The Man Who Invented the Computer
Jane Smiley
Published 18 Oct 2010
But in other ways, their lives could not have been more different. Von Neumann’s boyhood had been ferociously urban and cosmopolitan. In the Jewish community in Budapest, von Neumann had grown up in a period and in a place remarkable for prosperity, education, talent, and exposure to a world of ideas and sophistication. Norman Macrae, von Neumann’s biographer, relates that in the late nineteenth century, enterprising Jews from all over Russia and eastern Europe flocked to Budapest, where changes in the culture meant that they could get ahead in the professions, if not in government, faster than they could in other, more conservative parts of Europe.
His specific task was to calculate at what elevation the detonation should take place in order to achieve the greatest possible destruction. Other Manhattan Project physicists, notably Leo Szilard, von Neumann’s slightly older compatriot, preferred an intimidating demonstration of the weapon, but von Neumann was willing to make a list of good targets—according to Norman Macrae, he was instrumental in steering the air force away from the Imperial Palace, but, according to Kati Marton, he thought the Japanese holy city of Kyoto was a good target (of course, the final targets were Hiroshima, a shipping center and supply depot, and Nagasaki, a ship-building center). Physicist Stanley Frankel, who performed many of the Manhattan Project calculations that predicted whether or not an atom bomb could be made to explode, and what would happen then, later said that von Neumann was aware of “On Computable Numbers” by 1942 or 1943 and made sure that Frankel studied it (Frankel went on to be a computer consultant after the war).
Goldstine went up to the famous mathematician (whose lectures he had once attended) and introduced himself, but von Neumann got friendly only when Goldstine began to chat about his (highly classified) work on a computer. A month later, in August, von Neumann visited ENIAC in Philadelphia for the first time. Von Neumann may have been a famous genius, but according to Norman Macrae, Pres Eckert, then twenty-five, viewed von Neumann’s visit as a test—for von Neumann. Eckert said to Goldstine that he would find out if von Neumann was really the genius he was supposed to be “by his first question. If this was about the logical structure of the machine, he would believe in von Neumann.
The Man From the Future: The Visionary Life of John Von Neumann
Ananyo Bhattacharya
Published 6 Oct 2021
Von Neumann’s interest in computing can be traced back to the 1930s.3 During his early work for the Army, he concluded that the calculations required to model explosions would quickly swell beyond the number-crunching abilities of contemporary desk calculators. Von Neumann predicted that ‘There was going to be an advance in computing machines that would have to work partly as the brain did,’ according to journalist Norman Macrae, and ‘such machines would become attached to all large systems such as telecommunication systems, electricity grids and big factories’. The Internet was conceived many times over before computers were linked together in the 1960s and ’70s to form the ARPANET. Had von Neumann’s interest in computing been catalysed by Turing during the war?
Leonard, Robert, 2010, Von Neumann, Morgenstern, and the Creation of Game Theory: From Chess to Social Science, 1900–1960, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Levy, Steven, 1993, Artificial Life: A Report from the Frontier Where Computers Meet Biology, Vintage, New York. Lukacs, John, 1998, Budapest 1900: A Historical Portrait of a City and Its Culture, Grove Press, New York. Macrae, Norman, 1992, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence and Much More, Pantheon Books, New York. McDonald, John, 1950, Strategy in Poker, Business and War, W. W. Norton, New York. Musil, Robert, 1931–3, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften, Rowohlt Verlag, Berlin, English edition: 1997, The Man without Qualities, trans.
Jammer, The Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics. 54. Andrew Szanton, 1992, The Recollections of Eugene P. Wigner: As Told to Andrew Szanton, Springer, Berlin. 55. Accounts differ on this. Wigner says the von Neumanns arrived a day after him. Von Neumann’s biographer claims they arrived a week later (Norman Macrae, 1992, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence and Much More, Pantheon Books, New York). 56. David N. Mermin, ‘Hidden Variables and the Two Theorems of John Bell’, Reviews of Modern Physics, 65 (1993), pp. 803–15. 57. This and much of what follows is from Elise Crull and Guido Bacciagaluppi (eds.), 2016, Grete Hermann: Between Physics and Philosophy, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 58.
Liberalism at Large: The World According to the Economist
Alex Zevin
Published 12 Nov 2019
From the start therefore ‘Butskellism’ was also about the limits of consensus, and carried a tinge of political cowardice – putting off the raising of bank rate, large spending cuts, suppression of wage demands, or the floating of the pound. 172.He postulated that these high growth, high-tech industries had ‘very significantly higher marginal productivity per factor employed than the average of other industries’ so that it had become, in current conditions, ‘economically profitable to inflate marginal demand up to a distinctly higher point than it used to be’. Norman Macrae, Sunshades in October, London 1963, pp. 17, 25. 173.Ibid., p. 28. 174.‘Tyerman, Donald (1908–1981)’, Norman Macrae in ODNB. In governing, Labour might also abandon antiquated ideas about planning and nationalization: ‘The Domestic Choice’, 3 October 1964; ‘A Vote of No Confidence’, 10 October 1964. 175.Memorandum by Geoffrey Crowther, July 1964, Layton Papers, TCC. 176.Donald Tyerman, ‘Crowther and the Great Issues’, Encounter, May 1972. 177.Donald Tyerman, ‘As We Move: 1956–65,’ Economist, 17 April 1965. 7.
Brian Beedham, ‘Islam and the West’, 6 August 1994; ‘Letters’, 3 September 1994. 138.‘1989, and All That’, 23 December 1989. 139.Ibid. 140.Brian Beedham, ‘As the Tanks Rumble Away’, 1 September 1990. 141.Brian Beedham, ‘A Better Way to Vote’, 11 September 1993. 142.Norman Macrae, ‘The Next Ages of Man’, 24 December 1988. 143.Norman Macrae, ‘Future Privatisations’, 21 December 1991. 144.Ibid., p. 19. 145.‘Future Privatisations’, 21 December 1991. 146.‘Mrs Thatcher’s Place in History’, 29 April, 1989. 147.‘Banks in Trouble: Sweaty Brows, Slippery Fingers’, 8 September 1990. 148.‘Time to Choose’, 31 October 1992; ‘Getting His Way’, 7 November 1992. 8.
Not because the Minister of War and Russia’s naval attaché were having an affair with the same lady – ‘its rationalist and nonconformist tradition’ disbarred it from looking into these ‘salacious details’ – but because ‘a Prime Minister of Britain [was] about to be overthrown by a 21-year old trollop’.170 The choice of Scottish aristocrat Sir Alec Douglas-Home to succeed Macmillan did little to reverse the Conservatives’ slide. Finally, that year Norman Macrae, the paper’s economics editor, published Sunshades in October, an indictment of ‘stop-go economics’ under the Tories that joined a growing body of statistical research, political pamphlets, business and trade-union reports on the same theme. The thinking behind ‘stop-go’ began as a perfectly sane reaction to Labour’s disastrous record from 1945 to 1951, he argued, as excessive demand became a grave economic crisis.
Masters of Management: How the Business Gurus and Their Ideas Have Changed the World—for Better and for Worse
Adrian Wooldridge
Published 29 Nov 2011
Like it or not, the corporate world will look more like the Googleplex than the Shell Center. 7 Entrepreneurs Unbound The greatest of the journo-gurus, by some distance, was a man of whom few readers will have heard. He was in his disheveled pomp when today’s journo-gurus were holding forth in their playpens. He also worked for a publication that cherishes its tradition of anonymity. Norman Macrae was a stalwart of The Economist for half a century: he joined the paper in 1946 and worked as deputy editor for twenty-three years, starting in 1965. Macrae kept the flame of freemarket thinking burning during the long night of collectivism. He constantly enlivened editorial meetings with proposals to allow Disneyworld to run Paris or move the British government from London to New York.
