description: 6th-century BC semi-legendary Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism
109 results
The Evolution of Everything: How New Ideas Emerge
Matt Ridley
IEA On liberalism and evolution, Arnhart, Larry 2013. The Evolution of Darwinian Liberalism. Paper to the Mont Pelerin Society June 2013. On the decline of violence, Pinker, Steven 2011. The Better Angels of Our Nature. Penguin. On medieval violence, Tuchman, Barbara 1978. A Distant Mirror. Knopf. On Lao Tzu, Blacksburg, A. 2013. Taoism and Libertarianism – From Lao Tzu to Murray Rothbard. On bourgeois values, McCloskey, Deirdre N. 2006. The Bourgeois Virtues. University of Chicago Press. On Pope Francis, Tupy, Marion 2013. Is the Pope Right About the World?. Atlantic Monthly 11 December 2013. On the common law, Hutchinson, Allan C. 2005.
Farrar, Straus & Giroux. Also Robert Higgs, Some basics of state domination and public submission. 27 April 2104. On Ferguson, Missouri, Paul, Rand. We must demilitarize the police. Time 14 August 2014. Balko, Radley 2013. Rise of the Warrior Cop. PublicAffairs. On Lao Tzu, Blacksburg, A. 2013. Taoism and Libertarianism – From Lao Tzu to Murray Rothbard. Lord Acton’s letter to Mary Gladstone (24 April 1881), published in Letters of Lord Acton to Mary Gladstone (1913) p. 73. Michael Cloud quoted in Frisby, Dominic 2013. Life After the State. Unbound. On the Levellers, see ‘An arrow against all tyrants’ by Richard Overton, 12 October 1646, available at
With increasingly money-based interactions among strangers, people increasingly began to think of neighbours as potential trading partners rather than potential prey. Killing the shopkeeper makes no sense. So empathy, self-control and morality became second nature, though morality was always a double-edged sword, as likely to cause violence as to prevent it through most of history. Lao Tzu saw this twenty-six centuries ago: ‘The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be.’ Montesquieu’s phrase for the calming effect of trade on human violence, intolerance and enmity was ‘doux commerce’ – sweet commerce. And he has been amply vindicated in the centuries since. The richer and more market-oriented societies have become, the nicer people have behaved.
Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism
Peter Marshall
Published 2 Jan 1992
Even so, they are members of the same clan, share the same ancestors and bear resemblances. They also sometimes form creative unions. I have followed in this study the example of Kropotkin who, in his famous article on anarchism for the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1910), traced the anarchist ‘tendency’ as far back as Lao Tzu in the ancient world.11 I am keen to establish the legitimate claims of an anarchist tradition since anarchism did not suddenly appear in the nineteenth century only when someone decided to call himself an anarchist. I would also like to uncover what Murray Bookchin has called a ‘legacy of freedom’ and to reconstruct a strand of libertarian thinking which has been covered or disguised by the dominant authoritarian culture in the past.12 I have primarily restricted myself to thinkers; poets like Shelley and novelists like Franz Kafka, B.
Although it has helped shape Chinese culture as much as Buddhism and Confucianism, Taoism by its very nature never became an official cult. It has remained a permanent strain in Chinese thought. Its roots lay in the popular culture at the dawn of Chinese civilization but it emerged in the sixth century BC as a remarkable combination of philosophy, religion, proto-science and magic. The principal exponent of Taoism is taken to be Lao Tzu, meaning ‘Old Philosopher’. His year of birth was some time between 600 and 300 BC. He was probably of a noble family in Honan province. He rejected his hereditary position as a noble and became a curator of the royal library at Loh. All his life he followed the path of silence – ‘The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao’, he taught.2 According to legend, when he was riding off into the desert to die, he was persuaded by a gatekeeper in northwestern China to write down his teaching for posterity.
All his life he followed the path of silence – ‘The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao’, he taught.2 According to legend, when he was riding off into the desert to die, he was persuaded by a gatekeeper in northwestern China to write down his teaching for posterity. It seems likely that the Tao te ching (The Way and its Power) which is attributed to Lao Tzu, was written in the third century BC. It has been called by the Chinese scholar Joseph Needham ‘without exception the most profound and beautiful work in the Chinese language’.3 The text consists of eighty-one short chapters in poetic form. Although often very obscure and paradoxical, it offers not only the earliest but also the most eloquent exposition of anarchist principles.
Shadow of the Silk Road
Colin Thubron
Published 1 Jan 2006
They join the sect to escape the law. They make some kind of living, then disappear again.’ So the vision of Lao-tzu has sunk to this. Around its unworldly philosophy–the Tao was both spiritual path and transcendent knowledge–it had always been rife with magic and outlandish deities, and was obsessed with immortality. Even here a fortune-teller murmurs over an astrological chart, and the monks keep a hexagonal stone–when struck, it sings like metal–which the goddess Nuwa gave to Lao-tzu while she mended the sky. Beneath the temple of the Queen Mother of the West, who keeps the peaches of immortality in the Kun Lun mountains where I was going, I stare up at a giantess in painted plaster.
Worn steps climb and descend through circular moon-gates to grey-walled terraces. The air is awash with incense. There is a whiff of dereliction. The roofs are sloughing their tiles, and rubbish drifts along the paths. Inside the halls preside monstrous fairytale divinities. They repel all thought, all meaning. Lao-tzu himself, ‘Old Sage’–in legend the sixth-century BC founder of Taoism–sits huge and high-coloured behind his altar, a white waterfall of beard forking to his waist. He may have been less a man, in fact, than the name for a compendium of wisdom: a mystic pantheism, the faith of the recluse. But his way became lost.
He starts to wonder aloud what hallmark identifies this religion–in Christianity it is love; in Islam, perhaps, justice–then his brows curdle and he does not guess. What is it, then, to a secular countryman of Confucius? I wonder. The Queen Mother’s neutered gaze fixes us through her curtained canopy. At last he says: ‘Integrity.’ It was for lack of integrity in the world, it seems, that Lao-tzu–if he existed–mounted a black buffalo and prepared to shake the dust of China from his hoofs. The corruption of court life, it is said, had sickened him. Here in the Pass to the West, two and a half millennia ago, a watchman saw him coming–a moon-gate in grey brick enshrines the view–and persuaded him to stop.
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal
Christopher Moore
Published 4 Feb 2003
“Grieve,” Balthasar said, “but consider also the words of the master Lao-tzu: ‘Weapons are instruments of misfortune. Those who are violent do not die naturally.’” “Ahmad,” Joshua said, “what will happen to the guard, the one I…” “He is no good to me anymore,” said Ahmad. “A shame too, he was the best bowman of the lot. I’ll leave him in Kabul. He’s asked me to give his pay to his wife in Antioch and his other wife in Dunhuang. I suppose he will become a beggar.” “Who is Lao-tzu?” I asked. “You will have plenty of time to learn of master Lao-tzu,” said Balthasar. “Tomorrow I will assign you a tutor to teach you qi, the path of the Dragon’s Breath, but for now, eat and rest.”
“Look at this, do you see, Biff? When asked, the master Confucius says, ‘Recompense injury with justice, and kindness with kindness.’ Yet Lao-tzu says, ‘Recompense injury with kindness.’ Don’t you see?” Joshua would dance around, scrolls trailing out behind him, hoping that somehow I would share his enthusiasm for the ancient texts. And I tried. I really did. “No, I don’t see. The Torah says, ‘an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,’ that is justice.” “Exactly,” said Joshua. “I think Lao-tzu is correct. Kindness precedes justice. As long as you seek justice by punishment you can only cause more suffering. How can that be right?
The gatehouses alone were each as big as one of Herod’s palaces, and soldiers rode horses atop the wall, patrolling far into the distance. We were a good league back from the gate and the line didn’t seem to be moving. “This is going to take all day,” I said. “Why would they build such a thing? If you can build a wall like this then you ought to be able to raise an army large enough to defeat any invaders.” “Lao-tzu built this wall,” Joshua said. “The old master who wrote the Tao? I don’t think so.” “What does the Tao value above all else?” “Compassion? Those other two jewel things?” “No, inaction. Contemplation. Steadiness. Conservatism. A wall is the defense of a country that values inaction. But a wall imprisons the people of a country as much as it protects them.
Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice From the Best in the World
Timothy Ferriss
Published 14 Jun 2017
It’s easy to point fingers at “Wall Street” without realizing our own complicity in the problem or in finding a way to bring it under control. What advice would you give to a smart, driven college student about to enter the “real world”? What advice should they ignore? “Let life ripen and then fall. Will is not the way at all.”—Lao Tzu, from The Way of Life According to Lao Tzu We equate being smart and being driven as the ways to get ahead. But sometimes, an attitude of alert watchfulness is far wiser and more effective. Learning to follow your nose, pulling on threads of curiosity or interest, may take you places that being driven will never lead you to.
Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. He introduces the insights that he learned from surviving imprisonment in a Nazi concentration camp. He outlines methods to discover deep meaning and purpose in life. The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. His 81 Zen teachings are the foundation for the religion of Taoism, aimed at understanding “the way of virtues.” Lao Tzu’s depth of teachings are complicated to decode and provide foundations for wisdom. Mind Gym by Gary Mack is a book that strips down the esoteric nature of applied sport psychology. Gary introduces a variety of mindset training principles and makes them extremely easy to understand and practice.
One book I’ve returned to throughout my life, so much so that it’s now filled with underlining and notes, is The Doctor and the Soul by Viktor E. Frankl. A psychiatrist who emerged alive after six years in a concentration camp, Frankl’s work is based on our search for meaning in life as a very personal task. This book helped me embrace hard choices and keep imagining a better future. The Tao of Power by Lao Tzu [a translation of the Tao Te Ching by R. L. Wing] helped me see the relationship between “enough,” health, and wealth. It sent me on a 30-year journey to find enough food, exercise, and rest; to learn how to live between too much and too little to create a youthful and happier existence. And from Letters from a Stoic by Seneca, I learned self-mastery: to constantly improve myself so I would be ready for any possible disaster.
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers
Timothy Ferriss
Published 6 Dec 2016
This book will help you to develop all three. I created Tools of Titans because it’s the book that I’ve wanted my entire life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Pura vida, Tim Ferriss Paris, France 1 Healthy “When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” —Lao Tzu “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” —J. Krishnamurti “In the end, winning is sleeping better.” —Jodie Foster “I’m not the strongest. I’m not the fastest. But I’m really good at suffering.” Spirit animal: Carp * * * Amelia Boone Amelia Boone (TW: @ameliaboone, has been called “the Michael Jordan of obstacle course racing” (OCR) and is widely considered the world’s most decorated obstacle racer.
✸ Most-gifted or recommended books The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran: “I love really condensed, shakti [empowerment]-filled, energy-filled statements—something that you can read in a few minutes or you can read for your whole life.” [TF: This little tome is fewer than 100 pages long. Spend the extra $5 for the version with the author’s illustrations.] Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu: Jason travels with this book. “Oftentimes before meditation, I’ll just open it randomly to a page. I read about something and then just have that be what I steep in as I sit.” (See Rick Rubin, page 502, and Joshua Waitzkin, page 577.) When I asked Jason via text which translation he liked, he joked “Tao de Chinga tu madre” (ah, my friends), and then specified: Stephen Mitchell
He said he put these books out so that the government couldn’t stop people from experimenting. Personally, I prefer the whole-plant sources that have been used for millennia. What Does It Feel Like? “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu Most of us have had the experience of sitting at a computer with 20 open tabs. How did this happen? Didn’t I just clean this up last week? Then you get a warning of “Startup disk almost full.” So you delete a few videos as damage control, but . . . why is everything still running so damned slowly?
Designing the Mind: The Principles of Psychitecture
Designing The Mind
Ryan A Bush
Published 10 Jan 2021
But my most relevant credential is a lifelong appetite for introspective investigation, ravenous reading, and obsessive self-optimization. I don’t tend to focus on myself in this book because I find the ancient teachers, practical philosophers, and cognitive scientists who have inspired it to be far more interesting. My philosophical mentors have included Lao Tzu, Siddhārtha Gautama, Aristotle, Epicurus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, Michel de Montaigne, Rene Descartes, Friedrich Nietzsche, Abraham Maslow, Victor Frankl, Aaron Beck, and many more. My contemporary influences are too many to name here, but you will be introduced to them along the way.
Simply adding the prompt “consider the opposite” to the default algorithm has been found to counter anchoring, overconfidence, and hindsight bias.21 Some biases can be mitigated or eliminated by finding outside factual information, so take every opportunity to distance yourself and put your reasoning and beliefs to objective tests to remove as much human bias from the equation as possible. Not-knowing is true knowledge. Presuming to know is a disease. First realize that you are sick; Then you can move toward health. - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching Understanding Motivated Bias Humans were not directly selected to process information, nor to store it, learn it, attend to it—nor even, in fact, to think. - Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology People who have learned of these biases and the methods for countering them often refer to themselves as critical thinkers, freethinkers, or rationalists.
But we should not strive to satisfy those which are unnatural or unnecessary, like extravagant foods, sex, power, or Instagram followers (his words, not mine).5 It is less extreme than the Buddha’s suggestion, and may strike us as more realistic, and we see this minimalistic approach to desire in countless other thinkers. The sage desires to have few desires. - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching [I] try always to master myself rather than fortune, and to change my desires rather than the order of the world. - René Descartes, Discourse on Method Freedom is not achieved by satisfying desire, but by eliminating it. - Epictetus, Discourses The Stoic notion that we should not desire what we cannot control is also relevant here.
The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations
Ori Brafman
Rod A. Beckstrom
Published 4 Oct 2006
Deborah is now busy starting circles, inviting participants from all levels of the company, and empowering them to take on important corporate decisions. Keeping to her catalyst roots, Deborah refuses to be seen as the head. You'd be hard-pressed, in fact, to find her name on Goodwill's Web site. She knows that, in the words of the ancient Chi- THE HIDDEN POWER OF THE CATALYST nese philosopher Lao-tzu, "a leader is best when people barely know that he exists; not so good when people obey and acclaim him; worst when they despise him." Not all catalysts are hidden. Auren Hoffman, in fact, is hard to miss. It's easy enough to find him on his Web site, and Auren isn't shy about getting his name out there.
Instead of being the knowit-all expert, the humanist clinician strove to allow clients to take an active role in their lives and become their own experts. In A Way of Being (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1980), Rogers delineates his "person-centered" approach and discusses the importance of being genuine and connecting with others on a deep level. Lao-tzu was a legendary ancient Chinese philosopher who wrote Tao Te Ching. He is credited with being a founder of Taoism. SOURCES CHAPTER 6: Taking On Decentralization Ingrid Newkirk's book about ALF activists is Free the Animals: The Amazing Story of the Animal Liberation Front (New York: Lantern Books, 2000).
INDEX A abolitionist movement, English, 8587, 94, 95, 96-99, 100-101, 102, 103, 206 accordion principle, 42 accountability, 46, 165, 190, 195-96 active listening, 120, 124-25 Afghanistan, 147, 206 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 36-37, 40-41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 126, 140, 194 catalyst of, 92 centralizing influence on, 152-53 circles of, 88, 89, 90, 97 culture of trust in, 90-91 ideology of, 95, 96, 152, 206 leadership by example in, 37 mutation of, 50 preexisting platform for, 97 Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., 152—53 al Qaeda, 6, 140-43, 194, 205 circles of, 140-41 ideology of, 140 in Kenya, 140-41, 146, 155 strategically decentralized counterattacks on, 155—57 U.S. response to, 141—43 AlvarezRodriguez, Deborah, 112-15, 11920, 125-26, 128-29, 130-31 Amazon, 165-66, 174 user reviews on, 167—69, 170, 204-5 INDEX Andrews, Julie, 93 Animal Liberation Front (ALF), 135-40, 194 catalysts of, 135-37, 138 circles of, 137, 13839 civil disobedience by, 136, 137-38 FBI pursuit of, 138, 139, 143 ideology of, 139, 140,206 labs' response to, 139-40, 143 Anthony, Susan B., 103-5 Apaches, 15-21, 23, 55 cattle as centralizing influence on, 151-52 circles of, 88, 89, 92 decisionmaking of, 20—21, 46 ideology of, 95, 96, 149 leadership by example among, 20,37,71,92 mutation of, 21, 40 Nant'ans as leaders of, 20, 21, 22,24,35,37,46,47,71,91, 92, 99, 15152, 205 Apache server software, 69— 72, 90, 91,92,94-95, 172, 194,205 Apple, 192-93 iTunesof, 193, 194-95 appreciative inquiry, concept of, 177-78 Atahuallpa, 17 AT&T, 61, 62, 63, 201 auction industry, online, 161—67 sweet spot of, 189-91 auto industry, 181-89, 191 Aztecs, 16-17, 18, 19, 22, 35, 152 B, 68 Behlendorf, Brian, 70, 92 Big Book, The (Alcoholics Anonymous), 152—53 bin Laden, Osama, 6, 140, 142 brain, distributed structure of, 3—5 Brennan, William, 11 Buckmaster, Jim, 64, 67 Burning Man festival, 77-81, 90, 154 creativity at, 78-79, 80-81 gift economy of, 79, 90, 204 selfpolicing of, 79-80 Bury the Chains (Hochschild), 85 catalysts, 40-41, 91-94, 97-101, 109-31, 135-37, 138, 140, 143, 144, 154, 170, 183-84, 205-6, 207 active listening by, 120, 124-25 in Afghanistan, 147 ambiguity tolerance of, 127—28, 129, 131 CEOs vs., 129-31 champions linked to, 98—101, 102-5, 119-20 charisma of, 99 creativity promoted by, 128, 131 desire to help in, 118, 123 emotional intelligence of, 125-26, 129 as genuinely interested in others, 120-21 hands-off approach of, 128 as inspiration to others, 126-27, 129, 206 mapping by, 116, 12223, 206 multiple casual relationships of, 115-18, 121-22 passion of, 118, 119, 124 productive situations for, 129-31 stepping aside by, 37, 41, 92, 93, 94,112, 114, 117, 128-29,206 traditional leaders vs., 93 trust in relationships of, 126, 129, 163 centralization, strategic, 151—54, 156 INDEX centralized (spider) organizations, 16-22,31-53,60,61,71-72, 141-42, 201 accountability of, 46 central funding of, 51—52 CEOs of, 46, 129-31 as coercive, 19, 21, 41 concentrated knowledge and power in, 49 consolidation of, 63, 68, 139-40, 142, 192 countable membership of, 50-51 division of roles in, 48 headquarters of, 19, 22, 38-39, 46-47 hierarchy of, 22, 46 increased centralization after attacks on, 139-40, 141-42 indirect communication in, 52-53 interdependent units of, 48—49 leadership of, 19, 22, 46, 47, 97 as poor platforms, 97 property rights in, 151—54 removal of head as fatal to, 47, 138, 142-43 rigidity of, 50 starfish as mistaken for, 31—36, 45-46 see also hybrid organizations champions, 90-101, 102-5, 119-20 Chinook diplomacy, 147—49 CIO Symposium, 115-16 Clarkson, Thomas, 98-99, 100-101, 102, 104 Concept of the Corporation (Drucker), 183 Constitution, U.S., 142 Cook, Scott, 91, 170-71 Cooperrider, David, 177—78 Cortes, Hernando, 16-17, 19, 32 craigslist, 64-69, 76, 94, 96, 98, 162, 190, 195, 202, 208 culture of trust on, 65—67, 68, 91 profits of, 64, 65, 69 "scraping" of, 68-69 as usercontrolled system, 65-67, 68, 92, 126 virtual circles of, 88-89 Creation of the Media, The (Starr), 199-200 decentralization, strategic, 155—58 see also hybrid organizations D decentralized (starfish) organizations: anonymity and, 194 autonomous units of, 48—49, 51 catalysts of, see catalysts circles of, 87, 88-91, 93-94, 97, 101, 114, 118, 127, 129, 131, 137, 138-39, 140-41, 143, 145, 157, 169, 186, 207 creativity of, 78-79, 80-81, 97, 128, 131, 191,203 culture of trust in, 65—67, 68, 90-91, 111, 113-14, 163, 165, 168, 190 direct communication in, 52-53, 65-66 diseconomies of scale in, 201-2 distributed knowledge and power of, 21,49-50, 97, 163-64 distributed policing of, 76-77, 80 distributed structure of, 20 division of roles lacked by, 48 easy mutation of, 21, 37, 40—41, 50 flexibility of, 21,22, 40, 50 and free information flow, 194 INDEX decentralized (starfish) organizations (cont.) headquarters lacked by, 19, 46-47 hierarchy lacked by, 19, 46 identifying questions to ask about, 45—53 ideology of, see ideology intelligence spread throughout system in, 39—40 knowledge at the edge in, 40, 177-78, 204 leadership in, 1920, 37, 39, 67, 71,91,94 managing, measuring, and monitoring of, 207 as mistaken for spiders, 31—36, 45-46 network effect in, 166-67, 202-3 as open systems, 20, 21, 37, 39-41, 67, 72,94-95 overall profits decreased in, 45, 94 people's desire to contribute to, 74-77, 79, 80, 91, 169, 170-72, 184, 204-5 power of chaos in, 203, 208 preexisting networks as platforms of, 96-98, 103, 105 principles of, 21, 24, 36, 39-40, 41,45,74, 139-40 rapid growth of, 41—44 response to attacks on, 21—27, 139, 143, 156, 205 selfenforced norms of, 20, 90 selffunding units of, 51—52 strategic responses to attacks by, 143-58, 206, 207-8 uncountable participants in, 50-51 variance created by, 191 Deep End of the Ocean, Tlie (Mitchard), 169-70 Diamond, Jared, 167—68 Dorman, David, 62-63 Draper, Tim, 176 Draper Fisher Jurvetson (DFJ), 176 Drucker, Peter, 18189, 191 E eBay, 162-67, 203, 208 accountability of, 165, 190, 195 culture of trust on, 163, 165, 190 headquarters of, 164 listing fees of, 166 network effect and, 166—67 PayPal of, 165, 195 reputation of, 164, 166 Skype purchased by, 63, 176 on sweet spot, 189—91 user ratings on, 163-64, 165, 166-67, 168, 170, 190, 195 eClass229, 161-62, 164, 165, 166 economies of scale, 192 diseconomies of scale vs., 201—2 Edison, Thomas, 42 eDonkey, 24-25, 26, 154 eMule, 25, 27, 40, 42, 44, 46, 47, 60,91,98, 154, 173, 192, 193, 194-95, 196, 202, 203, 205 catalyst of, 92-93 ideology of, 95-96 Fanning, Shawn, 5-6, 13—14, 43, 162 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 138, 139, 143 federal decentralization, 142, 183 Florida Keys, 1935 hurricane in, F 37-39, 49, 52, 155,204 France, 200 INDEX internal decentralization of, 174-78 of online auction industry, 161-67 of software industry, 170—74 see also sweet spot Hydra response, 205 Internet president demanded by investors of, 31-34, 35, 45, 46, 69, 142, 162, 201 Future Generations, 147, 206 G Garrison, Dave, 31-34, 69, 142, 162, 201 General Electric (GE), 175, 208 General Motors (GM), 18189 assembly lines of, 185, 186-89, 191, 201 as hybrid organization, 183—84, 188-89, 208 ideology of, 184 NUMMI plant of, 187-88 successful managerial structure of, 181-84 Toyota vs., 185-89, 191,201 Geronimo, 20 gift economy, 79, 90, 204 Goodwill Industries, 112, 114-15, 126, 130-31 Google, 17172, 174, 195-96 Gorog, Chris, 24 grandmother cell, theory of, 3-5 Grokster, 12-15, 22, 24, 26, 43 GungHo, 188 H N; Harvard University, 163—64, 166 Hemming, Nikki, 60 Hochschild, Adam, 85 Hoffman, Auren, 109-10, 115-18, 120-21, 122, 123, 129, 206 Hresko, Jamie, 188 hybrid organizations, 161-78, 181-96, 207-8 appreciative inquiry in, 177—78 customer experience decentralized by, 161-74 I IBM, 72, 171, 184 open-source software supported by, 172-74 ideology, 94-96, 102-5, 113, 114, 118, 124, 129,207 of AA, 95, 96, 152,206 of ALF, 139, 140.206 of al Qaeda, 140 of Apaches, 95, 96, 149 backlash against attempted influencing of, 149—51 of eMule, 95-96 of GM, 184 of P2P downloaders, 149-51 strategic alteration of, 144—51, 156, 206 Incas, 17, 18, 19 Internet: browsers for, 69—72 as decentralized platform, 97—98 estimated user numbers of, 12, 51 flexibility of, 50 French investors' demand for president of, 31-34, 35, 45, 46,69, 142, 162,201 survival ability of, 48-49 virtual circles on, 88-89, 91 Intuit, 91, 170-71, 174, 184, 204 iTunes, 193, 194-95 J Jacobi, Leor, 99-100 Jamii Bora Trust, 144-46, 149, 206 Japan, 184-89 Joachim, Joseph, 42-43, 44-45 Kashmir, relief efforts in, 148—49 Katrina, Hurricane, 39 Kazaa, 22-25, 26, 41, 60, 61, 154, 205 Kazaa Lite (K+), 24, 41 Kendall, David, 12 Kenya, 143 al Qaeda in, 140-41, 146, 155 Jamii Bora Trust in, 144-46, 149, 206 Labor Day hurricane of 1935, 37-39,49,52, 155,204 Lao-tzu, 114-15 Lettvin, Jerry, 5 Linckia, 35 Linux, 72, 172-73 Lockley, Walt, 75 McNealy, Scott, 173, 174 Martin, David, 119-20, 126, 206 Mary Poppins, 93 Mendelssohn, Felix, 42 MGM, 11-15, 16, 23, 24, 26, 27, 34, 45, 46, 201 Microsoft, 65, 71-72, 94, 172 Mitchard, Jacquelyn, 169-70 Montezuma II, 16-17, 20, 22, 23 Moody, Glyn, 70-71 movie industry, 149-51 Munro, Ingrid, 145 music industry, 41-45, 60 economies of scale in, 192 performing musicians in, 42—43, 44-45, 19192 progression of, 42—45 sweet spot in, 191-95 see also record industry music piracy, 5—6, 17, 22—27', 192-94 lawsuits against, 11—15, 22, 23-24,26,60, 194 revenues lost by, 13, 25, 26, 45, 192 see also P2P (peer-topeer) services Nant'ans, Apache, 20, 21, 22, 24,35,37,46,47,71, 91,92,99, 151-52, 205 Napster, 6, 13-14, 22, 24, 26, 41, 43,45, 154, 162, 192, 194, 205 Napster II, 24, 26 Nature, 74 Navajos, 151 NCSA Project, 69-72 Netcom, 31-34 Netscape, 69, 71-72, 162 network effect, 166-67, 202-3 Nevins, Tom, 15-21, 34, 35, 37, 110, 151,152 Newkirk, Ingrid, 138-39 Newmark, Craig, 6, 64-69, 92, 94, 202 newspaper industry, 68 New Times Corporation, 68 New United Motors Manufacturing, Inc.
Hemingway Didn't Say That: The Truth Behind Familiar Quotations
Garson O'Toole
Published 1 Apr 2017
Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. A 1976 public policy book, Africa: From Mystery to Maze, linked a version to Lao-tzu and Mao Tse-tung.13 To paraphrase Lao-tse and Chairman Mao, can the American people understand that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish? Hero’s finding that the American public strongly supports technical assistance to transfer American know-how suggests that they can. In 1986 an article about bodywork in Yoga Journal ascribed the saying to Lao-tzu.14 Lao Tsu said that if you give a hungry man a fish, you feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
Bbaylarry, “OTP: Joke—If You Love Something,” Usenet newsgroup, August 23, 1999. Accessed in Google Groups, PROVERBIAL WISDOM The origin of this thought is highly contested. QI has recorded claims that the adage is Chinese, Native American, Italian, Indian, or biblical. It has been variously linked directly, if falsely, to Lao-tzu, Mao Tse-tung, and Maimonides. The general principle of alleviating poverty by facilitating self-sufficiency has a long history. The twelfth-century philosopher Maimonides wrote about eight degrees in the duty of charity. In 1826 an explication of the eighth degree was published in a journal called the Religious Intelligencer.1 Lastly, the eighth and the most meritorious of all, is to anticipate charity by preventing poverty, namely, to assist the reduced brother, either by a considerable gift or loan of money, or by teaching him a trade, or by putting him in the way of business, so that he may earn an honest livelihood and not be forced to the dreadful alternative of holding up his hand for charity . . .
Murray, 42, 44 Ingram, William, 130 Ivins, Molly, 132 James, William, 330, 331 Jameson, Robert A., 43 Jobs, Steve, 17–19, 21–22 Johnson, Samuel, 235, 239 Johnson, Steve, 188 Johnston, Mike, 279 Jowett, Benjamin, 139 Kafka, Franz, 55–57 Kane, William R., 185, 189 Kant, Immanuel, 332 Kantner, Paul, 286 Kaplan, Abraham, 344–46, 347, 349 Keeler, Jesse, 278 Keightley, Thomas, 315 Keith, Kent M., 158–60, 161 Kennedy, John F., 38, 44, 311 Kennedy, Robert F., 2 Keyes, Ralph, 29, 38, 46, 88, 98, 101, 123, 163, 207, 344 Keynes, John Maynard, 355 Kierkegaard, Søren, 146 Kilfenora, Dean of, 298 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 33, 35–36, 123 Kohn, Jacob, 35 Krivkovich, Peter G., 132 Kronman, Harry, 92 Kuhnemann, Jorg K., 84 Lair, Jess, 92–93, 95 Lamb, William, 243 Lambert-Moore, Janet, 104 Lao-tse, 100, 329–30 Lao-tzu, 97, 100–1 Laundy, Philip, 209 Lee, Stan, 241, 246 Leland, John, 320 Lenin, Vladimir, 332 Lennon, John, 146, 149, 252, 255–66, 272, 274 Lessing, Doris, 304 Limehouse, Ezekiel, 86 Lincoln, Abraham, 202–6, 311, 312, 351–52, 354, 355–56 Loane, M., 98 Locke, John, 292, 293–4 Loevinger, Lee, 346–47 Lowe, Janet, 52 Lumgair, Simeon, 189 Luther, Martin, 294 MacArthur, Arthur, 258 MacDonald, Don, 174 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 172, 174 Mackay, Harvey, 105 Maclaren, Ian, 74–77 Madson, John, 85 Magalaner, Marvin, 20 Maggio, Rosalie, 29 Maimonides, 97 Majors, Lee, 94 Mann, T., 332 Manton, Thomas, 283 Manzarek, Ray, 8, 155–56 Mao Tse-tung, 97, 100–1 Marlowe, Christopher, 126, 128–29 Martin, Steve, 277–79 Marx, Richard, 320 Maslow, Abraham, 346, 347, 349 Mason, M.
