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Public Places, Urban Spaces: The Dimensions of Urban Design
by Matthew Carmona , Tim Heath , Steve Tiesdell and Taner Oc
Published 15 Feb 2010

Indeed, many consider that the very term ‘urban design’ places it too much within the purview of professional design experts engaging in self-conscious, knowing design, and prefer the more inclusive term ‘place-making’ and, at a larger scale, city-making: terms suggesting it is more than just (professional) ‘designers’ who create places and cities. Described as urban design many non-professionals struggle to see their role; described as place-making they can more easily envision their role and contribution. Urban design can thus be considered the self-conscious practice of knowing urban designers; place-making is the self-conscious and unself-conscious practice of everyone. An important distinction is between urban design (or place-making) as direct design (place-design) and urban design as indirect design or, more grandly, as political economy.

• Sprawl, representative of a market urbanism. • Sustainable place-making, reflecting the conscious process of making better places for people, as advocated throughout this book. In the future, the quest for sustainable place-making may transcend all these urbanisms. The aim should be to engage with ideas while avoiding being distracted by ideology and ideologues. Rather than high art, the ‘design’ in urban design is best understood as a problem-solving process (see Chapter 1 and Chapter 3). There are desirable (generic) principles of good urbanism and of place-making, but their application is tempered by, and contingent upon, the realities of the local situation.

For Alexander, the patterns provide designers with a useable – but not predetermined – series of relationships between activities and spaces. Even those patterns closest to the traditional visual or spatial concerns of urban design – in which Alexander frequently cites Camillo Sitte – are grounded in and justified by research and/or observation of people’s use of places. (iii) The place-making tradition Over the past 20 years, a place-making tradition of urban design has emerged – a tradition rooted in large part in the work of the urban design pioneers. Synthesising the two earlier traditions, contemporary urban design is simultaneously concerned with the design of urban places as physical/aesthetic entities and as behavioural settings – that is, with the ‘hard city’ of buildings and spaces and the ‘soft city’ of people and activities (FIGURE 1.4 and FIGURE 1.5) FIGURE 1.4 Federation Square, Melbourne (Image: Steve Tiesdell) FIGURE 1.5 Borough Market, London (Image: Matthew Carmona).

pages: 441 words: 96,534

Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution
by Janette Sadik-Khan
Published 8 Mar 2016

Still, residents of Beverly Hills protested the planned Westside subway expansion beneath Beverly Hills High School, saying the tunnel was close to an earthquake fault and would create a possible explosion hazard. A judge threw out the case in 2014. Downtown Los Angeles is also first in line for the city’s bike-share program, and the district’s progress could easily be a model for pedestrian-friendly and place-making projects in Hollywood, seven miles away. In 2012, then-council member Eric Garcetti worked with his predecessor, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, to alter zoning regulations in Hollywood that would allow high-rise residential and commercial buildings. Higher-density buildings would provide needed housing and take advantage of the city’s subway system, decreasing dependence on single-occupant vehicles for every trip.

A stretch of asphalt empty of cars was an invitation for human-scale street life to emerge. Minutes after workers set out the first construction barrels to detour traffic and start work on the plaza, a group of art students materialized, sat on the blacktop, and started to sketch nearby buildings. This was one of the most moving examples of urban place making and it illustrates just how hungry people are for public space. By looking at where people placed their feet and posteriors, we saw the outline of the city we needed to build. The people took care of the rest. By September 2008, within less than three months, the plazas at Madison Square were ready—light speed by municipal standards.

The way the street was designed was illegal under Dallas building standards, but that was part of the point they wanted to make: livable streets are a virtual impossibility in many cities thanks to outmoded planning rules and manuals, which reject most uses for the street that don’t involve moving cars and keeping obstacles—and people—out of the way. These DIY acts reveal the power of signs, signals, paint—seemingly minor cues from the streets that shape our lives. It takes only a little bit of imagination to transform a sidewalk into a place-making feature of the street. In an increasing number of cases, city planners are being inspired and, in turn, inspiring these kinds of unorthodox strategies, blurring the lines between the sanctioned and unsanctioned and also erasing the barriers between the people and those who represent them. There are countless eyesores within any city that offer opportunities for inexpensive interventions.

pages: 512 words: 131,112

Retrofitting Suburbia, Updated Edition: Urban Design Solutions for Redesigning Suburbs
by Ellen Dunham-Jones and June Williamson
Published 23 Mar 2011

Participants in the first Mashpee Commons charrette included Alex Krieger, John Massengale, and Anne Tate. 7 Storrs. 8 Bohl, Place Making, 168. 9 Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company, Mashpee Commons Code (2002). 10 Town of Mashpee Affordable Housing & Planned Production Plan (Febrary 2005), 11 For more on suburban morphology see Brenda Case Scheer, “The Anatomy of Sprawl,” Places 14:2 (Fall 2001): 28–-37. 12 Bohl, Place Making, 164. 13 Chris Reidy, “Cape Center to Return Part of Boch Donation,” Boston Globe, July 6, 2006. 14 There have been complaints that the current post office’s embedded location in the Commons makes it difficult to provide the drive-through service suburbanites are accustomed to.

Shopping center ownership, in particular, shifted from being overwhelmingly a family-run and privately based entrepreneurial business, often with local ties to the community, to becoming a standardized commodity traded on Wall Street.21 The landscape from the 1990s reflected Wall Street’s demand for predictability in increasingly uniform, repetitive building types with little, if any, accommodation to the particularities of place or place-making.22 We also see in the strip landscape of the late 1980s and 1990s the proliferation of new retail formats that increased retail specialization and auto dependency. Big-box discount stores like Wal-Mart and “category killers”—warehouse-style stores devoted to a single product type, such as Toys“R”Us—spread rapidly at this time.23 They were increasingly agglomerated into “power centers”—no-frills open-air strip shopping centers with acres of parking, often displacing older shopping centers and local businesses.24 Siphoning sales of hard goods, power centers indirectly caused the repositioning of many existing malls into “fashion malls.”

The fast-growing town of Mashpee, with a year-round population of over 14,000, has a central, largely inland, location; the Commons is ideally sited near the center of this geographically central town, at the intersection of three busy roads—Route 28, Route 151, and Great Neck Road. (See Figure 5-2.) Figure 5-2 Location map. All newly proposed development on Cape Cod is controversial. In his book Place Making, about developing new town centers, planner Charles C. Bohl asserts, “Mashpee Commons is an example of the sort of battle typically encountered when developers attempt to build town centers and other smart growth urban forms in what is essentially a nogrowth environment.”2 Sprawl-form construction in recent decades, built in accord with antiquated and unsuitable suburban zoning protocols on a delicate coastal ecosystem, has unquestionably led to environmental damage and fueled intense antidevelopment sentiment.

pages: 211 words: 55,075

Soft City: Building Density for Everyday Life
by David Sim
Published 19 Aug 2019

A short essay appears between each chapter, each exploring a key idea about sustaining quality of life in urban environments. The first chapter, “Building Blocks: Living Locally in an Urbanizing World,” is about embracing the challenge of urbanization by finding ways to accommodate both density and diversity in the same place, making it possible to live as locally as possible. Chapter two, “Getting About and Getting On in a Congested World,” is about both the physical and social challenge of people movement, starting right outside the front door. Chapter three, “Living with Weather in a Time of Climate Change,” is about better connecting people living indoors to what is outside, to increase awareness of the forces of nature and make people more comfortable with them.

We can embrace these as beneficial opportunities rather than unfortunate challenges. We should recognize that every detail in the physical composition of the built environment has the potential to deliver comfort, convenience, and connection to others. The subtle balance of private and public needs, and the colocation of different activities in the same place make it possible to live well without having to travel so much. By getting the relationships right in the physical environment, with everything you need close at hand, an urban neighborhood can offer a better life. With everyday exposure and regular encounters comes relevance. With time, this awareness and understanding can grow into reverence, when people care about planet, people, and place.

When multiplied, groups of blocks create other types of spaces: streets and other public spaces like squares that also come at no extra cost. These spaces are important, even though they are usually not completely enclosed. They are defined by the edges of the blocks, allowing access between them. A level of containment ensures they are weather-protected places, making movement through them and time spent in them more comfortable. This ancient urban pattern of building has the advantage of creating two very different kinds of useful outdoor spaces—one private and the other public. The spatial economy of the system allows these different kinds of space—built and unbuilt, private and public—to coexist in close proximity to each other, separated only by the buildings themselves.

The Metropolitan Revolution: How Cities and Metros Are Fixing Our Broken Politics and Fragile Economy
by Bruce Katz and Jennifer Bradley
Published 10 Jun 2013

This chapter and the next focus on the revolution to be: how megatrends will drive cities and metros to reshape their physical and social landscape within as well as forge new connections with their trading partners abroad. As the next decade unfolds, profound economic, demographic, and cultural shifts are likely to alter radically the place preferences of firms and people and, in the process, to reconceive the very link between economy shaping and place making. 113 06-2151-2 ch6.indd 113 5/20/13 6:53 PM 114 THE RISE OF INNOVATION DISTRICTS A confluence of trends is already leading companies and consumers to revalue the physical assets and attributes of cities and make employment centers of suburbia more urban. Our open, innovative economy increasingly craves proximity and extols integration, which allow knowledge to be transferred easily between, within, and across clusters, firms, workers, and supporting institutions, thereby enabling the creation of new ideas that fuel even greater economic activity and growth.

Still others can be found in traditional exurban science parks like Research Triangle Park in Raleigh-Durham that are scrambling to urbanize to keep pace with workers’ preference for walkable communities and firms’ preference for proximity to other firms and collaborative opportunities. Innovation districts arise in disparate geographies with different economic drivers. But all of them draw from the best innovations in both industry cluster and place-making strategies to create well-defined communities packed with resources for firms, entrepreneurs, innovators, researchers, and residents. The theory behind business clusters is that the geographical concentration of interconnected firms and supporting institutions leads to more innovation and production efficiencies, shared inputs, 06-2151-2 ch6.indd 114 5/20/13 6:53 PM THE RISE OF INNOVATION DISTRICTS 115 thicker labor markets, and collective problem solving; the theory behind walkable urbanism is that dense, mixed-use neighborhoods with cultural, recreational, and retail amenities will attract highly educated, innovative, entrepreneurial individuals and benefit the neighborhood’s existing residents.

In some cases, one entity is driving redevelopment: the local government, a real estate developer, the manager of the research park. There is a guiding hand, perhaps even a master plan. In other cases, such as Detroit, a passionate network of visionary and stubborn CEOs of companies, universities, hospitals, philanthropies, and nonprofit organizations is catalyzing the market. This is organic place making as jigsaw puzzle, assembled through the simultaneous and iterative actions of dozens of players. In all cases, however, innovation districts are being driven from the ground up, primarily through the actions of local actors. There is no federal or state program or multinational corporation stamping out innovation districts across the country.

The Making of a World City: London 1991 to 2021
by Greg Clark
Published 31 Dec 2014

Although the Mayor’s 2020 vision sets the admirable goal of achieving ‘convergence’ between life chances in East and West London, a lack of regional coordination hinders the organisational and 80 The evolution of London, 1991 to 2015 institutional capacity to deliver fully-strategised urban renewal for an area that offers huge development potential. From de-industrial to post-industrial: Building a new experience for markets, leisure and commerce Markets London’s markets are a microcosm of the capital’s fresh capacity to leverage space into prime place-making opportunities. Wholesale markets had been highly influential in London’s distribution of fruit, vegetables, meat and fish during much of the 20th century but, since the 1970s, the share of these markets in the wider wholesale sector declined significantly. As their long-term viability has come under pressure, relocation to new sites and regeneration of vacated or surrounding areas has become a notable feature of London’s redevelopment.

After a variety of planning iterations, full consent was granted for the creation of a new mixed-use town centre in Brent Cross Cricklewood in 2010, with revisions approved in 2014. Over the next two decades, the £4 billion development, led by Hammerson and Standard Life Investments, has the potential to be accompanied by 7500 new homes. The new site will continue the place-making theme of 1990s and 2000s regeneration, incorporating desirable residential environments next to a major commercial core, and prioritising transport improvements and walkability to achieve vibrancy (Carpenter, 2014). BIDs London’s street shopping experience was seen to have been detrimentally affected by the rise of large ex-urban shopping centres.

Among the new homes, the London Legacy Development Corporation is creating a vibrant mix of Georgian and Victorian terraces, crescents and squares (Hammond, 2011b). The quality of housing and neighbourhood development will have a substantial bearing on East London’s integration into the London economy. Sir Simon Jenkins has warned of the importance of place-making to the area’s vitality: “East London offers a great deal of potential for London’s future but it needs to have a real character. It needs an identity and to be liveable. Stratford and Docklands could have been the Covent Garden of the East End. Now it is very important that we have more street life and public space in East London.

pages: 598 words: 140,612

Triumph of the City: How Our Greatest Invention Makes Us Richer, Smarter, Greener, Healthier, and Happier
by Edward L. Glaeser
Published 1 Jan 2011

And finally Detroit has itself found a mayor, David Bing, who understands that the people aren’t coming back and that empty homes should be replaced with some more reasonable use of space. Mayor Bing is not short on compassion, but he also understands the edifice error. He knows Detroit can be a great city if it cares for its people well even if it has far fewer structures. Museums and transportation and the arts do have an important role in place-making. Yet planners must be realistic and expect moderate successes, not blockbusters. Realism pushes toward small, sensible projects, not betting a city’s future on a vast, expensive roll of the dice. The real payoff of these investments in amenities lies not in tourism but in attracting the skilled residents who can really make a city rebound, especially if those residents can connect with the world economy.

They actually get resources to the people who need them, instead of lining contractors’ pockets and building white-elephant projects. But they are not the solution to cities’ larger social problems. The Moving to Opportunity study shows that we can’t solve the problems of urban poverty by just giving people money to move to richer neighborhoods. Bad policy puts place-making above helping people, but sometimes social entrepreneurs can do great good by focusing on just one place. For almost forty years, the Harlem Children’s Zone has fought for the children of Manhattan’s best-known African-American community. They’ve created a dense web of social activities, such as the Baby College, which teaches parenting skills, aimed at improving academic outcomes and reducing crime.

