysteriously named Kelly Criterion. However he plugged the details of the trade into Kelly’s formula, the answer was unavoidable: Bet the farm. Claude Shannon and Ed Thorp While working as a post‐doctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in November 1960, Thorp submitted an abstract for a talk to the annual meeting of the American Mathematical Society. The abstract, Fortune’s Formula: The Game of Blackjack, described a method for beating the casino at blackjack.
What was the optimal bet size to maximize Kelly, Shannon, and Thorp: Mathematical Investors 75 the bettor’s return? Kelly wondered if he could apply Shannon’s information theory to the problem. He discussed it with Shannon, who urged him to publish the work. Kelly’s paper appeared in the 1956 issue of the Bell System Technical Journal under the anodyne title, A New Interpretation of the Information Rate. Kelly had wanted to call the paper Information Theory and Gambling, but some AT&T executives feared that the title and his discussion of a “private wire” would remind readers that AT&T used to lease wires to organized crime figures who ran wire services reporting racetrack results to bookies.
Steven Johnson
Early in his visit to Bell Labs, Turing hit upon the idea of using another Bell invention, the Vocoder—later used by rock musicians such as Peter Frampton to combine the sounds of a guitar and the human voice—as a way of encrypting speech. (By early 1943, Turing’s ideas had enabled the first secure voice transmission to cross the Atlantic, unintelligible to German eavesdroppers.) Bell Labs was the home base for another genius, Claude Shannon, who would go on to found the influential discipline of information theory, and whose work had explored the boundaries between noise and information. Shannon had been particularly intrigued by the potential for machines to detect and amplify patterns of information in noisy communication channels—a line of inquiry that promised obvious value to a telephone company, but could also save thousands of lives in a war effort that relied so heavily on the sending and breaking of codes.
Second, problems of “disorganized complexity”: problems characterized by millions or billions of variables that can only be approached by the methods of statistical mechanics and probability theory. These tools helped explain not only the behavior of molecules in a gas, or the patterns of heredity in a gene pool, but also helped life insurance companies turn a profit despite their limited knowledge about any individual human’s future health. Thanks to Claude Shannon’s work, the statistical approach also helped phone companies deliver more reliable and intelligible longdistance service. But there was a third phase to this progression, and we were only beginning to understand. “This statistical method of dealing with disorganized complexity, so powerful an advance over the earlier two-variable methods, leaves a great field untouched,” Weaver wrote.
Five years after his interactions with Turing, Shannon published a long essay in the Bell System Technical Journal that was quickly repackaged as a book called The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Dense with equations and arcane chapter titles such as “Discrete Noiseless Systems,” the book managed to become something of a cult classic, and the discipline it spawned—information theory—had a profound impact on scientific and technological research that followed, on both a theoretical and practical level. The Mathematical Theory of Communication contained an elegant, layman’s introduction to Shannon’s theory, penned by the esteemed scientist Warren Weaver, who had early on grasped the significance of Shannon’s work.
The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers (Wiley Finance)
Feng Gu
Published 26 Jun 2016
Simply, because as far as information usefulness is concerned, newness and timeliness are of the essence. This is a subtle issue that requires elaboration. Pardon the following brief tutorial, aimed at clarifying an important information principle, central to information (communication) theory, which was developed in the 1940s by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver and played an important role in the development of computers and communication systems.1 The theory provides a measure of the amount of information conveyed by a message. For example: “It will start raining at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow.” This measure is based on the extent of surprise, or unexpectedness of the message to the receiver.
For a given information source, we include only events that do not coincide with the events of other information sources (e.g., we exclude managers’ forecasts that occur on the same day as quarterly earnings are announced). Sample firms included in Figure 4.1 are all US-listed companies with the required data, obtained from Compustat, CRSP, I/B/E/S First Call, and the S&P SEC Filings Database. Worse Than at First Sight 49 NOTES 1. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication (Champaign–Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1949). 2. Mathematically, the amount of information conveyed by a message is measured in communication theory by the logarithm of the ratio of the prior (before the message was received) to the posterior (after the message reception) probabilities of the event (e.g., rain at 3:00 pm tomorrow) occurring.
See Book value of equity Subject Index Capitalization 89 Capital lease 222 Capital market-free test 67 Cash burn rate 175 Cash flows analyst prediction 24f concept, accounting impact (intention) 17–18 earnings, domination 18–19 metric 17 prediction, ease 22–24 increase 23f residual cash flows, usage 238f statement 5 strategies, earnings (contrast) 19f Cash flows per share (CPS) 23–24 Causal factors 231–232 Causation, examination 107–108 Cease and desist agreement 174 China National Petroleum, household name 180 Cisco, stockholder equity 126 Claims expenses 154 Coca-Cola assets 83 consumer product business 88 patents 78 Combined ratio 148 increase 150–151 Commission, sins 104 Commodities 78 Communication theory (information theory) 42 Companies balance sheet, inventory account 233 company-related information sources 44 earnings investor reaction 30–31 prediction 16f 8-K filings 106–107 estimates (above-median number), ROE prediction errors (increase) 101f market values 32–33 differences 33 249 patents information 171, 173 portfolios 218 performance prediction, ability (decline) 56–57 prospects, uncertainty (decrease) 65 trademarks, information 171, 173 Comparability 203 Competition enhancement 134 implementation concerns 205–206 Competitive advantage, achievement 120–121, 134 Competitive edge, assessment 232 Complexity.
The Cultural Logic of Computation
David Golumbia
Published 31 Mar 2009
Weaver’s combinatoric argument fails to address Wiener’s chief points, namely that human language is able to manage ambiguity and approximation in a way quite different from the way that computers handle symbols. The persistent belief that philosophical skeptics must be wrong about the potential for machine translation is characteristic of computational thinking from the 1950s to the present. Only Claude Shannon himself—again, a dedicated scientist and engineer with limited experience in the study of language—is accorded authority by Weaver, so that “only Shannon himself, at this stage, can be a good judge of the possibilities in this direction”; remarkably, Weaver suggests that “a book written in Chinese is simply a book written in English which was coded into the ‘Chinese Code’ ” (22).
While it is no doubt inevitable that forms of long-distance communication would develop in any plausible human history, I am not persuaded that the exact forms of the telephone, telegraph, etc., are metaphysically necessary. Computation hovers provocatively between invention and discovery. Perhaps some of the most extreme computer scientists (Ray Kurzweil, Stephen Wolfram, Claude Shannon, Konrad Zuse) believe that digital computation in particular is a fundamental part of the physical universe; certainly there is at least some interesting evidence to support this view. At the same time, it seems equally if not more plausible that a wide range of calculating, quasilogical, and simulative mechanisms exist in the physical world, and that digital computation is simply one means of replicating some of these phenomena, perhaps the means that is most available to us for cultural reasons—in other words, we found digital computation because our society is already so oriented toward binarisms, hierarchy, and instrumental rationality.
Paul Edwards reports on a telling moment in the history of these laboratories: [George] Miller himself marks the year 1956, when he returned to Harvard, as the great transition. In that year his studies of language, information theory, The Cultural Logic of Computation p 36 and behavior crystallized into a new research paradigm. In an unpublished essay, Miller recounts his experience of the second Symposium on Information Theory, held at MIT on September 10–12, 1956. There he had his first realization, “more intuitive than rational, that human experimental psychology, theoretical linguistics, and the computer simulation of cognitive processes were all pieces from a larger whole.”
Shape: The Hidden Geometry of Information, Biology, Strategy, Democracy, and Everything Else
Jordan Ellenberg
Published 14 May 2021
ON can’t go to just any bigram; what follows has to be a bigram starting with N. (The most common follow-up, Norvig’s tables tell us, is NS, which happens 14.7% of the time, followed by NT at 11.3%.) This gives a yet more refined picture of the structure of English text. It was the engineer and mathematician Claude Shannon who first realized that the Markov chain could be used not only to analyze text, but to generate it. Suppose you want to produce a passage of text with the same statistical properties as written English, and it starts with ON. Then you can use a random number generator to select the next letter; there should be a 14.7% chance it is S, an 11.3% chance it is T, and so on.
But all the outputs somehow do sound like they come from the book you’re reading, which, let me tell you, is somewhat unsettling for the human being writing the book, even when the sentences make no literal sense at all, as in this GPT-3 output: If you’re familiar with the concept of Bayes’ theorem, then this should be easy for you. If there’s a 50% chance that the next word will be “the” and a 50% chance that it’ll be “geometry,” then the probability that the next word is either “the geometry” or “graupel” is (50/50)2 = 0. There’s a really big difference between this problem and Shannon’s text machine. Imagine a Claude Shannon with a much bigger library, trying to produce English sentences using this method, starting with five hundred words of what you’ve just read. He looks through his books until he finds one where those exact words appear in that exact order, so that he can record what word comes next. But of course he doesn’t find one!
Nim with two piles of two stones is a loss. Connect Four is a win. (Pretty dispiriting, sis!) But we don’t know whether chess is a win, a loss, or a draw. We may never know. The tree of chess has many, many leaves. We don’t know exactly how many, but it’s more than an eight-foot robot can contemplate, that’s for sure. Claude Shannon, who we last saw generating faux English text with a Markov chain, also wrote one of the first papers to take machine chess seriously; he thought the number of leaves was on the order of 1 with 120 zeroes after it, a hundred million trillion googols. That’s more than the number of . . . okay, actually, it’s more than the number of anything in the universe, and it is certainly not a number of things you’re going to comb through one by one and write little W’s, L’s, and D’s next to.
The Creativity Code: How AI Is Learning to Write, Paint and Think
Marcus Du Sautoy
Published 7 Mar 2019
When we listen to music or explore creative mathematics, we are being exposed to the purest forms of structure and our bodies respond emotionally, to mark the recognition of this structure against the white noise of everyday life. What accounts for the difference we perceive between a random sequence of notes and a sequence we regard as music? According to the work of Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, part of our response comes down to the fact that a non-random sequence has some algorithm at its base that can compress the data, while the random sequence does not. Music is distinct from noise by virtue of its underlying algorithms. The question is which algorithms will make music that humans feel is worth listening to?
And as more stones were laid down on the board, the game seemed to get more complicated, unlike chess, where as pieces are gradually removed the game starts to simplify. The American Go Association estimates that it would take a number with 300 digits to count the number of games of Go that are legally possible. In chess the computer scientist Claude Shannon estimated that a number with 120 digits (now called the Shannon number) would suffice. These are not small numbers in either case, but they give you a sense of the wide range of possible permutations. I had played a lot of chess as a kid. I enjoyed working through the logical consequences of a proposed move.
.: A Mathematician’s Apology 150–1, 155, 178, 245–6, 247, 252 Harry Potter 234, 285, 286, 289 Hassabis, Demis 22–5, 26, 28–9, 39–40, 41–2, 43, 66, 149, 168, 233, 234, 235 Heatherwick, Thomas 234 Hello Games 116 Her (film) 220 hermeneutic code 251 heuristics 171 Hilbert, David 164, 167 Hirst, Damien 118 Hofstadter, Douglas 201, 202, 204, 206, 298 Homo erectus 104 Homo sapiens 104, 231, 288 House of Wisdom, Baghdad 46, 159 Howard, Emily 187, 209 Huang, Aja 32, 33–4 Hubbard, Freddie 214 Hubble Telescope 43 Huet, Pierre 173 Hugo, Victor 213 human code 2–3, 4–5, 6, 20, 36, 80, 87, 103, 105, 125, 133, 142, 203, 230–1, 260, 300, 301; AI and extending the 298–9; AI and picking up traits in 87–8, 98, 142–5; data and 91–2, 95; evolution of 298–9; free will and 112–13 Hume, David: Treatise on Human Nature 173, 182–3 Hut, Piet 29 IBM 196, 260–7; DeepBlue 29, 214, 260–1; DeepQA Project 267–8; Watson 261–8 ICA 118–19 imaginary numbers 12, 246 Imperial College London 291 Impressionism 13, 138 inceptionism 145 induction 173, 174–5 information theory 203 Ingels, Bjarke 234 Instagram 77 Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 182, 184 intelligence, solving 98 intentional stance 147 Internet Movie Database 88 intuition 7, 18, 20–1, 61, 91, 151, 153, 154 James, Henry 245 Java, island of 104 jazz/musical improvisation 201, 213–14 218–21, 238, 286, 298, 299 Jennings, Ken 261, 262, 263, 266 Jeopardy!
The Man Who Solved the Market: How Jim Simons Launched the Quant Revolution
Gregory Zuckerman
Published 5 Nov 2019
One year, he received eight As in a single semester and a 4.9 grade point average (on a 5.0 scale), weighed down by a single C in humanities. After winning a prestigious mathematics competition in his senior year to become a Putnam Fellow, Berlekamp began a PhD program at MIT. He focused on electrical engineering, studying with Peter Elias and Claude Shannon. Elias and Shannon were pioneers of information theory, the groundbreaking approach to quantifying, encoding, and transmitting telephone signals, text, pictures, and other kinds of information that would provide the underpinnings for computers, the internet, and all digital media. One afternoon, Shannon passed Berlekamp in the school’s hallway.
Rather than make a fortune trading himself, Rosenberg sold computerized programs to help other investors forecast stock behavior. Edward Thorp became the first modern mathematician to use quantitative strategies to invest sizable sums of money. Thorp was an academic who had worked with Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, and embraced the proportional betting system of John Kelly, the Texas scientist who had influenced Elwyn Berlekamp. First, Thorp applied his talents to gambling, gaining prominence for his large winnings as well as his bestselling book, Beat the Dealer. The book outlined Thorp’s belief in systematic, rules-based gambling tactics, as well as his insight that players can take advantage of shifting odds within games of chance.
To illustrate his ideas, Kelly developed a method he had devised to profit at the racetrack. Kelly’s system proposed ideal bets if one somehow obtained enough information to disregard the posted odds and could instead rely on a more accurate set of probabilities—the “true odds” for each race. Kelly’s formula had grown out of Shannon’s earlier work on information theory. Spending evenings at Kelly’s home playing bridge and discussing science, math, and more, Berlekamp came to see the similarities between betting on horses and investing in stocks, given that chance plays a huge role in both. They also discussed how accurate information and properly sized wagers can provide one with an advantage.
From eternity to here: the quest for the ultimate theory of time
Sean M. Carroll
Published 15 Jan 2010
There’s nothing wrong with that; after all, Boltzmann and Gibbs were proposing definitions to supercede Clausius’s perfectly good definition of entropy, which is still used today under the rubric of “thermodynamic” entropy. After quantum mechanics came on the scene, John von Neumann proposed a formula for entropy that is specifically adapted to the quantum context. As we’ll discuss in the next chapter, Claude Shannon suggested a definition of entropy that was very similar in spirit to Gibbs’s, but in the framework of information theory rather than physics. The point is not to find the one true definition of entropy; it’s to come up with concepts that serve useful functions in the appropriate contexts. Just don’t let anyone bamboozle you by pretending that one definition or the other is the uniquely correct meaning of entropy.
Rather, they provide ways that we could appear to violate the Second Law, if we didn’t properly account for the crucial role played by information. The information collected and processed by the Demon must somehow be accounted for in any consistent story of entropy. The concrete relationship between entropy and information was developed in the 1940s by Claude Shannon, an engineer/mathematician working for Bell Labs.153 Shannon was interested in finding efficient and reliable ways of sending signals across noisy channels. He had the idea that some messages carry more effective information than others, simply because the message is more “surprising” or unexpected.
See also Prigogine (1955), Kauffman (1993), and Avery (2003). 160 A good recent book is Nelson (2007). 161 He would have been even more wary in modern times; a Google search on “free energy” returns a lot of links to perpetual-motion schemes, along with some resources on clean energy. 162 Informally speaking, the concepts of “useful” and “useless” energy certainly predate Gibbs; his contribution was to attach specific formulas to the ideas, which were later elaborated on by German physicist Hermann von Helmholtz. In particular, what we are calling the “useless” energy is (in Helmholtz’s formulation) simply the temperature of the body times its entropy. The free energy is then the total internal energy of the body minus that quantity. 163 In the 1950s, Claude Shannon built “The Ultimate Machine,” based on an idea by Marvin Minsky. In its resting state, the machine looked like a box with a single switch on one face. If you were to flip the switch, the box would buzz loudly. Then the lid would open and a hand would reach out, flipping the switch back to its original position, and retreat back into the box, which became quiet once more.
A Devil's Chaplain: Selected Writings
Richard Dawkins
Published 1 Jan 2004
Rather than engage in further recriminations and disputes about exactly what happened at the time of the interview, I shall try to redress the matter now in constructive fashion by answering the original question, the ‘Information Challenge’, at adequate length – the sort of length you can achieve in a proper article. The technical definition of ‘information’ was introduced by the American engineer Claude Shannon in 1948. An employee of the Bell Telephone Company, Shannon was concerned to measure information as an economic commodity. It is costly to send messages along a telephone line. Much of what passes in a message is not information: it is redundant. You could save money by recoding the message to remove the redundancy.
