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pages: 792 words: 48,468

Tcl/Tk, Second Edition: A Developer's Guide
by Clif Flynt
Published 18 May 2003

Your script can use whatever method is necessary to acquire the image data: load it from the web, extract it from a database, code it into the script, and so on. The requirements for handling hypertext links are similar. A browser will download a hypertext link from a remote site, a hypertext on-line help will load help files, and a hypertext GUI to a database engine might generate SQL queries. When a user clicks on a hypertext link, the html_library invokes the user-supplied procedure HMlink_callback to process the request. Note that you must source html_library.tcl before you define your callback procedures.

. # handle A handle to return to the html library with # the image handle # src The description of the image from: # <IMG src=XX> # # Results # This example creates a hard-coded image. and then invokes # HMgot_image with the handle for that image. proc HMset_image {win handle src {speed {0}}} { global logo puts "HMset_image was invoked with WIN:\ $win HANDLE: $handle SRC: $src" # In a real application this would parse the src, and load the # appropriate image data. set img [image create photo -data $logo] HMgot_image $handle $img return "" } text .t -height 6 -width 50 pack .t 411 412 Chapter 11 The text Widget and htmllib HMinit_win .t HMparse_html $HTMLtxt "HMrender .t" Script Output HMset_image was invoked with WIN: .t HANDLE: .t.9 SRC: logo The html_library uses a technique similar to the image callback procedures to resolve hypertext links. When a user clicks on a hypertext link, the parsing engine invokes a procedure named HMlink_callback with the name of the text window and the content of the href=value field. The html_library provides a dummy HMlink_callback that does nothing. An application must provide its own HMlink_callback procedure to resolve hypertext links. Syntax: HMlink_callback win href A procedure that is called from the html_library package when a user clicks on an <A href=value> field. win The text widget in which the new text can be rendered.

</CENTER> </BODY> </HTML> } # Create the text window for this display text .t -height 5 -width 60 -background white pack .t # Initialize the html_library package and display the text. HMinit_win .t HMparse_html $HTMLText1 "HMrender .t" Script Output HMlink_callback was invoked with win: .t href: HTMLText2 Before clicking a hypertext link Clicking this line will select text 2. Clicking this line will select text 3. After clicking top hypertext link This is text 2. 11.4.3 Interactive Help with the text Widget and htmllib The next example shows how you can use the text widget bind command, an associative array, and the html library to create a text window in which a user can click on a word to get help.

pages: 481 words: 121,669

The Invisible Web: Uncovering Information Sources Search Engines Can't See
by Gary Price , Chris Sherman and Danny Sullivan
Published 2 Jan 2003

Prior to the Web, accessing files on the Internet was a challenging task, requiring specialized knowledge and skills. The Web made it easy to retrieve a wide variety of files, including text, images, audio, and video by the simple mechanism of clicking a hypertext link. 1 2 The Invisible Web DEFINITION Hypertext A system that allows computerized objects (text, images, sounds, etc.) to be linked together. A hypertext link points to a specific object, or a specific place with a text; clicking the link opens the file associated with the object. The primary focus of this book is on the Web—and more specifically, the parts of the Web that search engines can’t see.

To make the client simple and platform independent, Berners-Lee created HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, which was a dramatically simplified version of a text formatting language called SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). All Web documents formatted with HTML tags would display identically on any computer in the world. Next, he created the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the set of rules that computers would use to communicate over the Internet and allow hypertext links to automatically retrieve documents regardless of their location. He also devised the Universal Resource Identifier, a standard way of giving documents on the Internet a unique address (what we call URLs today). Finally, he brought all of the pieces together in the form of a Web server, which stored HTML documents and served them to other computers making HTTP requests for documents with URLs.

In examining the strengths and weaknesses of each approach, you’ll understand how general-purpose information-seeking tools work—an essential foundation for later understanding why they cannot fully access the riches of the Invisible Web. Browsing vs. Searching There are two fundamental methods for finding information on the Web: browsing and searching. Browsing is the process of following a hypertext trail of links created by other Web users. A hypertext link is a pointer to another document, image, or other object on the Web. The words making up the link are the title or description of the document that you will retrieve by clicking the link. By its very nature, browsing the Web is both easy and intuitive. Searching, on the other hand, relies on powerful software that seeks to match the keywords you specify with the most relevant documents on the Web.

pages: 720 words: 197,129

The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
by Walter Isaacson
Published 6 Oct 2014

Envisioned by Bush in his description of a memex machine, it was named in 1963 by the tech visionary Ted Nelson, who dreamed up a brilliantly ambitious project called Xanadu, never brought to fruition, in which all pieces of information would be published with two-way hypertext links to and from related information. Hypertext was a way to allow the connections that were at the core of Berners-Lee’s Enquire program to proliferate like rabbits; anyone could link to documents on other computers, even those with different operating systems, without asking permission. “An Enquire program capable of external hypertext links was the difference between imprisonment and freedom,” he exulted. “New webs could be made to bind different computers together.”

The word intimate was important. Bush and his followers focused on ways to make close, personal connections between man and machine. Bush imagined that the device would have a “direct entry” mechanism, such as a keyboard, so you could put information and your records into its memory. He even predicted hypertext links, file sharing, and ways to collaborate on projects. “Wholly new forms of encyclopedias will appear, ready made with a mesh of associative trails running through them, ready to be dropped into the memex and there amplified,” he wrote, anticipating Wikipedia by a half century. As it turned out, computers did not emerge the way that Bush envisioned, at least not initially.

Over the next six years, culminating in 1968, Engelbart went on to devise a full-fledged augmentation system that he called “oNLine System,” or NLS. In addition to the mouse, it included many other advances that led to the personal computer revolution: on-screen graphics, multiple windows on a screen, digital publishing, blog-like journals, wiki-like collaborations, document sharing, email, instant messaging, hypertext linking, Skype-like videoconferencing, and the formatting of documents. One of his technocharged protégés, Alan Kay, who would later advance each of these ideas at Xerox PARC, said of Engelbart, “I don’t know what Silicon Valley will do when it runs out of Doug’s ideas.”38 THE MOTHER OF ALL DEMOS Engelbart was more into Greek folk dances than Trips Festivals, but he had gotten to know Stewart Brand when they experimented with LSD at the same lab.

pages: 371 words: 93,570

Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet
by Claire L. Evans
Published 6 Mar 2018

“Hypertext” is not a word we use frequently today, but much of the Web is built from these hypertext documents: structured pages of text, images, and video dotted with clickable links connecting individual points to one another. Those connections don’t just influence how we navigate the Web—Google built its empire on a search engine that brought up Web pages with the highest number and quality of hypertext links—but how we communicate with one another, and ultimately how we understand the world. In a way, it’s fundamental. The Talmud is a hypertext, with layers of annotations arranged in concentric rectangles around a theological heart. Any text referencing another is considered a form of hypertext: sequels, which begin where the last page of the previous book left off; footnotes; endnotes; marginalia; and parenthetical asides.