The Virgin Way: Everything I Know About Leadership
Richard Branson
Published 8 Sep 2014
No 118 Drake, Francis 293 Drolet, Phil 289 Drucker, Peter 127, 227, 240 Duende 48, 259 Duffell, Ian 182 Durex 55 easyJet 36 Ecomagination initiative 354 see also General Electric Econet Wireless Group 360 Edwards, Jamal 280–1 Eisenhower, Dwight D. 155 Elders, The 37–38, 118, 291 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 202 Enron 102 entrepreneurs 127–31 and established businesses 285–6 female 284–5 government help for 281–3 mentoring of 282, 283, 287–91 and ‘next big thing’ 369 nurturing of, early 276–9 and Pioneers programme 280–2 and social enterprises 360–4 and Virgin StartUp 283 VMP survey of 281–2 see also Branson Centres of Entrepreneurship Ertegun, Ahmet 135 Europe in Summer Café 275 ‘Everybody Better Off’ (EBO) 188, 190 see also Virgin Money ex-prisoners 23–4 Exorcist, The 135 Facebook 131 Fadell, Tony 365, 366–7, 368–70 Fair Labor Standards Act 220 Faris, Ron 111–12, 171, 173 Fast Company 350 Financial Times 21 FirstGroup 335–40 Fiver Challenge 277–8 focus groups, informal 54 Food Basket Farm 275 Fortune 285 Founders Forum For Good 363 Fox, Nick 337 Fox, Robyn 275–6 Friedkin, William 135 Frost, David 255 G-Tech 31 Gabriel, Peter 323 Gadhia, Jayne-Anne 186, 188, 257–8, 285 Gandhi, Mohandas (Mahatma) 2 Gardner, Roy 200 Gates, Bill 195 General Dynamics 285 General Electric 353, 354 General Motors 285 Genesis 323 Giving Pledge 195 Global Entrepreneurship Week 279 Global Impact Challenge 361–3 Godfrey, Brett 72, 141, 178, 236, 243–5 GoGo 312 Goizueta, Roberto 60–1 Golden Bull Award 106 Goldman Sachs 330–1 Goodwin, Jonnie 363 Google 130–1, 137, 138, 198–9, 288, 312 April Fool stunts by 268–9 Global Impact Challenge of 361–3 and Nest 369 and Project Oxygen 214 Google Maps 310–11 Griffiths, Martin 338 Hail Merry Seasoned Nut Blend 286 Haji-Ioannou, Stelios 36–7 Happiness Advantage, The (Achor) 259–60 Harvard Business Review 322 Hastings, Reed 56, 57–8 Helen (RB’s assistant) 338 Hemingway, Ernest 86, 104 Herwald, Kurt 231 hiring: bartender who became airport manager 250–1 candidates from straitjacketed environment 210–12 and capability vs expertise 203–4 and character 202–3 cleaner who became station manager 249–50 and CV 203 and first impressions 204–5 as number-one priority 197–200 and promoting from within 205–6, 212 and retaining staff 213–14 HIV 55 HMV 181 Hoare, David 237–8 Hoberman, Brent 363 Holly Baking Company’s Chocolate Chip Cookies 286 home working 221–3 Hope, Allie 62–3 Horton, Willie 301 Howard, Anthony 90–1 HP 312 Huffington, Arianna 357, 358, 359 Huffington Post 357, 359 Hyundai 174–5 I Love Lucy 214 IBM 285 Immelt, Jeffrey 354 ‘Insights into Organization’ 97 Intel 288 iPad 149 iPhone 149, 310, 366, 371 iPod 127, 262, 366, 368, 371 Isaacson, Walter 323 iTunes 126, 169, 182, 262, 315 Jagger, Mick 97 JBL 311–12 jetBlue 222 Jobs 365 Jobs, Steve 3, 68, 126, 130, 137, 148, 191, 262, 288, 365–8, 370 and collaboration 324 on creativity 323–4 movie about 365–6 Jones, Kelly 98 Jones, Kenton ‘Keny’ 208–9 Jones, Leesa 208–9 Junior Achievement (JA) 277, 278 Just In Time (JIT) 327 Kasbah Kamadot 209 Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) 80, 98–9 Kelleher, Herb 229, 231–4, 239 Keller, Helen 180 Kennedy, John F. 32 Kerby, Chuck 350 Kia 174–5 Kiam, Victor 64 King, Lord 42, 301 KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) 80, 98–9 Kodak 124–6 Krave Turkey Jerky 286 Kreeger, Craig 76–7 Laker Airways 200, 297–300 Laker, Freddie 200, 233, 287, 289, 297–300, 305–6 Lao Tzu 117 le Carré, John 5, 30 leadership: and accessibility 47–51 akin to bringing up children 26–7 and culture 228–9; see also culture and decisions, see decisions defined and discussed 117–30 and delegation 124, 195, 198, 199–200 and entrepreneurs 127–31 Lao Tzu’s take on 117 listening as ‘bum rap’ in 31 and ‘next big thing’ 369 and oratory 31–2 and passion, see passion and simplicity 79 and today’s teenagers 276 unexpected provenance of 13 Virgin research to define 43–7, 191 and women 284–5 Leal, Raul 63–4 Leica 125, 311 Lennon, John 5 Leonardo da Vinci 178–9 Liberty Global 162 Light Brigade, Charge of 295 light bulbs, low-energy 349–53 listening: and accessibility 47–51 and anagrams 30 interrupting as opposed to 39–40 and leadership, Virgin companies’ views on 45–6 merely hearing is not 33 notable practitioners of 37–8 and note-taking 5, 30–1, 33–7 and reading between the lines 41–2 and unspoken word 40–1 Lockheed Martin 285, 311 London Marathon 322 Lone Ranger 293 M-Pesa 354 McCall, Patrick 337 McCallum, Gordon 160, 161 McCue, Mike 365 McDonald’s 147 Machel, Graça 117 McKinsey & Co. 96–7 McLaughlin, Patrick 338, 339–40 Magnuss Ltd 355 Malaysia Airlines 342–3 Manchester United FC 258 Mandela, Nelson 37–8 Markkula, Mike 288 Masiyiwa, Strive 360 Masson, Margaret 344 Mates condoms 56 Maxwell, Gavin 85 Mayer, Marissa 107, 222, 285 biography of 307 mentoring 282, 283, 287–91 Microsoft 310, 315 mission statements 101–14 B Team’s 358 brevity of 105–6 Bristol-Myers’s 106–7 Enron’s 102 and Golden Bull Award 106 Virgin Active’s 108 Yahoo!’
Maybe it’s a throwback to my old school motto or something, but I have always thought that if the Virgin Group were ever to adopt such a motto, then something along the lines of ‘Ipsum Sine Timore, Consectetur’ would look incredibly impressive on a scroll right below our familiar red Virgin logo. Loosely translated from the Latin this means ‘Screw It, Let’s Do It’ and, as mission statements go, that’s about as real as it gets! PART TWO Chapter 6 DEFINING LEADERSHIP And its multiple myths ‘Leadership is the ability to hide your panic from others.’ Lao Tzu (sixth-century Chinese philosopher) Based on the above, it seems that some key leadership skills haven’t changed much at all in fifteen centuries. I can definitely relate to this one but in the early days of Virgin, at least, I might have been more specific and tweaked it to read, ‘Leadership is the ability to hide one’s panic from your bank manager!’
I can definitely relate to this one but in the early days of Virgin, at least, I might have been more specific and tweaked it to read, ‘Leadership is the ability to hide one’s panic from your bank manager!’ Something I apparently failed to achieve immediately after the launch of Virgin Atlantic when, fearing we were getting in way over our heads, Coutts Bank pulled the plug on our account. Needless to say we quickly found other sources of more imaginative funding, but Lao Tzu would presumably have been less than impressed with my performance. ‘THE ANSWER’S YES. NOW WHAT WAS THE QUESTION?’ In the early days of Virgin, one of our people nicknamed me ‘Dr Yes’. It was a friendly (I hope) dig at my perpetual eagerness to go along with trying new ideas. Only I knew that in part it might also have something to do with my inherent dislike of confrontation.
A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy
William Braxton Irvine
Published 14 Feb 2009
Furthermore, we should remember that one person’s being richer than another does not mean that the first person is better than the other.19 Likewise, we should keep in mind Seneca’s comment to Lucilius that “the man who adapts himself to his slender means and makes himself wealthy on a little sum, is the truly rich man.”20 (The Stoics, by the way, are not alone in making this observation. On the other side of the globe, for example, Lao Tzu observed that “he who knows contentment is rich.”)21 Ev e n t h o u g h s h e d o e s n ’ t pursue wealth, a Stoic might nevertheless acquire it. A Stoic will, after all, do what she can to make herself useful to her fellow humans. And thanks to her practice of Stoicism, she will be self-disciplined and single-minded, traits that will help her accomplish the tasks she sets for herself.
Seneca, Ad Lucilium, XC.19. Notes to Pages 178–200 293 14. Musonius, Lectures, 20.5, 20.7. 15. Seneca, Ad Lucilium, XC.16. 16. Seneca, “On Tranquillity,” VIII.9, IX.2–3. 17. Seneca, Ad Lucilium, V.5. 18. Epictetus, Handbook, 33, 39. 19. Epictetus, Handbook, 24, 44. 20. Seneca, Ad Lucilium, CVIII.11. 21. Lao Tzu, XXXIII. 22. Seneca, Ad Lucilium, V.5. 23. Seneca, “On the Happy Life,” XXIII.1, XX.3, XXVI.1. 24. Carus, 72–74. Sixteen 1. Tacitus, 16.21. 2. Epictetus, “Discourses,” I.i.31–32. 3. Seneca, “To Helvia,” V.6, VI.1, VI.4. 4. Seneca, “To Helvia,” VIII.3, XI.5. 5. Musonius, Lectures, 9.10. 6.
McAdam Jr. and George Milne. New York: Pantheon, 1963. Julius Capitolinus. “Marcus Antoninus: The Philosopher.” In Scriptores Historiae Augustae. Vol. 1. Translated by David Magie. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1921. Kekes, John. Moral Wisdom and Good Lives. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1995. Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching. Translated by D. C. Lau. New York: Penguin, 1963. Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of European Morals: From Augustus to Charlemagne. New York: George Braziller, 1955. Works Cited 299 Long, A. A. Epictetus: A Stoic and Socratic Guide to Life. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.
The Patterning Instinct: A Cultural History of Humanity's Search for Meaning
Jeremy Lent
Published 22 May 2017
The Greek transformation was unique, but it can be understood best as a magnificent flowering of branches of thought that in fact sprouted from earlier traditions. It was also not the only foundational system of thought to emerge during the middle of the first millennium BCE. In the few centuries from roughly 750 to 350 BCE, the other great cultural edifices that structure our world were also being formed. In China, Confucius and Lao-Tzu left their legacy. In India, ancient Vedic traditions were crystallizing, while the Buddha offered revolutionary new ways of thinking about one's life. In Israel, Hebrew prophets were compiling the Old Testament. Philosopher Karl Jaspers was so struck by these contemporaneous breakthroughs that he called this period the Axial Age: these systems of thought can be seen as the axis, or pivot, from which modern structures of cognition ultimately derive.
The word tao literally means “way” or “path,” and the idea of the Tao (pronounced “dao” and often spelled like that) is as central to Chinese thought as qi or yin and yang.24 The Taoist school of thought in ancient China was dedicated to understanding this pathway and learning how to live one's life according to it. The Tao Te Ching, second only to the Bible as the most translated book in history, was its foundational text. Legend has it that it was written by Lao-Tzu (whose name literally means “old master”), but it more likely represents the collective wisdom of an ancient tradition dating back into the mists of time, finally captured in written form during the third century BCE.25 In approaching the Tao Te Ching, it's helpful to look more closely at its title.
On the other hand, for those with little capacity they are different. Enlightenment and illusion depends solely on the capacity of man and not on the difference of teaching.” The public shared this eclectic appreciation of religious wisdom. Even today, in a typical Taoist temple, along with a central image of Lao-tzu, you might find images of a Christian saint, a Confucian sage, and the Buddha, among other deities.35 Buddhism gradually spread into China from India, reaching its zenith during the Tang dynasty (618–907), when it became an integral part of the Chinese cultural and political system. Toward the end of the Tang dynasty, a backlash occurred.
The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World's Most Popular Drug
Bennett Alan Weinberg
Bonnie K. Bealer
Published 5 Dec 2000
Although the varying components of this potion included botanicals such as ginseng and mushrooms, and elements such as gold and mercury (lethal metals that were also a favored part of humoral treatments through at least the eighteenth century in the West), in every Taoist recipe tea, perhaps because the stimulating effects of caffeine conferred feelings of strength and power, invariably topped the list of ingredients in the brew. The Chinese Tea Ceremony: A Confluence of Buddhist, Taoist, and Confucian Streams Lao Tzu and his followers regarded tea as a natural agent that, properly used, could help beneficially transform the individual human organism and, as such, was a tool for the advancement of personal salvation. Confucius, who lived at about the same time as Lao Tzu, saw in the ceremonial use of tea a powerful reinforcement of the conventionalized relationships indispensable to an ethical society. Confucius ennobled the ancient Chinese li, or “ritual etiquette,” into a moral imperative.
Wen was a legendary folk hero and purported author of the Erh Ya, the first Chinese dictionary. However, because the earliest extant source for this tea tribute is the Treatise on the Kingdom of Huayang, by Chang Ju, a history of the era written in A.D. 347,3 the story is not very helpful in establishing that tea was used in China before the first millennium B.C. To Lao Tzu (600–517 B.C.), the founder of Taoism, is ascribed, by a Chinese text of the first century B.C., the notion that tea is an indispensable constituent of the elixir of life. The Taoist alchemists, his followers, who sought the secret of immortality, certainly believed this, dubbing tea “the froth of the liquid jade.”
(Unlike their Western counterparts, who searched for both the secret of eternal life and the power to turn base metal into gold, the Chinese alchemists confined their quest to improving health and extending life.) The custom of offering tea to guests, still honored in China, supposedly began in an encounter that occurred toward the end of Lao Tzu’s life. An embittered and disillusioned man, the spiritual leader, having seen his teachings dishonored in his own land and foreseeing a national decline, drove westward on a buffalo-cart, intending to leave China for the wild wastes of Ta Chin in central Asia, an area that later became part of the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire.
The Dice Man
Luke Rhinehart
Published 1 Jan 1971
From children to men we cage ourselves in patterns to avoid facing new problems and possible failure; after a while men become bored because there are no new problems. Such is life under the fear of failure. Fail! Lose! Be bad! Play, risk, dare. Thus, I exulted that evening of Larry's first diceday. I became determined to make Larry and Evie fearless, frameless, egoless humans. Larry would be the first egoless man since Lao-Tzu. I would let him play the role of father of the household and Evie the mother. I'd let them reverse roles. Sometimes they would play parents as they perceive us to be and at other times as they think parents should be. We could all play television heroes and comic-strip characters. And Lil and I every conscientious parent - would change his personality every other day or week.
Since I have often felt the same way (although not about trucks), I explained that the dice man game should only be played when he felt like it. I emphasized, however, that when he did play he must always follow the dice. Unfortunately, my efforts during the succeeding two days to turn Larry into Lao-Tzu were confounded by his child's good sense; he gave the dice only extremely pleasant alternatives - ice cream, movies, zoos, horsey, trucks, bikes, money. He began to use the dice as a treasure chest. I finally told him that the dice man game always had to provide risk, that slightly bad choices had to be there too.
On the other hand, if the man's buddies approve fidelity one year and infidelity the next, and the man changes from faithful husband to rake, no revolution has occurred. The class tale remains intact; only the policy on a minor matter has been altered. In first becoming the dice man, my audience was changed from my peers in psychiatry to Blake, Nietzsche, Lao-Tzu. My goal was to destroy all sense of an audience; to become without values, evaluators, without desires: to be inhuman, all-inclusive. God. In moving the dice man into sexual research, however, what I aspired to was a piece of ass. Zeus wished to disguise himself as beast and fornicate with a beautiful woman.
How to Be Idle
Tom Hodgkinson
Published 1 Jan 2004
In short: we should celebrate our smoking, and remove the guilt surrounding it. I think we might paradoxically find that if we did so, we would smoke less. Freedom would bring responsibility. 9 p.m. The Idle Home Without stirring abroad One can know the whole world; Without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. Lao Tzu, 100 Te Ching ( c. fourth century Be ) And at the doors and windows seem to call, As heav ' n and earth they would together mell; Yet the least entrance find they none at all; Whence sweeter grows our rest secure in massy hall. James Thomson, The Castle of Indolence (1 748) ' Staying in is the new going out' was a joke I made at a meeting once.
Indeed, many of our wisest thinkers have counselled staying in. The lines at the opening of this chapter are from the classic of Chinese philosophy, the Tao Te Ching. Written around the fourth century BC, its authorship is uncertain but many scholars attribute the sayings it contains to a writer called Lao Tzu. The Too Te Ching is the principal text in the Chinese vein of thought known as Taoism. Full of paradox, its central tenet is wu wei, or the philosophy of inaction. Those wild old chuckling Chinese loved the image of the river, which takes the course of least resistance on its path from mountain to sea, and in doing so creates unique and beautiful curves.
You can meditate on an aeroplane; in fact aeroplanes are ideal for contemplating the infinite mysteries of the universe since your head is literally in the clouds. And Taoist wisdom teaches that it is wise to busy oneself with doing nothing: Whoever practises non-action Occupies himself with not being occupied says Lao Tzu. 5 a.m. Sleep We are always hearing people talk about ' loss of sleep ' as a calamity. They had better call it loss of time, vitality, and opportunities. Thomas Edison, ' They Do What They Like to Do ' (192 1) Along with Benjamin Franklin, the other great American enemy of idleness was Thomas Edison, the inventor.
Fresh Off the Boat
Eddie Huang
Published 29 Jan 2013
Buddhists seemed like a bunch of kale-eating losers accepting defeat to me. They were the soccer moms and dads with kids on the team that never won a game, yet wore Birkenstocks and hemp clothing to every game telling their uncoordinated kids that they were still winners. That’s when I found Taoism and it made a lot of sense, ’cause it made no sense at all. This dude Lao Tzu was the original RZA writing cryptic shit you brought your own meaning to with mad double entendres and metaphysical language. For the same reasons I liked hip-hop, I liked the Tao Te Ching. You didn’t pray to anyone, you didn’t submit to anyone, and it was what you needed it to be. It wasn’t a religion, it was a philosophy.
I had a reason to stop doing things that I knew were self-destructive and sometimes that’s all kids need. A reason to live. Some people have the birds and the bees, others have the cat’s cradle, my epic talk with my Chinese dad was Len Bias. I look back and it’s funny. You think it’s gonna be Confucius, Lao Tzu, or maybe even something Grandpa passed on since he was such a great man, but no. Even as an immigrant who came over in his twenties, when it came time for the talk, my dad found the inspiration in an African-American basketball player. Like father, like son. I REALLY GOT into working at the restaurant after that talk.
I went from a punk kid that fought without a true understanding of the who, what, when, where, and why to a contrarian with a cause. I’m probably the only student on felony probation that won college awards for women’s, African-American, and English studies. I won the Zora Neale Hurston and Barbara Lawrence Alfond Award in 2004. By all accounts, it was the year of the Rotten Banana. I had all them cats quoting Biggie, Lao Tzu, and Nas by the time I was gone. Finally, after three years of learning, I got my degree but not without a hitch. The last lesson came from Professor Papay. At first, I hated Professor Papay. She kept picking on my grammar. I always had a voice, heart, and now a mind to my writing, but no grammar.
The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms
Danielle Laporte
Published 16 Apr 2012
If it gives you true joy (not the seemingly happy high that is fleeting, but the reliable, always-there kind of satisfaction) to rock that guitar, to make people laugh, to discover the world, to make things a little more beautiful wherever you go, to feed, to stir it up, to clean it up, to execute the plan, to bank the cash, to be a compassionate citizen, to explore nonstop, or purely to seek pleasure…then, that’s your life purpose! Your life purpose is what you say it is. Who could tell you otherwise? An integral being knows without going, sees without looking, and accomplishes without doing. —Lao-tzu Take a nap Making the mountain water Pound the rice. — Kobayashi Issa What would your life be like if you did only what was easy? Let me repeat the question: It’s almost unsettling to go there, isn’t it? When I try to answer that question for myself, I squirm a bit. Lazy dilettante.
This is the time to establish your healthy boundaries and limits and begin as you wish to proceed. And if you don’t buy it from the Buddha or me, then take it from Maya Angelou, who says, “The first time someone shows themselves to you, believe them.” You know it, babe. FUCK YOUR SO-CALLED PRINCIPLES The way is light and fluid for the man with no preferences. —Lao-tzu Principles can wreak havoc in your life. Take Galileo. It was the 1600s and the Italian physicist had rightly concluded that the sun does not circle the Earth, but rather the Earth circles around the sun. This really pissed off the Catholics in charge. Something about Psalms 104:5, “The Lord set the Earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.”
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Greg McKeown
Published 14 Apr 2014
Essentialists accept the reality that we can never fully anticipate or prepare for every scenario or eventuality; the future is simply too unpredictable. Instead, they build in buffers to reduce the friction caused by the unexpected. CHAPTER 16 SUBTRACT Bring Forth More by Removing Obstacles TO ATTAIN KNOWLEDGE ADD THINGS EVERY DAY. TO ATTAIN WISDOM SUBTRACT THINGS EVERY DAY. —Lao-tzu In the business parable The Goal, Alex Rogo is a fictional character who is overwhelmed by the responsibility of turning around a failing production plant within three months.1 At first he does not see how this is possible. Then he is mentored by a professor who tells him he can make incredible progress in a short time if only he can find the plant’s “constraints.”
This technique is easy. He stops for just a moment. He closes his eyes. He breathes in and out once: deeply and slowly. As he exhales, he lets the work issues fall away. This allows him to walk through the front door to his family with more singleness of purpose. It supports the sentiment attributed to Lao Tzu: “In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.” Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Zen Buddhist monk who has been called the “world’s calmest man,” has spent a lifetime exploring how to live in kairos, albeit by a different name. He has taught it as mindfulness or maintaining “beginner’s mind.”
The Joys of Compounding: The Passionate Pursuit of Lifelong Learning, Revised and Updated
Gautam Baid
Published 1 Jun 2020
In effect, they protect the unsophisticated from predatory schemes that regulators and enforcement agencies don’t seem able to prevent.16 Simplicity as a Way of Life It is very simple to be happy, but it is very difficult to be simple. —Rabindranath Tagore To attain knowledge, add things every day; to obtain wisdom, remove things every day. —Lao Tzu Have you ever considered that there are way too many things that you need to evaluate day after day? Too many news items, too many questions, too many possessions, too many options for everything, too many stocks from which to choose, too many investment products that too many financial advisers want you to buy.
Clearing the clutter from the various aspects of our lives reduces decision fatigue and sharpens our focus on what we really want to achieve. There is no path to peace. Peace is the path. —Mahatma Gandhi Minimalism in life isn’t a destination to reach, it is the path to follow. Practicing and adopting minimalism as a way of life is simple. It’s simple but not easy. You cannot become a minimalist overnight. But, as Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” The parable of the Mexican fisherman and the American banker is one of my favorite stories and contains an important life lesson. It is habitual for most of us to build incessantly and forget that the endgame should really be happiness and a fulfilling life.
We must always understand what we’re trying to accomplish [emphasis added].”5 Along with checklists, we have another valuable tool to improve our decision-making skills. A journal. CHAPTER 15 JOURNALING IS A POWERFUL TOOL FOR SELF-REFLECTION Observe all men; thy self most. —Benjamin Franklin It is wisdom to know others. It is enlightenment to know one’s self. —Lao Tzu If most of us remain ignorant of ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion. —Aldous Huxley A significant part of human memories is mostly fiction. We form false memories quite easily. Our subconscious brain tends to distort certain events before storing them in the form of memories.
Mind in Motion: How Action Shapes Thought
Barbara Tversky
Published 20 May 2019
Retrieved from Shepard, R. N. (1978). Externalization of mental images and the act of creation. Visual Learning, Thinking, and Communication, 133–189. CHAPTER SIX: POINTS, LINES, AND PERSPECTIVE: SPACE IN TALK AND THOUGHT Lao Tzu quote Le but n’est pas seulement le but, mais le chemin qui y conduit. (n.d.). Paul Andreu. Retrieved from [Note: This quote has been attributed to Lao-Tzu but may be from Confucius. In French, it is beautiful partly because of the multiple meanings of but: end, goal, destination.] Structure of route descriptions Denis, M. (1997). The description of routes: A cognitive approach to the production of spatial discourse.
CHAPTER SIX Points, Lines, and Perspective: Space in Talk and Thought In which we consider how linear language describes space, using a perspective, either an inside, body-centered perspective or an outside, world-centered perspective. For insider perspectives, we show that surprisingly taking another’s perspective is sometimes easier and more natural than taking your own. The goal is not only the destination but also the path that takes you to it. —PAUL ANDREU, from Lao Tzu TALK AND THOUGHT Talking isn’t thinking. Talking can reveal thinking and talking can change thinking, but it shouldn’t be confused with thinking. Talk is only one way to express thought; there are others. Laughing, gasping, and screaming emerge from the mouth bursting with meaning but are not talk.
They Have a Word for It A Lighthearted Lexicon of Untranslatable Words & Phrases-Sarabande Books (2000)
Howard Rheingold
Published 10 Mar 2020
All bibliographic references included with these words are listed in the Bibliography. adjal (Echols and Shadily), 196 alam al-mithral (Coxhead and Hiller), 177 altjiranga mitjina (Roheim), 173 amaeru (native source), 86 anga-anga (native source), 20 animateur (Buchanan-Brown et al.), 239 aroysgevorfeneh gelt (Rosten), 134 attaccabottoni (Glendening), 61 aware (native source), 99 baraka (Graves), 204 bardo (Trungpa), 193 berrieh (Rosten), 90 Bettschwere (native source), 150 biga peula (Weiner), 50 bilita mpatshi (Vass), 179 biqa viseki (Weiner), 52 biritilulo (Weiner), 118 bol (Laughlin), 42 bonga (Archer), 192 bricoleur (Levi-Strauss; Papert), 115 buddhi (Mitchell), 164 bustarella (Glendening), 117 carita pelosa (Pekelis), 34 cavoli riscaldati (Pekelis), 84 confianza (Pacificon), 35 conmocion (Gerrard), 149 THEY HAVE A WORD FOR IT contestaire (Levieux), 213 contre-coeur (Levieux), 82 cuor con ten to (Pekelis), 155 davka (native source), 261 dharma (Campbell, 1986; MacDonnell; Ross), 199 dharma bakti (Echols and Shadily), 215 dirigiste ( native source), 212 dohada (MacDonnell), 84 dozywocie (Benet), 39 Drachenfutter (Anderson), 76 Elementargedanken (Campbell, 1986;von Franz), 253 epater Jes bourgeois (BuchananBrown et al.), 36 esprit de I' escalier (native source), 58 Fachidiot (native source), 235 farpotshket (Rosten), 245 far secco qualcuno (Pekelis), 59 faux frais (Levieux), 126 Feierabend (native source), 154 fisselig (native source), 25 frotteur (Grambs), 89 fucha (native source), 135 fusto (Glendening), 82 gachis (Levieux), 127 Gaia (Lovelock), 241 gajes (Gerrard), 132 Gedankenexperiment (native source), 145 gemutlich (native source), 22 Gestalten (native source), 249 hakamaroo (native source), 18 hakanuka-nuka (native source), 20 halak (Stewart), 170 haragei (Christopher; Ross; Farkas and Corcoran), 67 hari kuyo (native source), 237 hart ducha (Benet), 160 holopis kuntul baris (Echols and Shadily), 63 ho'oponopono (native source), 16 h6zh'q (Witherspoon), 105 idee-force (Buchanan-Brown et al.), 260 insaf (Geertz, 1965), 220 istiqara (Garfield), 175 kalpa (Campbell, 1986; Zimmer), 256 Katzenjammer (native source), 161 kekau (Echols and Shadily), 180 kolleh (Rosten), llO Korinthenkacker (native source), 124 koro (native source), 75 koyaanisqatsi (native source), 243 kula (Malinowsky; Marett; Lee), 123 Kulikov (native source), 223 kut (native source), 143 kyoikumama (Christopher), 33 lagniappe (native source), 133 land nam (Campbell, 1986), 197 lao (A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary ... ) , 31 lingam (Danielou), 87 majie (native source) , 56 mamihlapinatapei (native source), 80 Key to Sources • Index mantra (Whorf, 1956; Zimmer), 64 masa bodoa (Geertz, 1965), 222 maya (Capra; Campbell, 1986; Watts, 1957; Zimmer), 152 mbuki-mvuki (Vass), 28 mettere in piazza (Pekelis), 78 mokita (Rosaldo), 48 mu (Watts, 1957), 163 nadi (Geertz, 1973), 158 nakhes (Rosten), 40 narachastra prayoga (Danielou), 85 nemawashi (Christopher), 129 ngaobera (native source), 20 ngarong (Lincoln; Stevenson), 184 Njepi(Geertz, 1966),69 ocurrencia (Gerrard), 259 Ohrwurm (native source), 255 ondinnonk (Barasch), 206 orenda (Marett), 60 ostranenie (Jameson), 107 palatyi (Vass), 151 Papierkrieg (Anderson), 217 piston (Levieux), 229 plunderbund (Grambs), 132 ponte (Glendening), 128 potlatch (Marett), 120 qualunquismo (Glendening), 220 Radfahrer (Anderson), 126 rame (Geertz, 1963), 43 rasa (Campbell, 1986), 103 razbliuto (Bryan), 79 reve a deux (Stoppard), 182 rojong (Echols and Shadily), 30 sabi (native source), 97 sabsung (native source), 140 salogok (Nelson), 263 sanza (Weiner), 54 saper vivere (Pekelis), 27 sbottonarsi (Pekelis), 62 Schadenfreude (native source), 162 Schlimmbesserung (Smith), 244 sentak bangun (Echols and Shadily), 181 shibui (native source), 100 shih (Yutang), 101 Shima (Witherspoon), 241 sitike (Basso), 26 stam (native source), 261 suilk (Grant and Murison), 29 ta (Yutang; A Mandarin-Romanized Dictionary . .. ) , 144 talanoa (Brenneis), 66 talkin (Echols and Shadily), 201 tao (Lao-Tzu), 190 tartle (Grant and Murison), 39 tashinamu (Kindaichi), 226 tikkun olam (native source), 224 tingo (native source), 18 tirare la carreta (Pekelis), 131 tjotjog (Geertz, 1973), 37 Torschlusspanik (Yutang), 73 Treppenwitz (Anderson), 58 tsuris (Rosten), 41 uffda (native source), 262 uovo di Colombo (Pekelis), 258 uspolecnic (native source), 228 wabi (native source), 95 waq'f (native source), 188 THEY HAVE A WORD FOR IT wei-wu-wei (Lao-Tzu; Watts, 1957), 219 Weltschmerz (native source), 148 wistelkiya (Fire/Lame Deer), 81 won (O'Flaherty), 202 Wundersucht (O'Flaherty), 203 yoin (native source), 142 yugen (Watts, 1966), 109 zalatwic (native source), 230 zanshin (Farkas and Corcoran; Harrison; Sakai), 156 Zeitgeist (native source), 23 Zivilcourage (Anderson), 216 Zwischenraum (Bohannan), 251 THE AUTHOR ~ Howard Rheingold has written a number of works exhibiting his interest in the human mind, co-authoring such books as Higher Creativity and The Cognitive Connections.
The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can't Stand Positive Thinking
Oliver Burkeman
Published 1 Jul 2012
But it is also a path to a different kind of destination. Or maybe it makes more sense to say that the path is the destination? These things are excruciatingly hard to put into words, and the spirit of negative capability surely dictates that we do not struggle too hard to do so. ‘A good traveller has no fixed plans,’ says the Chinese sage Lao Tzu, ‘and is not intent upon arriving.’ There could be no better way to make the journey. Acknowledgements WRITING THIS BOOK AFFORDED me many opportunities to test its arguments by confronting uncertainty, anxiety, the prospect of failure, and occasionally blind terror. I am grateful that I didn’t have to rely on positive-thinking affirmations to deal with this, but benefited instead from the skills and time of some extraordinary people.
‘He will never come at a truth’: Quoted in Jacob Wigod, ‘Negative Capability and Wise Passiveness’, PMLA 67 (1952): 383-90. ‘openture’: All Paul Pearsall quotations are from Awe: The Delights and Dangers of Our Eleventh Emotion (Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, 2007). ‘Proficiency and the results of proficiency’ Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 1939-1956, 225. ‘A good traveller has no fixed plans’: Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, interpreted by Stephen Mitchell (New York: Harper Collins, 1991), 27.
The Cloudspotter's Guide
Gavin Pretor-Pinney
Published 1 Jan 2006
It also explains why sunsets are deeper and redder after volcanic eruptions. All the additional particles thrown up into the atmosphere scatter even more of the short and middle wavelengths, leaving a narrower spectrum of red-looking wavelengths. Red clouds were considered particularly favourable signs in Ancient China. Apparently, one emanated from Lao Tzu, the philosopher credited with founding Taoism. Red and yellow were the colours of ‘cosmic differentiation’, and coloured clouds would come down upon the mounds on which acceptable sacrifices had been offered. In fact, Huang-ti, the mythical Yellow Emperor who supposedly ruled in the third millennium BC, was considered to ‘govern all things, thanks to the clouds’.