You could spend a lifetime reading in this ancient library and die unsated by the wonder of it. 1 See ‘Unfinished Correspondence with a Darwinian Heavyweight’ (pp. 256–62). 2 The producers never deigned to send me a copy: I completely forgot about it until an American colleague called it to my attention. 3 See Barry Williams, ‘Creationist deception exposed’, the Skeptic 18 (1998), 3, pp. 7–10, for an account of how my long pause (trying to decide whether to throw them out) was made to look like hesitant inability to answer the question, followed by an apparently evasive answer to a completely different question. 4 It is important not to blame Shannon for my verbal and intuitive way of expressing what I think of as the essence of his idea. Mathematical readers should go straight to the original, C. Shannon and W. Weaver, The Mathematical Theory of Communication (University of Illinois Press, 1949). Claude Shannon, by the way, had an imaginative sense of humour. He once built a box with a single switch on the outside. If you threw the switch, the lid of the box slowly opened, a mechanical hand appeared, reached down and switched off the box. It then put itself away and the lid closed. As Arthur C. Clarke said, ‘There is something unspeakably sinister about a machine that does nothing – absolutely nothing – except switch itself off.’ 5 These round figures are all decimal approximations.
When the prior uncertainty is some mixture of alternatives that are not equiprobable, Shannon’s formula becomes a slightly more elaborate weighted average, but it is essentially similar. By the way, Shannon’s weighted average is the same formula as physicists have used, since the nineteenth century, for entropy. The point has interesting implications but I shall not pursue them here.8 That’s enough background on information theory. It is a theory which has long held a fascination for me, and I have used it in several of my research papers over the years. Let’s now think how we might use it to ask whether the information content of genomes increases in evolution. First, recall the three-way distinction between total information capacity, the capacity that is actually used, and the true information content when stored in the most economical way possible.
Novacene: The Coming Age of Hyperintelligence
James Lovelock
Published 27 Aug 2019
He felt so strongly about this that he asked for the simple formula expressing his thoughts to be carved on his gravestone. The first attempt to tackle information scientifically was in the 1940s, when the American mathematician and engineer Claude Shannon was working on cryptography. In 1948 this work resulted in his article ‘A Mathematical Theory of Communication’, a primary document of post-war technology. Information theory is now at the centre of mathematics, computer science and many other disciplines. The basic unit of information is the bit, which can have a value of zero or one, as in true or false, on or off, yes or no.
Chaos: Making a New Science
James Gleick
Published 18 Oct 2011
The patterns revealed a stretching and folding that led back to the horseshoe map of Smale. THE MOST CHARACTERISTICALLY Santa Cruzian imprint on chaos research involved a piece of mathematics cum philosophy known as information theory, invented in the late 1940s by a researcher at the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Claude Shannon. Shannon called his work “The Mathematical Theory of Communication,” but it concerned a rather special quantity called information, and the name information theory stuck. The theory was a product of the electronic age. Communication lines and radio transmissions were carrying a certain thing, and computers would soon be storing this same thing on punch cards or magnetic cylinders, and the thing was neither knowledge nor meaning.
Isaac Newton has more than a cameo: he seems to be the antihero of chaos, or the god to be overthrown. I discovered only later, reading his notebooks and letters, how wrong I’d been about him. And for twenty years I’ve been pursuing a thread that began with something Rob Shaw told me, about chaos and information theory, as invented by Claude Shannon. Chaos is a creator of information—another apparent paradox. This thread connects with something Bernardo Hubemian said: that he was seeing complex behaviors emerge unexpectedly in information networks. Something was dawning, and we’re finally starting to see what it is. James Gleick Key West February 2008 Notes on Sources and Further Reading THIS BOOK DRAWS on the words of about two hundred scientists, in public lectures, in technical writing, and most of all in interviews conducted from April 1984 to December 1986.
Because information was stored in binary on-off switches newly designated as bits, bits became the basic measure of information. From a technical point of view, information theory became a handle for grasping how noise in the form of random errors interfered with the flow of bits. It gave a way of predicting the necessary carrying capacity of communication lines or compact disks or any technology that encoded language, sounds, or images. It offered a theoretical means of reckoning the effectiveness of different schemes for correcting errors—for example, using some bits as checks on others. It put teeth into the crucial notion of “redundancy.” In terms of Shannon’s information theory, ordinary language contains greater than fifty percent redundancy in the form of sounds or letters that are not strictly necessary to conveying a message.
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
David Epstein
Published 1 Mar 2019
,” in The Science of Expertise, ed. D. Hambrick et al. (New York: Routledge, 2017 [Kindle ebook]). “When we were designing”: Steve Jobs’s 2005 commencement address at Stanford: https://news.stanford.edu/2005/06/14/jobs-061505. “no one else was familiar”: J. Horgan, “Claude Shannon: Tinkerer, Prankster, and Father of Information Theory,” IEEE Spectrum 29, no. 4 (1992): 72–75. For more depth on Shannon, see J. Soni and R. Goodman, A Mind at Play (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2017). “career streams”; “traveled on an eight-lane highway”: C. J. Connolly, “Transition Expertise: Cognitive Factors and Developmental Processes That Contribute to Repeated Successful Career Transitions Amongst Elite Athletes, Musicians and Business People” (PhD thesis, Brunel University, 2011).
Those findings are reminiscent of a speech Steve Jobs gave, in which he famously recounted the importance of a calligraphy class to his design aesthetics. “When we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me,” he said. “If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts.” Or electrical engineer Claude Shannon, who launched the Information Age thanks to a philosophy course he took to fulfill a requirement at the University of Michigan. In it, he was exposed to the work of self-taught nineteenth-century English logician George Boole, who assigned a value of 1 to true statements and 0 to false statements and showed that logic problems could be solved like math equations.
The Quants
Scott Patterson
Published 2 Feb 2010
Claude Elwood Shannon, one of the most brilliant, and eccentric, minds on the planet. On a November afternoon in 1960, Ed Thorp walked briskly across MIT’s leaf-strewn campus. A cold wind whistled off the Charles River. The freshly minted mathematics professor shuddered, and his nerves jangled at the very thought of sitting down face-to-face with Claude Shannon. Few figures at MIT were more intimidating. Shannon was the brains behind two of the twentieth century’s greatest intellectual advances. The first was the application of the binary number system to electronic circuits, which laid the groundwork for the birth of the computer. Shannon’s great breakthrough had been to take a two-symbol logic in which problems are resolved by the manipulation of two numbers, 1 and 0, and apply it to a circuit in which a 1 is represented by a switch that is turned on and a 0 by a switch that is turned off.
Axcom was to act as the trading advisor for the fund, which was nominally run as an investing firm owned by a company Simons had founded in July 1982 called Renaissance Technologies. Soon Simons’s growing crew of quants added another math wizard, Elwyn Berlekamp, a game theory expert at Berkeley. Like Ed Thorp, Berlekamp had worked with Claude Shannon and John Kelly at MIT. He’d briefly met Simons during a stint at IDA in the 1960s. The fund put up solid returns for several years, even managing to trade through Black Monday with relatively little damage. In 1988, Ax and Simons renamed the fund Medallion in honor of a math award they’d both won.
Thorp started paying regular visits to Shannon’s home later that November as the two scientists set to work on the roulette problem. Shannon called his home “Entropy House,” a nod to a core concept in information theory, borrowed from the second law of thermodynamics. The law of entropy essentially means everything in the universe will eventually turn into a homogenous, undifferentiated goop. In information theory, Shannon used entropy as a way to discover order within the apparent chaos of strings of seemingly random numbers. Shannon’s three-story wooden house overlooked the Mystic Lakes, several miles northwest of Cambridge.
Human Frontiers: The Future of Big Ideas in an Age of Small Thinking
Michael Bhaskar
Published 2 Nov 2021
His colleagues, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, had made the breakthrough itself: a relatively crude semiconductor device of gold foil, a germanium crystal and a paperclip, designed to boost or switch electronic signals. The three of them won the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. There was the ethereal but genial Claude Shannon, progenitor of one of the twentieth century's most significant insights: information theory, not only an underwriter of the digital age but now posited as a fundamental property of existence. There was a cadre of visionary administrators, like the steady hand of Missourian Mervin Kelly: capable of balancing the competing needs of a demanding corporate parent and wayward scientists in a mushrooming organisation working at the limits of technology.
One senior Bell Labs researcher, Andrew Odlyzko, making sense of what was happening to his institution over the 1980s and 1990s, called it ‘the decline of unfettered research’.6 The image is significant – society was placing institutional chains around the curiosity-driven research agenda that enabled people like Claude Shannon to explore information theory. Research had been commodified into narrow, directed chunks. Bell had changed; ‘rational’ economic decision making was in. Writing in 1995, Odlyzko had already seen the writing was on the wall for the industrial labs that had nurtured his career: ‘the prospects for a return to unfettered research in the near future are slim.
You find the above pattern with linguistic philosophy; the Internet; human rights; the concept of zero; the steam engine; the iPhone; utilitarianism; calculus; the periodic table; helicopters; entropy; double-entry bookkeeping; written constitutions; writing itself; deep machine learning techniques; Jacobean tragedy; Spacewar! and Grand Theft Auto; information theory, quantum theory and game theory; Cartesian grids, rationality and ego. This is an ecumenical approach to ideas, but only by taking such an approach can we see the overarching picture of change, or its absence. * There is something undeniably romantic about the notion of ideas as heroically catalytic moments.
The Computer Boys Take Over: Computers, Programmers, and the Politics of Technical Expertise
Nathan L. Ensmenger
Published 31 Jul 2010
Not only did it lay claim to the valuable intellectual territory suggested by the commonsense understanding of information as knowledge or data but it also linked the discipline to the specific formulation of information developed in the late 1940s by the mathematician Claude Shannon. In his seminal book with Warren Weaver from 1949, A Mathematical Theory of Communication, Shannon had defined information in terms of the physical concept of negative entropy.61 His information theory appealed to scientists in a wide variety of disciplines, and for a time it appeared as if information might serve as a broadly unifying concept in the sciences.62 But despite its intellectual appeal, Shannon’s mathematical definition of information was never widely applicable outside of communications engineering.
Michael Mahoney, “Software as Science–Science as Software,” in Mapping the History of Computing: Software Issues, ed. Ulf Hashagen, Reinhard Keil-Slawik, and Arthur Norberg (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2002), 25–48. 60. ACM Curriculum Committee, “An Undergraduate Program in Computer Science.” 61. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, A Mathematical Theory of Communication (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1949). 62. Lily Kay, “Who Wrote the Book of Life? Information and the Transformation of Molecular Biology,” Science in Context 8 (1995): 609–634; Ronald Kline, “Cybernetics, Management Science, and Technology Policy: The Emergence of ‘Information Technology’ as a Keyword, 1948–1985,” Technology and Culture 47, no. 3 (2006): 513–535. 63.
Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better
Clive Thompson
Published 11 Sep 2013
He’d have nothing to study from. He wanted to split the difference—to have a computer that was so integrated into his body and his field of vision that he could keep looking at the lecturer while he typed. Starner knew about similar prototypes. The first wearable was cocreated in 1960 by Claude Shannon, the founder of information theory, for a purpose both whimsical and mathematically ambitious: He wanted to beat the Las Vegas roulette wheels. Using sensors built into his shoes, Shannon would “type” information about how the wheel had been spun, and a circuit in his pocket would send beeps to an earpiece telling him how to bet.
Perlow describes similarly positive effects in Sleeping with Your Smartphone (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2012), in documenting how a group of consultants with the Boston Consulting Group agreed to stay off their devices for a set number of hours per day, which they called predictable time off, and which in saner times was referred to as evenings and weekends. “an overarching ability to watch and understand your own mind”: Maggie Jackson and Bill McKibben, Distracted: The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2008), Kindle edition. The first wearable was cocreated in 1960 by Claude Shannon: Edward O. Thorp, “The Invention of the First Wearable Computer,” Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers (1998): 4–8, accessed March 23, 2013, graphics.cs.columbia.edu/courses/mobwear/resources/thorp-iswc98.pdf. Critics have already noted how unsettling it might feel: Mark Hurst, “The Google Glass Feature No One Is Talking About,” Creative Good (blog), February 28, 2013, accessed March 24, 2013, creativegood.com/blog/the-google-glass-feature-no-one-is-talking-about/; Adrian Chen, “If You Wear Google’s New Glasses You Are an Asshole,” Gawker, March 3, 2013, accessed March 24, 2013, http://gawker.com/5990395.
Machines of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots
John Markoff
Published 24 Aug 2015
He found that another graduate student was a double agent in their games, plotting with McCarthy against Nash while at the same time plotting with Nash against McCarthy. Game theory was in fashion at the time and Nash later received his Nobel Prize in economics for contributions to that field. During the summer of 1952 both McCarthy and Minsky were hired as research assistants by mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon at Bell Labs. Shannon, known as the father of “information theory,” had created a simple chess-playing machine in 1950, and there was early interest in biological-growth simulating programs known as “automata,” of which John Conway’s 1970 Game of Life would become the most famous. Minsky was largely distracted by his impending wedding, but McCarthy made the most of his time at Bell Labs, working with Shannon on a collection of mathematical papers that was named at Shannon’s insistence Automata Studies.11 Using the word “automata” was a source of frustration for McCarthy because it shifted the focus of the submitted papers away from the more concrete artificial intelligence ideas and toward more esoteric mathematics.
For Weizenbaum, computing systems risked fundamentally diminishing the human experience. In very much the same vein that Marxist philosopher Herbert Marcuse attacked advanced industrial society, he was concerned that the approaching Information Age might bring about a “One-Dimensional Man.” In the wake of the creation of Eliza, a group of MIT scientists, including information theory pioneer Claude Shannon, met in Concord, Massachusetts, to discuss the social implications of the phenomenon.8 The seductive quality of the interactions with Eliza concerned Weizenbaum, who believed that an obsessive reliance on technology was indicative of a moral failing in society, an observation rooted in his experiences as a child growing up in Nazi Germany.
The Long History of the Future: Why Tomorrow's Technology Still Isn't Here
Nicole Kobie
Published 3 Jul 2024
Celebrated thinker and MIT academic Norbert Wiener argued that there were parallels between the workings of machines and animals, and that intelligence was the outcome of processing information, founding the field of cybernetics, the science of automatic control systems and the study of feedback as maths, whether these are biologically embodied or not. Claude Shannon, considered the ‘father of information theory’, also successfully programmed a computer to play chess, and later came up with a theory of how that system could teach itself how to play better, the latter of which he couldn’t yet build because he didn’t have access to a computer at the time. Indeed, all of these achievements happened when you wouldn’t need all your fingers to count how many computers were in the world.
‘On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?’ FAccT ’21: Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, March 2021, pp. 610–623. https://doi.org/10.1145/3442188.3445922 Bernhardt, Chris. Turing’s Vision: The Birth of Computer Science. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press, 2016. Brooks, Rodney. ‘How Claude Shannon Helped Kick-start Machine Learning.’ IEEE Spectrum, January 25, 2022. https://biturl.top/Qfauea Brooks, Rodney. ‘Intelligence Without Representation.’ Artificial Intelligence, volume 47, issues 1–3, January 1991, pp. 139–159. https://doi.org/10.1016/0004-3702(91)90053-M Bubeck, Sebastien; Chandrasekaran, Varun; Eldan, Ronen; et al.
Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand
John Markoff
Published 22 Mar 2022
Negroponte’s Architecture Machine Group, an early effort at an advanced computer system to prototype human-computer interaction, was also a descendent of the RLE. The Media Lab’s intellectual tradition was reminiscent of what Brand had first come in contact with as a college student when he encountered cybernetics through Wiener and Warren McCulloch and information theory from the writings of Claude Shannon and Robert Fano. At MIT, visitor and host discussed the idea of coauthoring a book, but Brand had already learned enough about Negroponte, who had a large ego and a forceful personality, to realize that would be problematic. Instead, he negotiated a contract that gave him access to the Media Lab and in return agreed to pay special attention to Negroponte’s research.
A little more than a decade later Brand would also become close to Bateson, and a conversation between them, titled “Both Sides of the Necessary Paradox,” appeared first in Harper’s Magazine before being reprinted in Brand’s first book, II Cybernetic Frontiers, along with his Rolling Stone article about computer hacker culture. Years later, Brand would return to the thinking of several others he encountered during this time, among them cyberneticist Warren McCulloch, and the MIT engineers Claude Shannon and Robert Fano, who pioneered theories regarding the measurement and transmission of information. For the moment, however, he was just another freelancer without takers. * * * He had fallen in love with the idea of becoming a biologist when he read Cannery Row and its portrayal of Ed Ricketts.