., xv, 76, 258, 322 Bushnell, Candace, 129 Business Objects, 176 Business Week, xii, 29–30 Byrne, John, 306 Cadbury, Adrian, Sir, 297–298 California Management Review, 52 California Public Employees Retirement System (Calpers), 297 Calpers. See California Public Employees Retirement System Camden Property Trust, 163 Cameron, David, 329, 331 Capgemini, 52, 173 Capitalism, 41–42, 170, 292–298, 349. See also Macrae, Norman; Sloanism managerial, 337–339 model of, 32 shareholder, 292 Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Schumpeter), 170, 245 Capital One, 377 Carnegie, Andrew, 174 Carruba, Frank, 258 Casnocha, Ben, 195 Castells, Manuel, 387 CBI. See Confederation of British Industry CEIBS. See Chinese European Business School CEO.
See also Chief executive officer platform versus product, 264 Leading Minds (Gardner), 132 Leading the Revolution (Hamel), 11, 261 Leahy, Terry, 310 Leamer, Edward, 384–385 Leavitt, Harold, 166 Lecerf, Olivier, 258 Leeson, Nick, 165 Legislation Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, 280 Sarbanes-Oxley, 166, 297 Lehman Brothers, xv, 2, 11, 134, 149 Lennon, John, 195 Lessig, Lawrence, 156–157 Lev, Baruch, 366 Levine, Mark, 156 Levi Straus, 216 Levitt, Theodore, 88, 271 Lewis, John, 329 Lewis, Michael, 299 The Lexus and the Olive Tree (Friedman), 116 Li, Robin, 184–185 Liberation Management (Peters), 97 Life expectancy, 341 LifeSpring, 224 Li & Fung, 213, 224, 265 Light, Dean, 3 The Limited, 172 Limited Brands, 36 LinkedIn, 359 Linkner, Josh, 235, 239, 353 Linus, 157 Linux, 247 Lishui Economic Development Zone, 220–221 Litan, Robert, 173, 192 Live Life in Crescendo (Covey), 391 Local Motors, 242 Locked in the Cabinet (Reich), 128 Logos, 216, 244 London Business School, 11, 56, 61 The Long Tail (Anderson), 67–68, 121–122 Long-Term Capital Management, 364 Los Angeles Times, 76, 396 Lublin, Nancy, 48 M&A. See Mergers and acquisitions Ma, Jack, 185 MacArthur, Douglas, General, 4 Machiavelli, Niccoló, 146 Mackey, John, 262 Macrae, Norman, 169–171. See also Capitalism Macrowikinomics, 67 Macrowikinomics (Tapscott and Williams), 326–327 Madigan, Charles, xiii Mahindra, Anand, 230 Mahindra & Mahindra, 229 Make a Wish, 48 The Management Myth: Debunking Modern Business Philosophy (Stewart), xiii Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Drucker), xi–xii Management theory boardroom and, 291–311 commitment, 21 contradictions and, 18–22 corporate-bashing films, 35 criticisms of, 16–17 culture and, 161–164 decentralization, 157–158 empowerment, 157–158 evolution of, 225–226 fads and, 14–15 humanistic, 20–21 importance of, 63–68 industry, 49–72 instincts and, 6–7 management by objectives, 85–86 “management by objectives,” 76 modern, 12–13 networking and, 161 niche markets and, 122 paradox, 8–9 planning, 251–268 pseudotheories, 16 reengineering, 29–48 renewal, 160–161 scientific, 20 site visits, 409–410 social responsibility and, 38 strategies, 251–268 success of, 111–139, 413 writing and, 15 Management Today, 70 Mangapati, Mallipudi Raju Pallam, 53 The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit, 310 The Marcus Buckingham Company (TMBC), 65 Markides, Costas, 67 Marks & Spencer, 155, 264 Marlboro, 272 Marshall, Alfred, 22, 198, 278 Martin, Roger, 293–294 Martin Prosperity Institute, 130 Marx, Karl, 91, 92, 342–343, 347 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 175 Mattel, 274 Maxwell, Robert, 189 Mayo, Elton, 79 McCallum, Eden, 361 McCartney, Paul, 195 McDonald’s, 34, 66, 158, 272, 275, 283, 376, 404 McGill University, 13 McGregor, Douglas, 107 McKinsey, James O., 49–50 McKinsey & Company, 4, 10, 50, 253, 364 McKinsey Global Institute, 63, 265–266 McKinsey Quarterly, 10–11, 63–64 McNamara, Robert, 106, 253, 402–403 McNerney, James, 53, 299 Mead, Walter Russell, 136 Meckling, William, 292 Medtronic, 198 Memeorandum, 188 Mercedes-Benz, 209 Merck, 66 Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), 221 Meritocracy, 386–390 Merrill Lynch, 2, 11, 299 Messier, Jean-Marie, 298 Metro Cash and Carry, 217 Michaels, Ed, 365 Micklethwait, John, xviii, 17, 386, 413 Microsoft, 151, 172, 195, 205, 244, 383 Milken, Michael, 153–154 Mill, James, 376 Mill, John Stuart, 262, 376 Mindray, 213 Minnow, Nell, 297–298, 300 Mintzberg, Henry, 9, 13–14, 60, 253, 266, 307, 323, 332–333 MIT.
The Fourth Revolution: The Global Race to Reinvent the State
John Micklethwait
Adrian Wooldridge
Published 14 May 2014
The three great pillars of postwar Britain—the Education Act, the National Insurance Act, and the National Health Service Act—bore the names of a Conservative (Butler), a Liberal (Beveridge), and a socialist (Bevan). When the Conservative Party returned to power in October 1951, it did nothing to roll back the welfare state, even though it was led by the supposedly reactionary Winston Churchill. The Economist’s Norman Macrae invented the word “Butskellism,” from the names of R. A. Butler and Hugh Gaitskell, to describe the consensus policies of the next thirty years. And so it was everywhere in Western Europe, as the idea of building a New Jerusalem blew across the channel. Between 1950 and 1973 government spending rose from 27.6 percent to 38.8 percent of GDP in France, from 30.4 percent to 42.0 percent in West Germany, from 26.8 percent to 45.0 percent in Britain, and from 34.2 percent to 41.5 percent in the Netherlands—all at a time when the domestic product was itself growing faster than ever before or since.10 The state lubricated the wheels of European life in every way imaginable.