Apart from some nasty allegations about polluting a Texas aquifer, Mitchell has managed to cultivate a reputation for being a green energy man, which is not the stereotype of the Texas wildcatter. In the 1960s, he decided to diversify into real estate, and he envisioned a vast city in a forest thirty miles north of Houston. Building a large new community in the middle of nowhere takes deep pockets, and Mitchell had to borrow millions to make his place-making bet. The Department of Housing and Urban Development gave The Woodlands a $50 million loan guarantee. But that guarantee came with conditions, one of which was the need for environmental sensitivity. Mitchell then hired Ian McHarg, a Glaswegian based in Philadelphia, as his environmental consultant, and told him, “I have named my project The Woodlands and there had better be some woodlands when we get done.”

pages: 369 words: 94,588

The Enigma of Capital: And the Crises of Capitalism
by David Harvey
Published 1 Jan 2010

How they live, sustain themselves and reproduce the species varies enormously from place to place, but in the process people create places within which they dwell, from the peasant hut, the small village, the favela, the urban tenement, to the suburban tract house or the multimillion-dollar homes in the Hamptons of Long Island, in China’s gated communities or in Sao Paulo’s or Mexico City’s high rise penthouses. Place-making, and the creation of a dwelling place that becomes the secure environment called house and home, is as extensive as capital accumulation in its impacts upon the land, even as the production of such places becomes a major vehicle for surplus production and absorption. The production of ‘the urban’, where most of the world’s burgeoning population now lives, has become over time more closely intertwined with capital accumulation, to the point where it is hard to disentangle one from the other.

Capital, as Marx astutely once put it, here encounters barriers in its own nature. The disjunction between the quest for hypermobility and an increasingly sclerotic built environment (think of the huge amount of fixed capital embedded in Tokyo or New York City) becomes ever more dramatic. ——— The creation of territorial forms of social organisation, place-making, has been fundamental to human activity throughout history. How, then, has the circulation and accumulation of capital adapted to and transformed the territorial forms it inherited from preceding eras, made distinctive places and rejigged the map of global political power in ways that can accommodate the quest for endless compound growth?

The shanty town dwellers do much the same, though in their case it is often discarded commodities that form their raw materials and the space they occupy has no legal status and no infrastructures (unless the local state or a World Bank programme on sites and services has made some rudimentary attempt to provide them). Place-making, particularly around that place we call ‘home’, is an art that belongs largely to the people and not to capital, even as certain aspects of the places we call cities are fiercely fought over as capitalist developers struggle to provide the physical infrastructures so necessary for accumulation to occur on the ground.

pages: 334 words: 103,106

by Leo Hollis

As one estate agent, interviewed by the Financial Times in 2015, noted: ‘A lot of these buyers are effectively taking a financial position rather than buying a property.’10 Where does this leave our twenty-first-century cities as places to live, and potentially to thrive? * * * In opposition to this seeming dissolution of the relationship between ownership, investment and land, there has been a popular movement towards what developers and planners have called ‘place-making’. Simply put, this is an acknowledgement that much recent development was created without consideration of the people who live there. It promotes the involvement of those who might be called ‘stakeholders’ in the design decision-making. It is also an acknowledgement that a place does not stay static once it has been built, but develops over time.

This was developed out of a more long-term project, launched in 2012, titled ‘Living Cities’.11 The first report had a strong environmental message, recognising the problem that cities are centres of pollution and energy use, and that the poorly designed built environment itself has deleterious climatic impacts. But it also highlighted the potential for city-making to be the best response to these challenges. Environmental concerns quickly lead on to social questions of who is the most vulnerable to these effects. This has resulted in a series of place-making schemes across the estate. In 2009, the influential Danish planner Jan Gehl was engaged to look at ways to make certain corners of the estate – Brown Hart Gardens and Mount Street in Mayfair – more accessible to pedestrians in the hope of making more people-centred spaces. The Beaumont was turned from a car park for nearby Selfridges into a boutique hotel, including the iconic Antony Gormley ‘feature room’ on the south corner.

The work is planned to continue over the next few years, but the aim is described thus on the project website: ‘Together with our neighbours and other London communities, we will embrace contrasting perspectives and create a space that has something to offer everyone. We will bring together the best knowledge to create a new kind of urban square that encourages discovery and fosters wellbeing.’12 This appears to be chapter and verse out of the place-making hymnal. It echoes the words of New Yorker Jane Jacobs, seen by many as the patron saint of modern urbanism: ‘Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.’13 And this is clearly the lesson being put to the test with the current development of the square and its concerted programme of public engagement.

pages: 207 words: 63,071

My Start-Up Life: What A
by Ben Casnocha and Marc Benioff
Published 7 May 2007

I’m lucky at a young age to have natural inclinations toward entrepreneurship and writing and I have a pretty good sense of what I’ll be doing in twenty to thirty years. If this isn’t you, fear not—for most people, it isn’t. Just ask forty-year-olds if they predicted their current line of work when they were children. Finding your passion is discovering what activities, causes, ideas, people, or places make you the most excited about living. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls this being in the “Flow.” The critical element of the discovery process is exploration into the unknown. Unless genetics pull you toward an activity, you won’t find your “flow” unless you extend yourself. It’s critical you travel to places you’ve never been to, talk to people from different walks of life, take jobs you wouldn’t otherwise consider, read books on topics you’re certain are not interesting.

Develop expertise in an issue that others will find valuable. Become an indispensable resource in something. Day 9. Travel somewhere. Get outside your normal frame of reference and see what happens. See if you approach an issue with a new perspective. See if a new physical place puts you in a new mental place. Make a reservation today! Online: See the best places to visit. Day 10. Raise the bar for one day and observe results. Hold impeccable standards for one full day. No crappy emails, no half-ass efforts, no tasks put off, no workout skipped, no silly indulgence in unhealthy food. Easier than you thought?

pages: 282 words: 69,481

Road to ruin: an introduction to sprawl and how to cure it
by Dom Nozzi
Published 15 Dec 2003

Holtzclaw, “New Emissions Assay.” 35. Newman and Kenworthy, Cities and Automobile Dependence, 151. 36. Center for Urban Transportation Research, Transportation, Land Use, 17. 37. Richert, “Markets for Traditional Neighborhoods,” 1. 38. Nathan R. Norris to, 29 October 2002. 39. Lee, “Place Making in Suburbia,” 73. 40 . Freeman, “The Effects of Sprawl,” 76. 41. Ewald, A Concept, 52–53. 42. Institute of Transportation Engineers, Traditional Neighborhood Development, 5. 43. Congress for the New Urbanism, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1997. 44. Longman, “Sprawl,” 44. 45. Sayer, “The Costs of Sprawl,” 11. 46.

Washington State Petroleum Markets Data Book. WSEO 91-384. Olympia: Washington State Energy Office, January 1992. Land Use Digest. “Report Surveys Impact of Transit-Focused Development.” Washington, D.C.: Urban Land Institute, April, 1994. Langdon, P. A Better Place to Live. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1994. Lee, T. “Place Making in Suburbia.” Urban Land 59, 10 (2000): 73. Lennard S. H. C., and Lennard, H. L. Making Cities Livable Newsletter, Carmel, Calif., 1987. Levinson, D., and Kumar, A. “Activity, Travel, and the Allocation of Time.” APA Journal 61, 4 (1995): 458–70. Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. Alternatives to Sprawl.

The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Bookstores, Bars, Hair Salons, and Other Hangouts at the Heart of a Community
by Ray Oldenburg
Published 17 Aug 1999

Finally, the low visual profile typical of third places parallels the low profile they have in the minds of those who frequent them. To the regular, though he or she may draw full benefit from them, third places are an ordinary part of a daily routine. The best attitude toward the third place is that it merely be an expected part of life. The contributions that third places make in the lives of people depend upon their incorporation into the everyday stream of existence. The Mood Is Playful The persistent mood of the third place is a playful one. Those who would keep conversation serious for more than a minute are almost certainly doomed to failure. Every topic and speaker is a potential trapeze for the exercise and display of wit.

Women are supposed to be good cooks, good mothers, good wives, good skiers, good conversationalists, good accountants. Neither person is supposed to find any sustenance from anybody else.31 Regular association with enjoyable people in relaxed social gatherings reduces the pressure Mead described. The third place makes a substantial contribution to the individual’s contentment with life; contented people are not likely to disturb, much less destroy, their basic relation ships. Those with fuller lives expect less from marriage and enjoy it more. Third place association adds to the quantity of life’s satisfactions and lends much that cannot be derived from marriage and family life.

With what used to be a far more refined vocabulary, women’s groups have offered a similar encouragement. Same-sex groups and gatherings encourage an interest in the opposite sex while at the same time offering a retreat, respite, and contrast from heterosexual involvement. Herein, I suspect, lies the major contribution that the third place makes to the intimate life of the couple. As many sexologists understand, sexual contact represents a spark of intensely erotic interest that bridges a gap between partners. The gap results from conflicts, tensions, antagonisms, or barriers that tend to keep potential partners apart.33 The principle is a simple one: no gaps, no sparks.

pages: 91 words: 5,667

The Asperger Love Guide: A Practical Guide for Adults With Asperger's Syndrome to Seeking, Establishing and Maintaining Successful Relationships
by Genevieve Edmonds and Dean Worton
Published 15 Dec 2005

AS Characteristics Possible Outcome Managing Outcome Fears. Your fears may appear out of proportion or nonsensical. This could alarm or anger your partner. Accept support from your partner to alleviate your fears. Understand that having AS can make the world appear a frightening and bewildering place, make sure that your partner realizes this. Remember that your worst fears rarely occur at full effect. Lack of awareness of dangers. Can make your partner feel anxious and that they must ‘mother’ you. Read safety guides and explain that AS can cause a lack of social understanding, for example, with danger.

pages: 304 words: 85,291

Cities: The First 6,000 Years
by Monica L. Smith
Published 31 Mar 2019

Maybe it was a place that had a good spring where travelers could rest, or a rich and productive hinterland for agriculture, or a variety of topographies that enabled herders, farmers, and fisherfolk to trade their wares in proximity. But maybe there was nothing particularly obvious about the place, making it a bit of a mystery as to why any particular city came into being. As we’ve seen for Mesopotamia, when there is a synergy of willingness and intrigue, people can turn the most unlikely places into thriving metropolitan areas. Nearly every city, past and present, has subsequently had both occasional and ongoing obstacles through which their residents suffered.

We can identify four ancestral elements that were essential precursors to the creation and sustaining of metropolitan life: the use of language to envision scenarios before they happen; the human propensity for migration that continually enables our species to adapt to new circumstances; our dependence on objects for both practical and symbolic purposes; and the use of architecture as creative place making. The combination of these factors not only made cities the only viable form of concentrated human population but also enabled cities to be incubators for other new phenomena, including massive economies of production and consumption, the development of infrastructure (such as roads, bridges, and water conduits) as the physical mechanism of connectivity, and the emergence of the middle class as the essential managers and consumers of urban life.

pages: 83 words: 26,284

Home Building Secrets: Save Thousands Building Your Next Home: For the first time homeowner or the second time homeower who did not learn from their first mistakes
by Ronald Jones
Published 22 Dec 2015

Look at recently completed houses, write down the address, and let your brick supplier know. Small samples can be deceiving. If you can find a recently built house that you like the exterior finishes on (brick, stone, siding, roofing, etc.), you will be much better off. Seeing the whole picture in one place makes the selection process much easier. Brick prices can vary greatly. If brick is you’re preferred finished, find the color you like and then shop prices and manufacturers. You might find a much better price on a slightly different brick. In my area, the reds and browns are the least expensive; lighter brick or very dark brick typically cost a bit more.

The Preppers Cookbook: Essential Prepping Foods and Recipes to Deliciously Survive Any Disaster
by Rockridge Press
Published 25 Jun 2013

Sourdough Starter A sourdough starter is a survivalist’s best friend; from it, you can make myriad delicious breads and dessert recipes. It doesn’t require yeast, and if you keep it going, you can use the same starter for years. • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 2½ cups lukewarm water 1. Put the flour in a glass container. Add the water and stir together until mixed. Cover mixture with a towel and set it in a warm place. Make sure that it isn’t too hot and there aren’t any drafts that will chill the mixture. 2. In 4–6 days, you’ll notice that it’s bubbling and smelling wonderfully yeasty. It’s now ready. Keep it going by stirring in 2 cups of flour and about ¾ cup of lukewarm water whenever you use a cup of the starter.

pages: 112 words: 33,537

Simple Matters: A Scandinavian’s Approach to Work, Home, and Style
by Jenny Mustard
Published 3 Sep 2018

I don’t remember the incident myself, so keep in mind that this is a second-hand account and basically little more than hearsay. My friend and I had a playdate. He was one of those kids who seemed to have too much energy for his tiny frame and scrawny arms and legs. I, on the other hand, was tall for my age, having just as big an appetite then as the current version of myself. He was crawling all over the place making noises while I was sitting on the floor focusing on the pieces of Christmas-tree puzzle in front of me. Finally, getting bored with his lackluster excuse of a playdate, he asked: “Do you want to play Indians?” Not the most PC choice of game, perhaps, but let’s cut the guy some slack—this was during the pre-PC early ’90s and we were only four.

pages: 206 words: 35,117

Digital Photography Pocket Guide
by Derrick Story
Published 15 Apr 2005

Cover the surface of the table with white paper, and if you can, create a white backdrop too. This will be your work area. Put your camera on a tripod (or another stable surface) and adjust it so it's facing the item that you want to photograph on the table. Move both the subject and the camera to achieve the best lighting possible via the open window. Once everything is in place, make a tabletop reflector out of white cardboard, or cardboard (or another rigid material) covered with aluminum foil. Position the reflector opposite the light source (window) so it bounces light onto the shadowy side of the item. Set the white balance to Cloudy (see "White Balance" in Chapter 2 for more information) and put your camera on self-timer (see "Self-Timer" in Chapter 2).

