description: a computer scientist known for his contributions to the development of the Exim mail transfer agent.
2 results
Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent
Philip Hazel
Published 7 Jul 2001
The output is a list of how the address would be transformed by the general rewriting rules for each of the different places it might appear; that is, for each different header line and for the envelope sender and recipient fields. For example: exim -brw ph10@workshop.exim.example might produce the output: sender: from: to: cc: bcc: reply-to: env-from: env-to: Philip.Hazel@exim.example Philip.Hazel@exim.example ph10@workshop.exim.example ph10@workshop.exim.example ph10@workshop.exim.example Philip.Hazel@exim.example Philip.Hazel@exim.example ph10@workshop.exim.example which shows that general rewriting has been set up for that address when used in any of the source fields, but not when it appears as a recipient address. If the S flag is set for any rewriting rules, another line is added to the output, showing the rewriting that would occur at SMTP time. 9 October 2001 09:11 15 Authentication, Encryption, and Other SMTP Processing We mention SMTP authentication and encryption in earlier chapters, and also mention several aspects of the other processing that happens when Exim sends or receives messages using SMTP.
,Title.10724 Page 1 Tuesday, October 9, 2001 9:25 AM Exim The Mail Transfer Agent ,Title.10724 Page 2 Tuesday, October 9, 2001 9:25 AM ,Title.10724 Page 3 Tuesday, October 9, 2001 9:25 AM Exim The Mail Transfer Agent Philip Hazel Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Paris • Sebastopol • Taipei • Tokyo ,Copyright.10561 Page 1 Tuesday, October 9, 2001 9:25 AM Exim: The Mail Transfer Agent by Philip Hazel Copyright © 2001 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly & Associates, Inc., 101 Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Editor: Andy Oram Production Editor: Mary Brady Cover Designer: Ellie Volckhausen Printing History: June 2001: First Edition.
If the result of the query contains more than one field, the data for each field in the row is returned, preceded by its name, so the result of the following: select home,name from userdata where id=’ph10’ might be: home=/home/ph10 name="Philip Hazel" Values containing spaces and empty values are double-quoted, with embedded quotes escaped by backslash. If the result of the query contains just one field, the value is passed back verbatim without a field name, for example: Philip Hazel If the result of the query yields more than one row, it is all concatenated, with a newline between the data for each row. Before it can use MySQL or PostgreSQL lookups, Exim has to be told where the relevant servers are.
From Punched Cards To Flat Screens: A Technical Autobiography
Philip Hazel
Published 11 Aug 2017
From Punched Cards To Flat Screens A Technical Autobiography Philip Hazel From Punched Cards To Flat Screens Author: Philip Hazel Copyright © 2017 Philip Hazel Revision 0.03 11 August 2017 This memoir is published online under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives licence. You may download the PDF and share it with others as long as you make no changes, nor use the contents commercially. The following are links to a summary of the licence and to the licence itself, respectively: Contents Preface ......................................................................................................................... v 1.