Hildebrand Hindus Ho Chi Minh Trail Hodgkinson, Neville Howard, Luke Huang-ti humilis: Cumulus clouds Hunks, Jan Van hurricanes Cumulonimbus clouds and ice crystals: columns Cumulonimbus clouds and falling formation growth needles optical effects and ozone layer and precipitation and rime deposits sectored plates stellar dendrites ice fog ice pellets ice spikules icing nuclei India International Center for Lightning Research and Testing International Cloud Atlas International Meteorological Conference International Year of the Cloud Internet intortus: Cirrus clouds inversion: cloud formation and Iran Iranian Space Agency Iris Islam Italy Ixion Jansen, Dave Japan Jelleff, Ken jellyfish Jesus Christ jet streams Jones, Dr Lucy Joseph Judaism Keats, John Kelvin–Helmholtz wave cloud Kenya Kern halo King of Clouds see Cumulonimbus clouds king mackerel Krakatoa Kubera labarum lacunosus: Altocumulus clouds Cirrocumulus clouds Stratocumulus clouds Lake Keepit Soaring Club Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste landspouts Langmuir, Irving Lao Tzu Laos Laputa latent heat lava lamps lenticularis: Altocumulus clouds Cirrocumulus clouds Stratocumulus clouds Licinius, Emperor light wave interference lightning: ball bolts differ cause of cloud-to-air cloud-to-cloud cloud-to-ground Cumulonimbus clouds and fork in-cloud nature of questions about return stroke routes sheet Loogatha, Netta Lowell, James Russell Lowell, Maria White Lucretius (Titus Lucretius Carus De Rerum Natura Luzhkov, Yuri Lymon, Frankie Lyon Lyons, Walt McCloud, Mrs mackerel mackerel skies see also Cirrocumulus mamma cloud formations Mantegna, Andrea: Minerva Expelling the Vices from the Grove of Virtue St Sebastian ‘mare’s tails’ Marley, Bob Mary, Virgin Masai tribes Maxentius, Emperor mediocris: Cumulus clouds mesosphere meteorologists: cloud committee D-Day landings and work of Meteosat-5 weather satellite Milton, John Mitchell, Joni mock suns see sundogs Mongols monsoon rains Montreal Moon: cloud identification and coronae halo phenomena irisation Morning Glory: formation gliders and length occurrence speed surfing unpredictability Moscow mountains nacreous clouds Nakaya, Fujiko Napoleon I, Emperor Naranachil, Dawn NASA Nature nebulosus: Cirrostratus clouds Stratus clouds Nephelokokkygia Neuchâtel, Lake Newton, Isaac Ngai Nimbostratus clouds: altitude Altostratus and appearance Cumulonimbus clouds and description fame, lack of identifying pannus clouds and precipitation shape species unknown varieties nimbus: meaning of nimbus clouds nimbus haloes Nixon, President Richard noctilucent clouds Noland, Dr Bob Norway oceans: clouds and opacus: Altocumulus clouds Altostratus clouds Stratocumulus clouds Stratus clouds optical effects Osaka’s World Fair Ovid ozone layer paintings pannus clouds parhelia see also sundogs parhelic circle Parianya Parry arc Pascal, Blaise Perkons perlucidus: Altocumulus clouds Stratocumulus clouds Philostratus photography Piero della Francesca: Legend of the True Cross pileus clouds Pittsburg Pliny the Elder Poland polar front polar regions Poole, Paul Popeye Project praecipitatio clouds Pratt, Geoff precipitation: Cumulonimbus clouds forms of Stratus clouds see also hail, rain, snow pyrocumulus radiation radiation fog radiatus: Altocumulus clouds Altostratus clouds Cirrus clouds Cumulus Stratocumulus clouds Raiden rain: Altostratus clouds and Cumulonimbus clouds and Cumulus clouds and drops’ size explanation of freezing low pressure and monsoons Nimbostratus clouds rainbows and Stratocumulus clouds and Stratus clouds see also cloud seeding rainbows raindrops: shape Rankin, Lt.
The Midnight Library
Matt Haig
Published 12 Aug 2020
He looked perplexed. ‘Where did that come from? Is that a quote?’ ‘Yeah. Henry David Thoreau. You know, my fave philosopher.’ ‘Since when were you into philosophy?’ Of course. In this life she’d never have done a Philosophy degree. While her root self had been reading the works of Thoreau and Lao Tzu and Sartre in a stinky student flat in Bristol, her current self had been standing on Olympic podiums in Beijing. Weirdly, she felt just as sad for the version of her who had never fallen in love with the simple beauty of Thoreau’s Walden, or the stoical Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, as she had felt sympathy for the version of her who never fulfilled her Olympic potential.
In one life she had no social media accounts. In one life she’d never drunk alcohol. In one life she was a chess champion and currently visiting Ukraine for a tournament. In one life she was married to a minor Royal and hated every minute. In one life her Facebook and Instagram only contained quotes from Rumi and Lao Tzu. In one life she was on to her third husband and already bored. In one life she was a vegan power-lifter. In one life she was travelling around South America and caught up in an earthquake in Chile. In one life she had a friend called Becky, who said ‘Oh what larks!’ whenever anything good was happening.
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
Published 15 Oct 2018
The following quote from the Tao Te Ching encapsulates the ideas perfectly: Men are born soft and supple; dead, they are stiff and hard. Plants are born tender and pliant; dead, they are brittle and dry. Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible is a disciple of death. Whoever is soft and yielding is a disciple of life. The hard and stiff will be broken. The soft and supple will prevail. —LAO TZU Habits deliver numerous benefits, but the downside is that they can lock us into our previous patterns of thinking and acting—even when the world is shifting around us. Everything is impermanent. Life is constantly changing, so you need to periodically check in to see if your old habits and beliefs are still serving you.
See also specific numbered laws four-step process of building a habit 1. cue, 47–48 2. craving, 48 3. response, 48–49 4. reward, 49 habit loop, 49–51 lessons from, 259–64 problem phase and solution phase, 51–53 4th Law of Behavior Change (Make It Satisfying) habit contract, 207–10 habit tracking, 198–99 instant gratification, 188–93 making the cues of bad habits unsatisfying, 205–206 Safeguard soap in Pakistan example, 184–85 Frankl, Victor, 260 Franklin, Benjamin, 196 frequency’s effect on habits, 145–47 friction associated with a behavior, 152–58 garden hose example of reducing, 153 Japanese factory example of eliminating wasted time and effort, 154–55 to prevent unwanted behavior, 157–58 “gateway habit,” 163 genes, 218–21, 226–27 goals effect on happiness, 26 fleeting nature of, 25 shared by winners and losers, 24–25 short-term effects of, 26–27 vs. systems, 23–24 the Goldilocks Rule flow state, 224, 232–33 the Goldilocks Zone, 232 tennis example, 231 good habits creating (table), 96, 136, 178, 212 Two-Minute Rule, 162–67 Goodhart, Charles, 203 Goodhart’s Law, 203 Graham, Paul, 247–48 greylag geese and supernormal stimuli, 102 Guerrouj, Hicham El, 217–18, 225 Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 149–51 habit contract Bryan Harris weight loss example, 208–209 defined, 208 seat belt law example, 207–208 Thomas Frank alarm example, 210 habit line, 145–47 habit loop, 49–51 habits of avoidance, 191–92 benefits of, 46–47, 239 breaking bad habits (table), 97, 137, 179, 213 in the business world, 265 changing your mind-set about, 130–31 creating good habits (table), 96, 136, 178, 212 downside of, 239–40 effect on the rest of your day, 160, 162 eliminating bad habits, 94–95 as the embodiment of identity, 36–38 formation of, 44–46, 145–47 four-step process of building a habit, 47–53, 259–64 “gateway habit,” 163 identity-based, 31, 39–40 imitation of others’ habits the close, 116–18 the many, 118–21 the powerful, 121–22 importance of, 40–41 outcome-based, 31 and parenting, 267 reframing habits to highlight their benefits, 131–32 short-term and long-term consequences of, 188–90 sticking with, 230–31 suitability for your personality, 221–22 Two-Minute Rule, 162–67 using implementation intention to start, 71–72 Habits Academy, 8 habit shaping, 165–67 Habits Scorecard, 64–66 habit stacking combining temptation bundling with, 110–11 explained, 74–79 habit tracking, 196–200, 202–204 handwashing in Pakistan example of a satisfying behavior change, 184–85 happiness as the absence of desire, 259–60 and goals, 26 relativity of, 263 Harris, Bryan, 208–209 Hebb, Donald, 143 Hebb’s Law, 143 herring gulls and supernormal stimuli, 101–102 hope, 264 Hreha, Jason, 45 Hugo, Victor, 169–70 The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Hugo), 169–70 hyperbolic discounting (time inconsistency), 188–89 identity accepting blanket personal statements as facts, 35 and behavior change, 29–32, 34–36 behavior that is at odds with the self, 32–33 habits as the embodiment of, 36–38, 247–49 identity-based habits, 31, 39–40 letting a single belief define you, 247–49 pride in a particular aspect of one’s identity, 33–34 reinforcing your desired identity by using the Two-Minute Rule, 165 two-step process of changing your identity, 39–40 implementation intention, 69–72 improvements, making small, 231–32, 233, 253 instant gratification, 188–93 Johnson, Magic, 243–44 journaling, 165 Jung, Carl, 62 Kamb, Steve, 117–18 Kubitz, Andrew, 109 Lao Tzu, 249 Tao Te Ching, 249 Latimore, Ed, 132 Lewes, George H., 144 long-term potentiation, 143 Los Angeles Lakers example of reflection and review, 242–44 Luby, Stephen, 183–85 MacMullan, Jackie, 243–44 Martin, Steve, 229–30, 231 Massachusetts General Hospital cafeteria example of environment design change, 81–82 Massimino, Mike, 117 mastery, 240–42 Mate, Gabor, 219 McKeown, Greg, 165 measurements usefulness of, 202–204 visual, 195–96 Mike (Turkish travel guide/ex-smoker), 125–26 Milner, Peter, 105 mind-set shifts from “have to” to “get to,” 130–31 motivation rituals, 132–33 reframing habits to highlight their benefits, 131–32 motion vs. action, 142–43 motivation the Goldilocks Rule, 231–33 maximum motivation, 232 rituals, 132–33 and taking action, 260–61 Murphy, Morgan, 91 negative compounding, 19 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 260 nonconscious activities, 34n nonscale victories, 203–204 novelty, 234 Nuckols, Oswald, 156 observations, 260 obstacles to getting what you want, 152 Olds, James, 105 Olwell, Patty, 93 1 percent changes Career Best Effort program (CBE), 242–44 compounding effect of making changes, 15–16, 17–18 Sorites Paradox, 251–52 operant conditioning, 9–10 opportunities, choosing the right combining your skills to reduce the competition, 225–26 explore/exploit trade-off, 223–25 importance of, 222–23 specialization, 226 outcomes and behavior change, 29–31 outcome-based habits, 31 pain, 206–207 Paper Clip Strategy of visual progress measurements, 195–96 parenting applications of habit strategies, 267 Patterson, John Henry, 171–72 Phelps, Michael, 217–18, 225 photography class example of active practice, 141–42, 144 Plateau of Latent Potential, 21–23 pleasure anticipating vs. experiencing, 106–108 image of, 260 repeating a behavior when it’s a satisfying sensory experience, 184–86, 264 Safeguard soap example, 184–85 Plomin, Robert, 220 Pointing-and-Calling subway safety system, 62–63 positive compounding, 19 The Power of Habit (Duhigg), 9, 47n predictions, making after perceiving cues, 128–29 the human brain as a prediction machine, 60–61 Premack, David, 110 Premack’s Principle, 110 pride manicure example, 33 in a particular aspect of one’s identity, 33–34 priming your environment to make the next action easy, 156–58 problem phase of a habit loop, 51–53 process and behavior change, 30–31 professionals vs. amateurs, 236 progress, 262 proximity’s effect on behavior, 116–18 quitting smoking, 32, 125–26 reading resources Atomic Habits newsletter, 257 business applications of habit strategies, 265 parenting applications of habit strategies, 267 recovering when habits break down, 200–202 reflection and review author’s Annual Review and Integrity Report, 245–46 benefits of, 246–47 Career Best Effort program (CBE) example, 242–44 Chris Rock example, 245 Eliud Kipchoge example, 244–45 flexibility and adaptation, 247–49 importance of, 244–45 Katie Ledecky example, 245 reframing habits to highlight their benefits, 131–32 reinforcement, 191–93 repetition as active practice of a new habit, 144 automaticity, 144–46 to master a habit, 143 photography class example of active practice, 141–42, 144 responding to things based on emotions, 261–62 rewards after sacrifice, 262 immediate vs. delayed, 187–90 purpose of, 49 reinforcement, 191–93 training yourself to delay gratification, 190–93 variable rewards, 235 “wanting” vs.
The Death of Money: The Coming Collapse of the International Monetary System
James Rickards
Published 7 Apr 2014
Recognizing the Chinese history of centralization, disintegration, and reemerging order is indispensible to understanding China today. Western financial analysts often approach China with an exaggerated confidence in market data and not enough historical perspective to understand its cultural dynamics. The Zhou Dynasty philosopher Lao Tzu expressed the Chinese sense of history in the Tao Te Ching—“Things grow and grow, but each goes back to its root.” Appreciating that view is no less important today. The centralized ancient dynasties include the Zhou, from around 1100 B.C.; the Qin, from 221 B.C.; and the Han, which immediately followed the Qin and lasted until A.D. 220.
-Iran financial war, 54–58 Iraq, 153 Ireland, 128, 200 iron rice bowl principle, 93 “Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Cyclical Investment” (Bernanke), 84, 85 ISI (Pakistani intelligence), 36–37 Israel, 156 Italy, 128 Jamaica compromise, 235–36 Japan, 82, 157–62 debt-to-GDP ratio of, 159, 259, 261 deflation in, 160–61, 260–62, 264 Federal Reserve’s easy-money policy and, 157–59 gold-to-GDP ratio of, 157, 281 IMF commitment of, 202 quantitative easing in, 160–61 secret gold acquisitions by, 273–74 Jin Dynasty, 90 Johnson, Lyndon, 7–8, 209 Jordan, 152, 153 JPMorgan Chase, 205 Kazakhstan, 151 Kelton, Stephanie, 168 Keynes, John Maynard, 7, 131, 134, 168, 207, 244 Keynesianism, 69, 124, 130–31, 193–94 Khan, Kublai, 90 Khomeini, Ayatollah, 30 Kindleberger, Charles, 84 King Dollar (sound-dollar) policy, 118, 176–77, 210, 211 Knight, Frank H., 85, 268, 269 Knight Capital computer debacle, 60, 63, 296–97 Knot, Klaas, 233 Korea, 202 Kos, Dino, 272–73 Kosovo, 136 Krugman, Paul, 117–18 on myth of Chinese growth, 94, 95, 96 myth that gold caused market panics and, 224 sticky-wage theory and, 124, 131, 134 Kuroda, Haruhiko, 161 Kuwait, 152, 153 Kyrgyzstan, 151 labor-capital factor input model of economic growth, 94–95 labor-management relations, 123–24 labor mobility, 125 Lagarde, Christine, 144, 148, 191, 192, 194–95, 198, 205, 206 land, as investment, 299 Lao Tzu, 90 Latvia, 136. See also BELLs (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) lease arrangements, gold, 275, 284 Lehman Brothers, 77, 103, 130 Lenin, V. I., 7 leverage, 250 bank’s use of, 80, 188, 194, 196 of IMF, 201–6 paper gold transactions and, 275 Levitt, Steve, 32–33 Lew, Jack, 195, 196 Lie, David T.
-Iran financial war and, 54, 56 Swiss Army, 59 Swiss Finance Institute, 23 Switzerland, 202, 232–33 Syria, 57 Syrian Electronic Army, 59 system crashes, 296–97 systemic risk, 11–12, 81, 188, 249–50, 251, 259, 270 Taiping Rebellion, 91 Tajikistan, 151 Tang Dynasty, 90 TAO (Office of Tailored Access Operations), 53–54 Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu), 90 tapering, 249–50 TARP bailout, 62 Tauss, Randy, 28–29, 35, 37, 38, 39 Tavakoli, Janet, 2 taxes corporate rates, 122 deflation, impact of, 9, 259–60 Taylor, John B., 176 Taylor Rule, 176–77 Tea Party conservatives, 172–73, 205 technology, and economic growth, 95–96 Tenet, George, 28, 37 terrorist insider trading MARKINT and, 35–39 9/11 attacks and, 17–28 Project Prophesy and, 28–34 Thailand, 261 Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 70 “Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, A” (Mundell), 125 Thirty Years War, 115 threats to U.S. dollar, 5–13 Tiananmen Square demonstrations, 92 Too Big to Fail (film), 3 Toyota, 82 Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, 295 Treasury, U.S.
The Charisma Myth: How Anyone Can Master the Art and Science of Personal Magnetism
Olivia Fox Cabane
Published 1 Mar 2012
While charismatic people may report fewer technical skills than their peers, their internal and external skills give them a far greater advantage overall. The internal skills necessary for charisma include both the awareness of your internal state and the tools to effectively manage it. Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu reportedly said: “To know others is knowledge. To know oneself is wisdom.” What Your Mind Believes, Your Body Manifests Knowing your internal world starts with one key insight upon which all charisma is built: your mind can’t tell fact from fiction. This is the one dimension of your internal world that can help you get into the right charismatic mental state at will, and almost instantly.
Index academia, 3 acceptance, 103, 231 adrenaline, 38, 170, 196–97 alpha males, 86, 219 American Express, 118–19 analogies, 189, 233 anger, 50, 52, 170 annoyances, 77 anxiety, 32–37, 38, 40, 42, 50, 56, 86, 90, 202 apologies, 165, 171, 180–83, 186 appearance, 102, 232 authority charisma and, 106 at presentations, 191 Apple, 101, 189 appreciation, 75–79, 168–70, 209, 233 arrogance, 106, 162 assertiveness, 92 athletic conditioning, 12, 38 attention, 138–39 attractiveness, 10 authority, 142, 191, 210 authority charisma, 98, 104–7, 109–10, 112, 119, 167, 231 awareness, 30–31, 161 bad news, 165, 172–75, 186, 233 Barnard, Hayes, 109, 215–16 Batman (film), 40 behavior, 232 visionary charisma and, 101 warmth and, 18 behavioral science, 11, 85, 94, 115, 150 Benjamin Franklin Effect, 167–68, 208 Berman, Adam, 34 blinking, 21, 153 boardroom presence, 5 body language, 4, 17, 18, 20–24, 26, 27, 39, 41, 42, 53, 58, 109, 111, 128, 143–64, 229–30, 232–34 for actors, 68 anxiety and, 32, 202 apologies and, 181 authority charisma and, 106 bad news and, 174, 186 compassion and, 176 criticism and, 179 empathy and, 171 enthusiasm, 139 exercise of, 91–92 focus charisma and, 99, 100 goodwill and, 80, 82 gratitude and, 76 kindness charisma and, 103 mental states created by, 91–92, 103, 240 mimicking, 146–50, 163, 164 on phone, 184 physical discomforts and, 29–31 stress hormones and, 170 visionary charisma and, 101 visualization and, 68, 69, 73, 97 Bosl, William, 35–36 bounce back technique, 124 Brach, Tara, 18 Bradoo, Privahini, 81 brain: as changeable, 68 imaginary v. real indistinguishable to, 24–25, 26, 44, 55 left frontal lobes, 88 Brando, Marlon, 68 breathing, 15, 16, 17, 30, 129, 141, 195–96, 198, 234, 235, 241–42 Brown, Brené, 45 brute force, 19 Buddha, 88 Bush, George W., 101, 110, 203, 216 business, 100 business success, handling uncertainty and, 34 California, University of, at Berkeley, 11 calls, 96–97 calm, 172 candles, 174 Capone, Al, 169 Carnegie, Dale, 135, 168 Ceci, Stephen, 139 CEOs, 6, 116–17, 218 Chariots of Fire, 71 charisma: as applied science, 6 authority, 98, 104–7, 109–10, 112, 119, 167, 231 as believed innate, 2, 4 benefits of, 2–3 choosing right style of, 98–114, 166 conscious practice of, 11, 12, 14, 15, 34–35, 46, 50–51, 56, 57, 62–63, 64–65, 69–70, 77–79, 81, 83, 87, 88–89, 91–92, 96, 108, 119, 121–22, 140, 141, 152, 155, 159–60, 199, 217, 235–43 creating mental states of, 67–97 in a crisis, 201–5, 234 as critical in business, 3 downsides of, 206–21 experimenting with, 111, 113, 114 fluctuations in level of, 4 focus, 98–101, 103, 107, 109, 110, 112, 166–67, 181, 214, 231 kindness, 98, 102–4, 107, 109, 110, 112, 133, 158, 171, 175, 214, 231 learning of, 2, 4, 22 myths of, 9–12, 229 obstacles to, 27–42, 43–66, 67, 230 as originating in mind, 21–23 putting work into, 6 studies of, 5, 9, 10, 51 styles of, 98–114, 231 visionary, 98, 101–2, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 136, 167, 231 warming up for, 93–97, 103, 172 chin, 162, 182 chromatic effects, 191 Chrysler, 137 Churchill, Winston, 10, 50, 112, 201 Clinton, Bill, 2, 6, 80, 109, 134–35, 208–9, 216–17 clothing, 19, 30, 42, 47, 102, 106, 118–19, 127, 159, 230, 233–34 authority status and, 105 cognitive reappraisal, 52–54 cognitive science, 11 Columbia University, 91 comedians, 193 comfort, 152 comfort zones, 64–65, 114, 151, 224 comparison, 37 compassion, 79–82, 83–84, 97, 103, 150, 176, 231, 239 self-, 84–90, 103, 181, 239 compliments, 134–36 confidence, 32, 39–41, 43, 60, 67, 69, 70, 92, 97, 142, 161, 172 authority confidence and, 104–7 kindness charisma and, 102–4 self-, 84, 85–86, 94–95 conscious mirroring, 146–50 consultants, 100 continuous partial attention, 16 conversations, 7, 123–26, 127, 232 exiting, 125–26, 127, 179–80 hostile, 100 cortisol, 38 creativity, 107 critical thinking, 106 criticism, 165, 175–80, 186 self-, 38–39, 40, 42, 50, 86–87, 90 Dalai Lama, 5, 19, 87, 88, 98, 103, 104, 112 Darius, 147–49 Darwin, Charles, 74 Deckers Outdoors, 83 dedramatize, 46, 59, 66, 198, 202 defensiveness, 177 Deloitte, 83 delving into sensations, 61, 62–64, 100, 129 DeNiro, Robert, 68 depersonalization, 176–77, 233 depression, 86, 90 desperation, 75 destigmatizing, 43–46, 47, 51, 58, 59, 65, 66, 198, 202, 236 Deutsche Bank, 124–25 Diana, Princess of Wales, 112 difficult people, 7, 165–72 discomfort, 47, 60–61, 66 delving into, 61, 62–64 destigmatizing, 43–46, 47, 51, 58, 59, 65, 66, 198, 202, 236 mental, 31–41, 43, 44, 65 physical, 28–31, 42, 43, 44, 59, 65, 66 practice with, 62–63, 64–65 Disraeli, Benjamin, 9, 20, 124, 133 dissatisfaction, 37, 40, 42 distractions, 15–16 dramatic pauses, 196–97 Drucker, Peter, 220 Edison, Thomas, 74 Egypt, 120 Ekman, Paul, 111n e-mails, 73, 97, 183, 185, 186 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 74 emotional contagion, 145–46, 164 emotions, 91, 144, 163, 211 empathy, 82, 145, 160, 170, 171, 176, 233 while delivering criticism, 175–76 facial expressions and, 174 energy, 92 engineers, 24 entertainment, 138, 142 enthusiasm, 139, 156, 185 envy, 207–11 equanimity, 201–2, 234 executive presence, 5 executives, 23 external skills, 23 extroverts, 108 eye contact, 111, 122, 153–56, 162, 164 “Eye of the Tiger” (song), 71 eyes, 28–29, 30, 31, 42 facial expressions, 14, 21–22, 38–39, 47, 91, 97, 111, 130–31 apologies and, 181 criticisms and, 179, 182 delayed, 184 empathy and, 174 Fauré, Gabriel, 196 fear, 40–41 feedback, 106, 107 Fehmi, Les, 154 Feuer, Michael, 184 fidgeting, 106, 149, 160, 161, 173 fight or flight, 5, 38, 41, 52, 117, 144, 159, 197 firelight, 174 fireside chats, 194 first impressions, 115–27, 149, 232 “firsts,” 177 Fisher, Helen, 153 “Flying” (song), 71 focus, 183–84, 191 focus charisma, 98–101, 103, 107, 109, 110, 112, 166–67, 181, 214, 231 Franklin, Benjamin, 167–68, 178 French Revolution, 201 frustration, 130 functional MRI scans, 80 funerals, imagining, 78–79, 83 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 115, 169 Gandhi, Mohandas, 112, 201 Gates, Bill, 19, 99, 112 Germer, Christopher, 87, 90 gestures, 139 Gilbert, Daniel, 16 Gilbert, Paul, 82 Gladstone, William, 9, 20 glucose, 29 goals, 107, 110, 113 Goldsmith, Marshall, 215, 220 Goleman, Daniel, 146 good feelings, 138, 142 goodwill, 79–82, 97, 103, 111, 114, 199, 231 criticism and, 182–83, 186 practice of, 81, 83 Google, 119, 135 gorilla exercise, 158, 159, 164, 193, 242 graffiti metaphor, 49, 50, 66 gratitude, 75–79, 97, 103, 231, 238 practice of, 77–79 gravitas, 92 Gross, James, 22n Gruenfeld, Deborah, 158, 159 Gulf War, 203 handshakes, 119–23, 127, 240 Hanson, Rick, 82 happiness, 53n, 81 Haque, Omar Sultan, 201 Harvard Business Review, 144, 146 Harvard Medical School, 55 Harvard University, 73, 91, 116–17 Hayes, Stephen, 49, 51 hedonic adaptation, 76 Hill, Napoleon, 74 Hitler, Adolf, 220 House, Robert, 3, 203 Howard, John Newton, 71 How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 168 hugs, 73, 198 human resources, 116–17 hunter-gatherers, 117 Iacocca, Lee, 137 IBM, 99–100, 119 imaginary situations, 24–25, 26, 44, 55 compassion and, 83 funeral, 78–79, 83 immune system, 86 impact, 210 impatience, 63 impostor syndrome, 39–40, 41 income, 2 inferiority, 90 information, 138, 142 insecurity, 160 inspiring, 102 internal critic, 86 interrupting, 129, 130, 182 interviews, 38, 96–97, 113, 116–17, 119, 130, 159 intonation, 10, 106, 139–40, 141, 142, 194–95, 233, 241 introverts, 10, 98, 108 Iowa, University of, 119–20 iPhones, 189 iPod Nano, 136 irritants, 192 irritation, 155 Izuma, Keise, 168 JALIR sequence, 210–11 Joan of Arc, 101, 112 Jobs, Steve, 2, 101, 108, 112, 146, 189–90 increasing charisma of, 4–5 presentations rehearsed by, 192 Jones, Franklin, 175 Jones, Jim, 102 Jordan, Michael, 104, 216 Jungle Book, The (Kipling), 118 justification, 209 Keeler, Jack, 99–100 Kelleher, Herb, 146 Kennedy, John F., 129 Kerry, John, 107–8 Khurana, Rakesh, 215 kindness charisma, 98, 102–4, 107, 109, 110, 112, 133, 158, 171, 175, 214, 231 King, Martin Luther, Jr., 101, 112 Kipling, Rudyard, 118 Kosslyn, Stephen, 68 Krauss, Stephen, 70 Langer, Ellen, 25 language, 20, 136, 144, 186 Lao Tzu, 24 “lasts,” 177 leadership, 2, 3 compassion needed for, 83 Leahy, Robert, 32 lectures, 139–40 left frontal lobes, 88 life, enjoying, 17–18 limbic resonance, 146 Lincoln, Abraham, 74, 136 listening, 14, 17, 26, 100, 128–31, 142, 184, 231, 232, 241 Little Prince, The (Saint-Exupéry), 185 logic, 144, 163 lovable book, 90 love at first sight, 153 Lowndes, Leil, 185 Lurie, Bob, 40 Madonna, 98 Mao Zedong, 112, 220 marketing, 169 Martinez, Angel, 83 meditation, 12, 15, 16, 18, 45 meetings, 72–73, 96–97 memory cards, 189–90 mental discomfort, 31–41, 43, 44, 65 metaphors, 189, 190, 233 Method acting, 12, 68 Metta, 87–90, 239–40 Michelangelo, 27 microexpressions, 22, 182 mindfulness discipline, 15, 45 Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, The (Germer), 87 mindset shift, 15–16, 224 mind wandering, 16 mirror, 155 mirror neurons, 145 Miss Piggy, 92–93 MIT, 73 MIT Media Lab, 20, 126, 140 moms, 3 Monitor Group, 40 Monroe, Marilyn, 1, 4 Multiple Sclerosis Association, 203 Muppet Show, The, 92–93 music, 70–71, 95, 96, 174 Musk, Elon, 98–99 Mussolini, Benito, 104, 220 Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 74, 201, 204 narcissism, 85 neediness, 75 Neff, Kristin, 86 negative associations, 131–34, 142 negativity, 37, 38–39, 40, 42, 46 neutralizing, 47–51, 58, 59, 65, 66, 202, 236 suppressing, 52 negativity bias, 48–49 negotiations, 100, 130 NeuroLeadership Institute, 38 neuronal connections, 68 neuroscience, 11 Newman, Paul, 68 New Scholars, 147–49 New York Times, 188 Ney, Marshal, 204 Nicklaus, Jack, 67 nocebo effect, 25–26 nodding, 10, 106, 149, 160, 161, 162, 164 numbers, 189–90 Obama, Barack, 109 Ochsner, Kevin, 22n OfficeMax, 184 Onassis, Aristotle, 153–54 open-ended questions, 123 Oracle, 119 oscillators, 146 outgoing personalities, 10 owning the stage, 193–94 oxytocin, 73, 170, 198 Paramount Equity, 109, 215 Parkinson’s Law, 55 patience, 100, 103 pauses, 10, 106, 130–31, 141, 234 pausing, 129 in presentations, 196–97 Pavlov, Ivan, 132 PayPal, 98 Penn, Sean, 68 performance, 53, 58 performance review, 174 Perot, Ross, 216 Persia, 132 personality, 10, 107–10, 113 personal magnetism, 6 personal space, 150–53 Peter Pan, 71 phenylethylamine (PEA), 153 phones, 183–85, 186 physical discomfort, 28–31, 42, 43, 59, 65, 66 physicians, 3 pictures, 136–39, 142 pitch, 140 placebo effect, 25, 26, 36, 55, 74 Play-Doh, 173–74 posture, 21, 91, 97, 147, 149, 150, 156–63, 164 authority charisma and, 106 in presentations, 198 Powell, Colin, 5, 104, 112 power, 5, 6, 13, 18–20, 21, 26, 27, 31, 67, 94, 100, 130, 139, 142, 162, 191, 224, 229–30, 231, 234 praise, 207–11 presence, 5–6, 12, 13–18, 26, 27, 31, 63, 129, 142, 154, 224, 229–30, 235 anxiety and, 32 appearance of, 191 body language and, 21 focus charisma and, 100, 231 techniques for, 15 presentations, 7, 72, 187–200, 215, 232, 233–34 charismatic message in, 188–90 colors at, 191 mid-course corrections, 197–99 Q&As at, 190 rehearsals of, 192–93 supporting points in, 189 warmth in, 194–95 Rao, Srikumar, 53n rationalization, 170–71, 186 reality: mind’s view of, 47–49, 50 rewriting, 51, 52–58, 59–60, 65, 66, 202, 236–37 reassurance, 161, 162, 164 resentment, 57, 58, 75, 130, 207–11 resilience, 64–65 responsibility, 210 responsibility transfer, 34–37, 42, 45, 60, 100, 202, 235–36 Rice, Condoleezza, 5 Riggio, Ronald, 143–44 Rock, David, 38 Rocky III, 71 role-playing, 96 romance, 2, 174 Rome, 120 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 136, 194 Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 185 sarcasm, 56 satisfaction, 58, 237 Schiro, Tom, 83 Schnabel, Arthur, 130 seating choices, 152–53, 242 Seinfeld, Jerry, 192, 193 self-acceptance, 85 self-compassion, 84–90, 103, 181, 239 self-confidence, 84, 85–86, 94–95 self-consciousness, 199 self-criticism, 38–39, 40, 42, 50, 86–87, 90 self-doubt, 39–41, 42, 43 self-esteem, 84–85, 94–95 self-evaluation, 85 self-warmth, 84 separation distress, 154 shame, 45–46, 50, 90 Sicilienne, The, 196 Sinatra, Frank, 198, 216 situations, 107, 110–13 smiling, 24, 141–42, 184 social comparison, 85 Social Intelligence, 146 social situations, 3 social skills, 23 social smile, 22 soft focus, 155 sounds, 15, 235 Southwest Airlines, 146 space, 158–59 speaking, 131–39, 142, 241 see also presentations Stalin, Joseph, 104, 220 Stanford Business School, 40 Stanford University, 157, 159 statistics, 189–90 status, 134, 160, 232 authority charisma and, 104–7, 231 stories, 189, 190, 233 Streep, Meryl, 68 stress, 2, 38, 41, 52, 53, 154–55 visualization and, 71 stress hormones, 38, 52, 170 stress system, 170, 174, 202 students, 3 suicide, 73 sympathy, 82 Tan, Chade-Meng, 45–46 teachers, 116 technical skills, 23 tempo, 140, 141, 142 tension, 59–60, 61 Teresa, Mother, 88, 112 Tesla Motors, 98–99 Texas, University of, 116 Thatcher, Margaret, 112 Thich Nhat Hanh, 44 threat response, 38 tone, 140 apologies and, 181 criticism and, 179 Tonight Show, The, 192 Top Gun, 71 traffic, 56 true smile, 24 trust, 2, 152 uncertainty, 32–37, 42, 101, 167 Uslan, Michael, 40 Vangelis, 71 vision, 203–5, 231, 234 visionary, 210 visionary charisma, 98, 101–2, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 136, 167, 231 visualization, 67–74, 96, 231, 238 body language and, 68, 69, 73, 97 of funeral, 78–79, 83 of goodwill, 81 of historical counselors, 74 of invisible angel wings, 81, 158, 171, 174, 194 kindness charisma and, 103 before meetings, 72–73 of Metta, 88–89 for phone calls and e-mails, 183 practice for, 69 before presentations, 72 voice, 21, 139–42, 182 volume, 140–41, 193–94 vulnerability, 216–18, 221, 243 Walmart, 198 Walton, Sam, 198, 216 warming up, 93–97, 103, 172 warmth, 5, 6, 13, 18–20, 26, 27, 67, 74, 81, 92, 94, 97, 101, 106, 109, 123, 130, 139, 142, 150, 155, 156, 158, 161, 162, 163, 164, 172, 176, 182, 224, 229–30, 231, 232 anxiety and, 32 body language and, 21, 234 criticism and, 179 focus charisma and, 100 handshakes and, 121 kindness charisma and, 102–4, 231 on phone, 185 in presentations, 191, 194–95, 197 self-, 84 vocal, 141–42 Weiss, Alan, 144 white knights, 120 Williams, Redford, 170 willpower, 94 Winfrey, Oprah, 75, 108, 109, 110–11 Wise Brain Bulletin, 73 Wiseman Institute, 80 worst-case scenario, 50, 51 writing, 54, 56, 57
Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith in the New China
Evan Osnos
Published 12 May 2014
Then I saw that her relatives hoisted her chair while she hobbled up and down each marble stairway, and rolled her in front of the masterpieces. By nightfall, another day of touring Europe’s sights had kindled a sense of appreciation, albeit with a competitive streak. While we waited for tables, at a Chinese restaurant, Zhu brought up the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 B.C.E.), the era that produced Confucius, Lao-tzu, and other pillars of Chinese thought. “Back then, we were damn good!” Zhu told a group of us. His wife, Wang Jianxin, rolled her eyes. “Here we go again,” she said. Her husband was wearing a recently purchased Eiffel Tower baseball cap with blinking battery-powered lights. He turned to me in search of a fresh audience.