., 120 Kristol, Irving, 87 Kroc, Ray, 185 Labour Party, British, 68, 69, 70, 77, 93, 94–95, 114 laissez-faire economics, 56, 57, 61, 65–66, 70, 71 Laski, Harold, 68, 134 Latin America: economies of, 8 entitlement reform in, 17, 206, 244 Lazzarini, Sergio, 153 Lee Hsien Loong, 135, 138 Lee Kuan Yew, 4, 17, 53, 133–34, 137, 139–41, 143, 144, 145, 147, 156, 170, 183, 244 authoritarianism of, 137, 138 small-government ideology of, 140, 165 Left, 62, 73, 88, 183 government bloat and, 10–11, 98 government efficiency and, 20, 187, 213 and growth of big government, 10, 98, 131, 175, 185, 228, 230, 231 subsidy-cutting and, 234, 237–38 Lehman Brothers, 14 Lenovo, 150 Le Pen, Marine, 259 Le Roy, Louis, 276 Leviathan, 10 Leviathan (Hobbes), 29, 32, 33, 34, 42 Leviathan, Monumenta 2011 (Kapoor), 34 Liberal Party, British, 68, 70 liberals, liberalism: and debate over size of government, 48, 49, 232 freedom as core tenet of, 69, 223–26, 232 right to happiness as tenet of, 48, 49 role of state as seen by, 21–22, 222–23, 226, 232 see also Left; liberal state liberal state, 6–7, 8, 220, 221 capitalism and, 50–54 competition and, 247 education in, 7, 48, 58–59 equality and, 69 expanded role of government in, 56–62 Founding Fathers and, 44–45, 222 freedom as ideological basis of, 69, 223–26, 232, 268 industrial revolution and, 246–47 meritocracy as principle of, 50, 52–53 protection of rights as primary role of, 45 rights of citizens expanded by, 7, 9, 48, 49, 51 rise of, 27–28, 269 small government as principle of, 48, 49, 51–52, 61, 232 libertarian Right, 82 liberty, see freedom Libya, 253 LifeSpring Hospitals, 202–3 Lincoln, Abraham, 62, 92 Lindahl, Mikael, 176 Lindgren, Astrid, 170 Lisbon, Treaty of (2007), 258 Little Dorrit (Dickens), 50 Liu Xiaobo, 166 Livingston, Ken, 217 Lloyd George, David, 62 lobbies, Congress and, 238–40, 257 Locke, John, 42, 43, 45 social contract and, 42, 222 Logic of Collective Action, The (Olson), 111 London School of Economics, 67, 74 Louis XIV, King of France, 38 Lowe, Robert, 58–59 L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, 204–5 Mac 400, 205 Macartney, George, 41 Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 222, 224–26 McConnell, Mitch, 256 McDonald’s, 157, 185 McGregor, Richard, 151, 157 Machiavelli, Niccolò, 29, 33 McKinsey, 194–95, 204 Macmillan, Harold, 69 Macrae, Norman, 75 Madison, James, 265 Ma Hong, 158–59 majority, tyranny of, 226, 250, 255 management, reinvention of, 189–92 Mandela, Nelson, 252 Mandelson, Peter, 95 Manhattan Institute, 82 Mann, Thomas, 125–26, 227 Manning, Bradley, 230 Manor, Tex., 210 Man Versus the State, The (Spencer), 59 Mao Zedong, 151 Marshall, Alfred, 233 Marshall, T.H., 74 Martineau, Harriet, 54 Marx, Karl, 45, 62–63, 70 state as seen by, 63–64 Marxism, see Communists, communism Mary II, Queen of England, 43 Mary Barton (Gaskell), 57 Mazzini, Giuseppe, 54 means testing, 243, 245 Meat Inspection Act (U.S., 1906), 72 Medicaid, 242 Medicare, 120, 123, 242 Medisave, 243 mercantilism, 40 Merkel, Angela, 12, 16, 230, 231 Mettler, Suzanne, 121 micro-powers, 260, 266 middle class, 124 entitlements and, 11, 17 government spending and, 11 as primary beneficiary of welfare state, 122 welfare state and, 17, 88 Middle East: China and, 152 failure of democracy in, 253 local government in, 217 Miliband, Ed, 114, 153 Milken, Michael, 129 Mill, James, 47, 48–49, 53, 140 Mill, John Stuart, 7, 9, 21, 27–28, 69, 80, 85, 135, 136, 219, 251, 255 background of, 47 expanded role of government embraced by, 56–57 freedom as overriding concern of, 47–48, 55, 222, 224, 226, 228, 250, 256, 268 free trade promoted by, 55 intellectual freedom as tenet of, 55 meritocracy promoted by, 53, 237 as public intellectual, 47 Mindlab, 220 Mises, Ludwig von, 83 Mississippi, 111 Modi, Narendra, 218 Moïsi, Dominique, 166 money politics, 256–58 Montefiore Medical Center, 209 Monti, Mario, 259 Mont Pelerin Society, 83, 85 Moody’s, 119 Morrill Act (U.S., 1862), 62 Morsi, Mohamed, 253 Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 89 Mubarak, Hosni, 144, 253 Muggeridge, Malcolm, 67 Mughal Empire, 36 Mulgan, Geoff, 132 Musacchio, Aldo, 153 Muslim Brotherhood, 144, 253 Mussolini, Benito, 252 Myrdal, Alva, 169, 170 Myrdal, Gunnar, 37, 169, 170 Naím, Moisés, 186, 260, 266 Nanjing, 35 Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 46 Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital, Bangalore, 201 National Audit Office, British, 199 National Education Association, 114 National Front, French, 259 National Health Service, British, 62, 82, 109, 183, 199, 205 spending on, 130–31 National Health Service Act (British, 1948), 75 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), 243 National Insurance Act (British, 1946), 75 National Journal, 256 National Labor Relations Board, 73 national minimum, 68, 69 National Statistics Office, British, 19, 177 nation-state, 6, 8, 221 commerce and, 33 democracy and, 259, 262 globalization and, 259–60, 262 government efficiency in, 37 innovation and, 37, 39 legitimacy of, 33 local-government resistance to, 260 minimal welfare vote of, 33 representative institutions in, 38 rights of citizens in, 30, 43–44 rule of law in, 37–38 security as primary duty of, 29, 30, 32, 37, 39, 181, 222, 268 Navigation Acts, 50 Nazis, 71, 232 neoconservatives, 89 Netherlands, government spending in, 75 New Brutalism, 89 New Deal, 72, 82, 192, 236 New Digital Age, The (Schmidt and Cohen), 210–11 New Labourites, 94–95, 99 Newnham College, 58 New Republic, 71 New Statesman, 67 Newsweek, 86 New York Daily News, 227 New Zealand, 239 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 265 Nigeria, 234 night-watchman state, 7, 9, 48, 61, 80, 86, 101, 136, 140, 181, 232 1984 (Orwell), 71 Nixon, Richard, 77 Nobel Prize, 82, 86, 91 Nock, Albert Jay, 177 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), Chinese, 158 Northcote, Stafford, 52–53 Norway, 1990s financial crisis in, 176 Novey, Don, 112–13, 181 Nye, Joseph, 3, 198 Obama, Barack, 100, 126, 192, 236, 241, 255, 256 big-government ideology of, 98 health-care reforms of, 20, 98, 117, 199, 208, 217 pragmatism of, 98, 220 Obama administration, 220, 231 regulation and, 117 occupational legislation, 117–18 O’Donnell, Christine, 227–28 OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), 186 Office of Social Innovation and Participation, U.S., 220 “Old Corruption,” 6, 49, 51, 58, 149, 185, 227, 256, 268, 269 Oldham, John, 195 Olivares, Count-Duke, 37 Olson, Mancur, 109–10, 111 Olson’s law, 111–15, 117, 124, 237 On Liberty (Mill), 55, 59, 69 Open Society and Its Enemies, The (Popper), 83 Open University, 180 opinion, freedom of, 224 Orban, Viktor, 254 Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 186 Ornstein, Norman, 125–26, 227 Orwell, George, 71 Ottoman Empire, 35 Our Enemy, the State (Nock), 177 Packard, David, 105 Paine, Thomas, 21, 43–44 Pall, Niti, 206 Palme, Olof, 170, 175 Palo Alto, Calif., 105, 106 Papademos, Lucas, 259 Parag, Khanna, 218 Parliament, British, 31, 43 Party, The (McGregor), 151 Party for Freedom, Dutch, 259 patronage, 50, 52–53, 222, 237, 240 Paul, Ron, 34 payroll withholding tax, 82 Peace Corps, 216 Peace of Westphalia (1648), 38 Pearson, Karl, 68 Peel, Robert, 51, 54 pensions, 