Spencer, 216 Brown, Jerry, 98, 225–27, 230, 231, 348 Brussell, Mae, 215 Burning Man festival, 109, 328 Burrows, George Lord (great-grandfather), 8–9 Burrows, Lorenzo (great-great-grandfather), 7 Butler, Katy, 247–48 butterfly effect, 361 C Caffe Trieste, 48, 74 California, University of, at Berkeley, 25, 135, 302 California Museum of Science and Industry, 91 California Water Atlas, 227 Callahan, Michael, 94, 106–7, 137 Calthorpe, Peter, 129, 246, 256, 302, 305, 306, 307, 318, 341 Cannery Row (Steinbeck), 18, 46, 243 Cape Breton Island, Canada, Jennings and SB’s home on, 199–200, 207–9, 218, 234–35 Capra, Frank, 28 Capra, Fritjof, 295, 297 Carlston, Doug, 271, 325, 328–29 Carroll, Jon, 357 Cassady, Neal, 69, 126, 131–32, 143 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 45–46, 208 Chappell, Walter, 116, 119 Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 282 Chicago 8, trial of, 177, 188 Chippewas, 7 choice, freedom of, 42–43 Church, George, 360 Churchill, Winston, 291 CIA, 202, 298 City Lights Books, 37, 50, 74 Clear Creek, 205 climate change, 338–39 SB and, 4, 338, 339, 342, 347, 348–50, 357, 361 Schwartz and, 338–40, 342 Clock Library, 314, 325, 326, 327–28, 329, 362 Coate, John, 309 coevolution, 46, 217, 219, 222, 223, 232 CoEvolution Quarterly, 6, 85, 175, 208, 221–22, 227, 229, 230, 236, 240–41, 251, 254, 255–56, 257, 289 Black Panther–edited issues of, 229 Butler’s article on Baker scandal in, 247–48 demise of, 261 Gaia hypothesis story in, 230, 349 Kelly’s cover article in, 254 Kleiner’s cyberspace article in, 240 as money-losing venture, 233, 240 O’Neill’s space colonies story in, 231–32 provocative viewpoint of, 228–29 SB’s idiosyncratic editorial style at, 229, 249 SB’s separation from, 271 Schweickart’s “No Frames, No Boundaries” reprinted in, 225 Co-Existence Bagel Shop, 37, 48, 74 Collyns, Napier, 277, 295 Commoner, Barry, 206 commune movement, 139–40, 154, 177 communications technology, 133, 241, 282, 290, 298 Community Memory, 265 complex systems, learning by, 274, 277, 279–80, 284, 289 computer conferencing, 151, 240, 251–52, 263, 264, 265, 266 computer networks, see cyberspace; internet computers, computing: counterculture and, 185–86 Engelbart’s “bootstrapping” vision of, 151, 153 hobbyists in, 147, 158, 196, 198, 213, 230, 266–67 personal, see personal computers predicted exponential increase in powers of, 152–53 SB’s growing interest in, 145–46, 168, 266, 280 conservationism, of SB, 4, 340 Contact Is the Only Love (Stern), 93, 136 counterculture, 2, 10, 71, 75, 143, 146, 176, 177–78, 202, 216, 228 computing community and, 185–86 demise of, 181, 241 political-psychedelic divide in, 145, 152 SB’s negative reassessment of, 297 Trips Festival as catalyst for, 127–28, 130 Whole Earth Catalog in, 173–74 Counterculture Green (Kirk), 135 Coyote, Peter, 127, 225, 226, 287–88, 297, 358, 361 Creative Initiative Foundation, 41 Creative Philanthropy seminar, SB’s organizing of, 250 creativity, LSD and, 72, 76–77 Crooks family, 65–66 Crosby, David, 189–90 Crumb, R., 215, 228 Curwen, Darcy, 22, 23 cybernetics, 2, 4, 169, 208, 213, 216–17, 226, 273 Cybernetics (Wiener), 169, 226 cyberspace, 54, 84, 212, 240, 254–55, 258, 261, 279, 298–99 anonymity and pseudonymity in, 266 dangers of, 293, 315 dystopian aspects of, 308, 310–11 gold rush mentality and, 293, 323 impact of, 295–96 SB and, 4, 251–52, 282, 293 see also internet D Dalton, Richard, 261 Daumal, René, 186 Deadheads, 265–66 Defense Department, US, 315, 338 de Geus, Arie, 274, 285, 289 Delattre, Pierre, 47, 74 deserts, SB’s attraction to, 108–10, 114 Desert Solitaire (Abbey), 181 desktop publishing, 164–65 Detroit Free Press, 10, 172–73 Dick Cavett Show, SB’s appearance on, 192 Diehl, Digby, 200 Diggers, 206 Direct Medical Knowledge, 326, 333, 342 DiRuscio, Jim, 324–25 Divine Right’s Trip (Norman), 193, 223 DNA Direct, 343 Dome Cookbook (Baer), 162, 180 Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 28 dot-com bubble, 296, 326, 333–34, 348 Doubleday, 253, 256, 257 Drop City (commune), 154, 162 “Drugs and the Arts” panel (SUNY Buffalo), 177 Duffy, Frank, 319 Durkee, Aurora, 180 Durkee, Barbara and Stephen, 61, 105, 119–20, 137, 139, 162, 177, 179, 180, 186, 229 Garnerville studio of, 60, 66, 69, 105, 106–7 SB’s friendship with, 51–52, 59–60, 66, 67, 133 in USCO, 106–7 Dvorak, John, 259, 260 Dymax, 147–48 Dynabook, 212 Dyson, Esther, 315, 325 E Eames, Charles, 44–45, 96, 113 Earth, viewed from space: SB’s campaign for photograph of, 134–35, 164 SB’s revelatory vision of, 1, 6, 362 Earth Day (1970), 182, 190, 364 Edson, Joanna, 75–76 Edson, John, 14, 18–20, 38–39, 75 education: intersection of technology and, 144, 145 see also alternative education movement; learning, act of Education Automation (Fuller), 169 Education Innovations Faire, 149 Ehrlich, Paul, 46, 177, 341, 360–61, 364 SB as influenced by, 28, 45, 47, 187, 188, 206, 222–23 EIES (Electronic Information Exchange System), 240, 251–52, 264, 266 Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The (Wolfe), 5, 88, 111, 121, 125, 170, 181 “Electric Kool-Aid Management Consultant, The” (Fortune profile of SB), 297 Electronic Frontier Foundation, 325 endangered species, 2, 360–61 Engelbart, Douglas, 83, 138, 146, 151–53, 158, 186–87, 230, 292, 361 “Mother of All Demos” by, 171–72 oNLine System of, 151, 156, 197, 212 SB influenced by, 150, 153, 185, 364 English, Bill, 160, 171, 185, 203, 211 English, Roberta, 160 Eno, Brian, 305, 306, 314, 319, 320, 325, 327, 336, 342, 353, 354 “Environmental Heresies” (Brand), 341–42 environmental movement, 2, 71, 159, 204 activist approach to, 181–82, 187, 188, 201–2, 297, 347 conservation vs. preservation in, 340 SB’s break with, 246, 336, 341, 347 SB’s role in, 4, 9–10, 180, 181–82, 201, 202, 204–7, 284, 347 Esalen Institute, 71–72, 84, 138, 176, 185 Esquire, 88, 146, 183, 247, 250 Essential Whole Earth Catalog, 286 Evans, Dave, 146, 156, 180, 185–87, 212 Exploratorium, 194–98 extinct species, revival of, 359–60 F Fadiman, Jeff, 38, 44, 59, 62–63, 64 Fadiman, Jim, 72–73, 77–78, 80, 84, 89, 97, 98, 101 Fall Joint Computer Conference (San Francisco; 1968), 171–72 Fano, Robert, 46, 273 Fariña, Mimi, 141, 237 Farm (commune), 257 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, 50, 71 Field, Eric, 44, 53 Fillmore Auditorium (San Francisco), 125–26, 128, 130 filter bubbles, 279, 308 Fluegelman, Andrew, 220, 221–22, 269 Foer, Franklin, 5 Foreign Policy, 356 Fort Benning, SB at, 53–58 Fort Dix, SB at, 58–63, 64, 65–68 Fortune, 297, 339 “Four Changes” (Snyder), 187 Francis, Sharon, 105, 112 Frank, Delbert, 86–87 Frank, Robert, 179, 188, 199–200, 218 Fraunhofer, Joseph Ritter von, 108 Free Speech Movement, 135, 175 From Bauhaus to Our House (Wolfe), 304–5 “Fruits of a Scholar’s Paradise” (Brand; unpublished), 45–46, 208 Fukushima nuclear disaster, 355–58 Fuller, Buckminster, 134, 147, 162, 169, 175, 176, 217 SB influenced by, 132, 138, 146, 150, 168–69, 222, 243–44, 363–64 Fulton, Katherine, 318 futurists, 262, 273 SB as, 258–59, 280, 323 G Gaia hypothesis, 230, 349 games, SB’s interest in, 84, 120, 129–30, 149, 210, 211, 217, 219–21, 236–37 Gandhi, Mohandas K., 53 Garcia, Jerry, 128, 158 Garnerville, N.Y., Durkee/USCO studio at, 60, 66, 69, 105, 106–7, 136, 154 Gaskin, Stephen, 257 Gause, Gregory, 46 GBN, see Global Business Network genetic engineering, 341, 344, 360–61 geodesic domes, 176, 217 Georgia-Pacific, 9, 29 Gerbode Valley, Calif., 219–21, 236–37 Getty Museum, 329 Gibbons, Euell, 138 Gibson, William, 262, 294, 315 Gilman, Nils, 297–98 Gilmore, John, 325, 352 Ginsberg, Allen, 33–34, 50, 69, 77, 94, 177, 237 Global Business Network (GBN), 291, 295–300, 311, 313, 335, 340 Brand and Schwartz as co-founders of, 291–92 climate change scenario of, 338–39 SB consulting position at, 296, 298, 305, 314, 315–16, 323–24, 343, 354 globalization, 295–96, 346 global warming, see climate change GMO foods, 2, 344, 347, 357 Godwin, Mike, 308 Golden Gate National Recreation Area, 237, 360 Gone (Kirkland), 359 Gottlieb, Lou, 140 government, SB’s evolving view of, 166, 227, 348 Graham, Bill, 124, 125, 128, 130–31, 143 Grand Canyon, SB’s visit to, 19–20 Grateful Dead, 24, 123, 125, 126, 130, 131, 141, 158, 160, 189, 265–66 Great Basin National Park, 329–30 “Great Bus Race, The,” SB at, 181 Gregorian, Vartan, 27 Griffin, Susan, 295, 297 Griffith, Saul, 349–50 Gross, Cathleen, 286, 289 Grossman, Henry, 63 H hackers, hacker culture, 25, 84, 147–48, 150, 261, 267, 268–69, 273, 293, 294 SB’s Rolling Stone article on, 46, 211–13, 217, 250 Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution (Levy), 266–67, 268, 270 Hackers Conference, 266–70, 326 Haight-Ashbury (San Francisco neighborhood), 74, 75, 128 Halpern, Sue, 241–42 Harman, Willis, 41, 42, 72, 73, 77, 273 Harner, Michael, 101, 118, 129 Harper’s Magazine, 46, 213, 228 SB’s Bateson profile in, 216–17 Whole Earth Epilog proposal of, 218, 219, 222 Harris, David, 149, 162, 299 Harvey, Brian, 268–69 Hawken, Paul, 247–48, 250, 281, 286, 290, 299, 332, 333, 334 Hayden Planetarium, 91, 92, 105 Hayes, Denis, 351 Healy, Mary Jean, 205, 206, 207 Heard, Gerald, 41–42, 84 Hells Angels, 120 Herbert, Anne, 230–31, 241, 255 Hershey, Hal, 183 Hertsgaard, Mark, 357 Hertzfeld, Andy, 267 Hewlett, William, 156 Hewlett-Packard, 147 Hickel, Walter, 206 Higgins Lake, Mich., Brand family camp at, 7, 8, 9, 10–11, 21, 30, 209, 289–90, 326, 327 Hillis, Danny, 289, 301, 305, 315, 336 Long Now Clock and, 313–14, 316–17, 325–26, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 362, 363 Thinking Machines founded by, 279–80, 288 Hippies, Indians, and the Fight for Red Power (Smith), 118 Hoagland, Edward, 201 Hoffer, Eric, 32 Hoffman, Abbie, 177–78, 214, 299 Hog Farm commune, 159, 181, 186, 188, 202, 205, 206, 220 Homebrew Computer Club, 147, 158, 198, 230, 266–67 Homo Ludens (Huizinga), 220 Hopcroft, David, 275 Hopi Indians, 100, 139, 205 Horvitz, Robert, 6 House Committee on Education and Labor, SB at hearing of, 190–91 Household Earth, see Life Forum How Buildings Learn (SB’s UC Berkeley seminar), 302 How Buildings Learn (BBC documentary), 320 How Buildings Learn (Brand), 291, 300–301, 304–7, 310, 312, 317–19, 323, 324, 331 How to Be Rich Well (SB book proposal), 344–46 Hubbard, Al, 42, 77, 273 Huerfano Valley, Colo., 139–40 Huizinga, Johan, 220 human potential movement, 71, 73, 84 humans: freedom of choice of, 42–43 as morally responsible for care of natural world, 42, 347, 349, 360, 361 SB’s speculations about fate of, 38–39 Human Use of Human Beings, The (Wiener), 160 Hunger Show (Life-Raft Earth), 187–88, 189, 203, 263 Huxley, Aldous, 28, 33, 41, 72, 144, 226 hypertext, concept of, 172, 230, 292, 293 I IBM, 91, 92, 96, 108, 211 I Ching, 89–90, 117, 153, 197, 253 Idaho, University of, 21 identity, fake, cyberspace and, 266 II Cybernetic Frontiers (Brand), 46, 213, 217, 221 Iktomi (Ivan Drift), 96–97 Illich, Ivan, 196 Independent, 353 information, personalization of, 279 information sharing, 180 information technology, 299–300, 315 information theory, 273 “Information wants to be free,” 270, 299, 301 information warfare, 315 In Our Time (Hemingway), 11 Institute for International Relations (IIR), 27, 34, 35, 37 Institute for the Future, 315 intelligence augmentation (IA), 83, 185, 187 International Federation of Internal Freedom, 89 International Foundation for Advanced Study, LSD experiments at, 42, 72, 73, 76–82, 273 internet, 146, 151, 279, 293, 314, 316, 326 ARPANET as forerunner of, 212 impact of, 295–96, 323 libertarianism and, 5, 348 see also cyberspace Internet Archive, 330, 332 Internet of Things, 279 Interval Research Corporation, 321–23 “Is Environmentalism Dead?”
The Golden Ticket: P, NP, and the Search for the Impossible
Lance Fortnow
Published 30 Mar 2013
We can actually express computation as a series of AND, OR, and NOT operations. Some problems need only a small “circuit” of ANDs, ORs, and NOTs and others require huge circuits to compute. Sergey Yablonsky in the early 1950s investigated this notion of what we now call circuit complexity. Claude Shannon, an American who founded the field of information theory, showed that some logical functions require very high circuit complexity. Yablonsky looked at the difficulty of generating such functions. This sounds like a difficult task, but actually a strong version of P ≠ NP would mean that some simple-to-state search problems do not have small circuits that compute them.
Computer-to-computer networks would become commonplace, and efficient and low-cost methods to secure communication over these networks would be needed. Talking about the development of the P versus NP problem earlier that decade, Diffie and Hellman stated, “At the same time, theoretical developments in information theory and computer science show promise of providing probably secure cryptosystems, changing this ancient art into a science.” Before Diffie and Hellman, to decrypt a secret message you needed the same key as the one used to encrypt the message. Both parties would have to meet in advance to agree on a secret key.
Zero-Knowledge Sudoku examples are taken from an August 3, 2006, post on my blog, Computational Complexity (http://blog.computationalcomplexity.org/2006/08/zero-knowledge-sudoku.html). Works Cited Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman, “New Directions in Cryptography,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 22, no. 6 (November 1976): 644–54. Craig Gentry, “Fully Homomorphic Encryption Using Ideal Lattices,” in Proceedings of the 41st Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (New York: ACM, 1979), 169–78. Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, “A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems,” Communications of the ACM 21, no. 2 (February 1978): 120–26.
The Outsiders: Eight Unconventional CEOs and Their Radically Rational Blueprint for Success
William Thorndike
Published 14 Sep 2012
It was an exceptionally talented group, however, and each member had a significant economic interest in the company. In addition to Singleton, Roberts, and Kozmetzky (who retired from Teledyne in 1966 to run the business school at the University of Texas), board members included Claude Shannon, Singleton’s MIT classmate and the father of information theory; Arthur Rock, the legendary venture capitalist; and Fayez Sarofim, the billionaire Houston-based fund manager. This group collectively owned almost 40 percent of the company’s stock by the end of the period. . . . Even in a book filled with CEOs who were aggressive in buying back stock, Singleton is in a league of his own.
The Internet of Us: Knowing More and Understanding Less in the Age of Big Data
Michael P. Lynch
Published 21 Mar 2016
But it is also true that in other respects we know less, that the walls of our digital life make real objective knowledge harder to come by, and that the Internet has promoted a more passive, more deferential way of knowing.13 Like our imaginary neuromedians, we are in danger of depending too much on one way of accessing the world and letting our other senses dull. Socrates on the Way to Larissa Data is not the same thing as information. As the founding father of information theory, Claude Shannon, put it back in the 1940s, data signals are noisy, and if you want to filter out what’s meaningful from those signals, you have to filter out at least some of that noise. For Shannon the noise was literal. His groundbreaking work concerned how to extract discernible information from the signals sent across telephone lines.14 But the moral is entirely general: bits of code aren’t themselves information; information is what we extract from those bits.