He lived alone in a sixth-floor walk-up, a studio of less than seventy-five square feet that could have been mistaken for a library storage room occupied by a fastidious squatter. Books covered every surface, and great mounds listed from the shelves above his desk. His collections encompassed, more or less, the span of human thought: Plato leaned against Lao-tzu, Wittgenstein, Bacon, Fustel de Coulanges, Heidegger, the Koran. When Tang wanted to widen his bed by a few inches, he laid plywood across the frame and propped up the edges with piles of books. Eventually books overflowed the room, and they stood outside his front door in a wall of cardboard boxes.
Justice Ministry, Chinese Kapoor, Anish Kawasaki Heavy Industries Keller, Helen Kennedy, Robert Kent State Khrushchev, Nikita kidney sales Kim Jong-il King, Martin Luther, Jr. Kraft Krugman, Paul Kundera, Milan Kung Fu Panda problem Kweichow Moutai labor unions LaHood, Ray Lake of Great Peace Lam, Desmond Lama Temple Lantos, Tom Lantos Foundation for Human Rights & Justice Lao She Lao-tzu Lasswell, Harold Latest Must-Read for Personnel Going Abroad, The Lau Ming-yee Law Protecting the Disabled, The Lee, Kim Lee Kuan Yew Leibniz, Gottfried Lei Feng Lei Zhengfu Lenin, Vladimir Leung Man-tou Leviathan Lewis, Arthur Lhasa Li, Mr. Liang Qichao Liao Ran Liao Zhenzhu liberalism Liberty Leading the People Li Bing Libya Li Cheng Li Chengpeng Li Datong Li Dehui Li Fan Li Jianli Li Ling Lin Lin, Wang-sung Lin Gu Linguang Wu Lin Huoshu Link, Perry Lin Qingfei Lin Yifu (Lin Zhengyi); China Center for Economic Research founded by; defection of; made chief economist at World Bank; MBA program cofounded by; official file on; Washington Consensus disdained by Lin Yutang Lin Zhijun Lippmann, Walter Li Suqiao literacy rates Li Tiantian Little Red Book Liu, Lydia H.
The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance
Steven Kotler
Published 4 Mar 2014
It’s cut, dry, and filled with “thou shalt nots.” On a right-hand path, we follow the rules and do what we’re told and no questions asked. This may sound dull, but right-hand paths have a very long history of keeping us safe. A “left-hand path,” meanwhile, is an ecstatic path and mostly gray. It’s little guidance and less security. Lao Tzu, founder of Taoism, warned that a left-hand path is best never begun, and once begun, must absolutely be finished. But how to finish such a path? We have a vast gap in our knowledge. Our society has spent centuries waging war against torment. When we are depressed, we know how to fight for happiness.
See work Jones, Jeremy, 153–57, 158–59, 165–66 Jonsson, Mads “Big Nads,” xvi Jung, Carl, 44 Kalama, Dave, 37–39 Kao Yang (emperor), 59 kayaking records, xiii–xiv, 93–94, 95, 108 skydive-, 143 Stikine, 94–97, 103–4, 106–8 Kelly, Craig, 166 Kerbox, Buzzy, 24 kids, 171–73, 177–79 Kittinger, Joe, 187–88 Knievel, Evel, xiii Krack, Kirk, 110–11 Kramer, Art, 63 Lake Tahoe. See Squaw Valley Landy, John, 174 Lao Tzu, 164 lateralization, 123–26 learning from deathly mistakes, 166–67 flow, in school, 178, 216 growth mindset and, 119, 124–26 Montessori, 178, 221 prediction and “chunking” for, 64–65 shortcuts to, 86–87 speed and longevity, 192–93 Lesser, Rob, 95–96 lifestyle, 77–78, 129 Lillard, Angeline, 178 Limb, Charles, 50, 179 listening, 133 Lopez, Gerry, 37 love, 69 Luks, Allan, 98 macroflow, 31 magnetic resonance imaging.
The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization
Richard Baldwin
Published 14 Nov 2016
Now, new datasets are emerging to guide more systematic thinking about which of these policies works best . PART V Looking Ahead Despite the best efforts of the smartest humans, no one has found a way to know the future. This ineluctable fact has caused many thinkers to shy away from making predictions. As the Confucian poet Lao Tzu put it: “Those who have knowledge, don’t predict. Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.” But this is wrongheaded. We have a duty to think hard about what may be so as to better prepare society for the changes that may come. As Henri Poincaré wrote in The Foundations of Science, “It is far better to foresee even without certainty than not to foresee at all.”1 Following his wise words, this book’s closing chapter puts forth some conjectures about how globalization may change in the years to come.
See also innovation; moving ideas knowledge, tacit, 229f, 230 “knowledge arbitrage,” 12 Korea, 72, 87, 94f, 95, 151, 159, 246–250, 248f, 269–271, 274. See also A7; I6; R11 Krugman, Paul, 127, 179, 195, 208–211, 225–226, 243 Kuznets, Simon, 55 Kuznets cycles, 61–62 labor services, 10 land, 120, 124, 138–139 Landes, David, 42 land transport, 211 Lao Tzu, 281 Latin America, 30f, 98, 99–101, 100f, 118f, 243. See also developing nations Leibenstein, Harvey, 256 Levinson, Marc, 76 liberal policies, 55, 56t, 131, 160, 184–185, 218. See also free trade Lindauer, David, 243, 244 livestock, domestication of, 30 local competition, 186–188, 188–189, 191–192 local market size, 184–185 location.
Wasps: The Splendors and Miseries of an American Aristocracy
Michael Knox Beran
Published 2 Aug 2021
Their masters, particularly Plato, Dante, and Shakespeare, have been for me indispensable guides, interpreters of the experience of people whom they never met, but whom they understood—understood as souls frustrated by their failure to do justice to themselves, as though unfaithful to some deeper music. “We are all of us very near to sublimity,” Emerson says. This sublimity, according to him, is within us. It is the logos of Heraclitus, the way (tao) of Lao Tzu, the “depth of the spirit” which, St. François de Sales says, some “call the Kingdom of God.” The eye, Lao Tzu says, “gazes but can catch no glimpse of it”; it perishes in being uttered; we can but call it “the Mystery,” or “rather the ‘Darker than any Mystery,’ ” the “secret of being mated to heaven.” WASPs were not, as a rule, either mystics or philosophers, but they were consumed by the fear that much of their own potential lay dormant within them, in those fathomless depths of being of which the sages speak.
A rationality of the surface, one that fails to tap, as the rationality of the Republic fails to tap, the depths of logos, will never, the Plato of the Laws suggests, produce anything adequately human, let alone really beautiful and noble.III You can’t live wholly in the shallows and expect to see what Dante and Shakespeare and Heraclitus did.IV Veil upon veil conceals the beauty the sages uncovered, that of Beatrice, Diotima, Cordelia, Maryam, the “Mysterious Female” of Lao Tzu,V things hidden from those whom Katágaios calls the spiritually overdressed. Plato, the magus of Enlightenment, was also the first philosopher of counter-Enlightenment. Yet Sir Isaiah was surely right when he pointed out that a number of the counter-Enlightenment divers who followed in his wake found, in their explorations of the depths of logos, some very dark places indeed, even as they preached (as Plato never did) the rejection of conscious reason altogether, doing away with the tools that help us to distinguish between the dark places and the light, the worse and the better.
Morgan, 152; religion and, 420 James, Henry, Sr., 126 James, William, 52, 68, 72, 94, 181, 200, 280 Javits, Jacob, 374 Jay, John, 67, 72 Jay, Pierre “Pete,” 72, 76, 310 Jazz Age, 229–240 Jefferson, Thomas, 413, 422 Jekyll Island Club, 153 Jerome, Leonard, 324 Jews, 336–338 Joe Mayflower, 24 Johnson, Lyndon, 20–24 Joyce, James, 239, 262, 270 Joyce, Nora, 270 Judaism, 85, 86 judges, 381 Junior League for the Promotion of the Settlement Movement, 115 K Karabel, Jerome, 143 Karch, Frederick, 20 Kazin, Alfred, 377 Keats, John, 247 Keith, Slim, 25 Kennan, George, 13, 15, 223, 335, 346–351, 353, 354, 379–383 Kennedy, Jacqueline, 6, 17, 362–363, 374–375, 377 Kennedy, Joe, 361 Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 10, 16, 17, 22–24, 35, 170, 360–365, 373–374, 376–379 Kennedy, Rose, 361 Kerry, John, 384 Keynes, John Maynard, 218, 219, 226, 280, 284–286, 297 Keystone Cops, 210 Kiluna Farm, 4 King, Stephen, 32 Kintner, Robert, 12 Kipling, John, 207 Kipling, Rudyard, 206, 253 Kirk-Duggan, Cheryl A., 343 Kissinger, Henry, 304, 332, 359 Knickerbocker Club, 284 Kojève, Alexandre, 427, 435 Kubie, Lawrence, 373 L Labor Relations Act, 293 Ladenburg, May, 210 La Farge, John, 186 La Farge, Oliver, 128, 242 Lahey, Frank, 328 Lamennais, Hugues-Felicite Robert de, 109 Lansing, Robert, 220 Lao Tzu, 438 The Last Puritan (Santayana), 86–87 Latini, Brunetto, 370 Lawrence, Abbott, 289 Lawrence, D. H., 239 Lawrence, William, 111 Laws (Plato), 241–243, 414, 439, 441 League of Nations, 219, 225–227, 333 Lears, T.J. Jackson, 89 Lee, Alice Hathaway, 184 Lee, William Henry Fitzhugh, 47, 48 LeHand, Marguerite, 295, 303, 335 leisure, 263, 414–415, 439 Lenin, Vladimir, 223 liberal education, 94–95, 108, 134, 173, 244–247, 403–407, 428 The Liberal Imagination (Trilling), 403, 405, 426 liberalism, 15, 178–179 Lightning on the Sun (Bingham), 398 Lincoln, Abraham, 48, 82, 281, 294 Lindsay, Sir Ronald, 201 Lippmann, Walter, 23, 94, 97, 172–174, 217, 219, 221–222, 230, 265–268, 278–279, 293, 332, 353, 364–365 Lloyd George, David, 225 Lochner v.
Coming of Age in the Milky Way
Timothy Ferris
Published 30 Jun 1988
Darwinian evolution, in indicating that all species of earthly life are related and that all arose from ordinary matter, made it clear that there is no wall dividing us from our fellow creatures on Earth, or from the planet that gave us all life—that we are such stuff as worlds are made of. The conviction that we are in some sense at one with the universe had of course been promulgated many times before, in other spheres of thought. Yahweh fashioned Adam out of dust; Heraclitus the Greek wrote that “all things are one;” Lao-tzu in China depicted man and nature alike as ruled by a single principle (“I call it the Tao”); and a belief in the unity of humankind with the cosmos was widespread among preliterate peoples, as evidenced by the Suquamish Indian chief Seattle, who declared on his deathbed that “all things are connected, like the blood which unites one family.
It’s even possible that an amateur stargazer or a high-school science student will find the first planet beyond Earth that harbors life. We’re living in fascinating times. Stay tuned … Three philosophers came together to taste vinegar, the Chinese symbol for the spirit of life. First Confucius drank of it. “It is sour,” he said. Next, Buddha drank. He pronounced the vinegar bitter. Then Lao-tzu tasted it. He exclaimed, “It is fresh!” —Traditional Chinese tale, repeated by Niels Bohr For all my pains, I only beg this favor, that whenever you see the sun, the heavens, or the stars, you will think of me. —Bernard de Fontenelle GLOSSARY The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.
Time: 1,500 years Noteworthy Events: Sundial invented, in Egypt. Time: 1,000 years Noteworthy Events: Homer declaims the Odyssey. Time: 800 years Noteworthy Events: Olmec culture in Mexico. Time: 700 years Noteworthy Events: Hesiod, Works and Days. Time: 650 years Noteworthy Events: Mayan culture in Guatemala. Time: 600 years Noteworthy Events: Lao-tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Zoroaster; Old Testament in Hebrew. Time: 540 years Noteworthy Events: Pythagoras teaches that “all is number” and that nature is harmonious. Time: 450 years Noteworthy Events: Leucippus and Democritus propose that matter is made of indivisible entities, the atoms. Paradoxes of Zeno raise doubts about the concept of the infinitesimal.
Sex, Time, and Power: How Women's Sexuality Shaped Human Evolution
Leonard Shlain
Published 2 Aug 2004
Western culture had to wait until the nineteenth century before a prominent male philosopher, John Stuart Mill, was willing to stand up and speak out for women’s equality. The record in non-Western cultures is also dismal. Both Confucius and Buddha were misogynists. Of the few leaders who seemed friendly to women, Jesus, Muhammad, and Lao Tzu stand out, but what they really had to say has been so filtered by subsequent patriarchal commentators that it is difficult now to know exactly what were their true attitudes toward women during their lives. The history of Christianity, Islam, and Taoism darkly demonstrates that the religions that flowed from the teachings of these three influential leaders have been most unkind to women.* In every case, after the death of the founder, men with harsh patriarchal leanings seized the reins of power and revised whatever gentle counsel the originators of these traditions may have had to impart about women.
Kung San tribe, 30, 31, 32, 112–13, 119n, 252 Kwakiutl tribe, 179 Lacombe, Georges, 22 lactation, 29–30, 32 see also breast-feeding Ladas, Alice, 78 Laetoli fossil footprints, 107–8 Landes, R., 112 Land of the Dead, 279 language, 12, 13, 19, 76, 104, 144, 187–206, 289, 327 auditory constancy in, 196–97 brain and, 196–97 Creative Explosion and, 300–301, 300n culture and, 262–63 development of, 187–88, 187n, 197 element of time and, 197–98 handedness and, 246 in Homo erectus, 187–88, 197 hunting hypothesis and, 189–90, 206 linear sequence in, 262 lying, deceit and, 203–4 male-female relationship and, 191–92 as mutation, 191 in nonhumans, 188–90 respiration adapted to, 194–95 sexual relations and, 197–204, 206 sexual selection and, 189, 192, 205–6 social relations and, 190, 206 theories of, 190–91 vocal tract and, 192–93, 193, 195–96, 300 women and development of, 197–200 Lannon, Richard, 321, 331 Lao Tzu, 209, 340, 340n Laporte, Leo, 103 larynx, 192–93, 195 Last Common Ancestor, 46 laughter, 281–82 Leakey, Richard, 101, 265–66 LeDoux, Joseph, 145n Lee, Richard, 112 left-handedness, 241, 246–48, 253 Leonardo da Vinci, 244 lesbianism, 230, 233, 237, 241, 242n, 254 see also homosexuality Lessing, Doris, 69 LeVay, Simon, 231 Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 313n Lewin, Roger, 101, 265–66 Lewis, Thomas, 321, 331 Lewontin, Henry, 17n Lieberman, Philip, 190–91 Lilith, myth of, 24 limbic system, 144 Lind, James, 132n linear sequence, concept of, 262–63 Linguistic Society of Paris, 189 Linnaeus, Carolus, 86 linoleic acid, 125–26 Lion King, The (film), 129 lipoproteins, 125, 125n Loango tribe, 138 lochia, 28 Locke, John, 340 love, 324, 338, 340, 347–48, 358 between mother and son, 340–41, 384n Lovejoy, Owen, 103 Lovelock, James, 167n Low, Bobbi, 137, 223n Lucretius, 276 Lucy (fossil hominid), 107–8 lunar calendars, 182, 183, 271n, 299 lunar cycles, 164, 179n bipedalism and, 175–76 length of pregnancy and, 179–80 menstruation and, 18, 164, 175–81, 177n, 337, 370 moon’s ides in, 178 Lupton, Mary Jane, 57, 67n Luther, Martin, 339 Lysistrata (Aristophanes), 321 McClintock, Barbara, 53 MacLean, Paul, 143–44 McLuhan, Marshall, 368 Maimonides, 92 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 301 Malraux, André, 261 Mandango tribe, 180 Mangaian islanders, 141 “many fathers” theory, 49 Maoris, 102, 180 March, Kathryn, 58n Margulis, Lynn, 167n Markee, J.
The Iroquois concept of governance was one of many strains that went into the United States’ republican model of states’ rights and a federal government.6 *In an ancient Greek myth, the sword of Damocles was a sword hanging over someone’s head suspended by a thin thread. The threat of its falling was ever present. *Male Taoist priests began to venerate Lao Tzu as a god in the tenth century A.D. and banned women from holding any major institutional positions. †For a discussion of how the image of the Madonna and her child has played out in art, see page 384.4 *Lest one assume that these attitudes affect only men who run around in loincloths hefting spears, consider this.
Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why
Laurence Gonzales
Published 1 Dec 1998
It can be seen as a type of survival training, for if there is no food, no water, no way, a person has already practiced sitting still and making the best of the situation. He’ll have confidence in his ability to survive it. The survival lessons that apply today are ancient. The Tao Te Ching is broken into two parts, “Integrity,” and “The Way,” which can be thought of as the two halves of surviving anything. Lao-tzu’s book is a handbook for a ruler, but it is also a handbook for the brain. An imbalance of the brain’s functions leads us into trouble, and a triumph of balance gets us out. I’ve found similar lessons in Epictetus, Herodotus, Thucydides, the Bible, the Bhagavad Gītā. “Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new?”
Kiley, Deborah Scaling, and Meg Noonan. Untamed Seas. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1994. Kilhstrom, J. F. “The Cognitive Unconscious,” Science, 237 (1987). Krakauer, Jon. Into Thin Air. New York: Villard Books, 1997. Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth. On Death and Dying. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1969. Lao-tzu. Tao Te Ching, trans. Victor H. Mair. New York: Bantam Books, 1990. Leach, John. Survival Psychology. New York: New York University Press, 1994. LeDoux, Joseph. The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996. ———. The Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are.
Decline of the English Murder
George Orwell
Published 24 Jul 2009
Useless Toil Frederick Jackson Turner The Significance of the Frontier in American History Marcel Proust Days of Reading Leon Trotsky An Appeal to the Toiling, Oppressed and Exhausted Peoples of Europe Sigmund Freud The Future of an Illusion Walter Benjamin The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction George Orwell Books v. Cigarettes Albert Camus The Fastidious Assassins Frantz Fanon Concerning Violence Michel Foucault The Spectacle of the Scaffold Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching Writings from the Zen Masters Thomas More Utopia Michel de Montaigne On Solitude William Shakespeare On Power John Locke Of the Abuse of Words Samuel Johnson Consolation in the Face of Death Immanuel Kant An Answer to the Question: ‘What is Enlightenment?’ Joseph de Maistre The Executioner Thomas De Quincey Confessions of an English Opium Eater Arthur Schopenhauer The Horrors and Absurdities of Religion Abraham Lincoln The Gettysburg Address Karl Marx Revolution and War Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Grand Inquisitor William James On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings Robert Louis Stevenson An Apology for Idlers W.
The Tao of Fully Feeling: Harvesting Forgiveness Out of Blame
Pete Walker
Published 1 Jan 1995
Far in the pillared dark Thrush music went – Almost like a call to come in To the dark and lament. – Robert Frost FEELING Do you have the patience to wait till your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving till the right action arises by itself? The Master doesn’t seek fulfillment. Not seeking, not expecting, she is present, and can welcome all things. – Lao Tzu Feeling is the antithesis of pain . . . the more pain one feels, the less pain one suffers. – Arthur Janov Feeling is the process of grieving that allows a survivor to work through childhood pain in a passive way. Feeling is focusing on pain with the intention of relaxing any resistance to it, so that it may pass through and out of the body.
My “prayer” of blasphemy culminated with an epiphany that my deepest grief concerned the loss of the glorious sense of oneness and connectedness that I, like all human beings, resided in before being born into this world. This emotionally-based remembering left me with an unshakeable faith that this Oneness is the ultimate reality to which we all inevitably return. Lao-Tzu wrote about this: Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return. Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity . . . When you realize where you come from, you naturally become . . . kindhearted as a grandmother, dignified as a king.
The Future of Money
Bernard Lietaer
Published 28 Apr 2013
It will also automatically determine the scale and nature of the project that becomes possible. If the leadership has credibility only within a small area of town, work at that scale. If it has the capacity to mobilise a whole region complementary currency system of the size of the region becomes possible. To conclude with this aspect, Lao-Tzu's comment is particularly n for grass-root movements: 'The best leadership is when at the end people claim they did it themselves.' VALID COMPLEMENTARY CURRENCIES DESIGN The last critical step is to choose among- the wide variety of complementary currency systems that are available as prototypes today, the one that best fit: your own requirements.
Fly-fishing requires similar 'soft eyes encompassing both the spot where the line is dropped and the entire river, in contrast with the 'hard eyes' used for bait-fishing where the focus remains only on the float. People who are good at bird or whale watching report exactly the same process. In short, Taoists are fly-fishing, while our very language tends to keep us stuck with bait-fishing (see sidebar on Lao- Tzu). For example, how many of you have read correctly the title of this section: 'AU is about balance'. Have you automatically read 'it is all about balance', which has a different meaning? Or did you just decide that it was a typo? If this text were written in Chinese ideograms, its readers would immediately understand what is referred to: the whole exists only because of the balance between the two parts.
From eternity to here: the quest for the ultimate theory of time
Sean M. Carroll
Published 15 Jan 2010
If we take a piece of paper and burn it, letting the photons produced escape along with their energy, the resulting ashes will have a slightly lower mass (no matter how careful we are to capture all of them) than the combination of the original paper plus the oxygen it used to burn. E = mc2 isn’t just about atomic bombs; it’s a profound feature of the dynamics of energy all around us. 5 TIME IS FLEXIBLE The reason why the universe is eternal is that it does not live for itself; it gives life to others as it transforms. —Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching The original impetus behind special relativity was not a puzzling experimental result (although the Michelson-Morley experiment certainly was that); it was an apparent conflict between two preexisting theoretical frameworks.70 On the one hand you had Newtonian mechanics, the gleaming edifice of physics on which all subsequent theories had been based.
See also entropy and arrow of time and baby universes model and black holes and Boltzmann brains and entropy and growth of structure and microscopic level and possibilism and space of states “Is it Possible to Create a Universe in the Laboratory by Quantum Tunneling?” (Farhi) Jackiw, Roman Johnson, George Johnson, Matthew kaons Kasner, Edward Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin scale Kepler, Johannes Kerr, Roy kinetic energy kinetic theory Kleban, Matthew Kolmogorov complexity Landauer, Rolf Lao Tzu Laplace, Pierre-Simon Laplace’s Demon Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Lavoisier, Antoine Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory laws of nature laws of physics. See also specific forces and bouncing-universe cosmology and consciousness and entropy definition and irreversibility and memory and multiverse hypothesis and patterns and reversibility Lectures on Physics (Feynman) Lee, Tsung-Dao Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Lemaître, Georges length contraction Leucippus life and the Boltzmann-Lucretius scenario and complexity definition of and energy budget of Earth and entropy and free energy and memory and multiverse hypothesis light light cones and the Big Bang and black holes and closed timelike curves described and the horizon problem and Newtonian space and the observable universe and time travel and white holes Linde, Andrei Liouville, Joseph Liouville’s Theorem locality location logarithms longitude Look at the Harlequins!
Augustine Stallman, Richard Standard Model Starobinsky, Alexander stars Star Trek stasis state of physical systems statistical mechanics acceptance of and black holes and coarse-graining and entropy and function of time and Loschmidt’s reversibility objection and multiverse model and prediction and Principle of Indifference and recurrence theorem Steady State theory of cosmology steam engines Stockum, Willem Jacob van Stoppard, Tom stopping time strange quarks Strine, Arno (fictional character) string theory Strominger, Andrew strong nuclear force structure formation Sun supercooling supergravity supermassive black holes supernovae superposition and arrow of time and decoherence and entanglement and the EPR paradox and interference and intrinsic quantum indeterminacy and many-world interpretation and Schrödinger’s Cat supersymmetry Susskind, Leonard Swann’s Way (Proust) the swerve (clinamen) symmetry and bouncing-universe cosmology and checkerboard world exercise and determinism and laws of nature and multiverse model and nature and parity and particle decay and special relativity and supersymmetry and time reversal and time-translation invariance synchronized repetition Szilárd, Leó ’t Hooft, Gerard tachyons Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu) Tegmark, Max temperature and anisotropies and black holes and conservation of information and de Sitter space and energy budget of Earth and entropy and expansion of the universe and the horizon problem and inflationary cosmology and information Kelvin scale and Maxwell’s Demon and mixing of the Sun and thermal equilibrium and thermal fluctuation and useable energy temporal chauvinism tension tensors theology Théorie Analytique des Probabilités (Laplace) Theory of Everything thermal equilibrium thermal fluctuation thermodynamics.
The Blue Sweater: Bridging the Gap Between Rich and Poor in an Interconnected World
Jacqueline Novogratz
Published 15 Feb 2009
And so are we. CHAPTER 14 BUILDING BRICK BY BRICK Go to the people: live with them, learn from them love them start with what they know build with what they have. But of the best leaders, when the job is done, the task accomplished, the people will say: “We have done it ourselves.” —LAO TZU In India it wasn’t a surprise to find entrepreneurs with enormous talent and drive focused on bringing basic services like health care, housing, and water to the poor. With more than a billion people, some of the best universities in the world, a powerful diaspora community, and a highly innovative health care industry, India seems to breed social entrepreneurs.
Sono, 247, 247–51, 277 Kigali (Rwanda) blue sweater in, 2–3 Central Prison in, 182–83 description of, 37–38 dinner party in, 39–40 embassies in, 39 food in, 106–7 Genocide Memorial Center in, 210 HIV in, 113 marketplace in, 58–59 Nairobi (Kenya) versus, 91 Novogratz and arriving, 36–37 broken finger of, 126–27 first flight to, 36 going-away party for, 127 holiday party of, 126 leaving, 113–14, 127–28 rental house in, 106–7 returning (1997), 162–63 robbery of house in, 107–11 postgenocide, 179–80, 199 reconstruction of, 201 smells of, 200 UNICEF office in, 37–39, 49–50, 53 King, Martin Luther Jr., 135, 143, 181 Kinyarwanda, 2, 46, 50, 69, 74, 84, 177, 199 Koinange, Mary, 96–100, 104, 118, 251 Koran, 198 L Labor unions, 161 Lake Kivu (Rwanda), 51, 106, 121 Lamu (island off Kenya), 16–17 Lao Tzu, 235 Leadership, 154–55, 160, 271, 277 Lending agency, manual for building, 64 Leonard (driver), 191–92 Leonel (Zairean musician), 51 Liliane (Rwandan woman) daughter of, 177, 201 with Duterimbere, 57–58, 60–62, 64, 67–69, 113 genocide and, 164–65, 177 gift for children of, 209–10 at holiday party, 126 husband of, 177–79, 201, 210 Indian trip for rural Rwandan women and, 68–69 postgenocide, 153, 177–79, 200–201, 209–10 son of, 177, 201, 209 Lions Club, 269 Listening to Kigali market women, 57–58 leadership and, 155, 271, 277 to markets, 254 need for, 283–84 by Novogratz (Jacqueline), 57–58, 63–64, 86, 175, 279 in philanthropy, 141 poverty solution and, 263, 270 skills, 86 Los Angeles riots (1990s), 154 Lu Xun, 36 M Maathai, Wangari, 213 MacDougall, Ann, 231–32, 281 MacDougall, Charlotte, 281 Madgasy proverb, 72 Maha Ghosananda (Buddhist monk), 144–45, 162 Maize mills project, 130–31 Malaria, 69, 89–90, 113, 255–58, 264 Management skills, need for, 135 Mandela, Nelson, 1, 146 Marcelina (“Maz”) (Kenyan woman), 16–17, 30 Markets, 65–66, 105, 212, 254, 272, 277 Maryam (Kashmiri girl), 275–77 Mary (first woman bank manager in Kenya), 12 Masalawala, Rustom, 220, 226 Meenakshi Temple (India), 283 Microenterprises, 9, 138, 211.
Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now
Guy Standing
Published 19 Mar 2020
To compensate for their time in responding to an oral questionnaire, consideration should also be given to providing a modest payment to all those participating in the pilot, whether as recipients or as part of the control group, with payment being made at the end of the pilot. 82 5 Taking the first steps A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Lao Tzu, c.550 BC In this book, it has been implicit that whatever is paid as a basic income or common dividend should be paid equally to all deemed eligible. There are arguments for paying different groups different amounts. But in the proposed pilots it seems sensible or pragmatic to preserve the strict equality rule.
The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom
Jonathan Haidt
Published 26 Dec 2005
Meditation done every day for several months can help you reduce substantially the frequency of fearful, negative, and grasping thoughts, thereby improving your affective style. As B u d d h a said: "When a m a n knows the solitude of silence, and feels the joy of quietness, he is then free from fear and sin."35 Cognitive Therapy Meditation is a characteristically Eastern solution to the problems of life. Even before Buddha, the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu had said that the road to wisdom runs through calm inaction, desireless waiting. Western approaches to problems more typically involve pulling out a tool box and trying to fix what's broken. That was Lady Philosophy's approach with her many arguments, and reframing techniques. T h e toolbox was thoroughly modernized in the 1960s by Aaron Beck.
S u p r e m e C o u r t — a body devoted to reason—issued this opinion: "I think that, as life is action and passion, it is required of a man that he should share the passion and action of his time at peril of being judged not to have lived." ( O L I V E R W E N D E L L H O L M E S , J R . , I884)71 Buddha, Lao Tzu, and other sages of the East discovered a path to peace and tranquility, the path of letting go. They told us how to follow the path using meditation and stillness. Millions of people in the West have followed, and although few, if any, have reached Nirvana, many have found s o m e degree of peace, happiness, and spiritual growth.
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel
Rolf Potts
Published 24 Dec 2002
The Essential Koran, translated by Thomas Cleary (Book Sales, 1998) A collection of readings from the Koran, designed to help non-Muslim Westerners appreciate the power and poetry of the Muslim holy book. Tao Te Ching: A New English Version, translated by Stephen Mitchell (Harper Perennial, 1992) A Zen-influenced translation of Lao Tzu’s classic meditations. The Upanishads, translated by Juan Mascaro (Viking Press, 1965) Simple and powerful verses from the ancient mystical tradition of Hinduism. For a fully updated and linkable online version of this resource guide, surf to and follow the “Resources” link.
Puppet 3 Beginner's Guide
John Arundel
Published 16 Apr 2013
Files You can have Puppet deploy a copy of a file using the source attribute: file { '/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default': source => 'puppet:///modules/nginx/cat-pictures.conf', } File resources can trigger a service to be restarted using the notify attribute. This is useful for configuration files, for which changes often don't take effect until the relevant service is restarted: notify => Service['nginx'], Chapter 4. Managing Puppet with Git If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. – Lao-tzu In this chapter you'll learn how to use the Git version control system to manage your Puppet manifests. I'll also show you how to use Git to distribute the manifests to multiple machines, so that you can start managing your whole network with Puppet. If you're already familiar with Git, you can save some reading by skipping ahead to the Time for action – importing your manifests into Git section.
Open: The Story of Human Progress
Johan Norberg
Published 14 Sep 2020
People began to ask new questions about the world and morality, in an era of growing wealth and increasing contacts between different parts of the world: Greece with Persia and Egypt; China with India and South East Asia; the Middle East at the crossroads of different cultures. Philosophers and prophets tried to come up with systems of morality that were universal and did not just apply to their own group. Buddha in India, Confucius and Lao-Tzu in China and the prophets of the Bible were contemporaries of the early Greek philosophers. Ancient rituals and animal sacrifices were replaced by moral codes. The criticism that Xenophanes of Colophon (in the sixth and fifth centuries bc) levelled against the gods in popular religion is an illustrative example of how the Greeks took their ideas further than everybody else.
(Fukuyama), 362–5 End of Work, The (Rifkin), 312 Engels, Friedrich, 33, 36, 162, 206, 247, 256 English Civil War (1642–1651), 148, 183, 184, 201 Enigma machine, 124–6 Enlightenment, 4, 5, 6, 13, 103, 154–60, 165–6, 195–6 Environmental Performance Index, 327 Ephesus, 45 Epic of Gilgamesh, The, 38 Epicurus, 134–5 Epstein, Richard, 320 equality matching, 262–6, 267 Erasmus, 152 Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 354 Ethiopia, 72, 130 ethnocentrism, 219, 271 Etruscan civilization (c. 900–27 BC), 43 Eubulus, 47 eugenics, 109 Euphrates river, 37 Euripides, 132 European Organization for Nuclear Research, 306 European Parliament, 325 European Union (EU) Brexit (2016–), 9, 14, 118, 238, 240–41, 349, 354, 379 common currency, 280–81 freedom of movement, 118, 343 migration crisis (2015–), 10, 114, 115, 342–3, 358 subsidies in, 280 trade and, 272 United States, trade with, 19 Evans, Oliver, 203 Evolution of God, The (Wright), 249 evolutionary psychology, 14, 23, 225 exoticism, 84 Expressionism, 198 Facebook, 239, 309 Falwell, Jerry, 113–14 Farage, Nigel, 241 farming, see agriculture Fascist Italy (1922–1943), 105, 219 FedEx, 319 Feifer, Jason, 290–92 Fenway Park, Boston, 223 Ferdinand II, King of Aragon, 97, 98, 106 Ferguson, Charles, 314 Fermi, Enrico, 105 Ferney, France, 153 feudalism, 92, 194, 202, 208 fight-or-flight instinct, 15, 346, 348–9 filter bubbles, 239 financial crisis (2008), 10, 15, 62, 254, 333, 358, 359–60 fire, control of, 32–3, 76 Flanders, 208 fluyts, 100 Flynn effect, 109 Fogel, Robert, 276 folk economics, 258–62 football, 223–4, 245–6 Forbes, 274 Ford, Henry, 203 Fortune 500 companies, 82 Fox News, 82, 302, 354 France, 151 American Revolutionary War (1775–83), 201 automation in, 313 Cathars, 94, 142 Cobden–Chevalier Treaty (1860), 53–4 corruption in, 345 Dutch War (1672–8), 101 Encyclopédie, 154 free zones in, 180–81 Huguenots, persecution of, 97, 99, 101, 158, 193 immigration in, 115 Jews, persecution of, 96, 97, 254 languages in, 289 Minitel, 313 Revolution (1789–99), 201, 292 Royal Academy of Sciences, 156 ruin follies, 287 St Bartholomew’s Day massacre (1572), 97 Thököly Uprising (1678–85), 137 Uber in, 320 University of Paris, 140, 141–2, 143 Francis I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 178 Franciscans, 144 Franklin, Benjamin, 107 Franks, 92 free speech, 127, 131–2, 160, 163–5, 343 Chicago principles, 164–5 emigration for, 152–3 university campuses, 163–5 free trade, see under trade Fried, Dan, 289 Friedman, Benjamin, 253 Friedman, David, 284 Friedman, Thomas, 325 Friedrich Wilhelm I, King of Prussia, 153 Fukuyama, Francis, 362–5 Fulda, Germany, 179, 180 Future and Its Enemies, The (Postrel), 300 Future of Nostalgia, The (Boym), 288 Galatia, 90 Galaxy Zoo, 80 Galilei, Galileo, 146, 150 Gallup, 164 game theory, 26 Gandhi, Indira, 326 gas lighting, 297 Gates, William ‘Bill’, 274, 277, 309 Gauls, 90, 91, 92 gay rights, 113, 336 Geary, Patrick, 288–9 gender equality, 113, 114 General Motors, 64 generations baby-boom generation (1946–64), 294, 340 generation X (1965–80), 340 immigration and, 106, 110–11, 113–14 interwar generation (1928–45), 340 millennial generation (1981–96), 340 nostalgia and, 291, 293–4, 296 genetically modified organisms (GMO), 299, 301 Geneva, Switzerland, 152, 153 Genghis Khan, 94–5, 96, 174 Genoa, Republic of (1005–1797), 73, 178 George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 193 George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland, 103, 193 George Mason University, 257, 258 Georgia, 365 Georgia, United States, 349 German Conservative Party, 254 Germany automatic looms, 179 Berlin Wall, fall of (1989), 10, 340, 341, 363, 364 Bronze Age migration, 75 budget deficits, 60 COVID-19 pandemic (2019–20), 12 guilds in, 190 immigration in, 114, 115 Jews, persecution of, 99, 104–6, 109, 220, 233 migration crisis (2015–), 342–3 Nazi period (1933–45), 104–6, 109, 124, 220, 233, 353 Neolithic migration, 74 protectionism in, 314 Reichstag fire (1933), 353 Thirty Years War (1618–48), 150 United States, migration to, 104, 107–8, 111 Weimar period (1918–33), 353 al-Ghazali, 139 Gholia, 89 Gibbon, Edward, 90 Gilder, George, 314 Gilgamesh, 38 Gillis, John, 291 Gingrich, Newton, 313 Gini coefficient, 273 Gintis, Herbert, 36 global history, 13 global price crisis (2010–11), 11 global warming, 75, 323, 325, 326–34 globalization, 4, 55, 270 backlashes against, 9, 14, 54, 57 cities and, 35 classical world, 43–50 conspiracy theories on, 323 disease and, 11, 77–9 United States and, 19 Westernization, 4 Glorious Revolution (1688), 101, 185–8, 190, 193 Goa, India, 146–7 golden nugget theory, 5 Golden Rule, 251–2 Golding, William, 219, 243, 244 Goldstone, Jack, 5, 133, 353 Goodness Paradox, The (Wrangham), 227 Google, 309, 311 Gordon, Thomas, 201 Göring, Hermann, 106 gossip, 229 Goths, 92 Gottlieb, Anthony, 135 Great Awakening (1730–55), 102 Great Depression (1929–39), 54–5, 56, 254 Great Enrichment, 167, 204 Great Recession (2007–9), 254–5, 358, 359–60 Great Transformation, The (Polanyi), 37 Great Vanishing, 134–5 Great Wall of China, 178 Greece, ancient, 127–32, 169 Athens, 47, 53, 89, 90, 131–2, 134 Axial Age, 129 cosmopolitanism, 87–8 golden nugget theory, 5 Ionian enlightenment, 127–9 Mycenae, 88 philosophy, 13, 70, 127–32, 134–5, 136 Phoenicians, relations with, 43, 44, 45, 46 science, 127–32, 136 Sparta, 47, 54, 90, 132 trade, attitudes towards, 47, 54 xenophobia in, 90 Green New Deal, 302 Greene, Joshua, 216, 259 Greenland, 51 Gregorian calendar, 137, 152 Gregory IX, Pope, 142 Gregory XIII, Pope, 152 gross domestic product (GDP), 68–9, 257, 278–9 Grotius, Hugo, 147, 152–3 groupthink, 83 Guangzhou, Guangdong, 352 guilds, 190 Gutenberg, Johannes, 146 Haber, Fritz, 105 Habsburg Empire (1282–1918) anti-Semitism in, 254 Austria, 151, 179, 190 refugees, 99 Spain, 98–9, 208 Hadrian, Roman Emperor, 91 Hadrian’s Wall, 47 Hagley Park, West Midlands, 286–7 Haidt, Jonathan, 163, 229, 344, 348, 357 Haile Selassie, Emperor of Ethiopia, 72 Hamas, 365 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 173 Hanseatic League (1358–1862), 53 Hanson, Robin, 282 Hanway, Jonas, 298 Happy Days, 294 Harari, Yuval Noah, 38 Harriot, Thomas, 150 Hartsoeker, Nicolaas, 159 Harvard Business Review, 313 Harvard University, 116, 122, 137, 253, 309, 313 Haskell, Thomas, 206 Hässelby, Stockholm, 217–18, 245 Hayashi, Stuart, 370 Hayek, Friedrich, 1, 7, 29, 300, 325 Hebrew Bible, 248–50 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 288, 365 Helm, Dieter, 328, 331 Henrich, Joseph, 36 Hercules, 87 Herodotus, 132 Hewlett-Packard, 304 Higgs, Robert, 337 Hill, Christopher, 182 Hinduism, 136, 149, 354 von Hippel, William, 24, 25, 262, 284 Hippocrates, 128 Hispanic people, 110–11 Hitler, Adolf, 104–5, 353 Hobbes, Thomas, 9, 152, 226 Hofer, Johannes, 288 Holmgren, Pär, 325 Holocaust (1941–5), 109, 220 Holy Roman Empire (800–1806), 155, 181, 288 Homestead Acts, 171 Homo economicus, 34, 36 Homo erectus, 76, 267 Homo sapiens, 3, 21, 23, 30–33, 76, 259–62, 282, 371 homosexuality, 79, 113–14, 336 Homs, Syria, 82 Honeywell, 303 Hong Kong, 53, 235, 316 Hoover, Herbert, 55 horseshoes, 203 House of Wisdom, Baghdad, 136 Household Narrative, The, 297 housing, 375–6 Huguenots, 97, 99, 101, 158, 193 human rights, 87, 147, 213 humanitarianism, 204–7 Hume, David, 151, 154, 194 Hungary, 105, 190, 235, 237, 354, 357 hunkering down, 121, 165 Huns, 93 hunter-gatherer societies death rate, 9 disease and, 78 division of labour and, 29, 32, 40–41, 57 equality matching, 262–3, 265 inbreeding and, 78 isolation and, 52 migration, 73–4, 78–9 physical fallacy, 268 race and, 232 trade, 265 tyranny of cousins, 230 Huntington, Samuel, 110, 362–3, 365–6 Hussein, Saddam, 345 Hussey, Edward, 287 Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 165 Hutus, 230–31 Hypatia, 134 hyper-fast stars, 80 IBM, 305, 307, 319 Ibn al-Haytham, 156 Ibn Hayyan, Jabir, 156 Ibn Rushd, 137–8, 143, 144, 145 ice core drilling, 49 Identity & Violence (Sen), 231 identity politics, 241 al-Idrisi, Muhammad, 137 immigration birth rates and, 115 crime and, 110, 119 culture and, 69–73, 116, 119, 120–23 disgust and, 336, 371 division of labour and, 117 empires and, 84–106 European migration crisis (2015–), 10, 114, 115, 118, 342–3 exoticism, 84 GDP and, 68 innovation and, 81–4 Islam and, 112–14, 255 labour market and, 115, 116–19 opposition to, 69, 70, 114–23, 223, 254–5 productivity and, 68, 81, 117, 204 protectionism and, 66–7 self-selection and, 107, 112 skilled vs unskilled, 66, 82, 102, 116, 117 trade and, 35, 66–7, 234–5 tribalism and, 223, 235–6, 240, 243 urban vs rural areas, 114 welfare and, 118, 281 zero-sum thinking and, 254–5, 259 immigration in United States, 102–14 crime and, 110, 119 innovation and, 81–2, 202 overestimation of, 115, 223 tribalism and, 223, 240 zero-sum thinking and, 254–5, 259 In Defence of Global Capitalism (Norberg), 270 in vitro fertilization, 298–9 inbreeding, 78 India, 42, 45, 46, 56, 75, 129, 136, 140, 146, 270 Arabic numerals, 70, 137 engineering in, 269 Hindu nationalism, 354 industrialization, 207 Maurya Empire (323–184 BC), 53 Mughal Empire (1526–1857), 98, 148, 149, 215 national stereotypes, 235 Pakistan, relations with, 366 pollution in, 326 poverty in, 276, 326 Indo-European language, 75 Indonesia, 41 Industrial Revolution; industrialization, 5, 6, 13, 54, 132, 180, 339 in Britain, 182, 188–99, 202 in China, 169, 172–3, 207 climate change and, 326 in Dutch Republic, 101 in India, 207 in Japan, 71 in United States, 202, 291–2 in Vietnam, 207 inequality, 273, 349 Inglehart, Ronald, 339 ingroups and outgroups, 217–47 fluidity, 230–38 political, 224–5, 238–42 zero-sum relationships and, 252–5 Innocent III, Pope, 233 InnoCentive, 126–7 innovation, 4, 6, 10, 27, 80 ancient world, 32, 42, 44, 46 authoritarianism and, 318 bureaucratic inertia and, 318–21 canon and, 195 cities and, 40, 53, 79 creative destruction, 57, 179, 182, 190 cultural evolution, 28 immigration and 81–4 patent systems, 189–90 population and, 27, 51, 53 Schumpeterian profits, 273–5 resistance to, 10, 179–81 zero-sum thinking and, 266–9 Inquisition, 150 France, 94, 143 Portugal, 100 Spain, 97, 98 intellectual property, 58 Intergalactic Computer Network, 307 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 117 Internet, 57, 275, 278, 306–11, 312, 313 interwar generation (1928–45), 340 Inuit, 22, 51 Ionian enlightenment, 127–9 IQ (intelligence quotient), 109 Iran, 365 Ireland, 104, 108–9, 111, 112, 379 iron, 172 Isabella I, Queen of Castile, 97 Isaiah, 46 Isaura Palaia, Galatia, 90 Isenberg, Daniel, 296 Isis, 89 Islam; Islamic world Arab Spring (2011), 10, 342 clash of civilizations narrative, 237, 365 conflict within, 365 efflorescence, 6, 53, 136–41 fundamentalism, 112, 134, 139, 351 Koran, 137, 250–51 migration from, 112–14 orthodox backlash, 148–9 philosophy, 5, 13 science, 70, 132, 136–41 values in, 112, 113 Islamic State, 351, 365–6 Islamic world, 5, 6, 13, 53, 70 Israel, 111, 365 Italy, 6, 151, 169 anti-Semitism in, 254 Fascist period (1922–1943), 105 Genoa, Republic of (1005–1797), 73, 178 guilds in, 190 Lombard League (1167–1250), 181 Ötzi, 1–2, 8–9, 73, 74 Padua, 144, 146 Papacy in, 155, 181 Renaissance, 6, 150, 153, 169 United States, migration to, 104, 109 Venice, Republic of (697–1797), 53, 144, 152, 174, 181 Jacobs, Jane, 39–40, 79, 264 James II and VII, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, 185–6 Jamestown, Virginia, 200 Japan housing in, 376 kimonos, 73 Meiji Restoration (1868), 53, 70–71 protectionism, 314 Tokugawa Shogunate (1600–1868), 54 United States, migration to, 104, 236, 335 Japanning, 156 JavaScript, 310 jealous emulation, 154–7 jeans, 73 Jefferson, Thomas, 103, 184, 201, 205 Jenner, Edward, 296 Jerusalem, 87, 251 Jesus, 250 Jews in Abbasid Caliphate, 136 anti-Semitism, 254–5, 356 Ashkenazim, 99 Babylonian captivity, 87, 249 Bible, 46, 72, 248–50 Black Death and, 355–6 in Britain, 101, 193 in Dutch Republic, 99, 100, 150 in Germany, 99, 104–6, 109, 111, 254 Inquisition and, 97, 98 in Israel, 111 Mongol invasion and, 95 Muhammed and, 251 Nazirites, 72 in Ottoman Empire, 98 persecution of, 11, 95–7, 109, 220, 233, 251, 355–6 in Poland, 111, 220 in Roman Empire, 90, 93, 94 Sephardim, 99 in Song Empire, 170 in Spain, 97, 98, 99, 140 in United States, 102, 109 Jim Crow laws (1877–1965), 106, 254 Job Buddy, 375 Jobless Future, The (Aronowitz), 312 Jobs, Steven, 82, 304 John Chrysostom, 135 John III Sobieski, King of Poland, 237, 238 Johnson, Samuel, 191, 197 Johnson, Steven, 306 Jones, Rhys, 51 Joule, James Prescott, 196 Judaism, 46, 72, 93, 94, 96, 97 Jupiter, 145 Jurchen people, 172 Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor, 134, 224 Kahn, Robert, 307 Kandinsky, Wassily, 220–21, 289 Kant, Immanuel, 154 Karakorum, Mongol Empire, 96 al-Karaouine, Morocco, 137 Kearney, Denis, 109 keels, 44 Kenya, 21–2 Khayyam, Omar, 137 al-Khwarizmi, 137 Kiesling, Lynne, 328 Kim Jong-il, 314–15 kimonos, 73 King, Martin Luther, 19 King, Steven, 111 Kipling, Rudyard, 70 Klee, Paul, 220–21, 289 Know-Nothings, 108–9 Kodak, 319 Koran, 137, 250–51 Kramer, Samuel Noah, 37, 292 Krastev, Ivan, 342–3 Krugman, Paul, 309 Ku Klux Klan, 254 Kublai Khan, 174 Kurds, 136 Kushim, 37–8 labour mobility, 69, 374–7 lacquerware, 156 lactose, 75 Lao Tzu, 129 lapis lazuli, 70 Late Bronze-Age Collapse (1200–1150 BC), 44, 49, 54 Lebanon, 43, 236 Lee, William, 179 leisure, 199 Lenin, Vladimir, 256 Lesbos, 141 Levellers, 183–4, 186 Leviathan (Hobbes), 152 Levinovitz, Alan Jay, 290 Levy, David, 205 Lewis, David Levering, 140 Libanius, 49 liberalism, 14, 183, 334–40 colonialism and, 214 disgust and, 335, 336 dynamism and, 301 economic, 185, 336 Islam and, 112–14 security and, 334–40, 378 slave trade and, 205 universities and, 163 Libya, 48, 89, 366 Licklider, Joseph Carl Robnett, 307 life expectancy, 4, 169, 339 light bulbs, 297 Lilburne, John, 183 Lincoln, Abraham, 203 Lind, Amanda, 72 Lindsey, Brink, 301 literacy, 15, 57, 168 in Britain, 188, 198 in China, 148 in Dark Ages, 50 empathy and, 246–7 in Greece, 128–9 in Renaissance, 146, 148 Lithuania, 238 Little Ice Age, 148 lobbying, 280, 329 Locke, John, 100, 152, 185, 186, 201 Lombard League, 181 London, England, 190, 193–4, 197 7/7 bombings (2005), 341 London Bridge stabbings (2019), 120 Long Depression (1873–86), 253–4 Lord of the Flies (Golding), 219, 243, 244 Lord’s Resistance Army, 365 Louis IX, King of France, 96 Louis XIV, King of France, 237 Louis XVI, King of France, 201 love, 199 Lucas, Robert, 167 Lucy, 24–5 Lugh, 89 Lul, 111 Luther, Martin, 150, 356 Lutheranism, 99, 356 Lüthi, Max, 351 Lysenko, Trofim, 162 Lyttelton family, 286 Macartney Mission (1793), 176 Macedonian Empire (808–148 BC), 84, 87–9 Madison, James, 337 madrasas, 138 Madrid train bombings (2004), 341 Maduro, Nicolás, 354, 380 Magna Carta (1215), 5 Magris, Claudio, 219 Malacca, 100 Maltesholm School, Hässelby, 217–18, 245 mammoths, 76 Manchester United, 246 Manichaeism, 93 Mann, Thomas, 79 Mansfield, Edward, 271 Mao Zedong, 53, 162, 315, 316, 317, 355 Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor, 91 Marduk, 87 de Mariana, Juan, 147 markets, 37 humanitarianism and, 204, 206 immigration and, 68 tribalism, 247 ultimatum game, 34–5 Marley, Robert ‘Bob’, 72 marriage, 199 Marshall, Thurgood, 335 Marx, Karl, 33, 36, 162, 169, 247, 255–6 Marxism, 33, 36, 162, 182, 256, 268 Mary II, Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland, 186, 193 Maryland, United States, 349 Maslow, Abraham, 339, 341 al-Masudi, 136 mathematics, 70, 134, 135, 137, 156 Maurya Empire (323–184 BC), 53 Mauss, Marcel, 71 McCarthy, Joseph, 335 McCarthy, Kevin, 108 McCloskey, Deirdre, 167, 189, 191–2, 198 McConnell, Addison Mitchell ‘Mitch’, 108 McKinsey, 313 measles, 77 media, 346–9, 370 Medicaid, 119 Medina, 251 Medusa, 88 Meiji Restoration (1868), 53, 70–71 Mencken, Henry Louis, 325, 353 Mercury, 89 Merkel, Angela, 343 Mesopotamia, 37–43, 45, 70, 292–3 Metaphysics (Aristotle), 142 Mexico, 73, 77, 257 United States, migration to, 110, 122, 223, 240, 255 Miami, Florida, 120 Micro-80 computers, 304 Microsoft, 305–6, 309 middle class, 60–61 Migration Advisory Committee, UK, 118 Miletus, 127 militarism, 214 Mill, John Stuart, 124, 160, 164, 176, 319 millennial generation (1981–96), 340 Milton, John, 150 Ming Empire (1368–1644), 54, 148, 175, 177–8, 179, 215 minimal group paradigm, 220–22 Minitel, 313 Mobutu Sese Seko, 187 Mokyr, Joel, 157, 195, 196–7 Molyneux, Stefan, 84 Mongol Empire (1206–1368), 53, 84, 94–7, 138, 139, 173–4, 352–3 monopolies, 182, 189 Monte Testaccio, 48 Montesquieu, 89, 94 Moral Consequences of Growth, The (Friedman), 253 Moral Man and Immoral Society (Niebuhr), 253 Moriscos, 97 mortgages, 375 Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, 304 most-favoured-nations clause, 53–4 Mughal Empire (1526–1857), 98, 148, 149, 215 Muhammed, Prophet of Islam, 251 Murray, William Vans, 104 Muslims migration of, 112–14, 170, 255 persecution of, 97, 106, 233, 355 Mutz, Diana, 271 Mycenae, 88 Myth of Nations, The (Geary), 288–9 Myth of the Rational Voter, The (Caplan), 258 Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad, 167 Napoleonic Wars (1803–15), 288 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 126, 127 National Library of Medicine, US, 12 National Science Foundation, US, 313 National Security Agency, US, 313 national stereotypes, 235 nationalism, 9, 11, 13, 16 civic nationalism, 377–8 clash of civilizations narrative, 237 cultural purity and, 69, 70, 71, 352 immigration and, 69, 70, 82 nostalgia and, 287–8, 351 World War I (1914–18), 214 zero-sum thinking, 253, 254, 259, 272 nativism, 14, 122, 176, 223, 254, 349–51, 358 Natural History Museum, London, 124, 125 Naturalism, 198 Nazi Germany (1933–45), 104–6, 109, 124, 220, 233, 353 Nazirites, 72 Neanderthals, 30–33, 75, 76 Nebuchadnezzar, Babylonian Emperor, 46 neckties, 72 negative income tax, 374–5 Neilson, James Beaumont, 194 Nemeth, Charlan, 83 Neo-Classicism, 198 Neolithic period (c. 10,000–4500 BC), 74 Netflix, 309, 310 Netherlands, 99 von Neumann, John, 105 neurasthenia, 291 New Atlantis (Bacon), 147 New Guinea, 41 New Testament, 250 New York, United States crime in, 246, 334 September 11 attacks (2001), 10, 114, 340–42 New York Times, 291, 297, 325 New York University, 223 New York Yankees, 223 Newcomen, Thomas, 196 Newton, Isaac, 158–9, 201 Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 131 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 253 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 365 Nîmes, France, 73 Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell), 230, 368 Nineveh, Assyria, 248–9 Nixey, Catherine, 134 Nobel Prize, 82, 105, 276 non-market societies, 34, 35 Nordhaus, William, 273–4 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 63, 64 North Carolina, United States, 102 North Korea, 54, 314–15, 366 North Star, 44 nostalgia, 14, 286–95, 313, 351 Not Fit for Our Society (Schrag), 107 novels, 188–9, 246–7 nuclear power, 301, 327, 328, 329, 332 nuclear weapons, 105, 290, 306 O’Rourke, Patrick Jake, 280 Oannes, 267 Obama, Barack, 66, 240, 329 obsidian, 22, 29 occupational licensing, 376–7 Ögedei Khan, 96 Ogilvie, Sheilagh, 179 Oklahoma, United States, 218–19 Old Testament, 46, 72, 248–50 olive oil, 48 Olorgesailie, 21–2 omnivores, 299 On Liberty (Mill), 160 one-year-old children, 26 open society, 6 open-mindedness, 35, 112 Opening of the mouth’ rite, 70 Orbán, Viktor, 354, 380 de Orta, Garcia, 146–7 Orwell, George, 230, 368 Osman II, Ottoman Sultan, 148 Ottoman Empire (1299–1923), 84, 94, 98, 148, 215, 220, 237, 353 Ötzi, 1–2, 8–9, 73, 74 overpopulation, 81, 160 Overton, Richard, 183 Pacific islands, 52 Paine, Thomas, 56, 158, 247 Pakistan, 70, 366 Pallas Athena, 89 Pallavicino, Ferrante, 150 Palmer, Tom Gordon, 15 Panthers and Pythons, 243–4 Papacy, 102, 142, 143, 152, 155, 178 Papin, Denis, 179, 180 Paris, France exiles in, 152, 153 University of Paris, 140, 141–2, 143 parochialism, 216 patent systems, 58, 82, 189–90, 203, 314 in Britain, 179, 189–90, 203, 314 in China, 58 in France, 189 immigrants and, 82 in Netherlands, 189 in United States, 203 PayPal, 310 Peasants’ Revolt (1381), 208 peer review, 127 Pence, Michael, 108 penny universities, 166 Pericles, 131 Permissionless Innovation (Thierer), 299 Perry, Gina, 243 Perseus, 87–8 Persia, ancient, 84, 86–7, 88, 95, 129, 215 Abbasid period (750–1258), 136 Achaemenid Empire (550–330 BC), 86–7, 88 Greeks, influence on, 129 Mongols, influence on, 95 Safavid Empire (1501–1736), 149 Sasanian Empire (224–651), 134 personality traits, 7 Pertinax, Roman Emperor, 91 Pessimists Archive, 290, 297, 298 Pessinuntia, 89 Peters, Margaret, 66 Peterson Institute for International Economics, 60 Petty, William, 296 Philip II King of Spain, 98 Phoenicia (2500–539 BC), 43–6, 49, 70, 128–9 Phoenicia dye, 44 Phrygians, 89 physical fallacy, 267–8 Physics (Aristotle), 142 Pietists, 153 Pinker, Steven, 23, 243, 266, 324 Plague of Justinian (541–750), 77 Plato, 130, 131, 132, 134, 352 pluralism, 85, 129, 357 Plutarch, 45–6 Poland Battle of Vienna (1683), 237, 238 Dutch Republic, migration to, 99 Holocaust (1941–5), 220 immigration, 116 Israel, migration to, 111 United Kingdom, migration to, 120 United States, migration to, 108, 109 Polanyi, Karl, 37 polio, 293 pollution, 326, 347 Polo, Marco, 174 Popper, Karl, 6, 26, 127, 129, 130, 182–3, 237, 362 population density, 28 populism, 9, 13, 14, 16, 324, 379–82 authoritarianism and, 325, 350–51 complexity and, 324 nostalgia and, 295, 324, 351 trade and, 19 zero-sum thinking and, 254, 259, 274 pornography, 113, 336 Portugal Empire (1415–1999), 100, 146–7, 178 guilds in, 190 Inquisition, 100 Postrel, Virginia, 300, 312, 326 pound locks, 172 poverty, 4, 168, 213, 270 in Britain, 256 in China, 4, 316 immigration and, 66, 69, 81, 121 in Japan, 71 Jeff Bezos test, 275–9 Preston, Lancashire, 190 priests, 41, 128 printing, 146, 153, 171 Pritchard, James Bennett, 43 productivity cities and, 40 foreign trade and, 57, 59, 63 free goods and, 278 immigration and, 68, 81, 117, 204 programming, 8 Progress (Norberg), 12–13 progressives, 286, 300–302 Proserpina, 89 protectionism, 13, 15, 16, 54–5 Great Depression (1929–39), 54–5 immigration and, 66–7 Internet and, 314 Trump administration (2017–), 19, 57–8 Protestantism, 99, 104, 148, 149, 153, 169, 178, 237 Prussia (1701–1918), 153, 288 Psychological Science, 335 Puerto Rico, 80 Pufendorf, Samuel, 147 purchasing power, 59, 61, 63, 66, 198 Puritanism, 99, 102 Putin, Vladimir, 14, 353–4 Putnam, Robert, 121, 165 Pythagoras, 137 Pythons and Panthers, 243–4 al-Qaeda, 351 Qianlong, Qing Emperor, 153 Qing Empire (1644–1912), 148, 149, 151, 153, 175–7, 179 Quakers, 99, 102, 206 Quarantelli, Enrico, 338 Quarterly Journal of Economics, The, 63 race; racism, 76–7, 206, 231–4, 358–9 railways, 53, 179, 202, 296, 297 Rammstein, 274 RAND Corporation, 307 Raphael, 137 Rastafari, 72 Rattlers and Eagles, 218–19, 236, 243, 252 reactive aggression, 227–8 Reagan, Ronald, 63, 111 Realism, 198 realistic conflict theory, 222 Reconquista (711–1492), 139 Red Genies, 236 Red Sea, 75 Reformation, 148, 155 refugees crime and, 119 European migration crisis (2015–), 10, 114, 115, 281, 342–3 integration of, 117–18 German Jews (1933–45), 