Large Scale Apps with Vue 3 and TypeScript
by Damiano Fusco
Published 16 Aug 2020

If you encounter any trouble, please refer to the companion code on GitHub3, or reach me on twitter with questions or comments. Chapter 9 Recap What We Learned How to create a modularized Vuex store How to use a MutationType object to keep all the mutation types related to each store module in one place Make code more readable by avoid using hard-coded strings and enforcing constant values checks through interfaces How to wrap what we need (state and action<T>) into an object that represent the store module (itemsStore) and avoid using strings for dispatching actions Observations We did not write unit tests against the RootStore actions and mutations Based on these observations, there are a few improvements that you can do.

pages: 168 words: 33,675

New York City Like a Local
by Dk Eyewitness

Hard to accurately capture in words, this hilarious competitive comedy show involves high levels of audience participation – and copious amounts of sake, supplied by the Sake Ninja. » Don’t leave without ordering some sushi and gyoza – the food is just as good as the show (and helps to soak up the sake). g Game Night g Contents Google Map BARCADE Map 3; 148 West 24th Street, Chelsea; ///folds.scale.warm; If beer plus Pac-man is your happy place, make like a hipster and head to Barcade. Here, groups of NYU students gather around retro consoles and arcade games, tapping furiously and generally going square-eyed as they challenge others to rounds of Donkey Kong and pinball. It’s the number-one place for a few hours of addictive gaming – all in the name of nostalgia.

pages: 165 words: 33,561

Lisbon Like a Local
by DK

Any occasion, and any hour, is an appropriate time to petiscar with friends.” DANIEL COELHO, TOUR GUIDE WITH BIKE MY SIDE SIDECAR TOURS g Light Bites g Contents Google Map AS BIFANAS DO AFONSO Map 1; Rua da Madalena 146, Baixa; ///goodbye.premises.starting Come lunchtime, Baixa workers have only one thing in mind: a bifana. And this place makes the best. Thick slices of pork simmer away in garlic and white wine before being slid into a too-small bun. (Okay, we might be pushing “light bites” a bit here.) g Light Bites g Contents Google Map O GAMBUZINO Map 4; Rua dos Anjos 5A, Arroios; ///; O Gambuzino’s sticky cauliflower bites and citrusy mushroom “scallops” come with a complimentary feel-good glow.

pages: 355 words: 106,952

Visit Sunny Chernobyl: And Other Adventures in the World's Most Polluted Places
by Andrew Blackwell
Published 22 May 2012

Once the section of pipe had fully descended, it was time to detach the power swivel, pull another piece of heavy pipe off the rack, hoist it upright, and thread it into the string. One of the roughnecks would reattach the power swivel to the top of it all, and then drilling would begin again. It wasn’t easy work. The roughnecks were in constant motion, guiding the new lengths of pipe into place, making sure they sat correctly, spraying excess mud off the drilling platform with a hose, readying the next stage of pipe. Radley timed the intervals between stages of drilling, to see how efficient his workers were in the changeover. “About three minutes,” he said. “Pretty good.” This was Radley in the role of both “pusher” and “company man,” the two people whose job on a well is to make sure that it gets drilled without wasting time or money.

Because it would otherwise disappear into the riverbed, water extracted for Delhi is transported via the Munak Escape, a fork of the Western Yamuna Canal that itself receives a helping of industrial waste and domestic sewage. The water then collects behind the Wazirabad Barrage, on Delhi’s northern margin. (Here it is augmented with water brought from the Ganga, of all places, making the Ganga a tributary of one of its own tributaries.) Thanks to these inputs, there is water in the river at Wazirabad. But this water does not flow south into Delhi, as the river once did. Instead, it is pumped out and treated, becoming the basis of the city’s water supply. Nevertheless, there is water downstream of the Wazirabad Barrage, flowing the fourteen miles through the heart of Delhi.

pages: 158 words: 35,552

The Last Girlfriend on Earth: And Other Love Stories
by Simon Rich
Published 22 Jan 2013

She put away her phone and kissed Josh on the cheek. He laughed and kissed her back. “Who was that?” he asked. “Oh, some ad firm,” she said. “They want me to be the new face of Dior.” “That’s cool,” Josh said. “Do you like omelets?” She nodded enthusiastically. “I love them.” “Well, this place makes great ones.” She blushed as he held open the door for her. “After you,” he said. They entered to the sound of deafening applause. I Love Girl I am Oog. I love Girl. Girl loves Boog. It is bad situation. Boog and I are very different people. For example, we have different jobs. My job is Rock Thrower.

pages: 127 words: 38,674

Simple Matters: Living With Less and Ending Up With More
by Erin Boyle
Published 12 Jan 2016

I’d try to remember what the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database had said about phenoxyethanol—it sounded bad, but was it bad? (“It’s only okay” is probably the best answer.) But ultimately I decided that I would go in mostly for products that didn’t need to be decoded in the first place. Making sure I could understand the ingredient list of a product right off the bat has been one of the simplest ways that I could tell if it was something that I wanted to put on my body. One caveat for this approach: The International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) is a global standard for writing ingredients so that they can be universally understood.

pages: 171 words: 34,369

Austin Like a Local
by DK

g Beloved Bakeries g Contents Google Map MI TRADICIÓN Map 6; 8716 Research Boulevard #290, Wooten; ///lavender.secretly.items; Tex-Mex-obsessed Austin is home to countless panaderia, so why do people trek out to Wooten for Mi Tradición? Simple. Locals know that this place makes the most authentic conchas (sweet breads), pans blanco (white baguettes), and tortas (sandwiches) this side of the border. Everything is handmade here, using traditional methods and recipes. And the bakes taste dang good because of it. » Don’t leave without grabbing some al pastor (spit-grilled pork) tacos to go.

pages: 361 words: 111,500

Geography of Bliss
by Eric Weiner
Published 1 Jan 2008

On one level, this made perfect sense. Unconsciously, I was observing the first law of writing: Write about what you know. And so, notebook in hand, tape recorder slung over my shoulder, I roamed the world telling the stories of gloomy, unhappy people. The truth is that unhappy people, living in profoundly unhappy places, make for good stories. They tug at heartstrings and inspire pathos. They can also be a real bummer. What if, I wondered, I spent a year traveling the globe, seeking out not the world’s well-trodden trouble spots but, rather, its unheralded happy places? Places that possess, in spades, one or more of the ingredients that we consider essential to the hearty stew of happiness: money, pleasure, spirituality, family, and chocolate, among others.

It is simultaneously large and cozy, upscale and run-down. Nice wood floors, but they look like they haven’t been polished in years. It’s the kind of place where you could spend hours nursing one beer, and I suspect many people here do just that. Everyone is smoking, so I join in, lighting up a little cigar. Something about the place makes time feel expansive and I become acutely aware of the smallest details. I notice a woman sitting on a bar stool, her legs perpendicular, resting on a nearby banister so that they form a little drawbridge, which she raises and lowers as people pass by. I order something called a Trapiste beer. It’s warm.

pages: 511 words: 111,423

Learning SPARQL
by Bob Ducharme
Published 22 Jul 2011

Tip When querying with the gs:nearby property function, asking for the owl:sameAs value of each resource place returned gives you its DBpedia URI—for example, for the town of Trowbridge. This lets you look up lots of additional information about each place, making it a nice example of Linked Data in action. Model-Driven Development Model-driven development has been a growing trend in application development in recent years, especially among developers who understand the advantages of RDF and the related standards. Before discussing it, let’s take a look at what it improves on.

Even the straight copying of remote triples for local storage can offer some nice advantages for your applications: If you’re not absolutely sure that the remote source will be available whenever you want it, storing local copies ensures that you’ll always have that data when you need it. Locally stored triples will be faster to process than remote ones. If you’ve pulled data from multiple sources, having it together in one place makes it easier to identify potential connections within the data than it would be if the data were spread across multiple remote servers. See Also How Do I Query a Remote Endpoint? Creating and Updating Data This section covers typical patterns of updating data, especially making common changes to multiple triples.

The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America's Man-Made Landscape
by James Howard Kunstler
Published 31 May 1993

To do so will certainly require a transformation of the physical setting for our civilization, a remaking of the places where we live and work. � 1 1 2 ... Ch apter Seven TH E EVI L E M P I R E A merkan, have been living orr-rentered liv,," for ", long that the collective memory of what used to make a landscape or a townscape or even a suburb humanly rewarding has nearly been erased. The culture of good place-making, like the culture of farming, or agriculture, is a body of knowledge and acquired skills. It is not bred in the bone, and if it is not transmitted from one generation to the next, it is lost. Does the modern profession called urban planning have anything to do with making good places anymore ?

Then the Arab Oil Embargo struck in the fall of 1973, and the traffic vanished from the big new shopping boulevard, and the bottom fell out of the economy for a while--though not long enough for America to get the message--and I began to dimly discern that the place itself, this new everyday environment, was the catastrophe. As a child of my times, I was naturally ignorant about the culture of place-making which America had thrown away in its eagerness to be­ come a �lltiQn. It simply wasn't there anymore, especially for someone unconnected to the formal study of architecture. Nobody I knew, or even knew of, talked about building good towns. Cities were considered hopeless--the official policy of urban renewal was a sick joke, and individual acts of urban gentrification were commonly sneered T H E G E O G R A P H Y O F N O W H E R E at as an offense to the poor.

New Localism and Regeneration Management
by Jon Coaffee
Published 1 Mar 2005

Conceptually, this has been embraced by New Labour public policy with consistent calls for a movement away from narrow, elite and bureaucratic relations and networks, towards multiple and diverse relationships which are innovative, and shift away from static sectoral organisation. As such, there is a focus on holistic “place-making” and a move to create a better engagement between the local state and civil society (Coaffee and Healey, 2003). As such, the establishment of area committees highlights one method by which local governments are attempting to change from provider to enabler to partnership facilitator. The adoption of area committees highlights the “tensions between centralising power to get strategic focus and the encouragement for greater citizen voice” (Coaffee and Healey, 2003, p. 1982, see also Sullivan et al., 2001).

pages: 138 words: 40,525

This Is Not a Drill: An Extinction Rebellion Handbook
by Extinction Rebellion
Published 12 Jun 2019

Instead, they largely function to facilitate large capital enterprises so they can extract value from local economies, suck out and concentrate wealth within extra-local corporate supply chains. We need to unlock a city commons. Civil society is bursting with potential, ideas and skills to respond to the climate crisis and build community resilience. Examples abound of community- and place-making that challenge the uncommon corporate city and show glimpses of novel forms of citizen housing, common ownership, social/solidarity economy, community wealth, citizens forums, civil disobedience, attempts to revive local places, neighbourhoods and high streets, as well as to reclaim land. The Cleveland Model, Co-operation Jackson, the shack-dwellers movement, renters’ unions, housing cooperatives, open-source digital manufacture and crowd-sourced city plans are all showing how to reverse-engineer city communities and democracies to become places of safety and equality.

pages: 149 words: 41,934

Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone
by Brené Brown
Published 15 Mar 2017

For that reason, I think places themselves, not just people, can hold those feelings of disconnection too. Sometimes a place can feel lonely because of some sense of a lack of closeness in the relationships that happen in that space. Other times, I think the inability to visualize yourself in connection with people you care about in a particular place makes a space feel lonely on its own. While there’s deep alignment between what I’ve found in my research and what Cacioppo has found, it wasn’t until I processed his work that I fully understood the important role loneliness plays in our lives. He explains that as members of a social species, we don’t derive strength from our rugged individualism, but rather from our collective ability to plan, communicate, and work together.

Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City
by Richard Sennett
Published 9 Apr 2018

There’s no mistaking that the abbot’s garden of Ryōan-ji Temple is an artifice, carefully created rather than found nature. The bases of the rocks are cut so that they stand at different angles, following the rules of geomancy; the quartz gravel has been strictly selected, it is uniform in size, and chisel marks have been left to show on the erupting stones. Today, with the garden complete, the place makes a profound impression, or rather two strong impressions. One might be called its studied absences, the sense of elimination and refined erasure. What the garden represents is not the point of being there – in Zen, there is no point; one seeks release from naming, pointing, underlining, intending.

The Dryline, invoking the High Line pleasure park made out of a disused elevated railway track, would be essentially a ten-mile long berm, a built-up edge along the southern Manhattan tip, made of infilled sand and earth created just beyond the existing waterfront, on top of which and behind which there are constructed pleasure gardens, urban trails and the like. The Dryline thus promises pleasure in its place-making at the same time as the berm serves as a defence against storm surges. The problem, the climate scientist Klaus Jacob points out, is that the Dryline has a fixed height (currently 15 feet) and, as sea levels rise, storm surges will breach it. As with the radio broadcaster, the designers are trapped in a fixed, closed calculation.

pages: 133 words: 47,871

Flying to the Moon: An Astronaut's Story
by Michael Collins
Published 1 Jan 1976

If hatch frame, fine, but if helmet, that meant I wasn’t down far enough, and I would have to go back outside and try again. Which would it be? Click! The best sound ever, as the hatch slid smoothly into place. Now all I had to do was unstow the locking handle, and crank, and crank, until—finally—it was locked. Then I tried to be funny. “This place makes the snake house at the zoo look like a Sunday school picnic,” I said, referring to the fact that I couldn’t see much besides a jillion loops of umbilical line. John and I took a good fifteen minutes to get that umbilical and all the rest of the space-walk equipment under control. We put it all together into one large package, which we then dropped overboard, opening the hatch for the third time in two days.

pages: 157 words: 47,161

The God Equation: The Quest for a Theory of Everything
by Michio Kaku
Published 5 Apr 2021

When visitors would come to visit Einstein’s house, he would ask them, “Does the moon exist because a mouse looks at it?” But no matter how much the quantum theory violated common sense, it had one thing going for it: it was experimentally correct. Predictions of the quantum theory have been tested to eleven decimal places, making it the most accurate theory of all time. Einstein would admit, however, that the quantum theory contained at least part of the truth. In 1929, he even recommended Schrödinger and Heisenberg for the Nobel Prize in Physics. Even today, there is no universal consensus among physicists concerning the cat problem.

pages: 422 words: 131,666

Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back
by Douglas Rushkoff
Published 1 Jun 2009

The stained-glass windows at Chartres are inseparable from the cathedral in which they are set, as is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel from the basilica, or even Stonehenge from its countryside. According to Benjamin, the pilgrimage to the work of art and the specific location where the encounter takes place makes for a sacred event. Once The Last Supper is brought to a generic museum or, worse, replicated thousands of times in a book, it has been removed from its context—from the material processes of its creation. It loses both its religious possibilities and its connection to the labor that created it.

Pushing toxic waste out of one neighborhood forces the dumping corporations to find a new place for it; prices on processing garbage go up, and corporations are encouraged to make less trash in order to preserve their bottom line. While rooftop agriculture may not feed our entire metropolitan population, plenty of other opportunities exist for those seeking a more direct connection with the people and places making their food. Community-supported-agriculture groups, or CSAs, let typical food consumers become members of their local agricultural community. Instead of buying Big Agra produce shipped long distances to the supermarket, people make a commitment to buy a season’s worth of crops from a local farm and then either pay up front or by subscription over the course of a year.

pages: 567 words: 122,311

Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster
by Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz
Published 1 Mar 2013

We’ll share some industry benchmarks that may be helpful to you later in the book. The Squeeze Toy There’s another important aspect to the OMTM. And we can’t really explain it better than with a squeeze toy. If you optimize your business to maximize one metric, something important happens. Just like one of those bulging stress-relief squeeze toys, squeezing it in one place makes it bulge out in another. And that’s a good thing. Optimizing your OMTM not only squeezes that metric so you get the most out of it, but it also reveals the next place you need to focus your efforts, which often happens at an inflection point for your business: Perhaps you’ve optimized the number of enrollments in your gym, and you’ve done all you can to maximize revenues—but now you need to focus on cost per customer so you turn a profit.