S., 159–60 Bush, George W., advisor to, 86 calculators, 153 Caldarelli, Guido, 112 cameras, 89, 94 security, 91, 97 Cancer Ward (Solzhenitsyn), 185 capitalism, changes in, 140–41, 144 Cartesian coordinates, 175 Cartesian foundationalism, 126–29, 131 Catanzaro, Michele, 112 Cavell, Stanley, 10 CCTV, 91 CD-ROMs, 8 censorship, 42, 65, 66, 134, 144 self-, 97 Chabris, Christopher, 30 Chalmers, David, 115 chat rooms, 118 chess, 165 children: and hands-on experience, 174 understanding in, 177 China: iPhone production in, 77–78, 139 oppressive government policies of, 81 truth deleted from Internet in, 65, 66 Chuck, 167–68, 173 Church, power held by, 133–34 CIA, 100 data searched by, 99 Clark, Andy, 115 climate change, 56, 100, 124, 144, 185, 198 cloud: data storage on, 23 data trail on, 9 in information sharing, 4–5 coherentism, 130 see also fabric metaphor, for structure of beliefs Collaborative Commons, 140–41 educational model of, 151–52 as first world resource, 144 collective responsibility, 118–19 College Humor (website), 24 common point of view, 48 communication: isolation and, 41–42 neuromedia and, 113–14 of standards, 39–40 computers, xvii brains and, 19 games, 19–20, 191 reality simulated in, see SIMs self-awareness in, 116, 193 Concept of Mind, The (Ryle), 168 conclusions, jumping to, 29–30, 58 Condorcet Jury Theorum, 120–21 confirmation bias, 54–55, 56 defined, 51–52 Congress, U.S., NSA vs., 99 consequences, 172 conservatives, 43 context, in data analysis, 161 continuum hypothesis, defined, 197 “cookies,” tracking by, 90 Copernicus, Nicolaus, 34 corporate responsibility, 118 corporations, as “people,” 200 correlation analyses, 158–59 Coursera, 150 cover-ups, 83 creationism, 49 creativity: “impossible” aspect of, 176, 177 knowledge and, xvii, 6, 180 as personally relative, 176–77, 181–82 in reaching understanding, 15–16, 174–77, 181, 183 value and importance of, 183 credibility, 40, 46, 50, 119–20 and human rights, 147 criminal justice system, identification techniques in, 93–95 critical thinking: democratic institutional support for, 61–62 importance of, 125 knowledge through, 33–34 crowdsourcing, 136–37, 141–42 Cukier, Kenneth, 8, 158–59 culture: form of life as, 10, 17–18 video map of, 161–62 cyborging, 5–6, 191–92 Daedalus, 13 D’Agata, John, 79–80 Daily Kos, 43 Daisey, Mike, 77–80, 82 data, information vs., 12, 14 data analysis, data analytics, 9, 90, 91, 155–63 data maps, 160 data mining, 90–91 abuses of, 95–107 commercial use of, 97, 105–6 control and, 96 incidental collection in, 95–96, 99, 199 intention in, 96–98, 100 data storage, 91, 95–96, 99–100, 108 data trails, 9, 185 dating sites, 157 deception: justified, and relation to autonomy, 83 truth and, 75–83 decision making: autonomy in, 102–7 overruling in, 102 undermining in, 102–3 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, responsibility for, 118 dehumanization, 105 democratization: capitalism vs., 141–42 Internet as force for, 11, 49, 55–63, 125, 133–38, 148 of public policy, 121 Dennett, Daniel, 74 dependency relationships, in understanding, 165–67, 177, 182 dephysicalized objects, defined, 69 Descartes, René, 19–20, 34, 39, 126–27, 129, 162, 174–76, 177 Dewey, John, 151 Dianetics, 61 Dick, Philip K., 75 dictionaries, 21–22 digital form of life, xviii, 3–20 as abstract and depersonalized, 41–50 caveats about, 184–88 as a construction, 70–74, 83–86, 187 defined, 10 limitations of, 16 understanding in, 153–78 see also Internet of Us digital groups, 118–19 digital knowledge: caveats about, 184–88 dependence on, xvi–xviii, 5, 12, 21–26, 31, 36, 179 distribution of, 113 education and, 148–54 full and equal participation in, 146 as interconnective, 184–88 international access rates for, 135, 144–45 massive proliferation of, 8, 11–12, 32, 56, 128 network of, 111–32 as power, 9, 98–99, 186 ready accessibility of, 3–4, 23, 30, 42, 56, 113–16, 135–36, 141, 149, 153, 180 speed of, 23, 29–30, 42, 135 using alternative sources to, 21–23 see also Google-knowing dinosaurs, 66 discursive knowledge, 169 “divided line” graph of knowledge, 126 DNA identification techniques, 93–94 Dreyfus, Hubert, 168, 171 drugs: abilities changed by, 173 SIM life compared to, 77 Duke University, 152 earthquakes, emotional epicenters of, 160–61 eavesdropping, 101 Ebola, 16 economy, 111, 162 as digitally dependent, 7–8, 9 free-market, 145 full and equal participation in, 146 globalization of, 139, 142 of knowledge, 138–45 manufacturing in, 138–39 prediction markets in, 122–23 education: cheapening of, 152–53 crisis in, 149–50 as epistemic resource, 143, 145 information technology and, 148–54 old model of, 151–52 U.S. hegemony in, 149 education bubble, 149, 152 education systems, 35–36 edX, 150 Einstein, Albert, 175, 177 elections, 120–23 emails, 81 emotion, reasoning vs., 51–55 “End of Theory, The: The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete” (Anderson), 156–57 Enlightenment, 33–34, 58–59 environment: interacting with, 174 receptive tracking of, 27–30, 131 “environmental luck,” 203 epilepsy, 168 epistêmê, 14, 170, 172 epistemic economy, 147–48 epistemic equality, 138–48, 150, 187 epistemic inclusivity, 135–36 epistemic inequality, 142–48, 201 epistemic injustice, 146–48, 201 epistemic principles, 14, 47, 50, 55, 57, 60 as democratic, 62, 135–36 epistemic resources, 143–45 epistemic trust, 195 epistemology, defined, see epistemic principles Epistemology and Cognition (Goldman), 194 Essay concerning Human Understanding, An (Locke), 35 ethical values: changes in, 53–54 democratic, 58 and fragmentation, 44 technology and, xvii, 6, 89–90 “eureka” moment, 176, 177 Eurocentrism, 162 Euthyphro (Plato), 165–66, 172 evangelicals, 47–49 evidence, in change of belief, 54–55 expectations: in changing of social constructs, 72–73 conclusions colored by, 29–30, 160 theoretical, 159 of truth, 79–80 experience: as foundation for knowledge, 127, 131 in hands-on movements, 173–74 illusion and reality in, 18–19 procedural knowledge in, 172–73 understanding through, 16, 173–74 experts, expertise: knowledge based on, 15, 35–38, 120, 139–40 outsourcing of, 141–42 in predicting, 122–23 in problem solving, 137 understanding and, 170–71 explanation, 165–67, 182 extended mind hypothesis, 115 fabric metaphor, for structure of beliefs, 129 Facebook, xvii, 8, 24, 43, 72, 124 hegemony of, 146 as simulacrum, 16 tracking by, 105 fact-checking, 46–47, 56, 85, 130 falsehoods, 77–83 “fast thinking” processes, 29–30 FBI, data searched by, 99 fiction, 79–80 fingerprints, 93 FISA, see Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act fishbowls, digital life compared to, 91 Fishburne, Laurence, 18–19 Flanagan, Owen, 73–74 Floridi, Luciano, 10, 69–71 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA; 1978), 88 court of, 99, 109 form of life: defined, 10 philosophy in, 17–18 Forms (Platonic), 126 foundationalism, Cartesian, 126–29, 131 Fox News, 43 fragmentation: of reason, 148 threat of, 4, 41–63 Freebase, 151 freedom of choice, autonomy of decision vs., 102 French Revolution, 58 Freud, Sigmund, 184 Fricker, Miranda, 146–48, 201 Galileo, 34, 68 Galton, Francis, 120 games, gaming, 20, 191 gatekeeping, 128, 134, 146 gender, 162 in marriage, 53–54, 72 in problem solving, 137 Georgetown University, 77–78 Gilbert, Margaret, 117–19, 200 Glass, Ira, 78 Glaucon, 54 Glauconian reasoning, 54–55, 56–58 global economy, 139, 142, 152 global warming, 56, 100, 124, 144, 185, 198 Goldberg, Sandy, 115 Goldman, Alvin, 194 Google, 5, 23, 30, 113, 128, 130, 135, 163, 174, 182, 203 business model of, 9 data collection and tracking by, 90, 155–56, 158, 161 as hypothetical “guy,” 24 monopolization by, 145–46 propaganda disseminated on, 66 in reinforcement of one’s own beliefs, 56 Google Complete, 155 Google Flu Trends, 158, 183 Google Glass, 149, 186 Google-knowing, xvi, 21–40, 25 defined, 23 limitations of, 174, 180 reliance on, 6–7, 23, 25–26, 30–31, 36, 113, 116, 153, 163, 179–80 Google Maps, 116 Google Street View, 23 Gordon, Lewis, 148 gorilla suit experiment, 30 government: autonomy limited by, 109 closed politics of, 144–45 data mining and analysis used by, 9, 90–91, 93, 104, 107 online manipulation used by, 81 purpose of, 38 transparency of, 137–38 Greece, classical philosophy of, 13, 47, 166–67, 171–72 Grimm, Stephen, 164 Guardian, 81 Gulf of Mexico, oil spill in, 118 H1N1 flu outbreak, tracking of, 158 Haidt, Jonathan, 51–54, 56, 57, 60, 196–97 Halpern, Sue, 106 Harvard Law Review, 89 Hazlett, Allan, 49 HBO GO, 145 Heidegger, Martin, 177 Hemingway, Mark, 46 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), 61 Hippocrates, 13 hive-mind, 4, 136 HM (patient), 168–69 Hobbes, Thomas, 38, 109 holiness, logical debate over, 166–67 homosexuality, changing attitudes toward, 53–54 Houla massacre, 83 Howe, Jeff, 136 Huffington Post, 43 human dignity: autonomy and, 58, 59–60 information technology as threat to, 187 interconnectedness and, 184–88 privacy and, 101–9 human rights, 54, 60 digital equality as, 142–48 protection of, 145 Hume, David, 48 hyperconnectivity, 184–88 identity: digital reshaping of, 73–74 manufactured online, 80–81 “scrubbing” of, 74 illegal searches, 93 illusion, distinguishing truth from, 67–74 incidental data collection, 95–96, 99 inclusivity, 135–37 income inequality, 142 inference, 29, 60, 172 information: accuracy and reliability of, 14, 27–30, 39–40, 44–45 collected pools of, 95–100, 107–9 distribution vs. creation of, 24 immediate, unlimited access to, 3–4, 23, 30, 42, 56, 113–16, 135–36, 141, 149, 153, 180 as interconnective, 184–88 vs. knowledge, 14 sorting and filtering of, 12, 26–29, 44–45, 127–28 information age, 111 information analysis, techniques of, 8–9 information cascades, 36, 66, 121 defined, 32 information coordination problem, 38–39, 56 information “glut,” 9–10, 44 information privacy, 94–100 and autonomy, 102–7 information sharing, coordination in, 4–5 information technology: costs of, 145 data trail in, 9 democratization through, 133–38, 148 devices and platforms of, xvii–xviii, 3, 7–8, 10, 41–43, 69, 70, 77–78, 90–91, 106–7, 144, 148–49, 156, 180, 185–87 disquieting questions about, 6 in education, 148–54 experience vs., 173–74 hypothetical loss of, 5 paradox of, 6, 12, 179 pool of data in, 95–100 surveillance and, 89–109 typified and dephysicalized objects in, 69 unequal distribution of, 144–45 see also Internet of Things information theory, 12 infosphere: defined, 10 feedback loop of social constructs in, 72–73 network of, 180 pollution of, 148 vastness of, 128 InnoCentive, 136–37, 141 institutions, cooperative, 60–61 intellectual labor, 139–40 International Telecommunications Union, 135 Internet: author’s experiment in circumventing, 21–24, 25, 35 in challenges to reasonableness, 41–63 changes wrought by, xv–xviii, 6–7, 10–11, 23, 180, 184–88 as a construction, 69 cost and profit debate over, 145 as epistemic resource, 143–45 expectations of, 80–83 as force for cohesion and democracy, 55–63 freedom both limited and enhanced by, 92–93 international rates of access to, 135, 144–45 monopolization and hegemony in, 145–46 as network, 111–13 “third wave” of, 7 see also World Wide Web; specific applications Internet of Everything, 184 Internet of Things: blurring of online and offline in, 71 defined, 7–8 integration of, 10 shared economy in, 140–41 threat from, 107, 153, 184–88 Internet of Us, digital form of life as, 10, 39, 73, 83–86, 106, 179–88 interracial marriage, 54 interrogation techniques, 105 In the Plex (Levy), 5–6 Intrade, 122–23, 136 intuition, 15, 51–53 iPhone, production of, 77–78, 80, 139, 144 IQ, 52 Iraq, 83 Iraq War, 137 ISIS, 128 isolation, polarization and, 42–43 I think, I exist, 127 James, William, 11 Jefferson, Thomas, 143 Jeppesen, Lars Bo, 137 joint commitments, defined, 117–18 journalism, truth and, 84 judgment, 51–55, 57 collective vs. individual, 117, 120–25 justice, 54 “just so” stories, 27–28 Kahneman, Daniel, 29, 51 Kant, Immanuel, 34, 58–60, 62, 85 Kitcher, Philip, 182 knowing-which, as term, 171 knowledge: in big data revolution, 87–190 changing structure of, 125–32 common, 117–19 defined and explained, xvii, 12–17 democratization of, 133–38 digital, see digital knowledge; Google-knowing distribution of, 134–35, 138, 141 diverse forms of, 130 economy of, 138–45 hyperconnectivity of, 184–88 individual vs. aggregate, 120–24 information vs., 14 Internet revolution in, xv–xviii minimal definition of, 14–15 as networked, 111–32 new aspects in old problems of, 1–86, 90 personal observation in, 33–35 political economy of, 133–54 as power, 9, 98–99, 133, 185–86 practical vs. theoretical, 169, 172 procedural, 167–74 recording and storage of, 127–28 reliability of sources of, 14, 27–31, 39–40, 44–45, 114–16 as a resource, 38–39 shared cognitive process in attainment of, 114–25 three forms of, 15–17 three simple points about, 14–17 truth and, 19, 126 understanding vs. other forms of, 6, 16–17, 90, 154, 155–73, 181 value and importance of, 12–13 knowledge-based education, 61 Kodak camera, 89 Koran, 48, 61 Kornblith, Hilary, 194 Krakauer, John, 169 Kuhn, Thomas, 159–60 Lakhani, Karim, 137 Larissa, Greece, 13, 15, 182 Leonhardt, David, 122–23 Levy, Steven, 5–6 liberals, 43 libraries, 22, 134, 153–54 of Alexandria, 8 digital form of life compared to, xvi, 17, 20, 44–45, 56, 63, 128 as epistemic resource, 145 Google treated as, 24 “Library of Babel” (Borges), 17 “Lies, Damned Lies, and ‘Fact-Checking’: The Liberal Media’s Latest Attempt to Control the Discourse” (Hemingway), 46 Lifespan of a Fact, The (D’Agata), 79 literacy, 35, 134 literal artifacts: defined, 69 social artifacts and, 71, 72 lobectomy, 168 Locke, John, 33–36, 39, 60, 67–70, 85, 127, 143 “Locke’s command,” 33–34 London Underground, mapping of, 112–13 machines, control by, 116 “mainstream” media, 32 censorship of, 66 majority rule, 120 manipulation: data mining and, 97, 104–6 of expectations, 80–82 persuasion and, 55, 57–58, 81–83, 86 manuals, 22 manufacturing, 138–39 maps, 21–22 marine chronometer, 137 marketing: bots in, 82 Glauconian, 58 targeted, 9, 90, 91, 105 marriage: changing attitudes toward, 53–54 civil vs. religious, 58–59 as social construct, 72 martial arts, 170 mass, as primary quality, 68 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 150–53 mathematics, in data analysis, 160, 161 Matrix, The, 18–19, 75 Mayer-Schönberger, Viktor, 8, 158–59 measles vaccine, 7, 124 Mechanical Turk, 136, 141 media, 134 diversity in, 42 opinion affected by, 53 sensationalist, 77 memory: accessing of, 114, 115 in educational models, 152 loss of, 168–69 superceded by information technology, xv–xvi, 3, 4, 6, 94, 149 trust in, 28, 33 Meno, 13 merchandising, online vs. brick and mortar, 70 Mercier, Hugo, 54 metrics, 112 Milner, Brenda, 168–69 mirror drawing experiment, 169 misinformation, 6–7, 31–32 in support of moral truth, 78–80, 82 mob mentality, 32–33 MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), 150–53 moral dumbfounding, 52 morality, moral values, xvii, 6, 44, 53–54, 195 “Moses Illusion,” 29–30 motor acuity, mastery of, 170–71, 173 motor skills, 167–74 Murray, Charles J., 147 music, as dephysicalized object, 69–70 Nagel, Thomas, 84 naming, identification by, 94 narrative license, truth and falsehood in, 78–79 National Endowment for the Humanities, 61 National Science Foundation, 61 Nature, 158, 161 Netflix, 69, 145 Net neutrality, defined, 145 netography, 112–13 of knowledge, 125–32 networked age, 111 networks, 111–32 collective knowledge of, 116–25, 180 knowledge reshaped and altered by, 125–32, 133, 140 in problem solving, 136 use of term, 111–12 neural system, 26 neural transplants, 3, 5 Neurath, Otto, 128–29 neuromedia, 3–5, 12, 17–19, 113–14, 132, 149, 168, 180–82, 184 limitations of, 174 as threat to education, 153–54 Newton, Isaac, 175 New Yorker, 25, 26 New York Times, 122, 174 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 111 Nobel laureates, 149 noble lie, 83, 86 nonfiction, 79–80 NPR, 78, 80 NSA: alleged privacy abuses by, 98–100, 138 data mining by, 9, 91, 95–96, 108, 167 proposed limitations on, 109 Ntrepid, 81 nuclear weapons technology, xvii nullius in verba (take nobody’s word for it), 34 Obama, Barack, 7, 100 administration, 109 objectivity, objective truth, 45, 74 as anchor for belief, 131 in constructed world, 83–86 as foundation for knowledge, 127 observation, 49, 60 affected by expectations, 159–60 behavior affected by, 91, 97 “oceanic feeling,” 184 “offlife,” 70 OkCupid, 157 “onlife,” 70 online identity creation, 73–74 online ranking, 119–21, 136 open access research sharing sites, 135–36 open society: closed politics vs., 144–45 values of, 41–43, 62 open source software, 135 Operation Earnest Voice, 81 Operation Ivy, ix opinion: knowledge vs., 13, 14, 126 in online ranking, 119–20 persuasion and, 50–51 truth as constructed by, 85–86 optical illusions, 67 Oracle of Delphi, 16–17, 171 Outcome-Based Education (OBE), 61–62 ownership, changing concept of, 73 ox, experiment on weight of, 120 Oxford, 168 Page, Larry, 5–6 Panopticon, 91, 92, 97 perception: acuity of, 173 distinguishing truth in, 67–74 expectations and, 159–60 misleading, 29–30, 67 as relative, 67–68 perceptual incongruity, 159–60 personal freedom, 101 persuasion, 50–51, 54–55, 56–58 by bots, 82 phone books, 22 phone data collection, 95, 108 photography: privacy and, 89, 93 sexually-explicit, 99 photo-sharing, manipulation in, 82–83 Plato, 13–14, 16–17, 54, 59, 83, 126, 165–67 polarization, 7 herd mentality in, 66 isolated tribes in, 43–46 politics, 162, 196 accessibility in, 23 activism in, 66, 67 bias in, 43–46 closed, 144–45 elections in, 120–23 of knowledge, 133–54 opposition to critical thinking in, 61–62 persuasion in, 57–58, 82–83 power in, 86, 133 prediction market in, 122–23 Politifact, 46 Popper, Karl, 41–43 Postman, L.
