labour management system

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description: software used to schedule, monitor, and manage staff, often in logistics and manufacturing environments

1 results

pages: 828 words: 232,188

Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy
by Francis Fukuyama
Published 29 Sep 2014

The countries that came through the 2008–2009 crisis the most successfully were those like Germany and the Scandinavian nations that steered a middle course between the laissez-faire approach of the United States and Britain, and the rigid regulatory systems of France and Italy. Their corporatist labor-management systems have created sufficient trust that unions were willing to grant companies more flexibility in layoffs, in return for higher benefits and job retraining. The future of democracy in developed countries will depend on their ability to deal with the problem of a disappearing middle class. In the wake of the financial crisis there has been a rise of new populist groups from the Tea Party in the United States to various anti-EU, anti-immigrant parties in Europe.