One tactic for mapping this out is a “day in the life” storyboard. A storyboard is visual—it’s going to involve lots of multicolored sticky notes plastered on the wall—and it allows you to navigate through a customer’s life and figure out where your solution will have the most impact. Figure 15-1 shows an example of a storyboard. Having this map in place makes it much easier to come up with good hypotheses around how, when, and by whom your solution will be used. You can experiment with different tactics for interrupting users and infiltrating their lives. The right level of positive access will allow to use your product successfully.. Mapping a day in the life of your customer will also reveal obvious holes in your understanding of your customer, and those are areas of risk you may want to tackle quickly.

pages: 479 words: 140,421

Vanishing New York
by Jeremiah Moss
Published 19 May 2017

Commercial rents skyrocketed across the neighborhood, forcing local businesses to shutter. WNYC radio noted that many Brooklynites call Barclays an “‘ugly rusting spaceship’ that’s invaded the neighborhood and abducted mom-and-pop shops in its wake.” The Pintchik family, local landlords with a large parcel of properties, contributed to the upscale place-making. Tess Pintchik told WNYC: “We’re going for Park Slope meets Meatpacking, a well-cultivated and curated group of tenants, and we really want to help change the neighborhood.” Already, many people don’t remember what came before. As Bloomberg once said of the mega-project, “Nobody’s gonna remember how long it took, they’re only gonna look and see that it was done.”

Regarding the possible influx of homogenizing big-box chains to the Bronx, Pariser told the Center for an Urban Future, “bring them on. I’d love to see some of the larger retail chains here in the Hub. . . [I]t is a diversification of the retail character of our borough.” In 2009 the City Council approved another Bloomberg rezoning and place-making scheme, for an area that stretches across the South Bronx and up along the Harlem River, with the luxurious new Yankee Stadium at its northernmost point. According to the press release, the plan would bring in “about 800,000 square feet of commercial and retail space” and “160,000 square feet of hotel and conference space,” along with new residential buildings.

pages: 1,797 words: 390,698

Power at Ground Zero: Politics, Money, and the Remaking of Lower Manhattan
by Lynne B. Sagalyn
Published 8 Sep 2016

The extensive debates about vision, countless public meetings, forums with stakeholders, noisy controversies over design, and press-saturated politics produced more progress in the three emotionally charged years following 9/11 than many New Yorkers were able to acknowledge. Workable plans for four elements central to rebuilding the Trade Center—a 9/11 Memorial design, a fully dimensioned site plan, a dramatic design for a place-making Transportation Hub, and an iconic 1,776-foot skyscraper—had been extracted from competing ambitions, contentious turf battles, and conflicts between the twin goals of remembrance and rebuilding that seemed to defy clean resolution. These pieces created a foundation for moving forward with the actual work of rebuilding.

The Port Authority agreed to retain Studio Daniel Libeskind to develop design guidelines that, the Times reported, “will set the size of the terminal building, its prominent architectural features and other aesthetic elements that will make it look like the drawings that have been widely circulated.”8 The next month, however, when the Port Authority announced it had selected famed Spanish architect-engineer Santiago Calatrava to design the PATH terminal, the artistic prominence of the selection diminished the likelihood that Libeskind would have a role in this place-making element of the site plan. Six months later when the design was unveiled to widespread acclaim, Calatrava paid homage to Libeskind’s “Wedge of Light” concept in the way he positioned the terminal obliquely on the block. Libeskind said he was “very moved” when Calatrava showed him the direction for the station, “which not only is reinforcing the Wedge of Light but creating something wonderful as a civic building.”

When the “bird in flight” opened its wings every September 11, Calatrava said, the “Wedge of Light” would shine through and preserve Libeskind’s intended architectural expression. Over time, though, the plaza would morph into a mere landscaped sidewalk as out-of-control, financially driven changes pushed the Port Authority to eliminate the wings’ opening movement. Little more than a year after Libeskind’s plan had been heralded, many of its signature place-making elements had been “altered, reduced or eliminated,” Robin Pogrebin wrote from the Times cultural desk in “The Incredible Shrinking Daniel Libeskind.” Despite repeated modification to his master plan, Libeskind’s equanimity held, surprisingly. “I would be throwing myself off an elevation,” said Nina Libeskind.

pages: 194 words: 49,649

How to Hygge: The Secrets of Nordic Living
by Signe Johansen
Published 19 Oct 2016

Bake for a further 10–15 minutes or until the loaf has risen and feels firm to the touch. If in doubt, insert a metal skewer into the centre and if it comes out clean the cake is done. Place the cake on a wire rack and allow to cool for a few minutes before turning it out and piercing the top in several places. Make a clementine glaze by mixing together the icing sugar, clementine zest and juice, and lemon juice until you have a sticky icing. It shouldn’t be too runny or the glaze will just pour right off the cake. Drizzle the glaze over the ginger cake and sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and pistachios to decorate.

Pocket Rough Guide Istanbul (Travel Guide eBook)
by Rough Guides
Published 24 May 2019

Try an Ottoman fruit sherbert, Turkish coffee or gözleme (ŧ7–9 depending on filling), a paratha-like bread-round stuffed with cheese or potato, or even a puff on a nargile on the upper floor – all usually in the company of students from the university. Bedesten MAP Cevahir Bedesteni 143–151 1 Çemberlitaş 0212 520 2250. Mon–Sat 8.30am–6.30pm. Tucked away in the Cevahir Bedesteni in the heart of the Grand Bazaar, this well-run and stylish place makes a great spot to rest-up between shopping bouts. Well-priced food is a mix of Turkish (try the yoghurt-drenched Turkish ravioli, mantı, for ŧ19) and international (brownies and cheesecake) and the coffee is good. The decor is special too, dominated by two giant alem, the brass crescent and star finials that adorn mosque domes and minarets.

pages: 208 words: 51,277

Chicken: The Dangerous Transformation of America's Favorite Food
by Steve Striffler
Published 24 Jul 2007

We had to do it. Was it worth it? Hell no! Don’t let anyone tell you it was. People lost houses, family. They had to move. And this was with all the help the Teamsters could give us. . . . This consumed some of us for ten years. We fought and we ended up with the same crappy job we had in the first place. Makes you wonder. When I look at what it did to me, my family, I can’t help but think I should have just accepted what Holly The Right to Work 79 and Tyson were doing. But I couldn’t have done that either. They [Holly–Tyson] just had no respect for us. I don’t know if they do now, but I can at least respect myself.14 The Growers’ Predicament In July , Holly Farms informed fifty-four poultry growers that their contracts would not be renewed after September.

pages: 169 words: 55,866

Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
by Douglas Coupland
Published 15 Mar 1991

This is a cruel, lopsided judgment of what Palm Springs really is —a small town where old people are trying to buy back their youth and a few rungs on the social ladder. As the expression goes, we spend our youth attaining wealth, and our wealth attaining youth. It's really not a bad place here, and it's undeniably lovely—hey, I do live here, after all. But the place makes me worry. ***** There is no weather in Palm Springs—just like TV. There is also no middle class, and in that sense the place is medieval. Dag says that every time someone on the planet uses a paper clip, fabric softens their laundry, or watches a rerun of "Hee Haw" on TV, a resident somewhere here in the Coachella Valley collects a penny.

pages: 180 words: 57,694

Loving Someone With Asperger's Syndrome: Understanding and Connecting With Your Partner
by Cindy Ariel
Published 1 Mar 2012

You can change what you usually make for dinner or the way you prepare it. The possibility of increased flexibility improves with change that comes about deliberately and thoughtfully. You can change things, but do it ever so slowly, and in the meantime take care of yourself. If you get tired of rarely dining out or of going to the same few places, make arrangements to go out with a friend and pick a new place to try. You may prefer to go with your partner, but it’s sometimes better to go with someone else than not at all. Organization People with Asperger’s syndrome often have difficulty with executive functioning, which includes the ability to organize and remember tasks.

pages: 178 words: 51,244

Unf*ck Your Habitat
by Rachel Hoffman

Your goal should be to clear out the boxes and get the contents put away properly as quickly as you can. • START OUT ORGANIZED. Designate a space for packing materials once you start unpacking, and make sure you’re regularly taking them out to be recycled so the moving detritus doesn’t take over your new place. Make sure everything stays in whatever place you’ve designated, and reset each area to clean once you’re done unpacking for the moment. • WORK EVERY DAY. Again, as with packing, aim for at least a few boxes or twenty minutes every day. If you get out of the habit of steadily unpacking, you’ll find it that much more difficult to get started again.

pages: 532 words: 155,470

One Less Car: Bicycling and the Politics of Automobility
by Zack Furness and Zachary Mooradian Furness
Published 28 Mar 2010

For example, punks also celebrate bikes in ways that highlight the unique and sometimes contradictory perspective that bicycling lends to the experience of the city: As I ride, I can feel the street Like a river, it flows rapidly Through the city, it propels Me towards a tragic, bloody crash, oh well An inch from death seems to be The only place to find some peace The only place to ride a bike and Feel alive and find a sense of pride And dignity.18 Bicycling, as Joshua Switzky argues, is an exercise in geography whereby cyclists “become intimately familiar with our networks of public spaces, and with a city’s terrain and its inhabitants.”19 it is a form of mobility that renders cities imageable in ways that differ from and are at the same time connected to other ways of moving and dwelling: it is “one path to an alternative understanding of the urban,” as Jen petersen puts it.20 The narratives produced about bicycling—whether in punk lyrics, zines, blogs, cartoons, or documentary films—contribute heavily to this process by (re)presenting and making meaningful both the totality of “the urban” and the nuances of living in a city. indeed, the process of rethinking the city through the bicycle is as much discursive as it is physical: the various emotional and material (e.g., specific corners, potholes, and alleys) details in the everyday world of bike riders function as signposts and markers that construct “shadow maps” of cities that exist both within and outside of the purview of automobility.21 in this sense, bicycles are actively enlisted in a distinctive process of “place making,” as Erik ruin, a printmaker and author of the Trouble in Mind zine, explains: “There’s a way of knowing a city that’s very particular to biking through it. The slowness allows you to really see things, even to stop and look. The speed gives you some safety and a distance that’s really conducive to fluid thought.”22 For everyday riders, one’s world becomes rearticulated around and through their bicycle as pragmatic cycling routes and favorite rides synthesize psychogeographical maps of spaces that are instinctively measured and charted in terms of their bikeability: anywhere you want to go in Gainesville, you can probably get there from the intersection of university and main on bike in 20 minutes.

Index accidents: automobile and bicycle collisions, 80, 267–268n111; automobile and pedestrian fatalities, 124, 132; automobility and car accidents, 132; automobility and traffic deaths, 68 action against automobiles, 61, 62 adbusters, 85 africa, 13, 172, 191, 198; railroad system in, 190 african americans: banning of african american cyclists, 30–31; and Biking While Black, 102, 256n109; racism against, 236– 237n108, 256n109; and transportation, 175 alderson, Frederick, 44 allis, John, 67 alternative Stad (alternative City), 60–61, 67 amebix (band), 150 american automobile association (aaa), 49, 204 american Bicycle Company, 49 american dream and automobiles, 7 american youth Hostels, 63 aMF incorporated, 108–109 amsterdam, netherlands, 55, 59, 77; and public use bicycle program, 56, 58, 243n46 amtrak, 206 anarchism, 153 anarcho-punk, 150 anderson, Benedict, 7 anderson, Karl, 155, 157 anthony, Susan B., 19 anti-roads program, 78 appadurai, arjun, 188 appropriate technology (aT) movement, 65–66, 191, 192–193; and counterculture, 68; critiques of, 68–69 armstrong, lance, 4–5, 119, 222n25 arnison, Matthew, 81 aronson, Sydney, 15 Arrested Development (television program), 112 articulations, 9 asheville recyclery, 149, 173 asia, railroad system in, 190 athineos, Steve “The Greek,” 125 atton, Chris, 144, 147 austin, Texas, 58 australia, 13, 172; bicycling in, 4 autobahn, 51 auto capitalism, 7 auto industry: automobile factories, forced labor in, 241n22; mass media’s shaping of, 49 automobile-industrial complex, 6 automobiles: and american dream, 7; critiques of, as cultural elitism, 7; drivers of, as victims, 129; and fatalities, 80, 135; as framing device, 88; “governors” devices in, 240n7; isolation of, 87; lack of future of, in cities, 208; love affair with, 5–6; and mobility, 45; and pedestrian fatalities, 124, 132; as automobiles (continued) replacement of citizens, 86; rise of, 48; and sales figures, 221n22; as status symbol, 6; and SUv hybrids, 288n10 automobility, 16–17, 23, 52, 54, 109–110, 204–205, 210; alienation of, 88; bad driving as aberration of, 131; and breaking of traffic laws, 132; and car accidents, 132; city as contested space of, 83; critiques of, 59; as dangerous, 131–132; and environmentalism, 60, 65; and gender, 180–181; as gendered phenomenon, 113; and Global South, 190; and gridlock, 208; as inevitable, 117; and masculinity, 114; and mobility, 213; and mutant bikes, 154–155; news media’s support of, 137; perpetuation of cultural supremacy of, 138; as political, 6, 96; protests of, 60, 62, 63–65; and public space, 83, 87, 104, 212–213; and roads, 83; system of, 6; as term, 6; and traffic deaths, 68 autopia, 60 autopolis, 52 awakening (band), 147 Ayamye (film), 283n49 Back-to-the-land movement, 68 Baker, Jimmy, 147 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 90 Balsley, Gene, 156 Bardwell, Sarah 219n7 Barnett, Gabrielle, 44–45 Barrett, Betty, 120 Baudry de Saunier, louis, 25 Baxter, Sylvester, 32, 39, 233n87 Bean-larson, Dennis, 163 Bel Geddes, norman, 50, 208 Belgian Congo, 196 Benepe, Barry, 67 Benjamin, Walter, 44 Benstock, Marcy, 63, 245n80 Berger, arthur asa, 66–67 Berkman, rivvy, 63, 67 Besse, nadine, 18, 25 Bey, Hakim (aka peter lamborn Wilson), 90–91 La Bicicleta y los Triciclos: Alternativas de Trans- porte para America Latina (navarro), 192 Bicimáquinas, 188 Bicycle action project Earn a Bike (EaB) pro gram, 171 Bicycle advisory Committees, 74 Bicycle Coalition of Greater philadelphia, 63, 68 Bicycle Commuters of new york, 268n113 Bicycle counterculture, 8 Bicycle craze, 14, 16, 196 Bicycle donation programs, 201 Bicycle Ecology, 60 Bicycle Ecology Day, 60 Bicycle education programs, 13, 71–72 Bicycle Habitat, 179 Bicycle production, 213–214, 217, 246n95; and labor practices, 216 Bicycle racing, 25 Bicycles, 217; and accidents, 132–133, 264n66, 267–268n111; advertising of, 18–19, 25; as anti-spectacular device, 89; aura of, 18; bamboo bicycles, 293n63; and bike hacking, 157; boyhood association with, 50; and centaur as metaphor, 23; and class discrimination, 32–33; classic bicycles, 260n29; collective shift to, 213; and colonialism, 196–198; compared to horses, 23–24, 232n65; and consumerism, 19, 160–161; and cyborgs, 24–25; design of, 115; as embodiment of environmentalism, 59, 246n99; as first luxury item, 17; fixed-gear bikes, 162–167; as “freedom machine,” 17; granny bikes, revival of, 167; idea of, 18; interest in custom builders of, 167–168; as metaphor for independence, 45; obsession with style and, 163; and oil embargo, 65; and “ordinaries,” 19; and pedestrian accidents, 264n66; and pedestrian fatalities, 268n117; and place making, 146; posters of, 18; in public protests, 104–105; and recycling, 154, 280n10; revival of as utilitarian, 167; and road taxes, 269n121; and rural women and girls, 190; sales of, 18, 49, 65; secondhand bikes, revival of, 167; signifying power of, 196, 198; and single-speed conversion, 153, 162, 167, 274n56; and social construction of technology (SCOT) paradigm, 226–227n2; as social revolutionizer, 32; support of as transportation, 8; as symbol of resistance, 47, 58; and telegraph messenger boys, 50; ten-speed bicycle, popularity of, 67; twenty-first-century usage of, 205–206, 218; as utility vehicles, 50; as utopian mode of transportation, 59; victory bicycles, 120, 262n47.

pages: 903 words: 235,753

The Stack: On Software and Sovereignty
by Benjamin H. Bratton
Published 19 Feb 2016

She writes, “The earth can be infinitely divided, territorialized, framed. … Framing is how chaos becomes territory. Framing is the means by which objects are delimited, qualities unleashed and art is made possible.”27 Making enclosure by drawing a segment of the world into a presentation is elementary place-making; it is the gesture of geography. Schmitt would not disagree up to this point. The frame, however, is a peculiar sort of introduction of difference whereby the surface of things appears to fold in on itself. It captures and exhibits its subject curled back on itself by a delineation of figure and ground.