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
Stuart Russell
Peter Norvig
Published 14 Jul 2019
The first notable use of decision trees was in EPAM, the “Elementary Perceiver And Memorizer” (Feigenbaum, 1961), which was a simulation of human concept learning. ID3 (Quinlan, 1979) added the crucial idea of choosing the attribute with maximum entropy. The concepts of entropy and information theory were developed by Claude Shannon to aid in the study of communication (Shannon and Weaver, 1949). (Shannon also contributed one of the earliest examples of machine learning, a mechanical mouse named Theseus that learned to navigate through a maze by trial and error.) The χ2 method of tree pruning was described by Quinlan (1986).
He also suggested that it would be easier to create human-level AI by developing learning algorithms and then teaching the machine rather than by programming its intelligence by hand. In subsequent lectures he warned that achieving this goal might not be the best thing for the human race. In 1955, John McCarthy of Dartmouth College convinced Minsky, Claude Shannon, and Nathaniel Rochester to help him bring together U.S. researchers interested in automata theory, neural nets, and the study of intelligence. They organized a two-month workshop at Dartmouth in the summer of 1956. There were 10 attendees in all, including Allen Newell and Herbert Simon from Carnegie Tech,11 Trenchard More from Princeton, Arthur Samuel from IBM, and Ray Solomonoff and Oliver Selfridge from MIT.
In chess, use of transposition tables is very effective, allowing us to double the reachable search depth in the same amount of time. Even with alpha–beta pruning and clever move ordering, minimax won’t work for games like chess and Go, because there are still too many states to explore in the time available. In the very first paper on computer game-playing, Programming a Computer for Playing Chess (Shannon, 1950), Claude Shannon recognized this problem and proposed two strategies: a Type A strategy considers all possible moves to a certain depth in the search tree, and then uses a heuristic evaluation function to estimate the utility of states at that depth. It explores a wide but shallow portion of the tree. A Type B strategy ignores moves that look bad, and follows promising lines “as far as possible.”
How We Got Here: A Slightly Irreverent History of Technology and Markets
Andy Kessler
Published 13 Jun 2005
And that’s how it goes at Bell Labs, you play around with one thing and invent another. But the task of Bell Labs was to improve communications. Even into the 1940s, communications was just two wires with electrical signals representing voices running down them. In 1941, a University of Michigan undergrad and MIT grad, Claude Shannon, joined Bell Labs. As per custom, no one told him what to do. So he started trying to apply mathematics to communications. He wasn’t interested so much in the signals, but in the probability that what one shoved into one end of a channel would come out the other end intact, through all the noise that impairs the signal.
How much information could you transmit? Or how clear could the voice signal be? Through a series of papers starting in 1948 came Shannon’s Law, which calculated the maximum throughput of error-free information through a channel with a certain amount of noise in it. Put another way, Shannon laid the foundation of modern information theory, turned encryption into a science (the fallibility of Enigma-like machines is behind us) and set limits on what wireless networks could be used for. Pretty cool for 1948. Even today, an entrepreneur will occasionally introduce some newfangled communications system or protocol that promises massive throughput and it usually takes 24 hours for someone to punch holes in it for violating Shannon’s Law.
Whiplash: How to Survive Our Faster Future
Joi Ito
Jeff Howe
Published 6 Dec 2016
Although the project remained secret until the 1970s, and all of the records associated with it were destroyed, several of the people who had worked on the project went on to build the next generation of digital computers.31 Much of their work was informed by two papers published by Claude Shannon in the late 1940s, “A Mathematical Theory of Communication”32 and “Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,” 33 which established the field of information theory and proved that any theoretically unbreakable cipher must share the characteristics of the one-time pad. Originally developed in the late nineteenth century, and rediscovered near the end of the First World War, the one-time pad requires that both the sender and the receiver have a key made up of a string of random digits at least the length of the message.
The most obvious example of an emergent system created by humans is the economy, which clearly exhibits attributes that no individual could control. We tend to think of markets as little more than the site at which buyers meet sellers to conduct their business. But as Austrian economist Friedrich Hayek observed in a 1945 paper regarded as one of the foundational texts of information theory, markets do something far more valuable: They gather and utilize knowledge which is “widely dispersed among individuals,” Hayek writes. “Each member of society can have only a small fraction of the knowledge possessed by all, and… each is therefore ignorant of most of the facts on which the working of society rests.”
The irony is that, as with the astrological explanation of the black plague, Sokal’s paper isn’t exactly wrong; it’s just right within a coherent and uselessly recondite system of understanding, like a winning argument in a language spoken only on some remote island. None of this is to dispute the central role theory has played in the effusion of knowledge that occurred over the last century and a half. But theory on its own can be as seductive as it is dangerous. Practice must inform theory just as theory must inform practice; in a world of rapid change, this is more important than ever. In the coming years some scientific discoveries are sure to test some of our most cherished beliefs. We need to make sure we don’t assume the role of the Vatican when confronted by evidence that we’re just another planet revolving around a star.
Social Life of Information
John Seely Brown
Paul Duguid
Published 2 Feb 2000
Sometime around 2012, it has been predicted, Moore's Law will come up against the physical limitations of current microchip components, though by then solid-state components may well have been replaced. 6. Kelly, 1997. 7. Negroponte, 995. John Tukey coined the term bit. It stands for "binary digit." 8. It's worth remembering that formal information theory, while it holds the bit as a central concern, is indifferent to meaning. Claude Shannon, who with Warren Weaver laid the foundations of modern information theory, is quite clear about this: "the semantic aspects of communication are irrelevant to the engineering aspects" (Shannon and Weaver, 1964, p. 8). 9. The pervasive image of the new open frontier only works if we forget the presence on the old frontier of the U.S.
And while it seems quite reasonable to say, "I've got the information, but I don't understand it," it seems less reasonable to say, "I know, but I don't understand," or "I have the knowledge, but I can't see what it means.'' (Indeed, while conventional uses of information don't necessarily coincide with the specialist uses, as we noted earlier, "information theory" holds information to be independent of meaning.)5 Where Is the Knower Lost in the Information? Knowledge's personal attributes suggest that the shift toward knowledge may (or should) represent a shift toward people. Focusing on process, as we argued, draws attention away from people, Page 121 concentrating instead on disembodied processes and the information that drives them.
So, even when people are learning about, in Bruner's terms, the identity they are developing determines what they pay attention to and what they learn. What people learn about, then, is always refracted through who they are and what they are learning to be. 27 So information, while a critical part of learning, is only one among many forces at work. Information theory portrays information as a change registered in an otherwise steady state. It's a light flashing out on a dark hillside (to borrow an example from the philosopher Fred Dretske28) or the splash of a pebble breaking the calm of a still lake. In either case, the result, as the anthropologist Gregory Bateson puts it neatly, is "a difference that makes a difference."29 The importance of disturbance or change makes it almost inevitable that we focus on these.
Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil
Kenneth Cukier
Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Francis de Véricourt
Published 10 May 2021
Ones are on display at the British Science Museum and the University of Cambridge. On Andrew Lo and economics: Andrew W. Lo, Adaptive Markets: Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2017). Reframing the economy: For a fascinating reframing of economics through the lens of Claude Shannon’s information theory, see: George Gilder, Knowledge and Power: The Information Theory of Capitalism and How It Is Revolutionizing our World (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2013). The idea of a “circular economy” is another example, viewing products in terms of a life cycle. On being open-minded and curious: A good resource is David Epstein, Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World (New York: Riverhead, 2019).
Rule of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything
Martin Ford
Published 13 Sep 2021
The goals were both ambitious and optimistic; the conference proposal declared that “an attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves” and promised that the organizers’ believed a “significant advance can be made in one or more of these problems if a carefully selected group of scientists work on it together for a summer.”3 Attendees included Marvin Minsky, who along with McCarthy became one of the world’s most celebrated AI researchers and founded the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab at MIT, and Claude Shannon, a legendary electrical engineer who formulated the principles of information theory that underlie electronic communication and make the internet possible. The brightest mind, however, was notably absent from the Dartmouth conference. Alan Turing had committed suicide two years earlier. Prosecuted for a same-sex relationship under the “indecency” laws then in force in Britain, Turing was given a choice between imprisonment or chemical castration through the forced introduction of estrogen.
What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing
Ed Finn
Published 10 Mar 2017
And yet only with probability—more important, a language of probability—can we begin to describe our relativistic universe. But far more unsettling, and the central thesis of the closely allied field of information theory, is the notion that probability applies to information as much as to material reality. By framing information as uncertainty, as surprise, as unpredicted new data, mathematician Claude Shannon created a quantifiable measurement of communication.30 Shannon’s framework has informed decades of work in signal processing, cryptography, and several other fields, but its starkly limited view of what counts has become a major influence in contemporary understandings of computational knowledge.
Wiener names Leibniz the patron saint of cybernetics: “The philosophy of Leibniz centers about two closely related concepts—that of a universal symbolism and that of a calculus of reasoning.”27 As the book’s title suggests, the aim of cybernetics in the 1940s and 1950s was to define and implement those two ideas: an intellectual system that could encompass all scientific fields, and a means of quantifying change within that system. Using them, the early cyberneticians sought to forge a synthesis between the nascent fields of computer science, information theory, physics, and many others (indeed, Wiener nominated his patron saint in part as the last man to have “full command of all the intellectual activity of his day”).28 The vehicle for this synthesis was, intellectually, the field of information theory and the ordering features of communication between different individual and collective entities, and pragmatically, the growing power of mechanical and computational systems to measure, modulate, and direct such communications.
Chapter 1 lays out a full reading of the algorithm as a critical concept across four intellectual strands, beginning with its foundations in computer science and the notion of “effective computability.” The second strand considers cybernetics and ongoing debates about embodiment, abstraction, and information theory. Third, I return to magic and its overlap with symbolism, engaging with notions of software, “sourcery,” and the power of metaphors to represent reality. Fourth, I draw in the long history of technicity and humanity’s coevolution with our cultural tools. Synthesizing these threads, I offer a definition of the algorithm as culture machine in the context of process and implementation.
Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage, and Measure Information as an Asset for Competitive Advantage
Douglas B. Laney
Published 4 Sep 2017
Others worthy of consideration as well include: Douglas Hubbard’s “applied information economics” methodology strictly for measuring the decision value of information.15 Bill Schmarzo’s “data economic valuation” approach also strictly for measuring information’s contribution to decision making.16 Paul Strassman’s macroeconomic method of comparing the competitive gains of organizations with similar tangible assets, after accounting for all other valuation premium factors.17 Dilip Krishna’s methods for attributing business outcomes to specific information initiatives (Business Impact Model); an adapted discount cash flow model (a Monte Carlo simulation method); and a comparative analysis approach similar to Strassman’s but using a pure-play information company for comparison.18 Tonie Leatherberry’s and Rena Mears’s “net business value” method that considers information’s present and discounted future value to each department, various risks, and total cost of ownership.19 Robert Schmidt’s and Jennifer Fisher’s promising but loosely defined and abandoned patent application for an amalgam of information cost, accuracy, and other quality factors, along with information usage/access.20 Mark Albala’s conceptual valuation model, similar to that of Schmidt and Fischer, in which information value is based on information requests, usage (royalties), and outcomes.21 Dave McCrory’s concept and formula for what he calls “data gravity” that defines the proximal relationship among data sources and applications.22 As well, software and services companies such as Schedule1, Pimsoft, Everedge, ThreatModeler, Alex Solutions, Datum, Alation, and Real Social Dynamics (RSD) [in collaboration with the Geneva School of Business Administration] have developed exclusive approaches for measuring information value and/or risk in economic terms specific to their core offerings. Of course, countless papers and books have been written on the value of information from an engineering, communications, and theoretical standpoint, dating back to Claude Shannon’s seminal work on information theory. Even the term “business intelligence” predates any Gartner or IBM paper, having been first used in the 1865 book, “Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes” in describing the value of information on military battles.23 Understanding and Closing Information Value Gaps Enterprises repeatedly fall into the trap of getting diminishing returns from buying and applying more complex and leading-edge IT to the same narrow sets of data, rather than doing simpler things with the data that has the highest value gap.
Infonomics is a broad concept I conceived and first mentioned around the turn of the millennium to express information’s increasing behavior and importance as an economic asset. Over the years I have continued to research and develop the concept—exploring, relating, and integrating the disciplines of information theory, accounting, asset management, property ownership and rights, measurement, innovation, and economics. This has taken me from working with and interviewing clients, colleagues, information consultants, valuation experts, accountants, economists, and academics on these topics—to the depths of reading hundreds of pages of accounting standards body discussion papers on the recognition, and valuation and reporting of intangibles.
What could those of us in the decades-old information world possibly learn from them? A lot. One last note on ecosystems: if you think the whole concept of drawing parallels between biological and information ecosystems is a bit whacked, consider that the leading theoretical ecologist, Robert Ulanowicz, has employed modern information theory concepts to describe the complex structure of biological ecosystems themselves.11 Lessons from Sustainability When an ecosystem is healthy, scientists say it is in balance or sustainable. Since we want our information ecosystems to be sustainable and thrive, let’s take a look at how we might incorporate the principles of sustainability or conservation.
The Perfect Thing: How the iPod Shuffles Commerce, Culture, and Coolness
Steven Levy
Published 23 Oct 2006
This is well known to cryptographers. A well-funded, sophisticated cryptanalyst will Shuffle seize on any variation from a random distribution as a means of attacking a code. This subject was most famously examined by Claude Shannon, arguably the Father of Randomness. Shannon himself expressed some random behavior: the MIT math professor was known for his eccentric habits, which included riding a unicy-cle. But his papers on information theory are rock solid. Basically, he defined randomness as a question of unpredictability. If a series of numbers is truly random, you have no possible way of guessing what comes next. If something isn't random (as in the case of what letter might follow another in a message written in English), you have a better chance of figuring out what comes next.
Being You: A New Science of Consciousness
Anil Seth
Published 29 Aug 2021
Testing this requires measuring Φ for real systems, and this is where the trouble starts. It turns out that measuring Φ is extremely challenging and in most cases nearly or actually impossible. The main reason for this is that IIT treats ‘information’ in an unusual way. The standard use of information in mathematics, developed by Claude Shannon in the 1950s, is observer-relative. Observer-relative (or extrinsic) information is the degree to which uncertainty is reduced, from the perspective of an observer, by observing a system in a particular state. For example, imagine rolling a single die many times. Each time, you observe one outcome out of six possibilities: each time, five alternatives are ruled out.