104–6, 109 Rembrandt, 99 reminiscence bump, 294 Renaissance, 5, 6, 132, 143, 145–6, 149–50, 215 Republic of Letters, 157–9, 165, 195 Republic, The (Plato), 352 Republican Party, 164, 225, 238, 240, 301 Reynell, Carew, 184 Reynolds, Glenn, 308 Ridley, Matthew, 20–21, 80 right to work laws, 65 Rizzo, Frank, 334 Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 325 Robbers Cave experiment (1954), 218–19, 236, 243, 252, 371 Robbins, Caroline, 200–201 Robertson, Marion Gordon ‘Pat’, 114 Robinson, James, 185, 187, 200 rock paper scissors, 26 Rogers, Will, 282 Roman Law, 5 Romanticism, 198, 287, 296–7 Rome, ancient, 47–50, 89–94, 132 Antonine Plague (165–80), 77 assimilation, 91–2 chariot racing, 224 Christianity in, 90, 93–4, 133–4 citizenship, 91 cosmopolitanism, 89–91 fall of, 54, 94 gods in, 89–90 golden nugget theory, 5 globalization, 45–6, 47–50 haircuts, 72 Latin alphabet, 45 philosophy, 70, 136 Phoenicians, relations with, 43, 44 Sabines, relations with, 89 Social War (91–88 BC), 91 trousers, attitudes towards, 92 Romulus, 89, 90 Rotterdam, Holland, 158 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 226 Royal Navy, 205 Royal Society, 156, 157, 158, 196 Rubin, Paul, 258 ruin follies, 286–7 rule of law, 68, 189, 269, 334, 343, 358, 379 Rumbold, Richard, 183–4 Rushdie, Salman, 73 Ruskin, John, 206, 297 Russia Imperial period (1721–1917), 154, 289–90 Israel, migration to, 111 Mongol period (1237–1368), 95, 352 Orthodox Christianity, 155 Putin period (1999–), 14, 15, 347, 353–4, 365, 367 Soviet period (1917–91), 162, 302–5, 315, 317 United States, relations with, 236 Yamnaya people, 74–5 Rust Belt, 58, 62, 64–6, 349 Rwandan Genocide (1994), 230–31 Sabines, 89 Safavid Empire (1501–1736), 149 safety of wings, 374 Saint-Sever, France, 180 Salamanca school, 147, 150 Sanders, Bernard, 302 Santa Fe Institute, 216 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), 3, 162 Saudi Arabia, 365 Scandinavia Bronze Age migration, 75 Neolithic migration, 74 United States, migration to, 104, 108 see also Sweden scapegoats, 11, 83, 253, 268, 349, 355–61 Black Death (1346–53), 352, 355–6 Great Recession (2007–9), 255 Mongol invasion (1241), 95 Schmandt-Besserat, Denise, 38 School of Athens, The (Raphael), 137 School of Salamanca, 147, 150 Schrag, Peter, 107 Schrödinger, Erwin, 105, 128, 129, 132 Schumpeter, Joseph, 277 Schumpeterian profits, 273–5 science, 127–66 in China, 4, 13, 70, 153, 156, 162–3, 169–73 Christianity and, 133–5, 141–6, 149–50 Enlightenment, 154–9 experiments, 156–7 Great Vanishing, 134–5 in Greece, 127–32 jealous emulation and, 154–7 in Islamic world, 70, 132, 136–41 Renaissance, 145–6 Republic of Letters, 157–9, 165, 195 sclera, 25 Scotland, 101, 194 Scotney Castle, Kent, 287 Sculley, John, 304 sea peoples, 43 sea snails, 44 Seinfeld, Jerry, 224 Seleucid Empire (312–63 BC), 88 self-esteem, 372, 379 Sen, Amartya, 231 Seneca, 49, 91 Sephardic Jews, 99 September 11 attacks (2001), 10, 114, 340–42, 363 Septimius Severus, Roman Emperor, 91 Servius, Publius, 90 Seven Wonders of the World, 45 Seville, Spain, 91, 139 sex bonobos and, 226 encoding and, 233 inbreeding, 78 views on, 113, 336 SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), 307 Shaftesbury, Lord, see Cooper, Anthony Ashley Sherif, Muzafer, 219, 220, 222, 243, 252 Shia Islam, 149 Shining, The, 335 shirts, 72 Siberia, 76 Sicily, 89 Sierra Leone, 365 Siger of Brabant, 143, 144 Sikhism, 149 Silicon Valley, 311 Silk Road, 171, 174, 352 silver processing, 49 Simler, Kevin, 282 Simmel, Georg, 266 Simon, Julian, 81 Simple Rules for a Complex World (Epstein), 320 Singapore, 53 skilled workers, 36, 45, 66, 95, 97, 101, 117 Slater, Samuel, 202 slavery, 86, 156, 205–6, 232 in British Empire, 182, 199, 200, 205 in Mesopotamia, 40, 41, 43 in Rome, 47, 48 in Sparta, 54 in United States, 103, 106, 205, 232 smallpox, 77, 197, 293, 296 Smith, Adam, 21, 59, 192, 194, 205, 280 Smith, Fred, 319 smoke detectors, 234 Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act (1930), 55 snack boxes, 20 Snow, Charles Percy, 105 social media, 239, 347, 370 social status, 281–5 Social War (91–88 BC), 91 Socrates, 130, 131–2, 330 solar power, 328, 329, 331, 332 Solomon, King of Israel, 38, 45 Solyndra, 329 Song Empire (960–1279), 53, 169–75 Sony, 319 Soros, George, 323 South Korea, 314, 366 South Sudan, 365 Soviet Union (1922–91), 162, 302–5, 315, 317 Sovu, Rwanda, 231 Sowell, Thomas, 267–8 Spain, 97–101, 184, 207 Almohad Caliphate (1121–1269), 137–8 amphorae production, 48 al-Andalus (711–1492), 97, 137–9, 140 Columbus’ voyages (1492–1503), 178 Dutch Revolt (1568–1648), 98–9, 101 Empire (1492–1976), 147, 178, 182 guilds in, 190 Inquisition (1478–1834), 97, 98 Jews, persecution of, 97–8, 106, 140 Madrid train bombings (2004), 341 Muslims, persecution of, 97, 106 Reconquista (711–1492), 97, 138–9, 140 regional authorities, 152 Roman period (c.218 BC–472 AD), 48, 91 Salamanca school, 147, 150 sombreros, 73 Uber in, 320 vaqueros, 73 Spanish flu (1918–19), 77 Sparta, 47, 54, 90, 132 Spencer, Herbert, 165, 214 Spinoza, Baruch, 100, 150, 153 Spitalfields, London, 190 sports, 199, 223–4, 232–3, 245–6 Sri Lanka, 100, 365 St Bartholomew’s Day massacre (1572), 97 St Louis, SS, 109 Standage, Tom, 166 Stanford University, 307, 311 Star Trek, 246, 259 stasists, 301–2 Statute of Labourers (1351), 208 steam engine, 179, 180, 189, 194, 203, 296 steamships, 53, 202 Stenner, Karen, 242, 343, 348, 350, 357 Stockholm, Sweden, 217–18 Stranger Things, 294 Strasbourg, France, 153 strategic tolerance, 86–96 Strindberg, August, 239 Suarez, Francisco, 147 suits, 72 Sumer (4500–1900 BC), 37–43, 45, 55, 292–3 Summers, Larry, 329 Sunni Islam, 148, 149, 238, 365 superpowers, 338–9 supply chains, 11, 62, 66 Sweden DNA in, 73 Green Party, 325 Lind dreadlocks affair (2019), 72 immigration in, 114, 115, 118, 281 manufacturing in, 65 Muslim community, 114 Neolithic migration, 74 refugees in, 118, 281, 342 United States, migration to, 107 Sweden Democrats, 281 swine flu, 3 Switzerland, 152, 153 Sylvester II, Pope, 137 Symbolism, 198 Syria, 42, 82, 342, 365, 366 tabula rasa, 225 Tacitus, 91 Taiwan, 316, 366 Taizu, Song Emperor, 170 Tajfel, Henri, 220, 221–2 Tandy, Geoffrey, 124–6 Tang Empire (618–907), 84, 170, 177, 352 Tanzania, 257 Taoism, 129, 149 tariffs, 15, 56, 373 Anglo–French Treaty (1860), 53–4 Great Depression (1929–39), 54–5 Obama’s tyre tariffs (2009), 66 Trump’s steel tariffs (2018), 272 Tasmania, 50–53, 54 Tatars, 238 taxation in Britain, 72, 187, 188, 189 carbon tax, 330–31 crony capitalism and, 279–80 immigration and, 69 negative income tax, 374–5 in Song Empire, 172 in Spanish Netherlands, 98 Taylor, Robert, 306 TCP/IP protocol, 307 technology, 296–9 automation, 63, 312–13 computers, 302–14 decline, 51–2 Internet, 57, 275, 278, 306–11, 312 nostalgia and, 296–9, 313 technocrats, 299–300, 312, 313–14, 326–9 technological decline, 51–2 telescopes, 145–6 Teller, Edward, 105 Temple of Artemis, Ephesus, 45 Temple of Serapis, Alexandria, 134 Tencent, 311 terrorism, 10, 114, 229, 340–41, 363 Tetlock, Philip, 160 textiles, 172–3 Thales, 127 Thierer, Adam, 299 third-party punishment game, 35 Thirty Years War (1618–48), 72, 97, 148, 150 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 142–3, 144–5 Thoreau, Henry David, 203 Thracians, 130 Thucydides, 131, 132 Tiangong Kaiwu, 153 Tibetans, 85 Tierra del Fuego, 52–3 Tigris river, 37, 139 Timurid Empire (1370–1507), 139 tin, 42 Tokugawa Shogunate (1600–1868), 54 Toledo, Spain, 140 tolerance, 86–114, 129 Tomasello, Michael, 25 ‘too big to fail’, 280 Tower of Babel, 39 Toynbee, Arnold, 382 trade, 13, 19–23, 28–9, 129, 140, 363, 373 backlashes against, 19, 54–67, 254 benefit–cost ratio, 60, 61, 62 Britain, 181–99 competitive advantage, 28–9 division of labour and, 28, 31, 57 Great Depression (1929–39), 54–5 Greece, ancient, 47 humanitarianism and, 204–7 Mesopotania, 37–43 migration and, 35, 66–7, 234–5 morality of, 33–6 Phoenicia, 43–6 Rome, ancient, 47–50 snack boxes, 20 United States, 19, 57–8, 202–3 zero-sum thinking and, 248, 252–66, 270–72 trade unions, 64, 65, 272, 374 Trajan, Roman Emperor, 91 Trans-Pacific Partnership, 58 Transparency International, 381 Treaty of Trianon (1920), 354 Treaty of Versailles (1919), 353 Trenchard, John, 201 Treschow, Michael, 65 Trevor-Roper, Hugh, 215, 356 tribalism, 14, 217–47, 362, 368–72 fluid, 230–38 political, 224–5, 238–42, 378, 379 media and, 348, 370 threats and, 241, 350, 370 Trollboda School, Hässelby, 218 Trump, Donald, 9, 14, 240, 313, 321, 322, 354, 365, 367, 380 immigration, views on, 223 presidential election (2016), 238, 241, 242, 349, 350 stasism, 301, 302 steel tariffs (2018), 272 trade, views on, 19, 57–8 zero-sum attitude, 248 Tunisia, 45, 48 Turing, Alan, 124 Turkey; Turks, 70, 74, 136, 156, 354, 357, 365 turtle theory, 121–2 Tutsis, 230–31 Twilight Zone, The, 260–61 Twitter, 84, 239, 245 Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 186, 201 tyranny of cousins, 229, 230 tyre tariffs, 66 Tyre, 45 Uber, 319–20 Uganda, 365 Ukraine, 75, 116, 365 ultimatum game, 34–6 umbrellas, 298 uncertainty, 321–6 unemployment, 62, 373–4, 376, 377 ‘unicorns’, 82 United Auto Workers, 64 United Kingdom, see Britain United Nations, 327 United States, 199–203 Afghanistan War (2001–14), 345 America First, 19, 272 automation in, 313 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 65 California Gold Rush (1848–1855), 104 China, trade with, 19, 57, 58–9, 62–3, 64 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 254 citizenship, 103 Civil War (1861–5), 109 climate change polices in, 328 Constitution (1789), 102, 202 consumer price index, 277 COVID-19 pandemic (2019–20), 12 crime in, 110, 119, 120, 346 Declaration of Independence (1776), 103, 201, 202 dynamism in, 301–2 Federalist Party, 103 free trade gains, 60, 61 Great Depression (1929–39), 54–5, 254 gross domestic product (GDP), 257 Homestead Acts, 171 housing in, 376 immigration, see immigration in United States Industrial Revolution, 202, 291–2 innovation in, 53, 203, 298–9 intellectual property in, 58 Internet in, 306–14 Iraq War (2003–11), 345 Jim Crow laws (1877–1965), 106, 254 Know-Nothings, 108–9 Ku Klux Klan, 254 labour mobility in, 374, 376–7 lobbying in, 280, 329 Manhattan Project (1942–6), 105 manufacturing, 62–6 McCarthy era (1947–57), 335 Medicaid, 119 middle class, 60–61 NAFTA, 63, 64 National Library of Medicine, 12 national stereotypes, 235, 236 nostalgia in, 290–92, 294 open society, 169, 199–203 patent system, 203 political tribalism in, 224–5, 238, 240 populist movement, 254 presidential election (2016), 238, 241, 242, 349, 350 railways, 202 Revolutionary War (1775–83), 102–3, 200–201 Robbers Cave experiment (1954), 218–19, 236, 243, 252, 371 Rust Belt, 58, 62, 64–6, 349 Saudi Arabia, relations with, 365 Senate, 108 September 11 attacks (2001), 10, 114, 340–42, 363 slavery in, 103, 106, 205 Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act (1930), 55 Supreme Court, 108, 335 tariffs, 66, 272 trade deficits, 60, 270 Trump administration (2017–), see Trump, Donald unemployment in, 373, 376 universities, 163–5, 241 Vietnam War (1955–75), 345 Watergate scandal (1972–4), 345 World War II (1939–45), 56, 64, 335 Yankees, 58 United Steelworkers, 64, 272 universal basic income (UBI), 374, 375 universities, 140 University Bologna, 140 University of California, Berkeley, 311 University of Cambridge, 140 University of Chicago, 165 University of Leeds, 357 University of London, 201 University of Marburg, 153 University of Oxford, 140, 144, 145, 328 University of Padua, 144, 146 University of Paris, 140, 141–2, 143 University of Pennsylvania, 271 University of Salamanca, 140 University of Toulouse, 144 unskilled workers, 36, 66, 102, 117 untranslatable words, 288 Ur, 55 urbanization, see cities Uruk, Sumer, 39 US Steel, 64 Usher, Abbott Payson, 196 Uyghurs, 85, 174 vaccines, 12, 296, 299 Vandals, 92 Vanini, Lucilio, 150 vaqueros, 73 Vargas Llosa, Mario, 213, 261 Vatican Palace, 137 Vavilov, Nikolai, 162 Venezuela, 354 Venice, Republic of (697–1797), 53, 144, 152, 174, 181 Vermeer, Johannes, 99 Vespucci, Amerigo, 146 Vienna, Austria, 95, 237, 238 Vienna Congress (1815), 288 Vietnam, 171, 207, 270, 345 Virgil, 91 Virginia Company, 200 vitamin D, 74 de Vitoria, Francisco, 147 Vladimir’s choice, 221, 252, 271 Voltaire, 153, 193 Walton, Sam, 277 Wang, Nina, 315 War of the Polish Succession (1733–8), 289–90 Ward-Perkins, Bryan, 50 warfare, 216–17, 243 Warren, Elizabeth, 302 washing of hands, 10, 335 Washington, George, 103, 205 Washington, DC, United States, 280 Watergate scandal (1972–4), 345 Watson, John, 291 Watson, Peter, 79 Watt, James, 172, 189, 194, 274 Weatherford, Jack, 95 Web of Science, 159 Weber, Maximilian, 204 WeChat, 311 Weekly Standard, 312 welfare systems, 118, 281, 374 Wengrow, David, 42 West Africa Squadron, 205 Western Roman Empire (395–480), 94, 135 Westernization, 4–5 Wheelan, Charles, 20 Whig Party, 185, 201 White House Science Council, 313 white supremacists, 84, 351, 367 Whitechapel, London, 190 Who Are We?
Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism
Fumio Sasaki
Published 10 Apr 2017
In the past, I was overwhelmed by greed. I was always looking for more. But now I have everything I need. There’s nothing in particular I really want. It may come as a surprise, but it’s really a fantastic feeling. I no longer compare myself with others. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. —LAO TZU How to become instantly unhappy Want to know how to make yourself instantly unhappy? Compare yourself with someone else. I once watched a girl I used to love marry a guy who made a lot of money. I compared myself with him and felt miserable, blaming my income for losing her. But thinking about it now, money wasn’t what I was lacking.
MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom
Tony Robbins
Published 18 Nov 2014
You get the help you need today for no money and HighTower gets a future client. That’s financial synergy. An opportunity to create the elusive win-win that rarely shows up in the world of Wall Street. Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. —LAO-TZU One of the great gifts of “mastering the game” is not only being able to win but to have enough to make a difference for others. No matter how difficult our situation may be, there are always people who are suffering more. When someone creates wealth, it’s his or her privilege, and, I believe, his or her responsibility, to give back to those who are just beginning the journey or those who have experienced tragedies that have knocked them off the path.
Except for a few “unicorns,” a tiny and exclusive group of “financial wizards” that the general population does not have access to, but I’ll introduce you to in the chapters ahead. 2. CHAPTER 1.2 THE 7 SIMPLE STEPS TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM: CREATE AN INCOME FOR LIFE * * * A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —LAO-TZU Tell me something: Have you ever had that experience, you know . . . the completely humiliating experience of playing a video game against a child? Who always wins? The child, of course! But how does she do it? Is she smarter, quicker, stronger? Here’s how it works. You’re visiting your niece or nephew, and she or he will say, “Come play it with me, Uncle Tony!”
Morgan, 309, 498–99, 501–2 junk bonds, 318, 323 Kadlec, Gregory, 114 Kamen, Dean, 566 Karp, David, 125–26 Kay, Alan, 551 Keillor, Garrison, 334 Kennedy, John F., 19 Ki-hoon, Kim, 266–67 King, Martin Luther Jr., 586 Kissinger, Henry A., 230 knowledge, as potential power, 65 Kodak, 269, 318 Krom, Erik, 117 Kurzweil, Ray, 47, 410, 421, 551, 557, 563–67, 568–69, 571 Labor Department, U.S. (DOL), 146–47, 152 LaChappelle, Easton, 557–59 Lake Wobegon Effect, 334 Lao-Tzu, 26, 29 Las Vegas Sands Corp., 62 Lauer, Matt, 270, 349–50, 485 Lawrence, T. E., 203 leadership, 501 Leape, Jim, 556 learned helplessness, 180 Lee, Bruce, 42 Lehman Brothers, 378 Lewis, JT, 591–93 Lewis, Michael, 7 LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rates), 123, 516 lies we tell ourselves, 183–99, 249 and breakthroughs, 184–99 and fear of failure, 183–84 and fear of unknown, 185 life: as adventure, 291 artificial, 566 balance in, 258, 577 decisions in, 244, 246 as information technology, 566 quality of, 37, 292, 538, 576, 577, 580–82, 583 race of, 233 you as creator of, 226, 229, 246 your stage in, 331–32 lifecycle funds, 157 life expectancy, 31–32, 409, 538 life insurance: borrowing from, 446–47 death benefit proceeds from, 447 PPLI, 443–48 in Security/Peace of Mind Bucket, 309 lifestyle, 209–10, 218 changing, 287–92, 612 and Dream Bucket, 341 moving to another place, 288–91 437 Lifetime Income plan, 46, 170–71, 308, 406–18, 613–14 annuities, 416–18, 419–41 income insurance, 415–16 John’s case, 412–14 Susan’s case, 414–16 Lincoln, Abraham, 19 liquidity, 302, 331 Livermore, Jesse, 525 living trust, 448–49 LL Cool J, 15 Lombardi, Vince, 51 longevity insurance, 426–27 “lost decade,” 107, 357, 366, 396 lottery: in retirement, 412 spending money on, 37, 334 love and connection, 77 luck, 228–29, 343, 412 Lynch, Peter, 354, 400 Magellan fund, 400 Maker Revolution, 559–61 Malkiel, Burton, 49–52, 59, 96–97, 326, 354, 356–58 on compounding, 50–52 on diversification, 325 on dollar-cost averaging, 355, 358, 365, 366 and index funds, 49, 97 on rebalancing, 359, 361 on tax-loss harvesting, 362 Mallory, George, 406, 409 Marcus Aurelius, 381 marketing, 85, 97, 102 market timing, 97, 296 Markowitz, Harry, 297, 379, 472 Marley, Bob, 232 mastery: execution as, 65 levels of, 42 Mayweather, Floyd “Money” Jr., 53–54, 210 McCarty, Oseola, 60–61, 62, 63 McDonald’s, 373–74 McGonigal, Kelly, 190–99 meaning, 575, 580–82 Meat Loaf, 52 Medicare/Medicaid, 149 Mellon, Andrew, 315 Merckle, Adolf, 66, 71–72, 73 Metallica, 314 MF Global, 123 Microsoft, 377 millionaires vs. billionaires, 208–10 minimum wage, 263 mob mentality, 348–49 momentum trading, 325 money: as abstract concept, 3–4 compounding, 35–36, 49–52, 58, 60, 62–65, 256, 364 control of, 14 critical mass of, 33, 58, 89, 90, 408 doubling, 283, 284 emergency/protection fund, 216–17, 302 and emotion, 209, 210 and financial freedom, 5–6 and happiness, 588–91 loss of, 336 love of, as root of evil, 195 to make money, 192 mastery of, 6, 71 nest egg, 58, 257 and power, 3 as reflection of creativity, 193 for retirement, 32, 210–11 spending plan, 253–56 as tool, 3 trading time for, 54 what you earn vs. what you keep, 273 where to put, see asset allocation worry about, 190–91 Moneyball, 65 Moneychimp, 119 money machine, 184, 192, 230, 254 savings as, 55–70 money market deposit accounts, 303 money market funds, 303 money masters: advice from, 455–57 author’s interviews with, 453–55 money pass, 333 Money Power Principles, 57, 230 1.
Ego Is the Enemy
Ryan Holiday
Published 13 Jun 2016
Although we share with many others a vision for greatness, we understand that our path toward it is very different from theirs. Following Sherman and Isocrates, we understand that ego is our enemy on that journey, so that when we do achieve our success, it will not sink us but make us stronger. TALK, TALK, TALK Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know. —LAO TZU In his famous 1934 campaign for the governorship of California, the author and activist Upton Sinclair took an unusual step. Before the election, he published a short book titled I, Governor of California and How I Ended Poverty, in which he outlined, in the past tense, the brilliant policies he had enacted as governor . . . the office he had not yet won.
The Naked Eye: How the Revolution of Laser Surgery Has Unshackled the Human Eye
Gerard Sutton
Michael Lawless
Published 15 Nov 2013
Although I’ve read it from cover to cover I didn’t get it. Maybe the second time around something might click. My fourth choice would be To Kill a Mockingbird for the same reasons that I would take Hemingway. My last book would be one that I read regularly. It’s a strange book called The Book of the Way or Tao Te Ching written in about 500 BC by Lao Tzu, a Chinese scholar. It’s a fabulous book of short verses, beautifully written, that talks about why the world is how it is and how to live your life. Even though it might seem a bit obvious in parts, the fact that it was written two and half thousand years ago makes it quite remarkable. Which living person do you most admire?
The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence
Ray Kurzweil
Published 31 Dec 1998
Nonetheless, it lingers not far below the surface and will come back with a vengeance in the early twenty-first century. THEY HAVE A POINT, DON’T THEY? Sure, but a reflexive opposition to technology is not very fruitful in today’s world. It is important, however, to recognize that technology is power. We have to apply our human values to its use. THAT REMINDS ME OF LAO-TZU’S “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.” Yes, technology and knowledge are very similar—technology can be expressed as knowledge. And technology clearly constitutes power over otherwise chaotic forces. Since war is a struggle for power, it is not surprising that technology and war are linked. With regard to the value of technology, think about the early technology of fire.
Storrs handwriting Harries, Richard health care, see medicine heat Hesselink, Lambertus Hillis, W Daniel Ho, Chih-Ming Hodgson, Paul Hofstadter, Douglas on self-understanding holograms Homo erectus Homo habilis Homo sapiens Homo sapiens neanderthallensis Homo sapiens sapiens Hübener, Mark human(s): defining of MOSHs Human Genome Project humanoids humor jokes Huxley, Thomas Henry hypothalamus IBM identity: definition of “human” as function of pattern, vs. particles neural implants and and transfer of information following brain scan see also consciousness Iijima, Sumio image processing Improvisor Industrial Revolution Second information innovation insects integrated circuits Moore’s Law on, see Moore’s Law neurons and quantum effects in intelligence body and; see also body consciousness and defining density of duality of emergence of, and entropy of evolution; see also evolution and evolution of technology hardware of human vs. artificial individual vs. group knowledge and, see knowledge pattern recognition in, see pattern recognition relevance to rest of Universe time use as element of Turing Test and, see Turing Test see also artificial intelligence intelligence, paradigms for combining of evolutionary algorithms, see evolutionary algorithms knowledge and neural net, see neural nets recursion, see recursion intelligent assistants intelligent function internal states Internet commerce on computation harvesting proposal see also World Wide Web inventions Isaac, Randy I’ve Got a Secret Japan JAPE (Joke Analysis and Production Engine) Kaczynski, Theodore (Ted) Kasparov, Gary Deep Blue’s match with Kauffman, Stuart Kay, Alan Kazantzakis, Nikos Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord knowledge bases of built-in chunks of common sense computers’ acquisition of context and in evolution of technology human downloading of language and sharing of technology and see also learning Kocher, Paul Koko Koza, John Kroto, Harold Kuno, Susumu Kurzweil, Ray: highlights in life of past predictions made by Kurzweil Applied Intelligence Kurzweil Computer Products Kurzweil Cybernetic Poet Kurzweil Data Entry Machine Kurzweil Educational Systems Kurzweil Music Systems Kurzweil Reading Machine (KRM) Kurzweil Voice Kurzweil VoiceMed (Kurzweil Clinical Reporter) Landauer, Rolf language natural translating of Turing Test and language user interfaces (LUIs) LANs (local area networks) Lao-tzu Larson, Steve Latham, William Law of Accelerating Returns applied to computation applied to evolution brain scans and in flow chart quantum computing and scanning technologies and Universe and Law of Increasing Chaos Law of Increasing Entropy, see second law of thermodynamics Law of Time and Chaos laws of thermodynamics, see thermodynamics, laws of learning curve of in neural nets see also education; knowledge legal system Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm Leonardo da Vinci Lemout & Hauspie (L&H) Lewis.
Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions
Brian Christian
Tom Griffiths
Published 4 Apr 2016
In an industrial or bureaucratic context where you can’t simply discard a project, but in which the number—rather than the severity—of late projects is still your biggest concern, Moore’s Algorithm is just as indifferent about how those late tasks are handled. Anything booted from the main portion of your schedule can get done at the very end, in any order; it doesn’t matter, as they’re all already late. Getting Things Done Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. —LAO TZU Sometimes due dates aren’t our primary concern and we just want to get stuff done: as much stuff, as quickly as possible. It turns out that translating this seemingly simple desire into an explicit scheduling metric is harder than it sounds. One approach is to take an outsider’s perspective. We’ve noted that in single-machine scheduling, nothing we do can change how long it will take us to finish all of our tasks—but if each task, for instance, represents a waiting client, then there is a way to take up as little of their collective time as possible.
.; networking; websites fast connections geography of infrastructure of protocols and security and interrupt coalescing interruptions intractable problems defined equilibrium and relaxation and scheduling and Introduction to Relaxation Methods, An (Shaw) intuitive hunches investment strategies invitations involuntary selflessness Jacobson, Van Jain, Kamal James, William Jarvis, Richard Jaws (film) Jay, Francine Jeffreys, Harold Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) jitter Jobs, Steve job search Johnson, Selmer Jones, William Joy of Less, The (Jay) judgment “just play the game” approach just society Kaelbling, Leslie Kahn, Robert “Bob” Kant, Immanuel Karels, Michael Karp, Richard Kaushik, Avinash Kayal, Neeraj Keats, John Keeping Found Things Found (Jones) Kenney, Richard Kepler, Johannes Kerr, Clark Keynes, John Maynard al-Khwārizmī King County Library System (KCLS) king of the hill Kipling, Rudyard Kirkpatrick, Scott Kleinrock, Leonard Kline, Charley knapsack problem Knuth, Donald Koomen, Pete Ladder tournaments Lagrange, Joseph-Louis Lagrangian Relaxation Lai, Tze Leung lancet liver fluke Lange, Rebecca language Lao Tzu Laplace, Pierre-Simon Laplace’s Law Lasso latency lateness, minimizing maximum laundry law enforcement Lawler, Eugene “Gene” “Lawn Tennis Tournaments” (Dodgson) Law of Gross Tonnage Lawrence, Peter A. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (LBL) lawsuits Lazzarini, Mario Least Recently Used (LRU) Lee, Michael left-side insertion rule Le Guin, Ursula K.
The Hero With a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell
Published 14 Apr 2004
Kramer, Samuel Noah. Sumerian Mythology: A Study of Spiritual and Literary Achievement in the Third Millennium, B.C. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol. XXI. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1944. Lang, Andrew. Custom and Myth. 2d ed. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1885. Lao-tzu. Lao-tzu's Tao and Wu Wei. Translated by Dwight Goddard. New York: Brentano \ 1919. Layard, John. Stone Men of Malekula. London: Chatto & Windus, 1942. Loomis, Gertrude Schoepperle. Tristan and holt: A Study of the Sources of the Romance. Frankfurt a. M.: J. Baer & Co., 1913. Mabinogion. The Mubinogion.
Trend Commandments: Trading for Exceptional Returns
Michael W. Covel
Published 14 Jun 2011
Doolittle, Elektra, 1989. 2. Frederic Tomesco, “Obama’s Stimulus Plan Made Crisis Worse Taleb Says.” Bloomberg Businessweek, September 25, 2010. 3. Bill Simmons, “You Can Quote Me on This.” October 11, 2002. See Honest 1. Lao Tzu. 2. Michael Shermer, The Skeptic: Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience. Santa Barbara: ABC-Cleo Inc., 2002. 3. See 4. Tim Ferriss, “The Benefits of Pissing People Off.” November 25, 2009. See 5. Ibid. 6. David Turnbull. See 7.