For the latter, logistics is a technical imaginary for the world in choreographic motion, an image that in turn becomes a technique for organizing the world as a distributed, generalized complex of distributed, integrated interfaces. 29.  A possible methodological framework: Interface design is less about the design of a thing than of a condition of transference (that could become a thing) and can take at least three main forms. First-order interface design produces the conditions of interassemblage between people, things, or places—making it good, smart, fast, flexible, sustainable, and so on. This is how urban planning and public policy are also interface design. Second-order interface design produces images of interassemblage that give order, predictability, and clarity to how people use systems. These images are very powerful guides—so powerful that they really are the interfaces to what they represent.

See cars: driverless personal rapid transit (PRT) systems, 282 personhood, 173–175, 271, 439n65 persuasive interfaces, 224, 430n65 pervasive computing, 113, 172, 301–302 petroglyphs, 309 phone-car interface, 280 physicalization of abstraction, 29, 33 physical-to-virtual binary opposition, 19 Pinochet, Augusto, 59, 385n25 piracy, 380n15 pirate radio, 244–245 placebo interfaces, 224 placefulness, 16, 29, 155 place-making, 84, 149–150, 310 planetary computational economy, 92 planetary data infrastructure, 267 planetary photography, 150, 300, 354 planetary-scale computation architecture, 5, 197 assignment claimed by, 122 cartographic imperative of, 191 client-side versus server-side critique, 356–357 climactic impact of, 92–93, 96 design and, 192, 356 divides crossed, 27–28 ecological governance convergence, 98 economic geography, effect on, 199 elements of, 5 emergence of, 3, 13, 55 energy footprint, 82–83, 92–96, 106–107, 113, 140–141, 258–260, 303–304 forms taken, 4–5 future of, 351, 356 Google's occupation of, 34–40 governance and, 27 jurisdictions, 357 limits to growth, 93–94 at microlevel of the object, 191–192 neoliberalism and, 21 physical world, relation to, 358 political geography and, 6, 11 real project of, 404n11 space of, 34–40, 303 technologies’ alignment into, 4–5 urban design for, 160 Planetary Skin Institute, 88–90, 92, 97–98, 106, 180, 336, 392n42, 452n67 planetary supersurfaces, 188–189 planetary visualization, 452n69 Planet of the Apes, 182 planetology, comparative, 300–302, 333, 353, 360 plan of action, 43, 342 platform architecture, ideal, 49–50 platform-as-state, 7–8, 42, 48–50, 120–123, 140, 295, 315–316, 319, 327, 335, 341 platform-based robotics, 138–139 platform cities, 183–189 platform design, 44, 48, 51 platform economics network value, 159 platform surplus value, 48, 137, 159, 309, 374 User platform value, 309, 375–376 User surplus, 48 value versus price, indexing of, 336 platforms accidents of, 51 authority, 57 autonomy, 136, 282, 339 centralization versus decentralization, 48 characteristics of, 47–51, 214 City layer, designs for, 177 competition between, 50 component standardization, 47–48 control-decontrol paradox in, 46 decision-making, 44, 341–342 defined, 42, 328, 374, 383n4 diagrams ensnaring actors in, 44 economically sustainable, 48 etymology, 43 exchange value, 51 functions of, 19, 41, 119, 328, 342 future of, 117, 141–145, 244, 295, 315–316 genealogy of, 42 generic universality, 49 geography, 110–112 governing, 109, 119, 143 identity, 42 information mediated, 46 institutional forms, 44 introduction, 41–46 logic, 19, 44, 314 mechanics, 44–51 model-to-real correlation, 387n33 network effects, 48 neutrality, 44 origins, 46 overview of, 41–46 physicality and tactility of, 129–130 platform of platforms, 332–333 platform-within-a-platform principle, 284 plots in, 44 as remedy and poison, 5, 133 robotics, shift to, 362 service infrastructures, 116 as stacks, 7–8, 42–43 standardization, 44–46 theory, 41, 47 wars, 110, 123–125, 295 platform sovereignty activist stance on, 312 architectural surface interfaciality in, 166–167 City layer infrastructures role in, 151–153 constitutional violence of, 155 deciding exceptions in, 21 decision-making, 32–33, 44 defined, 374 derivation of, 37 design, 87–88 emergence of, 33, 152 grid programmability providing, 38 guarantees, 151 of nonhuman User, 273 overview of, 51 paradoxes of, 37 principle of, 36 productive accidents of, 37 reversibility, 22, 152–153 states, 339 urban envelopes, 159, 258 platform surplus value, 38, 48, 137, 159, 309, 374 platform totalities, 297 plot, 43–44 Plug-In City (Archigram), 179 pluralism, 302–303 polis, segmentation of, 241 political, the, 6, 30, 379n10 political agency, 173–175, 250, 258 political-geographic order, 26, 56 political identity of the User, 260, 347 political machine, stack as, 55–58 political philosophy, 20 political rights of the User, 285 political subjectivity, 21, 136, 152, 258, 260, 268 political technology, territory as, 335 political theology, 105, 236, 243, 297, 426n46 politico-theological geographies, 242, 248, 320–322 politics agonistic logics of, 180, 247 architectural, 166–167 interfacial, 244–246 of Internet of Things, 204 norms of, 39 Schmittian, spatial dimension of, 381n24 of ubiquitous computing, 203 “Politics of the Envelope, The” (Zaera-Polo), 166 Pontecorvo, Gillo, 244 poor doors, 311 pop futurist media, 432n71 Popper, Karl, 459n19 popular ecology movement, 86 Portzamparc, Christian de, 311 postage stamps, 194 postal identity, 193–196, 206 postal system, 132, 153–154, 195 post-Anthropocenic geopolitics, 285 post-Anthropocenic User, 264 Postel, John, 319 post-Fordism, 231 posthumanism, 275 post-human User, 285, 287–288 “Postscript on Societies of Control” (Deleuze), 157–158 Pourparlers (Deleuze), 147 Pouzin, Louis, 41 poverty ending, 303, 443n23 interiority/exteriority of, 311–312 politics of, 312, 444n30 of working poor, 331 power architecture symbolizing, 325 cultural legitimacy of exercise of, 424n41 of extralegal violence, 317 monopolizing, 308–309 shifts in, 233, 312–313 power-knowledge asymmetries, 454n75 power of brand, 128, 130 “Powers of Ten” (Eames and Eames), 52 power tools, 438n59 preagricultural societies, 149 presence, 205 Price, Cedric, 179, 201 Princeton Radio Project, 254 Prism, 9, 121, 320 privacy axiomatization of individual, 409n42 biopolitics of, 159, 360 cost of, 136, 285, 445n37 expectations of, 346 meta-metadata recursivity for, 287 right to, 270, 285 sacralization through encryption, 347 privacy markets, 285, 445n37 private human User, dissolution of, 289 private versus public space, 159 production labor.

pages: 203 words: 14,242

Ship It!: A Practical Guide to Successful Software Projects
by Jared R. Richardson and William A. Gwaltney
Published 15 Mar 2005

If more details are needed in a particular area, push those topics into a side meeting with a smaller group. However, the two-minute rule is a guideline, not a law. You may find thirty seconds is just fine, or you may need three minutes. • Are meetings consistently held the same time and place every day, or do they fluctuate? Having daily meetings at the same time and place makes it easy to remember. Meetings can move occasionally, but avoid mixing things up frequently. • If you stopped holding the meetings, would people complain? They should! The team should come to depend on the daily meeting to stay “in the loop.” If the meetings can be dismissed, then they weren’t providing value.

Learning Flask Framework
by Matt Copperwaite and Charles Leifer
Published 26 Nov 2015

On our blog, for instance, we will have blocks for the header, the sidebar, the footer, as well as templates, for rendering blog posts. This approach is DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), which means that the markup contained in each block should not be copied or pasted elsewhere. Since the HTML for each part of the site exists in only one place, making changes and fixing bugs is much easier. Jinja2 also allows you to embed display logic in the template. For instance, we may wish to display a log out button to users who are logged in, but display a log in form to users browsing anonymously. As you will see, it is very easy to accomplish these types of things with a bit of template logic.

Creatures of a Day: And Other Tales of Psychotherapy
by Irvin D. Yalom
Published 24 Feb 2015

“I’m wondering if, at some deeper level, you might feel that giving up your spontaneity is risky, that it brings death closer. I mean, if we look at your situation rationally, we’d ask, ‘What’s the real threat in doing some things on schedule?’ At seventy-seven putting your keys in some designated place makes sense. I sure need to do that. And obviously it makes sense to go to exercise classes or current events discussion at a certain time because a group’s existence requires a designated time to get together.” “I’m not claiming that my thought is rational. I grant that it doesn’t make sense.” “But it does make sense if we assume it is powered by some deep, not entirely conscious fear.

Rough Guide Directions Bruges & Ghent
by Phil Lee
Published 20 Apr 2008

P.54  THE MARKT, BRUGES & P.125  CENTRAL GHENT 12/20/07 10:40:08 AM Speciality shops in Bruges 40 Bruges is a wellheeled city and its prosperity is reflected in its speciality shops, selling everything from high-spec furnishings and fittings through to wallet-emptying antiques and locally made lace. 01 Bruges&Ghent Idea section 9-440 40  Callebert The Belgians are strong on contemporary, domestic design – everything from kettles to sofas – and Callebert proves the point. P.53  THE MARKT, BRUGES 12/20/07 10:40:12 AM 41  TinTin Shop Belgium’s bequiffed cartoon hero has spawned a cottage industry of keepsakes and souvenirs. P.55  THE MARKT, BRUGES  Kasimirs Antiques are big business in Bruges, and this immaculate place makes for excellent browsing. P.77  SOUTH OF THE MARKT, BRUGES  Bilbo The pick of Bruges’s record shops, both for new and old CDs and vinyl. P.77  SOUTH OF THE MARKT, BRUGES 01 Bruges&Ghent Idea section 9-441 41 12/20/07 10:40:22 AM Festivals 42 Bruges, and to a lesser extent Ghent, put on an ambitious programme of festivals and special events.

pages: 169 words: 56,250

Startup Communities: Building an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in Your City
by Brad Feld
Published 8 Oct 2012

It often feels like we are in an endless campaign cycle and, in some cases, at least half of the activity of government leaders feels like it is around the process of getting reelected. After an election, there is often a three-month lame-duck period where nothing happens, followed by a six-month period as the new administration gears up, puts new leaders in place, makes its plans, does its studies, writes its reports, and then launches its new initiatives. That’s nine months of a four-year cycle wasted. Startup communities can’t wait—they are growing and changing every day. It is well known that government can inhibit business activity. The easy things to pin on government are overwhelming regulatory activity, misguided tax policy that stalls investment in entrepreneurial companies, shortsighted tax policy that drives entrepreneurial companies to neighboring cities or states, and constrictive zoning rules, especially in downtown cores, that drive rents up and lower inventory of office and living space.

pages: 192 words: 63,813

The End of Astronauts: Why Robots Are the Future of Exploration
by Donald Goldsmith and Martin Rees
Published 18 Apr 2022

Signals carried by conventional fiber-optic cables composed of silicon dioxide (silica) undergo a hundred times more loss per mile than they do when carried by ZBLAN. However, the process of manufacturing ZBLAN cables can be tricky; it involves melting fluorozirconite, then stretching it into long, incredibly thin fibers. As the glass cools, it can develop tiny crystals that impede the passage of signals flashing from place to place. Making ZBLAN under weightlessness conditions notably reduces the frequency of these flaws, however. In 2019, this key spaceborne advantage received operational testing when a cargo flight carried a suitcase-sized manufacturing platform to the International Space Station. For two months, controllers at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama supervised the platform’s operation remotely.

pages: 211 words: 57,759

Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence
by Kristen R. Ghodsee
Published 20 Nov 2018

“Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Of course, things don’t always change for the better, as Yurchak and many of his compatriots in Eastern Europe found out. Regression happens just as often as progress, which may be why so many people cling to the status quo. But trying to tread water and stay in one place makes it easier for those trying to pull us backward to succeed. Only strong forward momentum can counteract the tug of people hoping for a return of the social mores of the past.3 Women stand to lose the most in the coming struggles that will redefine the future of our republic. There are already those clamoring for our disenfranchisement, both figuratively and literally.