NoteCards, the first system Cathy worked on at Xerox PARC, was modeled after the kinds of old-school writing techniques about which we’d soon find ourselves debating the relative merits. The software emulated “the way you wrote papers when you were in junior high: with notecards and file boxes.” Using hypertext links, users could chain their cards into complex collections, sequences, and mental maps, modeling their thought processes and making it easier for others to understand their conclusions. NoteCards wasn’t a writing tool, and it wasn’t an information browser like Microcosm, either. When pressed, Cathy calls it an “idea processor.”

Nobody had ever produced anything like Cyber Rag or Electronic Hollywood. There had been some interactive HyperCard stacks, downloadable from BBSs, and a few interactive art disks for Commodore Amiga. But Jaime’s disks, packaged on floppy, were accessible to anyone with a Mac, and with their hypertext links and interactive animations, they were exactly like Web sites—long before the Web existed. Although she had a day job as a typesetter, she distributed Electronic Hollywood to indie book and record stores, where they routinely sold out. The novelty got her national media attention, which she leveraged into mail-order sales.

pages: 223 words: 52,808

Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (History of Computing)
by Douglas R. Dechow
Published 2 Jul 2015

I wanted the system to be able to automatically create links on keywords in the application such as linking the names of key characters mentioned in the Mountbatten archives to their biographies or to a photograph. We called these generic links and they became a significant feature of Microcosm. Ted said we should have called them something other than links, as a generic link didn’t fit his definition of a hypertext link, but by the time Ted saw Microcosm it was too late to change the naming of the links. Microcosm was an open hypermedia system in that all the links were stored in a database as first-class entities that could be reasoned about and applied to any document. Each link was a triple that consisted of a source, a destination and a description.

There are a lot of different people with the name Mountbatten in the Mountbatten archive for example. So working out the context in which the link was being applied and therefore the meaning of the word became a key focus of our work: problems we are still dealing with as the Semantic Web develops today. We did also have specific links in Microcosm that were more like standard hypertext links because they were embedded in the documents and represented to the user through highlighted buttons, and you could trace them backwards though the link database or linkbase as we called it. But the really novel idea was the generic links that were stored in a separable hyper-structure and created on the fly.

pages: 187 words: 55,801

The New Division of Labor: How Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market
by Frank Levy and Richard J. Murnane
Published 11 Apr 2004

Each module contains one or more Management Quick Views, short summaries of best practice strategies for commonly occurring tasks such as running a meeting, conducting an employee evaluation, and coaching an employee. A typical Quick View contains a description of the basics, answers to frequently asked questions, “Tips and Traps,” and hypertext links to sites providing additional information. Each module ends with a brief multiple-choice mastery test to be completed on-line and sent electronically to an IBM site for scoring. The test is “open-book,” and the new manager may take it as often as necessary to achieve a passing score. Scores are returned electronically in a few hours.

In designing Basic Blue, IBM’s management development team used web-based technology in five ways: • to convey text-based training materials, including company poli• • • • cies and tips on managing the IBM way; to keep track of new managers’ progress in studying these materials; to create virtual collaboration forums in which new managers in the same training cohort could discuss training material and tests; to provide hypertext links to fully documented company policies providing greater detail than the training course materials; and to provide interactive text-based simulations that offered new managers opportunities to apply IBM policies to specific management challenges such as evaluating and coaching direct reports. Through these applications, the management design team was applying an idea we have seen in other settings: let computers carry out rulesbased tasks and shift human work—in this case, the teacher’s work in the classroom—to tasks involving requesting, interpreting, and conveying complex information, all of which involve pattern recognition.

pages: 413 words: 119,587

Machines of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots
by John Markoff
Published 24 Aug 2015

He thought the time was right to build an interactive system to capture knowledge and organize information in such a way that it would now be possible for a small group of people—scientists, engineers, educators—to create and collaborate more effectively. By this time Engelbart had already invented the computer mouse as a control device and had also conceived of the idea of hypertext links that would decades later become the foundation for the modern World Wide Web. Moreover, like Duvall, he was an outsider within the insular computer science world that worshipped theory and abstraction as fundamental to science. Artificial intelligence pioneer Charles Rosen with Shakey, the first autonomous robot.

All of a sudden a confused world of multiple languages and computer protocols were all connected in an electronic Tower of Babel. When the World Wide Web first emerged, it offered a universal mechanism for easily retrieving documents via the Internet. The Web was loosely based on the earlier work of Doug Engelbart and Ted Nelson in the 1960s, who had independently pioneered the idea of hypertext linking, making it possible to easily access information stored in computer networks. The Web rapidly became a medium for connecting anyone to anything in the 1990s, offering a Lego-like way to link information, computers, and people. Ontologies offered a more powerful way to exchange any kind of information by combining the power of a global digital library with the ability to label information “objects.”