16, 267 Asian expansion of, 141–42 in Brazil, 18 in California, 113, 115, 119–20, 130 in China, 156, 183 defined-benefit vs. defined-contribution systems of, 184 as entitlements, 79, 184, 243 in Scandinavia, 171, 173, 184 spiking of, 184 as unfunded liabilities, 14, 119 People’s Action Party, Singapore, 134, 137–38 Peterson, Pete, 131 Peterson Foundation, 255 Peterson Institute for International Economics, 154 PetroChina, 152, 154, 155 Philippines, health insurance in, 141 Philippon, Thomas, 239 philosophical radicals, 48, 49, 85, 181 physician’s assistants, 204 Plato, 250, 255, 260, 264 pluralism, 211–14 police, technology and, 181–82 Political Economy (Mill), 57 political parties, declining membership in, 11, 261 politics: government bloat and, 10–11 money in, 256–58 polarization of, 11–13, 100, 124–27, 164, 255, 256 talent flight from, 127 Pomperipossa effect, 170 poor, poverty: failure of welfare state programs for, 87–89 public spending as biased against, 122–24 welfare state and, 68 Popper, Karl, 83 population: aging of, 15, 122–23, 124, 165, 174, 178, 183–84, 232, 241–42 urban shift of, 149, 218 Porter, Michael, 131 Portugal, public spending in, 99–100 Potter, Laurencina, 65–66 Potter, Richard, 65 Principles of Political Economy (Mill), 55 Pritchett, Lant, 147 private life, freedom of, 224 privatization, 8, 94, 96, 234–37 Procter & Gamble, 190 productivity, 178 Baumol’s disease and, 110 in public vs. private sectors, 18–20, 177, 285 state capitalism and, 154 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 148, 206–7 Progressive Party, 72 progressivism, 240 as self-defeating, 229–30 property rights, 40, 43, 224 Proposition 13, 91, 92, 107 Protestants, 38 public sector, 76, 89, 115, 177, 180 technology and, 180 Pudong, China, 1–5, 8 Pune, India, 218–19 Pure Food and Drug Act (U.S., 1906), 72 Putin, Vladimir, 144, 153, 253 Pythagorean theorem, 31 Qianlong, Emperor of China, 41 racism, 88 Rauch, Jonathan, 231 Reagan, Ronald, 8, 28, 88, 91–92, 97, 198 Friedman and, 86 small-government ideology of, 95 see also Thatcher-Reagan revolution reason, religion as opponent of, 48 Reform, 203 Reformation, 48–49 Reinfeldt, Fredrik, 184 religion: freedom of, 224 reason as opponent of, 48 rent control, 82 rent seeking, 239 “Report on Manufacturers” (Hamilton), 150 Republic, The (Plato), 250 Republican Party, U.S., 123, 236–37 increased taxes opposed by, 100, 255 tax rises approved by, 12 Reshef, Ariell, 239 retirement age, 184–85, 242 Reykjavik City Council, 261 Ricardo, David, 49 Richelieu, Cardinal, 37 Right, 82, 93 government bloat and, 10–11, 98 government efficiency and, 187 and growth of big government, 10, 95, 98, 228, 230–31 privatization and, 234, 236–37 welfare services opposed by, 88, 185 rights: Fourth Revolution and, 270 liberal state’s expansion of, 7, 48, 49, 51 in nation-state, 30, 43–44 of property, 40, 43, 224 protection of, as primary role of liberal state, 45 see also freedom Rights of Man, The (Paine), 44 Ripley, Amanda, 206–7 road pricing, 217 Road to Serfdom, The (Hayek), 10, 83, 86 Rodrik, Dani, 262 Romney, Mitt, 217 “Roofs or Ceilings” (Friedman), 82 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 72–73, 252 Roosevelt, Theodore, 71–72, 258 rotten boroughs, 51, 125, 227, 251, 257, 269 see also gerrymandering Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 44, 45 Rousseff, Dilma, 153 Royal Society, 42 Rumsfeld, Donald, 77, 253 Russia, 71 China and, 152 corruption in, 186 failure of democracy in, 253, 262 privatization in, 96 Singapore model admired by, 144 state capitalism in, 153, 154 Russian Revolution, 45 Rwanda, 144 Sacramento, Calif., 105, 106, 127 Sahni, Nikhil, 200 St.
Complexity: A Guided Tour
Melanie Mitchell
Published 31 Mar 2009
This group also included Leo Szilard, whom we heard about in chapter 3, the physicists Eugene Wigner, Edward Teller, and Denis Gabor, and the mathematicians Paul Erdös, John Kemeny, and Peter Lax. Many people have speculated on the causes of this improbable cluster of incredible talent. But as related by von Neumann biographer Norman MacRae, “Five of Hungary’s six Nobel Prize winners were Jews born between 1875 and 1905, and one was asked why Hungary in his generation had brought forth so many geniuses. Nobel laureate Wigner replied that he did not understand the question. Hungary in that time had produced only one genius, Johnny von Neumann.”
See linearity Lipson, Hod, 124 Lloyd, Seth, 95–96, 100–101 Locke, John, 3 logical depth, 100–101 Logic of Computers group, 127 logistic map, 27–33 bifurcation diagram for, 34 as example of idea model, 211 logistic model, 25–27 as example of idea model, 211 log-log plot, 261 Lohn, Jason, 142 Long Term Capital Management, 256–257 Lorenz, Edward, 22 Lovelock, James, 113 Lyell, Charles, 76–78 lymphocytes, 8–9, 172–176, 180–183. See also B cells; T cells MacRae, Norman, 125 macrophage, 9 macrostate, 49–51, 54, 101, 307 Macy foundation meetings, 295–297 majority classification task, 160–161 cellular automaton evolved for, 162–164, 171 Malthus, Thomas, 76 Mandelbrot, Benoit, 103, 271–272 master genes, 278–281 Mathematica, 154, 158 Matthew, Patrick, 78 Maturana, Humberto, 298 Maxwell, James Clerk, 20, 43–47 Maxwell’s demon, 43–47, 169 as example of idea model, 211 Maxwell’s equations, 43, 210 May, Robert, 28, 33, 219–220, 223 Mayr, Ernst, 87 McCulloch, Warren, 296–297 McShea, Daniel, 110, 288 Mead, Margaret, 296–297 meaning (in complex systems), 171, 184, 208 mechanics, classical, 19, 48 meiosis, 88–89 Mendel, Gregor, 79–81 ideas considered as opposed to Darwin’s, 81–82 Mendelian inheritance, 79–81, 89, 276 messenger RNA, 90–93, 122, 275 metabolic pathways, 178–179, 249 feedback in, 181–182 metabolic networks, 110, 229, 249–250, 254 metabolic rate, 258–262, 265–267 scaling of (see metabolic scaling theory) metabolic scaling theory, 264–266 controversy about, 267–269 as example of common principles in complex systems, 294–295 scope of, 266–267 metabolism, 79, 110, 116, 178–184, 249, information processing (or computation) in, 178–185 rate of, 258–262, 265–267 as requisite for life, 116 scaling of (see metabolic scaling theory) metanorms model, 219, 222–224 Metropolis, Nicholas, 28, 35–36 Michelson, Albert, ix microstate, 49–51, 54, 307 microworld, 191 letter-string, 191–193 Milgram, Stanley, 227–229 Millay, Edna St.
Influence: Science and Practice
Robert B. Cialdini
Published 1 Jan 1984
With further developments in telecommunications and computer technology, access to such staggering amounts of information is falling within the reach of individual citizens. Extensive cable and satellite systems provide one route for that information into the average home. The other major route is the personal computer. In 1972, Norman Macrae, an editor of The Economist, speculated prophetically about a time in the future: The prospect is, after all, that we are going to enter an age when any duffer sitting at a computer terminal in his laboratory or office or public library or home can delve through unimaginable increased mountains of information in mass-assembly data banks with mechanical powers of concentration and calculation that will be greater by a factor of tens of thousands than was ever available to the human brain of even an Einstein.