The Heartfulness Way: Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation
Kamlesh D. Patel
Joshua Pollock
Published 31 May 2018
As a teenager, I found myself drawn to the subject of spirituality. I was sure that if I searched long enough through my parents’ enormous book collection, I would find some obscure and esoteric text, and from its pages, all the great secrets of the universe would pour out. First, I encountered the Tao Te Ching, penned by the eminent sage Lao Tzu, supposedly at the point of a spear. It mesmerized me with its simplicity and wisdom, and fanned the flames of spiritual craving in my heart. This led me to other books. I poured through the literature of the Buddhists, Taoists, Sufis, Christians, and others. I read Aristotle and Augustine, Emerson and Epicurus.
My Start-Up Life: What A
Ben Casnocha
Marc Benioff
Published 7 May 2007
. • People who get stuff done “dream” and “talk” as much as the next guy, but they share these dreams and ideas with others. By sharing your intentions with others, you introduce yet another accountability mechanism. • People who get stuff done begin. Taking that first step can be the hardest. Act now! As Taoism founder Lao-tzu said, “A journey of one thousand miles begins with a single step.” (Continued) 34 MY START-UP LIFE What mindset allows me to be productive? I’m fortunate not to have many onerous projects that I loathe to work on. Loving what you do is key to getting stuff done and not simply talking about it.
Things That Matter: Overcoming Distraction to Pursue a More Meaningful Life
Joshua Becker
Published 19 Apr 2022
Try working phrases like these into your speech: “I couldn’t have done it without X.” “It’s a team effort, and we’ve got a great team.” “You should get Y to tell you that story.” Does this seem hard to you? Even if you’re a leader, being the center of attention may not be as important to your success as you think. Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu is often credited as saying, “A leader is best when people barely know that he exists…. Fail to honor people, they fail to honor you. But of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aims fulfilled, they will all say, ‘We did this ourselves.’ ” Before I become guilty of saying, “I did this myself,” let me give credit where it is due.
Presentation Zen
Garr Reynolds
Published 15 Jan 2012
However, if you do use digital tools to produce visuals for your next talk, aim to design and deliver your presentation while allowing the principles of restraint, simplicity, and naturalness to always be your gentle guide. Enjoy the journey. Photo Credits A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —Lao-tzu Markuz Wernli Saito Garden photographs reprinted with permission from the book Mirei Shigemori, Modernizing The Japanese Garden (Stone Bridge Press) by Christian Tschumi and Markuz Wernli Saito. See Markuz’s portfolio at Introduction 2913656 Chapter 1 000011911622 000003223474 000016427589 000007863302 000011421652 000001271432 000003502193 Chapter 2 000009321349 000002783526 Chapter 3 000015601215 000013623090 000014210559 000000825429 000007753196 000013532266 000016749480 000004239530 000002689230 000002098320 000014570872 000016462400 000011338955 000006501522 000003080483 Chapter 4 000017265205 000005299702 000000407292 000003386899 Chapter 5 000012061829 000016850262 000018079393 000001478718 000012655395 000003919934 000002783526 Chapter 6 000012979435 The iStockphoto images that appear on these pages were used to enhance the presentation of the book.
The Book of Not Knowing: Exploring the True Nature of Self, Mind, and Consciousness
Peter Ralston
Published 30 Aug 2010
You may feel vulnerable or have various reactions to it, but when you look closely you’ll see that the reactions aren’t the state; they are reactions. Not-knowing is simply a lot of nothing, but this can be a very powerful experience. It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful. —Lao-tzu 4:33 The fact that the above quotation shows up most often as a philosophical cuteness at a coffeehouse suggests that our culture has difficulty absorbing what’s being said. When it comes to cups, our attention falls to what is there or about to be there. The use and value of the cup is found in filling it.
In fact, consider this a standing invitation to question all your perceptions of self and other. He who knows much about others may be learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. —Lao-tzu 16:23 Because our perceptions work out for the most part and appear consistent and familiar, we imagine that this means they’re accurate and that they truly represent what’s there. This may indicate some sort of commensurate relationship between our perceptions and reality, but it does not mean that they are one and the same. 16:24 What do you suppose an amoeba envisions as the reality behind being poked?
Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK: How to Survive the Economic Collapse and Be Happy
Pistono, Federico
Published 14 Oct 2012 176 National Average Wage Index. The United States Social Security Administration. 177 Regrettably, the origin of this quote is unknown, although it is generally cited as being Chinese. Over the years, the quote has been misattributed to Confucius, Lao Tzu, Laozi, and Guan Zhong. This is a Chinese Proverb, which loosely means “It is better to teach someone how to do something than to do it for them”. 178 Decline in fish stocks, 1999. World Resources Institute. 179 iPhone 5 announcement: 3 important things to watch, 2012.
Think Like an Engineer: Use Systematic Thinking to Solve Everyday Challenges & Unlock the Inherent Values in Them
Mushtak Al-Atabi
Published 26 Aug 2014
Clearly, I do not have a way to watch my students 24/7 but creating a physical object (the Opportunity Note) makes the word come to life. As more students report great and enjoyable experiences, the culture takes roots. The opportunity note is shown below and I would like to recommend that you start removing the P-word from your vocabulary and influence your thinking process at the naming stage. The Opportunity Note Lao Tzu once said, “Watch your thoughts they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” It is worth noting that in some languages, like Arabic, there are two different words to represent the English word “problem”, “Mushkilah” is the Arabic word for problem as a source of trouble or worry; and “Masaalah” is the translation of problem as a question raised for intellectual enquiry.
A History of the World in 6 Glasses
Tom Standage
Published 1 Jan 2005
Exactly how and when it spread into China is unclear, but it seems to have been helped along by Buddhist monks, adherents of the religion founded in India in the sixth century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha. Both Buddhist and Taoist monks found that drinking tea was an invaluable aid to meditation, since it enhanced concentration and banished fatigue—qualities that are now known to be due to the presence of caffeine. Lao-tzu, the founder of Taoism who lived in the sixth century BCE, believed that tea was an essential ingredient in the elixir of life. The earliest unambiguous Chinese reference to tea is from the first century BCE, some twenty-six centuries after Shen Nung's supposed discovery. Having started out as an obscure medicinal and religious beverage, tea first seems to have become a domestic drink in China around this time; a contemporary book, Working Rules of Servants, describes the proper ways to buy and serve it.
The Longing for Less: Living With Minimalism
Kyle Chayka
Published 21 Jan 2020
Desire, for either extreme, was the cause of suffering. By the first century C.E. Buddhism spread across mainland Asia and its sutras were translated into Chinese. In China it mingled with native Taoism, which dated back to around the birth of the Buddha. In the Tao Te Ching the (possibly mythological) sage Lao Tzu advocated the doctrine of non-action: “Less and less is done / Until non-action is achieved. / When nothing is done, nothing is left undone,”3 chapter forty-eight reads. “The world is ruled by letting things take their course. / It cannot be ruled by interfering.” Chan, or Zen, Buddhism was brought to China in the sixth century by a gruff, bushily bearded Central Asian monk, Bodhidharma, who at first failed to gain acceptance at a Chinese monastery and then spent nine years staring at a cave wall.
The Minimalist Home: A Room-By-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life
Joshua Becker
Published 18 Dec 2018
And some Goodwill stores will accept your worn-out clothing and sell it to salvage brokers or make it into industrial wipes. Before we leave the topic of clothing and how much of it we store in our homes, let’s consider one special place some homes have. Minimalist Home Value Being Yourself The ancient philosopher Lao Tzu is credited with saying, “Care about what other people think, and you will always be their prisoner.” Minimizing your clothing collection is not about giving up on looking your best. But it is about not trying to impress others through slavishly following fashion. That’s like chasing the wind.
Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose
Tony Hsieh
Published 6 Jun 2010
—Hugh Macleod • “If you have more than 3 priorities then you don’t have any.” —Jim Collins • “If the person you’re talking to isn’t listening, be patient. Maybe he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.” —Winnie-the-Pooh • “In the pursuit of knowledge, something is added every day. In the pursuit of enlightenment, something is dropped every day.” —Lao-tzu • “Someone broke into my car last night. Nothing worth taking, car is actually less of a mess now. I should schedule this monthly.” SECTION III PROFITS, PASSION, AND PURPOSE 6 Taking It to the Next Level PR and Public Speaking In the two years leading up to the announcement of the Amazon acquisition, Zappos started getting more and more media coverage.
In Defense of Global Capitalism
Johan Norberg
Published 1 Jan 2001
Many will be tempted to take shortcuts, and bureaucrats will oblige in return for generous bribes, especially in poor countries where salaries are low and regulatory systems more or less chaotic. The easiest way of corrupting a nation through and through is to demand that citizens get bureaucratic permission for production, for imports, for exports, for investments. As the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu declared more than two and a half millennia ago, ‘‘The more laws are promulgated, the more numerous thieves and bandits become.’’ If the goal is to have impartial rules and incorruptible officials, there is no better means than substantial deregulation. Amartya Sen argues that the struggle against corruption would be a perfectly good reason for developing countries to deregulate their economies even if no other economic benefits would accrue from doing so.2 Growth—a blessing All experience indicates that it is in liberal regimes that wealth is created and development is sustained.
Marriage and Lasting Relationships With Asperger's Syndrome: Successful Strategies for Couples or Counselors
Eva A. Mendes
Published 1 Sep 2015
Individuals with ASD can be good at thinking outside the box and there’s no reason why this skill cannot be employed in the bedroom! A couple’s sex life can therefore be as interesting and dynamic as they both want it to be. CHAPTER 9 BRIDGING PARALLEL PLAY Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. LAO TZU ♥ NICO AND ZOEY’S STORY ♥ Nico, an electrician and Zoey, an art-school professor had been married for 11 months. When they came to see me, Zoey said, “The moment we got married, everything changed! Nico used to write me poems and plan these wonderful romantic dates for us. Practically the day after we got married, he stopped everything.
Creative Selection: Inside Apple's Design Process During the Golden Age of Steve Jobs
Ken Kocienda
Published 3 Sep 2018
I can use Kant, but only if I know about him, and only to the extent that I’ve internalized what he said and what it means to me. The same goes for the whole scope of creative achievement, from the paintings of Frida Kahlo, the blues music of the Reverend Gary Davis, the theories of Charles Darwin, the philosophy of Lao Tzu, the software optimization ideas of Donald Knuth, or the beliefs and practices of the ancient Greek visitors to the Delphic Oracle. When I study the past, I make a point of deciding what I like, and sometimes this built-up catalog of refined-like responses about past works finds a suitable outlet and a natural expression in my present-day work.
Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One
Jenny Blake
Published 14 Jul 2016
The journey of a thousand miles starts from beneath your feet. Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them. Forcing a project to completion, You ruin what was almost ripe. Therefore the Master takes action by letting things take their course. He remains as calm at the end as at the beginning. —Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Every book . . . has a soul. The soul of the person who wrote it and of those who read it and lived and dreamed with it. Every time a book changes hands, every time someone runs his eyes down its pages, its spirit grows and strengthens. —Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind First and foremost, to you, dear reader: thank you for investing your time and energy with me.
Happy Inside: How to Harness the Power of Home for Health and Happiness
Michelle Ogundehin
Published 29 Apr 2020
Even if you live alone, make it a habit to lay the table. Honour thyself by exercising, cooking and eating well, and keep the faith that, day by day, you will begin to feel better. • ‘WHEN I LET GO OF WHAT I AM, I BECOME WHAT I MIGHT BE. WHEN I LET GO OF WHAT I HAVE, I RECEIVE WHAT I NEED.’ LAO-TZU ANCIENT CHINESE PHILOSOPHER (BORN 601 BC) AUTHOR OF THE TAO TE CHING With room to breathe and room to think, we can live a more meaningful life. And we now know that this type of ‘room’ is not necessarily physical space; rather, it is the absence of all that is extraneous alongside the sweet feeling of liberation that comes with realising that you have enough, and that you are enough, just as you are.
The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Coming Currency Crisis With Gold, Oil, and Other Unconventional Investments
Charles Goyette
Published 29 Oct 2009
. . . if we face a monopolist we are at his mercy. And an authority directing the whole economic system would be the most powerful monopolist conceivable. —F. A. Hayek The more prohibitions there are, the poorer the people become. . . . The greater the number of statutes, the greater the number of thieves and brigands. —Lao-tzu The Command Economy America is transforming itself, without forethought, debate, or pause, into a command economy. A command economy is a top-down, state-controlled economy directed by planners and bureaucrats, boards and bodies, administrators and authorities. A command economy is not characterized by mutuality of interest and agreement between parties.
The Sellout: A Novel
Paul Beatty
Published 2 Mar 2016
I wonder if they looked at the Scottsboro Boys and Al Gore, Jr., with the same disdain. Only Confucius looks chill. The sporty Chinese satin robe with the big sleeves, kung fu shoes, Shaolin sifu beard and mustache. I hold the pipe high overhead and offer him a hit; the longest journey starts with a single puff … “That ‘longest journey’ shit is Lao-tzu,” he says. “All you motherfucking philosopher-poets sound alike to me,” I say. It’s a trip being the latest in the long line of landmark race-related cases. I suppose the constitutional scholars and cultural paleontologists will argue over my place on the historical timeline. Carbon-date my pipe and determine whether I’m a direct descendant of Dred Scott, that colored conundrum who, as a slave living in a free state, was man enough for his wife and kids, man enough to sue his master for his freedom, but not man enough for the Constitution, because in the eyes of the Court he was simply property: a black biped “with no rights the white man was bound to respect.”
Tony Crabbe
Published 7 Jul 2015
Finally, mastery happens when we are able to move from a sense of drowning to one of deep immersion; when we are able to manage and focus our attention, rather than allowing it to be scattered and split. Letting Go By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try. The world is beyond the winning. —Lao Tzu Laird Hamilton’s ride didn’t start, it couldn’t start, until he let go. It was the simplest thing to do: all he did was open his fingers. Yet, it wasn’t a natural act to let go of the relative safety of a motorized tow to drop into the abyss; it took bravery. Letting go in a world of too much is essential and it is simple, but it takes courage.
Know Thyself
Stephen M Fleming
Published 27 Apr 2021
They believed that only by participating in concerted self-reflection could they ascend toward the image of God.11 A similar notion of striving toward self-awareness is seen in Eastern traditions such as Buddhism. The spiritual goal of enlightenment is to dissolve the ego, allowing more transparent and direct knowledge of our minds acting in the here and now. The founder of Chinese Taoism, Lao Tzu, captured this idea that gaining self-awareness is one of the highest pursuits when he wrote, “To know that one does not know is best; Not to know but to believe that one knows is a disease.”12 Today, there is a plethora of websites, blogs, and self-help books that encourage us to “find ourselves” and become more self-aware.
The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life
Francine Jay
For when we hang out in parks, museums, movie houses, and coffee shops—instead of trying to create similar experiences in our own homes—we become significantly more socially active and civically engaged. By breaking down the walls of stuff around us, we’re able to get out into the world and enjoy fresher, more direct, and more rewarding experiences. PHILOSOPHY 9 The joy of enough Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, author of the Tao Te Ching, wrote, “He who knows he has enough is rich.” Enough—it’s a slippery concept. What’s enough for one is too little for the next guy and too much for another. Most of us would agree we have enough food, enough water, enough clothing, and enough shelter to meet our basic needs.
Milton Friedman: A Biography
Lanny Ebenstein
Published 23 Jan 2007
.: Edward Elgar, 1998), writes that, on reading Capitalism and Freedom, “one is struck by the sense of optimism about the ultimate power of ideas—a faith that closely reasoned argument, an accumulation of evidence, and a leavening of wit will persuade most people and that our governmental processes will be responsive to their preferences” (p. 307). Also see Boaz (ed.), The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Writings from Lao-tzu to Milton Friedman (New York: Free Press, 1997). Anna Jacobson Schwartz has written on Friedman on several occasions, including a September 1998 review of Two Lucky People in the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis periodical The Region. She observes that Friedman has changed the popular mind-set with respect to government’s appropriate role in the economy: “He did so by radically altering the popular understanding of the Great Depression.
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts
Carol Tavris
Elliot Aronson
Published 6 May 2007
Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield. —George Orwell (1946) A great nation is like a great man: When he makes a mistake, he realizes it. Having realized it, he admits it. Having admitted it, he corrects it. He considers those who point out his faults as his most benevolent teachers. —Lao Tzu * * * Contents INTRODUCTION Knaves, Fools, Villains, and Hypocrites: How Do They Live with Themselves? 1 CHAPTER 1 Cognitive Dissonance: The Engine of Self-justification 11 CHAPTER 2 Pride and Prejudice ... and Other Blind Spots 40 CHAPTER 3 Memory, the Self-justifying Historian 68 CHAPTER 4 Good Intentions, Bad Science: The Closed Loop of Clinical Judgment 97 CHAPTER 5 Law and Disorder 127 CHAPTER 6 Love's Assassin: Self-justification in Marriage 158 CHAPTER 7 Wounds, Rifts, and Wars 185 CHAPTER 8 Letting Go and Owning Up 213 AFTERWORD 237 ENDNOTES 239 INDEX 277 * * * Introduction Knaves, Fools, Villains, and Hypocrites: How Do They Live with Themselves?
The Democracy Project: A History, a Crisis, a Movement
David Graeber
Published 13 Aug 2012
And in the cities, anarchist ideas gave rise to notions that the individual should not be bound by any social conventions and that all technology should be rejected in order to return to an imagined primitive utopia—a pattern that was to repeat itself many times through world history. Those individualist and primitivist ideas, in turn, had an enormous influence on the Taoist philosophy of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.23 How many similar movements have there been throughout human history? We cannot know. (We only happen to know about the Tillers because they also compiled manuals of agricultural technology so good they were read and recopied for thousands of years.) But really all the Tillers were doing was an intellectually self-conscious version of what, as James Scott has recently shown in his “anarchist history of Southeast Asia,” millions of people in that part of the world have been doing for centuries: flee from the control of nearby kingdoms and try to set up societies based on a rejection of everything those states represent; then try to convince others to do the same.24 There are likely to have been many such movements winning free spaces of one sort or another from different states.
Death of the Liberal Class
Chris Hedges
Published 14 May 2010
But once you claim to exalt the Wisdom Tradition—as the Jesus Seminar also did—then there’s no reason to stop with Christianity. All wisdom (and alleged wisdom) is on the table. Then it’s easy to see and say things that are almost impossible to say from within Christianity. “Jesus was so young. It’s a pity he didn’t live to 70-80, as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, the Buddha, Lao Tzu and Confucius had, and grow into a less idealistic and more realistic vision.” Questions like this, I think, take the discussion outside of Christianity (or any single religion) and into a field that might be called the best sort of humanism (à la Shakespeare and Montaigne). But it’s hard for professors and preachers paid to be Christians to make that move, for lots of reasons.
Jorge Luis Borges
Donald A. Yates
James E. Irby
William Gibson
André Maurois
Published 1 Jan 1962
Walling in an orchard or a garden is ordinary, but not walling in an empire. Nor is it banal to pretend that the most traditional of races renounce the memory of its past, mythical or real. The Chinese had three thousand years of chronology (and during those years, the Yellow Emperor and Chuang Tsu and Confucius and Lao Tzu) when Shih Huang Ti ordered that history begin with him. Shih Huang Ti had banished his mother for being a libertine; in his stern justice the orthodox saw nothing but an impiety; Shih Huang Ti, perhaps, wanted to obliterate the canonical books because they accused him; Shih Huang Ti, perhaps, tried to abolish the entire past in order to abolish one single memory: his mother’s infamy.
The Pirate's Dilemma: How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism
Matt Mason
If you have an idea, but the infrastructure to get it out there does not exist, you may have an opportunity to create your own. Finding a space to get your idea across is as important as having the idea itself. If the idea is good, growing an audience won't be difficult. It's this audience that gives pirates their power. Lao-Tzu, the founder of Taoism, famously said that when leaders lead well, people feel that they did it themselves and that it happened naturally. Pirates are experts at leading communities in this way, bringing people products, services, and sounds they didn't know they couldn't live without. Once these new ideas are broadcast, they unavoidably create a Pirate's Dilemma for others in that market.
QI: The Second Book of General Ignorance
Lloyd, John
Mitchinson, John
Published 7 Oct 2010
He lives by the motto of the German mystic Henry Suso (1300–66): ‘By ignorance the truth is known.’ John Mitchinson is from the world of books. The original Marketing Director of Waterstone’s, he became Managing Director of Cassell, where he published The Beatles, Michael Palin and Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. He’s with the Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu: ‘To know that you do not know is the best. To pretend to know when you do not know is disease.’ By the Same Authors THE BOOK OF GENERAL IGNORANCE THE BOOK OF ANIMAL IGNORANCE ADVANCED BANTER: THE QI BOOK OF QUOTATIONS THE QI BOOK OF THE DEAD THE QI ‘E’ ANNUAL THE QI ‘F’ ANNUAL THE QI ‘G’ ANNUAL THE QI ‘H’ ANNUAL also by John Lloyd (with Douglas Adams) THE MEANING OF LIFF THE DEEPER MEANING OF LIFF Copyright First published in 2010 by Faber and Faber Ltd Bloomsbury House 74–77 Great Russell Street London WC1B 3DA This ebook edition first published in 2010 All rights reserved © QI Ltd, 2010 Illustrations © Mr Bingo, 2010 The right of QI Ltd to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law.
Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes
Maria Konnikova
Published 3 Jan 2013
To him, jumping backward seemed like the way to go. All through high school, he’d been developing a backward-facing style, and now, in college, it was taking him higher than it ever had. He wasn’t sure why he did it, but if he thought about it, he would say that his inspiration came from the East: from Confucius and Lao Tzu. He didn’t care what anyone else was doing. He just jumped with the feeling of the thing. People joked and laughed. Fosbury looked just as ridiculous as they thought he would (and his inspirations sounded a bit ridiculous, too. When asked about his approach, he told Sports Illustrated, “I don’t even think about the high jump.
Immortality: The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilization
Stephen Cave
Published 2 Apr 2012
A particularly charming one is Taoism: The Quest for Immortality by John Blofeld (Unwin, 1979), though it is a little old-fashioned. There are also many Taoist texts on immortality available in English translation, such as The Jade Emperor’s Mind Seal Classic: The Taoist Guide to Health, Longevity, and Immortality, compiled by Stuart Alve Olson (Inner Traditions, 2003). The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu is also widely available in translation. The Japanese fairy tale about Xu Fu and Sentaro is usually known as “The Story of the Man Who Did Not Wish to Die” and can be found in numerous collections, including for example Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki (1908). Another entertaining, if old-fashioned, source of Chinese and Japanese folklore is Donald MacKenzie’s China and Japan: Myths and Legends (Senate, 1923), which includes many of the tales of elixirs and immortal islands.
The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life.
Robin Sharma
Published 4 Dec 2018
And kissed her on the forehead. Chapter 9 A Framework for the Expression of Greatness “The men who are great live with that which is substantial, they do not stay with that which is superficial; they abide with realities, they remain not with what is showy. The one they discard, the other they hold.” —Lao Tzu “Hey, cats,” boomed the billionaire. “You’re right on time, as usual. Nice work!” It was 5 AM and, while the retreating outline of the moon remained in the sky, the rays of a new dawn greeted the three human beings standing on the perfect beach. The perfumed ocean breeze swirled with notes of red hibiscus, clove and tuberose.
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Christopher McDougall
Published 5 May 2009
Martimano Cervantes huddled inside his cape in the freezing Rocky Mountain night. Ann Trason stepped in front of all of them, shook herself loose, and stared into the darkness ahead. CHAPTER 13 He who loves his body more than dominion over the empire can be given custody of the empire. —LAO TZU, Tao Te Ching DR. JOE VIGIL, a sixty-five-year-old army of one, warmed his hands around his coffee as he waited for the first flashlight beams to come stabbing toward him through the woods. No other elite coach in the world was anywhere near Leadville, because no other elite coach could give a hoot what was going on at that giant outdoor insane asylum in the Rockies.
Cities in the Sky: The Quest to Build the World's Tallest Skyscrapers
Jason M. Barr
Published 13 May 2024
Each is in close walking distance and, surprisingly, each has its own observation deck, despite likely cannibalizing revenues from the others. Together they form an equilateral triangle to create a history and harmony. They are the Jin Mao Tower, the Shanghai World Financial Center, and the Shanghai Tower. The idea of the trio is based on Taoist philosophy. For Lao-tzu teaches that three is a very good number: Dao begets One (nothingness; or reason of being); One begets Two (yin and yang); Two begets Three (Heaven, Earth, and Man); Three begets all things. All things carry the female and embrace the male. And by breathing together, they live in harmony. The number three thus indicates the start of everything, and Shanghai is the start of twenty-first-century China.
Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future
Ian Goldin
Geoffrey Cameron
Meera Balarajan
Published 20 Dec 2010
The migration of religious missionaries, secular teachers, and medical experts spread great spiritual and ethical traditions that, among other things, addressed new social and moral problems associated with the large-scale organization of society.66 The period between 800 BCE and 200 BCE is now widely known as the “Axial Age,” so named by Karl Jaspers, who described the simultaneous emergence of universal religions within the great agrarian civilizations of Mesopotamia, Persia, China, and India. In urban and imperial societies, new religions promoted social order with abstract moral principles and codes. Religion and society developed through dynamic interaction. During this historical window, Socrates and Plato emerged in Greece, Buddha appeared in India, Confucius and Lao Tzu in China, Zoroaster in Persia, and the Hebrew Prophets in Palestine. Jaspers remarks on the similarity in the thought of these religions and in the lives of their founders. As he famously argued, “the spiritual foundations of humanity were laid simultaneously and independently…. And these are the foundations upon which humanity still subsists today.”67 The emergence of these faiths also gave rise to a new class of religious scholars, many of whom traveled to teach and study.
The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime
Mj Demarco
Published 8 Nov 2010
Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions Fame or physical talent is not a prerequisite to wealth. Fast wealth is created exponentially, not linearly. Change can happen in an instant. * * * PART 2: Wealth is Not a Road, But a Road Trip * * * CHAPTER 3: THE ROAD TRIP TO WEALTH The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. ~ Lao Tzu Wealth Is a Road Trip, Not Just a Road! While in college, my friends and I embarked on a spring break road trip from Chicago to South Florida. Naturally, as young men, we were gushing with anticipation and enamored with the destination: a sunny, crowded Florida beach of scantily clad, well-tanned, boozed-up college coeds.
The Equality Machine: Harnessing Digital Technology for a Brighter, More Inclusive Future
Orly Lobel
Published 17 Oct 2022
As Ishiguro felt he was aging while his geminoid remained eternally young, Ishiguro-the-human underwent cosmetic surgery and stem cell treatments so that he would continue to look like Ishiguro-the-robot. He envisions sending his geminoid to deliver his lectures, travel the world, and generally expand his physical and temporal footprint in this world. Lao Tzu said, “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” Ishiguro asks, “Who is more me, the body I was born with or a replica robot that embodies my cognition and emotional self alongside the physical?”2 He believes it is the robot that embodies his full identity—perhaps fuller than himself—because the robot is his ultimate creation, his unchanging and more impactful essence and presence in the world.
Cocaine Nation: How the White Trade Took Over the World
Thomas Feiling
Published 20 Jul 2010
The pastor’s words carry the same staunch morality and duty of care as those of the most hard-line prohibitionist, but he made no mention of banning anything. The closest he came to censure was in his parting words. ‘But crack cocaine? I ain’t seen nothing good come from it.’ 11 Prospects The more prohibitions you have, the less virtuous people will be. Try to make people moral, and you lay the groundwork for vice. Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching One of the few legal buyers of coca leaves outside the Andes is the Coca-Cola Company.1 The world’s most popular soft drink is the last vestige of an age in which coca-infused tonics were both legal and popular. When first marketed, ‘the pause that refreshes’ owed its potency to the 60 mg of cocaine in every eight-ounce bottle.2 These days, coca is used only as flavouring.
The Big Book of Words You Should Know: Over 3,000 Words Every Person Should Be Able to Use (And a Few That You Probably Shouldn't)
David Olsen
Michelle Bevilacqua
Justin Cord Hayes
Published 28 Jan 2009
tangelo (TAN-juh-lo), noun A kind of citrus fruit; hybrid of a tangerine and a grapefruit. The corner fruit market specialized in stocking the more exotic fruits and vegetables, and for most of the year was the only place in town where one could regularly purchase TANGELOS. Taoism (DOW-is-um), noun A system of philosophy identified with the sage Lao-Tzu, and embodied most notably in his work Tao-te-ching, that holds that life lived simply and in accordance with natural laws and events is most in keeping with the Tao, or way, that underlies all existence. Scholars may debate the fine points of a rational understanding of TAOISM, but a true practitioner probably expresses it best when she gracefully and thankfully accepts a proffered cup of tea.
What We Owe the Future: A Million-Year View
William MacAskill
Published 31 Aug 2022
One robust account of the concept of “sageliness” in Chinese philosophy can be found in Feng (1997, 6–9). 5. D. Wong 2021. 6. Csikszentmihalyi 2020. 7. Note that Legalists were not a self-aware and organized intellectual current; rather, the name was coined as a post-factum categorization of certain thinkers and texts. See other concerns with this naming convention in Goldin (2011). 8. Lao Tzu 2003. For modern views on the history of Daoism, see whatweowethefuture .com/notes. 9. Mengzi 3B9.9; quoted in Van Norden 2007, 185. 10. The Mòzıˇ principle of jiān ài is sometimes translated as “universal love” (Van Norden 2019). 11. These principles show up in the ten Mohist doctrines, namely “moderation in use” (Fraser 2020). 12.
Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming
Peter Van-Roy
Seif Haridi
Published 15 Feb 2004
Barrier can be the basis of a linguistic abstraction, the conc statement: conc stmt1 [] stmt2 [] ... [] stmtn end defined as {Barrier [proc {$} stmt1 end proc {$} stmt2 end ... proc {$} stmtn end]} Barrier is more general than the conc statement since the number of statements does not have to be known at compile time. 4.5 Lazy execution All things spring up without a word spoken, and grow without a claim for their production. – Tao-te Ching, Lao-tzu (6th century B.C.) “Necessity is the mother of invention.” “But who is the father?” “Laziness!” – Freely adapted from a traditional proverb. Up to now, we have always executed statements in order, from left to right. In a statement sequence, we start by executing the first statement. When it is finished we continue to the next.10 This fact may seem too obvious to require mentioning.