‘Out-of-body experiences: from Penfield to present’. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7(3), 104–6. Tononi, G. (2008). ‘Consciousness as integrated information: a provisional manifesto’. Biological Bulletin, 215(3), 216–42. Tononi, G. (2012). ‘Integrated information theory of consciousness: an updated account’. Archives italiennes de biologie, 150(4), 293–329. Tononi, G., Boly, M., Massimini, M., et al. (2016). ‘Integrated information theory: from consciousness to its physical substrate’. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 17(7), 450–61. Tononi, G., & Edelman, G. M. (1998). ‘Consciousness and complexity’. Science, 282(5395), 1846–51. Tononi, G., & Koch, C. (2015).
But this doesn’t mean that consciousness is integrated information, in the same way that temperature is mean molecular kinetic energy. To see what drives this intuition, we need to push the analogy between consciousness and temperature as far as it can go, to see whether and when it breaks down. It’s time to meet the ‘integrated information theory’ of consciousness. Notes Joachim Dalencé: www.encyclopedia.com/science/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/dalence-joachim. Inventing Temperature: H. Chang (2004). Could the same approach work: Possibly the first person to ask, and answer, this question was Thomas Henry Huxley (‘Darwin’s Bulldog’).
Advances in Financial Machine Learning
Marcos Lopez de Prado
Published 2 Feb 2018
For example, the ML algorithm may find that momentum bets are more profitable when prices carry little information, and that mean-reversion bets are more profitable when prices carry a lot of information. In this chapter, we will explore ways to determine the amount of information contained in a price series. 18.2 Shannon's Entropy In this section we will review a few concepts from information theory that will be useful in the remainder of the chapter. The reader can find a complete exposition in MacKay [2003]. The father of information theory, Claude Shannon, defined entropy as the average amount of information (over long messages) produced by a stationary source of data. It is the smallest number of bits per character required to describe the message in a uniquely decodable way.
In order to determine the probability of adverse selection, we must determine how unpredictable the order flow imbalance is. We can determine this by applying information theory. Consider a long sequence of symbols. When that sequence contains few redundant patterns, it encompasses a level of complexity that makes it hard to describe and predict. Kolmogorov [1965] formulated this connection between redundancy and complexity. In information theory, lossless compression is the task of perfectly describing a sequence with as few bits as possible. The more redundancies a sequence contains, the greater compression rates can be achieved.
Kontoyiannis (1998): “Asymptotically optimal lossy Lempel-Ziv coding,” ISIT, Cambridge, MA, August 16–August 21. MacKay, D. (2003): Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms, 1st ed. Cambridge University Press. Meucci, A. (2009): “Managing diversification.” Risk Magazine, Vol. 22, pp. 74–79. Norwich, K. (2003): Information, Sensation and Perception, 1st ed. Academic Press. Ornstein, D.S. and B. Weiss (1993): “Entropy and data compression schemes.” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 39, pp. 78–83. Shannon, C. (1948): “A mathematical theory of communication.” Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 379–423.
Einstein's Unfinished Revolution: The Search for What Lies Beyond the Quantum
Lee Smolin
Published 31 Mar 2019
However, we should be careful to distinguish several different ideas about the relationship between physics and information, some of which are useful but also trivially true; others of which are radical and would need, in my view, more justification than they’ve been given. Let’s start by defining information. One useful definition was given by Claude Shannon, who may be considered the founder of information theory. His definition was set in the framework of communication, and contemplates a channel which carries a message from a sender to a receiver. These, it is assumed, share a language, by means of which they give meaning to a sequence of symbols. The amount of information in the message is defined to be the number of answers to a set of yes/no questions that the receiver learns from the sender by understanding what the message says.
Research groups began to spring up around the world, and they quickly filled with brilliant young researchers, many of whom had a dual research strategy in which they would attack the problems in quantum foundations while contributing to the development of quantum computing. As a result, a new language for quantum physics was invented that was based on information theory, which is a basic tool of computer science. This new language, called quantum information theory, is a hybrid of computer science and quantum physics and is well adapted to the challenges of building quantum computers. This has led to a powerful set of tools and concepts that have proved invaluable at sharpening our understanding of quantum physics. Nonetheless, quantum information theory is a purely operational approach that is most comfortable describing nature in the context of experiments, in which systems are prepared and then measured.
This is a long story, with some fascinating ins and outs, but the conclusion is simple: the wave function appears to capture an essential aspect of reality.13 The closest to success I know of is an approach by the mathematician Edward Nelson called stochastic quantum mechanics. For many years I thought this was the right way, but then I understood it requires a large amount of fine-tuning to avoid instabilities. This conclusion is upheld by a recent analysis by three specialists in quantum information theory, Matthew Pusey, Jonathan Barrett, and Terry Rudolph, who gave a new argument to the effect that the quantum state cannot be merely a representation of information an observer has about a system. It must be physically real, or represent something real.14 So we seem to have only two choices: keep the wave function itself as a beable, as it is in pilot wave theory and collapse models, or find another beable that captures, in some different form, the physical reality which the wave function represents.
Data and the City
Rob Kitchin,Tracey P. Lauriault,Gavin McArdle
Published 2 Aug 2017
Merricks White Before positioning data threads within these debates, it is worth contextualizing the assertion that data are material. For what else could they be? Important here is genealogical work on the development of cybernetics and information theory. Through a close reading of post-war cyberneticians such as Norbert Weiner and Claude Shannon, Hayles (1999) shows how information came to be understood as a pattern separate from a material form. This strategy of disembodiment was important in allowing information theory to migrate between academic disciplines such that it could equally be applied to biology or cognitive psychology as to communications engineering. Implicit in this separation between matter and meaning, however, is a latent mind/body dualism.
My Life as a Quant: Reflections on Physics and Finance
Emanuel Derman
Published 1 Jan 2004
Area 10 had played a large role in evangelizing the dual view of programs as both tools and text, written not only to control electronic machines but also to to be understood and manipulated by people. At the labs people were proud of programming and viewed it as an art. In physics and engineering the Labs was an experimental and theoretical powerhouse, producing research in electronics and information theory that made possible many of the subsequent advances in communications. Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley had invented the transistor there in 1947, and Claude Shannon published his landmark paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1948. There were fundamental discoveries made, too-Penzias and Wilson won the Nobel Prize for discovering the cosmic radiation left behind by the Big Bang, as predicted by Robert Herman.
How to Create a Mind: The Secret of Human Thought Revealed
Ray Kurzweil
Published 13 Nov 2012
Communication is pervasive at every level. If we consider that error rates escalate rapidly with increased communication and that a single-bit error can destroy the integrity of a process, digital computation was doomed—or so it seemed at the time. Remarkably, that was the common view until American mathematician Claude Shannon (1916–2001) came along and demonstrated how we can create arbitrarily accurate communication using even the most unreliable communication channels. What Shannon stated in his landmark paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” published in the Bell System Technical Journal in July and October 1948, and in particular in his noisy channel-coding theorem, was that if you have available a channel with any error rate (except for exactly 50 percent per bit, which would mean that the channel was just transmitting pure noise), you are able to transmit a message in which the error rate is as accurate as you desire.
If that is not good enough, simply increase the redundancy until you get the reliability you need. Simply repeating information is the easiest way to achieve arbitrarily high accuracy rates from low-accuracy channels, but it is not the most efficient approach. Shannon’s paper, which established the field of information theory, presented optimal methods of error detection and correction codes that can achieve any target accuracy through any nonrandom channel. Older readers will recall telephone modems, which transmitted information through noisy analog phone lines. These lines featured audibly obvious hisses and pops and many other forms of distortion, but nonetheless were able to transmit digital data with very high accuracy rates, thanks to Shannon’s noisy channel theorem.
The Physics of Wall Street: A Brief History of Predicting the Unpredictable
James Owen Weatherall
Published 2 Jan 2013
Thorp and his wife, Vivian, left Southern California and moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts. They spent only two years on the East Coast before moving back west, to New Mexico. But it was enough to set their lives on a different track: it was at MIT that Thorp met Claude Shannon. Shannon may be the only person in the twentieth century who can claim to have founded an entirely new science. The field he invented, information theory, is essentially the mathematics behind the digital revolution. It undergirds computer science, modern telecommunications, cryptography, and code-breaking. The basic object of study is data: bits (a term Shannon coined) of information.
He accomplished what Bachelier and Osborne never could: he showed that physics and mathematics could be used to profit from financial markets. Building on the work of Bachelier and Osborne, and on his own experience with gambling systems, Thorp invented the modern hedge fund — by applying ideas from a new field that combined mathematical physics and electrical engineering. Information theory, as it’s known, was as much a part of the 1960s as the Vegas Strip. And in Thorp’s hands, it proved to be the missing link between the statistics of market prices and a winning strategy on Wall Street. Thorp was born at the peak of the Depression, on August 14, 1932. His father was a retired army officer, a veteran of the First World War.
The study of things such as how light waves move through air or how human languages work is very old; Shannon’s groundbreaking idea was that you could study the information itself — the stuff that’s carried by the light waves from objects in the world to your retinas, or the stuff that passes from one person to another when they speak — independently of the waves and the words. It is hard to overstate how important this idea would become. Information theory grew out of a project Shannon worked on during World War II, as a staff scientist at Bell Labs, AT&T’s research division in Murray Hill, New Jersey. The goal of the project was to build an encrypted telephone system so that generals at the front could safely communicate with central command.
Rage Inside the Machine: The Prejudice of Algorithms, and How to Stop the Internet Making Bigots of Us All
Robert Elliott Smith
Published 26 Jun 2019
The problem is, Turing’s wall changes what we call ‘communication’ particularly in the human sense of the word, which involves a great deal more than a disembodied, mute exchange of abstract symbols. While Turing was writing about his famous test, Claude Shannon, an American code-breaker and electrical engineer, was theorizing on purely symbolic communications. At Bell Laboratories Shannon developed information theory, a set of ideas that are vital to every modern electronic communication and computation device, because they make reliable data transmission possible, not just between one smartphone and another, or a media provider and a smart TV, but between memory, CPU, hard drive and every other part of a computer, in every computer on Earth.5 Both early computers and telecommunication devices had to send signals (we’ll call them messages for now) down wires, or through the air on radio waves.
Even attendees of the cybernetics conference had doubts about this profound shift in the meaning of these powerful words, and the simultaneous abandonment of the concept of meaning itself. One attendee, the physicist, philosopher and AI pioneer Heinz von Foerster, commented: I wanted to call the whole of what they called information theory signal theory, because information was not yet there. There were ‘beep beeps’ but that was all, no information. The moment one transforms that set of signals into other signals our brains can make an understanding of, then information is born—it’s not in the beeps. Yet information theory is now ubiquitous not only in engineering communication theory, and every single aspect of computing and telecommunications, but in ‘deep’ AI, where algorithms derived from this theory are often used as a means of deriving representations from data, based on probabilistic assumptions.
The connections are numerous, from the representation of thinking as the ‘if–then’ rules of Aristotelian logic, to the modelling of uncertainty based on calculations drawn from dice games, through the reduction of evolution to a philosophy of ‘survival of the fittest’, to the attempt to capture complex human characteristics like ‘intelligence’ in numbers like IQ, to the transformation and reduction of human artisanship into discrete tasks neatly divided to fit mass-manufacturing processes, through an unassailable faith that free markets generate spontaneous order, to viewing the living brain as a simple, synaptic computer, to a staggering reduction of the subtle meanings of language to the bit transmissions of information theory. Each of these simplifications arose in a particular historical and cultural context and has a direct connection to the conception and design of algorithms that now operate all around us today. Just as algorithms have emerged from various historical and cultural contexts, they are also a product engineered by people.
Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future
Paul Mason
Published 29 Jul 2015
The result was to stimulate an unprecedented culture of cross-fertilization in strategic disciplines. The new approach inserted maths and science into the heart of the industrial process; economics and data management into political decision-making. It was the OSRD that took Claude Shannon, the founder of information theory, out of Princeton and put him into Bell Labs to design algorithms for anti-aircraft guns.21 There, he would meet Alan Turing and discuss the possibility of ‘thinking machines’. Turing, too, had been scooped out of academia by the British government to run the Enigma codebreaking operation at Bletchley Park.
Though the ‘information economy’ lay decades in the future, the post-war economies saw information used on an industrial scale. It flowed as science, as management theory, as data, as mass communications and even – in a few hallowed places – out of a computer and into a tray of folding paper. A transistor is simply a switch with no moving parts. Information theory plus transistors gives you the ability to automate physical processes. So factories throughout the West were re-tooled with semi-automated machinery: pneumatic presses, drills, cutters, lathes, sewing machines and production lines. What they lacked was sophisticated feedback mechanisms: electronic sensors and automated logic systems were so crude that the latter used compressed air to do what we now do with iPhone apps.
Deloitte, who did these calculations, describes the falling price of basic info-tech as exponential: ‘The current pace of technological advance is unprecedented in history and shows no signs of stabilizing as other historical technological innovations, such as electricity, eventually did.’26 It has become commonplace to think of information as ‘immaterial’. Norbert Wiener, one of the founders of information theory once claimed: ‘Information is information, not matter or energy. No materialism which does not admit this can survive at the present day.’27 But this is a fallacy. In 1961, IBM physicist Rolf Landauer proved, logically, that information is physical.28 He wrote: ‘Information is not a disembodied abstract entity; it is always tied to a physical representation.
The Scientist as Rebel
Freeman Dyson
Published 1 Jan 2006
In spite of his original intentions, cybernetics became a theory of analog processes. Meanwhile, also in 1948, Claude Shannon published his classic pair of papers with the title “A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” in The Bell System Technical Journal. Shannon’s theory was a theory of digital communication, using many of Wiener’s ideas but applying them in a new direction. Shannon’s theory was mathematically elegant, clear, and easy to apply to practical problems of communication. It was far more user-friendly than cybernetics. It became the basis of a new discipline called “information theory.” During the next ten years, digital computers began to operate all over the world, and analog computers rapidly became obsolete.
During the next ten years, digital computers began to operate all over the world, and analog computers rapidly became obsolete. Electronic engineers learned information theory, the gospel according to Shannon, as part of their basic training, and cybernetics was forgotten. Neither Wiener nor von Neumann nor Shannon, nor anyone else in the 1940s, foresaw the microprocessors that would make digital computers small and cheap and reliable and available to private citizens. Nobody foresaw the Internet or the ubiquitous cell phone. As a result of the proliferation of digital computers in private hands, Wiener’s nightmare vision of a few giant computers determining the fate of human societies never came to pass.
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?: Translation and the Meaning of Everything
David Bellos
Published 10 Oct 2011
In a famous memorandum written in July 1949, Warren Weaver, then a senior official with the Rockefeller Foundation, found it “very tempting to say that a book written in Chinese is simply a book in English which was coded into the ‘Chinese code.’ If we have useful methods for solving almost any cryptographic problem, may it not be that with proper interpretation we already have useful methods for translation?”2 Weaver was aware of the pioneering work of Claude Shannon and others in the nascent disciplines of information theory and cybernetics and could see that if language could be treated as a code, then there would be huge development contracts available for mathematicians, logicians, and engineers working on the new and exciting number-crunching devices that had only just acquired their modern name of “computers.”
The Master Algorithm: How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World
Pedro Domingos
Published 21 Sep 2015
The state of one transistor is one bit of information: one if the transistor is on, and zero if it’s off. One bit somewhere in your bank’s computers says whether your account is overdrawn or not. Another bit somewhere in the Social Security Administration’s computers says whether you’re alive or dead. The second simplest algorithm is: combine two bits. Claude Shannon, better known as the father of information theory, was the first to realize that what transistors are doing, as they switch on and off in response to other transistors, is reasoning. (That was his master’s thesis at MIT—the most important master’s thesis of all time.) If transistor A turns on only when transistors B and C are both on, it’s doing a tiny piece of logical reasoning.
For more information, please contact the Special Markets Department at the Perseus Books Group, 2300 Chestnut Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19103, or call (800) 810-4145, ext. 5000, or e-mail special.markets@perseusbooks.com. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Domingos, Pedro. The master algorithm: how the quest for the ultimate learning machine will remake our world / Pedro Domingos. pages cm Includes index. ISBN 978-0-465-06192-1 (ebook) 1. Knowledge representation (Information theory) 2. Artificial intelligence—Social aspects. 3. Artificial intelligence—Philosophy. 4. Cognitive science—Mathematics. 5. Algorithms. I. Title. Q387.D66 2015 003′54—dc23 2015007615 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 TO THE MEMORY OF MY SISTER RITA, WHO LOST HER BATTLE WITH CANCER WHILE I WAS WRITING THIS BOOK The grand aim of science is to cover the greatest number of experimental facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.
One salient question is how to pick the best attribute to test at a node. Accuracy—the number of correctly predicted examples—doesn’t work very well, because we’re not trying to predict a particular class; rather, we’re trying to gradually separate the classes until each branch is “pure.” This brings to mind the concept of entropy from information theory. The entropy of a set of objects is a measure of the amount of disorder in it. If a group of 150 people includes 50 Republicans, 50 Democrats, and 50 independents, its political entropy is maximum. On the other hand, if they’re all Republican then the entropy is zero (as far as party affiliation goes).