Gordon, 41, 42 Liking cautions regarding, 170–172 compliments and, 149–151 conditioning for, 160–163 eating situations and, 164–165 familiarity and, 151–159 physical attractiveness and, 146–148 rule, 142–146 similarity and, 148–149 Lippmann, Walter, 97 Logrolling, 26 Louden, Robert, 229 Louie, Diane, 30 Low-ball technique, 84–85 research on, 85–86 socially beneficial uses of, 86–88 Luncheon technique, 164–165 Lussen, Frederick, 110 MacKenzie, Bob, 220 Macrae, Norman, 230, 231 Magruder, Jeb Stuart, 41, 42 Mars, Franklin, 163 Mauss, Marcel, 31 McGovern, George, 41 Medical profession and blind obedience, 181–182 reciprocity in, 28 status in, 186–188 Mexico, relations with Ethiopia, 20 Mihaly, Orestes, 206 Milgram, Stanley, 175 Milgram Experiment, 175–180 Mill, John Stuart, 230 Miller, John, 85 Millerites, 103 Mills, Judson, 78 Mimicry, 10–11 Mitchell, John, 41, 42 Modern automaticity, 230 as convenience, 231–232 information overload and, 230–231 overreliance on, 232 Montanists, 103 Morrow, Lance, 216 Muskie, Edmund, 41 Netherlands, relief efforts by, 21 Newcomb, Theodore, 53 Nicklaus, Jack, 93, 94 Nixon, Richard, 41 Obedience allures and dangers of, 180–184 connotation in, 184–191 defenses against, 191–195 experiments on, 175–176 power of, 176–180 O’Brien, Lawrence, 41 O’Connor, Robert, 101 Odors, emotional associations of, 165 Official censorship, 212 Packard, Vance, 28 Pain, social proof principle and, 100 Paralysis of analysis, 232 as convenience, 231–232 Patton, 219 Pavlov, Ivan, 163, 165 People’s Temple, 30 128–131 Perceptual contrast, 12–16, 40–41 and rejection-thenretreat, 42–43 Perestroika, 215 Personal computer, effects of, 230–231 Phillips, David, 122 Phobias, treatment of, 100–101 Physical attractiveness, influence of, 146–148 Player, Gary, 93 Pluralistic ignorance, 110 Politics, reciprocity in, 26–28 The Poseidon Adventure, 219 Pratkanis, Anthony, 94 Primitive automaticity, 2–3, 99, 228–229 in humans, 229–230 and perceptual and decisional narrowing, 229 Procter & Gamble, 217 Psychological reactance theory, 204 and adolescence, 206–207, 208 and adults, 207–210 and censorship, 210–213 and child development, 205–206 Public commitment, 71–73 Pyne, Joe, 228 Quayle, Dan, 182 Race relations desegregation and, 152–154 jigsaw classroom and, 156–157 scarcity principle and, 214–215 Razran, Gregory, 164 Real estate market perceptual contrast in, 14–16 scarcity principle and, 218 Reciprocity rule, 19–20 defenses against, 45–49 examples of, 20–21, 142, 164 free samples in, 28–31 function of, 22–23 to gain concessions, 35–37 obligations of, 31–33 in politics, 26–28 power of, 23–26 rejection of, 45–47 unequal exchange in, 33–35 violation of, 34 Regan, Dennis, 22 Rejection-then-retreat, 37–39 effectiveness of, 43–44 emotional effects of, 44–45 mutual satisfaction after, 45 and perceptual contrast, 42–43 Religion on obedience, 180–181 social proof principle and, 102–109 Restaurant waiters, tactics of, 193–195 Revolution, political, conditions for, 214 Revolutionary War, 214 Reynolds, Joshua, 54 Riecken, Henry, 103–107 Roberts, Cavett, 100 Romeo and Juliet effect, 207–208 Rosenthal, A.
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
Peter L. Bernstein
Published 23 Aug 1996
He also invented the digital computer, was an accomplished meteorologist and mathematician, could multiply eight digits by eight digits in his head, and loved telling ribald jokes and reciting off-color limericks. In his work with the military, he preferred admirals to generals because ad mirals were the heavier drinkers. His biographer Norman Macrae describes him as "excessively polite to everybody except ... two longsuffering wives," one of whom once remarked, "He can count everything except calories."2 A colleague interested in probability analysis once asked von Neumann to define certainty. Von Neumann said first design a house and make sure the living-room floor will not give way.
Macaulay, Frederick R., 1938. Some Theoretical Problems Suggested by the Movements of Interest Rates, Bond Yields and Stock Prices in the United States since 1856. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1848. The History of England. Reprint. New York: Penguin Books, 1968. Macrae, Norman, 1992. John von Neumann. New York: Pantheon Books.* Markowitz, Harry M., 1952. "Portfolio Selection." Journal of Finance, Vol. VII, No. 1 (March), pp. 77-91. Markowitz, Harry M., 1952. "The Utility of Wealth." Journal of Political Economy, Vol. LIX, No. 3 (April), pp. 151-157. McCusker, John J., 1978.
Winds of Change
Peter Hennessy
Published 27 Aug 2019
When the Institute for Economic Affairs was founded in 1957, its self-styled ‘full frontal market economists’,28 Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon, felt immense frustration with what Harris called ‘a Tory government with a large chunk of socialism built into a consensus’.29 The IEA, propelled by the ideas of Friedrich von Hayek and sustained by the broiler-chicken fortune of their patron, Anthony Fisher, found little purchase in the Whitehall of the Keynes-reading Harold Macmillan. Their hour would not come for another quarter of a century. Journalists sympathetic to them, such as Norman Macrae on The Economist (inventor of ‘Mr Butskell’ in Butler–Gaitskell days, and soon to coin the concept of ‘stagflation’30), fared no better. In his Sunshades in October, Macrae railed against an economic profession and a Treasury high command who were, in Keynes’s metaphor, slaves to the thinking of a generation past and ‘too much ruled by ideas that were rightly conceived for circumstances ten years back’.31 Macrae had a nose for what Fernand Braudel called the ‘thin wisps’ of tomorrow that were barely discernible today32 – in the Sixties, for example, he was prophetic in foreseeing just how great a manufacturing and trading force Japan was to become.
Shanks, The Stagnant Society, p. 199. 27. Grant, ‘Historians, the Penguin Specials and the “State-of-the-Nation” Literature, 1958–64’, p. 49. 28. Colin Robinson (ed.), A Conversation with Harris and Seldon (Institute of Economic Affairs, 2001), p. 25. 29. Ibid. 30. Hennessy, Having It So Good, pp. 210–11. 31. Norman Macrae, Sunshades in October: An Analysis of the Main Mistakes in British Economic Policy Since the Mid Nineteen Fifties (Allen & Unwin, 1963), p. 15. 32. Fernand Braudel, A History of Civilizations (Penguin, 1995), p. xxxviii. 33. Macrae, Sunshades in October, p. 179. 34. Ibid., p. 177. 35. Koestler, Bricks to Babel, p. 573. 36.