Scotland Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

Drop into Sir Walter Scott’s Courtroom (Market Sq; admission free; 10am-4pm Mon-Fri, 11am-3pm Sat Apr-Sep, & 11am-3pm Sun May-Aug, noon-3pm Mon-Sat Oct) , where there’s an exhibition on the man’s life and writings, plus a fascinating account of the courageous explorer Mungo Park (born near Selkirk) and his search for the River Niger. Sleeping Philipburn Country House Hotel HOTEL ££ ( 01750-20747; uk; r lodge/standard/luxury £90/125/175; ) On the edge of town, this place makes a sound place to stay. New owners have pepped this former dower house up, and it features neat rooms and a snug bar and restaurant. The luxury rooms are great – some have a jacuzzi, while another is a split-level affair with a double balcony. There are room-only rates available in the separate lodge (single/double £60/70), which has self-catering facilities.

Minnigaff Youth Hostel HOSTEL £ (SYHA; 01671-402211;; Minnigaff; dm £15.25; Apr-Sep; ) This converted school is a well-equipped hostel with eight-bed dorms in a tranquil spot 800m north of the bridge on the eastern bank. Although it’s popular with outdoor enthusiasts, you may just about have the place to yourself. Expect a lockout until 5pm. Café Cree CAFE £ (; 48 Victoria St, Newton Stewart; mains £6-10; lunch & dinner; ) On the main street, this most hospitable place makes a real effort to source produce locally, and creates wraps, salads, and other dishes vibrant with flavour with it. To try the best of the region, go for a ‘local hero platter’, with smoked salmon, cheese and other goodies. They’ll even spoil your canine companions. Information Tourist office ( 01671-402431;; Dashwood Sq; 10am-4pm Mon-Sat Apr-Oct) Getting There & Away Buses stop in Newton Stewart (Dashwood Sq) on their way to Stranraer (45 minutes) and Dumfries (1½ hours); both served several times daily.

Vegans, though, may find the options a bit limited outside of Edinburgh and Glasgow. One thing to keep in mind is that lentil soup, a seemingly vegetarian staple of Scottish pub and restaurant menus, is traditionally made with ham stock. EATING WITH KIDS Sadly, the majority of Scotland’s eating places make no effort to welcome children, and many are actively hostile. In a recent survey nine out of 10 families thought the majority of UK restaurants were not family friendly. There’s no way of gauging restaurant attitudes other than by asking. This situation is changing, albeit slowly, especially in the cities and more popular tourist towns where several restaurants and pubs now have family rooms and/or play areas.

Rough Guide DIRECTIONS Venice
by Jonathan Buckley

It’s the place to sample a Bellini (fresh white peach juice and prosecco), which was invented here. Osteria-Enoteca San Marco Frezzeria 1610 T 041.528.5242. Closed Sun. As you’d expect for a place so close to the Piazza, this classy modern osteria is cetainly not cheap, but prices are not madly unreasonable for the quality of the food – and the attitude of the place makes a change from the cynicism you too often encounter in San Marco restaurants. The wine list is very good too. 02 Venice DIR Places.indd 76 Bars and snacks Centrale Restaurant Lounge Piscina Frezzeria 1659b T 041.296. 0664. Open 6.30pm–2am; closed Tues. The spacious, transatlantic- style Centrale touts itself as the best-designed and coolest bar-restaurant in town, and few would argue with the claim.

pages: 233 words: 62,563

Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea
by Charles Seife
Published 31 Aug 2000

The universe was contained in a nutshell, ensconced comfortably within the sphere of fixed stars; the cosmos was finite in extent, and entirely filled with matter. There was no infinite; there was no void. There was no infinity; there was no zero. This line of reasoning had another consequence—and this is why Aristotle’s philosophy endured for so many years. His system proved the existence of God. The heavenly spheres are slowly spinning in their places, making a music that suffuses the cosmos. But something must be causing that motion. The stationary earth cannot be the source of that motive power, so the innermost sphere must be moved by the next sphere out. That sphere, in turn, is moved by its larger neighbor, and on and on. However, there is no infinity; there are a finite number of spheres, and a finite number of things that are moving each other.

pages: 274 words: 58,675

Puppet 3 Cookbook
by John Arundel
Published 25 Aug 2013

All we need to do to add a firewall config snippet for any particular app or service is to tag it firewall-snippet, and Puppet will do the rest. Although we could add a notify => Service["firewall"] to each snippet resource, if our definition of the firewall service were ever to change we would have to hunt down and update all the snippets accordingly. The tag lets us encapsulate the logic in one place, making future maintenance and refactoring much easier. What's the <| tag == 'firewall-snippet' |> syntax? It's called a resource collector, and it's a way of specifying a group of resources by searching for some piece of data about them: in this case, the value of a tag. You can find out more about resource collectors and the <| |> operator (sometimes known as the spaceship operator) on the Puppet Labs website: lang_collectors.html Using run stages A common requirement is to apply a certain group of resources before other groups (for example, installing a package repository or a custom Ruby version), or after others (for example, deploying an application once its dependencies are installed).

pages: 185 words: 60,638

Be Different: Adventures of a Free-Range Aspergian With Practical Advice for Aspergians, Misfits, Families & Teachers
by John Elder Robison
Published 22 Mar 2011

I’ll bet fewer than one percent of the people who walk into that place do so in search of health service. The other ninety-nine percent are seeking repair. Cure of disease. Stitching of wounds. Setting of broken limbs. Removal of warts. To me, those are all repair operations. That’s why my name for the place makes perfect sense. It is a Repair Center. I knew that from the moment I first walked though the doorway many years ago. Why can’t other people see it that way? Instead, nypicals often choose an arbitrary or incomplete name for the Repair Center. They say something like “doctor’s office.” It is a mystery to me how anyone could look at a three-story structure that obviously houses a few hundred people and call it a mere doctor’s office.

pages: 256 words: 58,652

The Making of Prince of Persia: Journals 1985-1993
by Jordan Mechner
Published 30 Jan 2012

September 26, 1990 16-hour day, most of it spent driving around in the van. To wit: pick up dogs and trainers and bring them to set; drive to ambulance rental place and take Polaroids of ambulances for Kevin; drive to midtown Manhattan to pick up insurance certificates; drive back to Garfield Place, make pot of coffee, bring it to set. I spent at least two hours stopped in traffic in the rain on Broadway and on Flatbush. Today was frustrating, but I have to remind myself why I’m here: To (1) help Kevin by making his shoot go smoothly any way I can, (2) earn my entree into this NYU-film community, (3) learn something about student filmmaking.

pages: 169 words: 61,064

Maeve in America: Essays by a Girl From Somewhere Else
by Maeve Higgins
Published 6 Aug 2018

Do I love nature, treasure all the creatures of the sea, and commune with Mother Earth as seamlessly as a sunflower, as fluently as a fish? I would love for that to be the case, but that is absolutely not the case. It’s dead wrong. It’s purely aspirational, and does not match the truth even a little bit. Here on dry land, I blunder around the place making mistakes all day long, misunderstanding others, managing to over- and underestimate my own motivations and capabilities as I go about the endlessly tricky business of being a regular human being. So why should I be any different under the sea? Particularly when I’m surrounded by dolphins—the most malevolent creatures known to man.

pages: 223 words: 62,564

Life in the Universe: A Beginner's Guide
by Lewis Dartnell
Published 1 Mar 2007

Just to the north-west of these lies the highest mountain in the entire solar system. Olympus Mons towers twenty-five kilometres into the Martian sky, almost three times higher than Mount Everest, poking above most of Mars’ atmosphere. Valles Marineris runs eastwards for four thousand kilometres away from the Tharsis bulge, cutting seven kilometres deep into the crust in places, making the Grand Canyon look like a superficial scratch. It is one of the few actual features on Mars that can be identified as one of Lowell’s canals. The lowest point on Mars is the enormous Hellas impact basin, its outer rim marked by a ring of mountains over four thousand kilometres across. This crater was gouged out during the heavy bombardment, with much of the enormous volume of excavated rock contributing to the surrounding high ground.

pages: 214 words: 61,192

Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle With Stuff
by Dana K. White
Published 15 Mar 2018

Except that a room with piles, even piles of clean stuff, doesn’t look clean. And piles of any kind are like fertilizer for other piles. Piles multiply. The existence of one pile justifies the existence of the next. But what do you do about them? Well, um, stop procrastinating. The best way to prevent procrasticlutter is to avoid it in the first place. Make putting away clean dishes a part of your daily routine. Fold laundry as you take it out of the dryer or off the line, and put it away immediately. But when you don’t (because if you’re anything like me, there will be times you don’t), don’t skip over procrasticlutter in the decluttering process (layer two).

pages: 263 words: 61,784

Patricia Unterman's San Francisco Food Lover's Pocket Guide
by Patricia Unterman and Ed Anderson
Published 1 Mar 2007

See this page for the Sunset location. YOGURT BAR AT UNION 2760 Octavia (between Union and Octavia); 415-441-2585;; Open Tuesday through Thursday and Sunday 11 A.M. to 10 P.M., Friday and Saturday 11 A.M. to 11 P.M.; Credit cards: MC, V This almost-hidden little place makes frozen yogurt with the tang and natural flavor of real yogurt—and only 120 calories for five ounces. Light, bright, and organic, the yogurt is lovely with summery fresh raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries. Yogurt Bar’s yogurt is a little creamier and sweeter than either Tuttimelon or Los Angeles’s Pinkberry, the Korean-style frozen yogurt shop that started the craze.

pages: 257 words: 68,383

Bottled and Sold: The Story Behind Our Obsession with Bottled Water
by Peter H. Gleick
Published 20 Apr 2010

…Scientists were stunned to discover that atmospheric oxygen content in ancient times measured twice as high as that of today: It was 38 percent 10,000 years ago, compared to the 21 percent of today, getting lower and lower due to pollution and industrialization.”18 Scientists would indeed be stunned to discover this, since while the composition of the atmosphere has varied dramatically over the eons, atmospheric chemists believe that the level of oxygen in the atmosphere has remained steady for millions of years and is close to what it has been since the emergence of modern homo sapiens a hundred thousand years ago. More important, the very small natural variations from place to place make no difference to our health.19 Another website writes: “We are able to increase the oxygen content of our Premium Bottled Water by 700%—the maximum amount of oxygen possible! That’s seven times more oxygen!”20 Actually, a 700 percent increase would be eight times more oxygen, not seven, but my real quibble here is with the company’s scientific and physiological illiteracy, not their innumeracy.

pages: 391 words: 71,600

Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft's Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone
by Satya Nadella , Greg Shaw and Jill Tracie Nichols
Published 25 Sep 2017

I particularly enjoyed ceremonies with the indigenous peoples in Colombia and New Zealand, learning about how they used Microsoft technology to preserve their history and traditions for generations and how they think about growth. Beyond this, we were greenlighting mothballed products and projects, inviting new partnerships with competitors, showing up in surprising places, making accessibility a first-class citizen in our product design efforts, and constantly traveling the world to engage our people, partners, and customers. On Thursday, July 10, 2014, only a few days into the start of Microsoft’s new fiscal year, I sent an all-company email, a sort of manifesto, at 6:02 a.m. so that it landed in in-boxes at the beginning of the day in all U.S. time zones and before the weekend for employees around the world.

pages: 247 words: 63,208

The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance
by Jim Whitehurst
Published 1 Jun 2015

“The unstructured environment is daunting at first, but over time it becomes exhilarating to have that kind of dynamic environment. The thing that really excites me is that there are always new challenges and opportunities.” The passion is contagious. It’s impossible to be around people like Masters and not be infected by the passion that pervades this place. Make It Personal Describing the value of a passionate organization is one thing; trying to build and maintain one is another set of lessons entirely. That’s why a key part of my job is to help stoke that level of passion through my own actions. That means that when a new version of Fedora—a free community distribution of Linux—comes out, I try to be one of the first to download it and comment on its new features on our message boards.

pages: 262 words: 66,800

Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future
by Johan Norberg
Published 31 Aug 2016

So the environment they had first-hand knowledge of felt safe, but the places they heard about on the news seemed very risky.6 Many journalists and editors acknowledge this tendency. The American public radio journalist Eric Weiner says: ‘The truth is that unhappy people, living in profoundly unhappy places, make for good stories.’7 When the Swedish TV journalist Freddie Ekman was asked about the biggest news stories during almost half a century in the trade, he responded by listing the murder of Prime Minister Olof Palme in 1986, the sinking of the cruise ferry Estonia in 1994, and the terror attacks of 9/11.

pages: 257 words: 64,285

The End of Traffic and the Future of Transport: Second Edition
by David Levinson and Kevin Krizek
Published 17 Aug 2015

Several states, Nevada, Florida, California, Michigan, Virginia, and the District of Columbia, have passed special enabling legislation enabling testing of fully autonomous vehicles on public roads. Environments The Cadillac SuperCruise entry into the "semi-autonomous" vehicle market implies the first market for autonomous vehicles would be the relatively controlled environment of the freeway.168 However, entry into the relatively controlled environment of low-speed places makes sense as well. These are two different types of vehicles (high speed freeway vs. low speed neighborhood), and though they may converge, there is no guarantee they will, and perhaps today's converged multi-purpose vehicle will instead diverge. There has long been discussion of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles, ranging from golf carts to something larger, which are in use in some communities, particularly southwestern US retirement complexes.

pages: 430 words: 68,225

Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps
by Daniel Drescher
Published 16 Mar 2017

Enforcing Rewriting the History for Embedding Changes The blockchain-data-structure also fulfills the second element because it pur- sues a radical all-or-nothing approach when it comes to changing its data: One either changes the data structure starting from the point that causes the change until the head of the whole chain or one better leave it unchanged in the first place. Making Adding Data Computationally Expensive The third element is for those who are not afraid to rewrite large parts of the blockchain-data-structure in the course of having a manipulation embed- ded in the transaction history. But as soon as writing or rewriting the block- chain-data-structure incurs huge computational costs, people will think twice about whether changing it was a good idea in the first place.

pages: 215 words: 71,155

Celebrating the Third Place: Inspiring Stories About the Great Good Places at the Heart of Our Communities
by Ray Oldenburg
Published 30 Nov 2001

The cruelty of imprisonment—which those who have not experienced it cannot imagine—comes not from material deprivation or physical hardship but from the loss of the first and second places. The compensations of the third place are a balm but not panacea, and in the end they cannot make up for the loss of work and home in the context of which alone, after all, third places make their truest meanings. Only in the modern world has the third place, as an assured part of daily life, been locked away from those who need it most, and granted fully only to those incapable of experiencing the first and second places. Among the ironies of our time, this has to rank among the sharpest.

pages: 295 words: 66,912

Walled Culture: How Big Content Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Keep Creators Poor
by Glyn Moody
Published 26 Sep 2022

An article on Wikipedia about the project explains: “The idea was to make it easy and free for anyone to attach an identifier to any piece of content, and then to create a record with the Copyright Hub which would link that identifier to an authoritative record of information about the piece of content and its owner. The technology would also allow automated licensing processes to take place, making authorisation and creation of records of permission a very low cost process.”567 The Copyright Hub was founded in 2013 with funding from the UK government. It was launched in July 2015,568 and the Copyright Done Right569 site was established. Ambitious plans were made, including the creation of browser extensions to allow Internet users to license copyright material.

pages: 233 words: 69,745

The Reluctant Carer: Dispatches From the Edge of Life
by The Reluctant Carer
Published 22 Jun 2022

Its greasy dials dive lemming-like from its stained face towards the nearby bin. Each failing aspect of, or appliance in the house is fraught with memory and metaphor, but the time comes when you must put something out of its misery and move on. Now a sleek black glass replacement squats modishly in its faulty predecessor’s place, making the house look Neolithic by comparison. Its clock is all zeroes, blinking for my attention while Mum squints suspiciously from across the room. I know the squint is a matter of mood rather than a vision thing as Dad has, in typical style, seized upon a mooted suggestion and hired someone to massively overreact to it.

pages: 196 words: 66,253

On the Slow Train Again
by Michael Williams
Published 7 Apr 2011

Now the train is climbing towards its summit, crossing and recrossing the River Wenning on a succession of impressive bridges and viaducts and passing across the invisible border between Lancashire and Yorkshire. The next stop, Bentham, is as authentic a country town as you could find anywhere in Britain: nothing too obviously pretty but a workaday place making a good living out of farming and its own industries. All very North Yorkshire, and no pretensions here, thank you very much. The town is home to one of the biggest sheep and cattle auctions in the north of England, and so fast is the bidding that unwary outsiders are warned not to scratch their noses, otherwise there is a risk of being accompanied by some unwanted pets on the way home.