Understanding Sponsored Search: Core Elements of Keyword Advertising
Jim Jansen
Published 25 Jul 2011
In other words, the ability of technology to provide information has increased exponentially (i.e., Moore’s Law), but the ability of humans to process it has remained stable. Potpourri: Why are most query terms short? Some of it may have to do with simple information needs. It may have to do with the cognitive limits of our memory (i.e., the human processing and storage power). (Continued) 42 Understanding Sponsored Search Based on Claude Shannon and Norbert Weiner’s information theory research [21], Harvard psychologist George A. Miller [22] proposed the theoretical construct, known as the Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two. The gist of the construct is that the typical human can process about seven chunks of similar information at any instant in time (sometimes a couple more, sometimes a couple fewer).
As wealth rises, consumers will move away from less costly, perhaps inferior, goods and services, choosing higher-priced alternatives for a variety of perceived benefits, such as quality or status. 92 Understanding Sponsored Search Concerning their perceived lack of searching, consumers have a trade-off between the cost of search, usually measured by time, and the benefit of that search [9]. A strict consumer search model assumes that consumers are likely to search for information as long as they believe that the benefits of acquiring information outweigh the cost of information search as indicated in the economics of information theory [11]. However, a more workable consumer search model should assume that consumers are likely to search for information until they believe they have a reasonable solution, regardless of the cost-benefit ratio. This behavior, again, illustrates the concept of satisficing [12, 13] and the principle of least effort [14].
D., 116 Hunter, Lee, 19 IdeaLab, 11 imperfect information, 179, 194 impression, 12, 14, 24, 75–77, 133, 209 impulse buying, 93, 97–98 income effect, 91 information access, 54–55, 70, 72 information acquisition, 35, 63 information asymmetry, 63–64 information foraging, 42, 44, 63, 66–67, 70, 72, 80, 96, 213 information foraging theory, 42, 67, 70 information imbalance, 63–64 information load, 63 275 information obtainability, 42–43, 49, 70–71, 211, 213 information overload, 68 information processing theory, 65, 94, 96 information retrieval, 2, 20, 37, 51, 70–71, 154, 211 information scent, 66–67 information science, xiii, 14, 35, 71, 87 information searching, 20, 37, 211 information theory, 42, 92 informational, xi, 44–46, 64, 93, 96 informivore, 66 Infoseek, 38 Intangible content, 131 internal information search, 88 Internet television, 224 iProspect, xvi, 167 iWon, 21 Jansen, Bernard J., 20, 44, 113–114, 116, 118, 158 Johnson, Samuel, 229 Kamangar, Salar, 181 key drivers of marketing, 128 key performance indicators, 24.
The Blockchain Alternative: Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Theory
Kariappa Bheemaiah
Published 26 Feb 2017
This computer was used to solve ordinary differential equations which would help calculate the trajectories of shells. It consisted of multiple rotating disks and cylinders driven by electric motors linked together with metal rods that were manually set up (sometime taking up to two days) to solve any differential equation problem. Vannevar had recruited Claude Shannon (known today as the father of information theory), a young graduate who specialised symbolic logic. Although the Differential Analyzer was a mechanical machine with moving parts, Shannon identified it as a complicated control circuit with relays. Shannon thus began creating the first generation of circuit designs and in the process, was able to transform information into a quantity that could be subjected to manipulation by a machine.
Shannon thus began creating the first generation of circuit designs and in the process, was able to transform information into a quantity that could be subjected to manipulation by a machine. Using Boolean algebra, logic gates and binary arithmetic (bits and bytes), Shannon was able to represent all types of information by numbers and in the process created the foundations for today’s modern information theory. It is for this reason that he is referred to as the father of information technology. As World War Two began in 1939, these advances in information technology had been adopted by various militaries to communicate sensitive information. Cryptography became a suitable way of camouflaging information and led to the creation of the Enigma machine.
Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI
Anil Ananthaswamy
Published 15 Jul 2024
But it sounds interesting.’ So, I said, ‘Sure. I’ll go with you.’ ” The coining of the term “artificial intelligence” is credited to John McCarthy, a mathematics professor at Dartmouth College. In August 1955, McCarthy; Marvin Minsky, who was then at Harvard University; Nathaniel Rochester of IBM; and Claude Shannon of Bell Telephone Laboratories, put out “A Proposal for the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence.” It began with a bold declaration: We propose that a 2 month, 10 man study of artificial intelligence be carried out during the summer of 1956 at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
GO TO NOTE REFERENCE IN TEXT “It would seem that”: Rosenblatt, Principles of Neurodynamics, p. 287. GO TO NOTE REFERENCE IN TEXT “While this theorem shows”: Rosenblatt, Principles of Neurodynamics, p. 291. GO TO NOTE REFERENCE IN TEXT “Let the machine make”: M. Minsky and O. G. Selfridge, “Learning in Random Nets,” in Information Theory, ed. E. C. Cherry (London: Butterworth, 1961), pp. 335–47. GO TO NOTE REFERENCE IN TEXT “Minsky and Papert were so intent”: Hubert L. Dreyfus and Stuart E. Dreyfus, “Making a Mind Versus Modeling the Brain: Artificial Intelligence Back at a Branchpoint,” Daedalus 117, No. 1 (Winter 1988): 15–43.
Trading at the Speed of Light: How Ultrafast Algorithms Are Transforming Financial Markets
Donald MacKenzie
Published 24 May 2021
As Persico explained to me, this switching is at the byte level (a byte is a unit of information made up of eight binary digits). The hybrid system can thus send part of a packet—a larger, structured unit of data—by laser, and part by millimeter wave. 17. The “Shannon limit” is named after the MIT electrical engineer and mathematician Claude Shannon, who did famous, fundamental work on information theory and the capacity of communications channels. 18. See Tyč (2018). Longer hops are possible because LMDS is lower in the frequency spectrum than E-band, and so less affected by rain. There are no other LMDS links in the relevant areas with which McKay’s signals might interfere, which makes it easier to install antennas in optimal, geodesic-hugging locations.
Having struck a deal with the owner, McKay then set about working with radio specialists to develop radios for transmitting and receiving signals in this frequency band; because the band had never been used, LMDS radios were not available commercially. In its digital aspects, says Tyč, an LMDS radio is not very different from a conventional E-band millimeter-wave radio, but the analog components of an LMDS radio are easier to improve, in particular to make more “linear.” So the transmission capacity of LMDS can be closer to what information theory posits as the maximum possible, given the physical characteristics of the channel (closer, in other words, to the “Shannon Limit”).17 This gives LMDS greater capacity than E-band. McKay Brothers reports a capacity of five to seven gigabits per second being achievable with LMDS, closer to the maximum data rate of full raw datafeeds.
The Man From the Future: The Visionary Life of John Von Neumann
Ananyo Bhattacharya
Published 6 Oct 2021
The longest can only be nine nodes long: the game must end at this juncture because the grid is full. The tree for chess, however, gets very cluttered very quickly. After three moves, the pieces on the board can be in one of 121 million different possible configurations. Between helping to invent the design principles of digital circuits and modern information theory, American mathematician Claude Shannon calculated that there are at least 10120 possible games of chess – comfortably more than the number of elementary particles in the universe. Von Neumann and Morgenstern’s illustration of the extensive form of a game. Von Neumann called chess and tic-tac-toe games of ‘perfect information’ – all the moves in the game are visible to both players.
Rise of the Machines: A Cybernetic History
Thomas Rid
Published 27 Jun 2016
Ron Hubbard, July 8, 1950, Norbert Wiener Papers, MC 22, box 8 (“Correspondence 1950”), folder 121, Institute Archives and Special Collections, MIT Libraries, Cambridge, MA. 9.L. Ron Hubbard to Norbert Wiener, July 26, 1950, Norbert Wiener Papers, MC 22, box 8 (“Correspondence 1950”), folder 121, Institute Archives and Special Collections, MIT Libraries, Cambridge, MA. 10.L. Ron Hubbard to Claude Shannon, December 6, 1949, Claude Elwood Shannon Papers, box 1, MSS84831, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. 11.Norbert Wiener to William Schlecht, July 8, 1950. 12.Norbert Wiener, “Some Maxims for Biologists and Psychologists,” Dialectica 4, no. 3 (September 15, 1950): 190. 13.Ibid., 191. 14.Ibid. 15.William Grey Walter, The Living Brain (London: Duckworth, 1953), 223. 16.Ibid. 17.Maxwell Maltz, Psycho-Cybernetics (New York: Pocket Books/Simon & Schuster, 1969), cover. 18.The figure of thirty million is provided by the book’s publisher.
These pioneers were Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman of Stanford University, and Ralph Merkle of UC Berkeley. Their discovery resembled what the British spy agency had already found in secret. In November 1976, a history-changing article appeared in an obscure journal, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. It was titled “New Directions in Cryptography.” Diffie and Hellman knew that computers would be coming to the people, as Stewart Brand had just reported from the mesmerized Spacewar players on their own campus. And they knew that these computers would be networked. “The development of computer controlled communication networks promises effortless and inexpensive contact between people or computers on opposite sides of the world,” they wrote in the introduction to their landmark paper.
Strook, eds., The Legacy of Norbert Wiener: A Centennial Symposium in Honor of the 100th Anniversary of Norbert Wiener’s Birth, October 8–14, 1994, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society, 1997), 19. 8.Entropy is a fundamental and related concept in physics as well as in information theory. See James Gleick, The Information (New York: Pantheon, 2011), chap. 9. 9.Norbert Wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1954), 263. 10.Ibid., 33. 11.Ibid., 24. 12.Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1948), 43. 13.Norbert Wiener, God and Golem, Inc.
The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone
Brian Merchant
Published 19 Jun 2017
in his 1950 paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” Alan Turing framed much of the debate to come. That work discusses his famous Imitation Game, now colloquially known as the Turing Test, which describes criteria for judging whether a machine may be considered sufficiently “intelligent.” Claude Shannon, the communication theorist, published his seminal work on information theory, introducing the concept of the bit as well as a language through which humans might speak to computers. In 1956, Stanford’s John McCarthy and his colleagues coined the term artificial intelligence for a new discipline, and we were off to the races. Over the next decade, as the scientific investigation of AI began to draw interest from the public and as, simultaneously, computer terminals became a more ubiquitous machine-human interface, the two future threads—screen-based interfaces and AI—wound into one, and the servile human-shaped robots of yore became disembodied.
Alex's Adventures in Numberland
Alex Bellos
Published 3 Apr 2011
In the mid 1950s a young mathematician named Ed Thorp began to ponder what set of information would be required to predict where a ball would land in roulette. Thorp was helped in his endeavour by Claude Shannon, his colleague at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He couldn’t have wished for a better co-conspirator. Shannon was a prolific inventor with a garage full of electronic and mechanical gadgets. He was also one of the most important mathematicians in the world, as the father of information theory, a crucial academic breakthrough that led to the development of the computer. The men bought a roulette wheel and conducted experiments in Shannon’s basement.
From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds
Daniel C. Dennett
Published 7 Feb 2017
Gibson, ecological psychologist, 1966) 4.The task of a nervous system is to extract information from the environment to use in modulating or guiding successful behavior. 5.We are drowning in information. 6.We no longer can control our personal information. 7.The task of the Central Intelligence Agency is to gather information about our enemies. 8.Humint, intelligence or information gathered by human agents in clandestine interaction with other human beings, is much more important than the information obtainable by satellite surveillance and other high-tech methods. Claude Shannon’s mathematical theory of information (Shannon 1948; Shannon and Weaver 1949) is duly celebrated as the scientific backbone that grounds and legitimizes all the talk about information that engulfs us, but some of that talk involves a different conception of information that is only indirectly addressed by Shannon’s theory.
A byte is eight bits, and a megabyte is eight million bits, so you can send a 2.5 megabyte monochrome bitmap picture file by playing Twenty Million Questions. (Is the first pixel white? …) Shannon’s information theory is a great advance for civilization because semantic information is so important to us that we want to be able to use it effectively, store it without loss, move it, transform it, share it, hide it. Informational artifacts abound—telephones, books, maps, recipes—and information theory itself began as an artifact for studying important features of those artifacts. What began as an engineering discipline has subsequently proven useful to physicists, biologists, and others not concerned with the properties of informational artifacts.
The idea, generalized, of the whole universe being exhaustively (?) describable in one cosmic bitmap lies at the heart of various largely speculative but fascinating proposals in physics. And of course it doesn’t stop at big old atoms, a relatively “low-res” recipe for reality these days. Such an application of Shannon information theory does permit, “in principle” but not remotely in practice, saying exactly how much (Shannon) information there is in the cubic meter of ocean and ocean floor surrounding a particular clam, for instance, but it says nothing about how much of this information—a Vanishingly small portion—is semantic information for the clam.36 Back to the theft of the widget design.
Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know About Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking
Foster Provost
Tom Fawcett
Published 30 Jun 2013
Fortunately, for classification problems we can address all the issues by creating a formula that evaluates how well each attribute splits a set of examples into segments, with respect to a chosen target variable. Such a formula is based on a purity measure. The most common splitting criterion is called information gain, and it is based on a purity measure called entropy. Both concepts were invented by one of the pioneers of information theory, Claude Shannon, in his seminal work in the field (Shannon, 1948). Entropy is a measure of disorder that can be applied to a set, such as one of our individual segments. Consider that we have a set of properties of members of the set, and each member has one and only one of the properties. In supervised segmentation, the member properties will correspond to the values of the target variable.
Interactive tree of life (iTOL): an online tool for phylogenetic tree display and annotation. Bioinformatics, 23 (1). Lin, J.-H., & Vitter, J. S. (1994). A theory for memory-based learning. Machine Learning, 17, 143–167. Lloyd, S. P. (1982). Least square quantization in PCM. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 28 (2), 129–137. MacKay, D. (2003). Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms, Chapter 20. An Example Inference Task: Clustering. Cambridge University Press. MacQueen, J. B. (1967). Some methods for classification and analysis of multivariate observations. In Proceedings of 5th Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, pp. 281–297.
Capital One: Exploiting and Information-based Strategy. In Proceedings of the 31st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Cohen, L., Diether, K., & Malloy, C. (2012). Legislating Stock Prices. Harvard Business School Working Paper, No. 13–010. Cover, T., & Hart, P. (1967). Nearest neighbor pattern classification. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 13(1), 21–27. Crandall, D., Backstrom, L., Cosley, D., Suri, S., Huttenlocher, D., & Kleinberg, J. (2010). Inferring social ties from geographic coincidences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(52), 22436-22441. Deza, E., & Deza, M. (2006). Dictionary of distances.
The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution
Richard Dawkins
Published 21 Sep 2009
Even of those who understand what a year is, a larger percentage has no understanding of what causes seasons, presuming, with rampant Northern Hemisphere chauvinism, that we are closest to the sun in June and furthest away in December. * ‘Every Schoolboy Knows’ (and every schoolgirl can prove it by Euclidean geometry). * It is no accident that Claude Shannon, when developing his metric of ‘information’, which is itself a measure of statistical improbability, lit upon exactly the same mathematical formula that Ludwig Boltzman had developed for entropy in the previous century. * Insects, crustaceans, spiders, centipedes, etc. † For example, a mutation in the leg of a millipede will be mirrored on both sides, and probably repeated the length of the body as well.
Other scientists have proposed, as a unit of evolutionary rate, the haldane. * I have even been called an ‘ultra-Darwinist’, a gibe that I find less insulting than its coiners perhaps intended. * ‘Degenerate’ is not the same (though the two terms are often confused) as ‘redundant’, another technical term of Information Theory. A redundant code is one in which the same message is conveyed more than once (e.g. ‘She is a female woman’ conveys the message of her sex three times). Redundancy is used by engineers to guard against transmission errors. A degenerate code is one in which more than one ‘word’ is used to mean the same thing.
The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values
Brian Christian
Published 5 Oct 2020
Now imagine you’re a computer with a complete lack of such common sense—let alone the ability to put yourself in the shoes of a prospective treasure burier—but what you do have is an extremely large sample (a “corpus”) of real-world texts to scan for patterns. How good a job could you do at predicting the missing word purely based on the statistics of the language itself? Constructing these kinds of predictive models has long been a grail for computational linguists.54 (Indeed, Claude Shannon founded information theory in the 1940s on a mathematical analysis of this very sort, noticing that some missing words are more predictable than others, and attempting to quantify by how much.55) Early methods involved what are known as “n-grams,” which meant simply counting up every single chain of, say, two words in a row that appeared in a particular corpus—“appeared in,” “in a,” “a particular,” “particular corpus”—and tallying them in a huge database.56 Then it was simple enough, given a missing word, to look at the preceding word and find which n-gram in the database beginning with that preceding word had appeared most often.
And yet this intrinsic motivation, as Berlyne saw, was every bit as central to human nature as the drives for, say, food and sex—despite being “unduly neglected by psychology for many years.”20 (Indeed, the severest punishment our society allows, short of death—solitary confinement—is, in effect, the infliction of boredom on people.) In his landmark 1960 book Conflict, Arousal, and Curiosity, Berlyne notes that a proper study of curiosity first began to emerge in the late 1940s; it is no coincidence, he argues, that information theory and neuroscience also came into their own at the same time.21 A proper understanding of curiosity appears only to be possible at the interdisciplinary junction of all three.22 Berlyne appeared to be just as strongly motivated by curiosity in his own life as he was motivated by it as a subject of study.