P. 199–201 Knight, Richard 270 Knowles, David 176 Koestler, Arthur 20–23 Kohl, Helmut 218 Kondrashev, Sergei 246 Korean War 232–3 Kosygin, Alexey 492 Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth 128 Kubrick, Stanley 289 Labour Party and the 1964 general election 24, 479–84 approach to planning and growth 140–42 and CND 295–6, 298–9 in disarray after 1959 defeat 137 ever-lurking centrifugal tendencies of 424 and immigration controls 214, 217 and life peers 166–7 and Michael Young 19 and nationalization 127 natural home of planning 150 and party conference battles 423 and the Profumo affair 372–3 on the side of press against government 366 and the trades unions 485 and Wilson as leader 337, 427–8 Lacouture, Jean 321–2, 327 Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence) 3, 386 Lady’s Not for Burning, The (Fry) 138 Laos 66–7 Larkin, Philip 180 Lawton, John 388 le Carré, John 240 Le Fanu, Michael 309–10 League of Empire Loyalists 180 League of Nations 196 Leatherslade farm, Oakley 352–3 Lee, Frank 68, 130, 140, 145 ‘Lele tribe of the Congo’ (Douglas) 21–2 Lennox-Boyd, Alan 200 Leonard Stanley 2 ‘Lessons of French Experience, The’ (Clarke) 146 Let Us Face the Future (Labour manifesto 1945) 19 Let’s Go with Labour for the New Britain (Labour manifesto 1964) 455, 478–83 Levin, Bernard 486 Leyland buses 445–7 Life Peerages Act (1958) 166–7 Lindemann, Frederick 357 ‘Lion and the Ostrich, The’ (Koestler) 22–3 Lippmann, Walter 288 Lister’s of Dursley 2 Liverpool FC 458 Lloyd, Geoffrey 354 Lloyd George, David 397, 453 Lloyd, Selwyn and the 1964 election 448, 477 appointed one of Douglas-Home’s nuclear deputies 445 downfall 6, 122–3, 126, 156–63, 272–3 as leadership king maker 403–4 appointed Lord Privy Seal 430–31 and NEDC 140–47, 149 as potential successor to Macmillan 154–6 ‘second grave digger’ 228 and UK’s economic performance 151, 153 Loft, Chas 350 London School of Economics 194 Lonsdale, Gordon 242, 364 Lord’s cricket ground 417 ‘Lost Leader, The’ (Browning) 383 Louis, Roger 204 ‘Love Me Do’ (Beatles) 319 Lubbock, Eric 157 Luce, Richard 210 Lumumba, Patrice 197–8, 203 Luther, Martin 218–19 Lyttelton, Oliver 307 McCleary, Hugh 194 McCloy, John J. 235 McDonald, Iverach 288 McGuire, Stryker 468 ‘Machinery of Government in War’ (Padmore) 223–4 McKenna, Patrick 351 McKenzie, Robert 138 Mackinder, Halford 191 Mackintosh, John 448–9 Maclay, John 160 Maclean, Donald 377 Macleod, Iain and Alec Home 401, 410–11, 429–32 and autumn Cabinet reshuffle 157 as Colonial Secretary 196, 198–202, 205, 208–11 and immigration controls 213–16 leadership battles and ramifications 342, 406, 411–15, 432–5, 439–41 appointed chairman of the Conservative Party 207 and the nuclear war threat 228 ‘too much independence’ 126 McMahon Act 309 McManus, Michael 331 Macmillan, Alexander 360 Macmillan, Dorothy 58, 66, 104, 166, 290, 360, 377–8, 380, 393 Macmillan, Harold and the 2nd Berlin crisis 226–32, 236–9 and the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty 360 agreement at the Commonwealth Conference 116–19 and Alec Home 172, 429, 447–8 assessment of Philby 377–8 and the Beeching Report 349 believed substantial economic change needed 129–36 and ‘Black Saturday’ 265–70, 283, 302 the Britain he presided over 19–21, 24 a Cabinet lacking in true believers 149 the changing mood of British politics 141–3 and civil nuclear power 353–4, 358–60 clung desperately to the United States 13 and CND 298, 303 and the Cold War 220–26, 365 and the Cuban Missile crisis 250, 252–62, 272, 274–6, 278–84, 290 dealing with both de Gaulle and Kennedy 84–8 dealing with economic woes 123–8 and decolonization 183–5, 185–7, 188–9, 204 discussions with de Gaulle 103–12, 113–15, 119–20, 321–6, 329–33 and EEC entry 333–4, 426, 482 and Enoch Powell 199, 376–7 forming a plan 37–54 and George Blake 244–5 and German growth 498 and the ‘Grand Design’ 54–64, 71–2, 77–84, 169, 321, 341 and Harold Wilson 338, 421, 475 and Iain Macleod 196–7, 205–6, 211 illness of 395–8 and immigration controls 212–14, 217–18 and Kennedy 67–70, 393–4 and Khrushchev 233 legacy of 435 and Lord Hailsham 361–2, 487 and ‘magician-in-chief’ description 433 and Maudling’s ‘dash for growth’ 338–41 media interpretations of 27, 30–32 ‘NEDC is a tender plant’ 153–4 new Cabinet of modernizers 163–9 next steps 66–7 and ‘Night of the Long Knives’ 123, 149, 154–63, 376, 430 and the Oxford Union 33–6 pointing the way 89–97 and the Polaris deal 305–15, 322–3, 326–7 and the Profumo affair 365, 368–70, 374–6, 378–85, 388–92 and Rab Butler 435 ramifications of his retirement decision 319, 399–401, 403, 405–17 and Reginald Maudling 443 and religion 463–4 and the Robbins Report 452 rushing to decolonize 179–80 and Selwyn Lloyd 122, 153, 431 and STOCKWELL 6–9 and Thatcherism 137–40 and the theory of the Commonwealth 183–4 threat of civil war in Northern Rhodesia 206 tragedy of failure 100–103 and UK influence in the world 469–70 vintage showdown with Thatcher 144 weakness of the Government’s position 317 ‘Wind of Change’ speech (1960) 119, 180, 183, 188, 191, 202–3 Macmillan, Maurice 384, 395, 398 McNamara, Robert 251, 263–4, 266, 276, 305–7, 312–13 Macrae, Norman 24–5 ‘magic circle’ 432–5 ‘Magnox’ stations 355 Major, John 435 Making of the Prime Minister, The (Howard/West) 486 Mallaby, George 359 Mallard (locomotive) 177 Mandela, Nelson 188, 211 Manningham-Buller, Reginald see Dilhorne, Lord Mao Tse-tung 231 Marchant, Herbert ‘Bill’ 248–9 Margach, James 401 Marks, Derek 404 Marks, Lara 462 Marlborough House 118 Marples, Ernest 170, 175, 228, 346, 349 Marquand, David 144 Marshall, Walter 355 Marx, Karl 426 Maslennikov, Ivan 266 Master Cutlers’ feast (Sheffield) 342 Mau Mau 199, 206 Maudling, Beryl 411 Maudling, Reginald and the 1964 Election 472, 486–7 appointment as Colonial Secretary 196 and ‘dash for growth’ 334, 338–44, 441–4, 479 and EEC-excluded steering committee 333–4 and French planning 148 and leadership battles 411–12, 414–16 and Macmillan 400 and ‘Modernization of Britain’ paper 168 and the nuclear war threat 228 as President of the Board of Trade 73, 141 promotion to the Treasury 161–3 Tory Party Conference (1963) 401 and the UK civil nuclear programme 354, 356 wish for a June election 447 Maultsby, Charles 262–3, 266 Maxwell Fyfe, Sir David see Kilmuir, Lord May, Ernest 252 May, Theresa 210, 435 Medical Research Council 460 Medicine and Politics (Powell) 173 medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) 251 Meitner, Lise 10–11 Menzies, Robert 117–18, 498 MI5 (Security Service) 225, 298–9, 371–6, 474 MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) 50, 242–3, 244–6, 245, 258, 290, 375–8, 474–5 MICKY FINN (autumn exercise) 267 Middlemas, Keith 143–4 MiG-19 warplanes 262–3 Mikardo, Ian 336, 419 Mikoyan, Anastas 250, 254, 256, 492 Millar, Ronnie 137–8 Mills, Jack 352 Mills, Lord 160 Milward, Alan 71–2, 75 Ministry of Technology 420, 425 Mirage IV bombers 315 Missile Threat Co-ordination Committee 243 Mitchell, Derek 342, 449, 472–3 Mitrokhin, Vasili 198, 204 Mod phenomenon 463 modernity 154 ‘Modernization of Britain’ (paper) 168–9 ‘Modernization Commissions’ 144 Molody, Konon see Lonsdale, Gordon monetarism 136, 139 Monnet, Jean 13, 44, 68–9, 131, 144, 219 Monson, Leslie 200 Montgomery, Field Marshal Lord Bernard 94 