Frommer's San Francisco 2012
by Matthew Poole , Erika Lenkert and Kristin Luna
Published 4 Oct 2011

Hilton San Francisco Complete with bustling conventioneers and a line to register that resembles an airport check-in, the Hilton’s lobby is so enormous and busy that it feels more like a convention hall than a hotel. The three connecting buildings (the original 19-story main structure, a 46-story tower topped by a panoramic restaurant, and a 23-story landmark with 386 luxurious rooms and suites) bring swarms of visitors. Even during quieter times, the sheer enormity of the place makes the Hilton somewhat overwhelming. After you get past the sweeping grand lobby, jump on an elevator, and wind through endless corridors to your room, you’re likely to find the mystique ends with clean but run-of-the-mill standard-size corporate accommodations. That said, some of the views from the floor-to-ceiling windows in the main tower’s rooms are memorable.

Expect to pay at least $10 to $13 for valet service, if the restaurant offers it. 6 Exploring San Francisco Route 1 and Highway 101 merge at the Golden Gate's entrance. San Francisco’s parks, museums, tours, and landmarks are favorites for travelers the world over and offer an array of activities to suit every visitor. But no particular activity or place makes the city one of the most popular destinations in the world. It’s San Francisco itself—its charm, its atmosphere, its perfect blend of big metropolis with small-town hospitality. No matter what you do while you’re here—whether you spend all your time in central areas like Union Square or North Beach, or explore the outer neighborhoods—you’re bound to discover the reason millions of visitors keep leaving their hearts in San Francisco.

pages: 630 words: 177,650

The Bicycling Guide to Complete Bicycle Maintenance and Repair: For Road and Mountain Bikes
by Todd Downs
Published 16 Mar 2005

Don't know what material your cups are made of? A small magnet will solve the mystery—if it sticks, it's steel. When making a headset adjustment, leave the stem in place. Many people also like to leave the front wheel on the bike to act as a handle to hold the forks still while the locknut is being turned. However, leaving the wheel in place makes it more difficult to tell if the headset is too tight. An alternative is to remove the wheel and slide the handle of a hammer or some similar tool between the fork legs to hold the fork steady while you apply force to the locknut. Adjust a threaded headset by turning the locknut counterclockwise to loosen it.

If you get enough under the grips, you'll be able to work them off. Don't use oil, which will make the grips permanently slippery. To install new grips, make sure the handlebar is clean of any oil or grease, which may make the grips slip. Coat the inside of the grips with rubbing alcohol and slide them in place, making sure they're all the way on. The alcohol will evaporate quickly, so work fast. Some mechanics recommend hair spray, which works in a similar fashion by lubricating the grips initially and then evaporating so that the grips will stick. A trick that we've found helpful, especially in very wet conditions, is wiring on the grips.

Lonely Planet Kenya
by Lonely Planet

Meals are served family style with Dea as your host; it's hard to imagine a warmer welcome. oSanctuary FarmBOUTIQUE HOTEL$$ ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %0722761940;; off Moi South Lake Rd; s/d KSh15,000/20,000, camping KSh6000; pW)S Within a private 400-acre conservancy and dairy farm, this beautiful place makes the perfect weekend escape from Nairobi. The rooms are stylish, high-quality and elegant, and there's access to a cosy wi-fi lounge/library. You can also go horse riding among giraffes and zebras. Lovely breakfasts, good wines and delicious, healthy mains are on offer at the farm-to-table restaurant.

These thatched concrete bandas (which have their own simple kitchens) have far more style than your average budget camp and you can use Severin’s facilities (including the pool and free wi-fi). Great value, though do call ahead. Lake Jipe Safari CampBUNGALOW$$ ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %0728284538, 0720911826;; r full board from US$125; pW) With three safari tents and seven bandas, this simple place makes a decent base for Lake Jipe and the southern reaches of Tsavo West. It's lovely and quiet with Mt Kilimanjaro views just 500m back from the lakeshore. It's especially good for birdwatching (November to January), while reasonable concentrations of wildlife are drawn to the water around the end of the dry season.

The Rough Guide to Morocco
by Rough Guides

It helps to know where your chosen hotel actually is before you arrive, as the final leg off the N13 from Rissani is across rough hammada and can be a long one if you stay at the northernmost group of hotels, some of which lie a considerable way from the tarmac. Outside high season, rates are surprisingly low, mainly because most places make their real money on camel trips. With just a few unremarkable café-restaurants to choose from, you’ll get a much better deal if you eat at your hotel, paying an inclusive half- or full-board rate. The accommodation below is listed in the order you encounter it from Rissani.

Lately it has seen the return of performers such as storytellers, snake charmers and musicians – as in Marrakesh’s Jemaa el Fna, but on a smaller scale, of course. The walls 7km walking circuit around the exterior; also possible to tour by bicycle, or take a calèche from just inside Bab el Kasbah The town’s walls and bastions, now restored in many places, make an enjoyable 7km circuit, which is best undertaken in the late afternoon, in order to witness the ramparts getting fired up by the sunset. Unfortunately there are no paths atop the walls, meaning that you’ll have to go around the outside, though there are stairs up onto them at the Bab el Kasbah, a triple-arched structure that’s the most imposing of the city’s several gates.

Daily 9am–7pm, sometimes closes earlier. < Back to Agadir, the Souss and Anti-Atlas Taliouine More village than town, there’s a palpable end-of-the-road feeling once you’ve reached TALIOUINE – the roads do continue, however, and thanks to good accommodation options and some superlative vistas, the place makes a logical stopover point en route to Taroudant, Ouarzazate or Tata. The aforementioned views are mostly made up of various shades of gold and brown, often sculpted into comb-patterns by varying forces, such as the page-like rocks making up the surrounding mountains, grooves made by the hooves of goats which peck at the local scrubland, ploughed furrows on brown fields which seem dry year-round, and tyre-tracks on the dusty roads winding their lonely courses out of town.

pages: 1,058 words: 302,829

The Rough Guide to Morocco (Travel Guide eBook)
by Rough Guides
Published 23 Mar 2019

It helps to know where your chosen hotel actually is before you arrive, as the final leg off the N13 from Rissani is across rough hammada and can be a long one if you stay at the northernmost group of hotels, some of which lie a considerable way from the tarmac. Outside high season, rates are surprisingly low, mainly because most places make their real money on camel trips. With just a few unremarkable café-restaurants to choose from, you’ll get a much better deal if you eat at your hotel, paying an inclusive half- or full-board rate. The accommodation below is listed in the order you encounter it from Rissani. Auberge Derkaoua 23km north of Merzouga village; 5km from the main road 0535 577140 or 0661 343677,; map.

East of Taroudant, the spectacular kasbah in Freija is worth a stop, set in a lovely village which makes a good overnight layover. Further down the road, the oasis and kasbah of Tioute is also close enough to explore in a half-day’s trip by car, or an energetic day by rented bike. The walls 7km walking circuit around the exterior; also possible to tour by bicycle The town’s walls and bastions, now restored in many places, make an enjoyable 7km circuit, which is best undertaken in the late afternoon, in order to witness the ramparts getting fired up by the sunset. Unfortunately there are no paths atop the walls, meaning that you’ll have to go around the outside, though there are stairs up onto them at the Bab el Kasbah, a triple-arched structure that’s the most imposing of the city’s several gates.

It’s 80dh for the set menu (there will be no other options, though they could perhaps rustle up an omelette), but even if you’re not hungry, it’s a delightful place for coffee or tea. Daily 9am–7pm, sometimes closes earlier. Taliouine and around More village than town, there’s a palpable end-of-the-road feeling once you’ve reached TALIOUINE – the roads do continue, however, and thanks to good accommodation options and some superlative vistas, the place makes a logical stopover point en route to Taroudant, Ouarzazate or Tata. The aforementioned views are mostly made up of various shades of gold and brown, often sculpted into comb-patterns by varying forces, such as the page-like rocks making up the surrounding mountains, grooves made by the hooves of goats which peck at the local scrubland, ploughed furrows on brown fields which seem dry year-round, and tyre-tracks on the dusty roads winding their lonely courses out of town.

pages: 275 words: 77,017

The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers--And the Coming Cashless Society
by David Wolman
Published 14 Feb 2012

Dan, chairman, president, and CEO of Texas-based Brinks. Might the bankers’ judgment on this be a hint to the rest of us?29 Birch steps back into the foyer for a moment to make a call. He looks a little distressed. He’s been to this museum a number of times before—know thine enemy, I suppose—but I get the sense that this place makes him physically uncomfortable. Far from signifying stately grandeur and a rock-solid economy, the stone walls and stodgy traditions symbolize the kind of fuddy-duddy refusal to move forward that is anathema to someone who accepts the premise that technological innovation drives positive change. Maybe he’s overreacting, though.

pages: 301 words: 74,571

by William Gibson
Published 2 Jan 1996

"No," Zona said, "they tore it down before it all became China C 221 again. They made a park with concrete. But these people, the ones they say made a hole in the net, they found the data. The history of it. Maps. Pictures. They built it again." "Why?" "Don't ask me. Ask them. They are all crazy." Zona was scanning the Piazza. "This place makes me cold…"Chia considered bringing the sun up, but then Zona pointed. "Who is that?" Chia watched her Music Master, or something that looked like him, stroll toward them from the shadows of the stone arches where the cafes were, a dark greatcoat flapping to reveal a lining the color of polished lead.

pages: 208 words: 74,328

The Road to Wigan Pier
by George Orwell
Published 17 Oct 1972

It was a chewed quid of tobacco. Nearly all the miners chew tobacco, which is said to be good against thirst. Probably you have to go down several coal-mines before you can get much grasp of the processes that are going on round you. This is chiefly because the mere effort of getting from place to place makes it difficult to notice anything else. In some ways it is even disappointing, or at least is unlike what you have expected. You get into the cage, which is a steel box about as wide as a telephone box and two or three times as long. It holds ten men, but they pack it like pilchards in a tin, and a tall man cannot stand upright in it.

Human Transit: How Clearer Thinking About Public Transit Can Enrich Our Communities and Our Lives
by Jarrett Walker
Published 22 Dec 2011

First, you must form a sufficient understanding of the service, frequency, and fare to know how to make the trip. This is the role of legibility as discussed earlier. 2. Accessing (at the origin). You then walk, drive, or cycle to the stop or station where you will board the service. Here, there are limits to what your transit agency can do, apart from locating the stop at a logical place, making it a civilized place to wait, and providing parking options for your car or bike, where appropriate. Other than this, you’re at the mercy of the city’s street network and development pattern. 3. Waiting. Waiting is everyone’s least favorite phase of a trip. It’s governed mostly by frequency and reliability, but of course the quality of the waiting environment has a big impact.

pages: 200 words: 72,182

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
by Barbara Ehrenreich
Published 2 Jan 2003

Her boyfriend's sister, she tells me on the drive to our first house, watches her eighteen-month-old for $50 a week, which is a stretch on The Maids' pay, plus she doesn't entirely trust the sister, but a real day care center could be as much as $90 a week. After polishing off the first house, no problem, we grab “lunch”—Doritos for Rosalie and a bag of Pepperidge Farm Goldfish for Maddy—and head out into the exurbs for what our instruction sheet warns is a five-bathroom spread and a first-timer to boot. Still, the size of the place makes us pause for a moment, buckets in hand, before searching out an appropriately humble entrance.[16] It sits there like a beached ocean liner, the prow cutting through swells of green turf, windows without number. “Well, well,” Maddy says, reading the owner's name from our instruction sheet, “Mrs.

Food Trucks: Dispatches and Recipes From the Best Kitchens on Wheels
by Shouse, Heather
Published 19 Apr 2011

“I was looking at the food cart scene in Portland, which isn’t always user-friendly because you buy food and you stand on the sidewalk where people jostle you. There’s no place to get out of the weather, no restroom facilities where you could wash your hands,” Goldingay says. “I just thought the whole scene was not as nice as it could be, so I wanted to develop a community gathering place, make a positive impact, and draw people to the neighborhood. And people seem to have real y taken to it. We’ve got food carts, beer from the adjacent bar on the lot, the outdoors. This … is total y Portland right here.” Potato Champion FIND IT: SE 12th Ave. and Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, Oregon KEEP UP WITH IT: Must be last cal .

pages: 260 words: 76,223

Ctrl Alt Delete: Reboot Your Business. Reboot Your Life. Your Future Depends on It.
by Mitch Joel
Published 20 May 2013

But even with all the impressive numbers, we’re still looking at a penetration rate among the general population of anywhere between 25 and 55 percent (depending on which research group you want to believe and the country that you reside in) for smartphones and tablets. Beyond this low penetration rate, it’s also important to note that this small percentage shrinks even more when it comes to people who are paying for apps, downloading apps, and actually using apps (we’ve all seen the depressing stats surrounding this in innumerable different places). Making things even more complex are the telecommunications companies, which are still charging confusing fee structures for mobile data. Text messaging is not the same as mobile Web, and different devices use different amounts of data (and we’re not even talking about the complete confusion or price gouging that happens when you roam beyond your country of origin).