., 340 Heims, Steven, 75 Hendrix, Gary, 135 Herr, Bill, 78 Hewitt, Carl, 175 Hewlett-Packard, 255, 291 Hillis, Danny, 119 Hinton, Geoffrey, 143–156, 151 Hoaloha Robotics, 330–332 Hoefler, Don, 178 Hoffman, Reid, 295–296 Homebrew Computer Club, 197, 210–211 Hopfield, John, 145 Hopfield Network, 145, 149 Horvitz, Eric, xiii, 215–220, 336 How to Create a Mind (Kurzweil), 85, 154 “How to NOT Build a Terminator” (Arkin), 333–335 Hubbard, G. Scott, 168 Hughes, Kevin, 290–291 Hughes Corp., 126 Humanoids 2013, 333–335 Human Use of Human Beings, The (Wiener), 8, 70, 98 HyperDoc, 298 Hypermail, 290–292 hypertext links, invention of, 6 IBM, 109, 138, 225–226 Illich, Ivan, 213–215 Inaba, Masayuki, 244 Industrial Perception, 241–244, 269–270 Infocom, 224 Inoue, Hirochika, 244 Instagram, 83 Intel Corp., 95, 178, 260–265 Intellicorp, 128 intelligence augmentation (IA) versus AI, 159–194 agent-based interfaces and, 187–194 autonomous cars and, 24, 62 ethical issues of, 332–341, 342–344 Gerald (digital light field), 271 Google founding and, 184–187 human-computer interaction, 11–18 human-in-the-loop debates, 158–165, 167–169, 335 IA, defined, xii, 5–7, 31, 115, 141 McCarthy’s and Engelbart’s work compared, 165–167 paradoxical relationship between, xii–xiii Searle and, 179, 180–182 Siri and, 12–13, 31, 190, 193–194, 282 social construction of technology concept, xvii Winograd’s changed views about, 170–178, 171, 182–187 intelligent cruise control, 43 intelligent elevator, 215 International Federation of Robotics (IFR), 87 Internet advent of, 7 ARPAnet as precursor to, 164, 196 Internet of Things, xv, 193 neural network advancement and, 151 photographic film industry and, 83–84 search engine optimization, 86 “Third Industrial Revolution,” 88, 89 Web 2.0, 295 World Wide Web development, 140, 288–290 Interval Research Corporation, 213, 267, 268 Intraspect, 292–295 Intuitive Surgical, 271 iRobot, 203 Jennings, Ken, 225, 226 Jobs, Steve, 13, 35, 112, 131, 194, 214, 241, 281–282, 320–323 Johns Hopkins University, 145 Johnson, Lyndon B., 73 Joshi, Aravind Krishna, 132 Joy, Bill, 336, 343 Kaplan, Jerry, 27, 131–141 Kapor, Mitch, 140, 292 Kay, Alan, 7–8, 115, 120, 198–199, 306–310, 339–341 Kelley, David, 186 Kelly, Kevin, 17 Keynes, John Maynard, 74, 76, 326–327 Kittlaus, Dag, 310–323 Kiva Systems, 97–98, 206 knowledge acquisition problem, 287 knowledge-based systems, 285 knowledge engineering, 113, 128 Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (Stanford), 133–134 Knowledge Navigator, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318 Kodak, 83–84 Koller, Daphne, 265 Komisar, Randy, 341 Konolige, Kurt, 268–269 Kuffner, James, 43 Kurzweil, Ray, 84–85, 116, 119, 154, 208, 336 labor force, 65–94 aging of, 93–94, 327 autonomous cars and, 25, 61–62 Brooks on, 204–208 Brynjolfsson and McAfee on, 79–80, 82–83 cybernation revolution, 73–74 deskilling of, 80–82 economic change and, 77–79, 83–84 for elder care, 236–237, 245, 327–332 growth of, xv, 10, 80–81, 326–327 Industrial Perception robots and, 241–244, 269–270 lights-out factories and, 65–68, 66, 90, 104, 206 Moravec on, 122–123 recession of 2008 and, 77–78, 325 Rifkin on automation and, 76–77 Shockley on, 97 singularity hypothesis and, 9–10, 84–94 technological unemployment, 16–18, 76–77, 104, 211 technology and displacement of, 16–18 unions and, 325–326 Wiener on, 8, 68–76 Labor-Science-Education Association, 70, 73 Lamond, Pierre, 129–130 lane-keeping software, 49, 51 language and speech recognition. see also Siri (Apple) chatbot technology, 221–225, 304 early neural network research, 146–148 Eliza, 14, 113, 172–174, 221 Hearsay-II, 282–283 natural language work by Kaplan, 135 semantic autocomplete, 284 semantic understanding, 156 Shakey and, 2 SHRDLU, 132, 170–172, 174–178 Siri’s development and, 12–13, 15, 280 (see also Siri [Apple]) software agents, 193 Lanier, Jaron, 82–83 Leach, Edmund, 90 LeCun, Yann, 148–152, 151, 156–158 Lederberg, Joshua, 113 Legg, Shane, 337–338 Leonard, John, 55 Lerner, Sandy, 134 Levandowski, Anthony, 45 Levy, Frank, 10 Lexus, 57 Licklider, J.

pages: 329 words: 88,954

by Steven Johnson

It’s saying that there’s a relationship between the site you’re currently visiting and the sites listed on the pull-down menu. The clusters that form via Alexa are clusters of association, and the links between them are not unlike the traditional links of hypertext. Think about the semantics of a hypertext link embedded in an online article: when you see that link, you don’t translate it as “If you like this sentence, you’ll like this page as well.” The link isn’t recommending another page; it’s pointing out that there’s a relationship between the sentence you’re reading and the page at the other end of the link.

Where the Flowers affair was a case of runaway positive feedback, the tyranny of the crank results from a scarcity of feedback: a system where the information flows are unidirectional, where the audience is present and at the same time invisible. These liabilities run parallel to the problems of one-way linking that we saw in the previous chapter. Hypertext links and virtual communities were supposed to be the advance guard of the interactive revolution, but in a real sense they only got halfway to the promised land. (Needless to say, the ants were there millions of years ago.) And if the cranks and obsessive-compulsives flourish in a small-scale online community of several thousand members, imagine the anarchy and noise generated by a million community members.

pages: 224 words: 12,941

From Gutenberg to Google: electronic representations of literary texts
by Peter L. Shillingsburg
Published 15 Jan 2006

The verbal or lexical part of texts can be maintained cheaply and in small spaces and related texts can be displayed in close proximity. Electronic archives make possible this proximity even of unique material exemplars held separately in archives scattered to the four corners of the earth. Specialized programs for comparing texts have been developed, and hypertext links for variant texts can be created. The list of programs and products that electronic texts have achieved already is mind-boggling and impressive. There has yet to be created, however, an environment or interface for text handling and display that integrates the capabilities needed for a comprehensive electronic scholarly edition/archive.

To these one can add the many problems entailed in developing or learning a text-encoding system that will overcome the problems of new developing and evolving hardware and software. And it has been necessary for scholarly editors also to devote a great deal of attention to design: What shall the screen page look like? How shall hypertext links look and work? How should windows pop up and disappear or fade into the background? How shall we incorporate sound and motion in our texts? Where are the boundaries between scholarly editing, archiving, and pedagogy? Or are those boundaries disappearing? These important concerns are likely to continue to absorb a great deal of attention, and we must not be distracted from them by temptations to scream out against the rapid proliferation of unreliable texts prepared (loosely speaking) by people who have not bothered to think long or hard about textual matters.

pages: 153 words: 27,424

REST API Design Rulebook
by Mark Masse
Published 19 Oct 2011

See Media Type Schema Design for more detail. Rule: The query component of a URI should be used to embed linked resources In his “Commentary on Web Architecture,” Tim Berners-Lee pointed out that there are two types of links: Basic HTML has three ways of linking to other material on the web: the hypertext link from an anchor (HTML “A” element), the general link with no specific source anchor within the document (HTML “LINK” element), and embedded objects and images (IMG and OBJECT). Let’s call A and LINK “normal” links, as they are visible to the user as a traversal between two documents. We’ll call the thing between a document and an embedded image or object or subdocument “embedding” links.

pages: 323 words: 95,939

Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now
by Douglas Rushkoff
Published 21 Mar 2013

Whichever program’s window we may have open at the moment is the digital version of now, without context or placement in the timeline. The future on a blog is not to one side, but above—in the as-yet-unposted potential. The past isn’t to the other side, but down, in and among older posts. Or over there, at the next hypertext link. What is next does not unfold over time, but is selected as part of a sequence. In this context, digiphrenia comes from confusing chronos with kairos. It happens when we accept the digital premise that every moment must potentially consist of a decision point or a new branch. We live perched atop the static points of chronos, suffering from the vertigo of no temporal context.