Moore, Charles 416–17 Moorhouse, Geoffrey 501 Morley, Lewis 386 Morris, Bill 26 Morris, Bob 14 Morrison, John 402, 404 Moscow Radio 277 motorways 170–71, 496 Mountbatten, Lord Louis 272 Muggeridge, Malcolm 31 Mulholland, Brendan 365 Murray, Keith 172 Naftali, Timothy 249, 254 Nash, Walter 359 Nassau Agreement (1962) 313–14, 483 meeting (1962) 119 National Anthem 183 National Association of Mental Health 173 ‘National Civil Disobedience Day’ demonstrations 299 National Economic Development Council 1961 (NEDC) and the 1963 Maudling Budget 339–40, 443 ‘a tender plant’ 150–53 creation of 128, 143–6 and the DEA 473 economic growth plans of 438, 496, 498 only partially successful 424 a Selwyn Lloyd idea 139–40 subgroups of 136 Tory justification for 479 National Farmers’ Union (NFU) 80–81, 89 national grid 355 National Health Service 172, 499 National Incomes Commission (NIC) 153, 155–6, 438 National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) 145, 148 National Railway Museum 177 National Security Council (NSC) 218, 251 National Service 180 nationalization 127, 144, 169, 345, 423, 480 NATO and 1949 Treaty 76 and the Cuban missile crisis 271, 281, 286 and fascist Portugal 34 and France 51, 53–4, 57, 62–3, 86–7, 114 interdependence of 85 and Macmillan’s ‘Grand Design’ 43, 49 and multilateral nuclear force idea 315, 329 and nuclear weapons 66, 296, 483–4 and Polaris for Skybolt 306, 310–12 Nazism 46 Netherlands 110 ‘New Approach’ (plan) 155 New Britain speeches 427 New Zealand 74, 107, 118, 190 Newman, John Henry 454 Nigeria 201, 209 ‘Night of the Long Knives’ 123, 149, 376, 430 Night Mail (film) 352 Nitze, Paul 233 Nixon, Richard 107 Nkrumah, Kwame 204 Noble, Lewis 9 Noble, Michael 161 Norstad, Lauris 49, 266, 271–2 North Korea 245 North, Lord 184 North Sea oil 457 Northern Rhodesia 179, 189–90, 205 see also Zambia Notting Hill riots (1958) 211, 215 Nottingham riots (1958) 211 Novaia Zemlya 228, 238 NSA 250 nuclear power 170, 353–9 nuclear test talks see Test Ban Treaty conference nuclear weapons Conservative position on 483–4 and France 50–56, 63 Labour’s position on 483 UKs position on 68, 423 see also hydrogen bombs Nyasaland 179, 189–90 Nympsfield 1–4 Offer, Avner 500 Ogilvie, Mark 269 Ogilvy-Webb, A.
A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon
Neil Sheehan
Published 21 Sep 2009
BOOK IV STARTING A RACE Chapters 29–31: Schriever interviews; also interviews with Marina von Neumann Whitman and Françoise Ulam and their reminiscences at Hofstra University conference on von Neumann, May 29-June 3, 1988; interviews with Foster Evans and Jacob Wechsler; also Evans’s lecture, “Early Super Work,” published in the Los Alamos Historical Society’s 1996 Behind Tall Fences; interview with Nicholas Vonneuman and his unpublished biography of his brother, “The Legacy of John von Neumann”; John von Neumann Papers in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress; Rhodes’s The Making of the Atomic Bomb and Dark Sun; Herman Goldstine’s 1972 The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann; Stanislaw Ulam’s 1976 Adventures of a Mathematician; William Poundstone’s 1992 Prisoner’s Dilemma; Norman Macrae’s 1992 John von Neumann; and Kati Marton’s 2006 The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World. Chapter 32: Interviews with General Schriever, Col. Vincent Ford, and Trevor Gardner, Jr.; Colonel Ford’s unpublished memoir on the building of the ICBM; Air Force Space and Missile Pioneers biography of Gardner.
“The Face of Atlas: Bernard Schriever and the Development of the Atlas Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, 1953–1960.” Ph.D. diss., Duke University, 1996. Lonnquest, John C., David F. Winkler. To Defend and Deter: The Legacy of the United States Cold War Missile Program. Washington, D.C.: Department of Defense Legacy Resource Management Program, Cold War Project, 1996. Macrae, Norman. John von Neumann. New York: Pantheon, 1992. Makhijani, Arjun, Howard Hu, Katherine Yih Nuclear Wastelands. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1995. Manchester, William. American Caesar: Douglas MacArthur, 1880–1964. Boston: Little, Brown, 1978. Maneli, Mieczyslaw. War of the Vanquished. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive During the Collapse of the Welfare State
James Dale Davidson
William Rees-Mogg
Published 3 Feb 1997
In effect, the locational monopolies that nationstates exploited to impose extremely high taxes will be broken by technology. They are already breaking down, As they erode further, competitive pressures are almost bound to drive the most enterprising and able to flee countries that tax too much. As former Economist editor Norman Macrae put it, such countries "will be inhabited residually, mainly by dummies." 236 "[B]y the year 2012, projected outlays for entitlements and interest on the national debt will consume all tax revenues collected by the federal government. ... There will not be one cent left over for education, children’s programs, highways, national defense, or any other discretionary program.
(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993), p.53. 10. Frederic C. Lane, "Economic Consequences of Organized Violence," TheJournal ofEconomic History vol.18, no.4 (December 1958), p.402. 11. Nicholas Colehester, "Goodbye NationState, Hello . . . What?," New York Times, July 17, 1994, p. E17. 12. Norman Macrae, "Governments in Decline," Cato Policy Report, July/August 1992, p.10. 13. Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future: An Enquiry into the Limits of the Possible (London: Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1962), p.13. 14. Ibid. 15. A. T. Mann, Millennium Prophecies: Predictions for the Year 2000 (Shafiesbury, England: Element Books, 1992), pp.88, 112, 117. 16.
The Quest: Energy, Security, and the Remaking of the Modern World
Daniel Yergin
Published 14 May 2011
Pollack, and Carl Sagan, “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions,” Science 222, no. 4630 (1983), pp. 1283–92. 25 Hart and Victor, “Scientific Elites,” pp. 657–61 (“advertant”); Weart, The Discovery of Global Warming, p. 5 (Kennedy); Martin Campbell-Kelly and William Aspray, Computer: A History of the Information Machine (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2004), p. 79 (“considerable temerity”). 26 Norman Macrae, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More (American Mathematical Society, 2008), pp. 5, 248 (“last words”). 27 Macrae, John von Neumann, pp. 52, 250, 266, 325, 369; Stanislaw M. Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), pp. 4, 203, 245. 28 Campbell-Kelly and Aspray, Computer, pp. 3–4 (“computers”); Macrae, John von Neumann, p. 234 (“modern mathematical modeling”). 29 Macrae, John von Neumann, pp. 298, 302 (“phenomena”). 30 Spencer Weart, “Government: The View from Washington, DC,” The Discovery of Global Warming, at (“warfare”); Macrae, John von Neumann, pp. 298, 316 (“jiggle,” “weather predictions”); New York Times, February 9, 1957 (“electronic brain”). 31 Norman Phillips, “Jule Charney, 1917–1981,” Annals of the History of Computing 3, no. 4 (1981), pp. 318–19; Norman Phillips, “Jule Charney’s Influence on Meteorology,” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 63, no. 5 (1982), pp. 492–98; John M.