W., 621 elephant, xiii elevator, see lift Emacs text editor, 815 embedding, 183 emulator window (in OPI), 815 encapsulation, 18, 411 communication from inside encapsulated search, 673 data abstraction, 420 search, 625 Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th edition), 489 Ende, Michael, 345 entailment, 99, 103–104, 781 Enterprise Java Beans, 461 entry point (in block), 486 environment, 44, 61 adjunction, 62 calculating with, 62 contextual, 65 interactive interface, 87 restriction, 62 ephemeral data structure, 146, 297 equality structure, 103, 418, 723 token, 418, 714, 723 Ericsson (Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson), 326, 386 Erlang, 386–394 error, 90 874 Index absolute, 120 “arity mismatch”, 500 asynchronous reporting, 359 compile-time detection, 105 concurrent programming, 21 confinement, 90 dangling reference, 75 domain, 96 erroneous suspension, 48, 89, 449 if statement, 66 incompatible binding, 44, 96 infinite loop, 449 memory leak, 75 memory reclaiming, 75 Mozart run-time, 815 procedure application, 67 relative, 120 run-time detection, 105, 503 starvation, 275 type incorrect, 50, 96, 449, 450 “uncaught exception”, 93, 801 unification failure, 96 variable declaration, xxix “variable not introduced”, 834 “variable used before binding”, 48 error logging, 563 Escher, Maurits Cornelis, 679 Euclid, 1 event (in GUI), 682 event handler, 563 event manager active objects, 563 adding functionality with inheritance, 564 eventually true (in temporal logic), 603 evolution Darwinian, 451, 462 Internet, 412 software development, 451 example programs (how to run), xxix exception, 90–96, 543, 848 distribution fault, 743 error, 96, 802 failure, 96, 801 system, 96 uncaught, 93, 801 Exchange operation, 416 exchange operation on cells, 416 on object attributes, 497 exclusive-or operation, 14 execution state, 61 exit point (in block), 486 explicit state, see state Explorer tool, see Mozart Programming System exponential distribution, 475 export clause (in functor), 221 expression, 81 andthen operator, 83 basic operation, 54 basic value, 49 ill-formed, 92 λ notation, 97, 311 nesting marker ($), 83 normal order reduction, 330 orelse operator, 83 procedure value, 65 receive (Erlang), 391 external resource, 77 extreme programming, 452 factorial function, 2–23, 124–127, 230, 618 fail statement, 623 FailedValue operation, 328 failure, 410 declarative concurrency, 245 detection, 709, 739 exception, 96 failed value, 328 finite, 662 heartbeat mechanism, 739 negation as failure, 662 partial, 326 software project, 521, 643 Index 875 transaction, 601 unification, 102 fairness stream merger, 398 thread scheduling, 239, 240, 252, 333 false, 824 fault, 601 confinement, 202, 601, 709, 745 fault model, 739 fault tolerance, 601 active, 743 Erlang, 387 lift control system, 377 FCFS (first-come, first-served), 366 FD.distance (propagator), 774 FD.distinct (propagator), 756, 774 FD.distribute (distribution strategy), 754, 766 FD.sumC (propagator), 775 feature (record field name), 825 feed a text (in OPI), 815 FGCS (Fifth Generation Computer System), Japanese project, 397 Fibonacci function, 249 FIFO (first-in, first-out), 145, 232, 337, 366, 379, 456, 719, 724 Erlang, 386 port, 347 file, 210 Filter operation, 191, 829 finalization, 78, 481 lazy execution, 481 finally clause (in try), 94 finite domain, 760 finite failure, 662 finite state machine event manager, 563 finite tree, 150 firewall, 326 first-argument indexing, 656 fixpoint, 766 Flatten operation, 143, 232, 296 Flavius Josephus problem, 558–561 FlexClock utility, 698 flip-flop, 270 floating point arithmetic, 821 number, 820 FloatToInt operation, 822 Floor operation, 822 flow control, 98, 261 lazy execution, 261 thread priority, 265 Floyd, Robert W., 441, 621 fold operation, 185 FoldL, 187, 465, 829 FoldR, 187 stream objects, 258 for statement, 188 for loop, 447 ForAll operation, 829 formal language, 33 forward chaining, 674 forwarding, 512 foundational calculus, xvii framework computation model, 844 software reuse, 492 France, 411 free identifier occurrence, 58, 64, 633 free memory, 75 freeze/2 operation (in Prolog), 662 French, Michael, 569 fresh name, 203 variable, 787 full adder, 268 fun statement, 84 function, 84 generating, 170 incremental, 296 introduction, 2 lazy, 797 monolithic, 296 monotonic, 849 partially applied, 194 876 Index state transition, 351 functional decomposition, 135, 542 functional look, 196 functor, 221, 454 distributed resource, 709, 730 interactive use, 816 main, 222 Oz 3, 809 functor statement, 223 future, 336 future operation (in Multilisp), 336 Gamma, Erich, 534 garbage collection, 74, 75 copying dual-space, 78 distributed, 734 external references, 480 finalization, 481 generational, 78 lease-based, 734, 738 program pause, 76, 308 real-time, 76 root set, 76 weighted reference counting, 734 Gardner, Martin, 774 gate statement, 272 gate (digital logic), 267 Gaussian distribution, 476, 477 Gelernter, David, 586 generalization, 568 generate-and-test, 629, 758 generating function, 170 genericity, 180–182 object-oriented programming, 524 static and dynamic, 526 global condition ordered binary tree, 154 producer/consumer throughput, 261 reachability, 75 GlobalStore, 743 glue (in GUI), 687 Glynn, Kevin, 308 Gödel’s completeness theorem, 634 Gödel’s incompleteness theorem, 634 Gödel, Kurt, 634 Goodman, Nathan, 600 Gosling, James, 537 grammar, 31–36 ambiguous, 34, 166 context-free, 33 context-sensitive, 33 definite clause (DCG), 140, 650 disambiguation, 34 EBNF (Extended Backus-Naur Form), 32, 671 left-recursive, 644 natural language, 643 nonterminal symbol, 32, 163 terminal symbol, 32, 163 unification, 649–650 graph bushy, 461 component, 461 distribution model, 735 Haskell expression, 310 hierarchical, 461 implementation, 464 inheritance, 502 nonlocal, 461 path, 463, 658 small world, 461 Gray, Jim, 582, 600 green cut (in Prolog), 669 Gregorian calendar, 693 Grolaux, Donatien, 689, 691 grue cut (in Prolog), 669 guard ask operation, 782 concurrent logic programming, 397 CSP, 619 Erlang, 388 Haskell, 309 list comprehension, 302 monitor, 595 Prolog, 669 quiet (in Prolog), 669 Index 877 receive expression (in Erlang), 391, 402 guarded method, 595 guardian, 481 GUI (Graphical User Interface) AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) package, 679 component-based programming, 461 design, 679 Haskell fudgets, 679 model-based, 695 Prototyper tool, 689 QTk, 213, 680, 729 interactive use, 214, 684 use in application, 225 read-only view, 695 Swing components, xxi, 679 text input/output, 213 Visual Studio, 679 Hadzilacos, Vassos, 600 halting problem, 209, 681 Hamming problem, 293, 342 Hamming, Richard, 293 handler event, 563 exception, 90, 91 finalization, 481 GUI design, 213, 683, 682–688 HasFeature operation, 826 hash table, 438, 439 Haskell, 308–313 Helm, Richard, 534 Herbert, Frank, 749 heuristic best first, 672 distribution strategy, 755, 766 Hewitt, Carl, 345 hexadecimal integer, 820 higher-order programming, 113, 177– 194 introduction, 13 iteration abstraction, 123 library operations, 830 relation to OOP, 538 history ADT language, 420 computer technology, 176 concurrent constraint programming, 663, 808 dangers of concurrency, 21 declarative concurrency, 337 functional programming, 96 incremental development, 451 object-oriented programming, 489 Oz, xxiv, 809 programming languages, 406 Prolog, 661 remote invocation, 709 Hoare, Charles Antony Richard, 232, 441, 592 Horn clause, xxi, 635, 640, 650, 663 hot spot, 177 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 115, 679 Hudak, Paul, 96, 314 IBM Corporation, 41 IDE (Interactive Development Environment), xxix IDE (interactive development environment), 815 identifier, 2, 44 bound occurrence, 64 escaped, 509 free occurrence, 58, 64, 633 IEEE floating point standard, 544, 820 if statement, 66, 790 IID (Iterative and Incremental) software development, 451 ILOG Solver, 663 impedance matching, 324 concurrency, 576 event manager example, 567 imperative, 406 implementation, 410 878 Index import clause (in functor), 221 inactive memory, 75 incompleteness, 634 inconsistency, 787 incremental function, 295 incremental software development, 451 independence components, 363, 455 compositional design, 461 concepts, xvii concurrency, 14, 20, 89, 233 declarative loop, 189 declarative programming, 111 Erlang processes, 386 garbage collection, 76 message passing, 387 modularity, 319 multiple inheritance, 533 open programming, 105, 326, 714 polymorphism, 429 principle, 457 put and get (in queue), 381 reasoning with invariant assertions, 441 search and distribution strategies, 761 software deployment, 221 India, xiii infinite precision arithmetic, 3 infinity (floating point), 822 informatics, xxi curriculum, xxii success of object-oriented programming, 489 usefulness of computation models, xiv Information Cities project, 412 information systems, xxi inheritance, 19, 413, 420, 491 avoiding method conflicts, 511 cautionary tale, 521 design patterns, 534 directed and acyclic, 503 event manager, 564 factoring, 492 generalization, 568 graph, 502 implementation, 550 implementation-sharing problem, 533 Java, 551 multiple, 503, 527 rules of thumb, 533 simple, 503 single, 503, 531 software reuse, 492 static and dynamic binding, 504 structure view, 519 thread priority, 253 type view, 518 upward, 568 inherited argument, 161 Inject operation, 772 instantiation, 182–183, 411 integer arbitrary precision, 3, 821 arithmetic, 821 number, 819 tilde ˜ as minus sign, 820 interactive interface, 87 interactive system GUI design, 213 Mozart IDE, 815 pedagogical use, xix reaction time guarantees, 174 interface, 419 general concept, 221 inheritance, 492 Java, 551 Runnable (in Java), 616 interface builder, 679 interleaving semantics, 237, 780 Internet, 207, 345, 353, 707, 711, 717 simulation of Web use, 476 interoperability, 106 interpreter, 42 approach to define semantics, 41 Index 879 generic parser, 650 GUI description, 703 meta, 654, 676 metacircular, 42 original Erlang, 388 Prolog arithmetic, 664 QTk module, 703 intractable problems, 176 IntToFloat operation, 822 invariant, 134, 382, 412, 441 IP (Internet Protocol), 206 IsAtom operation, 824 IsChar operation, 823 IsDet operation, 319, 321, 333, 394, 660, 803, 849 IsFailed operation, 803 IsLock operation, 583 ISO 8859-1 character code, 820, 824 isolation, 600 IsProcedure function, 55 IsRecord operation, 826 I-structure, 336, 469, 811 IsTuple operation, 827 iterative software development, 451 Janson, Sverker, xxvi, 663 Japan, 397 Java, 551–556, 615–617 monitor semantics, 592 JavaBeans, 462 Jefferson, Thomas, 9 Johnson, Ralph, 534 journaling, 532 Kahn, Gilles, 337 kernel language, see computation model kernel language approach, xvi, 36–42 choice of formalism, xix keywords (table of), 839 Knuth, Donald Ervin, 170, 472 Kowalski, Robert A., 406 Kurzweil, Raymond, 176 KWIC (keyword in context) index, 666 Label operation, 54, 826 label (record identification), 19, 52 λ calculus, xvii, 41, 97, 331, 344, 792, 805, 811, 846 LAN (local area network), 353, 717, 739 language AKL, xxvi, 661, 809 Absys, 406, 621 Ada, 432, 619 Algol, 406, 432, 489 declarative concurrent, 337 nondeterministic, 622 Alice, 106 C++, 43, 48, 75, 180, 334, 445, 486, 489, 504, 508–510, 535, 540, 545, 551, 663, 761 C-Linda, 586 CLOS (Common Lisp Object System), 516 CLU, 420 CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), 619 Clean, 313 Cobol, 544 Common Lisp, 59, 190 Concurrent Haskell, xx Concurrent ML, xx, 851 Concurrent Prolog, 397 C, 75, 179, 661 Eiffel, 519, 521, 850 Erlang, 75, 98, 326, 345, 386–394, 429, 456, 545, 563, 582, 807, 851 E, 208 FCP (Flat Concurrent Prolog), 397, 807 FP, 329 Flat GHC, 397 Fortran, 406, 642 parsing problem, 642 GHC (Guarded Horn Clauses), 397 Haskell, xiv, xvi, 43, 75, 98, 116, 880 Index 137, 194, 272, 279, 286, 308– 313, 329, 331, 334, 337, 342, 457, 545, 679, 807 IC-Prolog, 397 Id, 337, 811 Java, xiv, xvi, 41, 43, 48, 75, 180, 334, 356, 428, 430, 445, 462, 486, 489, 504, 508–510, 535, 540, 543–545, 551–556, 567, 581, 592, 615–617, 679, 807, 850 monitor, 592 Leda, xvii Linda extension, 586, 619, 808 Lisp, xiv, 5, 39, 59, 75, 76, 129, 406, 544, 650, 664, 828 ML, see Standard ML, Concurrent ML, Objective Caml Mercury, xiv, 116, 313, 663, 807 Miranda, 279, 342 Multilisp, 336, 811 Objective Caml, 543 Obliq, 722 Oz 1, Oz 2, Oz 3, 809 Oz, xix, xxvi, 313, 507, 545, 663, 807, 844, 851 PL/I, 642 parsing problem, 642 Parlog, 397 Pascal, 161, 179, 430, 807 Prolog, xiv, xvi, xxi, 5, 29, 48, 75, 116, 140, 142, 272, 287, 329, 334, 388, 397, 406, 545, 621– 623, 635, 640, 642, 649, 654, 656–660, 660–671, 807, 851 pure, 640 SICStus, 190, 663 Scheme, xiv, xvi, xvii, xx, 29, 43, 59, 97, 98, 286, 545, 807 Simula, 406, 489 Smalltalk, xiv, 43, 75, 334, 489, 507, 509, 510, 516, 540, 543, 544, 850 Standard ML, xiv, xx, 29, 43, 97, 98, 116, 137, 194, 286, 313, 330, 807 Visual Basic, 461 pH (parallel Haskell), 337, 811 tcl/tk, 679, 680, 703 assembly, 209, 313, 406, 551, 622 coordination, 586 first-order, 177 formal, 33 higher-order, 177 multiparadigm, xvii natural, xiii, 31, 38, 641 nonstrict, 331 popular computation models, 807 practical, 31 secure, 208 specification, 116 symbolic, 53, 545 language design abstraction life cycle, 40 declarative, 329 golden age, 406 layered, 850 lazy execution, 329 object properties, 543 trade-offs, 811 Lao-tzu, 278 last call optimization, 72 latch (digital logic), 270 late error detection (at run time), 503 latency, 263 tolerance, 335 LATEX 2ε typesetting system, 459 Latin-1, 458 law Clarke’s second, 104 Clarke’s third, 314 contrapositive, 632 De Morgan’s, 632 Moore’s, 176, 622 stack ADT, 195 layered language design, 850 lazy evaluation, 98 coroutining, 574 Index 881 explicit, 183 Haskell, 310 relation to call by need, 433, 485 relation to nonstrict evaluation, 331 schedule, 343 strictness analysis, 289, 310, 342 lazy execution, 278 bounded buffer, 263 flow control, 261 Hamming problem, 293 higher-order programming, 193 incremental, 295 introduction, 11 monolithic, 296, 342 needs finalization, 481 relation to synchronization, 334 lazy failure detection, 739 Lea, Doug, 581 legal program, 31 Length operation, 829 lex/yacc parsing, 642 lexical analyzer, 32 lexical scope, see scope, lexical lexical syntax (of Oz), 839 lexically scoped closure, see procedure value lexicographic order (of atoms), 55, 824 Ley, Willy, 621 library, 229 MOGUL (Mozart Global User Library), 222 Mozart Base and System modules, 229 Mozart Standard Library, 214, 225, 685, 690 universal, 621 life cycle abstraction, 40 memory block, 75 LIFO (last-in, first-out), 491 lift control system, 365 lifting booleans to streams, 271 serializability, 600 synchronization, 358 lightweight transaction, 601 Linda (tuple space), 586 linguistic abstraction, 38–39, 124 case (pattern matching), 790 class, 548 conc (concurrent composition), 278 delegation, 514 for loop, 188, 447 fun (function), 84 functor (software component), 223 gate (logic gate), 271 local vs. global translation, 844 macro (in Lisp), 39 monitor, 593 parameter passing, 434 protected scope (Java), 567 while loop, 447 linking, 211, 222, 224, 229, 455, 817 component, 223, 459 dynamic, 284 failure detection in Erlang, 387 Linux operating system, xxvi, 201, 471, 499 Liskov, Barbara, 420 list, 52, 128, 828 circular, 829 complete, 53, 829 difference, 141 advantage, 145 flattening, 143 incomplete, 440 introduction, 4 nested, 135 partial, 440, 829 usage trade-offs, 439 list comprehension, 301 list pair, 52, 828 literal, 824 liveness, 602 882 Index local statement, 56, 63, 786 lock, 579, 582–583 distributed, 721 get-release, 598 implementation, 590 introduction, 21 Java, 616 read, 620 simple, 591 thread-reentrant, 591 transaction, 602 write, 620 lock statement, 22, 583 locus of control, 274 logic combinational, 267 gate, 267 predicate calculus, 633 propositional, 632 sequential, 269 temporal, 603 logic program, 634 logic programming, 44, 406, 632 difference list, 142 process model, 395, 807 unification, 101 logical equivalence, 243, 785 configuration, 805 logical formula, 633 logical semantics, 38, 631–641 logical sentence, 633 assertion, 441 invariant, 441 Louis XIV, 405, 410 Loyd, Sam, 774 Lully, Raymond (Llull, Ramón), 621 Lynch, Nancy, 353 Mac OS X operating system, xxiv, xxvi, 254 Macintosh computer, xxvi MacQueen, David, 337 macro alias (in QTk), 680 Lisp, 39, 544 loop (in Common Lisp), 190 Maher, Michael, 662, 808 mailbox, 456 Erlang, 386 implementation, 391 maintainability, 458 inheritance, 492 polymorphism, 425 MakeRecord operation, 165, 549, 695, 826 MakeTuple operation, 373, 827 Manchester Mark I, 36 Manna, Zohar, 441 many-to-one communication, 351 Map operation, 190, 466, 829 Mariner I (software error), 643 marshaling, 709 master-slave, 732 mathematical induction, 9 matrix graph representation, 464 list of lists implementation, 232 Max operation, 194 McCloud, Scott, 482 Member operation, 829 memoization, 417, 457 calendar example, 694 call by need, 434 declarative programming, 315 explicit state, 25, 694 unification, 102 memory address in abstract machine, 56 consumption, 172 content-addressable, 587 leak, 75 choice point, 668 Prolog, 668 life cycle, 75 memory management, 72–78, 480– 482 C, 180 garbage collection, 75 Index 883 Pascal, 180 Merge operation, 771 message, 499 message-passing concurrency, see object, active, see object, port meta-interpreter, 654, 676 meta-object protocol, see protocol, meta-object method object, 19, 497 wrapping, 516 methodology, see software development Meyer, Bertrand, 450, 491, 521, 527 Microsoft Corporation, 462, 679 middle-out software development, 451 mind of programmer capabilities (atoms vs. names), 510 difference list, 145 enforcing encapsulation, 420 language design trade-offs, 811 order-determining concurrency, 273 state (implicit vs. explicit), 408 use of constraints, 274 minus sign (use of tilde ˜), 820 Mnesia (Erlang database), 387 mod (integer modulo) operation, 54, 821 model computation, 29, see computation model dialog (in GUI), 695 domain (in GUI), 695 GUI formalism, 695 logical semantics, 633 presentation (in GUI), 695 programming, 29 model-based GUI design, 695 modularity, xxi, 315, 409, 458 encapsulated search, 625 inadequacy of declarative model, 315 reengineering, 522 relation to concurrency, 239, 252, 319 relation to explicit state, 315 relational model, 660 system decomposition, 457 module, 183, 220, 454 Array, 436 Atom, 824 Browser, 224 Char, 821, 823 Compiler, 690, 815 Connection, 715, 732 Dictionary, 437 Distribution (supplement), 718 FD, 775 Fault, 739, 743 File (supplement), 211, 292, 564 Finalize, 481 Float, 821 Int, 821 List, 258, 385, 829 Module, 224, 413, 455, 730, 817 MyList (example), 222 Number, 14, 54, 182, 821 OS, 371, 609, 692, 699, 730 ObjectSupport, 517 Open, 564, 729 Pickle, 216, 223, 717 Port, 673 Property, 93, 253, 255 QTk, 213, 680, 729 interactive use, 214, 684 use in application, 225 Record, 826 Remote, 255, 732 Search, 776 Space, 654, 763 String, 824 Thread, 255, 276 Time, 304 Tk, 703 Tuple, 827 Value, 328, 830 884 Index Base, 222, 229, 729 compilation unit, 454 dynamic linking, 285 failure, 329 dynamic typing, 105 Erlang, 389 importing, 224 interface, 455 library, 229 resource, 729, 746 specification, 221 System, 222, 229, 729 MOGUL (Mozart Global User Library), 222 monad, xxi, 309, 332 monitor, 579, 592–600 condition variable, 598 guarded method, 595 implementation, 597 Java language, 616 Java semantics, 592 monolithic function, 296 stateful programming, 471 monotonicity, 849 constraint programming, 766 dataflow variable, 336, 570 need(x) predicate, 796 need property, 283 store, 781 thread reduction, 239, 781, 782 Moore’s law, 176, 622 Moore, Gordon, 176 Morrison, J.
Carl Sagan
Published 1 Jan 1980
Zaehner (Clarendon Press—1955). Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press. Penguin Books, Ltd.: One line from Enuma Elish, Sumer, in Poems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient Mesopotamia, translated by N. K. Sandars (Penguin Classics, 1971). Copyright © N. K. Sandars, 1971. Twelve lines from Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, translated by D. C. Lau (Penguin Classics, 1963). Copyright © D. C. Lau, 1963. Reprinted by permission of Penguin Books, Ltd. Pergamon Press, Ltd.: Excerpts from Giant Meteorites by E. L. Krinov are reprinted by permission of Pergamon Press, Ltd. Simon & Schuster, Inc.: Quote from the Bhagavad Gita from Lawrence and Oppenheimer by Nuel Pharr Davis (1968, page 239), and excerpt from The Sand Reckoner by Archimedes taken from The World of Mathematics by James Newman (1956, volume 1, page 420).
What Technology Wants
Kevin Kelly
Published 14 Jul 2010
The universe is mostly empty because it is waiting to be filled with the products of life and the technium, with questions and problems and the thickening relations between bits that we call con scientia—shared knowledge—or consciousness. And whether we like it or not, we stand at the fulcrum of the future. We are in part responsible for the evolution of this planet proceeding onward. About 2,500 years ago most of humanity’s major religions were set in motion in a relatively compact period. Confucius, Lao-tzu, Buddha, Zoroaster, the authors of the Upanishads, and the Jewish patriarchs all lived within a span of 20 generations. Only a few major religions have been born since then. Historians call that planetary fluttering the Axial Age. It was as if everyone alive awoke simultaneously and, in one breath, set out in search of their mysterious origins.
The Personal MBA: A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume
Josh Kaufman
Published 2 Feb 2011
Create as much value as you possibly can, then capture enough of that value to make it worthwhile to keep operating. SHARE THIS CONCEPT: Sufficiency Know contentment and you will suffer no disgrace; know when to stop and you will meet with no danger. You can then endure. —LAO TZU, ANCIENT CHINESE PHILOSOPHER Once, a powerful executive went on vacation—his first in fifteen years. As he was exploring a pier in a small coastal fishing village, a tuna fisherman docked his boat. As the Fisherman lashed his boat to the pier, the Executive complimented him on the size and quality of his fish.
Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition
Charles Eisenstein
Published 11 Jul 2011
In both cases, I think that the object of the pursuit is a spurious substitute for a diversity of things that people really want.14 In a fully monetized society, in which nearly everything is a good or a service, money converts the multiplicity of the world into a unity, a “single thing that is the measure of, and exchangeable with, almost anything else.”15 The apeiron, the logos, and similar conceptions were all versions of an underlying unity that gives birth to all things. It is that from which all things arise and to which all things return. As such it is nearly identical with the ancient Chinese conception of the Tao, which gives birth to yin and yang, and then to the ten thousand things. Interestingly, the semilegendary preceptor of Taoism, Lao Tzu, lived at approximately the same time as the pre-Socratic philosophers—which is also more or less the time of the first Chinese coinage. In any event, today it is still money that gives birth to the ten thousand things. Whatever you want to build in this world, you start with an investment, with money.
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values
Robert M. Pirsig
Published 1 Jan 1974
Its indefinability freed it from the rules of metaphysics. Then, on impulse, Phćdrus went over to his bookshelf and picked out a small, blue, cardboard-bound book. Hed hand-copied this book and bound it himself years before, when he couldnt find a copy for sale anywhere. It was the 2,400-year-old Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu. He began to read through the lines he had read many times before, but this time he studied it to see if a certain substitution would work. He began to read and interpret it at the same time. He read: The quality that can be defined is not the Absolute Quality. That was what he had said. The names that can be given it are not Absolute names.
Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand
John Markoff
Published 22 Mar 2022
This was the first time that someone he was close to faced death, and it put Brand in a more serious frame of mind. It would be almost two years before his father died. Brand was close to three men, Jack Loeffler, Steve Durkee, and Ken Kesey, who each seemed like a potential model for how he might live his life. He thought of them as Lao-tzu, Buddha, and Nietzsche, respectively. Loeffler had chosen a rural life, Durkee a communal one, and Kesey was basically urban. Loeffler’s approach to life would be best for personal advance, Durkee’s for creativity. Oddly, despite Kesey’s rejection of activism, Brand viewed him as leading a life that would have the biggest impact on society.
Sergei Kostin
Eric Raynaud
Published 14 Apr 2011
One was perfectly adapted to the never-ending discussions with Ferrant, and the other was at odds with his profession as an intelligence officer and with his mole status: he talked too much, and he drank too much. Vetrov had no inhibition discussing his private life, particularly his difficulties with Svetlana and Ludmila. From his taste for dirty jokes, his colleagues had guessed the sexual issues he confided to Ferrant. “Those who do don’t talk, those who talk don’t do,” would have said Lao Tzu. Vladimir could be especially indiscreet when he indulged his favorite pastime—drinking. He got into the habit of visiting Galina Rogatina, not so much to share a drink or two, but to simply chat because Galina was an intelligent and perceptive woman. She had gone through ups and downs in her life.
Broken Angels
Richard Morgan
Published 31 Aug 2008
The founder-heroes of human antiquity are exposed for the pig-ignorant mall bullies they probably always were, as decoding of the first Martian data systems brings in evidence of a starfaring culture at least as old as the whole human race. The millennial knowledge out of Egypt and China starts to look like a ten-year-old child’s bedroom datastack. The wisdom of the ages shredded at a stroke into the pipe-cooked musings of a bunch of canal-dive barflies. Lao Tzu, Confucius, Jesus Christ, Muhammed—what did these guys know? Parochial locals, never even been off the planet. Where were they when the Martians were crossing interstellar space. Of course—a sour grin out of one corner of Wardani’s mouth—established religion lashed back. The usual strategies. Incorporate the Martians into the scheme of things, scour the scriptures or make up some new ones, reinterpret.
More: The 10,000-Year Rise of the World Economy
Philip Coggan
Published 6 Feb 2020
From stone axes to silk clothes Mankind’s move from hunter-gathering eventually delivered the sophisticated societies of the Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans and Han Chinese. Writing may have initially only been used for recording the details of transactions and the records of grain stores, but it gave rise to the stories of Homer and the histories of Herodotus. Some of the great thinkers in human history emerged in the first millennium BCE: the Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu, as well as the Old Testament prophets and the Greek philosophers. These societies were not primarily “market economies”. Most people, for most of the time, met most of their needs from their own resources. To the extent that they used the market, they may have brought some surplus food to exchange for things they could not make themselves, such as tools or pots.
WTF?: What's the Future and Why It's Up to Us
Tim O'Reilly
Published 9 Oct 2017
This is the secret power of WTF? technologies. They not only allow for, they reward deep rethinking of the way things work. There are many possible futures. The world as it is is not a given. We can reinvent it. PART II PLATFORM THINKING When the best leader leads, the people say “We did it ourselves.” —Lao-tzu 5 NETWORKS AND THE NATURE OF THE FIRM WHEN DALE AND I LAUNCHED GNN IN 1993, OUR MODEL WAS shaped by our experience as publishers. We curated a catalog that highlighted “the best of” the Web, we took over the NCSA “What’s New” page to announce new sites, and we did other things that made sense in the publishing world we’d grown up in, one of whose key functions was curation.
American Gods
Neil Gaiman
Published 30 Jun 2001
It was massive, and scalpel blades jutted from its face and its fingers. Its face was cancerous. "It will be a mighty battle," it told him, in a glutinous voice. "It's not going to be a battle," said the fat kid. "All we're facing here is a fucking paradigm shift. It's a shakedown. Modalities like battle are so fucking Lao Tzu." The cancerous thing blinked at him. "Waiting," is all it said in reply. "Whatever," said the fat kid. Then, "I'm looking for Mister World. You seen him?" The thing scratched itself with a scalpel blade, a tumorous lower lip pushed out in concentration. Then it nodded. "Over there," it said. The fat kid walked away, without a thank you, in the direction indicated.
Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Published 27 Nov 2012
Procrastination turned out to be a way to let events take their course and give the activists the chance to change their minds before committing to irreversible policies. And of course members did change their minds after seeing the failures and horrors of Stalinism and similar regimes. There is a Latin expression festina lente, “make haste slowly.” The Romans were not the only ancients to respect the act of voluntary omission. The Chinese thinker Lao Tzu coined the doctrine of wu-wei, “passive achievement.” Few understand that procrastination is our natural defense, letting things take care of themselves and exercise their antifragility; it results from some ecological or naturalistic wisdom, and is not always bad—at an existential level, it is my body rebelling against its entrapment.
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World
Liaquat Ahamed
Published 22 Jan 2009
Because he also took a certain mischievous pleasure in twitting people with his more unconventional notions, it was always difficult to know how seriously to take him. It was perhaps not surprising that Norman should have acquired a reputation as an oddity and an eccentric. He was viewed by his City acquaintances as a strange and lonely man who spent his evenings alone in his grand house immersed in Brahms, and who frequently quoted the Chinese sage Lao Tzu. He certainly made no attempt to fit into the clubby atmosphere of the City. His interests were primarily aesthetic and philosophical, and though he counted a few bankers among his close friends, he generally preferred to mix in a more eclectic circle of artists and designers. By THURSDAY, July 30, it had become apparent that what had initially appeared to be just a remote Balkan affair between a fading empire and one of its minor states was escalating toward a general European war.
The Enlightened Capitalists
James O'Toole
Published 29 Dec 2018
But where Datini put his emphasis squarely on profit, Chappell says he emerged from his spiritual ordeal focused on “the common good.” That outcome would not have surprised anyone who knew Chappell. Unlike Penney and Eagan, he is a modern mainstream Christian more at home quoting Martin Buber, Immanuel Kant, T. S. Eliot, and Lao-Tzu than citing holy scriptures as inspiration for his good works. Moreover, he is very much a secular child of the 1970s, proudly active in social movements calling for greater equality for women and minorities, world peace, and a healthy planet. Of course, he also came to own a yacht and a big pad in Kennebunkport!
Inventor of the Future: The Visionary Life of Buckminster Fuller
Alec Nevala-Lee
Published 1 Aug 2022
At his facility in Tomales Bay, California, Dederich oversaw the Game, a form of group therapy based on verbal abuse, and punished members for infractions by ordering them to shave their heads. Dederich also used tensegrity models to represent a perfect society built on “vectors and valences,” as the residents spent hours “gluing their fingers into tortured geometrical configurations,” and Fuller himself was praised as a great thinker on the level of Lao-tzu and Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 1968 a writer named David Cole Gordon had urged Fuller to pay a visit to Synanon. “Chuck has installed a hobby-size workshop on one end of the large table he uses for a desk,” Gordon wrote, “and is building tensegrity systems and coming to grips with your geometry.” Fuller agreed to tour the center, where he was impressed by how its use of dance “allowed for individual expression while cultivating a group consciousness.”
Full Catastrophe Living (Revised Edition): Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Published 23 Sep 2013
That does not mean that “approach” is always healthy and “avoidance” unhealthy, especially when they take the form of greed and hatred, rather than when both impulses are held in a discerning awareness that can differentiate what is wholesome from what is unwholesome—in other words, wisdom. § For more on the mountain meditation, see Wherever You Go, There You Are, and the guided mountain meditation in the Series 2 Guided Mindfulness Meditation Practice CDs. 26 Time and Time Stress Practice not-doing and everything will fall into place. —LAO-TZU, Tao Te Ching In our society, time has become one of our biggest stressors—and then some. With the advent of the digital age, the Internet, wireless devices, and social networking, we have entered an amazing world of 24/7 connectivity. It was supposed to make our lives much easier—and in so many ways it has.
The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World
Iain McGilchrist
Published 8 Oct 2012
He called this a pivotal period, or Achsenzeit (sometimes translated ‘axial age’), in world history, and in his The Origin and Goal of History identified common characteristics between some of the greatest thinkers of the period, including Plato, Buddha and Confucius.2 This was also the period of Heraclitus, Lao Tzu, the Upanishads, and the Hebrew prophets. Similarly, some of the developments in the West have parallels elsewhere: with regard to the Reformation, one could point to other times and places in which the visual image was proscribed, and where there was a text-based, black-and-white, intolerant fundamentalism, at odds with any richer understanding of myth and metaphor: such tendencies form an important part of the history of some other religions, including Islam.