Without the possibility of a throughline we’re left to make sense of things the way a character comes to great recognitions on a postnarrative TV show like Lost or The Wire: by making connections. While we may blame the Internet for the ease with which conspiracy theories proliferate, the net is really much more culpable for the way it connects everything to almost everything else. The hypertext link, as we used to call it, allows any fact or idea to become intimately connected with any other. New content online no longer requires new stories or information, just new ways of linking things to other things. Or as the social networks might put it to you, “Jane is now friends with Tom.” The connection has been made; the picture is getting more complete.

pages: 394 words: 108,215

What the Dormouse Said: How the Sixties Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer Industry
by John Markoff
Published 1 Jan 2005

Some of the team even mastered the art of typing using the chord-key set exclusively—one young programmer was able to type more than fifty words per minute. To a world that would not see the introduction of the IBM Correcting Selectric II typewriter until 1973, it made for a stunning display of text editing at hyperspeed. The Augment system eventually offered word processing, outline editing, hypertext linking, teleconferencing, electronic mail, a windowing display, online help, and a consistent user interface. In trying to convey its significance, some have attempted to draw parallels between it and integrated software packages such as Microsoft Office, which appeared in the 1980s. However, the scope and vision of Engelbart’s system was vastly broader, and it was created as part of a project that would eventually blend with the ARPAnet as a community of technical researchers.

In the darkened Brooks Hall Auditorium in San Francisco, all the seats were filled, and people lined the walls. On the giant screen at his back, Engelbart demonstrated a system that seemed like science fiction to a data-processing world reared on punched cards and typewriter terminals. In one stunning ninety-minute session, he showed how it was possible to edit text on a display screen, to make hypertext links from one electronic document to another, and to mix text and graphics, and even video and graphics. He also sketched out a vision of an experimental computer network to be called ARPAnet and suggested that within a year he would be able to give the same demonstration remotely to locations across the country.

pages: 163 words: 47,912

A Short History of Russia
by Mark Galeotti
Published 1 May 2020

In the Russian Far East, a flood of Chinese money is reshaping whole cities and regional economies. As one Russian scholar told me of his students, “They learn English because of the heart, Chinese because of the head.” Nor are all the influences played out in the physical geographies of Russia. The palimpsest is acquiring hypertext, links into cyberspace in which information and cultural influence flow freely back and forth. Three-quarters of Russians regularly use the internet, and they use it as much as the average American. Many get their news online from foreign sources, watch videos from abroad and, as importantly, form online communities that cross borders.

pages: 494 words: 142,285

The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World
by Lawrence Lessig
Published 14 Jul 2001

The computers simply could not communicate with each other.49 Berners-Lee thus began to think about a system to enable linking among documents—through a process called “hypertext”—and to build this linking on top of the protocols of the Internet. His ideal was a space where any document in principle could be linked to any other and where any document published was available to anyone. The components of this vision were nothing new. Hypertext—links from one document to another—had been born with Vannevar Bush,50 and made famous by Bill Atkinson's HyperCard on the Apple Macintosh. The world where documents could all link to each other was the vision of Robert Fano in an early article in the Proceedings of the IEEE. 51 But Berners-Lee put these ideas together using the underlying protocol of the Internet.

And by 1999, many were beginning to be approved in a way that surprised the industry. Applications for computer-related business methods jumped from about 1,000 in 1997 to over 2,500 in 1999.88 High on that list was the Amazon 1-Click patent, but also on the list were Price-line.com's reverse auction patent, and British Telecom's claim that it owned the invention of hypertext links (and hence the World Wide Web!).89 In all these cases, the question the monopoly-granting body asked was simply this: Was this sort of “invention” sufficiently like others that were the subject of patents? If so, then the patent was granted for this field of innovation. Economists, however, are likely to ask a much different question.

pages: 483 words: 145,225

Rebel Code: Linux and the Open Source Revolution
by Glyn Moody
Published 14 Jul 2002

“You could request articles from it, and they would send those articles out. I came in and upgraded that to a Gopher server that also happened coincidentally to do this thing called HTTP, which no one really knew much about at that point.” Gophers, a series of nested menus as opposed to the Web’s hypertext links, were an alternative way to navigate through information on the Internet. In his book, Berners-Lee suggests that one reason that the Gopher system failed to take off as the Web did was because the University of Minnesota, where Gopher had been developed, decided to ask for a license fee from some users instead of releasing it freely as he had.

The following day, Berners-Lee told the members of the list that somebody called Dan Connolly was working on an X11 browser; that is, software to access the Web that made use of the X Window system, also known as X11. Berners-Lee had written a line browser capable of displaying lines of text along with any hypertext links they contained. This approach was acceptable in the early days because there were no graphics in Web pages. His program ran on the NeXT computer—the machine that Steve Jobs had created after he had been ousted from Apple—which had a small following and employed idiosyncratic software. Berners-Lee was therefore keen to develop a version that ran using the X11 system; this was widely used throughout the Unix community and such a browser would broaden the constituency of the Web considerably.

pages: 207 words: 52,716

Capitalism 3.0: A Guide to Reclaiming the Commons
by Peter Barnes
Published 29 Sep 2006

Then join or build an organization to revive it. If you want a role model, consider Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor and promoter of the World Wide Web. Berners-Lee was a programmer at CERN, the European high-energy physics lab, when he had an idea to simplify the Internet through hypertext. Readers of an Internet page would simply click on a hypertext link and be transported automatically to another page, anywhere in the world. No more clunky protocols only geeks understand. Just one seamless information space, freely accessible to all. Berners-Lee wrote the codes for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). More importantly, he persuaded CERN to release them into the world with no patents, licenses, or other strings attached.

pages: 204 words: 58,565

Keeping Up With the Quants: Your Guide to Understanding and Using Analytics
by Thomas H. Davenport and Jinho Kim
Published 10 Jun 2013

Team B used a very simple algorithm, but they added in additional data beyond the Netflix set: information about movie genres from the Internet Movie Database (IMDB). Guess which team did better? Team B got much better results, close to the best results on the Netflix leaderboard!!9 Rajaraman also notes in the same blog post that a new data source—hypertext links—was the primary factor differentiating Google’s search algorithm from previous search engine services, which used only the text of the Web pages. In its highly lucrative AdWords advertising algorithm, Google also added some additional data that no one else was using at the time: the click-through rate on each advertiser’s ad.

pages: 255 words: 68,829

How PowerPoint Makes You Stupid
by Franck Frommer
Published 6 Oct 2010

In the beginning, there was an ingenious program created in the 1980s by the first of the West Coast geeks. This precursor made it possible to produce organized, easy-to-use multimedia presentations simply and quickly. They could include animation, illustrations, photographs, sound, video, and hypertext links. It was already a complete and universal tool “to create dynamic and snappy presentations,” as the official site for PowerPoint still asserts. At first, PowerPoint was intended primarily for office meetings or for the presentation of products and services. As it improved over time, the program acquired graphic and multimedia capabilities that opened the door to new territories: technological innovation made it possible with a few clicks and bullet points to adapt and simplify centuries of rhetorical art.

pages: 666 words: 181,495

In the Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives
by Steven Levy
Published 12 Apr 2011

He tried the search engines at the time—AltaVista, Excite, Lycos—and found them ineffectual and spam-ridden. One day in April 1996 he was at an academic conference. Bored by the presentation, he began to ponder how search engines could be improved. He realized that the Science Citation Index phenomenon could be applied to the Internet. The hypertext link could be regarded as a citation! “When I returned home, I started to write this down and realized it was revolutionary,” he says. He devised a search approach that calculated relevance from both the frequency of links and the content of anchor text. He called his system RankDex. When he described his scheme to his boss at Dow Jones, urging the company to apply for a patent, he was at first encouraged, then disappointed when nothing happened.