Sustainable Energy—Without the Hot Air. Cambridge, U.K.: UIT Cambridge, 2009. McKinsey Global Institute. Preparing for China’s Urban Billion. McKinsey & Company. March 2009. McLean, Bethany, and Peter Elkind. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. New York: Portfolio, 2004. Macrae, Norman. John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence and Much More. American Mathematical Society, 2008. Makovich, Lawrence. “Beyond California’s Power Crisis: Impact, Solutions, and Lessons.” CERA. March 2001. ———. “Meeting the Power Conservation Investment Challenge.”
Turing's Cathedral
George Dyson
Published 6 Mar 2012
From Alex Magoun at RCA to Willis Ware at RAND, and many other keepers of institutional memory in between—including the Annals of the History of Computing and the Charles Babbage Institute’s oral history collection—I am indebted to those who saved records that otherwise might not have been preserved. To a long list of historians and biographers—including William Aspray, Armand Borel, Alice Burks, Flo Conway, Jack Copeland, James Cortada, Martin Davis, Peter Galison, David Alan Grier, Rolf Herken, Andrew Hodges, Norman Macrae, Brian Randell, and Jim Siegelman—I owe more than is acknowledged here. All books owe their existence to previous books, but among the antecedents of this one should be singled out (in chronological order) Beatrice Stern’s History of the Institute for Advanced Study, 1930–1950 (1964), Herman Goldstine’s The Computer from Pascal to von Neumann (1972), Nicholas Metropolis’s History of Computing in the Twentieth Century (1980), Andrew Hodges’s Alan Turing: The Enigma (1983), Rolf Herken’s The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey (1988), and William Aspray’s John von Neumann and the Origins of Modern Computing (1990).
Strauss, December 21, 1956, SUAPS. 30. Julian Bigelow to Jule Charney, January 18, 1957, JHB; Klára von Neumann, Johnny. 31. Memo on Funeral Arrangements for John von Neumann, February 11, 1957, IAS; Ulam, Adventures of a Mathematician, p. 242. 32. Marston Morse to John von Neumann, n.d., quoted in Norman MacRae, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence and Much More (New York: Pantheon, 1992), p. 379; Morris Rubinoff, interview with Richard Mertz. 33. Martin Davis, interview with author, October 4, 2005, GBD. 34. Julian Bigelow, interview with Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, October 30, 1999 (courtesy Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman). 35.
The Demon in the Machine: How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life
Paul Davies
Published 31 Jan 2019
., ‘Brownian ratchets and Parrondo’s games’, Chaos, 11, 705 (2001); doi: 10.1063/1.1395623 Peter Hoffman, Life’s Ratchet (Basic Books, 2012) —, ‘How molecular motors extract order from chaos’, Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 79, 032601 (2016) William Lanouette and Bela Silard, Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilárd, the Man behind the Bomb (University of Chicago Press, 1994) C. H. Lineweaver, P. C. W. Davies and M. Ruse (eds.), Complexity and the Arrow of Time (Cambridge University Press, 2013) Norman MacRae, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More (American Mathematical Society; 2nd edn, 1999) J. P. S. Peterson et al., ‘Experimental demonstration of information to energy conversion in a quantum system at the Landauer limit’, Proceedings of The Royal Society A, vol. 472, issue 2188 (2016): 20150813 Takahiro Sagawa, ‘Thermodynamic and logical reversibilities revisited’, Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2014); doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/03/P03025 Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman, A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age (Simon and Schuster, 2017) 3.
Sun in a Bottle: The Strange History of Fusion and the Science of Wishful Thinking
Charles Seife
Published 27 Oct 2009
New York Times, 29 January 1958. ———. “British-U.S. Data on Hydrogen Due.” New York Times, 13 January 1958. ———. “Briton 90% Sure Fusion Occurred.” New York Times, 25 January 1958. ———. “Butler Affirms Atom Fusion Lead.” New York Times, 31 January 1958. ———. “H-Bomb Untamed, Britain Admits.” New York Times, 17 May 1958. Macrae, Norman. John von Neumann. New York: Pantheon, 1992. Maddox, John. “What to Say about Cold Fusion.” Nature 338 (27 April 1989): 701. Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980. Public Law 96-386 (7 October 1980). Malakoff, David. “DOE Slams Livermore for Hiding NIF Problems.” Science 285 (10 September 1999): 1647.
Singularity Rising: Surviving and Thriving in a Smarter, Richer, and More Dangerous World
James D. Miller
Published 14 Jun 2012
Lubinski, David, Rose Mary Webb, Martha J. Morelock, and Camilla Persson Benbow. 2001. “Top 1 in 10,000: A 10-Year Follow-Up of the Profoundly Gifted.” Journal of Applied Psychology 86 (4): 718—29. Lynn, Richard, and Gerhard Meisenberg. 2010. “National IQs Calculated and Validated for 108 Nations. ”Intelligence 38 (4): 353—60. Macrae, Norman. 1992. John Von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More. New York: Pantheon Books. Martini, Ron. 2001. Hot Straight and Normal: A Submarine Bibliography. Lincoln, NE: iUniverse. Miller, James D. October 2, 2007. “A Thousand Chinese Einsteins Every Year.”
The Rise and Decline of Nations: Economic Growth, Stagflation, and Social Rigidities
Mancur Olson
XVII When we look at cities and metropolitan areas we see the same tendency for relative decline in the places that have had the longest time to accumulate special-interest groups. The best-known manifestation of this and of the ungovernability brought about by dense networks of such coalitions is the bankruptcy that New York City would have suffered in the absence of special loan guarantees from the federal government. Interestingly, Norman Macrae of the Economist was sufficiently impressed by the parallels between his own country and New York City that he wrote a section entitled "Little Britain in New York" in his book on the United States.44 But New York is only a prototypical case. As Felix Rohatyn has pointed out, all the great cities to the north and east of a crescent extending from just south of Baltimore to just west of St.
When Einstein Walked With Gödel: Excursions to the Edge of Thought
Jim Holt
Published 14 May 2018
David Leavitt, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer (Norton, 2006). Martin Davis, Engines of Logic: Mathematics and the Origin of the Computer (Norton, 2000). 16. DR. STRANGELOVE MAKES A THINKING MACHINE George Dyson, Turing’s Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (Pantheon, 2012). Norman MacRae, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More (Pantheon, 1992). 17. SMARTER, HAPPIER, MORE PRODUCTIVE Nicholas Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (Norton, 2010). Steven Johnson, Everything Bad Is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture Is Actually Making Us Smarter (Riverhead, 2006).
The Information: A History, a Theory, a Flood
James Gleick
Published 1 Mar 2011
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions. Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston, 1850. MacKay, David J. C. Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. MacKay, Donald M. Information, Mechanism, and Meaning. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1969. Macrae, Norman. John Von Neumann: The Scientific Genius Who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence, and Much More. New York: Pantheon, 1992. Macray, William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1598–1867. London: Rivingtons, 1868. Mancosu, Paolo. From Brouwer to Hilbert: The Debate on the Foundations of Mathematics in the 1920s.
The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
Walter Isaacson
Published 6 Oct 2014
Jean Jennings Bartik and Betty Snyder Holberton oral history, Smithsonian, Apr. 27, 1973. 54. McCartney, ENIAC, 116. 55. Jean Jennings Bartik and Betty Snyder Holberton oral history, Smithsonian, Apr. 27, 1973. 56. Dyson, Turing’s Cathedral, 53. 57. Burks, Who Invented the Computer?, 161; Norman Macrae, John von Neumann (American Mathematical Society, 1992), 281. 58. Ritchie, The Computer Pioneers, 178. 59. Presper Eckert oral history, conducted by Nancy Stern, Charles Babbage Institute, Oct. 28, 1977; Dyson, Turing’s Cathedral, 1952. 60. John von Neumann, “First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC,” U.S.