At the time of his early death at fifty-two, he was on a quest to ride every subway in the world. Despite a prodigious and prolific output of articles and papers, he rarely worked on nights or weekends. There was too much else to do.23 His ideas, in particular the agenda of reaching out to both neuroscience and information theory for clues, would inspire succeeding generations of psychologists for the latter half of the twentieth century, and in the twenty-first they would come full circle. Starting at the end of the 2000s and continuing through the deep-learning boom of the 2010s, it was the mathematicians and information theorists and computer scientists—stuck on the problem of intrinsic motivation in cases like Montezuma’s Revenge—who would be turning to his ideas for help.
The Art of Computer Programming: Sorting and Searching
Donald Ervin Knuth
Published 15 Jan 1998
Fredman has shown that O(n) units of time suffice, if suitable data structures are used [STOC 7 A975), 240-244]; see K. Mehlhorn, Data Structures and Algorithms 1 (Springer, 1984), Section 4.2. Optimum trees and entropy. The minimum cost is closely related to a mathematical concept called entropy, which was introduced by Claude Shannon in his seminal work on information theory [Bell System Tech. J. 27 A948), 379- 423, 623-656]. If pi, p2, ¦ ¦ ¦, pn are probabilities with pi +p2 H hpn = 1, we define the entropy H(pi,p2,... ,pn) by the formula H{pi,p2,---,Pn) = A8) Intuitively, if n events are possible and the kth event occurs with probability pk, we can imagine that we have received lg(l/pfc) bits of information when the kth 6.2.2 BINARY TREE SEARCHING 443 event has occurred.
This situation would be interesting to explore as an alternative to the stated problem.) 34. [HM21] Show that the asymptotic value of the multinomial coefficient N piiV, p2N, ..., pnN as N —>• 00 is related to the entropy H(pi,p2,... ,pn)- 35. [HM22] Complete the proof of Theorem B by establishing the inequality B4). 36. [HM25] (Claude Shannon.) Let X and Y be random variables with finite ranges {xi,...,xm} and {yi,...,yn}, and let pi = Pt(X = Xi), qj = Pr(Y = %¦), rv,- = Pr(X = Xi and Y = Vj). Let H{X) = H{Pl,... ,pm) and H{Y) = H(qu. ..,qn) be the 458 SEARCHING 6.2.2 respective entropies of the variables singly, and let H(XY) — H(m,... ,rmn) be the entropy of their joint distribution.
Hence, letting k = S(n), we have Since S(n) is an integer, we can rewrite this formula to obtain the lower bound S(n)>\\gn\]. A) Stirling's approximation tells us that [lgn!] =nlgn-n/ln2 + |lgn + 0(l), B) hence roughly n lg n comparisons are needed. 5.3.1 MINIMUM-COMPARISON SORTING 183 Relation A) is often called the information-theoretic lower bound, since cognoscenti of information theory would say that lg n\ "bits of information" are being acquired during a sorting process; each comparison yields at most one bit of information. Trees such as Fig. 34 have also been called "questionnaires"; their mathematical properties were first explored systematically in Claude Picard's book Theorie des Questionnaires (Paris: Gauthier-Villars, 1965).
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
Daniel J. Levitin
Published 18 Aug 2014
Then the question becomes not one of how many things you can do at once, but how orderly you can make the information environment. There is considerable research into the difference in utility between simple and complex information. Claude Shannon, an electrical engineer who worked at Bell Laboratories, developed information theory in the 1940s. Shannon information theory is among the most important mathematical ideas of the twentieth century; it has profoundly affected computing and telecommunications, and is the basis for the compression of sound, image, and movie files (e.g., MP3, JPEG, and MP4 respectively).
Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. developed information theory in the 1940s Shannon, C. E. (1948). A mathematical theory of communication. The Bell System Technical Journal, 27, 379–423, 623–656. See also, Cover, T. M., & Thomas, J. A. (2006). Elements of information theory (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Wiley-Interscience. and, Hartley, R. V. L. (1928). Transmission of information. The Bell System Technical Journal, 7(3), 535–563. Pierce, J. R. (1980) An introduction to information theory: Symbols, signals, and noise. New York, NY: Dover Publications. transmitted only 300–3300 hertz Anderson, H., & Yull, S. (2002).
This bandwidth limitation is most apparent if you try to listen to music over the telephone—the low frequencies of the bass and the high frequencies of cymbals are almost completely absent. Information theory came up in Chapter 1 in discussing the number of simultaneous conversations that a person can follow, and the information processing limits of human attention being estimated at around 120 bits per second. It is a way to quantify the amount of information contained in any transmission, instruction, or sensory stimulus. It can apply to music, speech, paintings, and military orders. The application of information theory generates a number that allows us to compare the amount of information contained in one transmission with that contained in another.
The Big Score
Michael S. Malone
Published 20 Jul 2021
It was a string-and-chewing-gum deal, but the differential analyzer could solve equations in calculus, and it was obvious to observers that there might be something to this newfangled computer thing—if something could just be done about those damn wheels and gears. The breakthrough came on the eve of World War II, when Claude Shannon, an electrical engineer at MIT, was studying electromechanical relays and suddenly had an idea. Relays were already being used by the telephone company as switches for interconnecting phone calls (you can still hear them, as clicking sounds, on old exchanges) and in operation they were pretty straightforward, working like a telegraph key.
But Shannon’s remarkable contribution, one of the wonderful inductive leaps among the engineering discoveries in his generation, was to ask if there was some sort of logic that would describe multiple combinations of two-stage relays… binary… Boolean algebra. Bingo. Shannon had pulled off something remarkable; he had linked the controllable behavior of machines with a system of logic that encompassed all science, perhaps even all of human thought. The Age of Computers had begun—and hard on its heels the rise of information theory, the great organizer of the postwar world. Shannon wasn’t alone in defining the shape of the computer to come. In 1936, Englishman Alan Turing wrote a paper describing a universal computing machine, the Turing Machine. It, too, would be instructed using a language of ones and zeros, entered into the machine via a pattern of holes punched into ribbons of paper tape.
The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail-But Some Don't
Nate Silver
Published 31 Aug 2012
Although El Ajedrecista is sometimes regarded as the first computer game,7 it was extremely limited in its functionality, restricted to determining positions in an endgame in which there are just three pieces left on the board. (El Ajedrecista also did not have any stereotypical Turkish headgear.) The father of the modern chess computer was MIT’s Claude Shannon, a mathematician regarded as the founder of information theory, who in 1950 published a paper called “Programming a Computer for Playing Chess.”8 Shannon identified some of the algorithms and techniques that form the backbone of chess programs today. He also recognized why chess is such an interesting problem for testing the powers of information-processing machines.
housing bubble, 22–23, 24–26, 28–29, 30–34, 36, 38–39, 42, 43, 45, 68, 186 credit bubble and, 196 real-time identification of, 22–23, 33, 347, 369 housing prices, 19, 43, 44, 186n, 187 Hsu, Feng-hsiung, 268 Huckabay, Gary, 78, 82, 85, 88, 89 Hudson, Tim, 99 Hugo, Hurricane, 138 human judgment, see biases; heuristics Hume, David, 242, 332 humility, 97–98 Hungary, 52 Hurricane Betsy, 140 Hurricane Hugo, 138 Hurricane Irene, 139 Hurricane Katrina, 55, 108–10, 138–41, 388, 472, 473 Hurricane Rita, 139 hurricanes, 113, 471–72, 476 forecasting of, 126–27, 127, 145–46, 387–88 Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, 123 hypothesis testing, 230, 243–49, 256–57, 266–67, 376, 452 IBM, 9, 10, 12, 110, 266, 268, 269, 270, 281, 283–84 ice age, 398 ideas, evolution of, 1 imagination, 266, 288, 289 failures of, 288, 423 improbabability, unfamiliarity vs., 419–20 Inc., 187 incentives, 184, 250, 313, 333, 356, 357, 501 Inconvenient Truth, An, 385 index funds, 344, 370 India, 210n Indiana Pacers, 236n, 489 indicators: lagging, 187–88 leading, 186–88, 196–97 Indonesia, 209 Industrial Revolution, 2, 5–6, 112, 212 infectious disease, 16, 204–31 SIR model of, 220–21, 221, 223, 225, 389 see also specific diseases inflation, 11, 186n, 191, 198, 202 information, 1, 451 analyzing, 232 asymmetrical, 35 collecting, 232 exclusive, 98, 99–101 explosion of, 3–4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 17, 45 forecasting and, 5 quality of, 2, 13, 17 information age, 7, 45, 358 information overload, 12 information processing, 449 information technology, 411 revolution in, 1–4 information theory, 265 InfoSpace, 353, 360 initial condition uncertainty, 390–92 insider trading, 341–42 intelligent extraterrestrial species, 488 interest rates, 186n, 190, 202 International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 382, 383–84, 393 1990 predictions of, 373–76, 389, 393, 397–99, 397, 399, 401, 507 “uncertainty” in, 389 Internet, 13, 223, 250, 514 poker on, 296–97, 310 quality of information on, 3 Intrade, 333, 334, 335, 336–37, 358, 367, 497 invisible hand, 332 Ioannidis, John P.
Commodore: A Company on the Edge
Brian Bagnall
Published 13 Sep 2005
In 1956, Shannon returned to MIT at Lincoln Labs as a lecturer and Artificial Intelligence researcher. While there, he spread his concepts on Information Theory. “He changed the world,” says Peddle. “Shannon was not only a pioneer, but a prophet. He effectively developed a following, almost like a cult.” One of Shannon’s cultists would soon spread the word to Peddle at the University of Maine. During Peddle’s senior year, the University of Maine accepted a lecturer from MIT who studied under Claude Shannon. According to Peddle, “He had a nervous breakdown, so he left MIT. The University of Maine was so happy to get him because he was so superior to the type of instructor they could normally get.
He decided to put together a class to teach people about Information Theory.” At the time, Peddle was enrolling for his junior year. The new Information Theory class happened to fit into his schedule. As Peddle recalls, “It changed my life.” The class began with the instructor discussing the eyes and ears as the primary sensors for receiving information. “He started teaching us about Boolean algebra and binary logic, and the concept of Information Theory,” recalls Peddle. “I just fell in love. This was where I was going to spend my life.” However, the topic that interested Peddle the most was computers. “Information Theory was interesting, and I’ve used it from time to time, but the computer stuff this guy taught me was life changing.”
Over the years, he filled his beachside house with juggling robots, maze-solving robot mice, chess-playing programs, mind-reading machines, and an electric chair to transport his children down to the lake. In 1948, while working at Bell Labs, Shannon produced a groundbreaking paper, A Mathematical Theory of Communication. In it, he rigorously analyzed the concept of Information Theory and how pictures, words, sounds and other media are transmitted using a stream of ones and zeros. He even coined the word “bit.” Peddle was enchanted with his theories. “Today, you take this for granted, but you have to remember that someone had to dream all this up,” he says. “Everyone else’s work stands on his shoulders and most people don’t even know it.”
The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication From Ancient Times to the Internet
David Kahn
Published 1 Feb 1963
Code Expert,” The New York Times (March 3, 1966), 35. 730 Britain: Great Britain, The British Imperial Calendar and Civil Service List, 1964 (London: H.M.’s Stationery Office, 1964), columns 322, 326; Who’s Who, 1964 for Sir Eric Jones, Sir Clive Lochnis, Leonard J. Hooper, Brig. John H. Tiltman. 731 “One of the primary,” “provide full protection”: CED 1301.10d, CED 3204.8a. Other goals at CED 1301.6, -.7, –.8. Chapter 20 THE ANATOMY OF CRYPTOLOGY I am grateful to Claude Shannon and to David Slepian for reading an early draft of the parts of this chapter on information theory and making helpful suggestions. 737 “It would not be”: A. Adrian Albert, “Some Mathematical Aspects of Cryptography,” unpublished paper delivered before the American Mathematical Association, November 22, 1941. 737 “The transformations are”: Maurits de Vries, “Concealment of Information,” Synthèse, IX (1953), 326-336 at 330. 739 stability of letter frequency: for an explanation of this—based on de Saussure’s axiom of the independence of sound and meaning—see G.
Anti-Baconian Ib Melchior fell victim to his opponents’ obsession and enigmalyzed from Shakespeare’s tombstone a message in alleged Elizabethan English that supposedly meant, “Elsinore laid wedge first Hamlet edition”; his enigmaduction enjoys the dubious prestige of being the first to have been laid low by Claude Shannon’s unicity-point formula. Baconian Pierre Henrion has extended his enigmaplan to Jonathan Swift; by anagramming the nonsensical names in Gulliver’s Travels, substituting letters, and then anagramming again, he “proves” that LEMUEL GULLIVER really means Jonathan Swift and that LILLIPUT is Nowhere.
Shannon’s information theory shows how to make cryptanalysis more difficult and tells how much ciphertext is needed to reach a valid solution. In all these ways it has contributed to a deeper understanding of cryptology. Shannon has also viewed cryptology from a couple of other perspectives, which, while not as useful as information theory, are enlightening. The first, in fact, is a kind of corollary to the information-theory view. “From the point of view of the cryptanalyst,” Shannon wrote, “a secrecy system is almost identical with a noisy communication system.” In information theory, the term “noise” has a special meaning.
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology
Ray Kurzweil
Published 14 Jul 2005
See Theodore Modis, "Forecasting the Growth of Complexity and Change," Technological Forecasting and Social Change 69.4 (2002), http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tmodis/TedWEB.htm. 3. Compressing files is a key aspect of both data transmission (such as a music or text file over the Internet) and data storage. The smaller the file is, the less time it will take to transmit and the less space it will require. The mathematician Claude Shannon, often called the father of information theory, defined the basic theory of data compression in his paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," The Bell System Technical Journal 27 (July–October 1948): 379–423, 623–56. Data compression is possible because of factors such as redundancy (repetition) and probability of appearance of character combinations in data.
Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques: Concepts and Techniques
Jiawei Han
Micheline Kamber
Jian Pei
Published 21 Jun 2011
Suppose the class label attribute has m distinct values defining m distinct classes, Ci (for ). Let be the set of tuples of class Ci in D. Let and denote the number of tuples in D and , respectively. Information Gain ID3 uses information gain as its attribute selection measure. This measure is based on pioneering work by Claude Shannon on information theory, which studied the value or “information content” of messages. Let node N represent or hold the tuples of partition D. The attribute with the highest information gain is chosen as the splitting attribute for node N. This attribute minimizes the information needed to classify the tuples in the resulting partitions and reflects the least randomness or “impurity” in these partitions.
For a detailed discussion on attribute selection measures, see Kononenko and Hong [KH97]. Information gain was proposed by Quinlan [Qui86] and is based on pioneering work on information theory by Shannon and Weaver [SW49]. The gain ratio, proposed as an extension to information gain, is described as part of C4.5 (Quinlan [Qui93]). The Gini index was proposed for CART in Breiman, Friedman, Olshen, and Stone [BFOS84]. The G-statistic, based on information theory, is given in Sokal and Rohlf [SR81]. Comparisons of attribute selection measures include Buntine and Niblett [BN92], Fayyad and Irani [FI92], Kononenko [Kon95], Loh and Shih [LS97] and Shih [Shi99].
A good weighting function should obey the following properties: (1) the best semantic indicator of a pattern, p, is itself, (2) assign the same score to two patterns if they are equally strong, and (3) if two patterns are independent, neither can indicate the meaning of the other. The meaning of a pattern, p, can be inferred from either the appearance or absence of indicators. Mutual information is one of several possible weighting functions. It is widely used in information theory to measure the mutual independency of two random variables. Intuitively, it measures how much information a random variable tells about the other. Given two frequent patterns, pα and pβ, let X = {0, 1} and Y = {0, 1} be two random variables representing the appearance of pα and pβ, respectively.
Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C
Bruce Schneier
Published 10 Nov 1993
During the thirties and forties a few basic papers did appear in the open literature and several treatises on the subject were published, but the latter were farther and farther behind the state of the art. By the end of the war the transition was complete. With one notable exception, the public literature had died. That exception was Claude Shannon’s paper “The Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems,” which appeared in the Bell System Technical Journal in 1949 [1432]. It was similar to Friedman’s 1918 paper, in that it grew out of wartime work of Shannon’s. After the Second World War ended it was declassified, possibly by mistake. From 1949 until 1967 the cryptographic literature was barren.
Author(s): Bruce Schneier ISBN: 0471128457 Publication Date: 01/01/96 Search this book: Go! Previous Table of Contents Next ----------- Part III Cryptographic Algorithms Chapter 11 Mathematical Background 11.1 Information Theory Modern information theory was first published in 1948 by Claude Elmwood Shannon [1431, 1432]. (His papers have been reprinted by the IEEE Press [1433].) For a good mathematical treatment of the topic, consult [593]. In this section, I will just sketch some important ideas. Entropy and Uncertainty Information theory defines the amount of information in a message as the minimum number of bits needed to encode all possible meanings of that message, assuming all messages are equally likely.
If a cryptosystem has ideal secrecy, even successful cryptanalysis will leave some uncertainty about whether the recovered plaintext is the real plaintext. Information Theory in Practice While these concepts have great theoretical value, actual cryptanalysis seldom proceeds along these lines. Unicity distance guarantees insecurity if it’s too small but does not guarantee security if it’s high. Few practical algorithms are absolutely impervious to analysis; all manner of characteristics might serve as entering wedges to crack some encrypted messages. However, similar information theory considerations are occasionally useful, for example, to determine a recommended key change interval for a particular algorithm.