., 140 Playboy, 153–54, 155 pornography, blocking, 54, 97, 108, 173, 174 Postini, 241 Pregibon, Daryl, 118–19 Premium Sunset, 109, 112–13, 115 privacy: and Book Settlement, 363 and browsers, 204–12, 336–37 and email, 170–78, 211–12, 378 and Google’s policies, 10, 11, 145, 173–75, 333–35, 337–40 and Google Street View, 340–43 and government fishing expeditions, 173 and interest-based ads, 263, 334–36 and security breach, 268 and social networking, 378–79, 383 and surveillance, 343 Privacy International, 176 products: beta versions of, 171 “dogfooding,” 216 Google neglect of, 372, 373–74, 376, 381 in GPS meetings, 6, 135, 171 machine-driven, 207 marketing themselves, 77, 372 speed required in, 186 Project Database (PDB), 164 property law, 6, 360 Python, 18, 37 Qiheng, Hu, 277 Queiroz, Mario, 230 Rainert, Alex, 373, 374 Rajaram, Gokul, 106 Rakowski, Brian, 161 Randall, Stephen, 153 RankDex, 27 Rasmussen, Lars, 379 Red Hat, 78 Reese, Jim, 181–84, 187, 195, 196, 198 Reeves, Scott, 153 Rekhi, Manu, 373 Reyes, George, 70, 148 Richards, Michael, 251 robotics, 246, 351, 385 Romanos, Jack, 356 Rosenberg, Jonathan, 159–60, 281 Rosenstein, Justin, 369 Rosing, Wayne, 44, 55, 82, 155, 158–59, 186, 194, 271 Rubin, Andy, 135, 213–18, 220, 221–22, 226, 227–30, 232 Rubin, Robert, 148 Rubinson, Barry, 20–21 Rubinstein, Jon, 221 Sacca, Chris, 188–94 Salah, George, 84, 128, 129, 132–33, 166 Salinger Group, The, 190–91 Salton, Gerard, 20, 24, 40 Samsung, 214, 217 Samuelson, Pamela, 362, 365 Sandberg, Sheryl, 175, 257 and advertising, 90, 97, 98, 99, 107 and customer support, 231 and Facebook, 259, 370 Sanlu Group, 297–98 Santana, Carlos, 238 Schillace, Sam, 201–3 Schmidt, Eric, 107, 193 and advertising, 93, 95–96, 99, 104, 108, 110, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118, 337 and antitrust issues, 345 and Apple, 218, 220, 236–37 and applications, 207, 240, 242 and Book Search, 350, 351, 364 and China, 267, 277, 279, 283, 288–89, 305, 310–11, 313, 386 and cloud computing, 201 and financial issues, 69–71, 252, 260, 376, 383 and Google culture, 129, 135, 136, 364 and Google motto, 145 and growth, 165, 271 and IPO, 147–48, 152, 154, 155–57 on lawsuits, 328–29 and management, 4, 80–83, 110, 158–60, 165, 166, 242, 254, 255, 273, 386, 387 and Obama, 316–17, 319, 321, 346 and privacy, 175, 178, 383 and public image, 328 and smart phones, 216, 217, 224, 236 and social networking, 372 and taxes, 90 and Yahoo, 344, 345 and YouTube, 248–49, 260, 265 Schrage, Elliot, 285–87 Schroeder, Pat, 361 search: decoding the intent of, 59 failed, 60 freshness in, 42 Google as synonymous with, 40, 41, 42, 381 mobile, 217 organic results of, 85 in people’s brains, 67–68 real-time, 376 sanctity of, 275 statelessness of, 116, 332 verticals, 58 see also web searches search engine optimization (SEO), 55–56 search engines, 19 bigram breakage in, 51 business model for, 34 file systems for, 43–44 and hypertext link, 27, 37 information retrieval via, 27 and licensing fees, 77, 84, 95, 261 name detection in, 50–52 and relevance, 48–49, 52 signals to, 22 ultimate, 35 upgrades of, 49, 61–62 Search Engine Watch, 102 SearchKing, 56 SEC regulations, 149, 150–51, 152, 154, 156 Semel, Terry, 98 Sengupta, Caesar, 210 Seti, 65–67 Shah, Sonal, 321 Shapiro, Carl, 117 Shazeer, Noam, 100–102 Sheff, David, 153 Sherman Antitrust Act, 345 Shriram, Ram, 34, 72, 74, 79 Siao, Qiang, 277 Sidekick, 213, 226 signals, 21–22, 49, 59, 376 Silicon Graphics (SGI), 131–32 Silverstein, Craig, 13, 34, 35, 36, 43, 78, 125, 129, 139 Sina, 278, 288, 302 Singh, Sanjeev, 169–70 Singhal, Amit, 24, 40–41, 48–52, 54, 55, 58 Siroker, Dan, 319–21 skunkworks, 380–81 Skype, 233, 234–36, 322, 325 Slashdot, 167 Slim, Carlos, 166 SMART (Salton’s Magical Retriever of Text), 20 smart phones, 214–16, 217–22 accelerometers on, 226–28 carrier contracts for, 230, 231, 236 customer support for, 230–31, 232 direct to consumer, 230, 232 Nexus One, 230, 231–32 Smith, Adam, 360 Smith, Bradford, 333 Smith, Christopher, 284–86 Smith, Megan, 141, 158, 184, 258, 318, 350, 355–56 social graph, 374 social networking, 369–83 Sogou, 300 Sohu, 278, 300 Sony, 251, 264 Sooner (mobile operating system), 217, 220 Southworth, Lucinda, 254 spam, 53–57, 92, 241 Spector, Alfred, 65, 66–67 speech recognition, 65, 67 spell checking, 48 Spencer, Graham, 20, 28, 201, 375 spiders, 18, 19 Stanford University: and BackRub, 29–30 and Book Search, 357 Brin in, 13–14, 16, 17, 28, 29, 34 computer science program at, 14, 23, 27, 32 Digital Library Project, 16, 17 and Google, 29, 31, 32–33, 34 and MIDAS, 16 Page in, 12–13, 14, 16–17, 28, 29, 34 and Silicon Valley, 27–28 Stanley (robot), 246, 385 Stanton, Katie, 318, 321, 322, 323–25, 327 Stanton, Louis L., 251 State Department, U.S., 324–25 Steremberg, Alan, 18, 29 Stewart, Jon, 384 Stewart, Margaret, 207 Stricker, Gabriel, 186 Sullivan, Danny, 102 Sullivan, Stacy, 134, 140, 141, 143–44, 158–59 Summers, Larry, 90 Sun Microsystems, 28, 70 Swetland, Brian, 226, 228 Taco Town, 377 Tan, Chade-Meng, 135–36 Tang, Diane, 118 Taylor, Bret, 259, 370 Teetzel, Erik, 184, 197 Tele Atlas, 341 Tesla, Nikola, 13, 32, 106 Thompson, Ken, 241 3M, 124 Thrun, Sebastian, 246, 385–86 T-Mobile, 226, 227, 230 Tseng, Erick, 217, 227 Twentieth Century Fox, 249 Twitter, 309, 322, 327, 374–77, 387 Uline, 112 Universal Music Group, 261 Universal Search, 58–60, 294, 357 University of Michigan, 352–54, 357 UNIX, 54, 80 Upson, Linus, 210, 211–12 Upstartle, 201 Urchin Software, 114 users: in A/B tests, 61 data amassed about, 45–48, 59, 84, 144, 173–74, 180, 185, 334–37 feedback from, 65 focus on, 5, 77, 92 increasing numbers of, 72 predictive clues from, 66 and security breach, 268, 269 U.S.

pages: 193 words: 19,478

Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext
by Belinda Barnet
Published 14 Jul 2013

The system itself comprised text ‘areas’ that were of any length, expanding and contracting automatically to accommodate material. These areas were connected in two ways: by links and by branches. A link went from a point of departure in one area (signified by an asterisk) to an entrance point in another, or the same, area. The HES team used Ted Nelson’s concept of a hypertext link (though from Nelson’s perspective they ‘flattened’ this by making the jumps one-way). Doug Engelbart was incorporating the same idea into NLS independently. ‘I hadn’t heard of Engelbart. I hadn’t heard of Bush and Memex. That came quite a bit later,’ van Dam recalls (van Dam 1999). Links were intended to be optional paths within a body of text – from one place to another.

pages: 448 words: 84,462

Testing Extreme Programming
by Lisa Crispin and Tip House
Published 15 Apr 2003

On the other hand, you may find she isn't disposed to work with the executable format and you need to provide some other format for her to review and update. Spreadsheets are a good alternative format for presenting acceptance tests to a customer unwilling or unable to work with the executable tests. They're easy for just about anyone to maintain and manipulate, and they provide useful organizational features like hypertext linking and the ability to store more than one sheet in a workbook. Since you need to keep the spreadsheet and the executable test in sync, the two formats require a more or less one-to-one correspondence. We've found it feasible use a single spreadsheet workbook to correspond to the class and separate sheets within the workbook to correspond to the methods.

pages: 406 words: 88,820

Television disrupted: the transition from network to networked TV
by Shelly Palmer
Published 14 Apr 2006

Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial (HFC) A local cable TV or telephone distribution network. An HFC consists of fiber optic trunks ending at neighborhood nodes, with coaxial cable feeders and drop lines downstream of the nodes. Hybrid subscription A business model where subscribers pay for content but also see commercial advertising messages. Hyperlink a hypertext link or link in a graphic or text string which, when clicked, opens a new web page or jumps to a new location in the current page. Copyright © 2006, Shelly Palmer. All rights reserved. 13-Television.Glossary v2.qxd 3/20/06 7:29 AM Page 203 Hard Drive/Hard Disc – IP Bypass 203 Hypertext Any text within a document that is linked to another object in another location.

pages: 798 words: 240,182

The Transhumanist Reader
by Max More and Natasha Vita-More
Published 4 Mar 2013

First, I will discuss the four fundamental features – links, transclusion, versioning, and ­detectors. Marc Stiegler will then present an example using them. Then I will describe the remaining four features – permissions, reputation-based filtering, multimedia, and external transclusion, followed by some concluding remarks. Links Hypertext links are directly inspired by literary practice. Literature has many different kinds of links connecting documents into a vast web. Textual examples of these links include ­bibliographical references, marginal notes, quotation, footnotes, and Post-it notes. We propose to build engines of citation, so that people can navigate this vast web of literature at the click of a mouse.

Hyperlinks Because “nanotechnology” is now used by many to mean any technology approaching the nanometer scale, we have been forced to retreat to the term “molecular nanotechnology.” Hypertext terminology has gone through a drift similar to nanotech terminology. The Xanadu project is the one that coined the term “hypertext” and originated the notion of the hypertext “link.” However, because the term link has come to be viewed as something much less capable than what we meant by it, we are now calling it the hyperlink. The distinction between the link and the hyperlink is crucial for supporting active criticism in open media. Hyperlinks are fine-grained, bidirectional, and extrinsic.

pages: 360 words: 101,038

The Revenge of Analog: Real Things and Why They Matter
by David Sax
Published 8 Nov 2016

These are not technology driven reforms. Technology is at the periphery of reforms.” Noah characterizes the majority of educational technology tools as digital imitations of existing analog ones. An electronic textbook has the same content as the paper edition, and all its other features (live discussions, hypertext links, embedded videos) may look cool, but does nothing to improve learning and often just provides distractions and technical problems. “The ‘tech revolution’ in education is a bunch of people taking very rote versions of stuff, and making digital versions of it,” Noah said. The most commonly used math software presents the same quizzes as standard math textbooks, but on a screen, with quicker marking.

pages: 397 words: 102,910

The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet
by Justin Peters
Published 11 Feb 2013

In his proposal for Memex, Vannevar Bush advanced the idea that the associative trails between two disparate thoughts or facts could be captured and stored. The Web put a version of this idea into practice by allowing its users to link directly to other documents or websites: a feature called hypertext. The World Wide Web was modeled after an actual web, composed of threads—hypertext links—that spun out in all directions, connecting various far-flung nodes, or websites. Like its arachnoid namesake, the Web was good at drawing others in. As more and more people dialed online—especially after the 1993 release of Mosaic, the first visual Web browser—Project Gutenberg grew into an actual project involving more than just Michael Hart and his increasingly weary fingers.

pages: 511 words: 111,423

Learning SPARQL
by Bob Ducharme
Published 22 Jul 2011

This stylesheet converts the query result XML to the DITA representation of a table. Because SPARQL query results are already pretty tabular, most of the stylesheet’s template rules just map a single SPARQL result element to the appropriate DITA table element. The last one gets a little fancier, converting any uri element it finds to the DITA equivalent of a hypertext link: <!-- filename: ex402.xsl Convert XML SPARQL query results to a DITA Concept document. --> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:s="http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#" exclude-result-prefixes="s"> <xsl:output doctype-public="-//OASIS//DTD DITA Concept//EN" doctype-system="C:\usr\local\dita\DITA-OT1.5\dtd\technicalContent\dtd\concept.dtd"/> <xsl:template match="s:sparql"> <concept id="id1"> <title>Wind Power Companies</title> <conbody> <table> <tgroup cols="{count(s:head/s:variable)}"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </tgroup> </table> </conbody> </concept> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:head"> <thead> <row> <xsl:apply-templates/> </row> </thead> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:variable"> <entry><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></entry> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:results"> <tbody><xsl:apply-templates/></tbody> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:result"> <row><xsl:apply-templates/></row> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:binding"> <entry><xsl:apply-templates/></entry> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:literal"> <xsl:apply-templates/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="s:uri"> <xref format="html" href="{

pages: 393 words: 115,217

Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries
by Safi Bahcall
Published 19 Mar 2019

Sutherland supervised the computer graphics PhD thesis of Ed Catmull, the Pixar founder, who has said he was “profoundly influenced” by the DARPA model of nurturing creativity. DARPA funded another engineer, named Douglas Engelbart, who built the first computer mouse, the first bitmapped screens (early graphical interfaces), the first hypertext links, and demonstrated them in 1968 at what computer scientists now refer to as the “Mother of All Demos.” In 1970, much of Engelbart’s team left and joined a newly created research group, led by another former DARPA program manager, Bob Taylor. That was Xerox PARC—the birth center of much of the early personal computer industry.

pages: 518 words: 49,555

Designing Social Interfaces
by Christian Crumlish and Erin Malone
Published 30 Sep 2009

How • Consent to the agreement is expressed in the call-to-action button (“Agree and Continue”). • The form offers an option to exit without agreeing (“Cancel” or “Don’t Agree/Cancel Order”). • A statement makes it clear that submitting the form constitutes agreement to the terms (“By clicking you agree…”). • The TOS text is available via a clearly labeled hypertext link (“Terms of Service”). • The TOS copy is supplied in a printable format. Internationalization In different international regions, laws may require a separate checkbox or an interstitial that forces the user to see the TOS before continuing. Download at WoweBook.Com 254 Chapter 9: The Megalophone Why The goal of this pattern is to make the experience of completing the form better for the user and to avoid interrupting her or making her feel as though she has made an error.

pages: 404 words: 113,514

Atrocity Archives
by Stross, Charles
Published 13 Jan 2004

Angleton leans forward across the polished top of his Memex desk. With a visible effort he slews the microfiche reader hood around so that I can see the screen, then taps one bony finger on a mechanical keypress. "Watch and learn." The desk whirs and clunks; cams and gears buried deep in it shuffle hypertext links and bring up a new microfilm card. A man's face shows up on the screen. Moustache, sunglasses, cropped hair, fortysomething and jowly with it. "Tariq Nassir al-Tikriti. Remember that last bit. He works for a man who grew up in his home town around the same time, who goes by the name of Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti.

pages: 474 words: 130,575

Surveillance Valley: The Rise of the Military-Digital Complex
by Yasha Levine
Published 6 Feb 2018

MIT’s Project MAC spawned the first crop of “hackers,” ARPA contractors who tinkered with these giant computers in their free time. At the Stanford Research Institute, which was also doing ARPA contract work on chemical warfare in Vietnam, Lick funded Douglas C. Engelbart’s Augmentation Research Center. This team became legendary in computer circles. It developed hypertext links, multiuser real-time word processing, video conferencing, and, most notably, the computer mouse. Lick also jumpstarted a whole range of networking projects, efforts that would lead directly to the creation of the Internet. One of these was a $1.5 million joint UCLA–UC Berkeley initiative to develop software and hardware for a network that connected multiple computers to multiple users.36 As a funding proposal explained, this research would be used directly to improve military networks, including the National Military Command System, which was then a new communication system linking the military to the president.37 Lick worked hard and fast, and his efforts at ARPA were remarkable.

Bootstrapping: Douglas Engelbart, Coevolution, and the Origins of Personal Computing (Writing Science)
by Thierry Bardini
Published 1 Dec 2000

The emphasis once again was on relations, on structure, as SRI and the oN-LIne System 135 , '" Figure 5-2. The Herman Miller NLS Console. Source: Engelbart et al. (1970), p. 137. in Bateson's formulation of what you see when you look at your hand. And the result was the invention of hypertext, linked relations between texts. A "text" (or a "file") simply is any structured set of character strings (or "statements"). All text handled in NLS was in "structured-statement" form, a hierarchical arrangement of these character strings resembling a conventional outline. Each statement possessed identifying features such as a "number" (po- sition and level in the structure) and a "signature," a line of text giving the ini- tials of the user who created the statement and the time and date when it was done.

pages: 532 words: 139,706

Googled: The End of the World as We Know It
by Ken Auletta
Published 1 Jan 2009

As a computer science major at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, he worked at the university’s National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Inspired by Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of open standards for the Internet, in 1992 he and a coworker, Eric Bina, created an easy to use browser called Mosaic. The browser worked on a variety of computers, facilitating the hypertext links that allow Web surfing and Google search, helping users to effortlessly hop from site to site. After graduating in 1993, he moved to California, where he met Jim Clark. The former founder of Silicon Graphics, Clark shared Andreessen’s conviction that the browser could be a transformative technology, and he had the money to advance that dream.

pages: 1,038 words: 137,468

JavaScript Cookbook
by Shelley Powers
Published 23 Jul 2010

Speaking of the state of technology, Recipe 20.3 introduces the new HTML5 history object method, pushState, and associated window.onpopevent event handler. These maintain state and were created to help resolve the back button problem mentioned in this recipe. Recipe 12.15 covers the setAttribute method. 8.9 Preserving State for Back Button, Page Refresh | 157 CHAPTER 9 Form Elements and Validation 9.0 Introduction Outside of hypertext links, form elements were the very first form of interaction between web developers and web page readers, and were also one of the first reasons for interest in a scripting language. With the advent of JavaScript, form elements could be validated before the data was sent to the server, saving the reader time and the website extra processing.

pages: 560 words: 135,629

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
by Marijn Haverbeke
Published 15 Nov 2018

Also remember that scopes do not derive from Object.prototype, so if you want to call hasOwnProperty on them, you have to use this clumsy expression: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(scope, name); PART II BROWSER “The dream behind the Web is of a common information space in which we communicate by sharing information. Its universality is essential: the fact that a hypertext link can point to anything, be it personal, local or global, be it draft or highly polished.” — Tim Berners-Lee, The World Wide Web: A very short personal history 13 JAVASCRIPT AND THE BROWSER The next chapters of this book will talk about web browsers. Without web browsers, there would be no JavaScript.

Digital Accounting: The Effects of the Internet and Erp on Accounting
by Ashutosh Deshmukh
Published 13 Dec 2005

Differences in HTML and XML HTML XML • Primarily used for web page layouts • Primarily defines format of a document through predefined set of markups or tags • An application of SGML o Manufacturers’ specifications may limit universal applicability • • Describes display format of the document Generally not human readable • • • • • Can be used to store any kind of structured information Allows creation and definition of markups o The authors can design their own document types o XML hypertext linking abilities are better than HTML o XML stylesheets provide far better facilities for a browser presentation and performance A subset of SGML o Valid XML files are valid SGML files; can be used on the Web and in existing SGML environments Describes structure of the document Can be made human readable Copyright © 2006, Idea Group Inc.

pages: 611 words: 188,732

Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom)
by Adam Fisher
Published 9 Jul 2018

Indeed, Zuckerberg’s first business cards read, “I’m CEO… bitch.” The brogrammer ’tude was a joke… or was it? Sean Parker: The dot-com era sort of ended with Napster, then there’s the dot-com bust, which leads to the social media era. Steven Johnson: At the time, the web was fundamentally a literary metaphor: “pages”—and then these hypertext links between pages. There was no concept of the user; that was not part of the metaphor at all. Mark Pincus: I mark Napster as the beginning of the social web—people, not pages. For me that was the breakthrough moment, because I saw that the internet could be this completely distributed peer-to-peer network.

pages: 786 words: 195,810

NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity
by Steve Silberman
Published 24 Aug 2015

While McCarthy wanted to design machines that were powerful enough to replace human intelligence, Engelbart wanted to figure out ways of using computers to augment it. Over the course of ninety minutes, Engelbart set forth the fundamental elements of the modern digital age in a single seamless package: graphical user interfaces, multiple window displays, mouse-driven navigation, word processing, hypertext linking, videoconferencing, and real-time collaboration. The concepts in Engelbart’s presentation—refined by the work of Alan Kay and others at Xerox PARC—inspired Steve Jobs to build the Macintosh, the first personal computer (PC) designed for a mass market. Meanwhile, the counterculture of the Bay Area was also evolving, though technologically it was still stuck in the precomputer era, depending on classified ads in underground newspapers, bulletin boards, telephone switchboards, and the post office for community organizing.

pages: 677 words: 206,548

Future Crimes: Everything Is Connected, Everyone Is Vulnerable and What We Can Do About It
by Marc Goodman
Published 24 Feb 2015

They allegedly come from our banks, cable companies, retirement plans, social media outlets, and mobile phone operators and target users around the world, with the greatest number of victims in the United States, the U.K., and Germany. In the end, all phishing attacks depend on an unsuspecting user clicking on a link or attachment in a message that will either take the unsuspecting party to a fraudulent Web site or install malware on the user’s machine. Criminals take advantage of HTML hypertext links and embed their attacks in hidden computer code. Phishing messages arrive as fake e-cards, e-mails from our bank, job offers, coupons, or deals too good to be true on social media. These malicious communiqués, replete with grammatical and spelling errors in years past, have become highly professionalized and are today virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.

pages: 801 words: 209,348

Americana: A 400-Year History of American Capitalism
by Bhu Srinivasan
Published 25 Sep 2017

In addition to Bush and Nelson, Berners-Lee credited Doug Engelbart at Stanford for his sixties demonstration of a “mouse,” a wooden block with sensors and a ball under it, with which he clicked on words to explore information spatially. In 1989 Berners-Lee pulled all of the lessons of history together, dreaming up a visual layer—an interface—for the Internet. After going through several permutations, he settled on calling it the World Wide Web, a spiderweb of endless hypertext links. Using Nelson’s term “hypertext,” he called his way of retrieving information through the links “hypertext transfer protocol” (http). For a researcher or academic to create pages transferable by http, Berners-Lee created hypertext markup language (HTML). Clicking on a word linked as hypertext could take the reader to another part of the Internet.

Guide to LaTeX
by Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly
Published 15 Feb 2008

That alone would not justify preferring pdfTEX over a DVI-to-PDF converter, nor would the fact that it saves a processing step; the deciding argument is that pdfTEX has established itself as reliable, robust, and flexible. In the end, it is likely a question of which program one is more comfortable with, and which one has given the better results for the particular user. 10.2.4 The hyperref package Package: hyperref Sebastian Rahtz has written an ambitious package hyperref to add automatic hypertext links to LATEX documents that are intended to become HTML (using LATEX2HTML, Section E.1.1 or TEX4ht, Section E.1.2) or PDF files (using any of the methods described above). Not only do all internal cross-references link to their reference points, citations are also linked to the list of references, table of contents to the section headings, and index listings to the original text.

by Bhu Srinivasan

In addition to Bush and Nelson, Berners-Lee credited Doug Engelbart at Stanford for his sixties demonstration of a “mouse,” a wooden block with sensors and a ball under it, with which he clicked on words to explore information spatially. In 1989 Berners-Lee pulled all of the lessons of history together, dreaming up a visual layer—an interface—for the Internet. After going through several permutations, he settled on calling it the World Wide Web, a spiderweb of endless hypertext links. Using Nelson’s term “hypertext,” he called his way of retrieving information through the links “hypertext transfer protocol” (http). For a researcher or academic to create pages transferable by http, Berners-Lee created hypertext markup language (HTML). Clicking on a word linked as hypertext could take the reader to another part of the Internet.

America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy
by Robert B. Zoellick
Published 3 Aug 2020

In stark contrast with Bush’s idea of an organized public-private research and development complex, the memex would empower individuals through a desktop screen that opened a portal to a universe of information. Bush’s visionary machine would be a personalized aid to memory, a gateway for research, and a device to help automate thought through a “trail” of mental associations. He even imagined what became known as file sharing and hypertext links. At a time when the world had only begun to consider the possibilities of huge computers—much less smaller ones—Bush was anticipating a new era of information technology accessible to the public.5 As Walter Isaacson explained in his book The Innovators, a number of the revolutionary creators of personal computers traced their inspiration to Bush and his article.

The Art of SEO
by Eric Enge , Stephan Spencer , Jessie Stricchiola and Rand Fishkin
Published 7 Mar 2012

Information retrieval (IR) The part of computer science dealing with the retrieval of information (not data) from a collection of written documents. The retrieved documents attempt to satisfy a user information need, usually expressed in natural language. Interlinking The linking structure of various web pages within a site that helps users and spiders navigate its content. Internal link A hypertext link that points to another page within the same website. Internal links can be used as a form of navigation, directing visitors to pages within the website. Links assist with creating good information architecture within a site. Search engines also use internal text links to crawl pages within a website.