Jerusalem: A Cookbook
by Yotam Ottolenghi and Sami Tamimi
Published 15 Oct 2012

Add the nutmeg, ginger, and paprika, toss for a few more seconds, just to heat them, then transfer to a spice grinder. Process the spices to a uniform powder. Transfer to a medium bowl and stir in all the remaining ingredients, except the lamb. Use a small, sharp knife to score the leg of lamb in a few places, making slits ⅔ inch / 1.5 cm deep through the fat and meat to allow the marinade to seep in. Place in a large roasting pan and rub the marinade all over the lamb; use your hands to massage the meat well. Cover the pan with aluminum foil and leave aside for at least a couple of hours or, preferably, chill overnight.

pages: 168 words: 9,044

You're Not Fooling Anyone When You Take Your Laptop to a Coffee Shop: Scalzi on Writing
by John Scalzi
Published 28 Jan 2007

Somewhat related: Use capitals when you should (beginning of sentences, proper nouns), don't use them when you shouldn't (pretty much every other time). Lots of people think not using capitals makes them look arty and cool, but generally it just makes the rest of us wonder if you've not yet figured out the magical invention known as the shift key. Alternately, the random appearance of capitals in inappropriate places makes us wonder if you don't secretly wish the Germans won World War II (and even the Germans are cracking down on wanton capitalization these days, so there you are). 2. With sentences, shorter is better than longer: If a sentence you're writing is longer than it would be comfortable to speak, it's probably too long.

pages: 261 words: 71,349

The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms
by Beth Buelow
Published 3 Nov 2015

For instance, once I decided I’m not obligated to answer the phone, it became easier to answer the phone because I do it as a choice instead of because I feel the world requires it. Once I know that I can leave a party when I’m ready to go, it makes it much easier to go to the party in the first place.” Make friends with the unknown. Introverts generally like to be prepared and know what to expect. Responding quickly, being put on the spot, dealing with unclear expectations—these are not high on our list of favorite things. Yet, as we know, life is full of situations and people for which we can never be prepared.

pages: 273 words: 76,786

Explore Everything
by Bradley Garrett
Published 7 Oct 2013

There was a specific guilt that came with exploring Eastern Europe, arising from the clash of different value systems in regard to derelict space. Perhaps this is an indication of a larger continued tension between capitalism and communism: where East meets West, desire meets utility, nostalgia meets expectation and mobility meets place-making. We knew we were bringing the West with us, and we also knew, deep down, that the social conditioning that resides in those templates could never be completely erased, much as we tried. As Winch said, on our way out of Poland, ‘I felt just as likely to get my head kicked in and my camera stolen out there than to get a good photograph … and I couldn’t blame them.’

pages: 219 words: 75,735

All Families Are Psychotic
by Douglas Coupland
Published 14 Jun 2002

And then Janet felt she was now officially in the future, one so far away from the dreams of her Toronto youth that she was reminded of Discovery Channel sermons on travel at the speed of light, of young men and women shot out into the universe, returning to Earth only to find everything they'd ever known dead or gone or forgotten or mocked, and this world was Janet's world. 'Wade, does this place make any sense to you?' 'Huh? Yeah, sure — US 1 goes right up the coast.' 'No. That's not what I meant. I mean — what's the reason behind a place like this?' 'Is it weirding you out?' 'It is. Explain it to me. Explain Daytona Beach to me.' 'Daytona's a fun kind of place — a place where—' 'Stop, Wade.

pages: 246 words: 76,561

Radical Cities: Across Latin America in Search of a New Architecture
by Justin McGuirk
Published 15 Feb 2014

‘Those shitty blacks will end up spending that money on anything except houses,’ he recalls people saying. ‘But Milagro said, “We have to work day and night to finish these houses, and if we work hard there will come a time when we all have our own homes.”’ What makes Alto Comedero truly unique is not the architecture so much as the luxurious amenities and the surreal place-making. Everywhere you look, Túpac Amaru’s revolutionary cosmology has been turned into a didactic branding concept. The water tank on the roof of each house is stamped with a face. It might be Túpac Amaru himself, or Eva (‘Evita’) Perón, that talismanic Argentine heroine, or Che. This is the holy trinity of the organisation’s iconography – a blend of T-shirt radicalism, Argentine populism and ethnic pride.

pages: 325 words: 73,035

Who's Your City?: How the Creative Economy Is Making Where to Live the Most Important Decision of Your Life
by Richard Florida
Published 28 Jun 2009

They provide us with the space necessary for personal discovery and self-actualization—for realizing our potential and dreams, for building and raising the family we truly desire. They enable us to be part of a whole and to be ourselves, adding real meaning and fulfillment to our lives. These survey findings are meant to be guides to what dimensions of a place make the greatest positive impact on an average resident’s happiness. But as our same findings illustrate, not all people want the same thing out of their community, nor do they desire the same things at every stage of life. Ultimately, being happy with one’s place comes down to figuring out what best complements one’s lifestyle and core values.

pages: 250 words: 75,151

The New Nomads: How the Migration Revolution Is Making the World a Better Place
by Felix Marquardt
Published 7 Jul 2021

Today, there are thousands of articles, blogs and social media posts attesting to the luxury of the digital nomad’s lifestyle and luring young people to join an endless spring break parade of beers and beaches. It is easy to see in all of this digital flotsam and jetsam a certain amount of self-satisfaction, and it’s very easy to understand why it irritates. There is a sense that the underlying message is, ‘I’m so talented I can do my job wherever, and therefore I hang out in great places, making lots of money, while you’re tied to your desk.’ Yet, of course, the circumstances of digital nomads fundamentally differ from lots of other migrants who not only struggle and work hard to achieve but partake of their new communities and often give back to their old ones. They also differ from people who are unable to migrate.

pages: 252 words: 73,387

Mini Farming: Self-Sufficiency on 1/4 Acre
by Brett L. Markham
Published 14 Apr 2010

And all throughout, the compost bin collects a wide array of materials ranging from crop debris and lawn clippings to stale eggs and the entrails of slaughtered animals. As a result, because the animals largely receive feed from off the farm, the compost contains more nutrients than were taken out of the soil in the first place, making it an incredible fertilizer. This is important. Everything that you can’t make yourself or conserve on your mini-farm becomes something that will eventually cost you money. Keeping costs down is the secret that makes mini-farming an economic activity that is more beneficial than simple gardening. 7 Time and Yield Most of the United States, even the northern plains, has a growing season long enough to allow for multiple plantings of many crops.

pages: 712 words: 199,112

The Rough Guide to Korea
by Rough Guides
Published 24 Sep 2018

To Jungsan-ni Buses run to the village of Jungsan-ni from Jinju (hourly; 45min), but the park entrance is a frustratingly long (20min) uphill walk from the bus stop. ACCOMMODATION In addition to the park shelters, there are places to stay outside both of the main park entrances, as well as a smattering of campsites. There’s also a clutch of minbak at the Jungsan park entrance, though the isolation of the place makes for a rather lonely stay. Hwa-eomsa has the most extensive accommodation possibilities, and offers a templestay programme for W40,000. Illigy Stay 일리지 스테이 505 Hwagye-ro 010 7503 2270; map. Appropriately alpine in feel (in a Korean way, at least), this guesthouse is a good option near the Ssangyesa entrance.

Western cigarettes go down well with local men and postcards from home with everyone, while balloons and small toys are always popular with children; try to ask a parent’s permission before handing anything over. Culture and etiquette The first rule when travelling through North Korea is simple: do not disrespect the Kims. Disobeying could lead to dramatic consequences, but the sheer madness of the place makes acquiescence a hard line to toe – it’s difficult not to pass comment on something that’s likely to run contrary to your own upbringing. While the propaganda stuffed down your throat may be hard to stomach, it’s unwise to react to it – asking questions or making accusations is not going to change the way that anybody thinks, much less the running of the country, and doing so can lead to trouble.

pages: 321 words: 85,267

Suburban Nation
by Andres Duany , Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Jeff Speck
Published 14 Sep 2010

Like some of its better-known American counterparts, Poundbury stands irrefutable, promising the ultimate sustainability: the permanence that accrues only to places that are loved. Given the advances of the past decade, perhaps it is not hubristic to declare that we can see a future of wiser, healthier, more efficient and more beautiful place-making. Social scientists identify three phases in cultural change: first, social marketing; then the removal of existing barriers to change; and finally the enactment of new regulations. Suburban Nation has helped to socially market a change in the way we build. Americans are now well into the subsequent phases of removing barriers and regulating … and not a moment too soon.

pages: 142 words: 18,753

Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper Class and How They Got There
by David Brooks
Published 1 Jan 2000

He has to do just as much artificial schmoozing as the partners at Skadden, Arps or the sellers at Goldman Sachs. It’s just that they are working in big money industries and the SID sufferer is working in a small money industry. Today’s intellectual is at the butt end of the upper class. She is rich enough to send her kids to the private schools and to Stanford, but many of the other parents at these places make as much in a month as her family does in a year. Eventually the kids of the SID sufferer begin to notice the income difference between their family and their classmates’ families. It happens around birthday time. The other kids have birthdays at Wrigley Field (they’ve bought out a section) or at FAO Schwarz (they’ve rented out the whole store for a Sunday morning).

When Free Markets Fail: Saving the Market When It Can't Save Itself (Wiley Corporate F&A)
by Scott McCleskey
Published 10 Mar 2011

A ban on serving as an officer or board director on any publicly traded company in the future is an 3 Testimony of Benjamin Bernanke to the Senate Banking Committee, December 3, 2009. C03 06/16/2010 30 11:16:34 & Page 30 Moral Hazard important sanction, as is potential civil liability. Put differently, have a bailout process in place, make it clear, and make it bad for the managers. 2. Creditors will not be made whole, but neither will they be left holding the bag, and so a haircut of the failing firms’ obligations, other than overnight repos, should be imposed as part of a bailout. The preventive measures like keeping banks small are good and wise, but it is neither good nor wise to neglect the need for a Plan B in case something does happen.

pages: 296 words: 86,188

Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong-And the New Research That's Rewriting the Story
by Angela Saini
Published 29 May 2017

CHAPTER 8 The Old Women Who Wouldn’t Die Women may be the one group that grows more radical with age. —Gloria Steinem, Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions, 1983 I am at the end of my research, and I’ve reached Bedlam. I’m only visiting—I want to better understand the experiences through history of women going through menopause—but this place makes me uneasy nonetheless. Bethlem Royal Hospital is one of the oldest psychiatric institutions in the country. It has shifted sites around London three times since it was established in 1247. Along the way it acquired such a shocking reputation that its very name, shortened to Bedlam, became synonymous with chaos and uproar.

pages: 308 words: 84,713

The Glass Cage: Automation and Us
by Nicholas Carr
Published 28 Sep 2014

If you never have to worry about not knowing where you are, then you never have to know where you are. It is also to live in a state of dependency, a ward of your phone and its apps. Problems produce friction in our lives, but friction can act as a catalyst, pushing us to a fuller awareness and deeper understanding of our situation. “When we circumvent, by whatever means, the demand a place makes of us to find our way through it,” the writer Ari Schulman observed in his 2011 New Atlantis essay “GPS and the End of the Road,” we end up foreclosing “the best entry we have into inhabiting that place—and, by extension, to really being anywhere at all.”14 We may foreclose other things as well.

pages: 423 words: 87,285

The Vitamix Cookbook: 250 Delicious Whole Food Recipes to Make in Your Blender
by Jodi Berg
Published 12 Oct 2015

The very act of transferring hot soup to a blender can be tricky for some, and there is no harm in letting the soup cool for a few minutes before beginning to puree it! •Position the lid with the flaps on the container with the flaps midway between the spout and the handle. Push the lid onto the container until it locks in place. (Make sure the vented lid plug is secured.) The lid must always be secured, especially when processing hot liquids that may scald. •Don’t overfill the container. Hot liquids expand. It is usually safer to fill the canister a little over half full, so that the hot liquid doesn’t overflow while you are blending it.

pages: 334 words: 82,041

How Did We Get Into This Mess?: Politics, Equality, Nature
by George Monbiot
Published 14 Apr 2016

But thanks to an invention by the former British Aerospace engineer Howard Stapleton it is now just as effective at discouraging human vermin.1 The Mosquito™ youth dispersal device, manufactured by Compound Security Systems, produces a loud, high-pitched whine that can be heard strongly only by children and teenagers, and not at all by people over twenty-five. It allows councils to keep children out of public places, making them safe for law-abiding citizens. It enables shopkeepers to determine who should and should not be permitted to use the streets. It ensures that society is not subjected, among other intrusions, to the unpleasant and distressing noises that youths are inclined to make. A survey by the Guardian shows that 25 per cent of local authorities in the UK use or have used these machines in their attempts to discourage the youthwave.2 Altogether, 3,500 MosquitosTM have been sold here, far more than in any other country.3 The product’s success is one of many signs of the enlightened attitudes to the menace of childhood which distinguish the United Kingdom from less civilised parts of the world.

pages: 280 words: 85,091

The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success
by Kevin Dutton
Published 15 Oct 2012

On July 20, 1969, as Neil Armstrong and his partner Buzz Aldrin zipped across the lunar landscape looking for a place to set their module down, they came within seconds of crash-landing. The problem was geology. There was just too much of it. And fuel: too little. Rocks and boulders lay scattered all over the place, making a safe approach impossible. Aldrin mopped his brow. With one eye on the gas gauge and the other on the terrain, he issued Armstrong a stark ultimatum: Get this thing down—and fast! Armstrong, however, was decidedly more phlegmatic. Maybe—who knows?—he’d never had time for twitchy backseat drivers.

pages: 348 words: 82,499

DIY Investor: How to Take Control of Your Investments & Plan for a Financially Secure Future
by Andy Bell
Published 12 Sep 2013

The average person in the UK will have 11 employers through their working life, which means most people end up with lots of pension pots, none of which on their own is of any great value. The paperwork that pensions can generate knows no bounds, so consolidating your plans into one place will help you to keep track of your retirement savings. Being able to see all of your investments in one place makes it easier to plan for your retirement. It also makes it easier to build a portfolio of investments that accurately reflect your retirement objectives and appetite for risk. With pension schemes littered all over the place, it is nigh on impossible to implement a coherent investment strategy to achieve these objectives.

pages: 274 words: 81,008

The New Tycoons: Inside the Trillion Dollar Private Equity Industry That Owns Everything
by Jason Kelly
Published 10 Sep 2012

I want to be able to look at the 27-year-old who wants to work at TPG and say, ‘You can make a career here.’ ” Coulter keeps a sheet of paper in his office where he jots down important elements about the firm’s culture and he and Bonderman give speeches, sometimes via video, to new hires that join the firm. “You instill the culture on long airplane flights,” Coulter said. “You tell stories and legends and model the behavior.” He noted that a small firm with a lot of money at its disposal places great trust in the people it hires. “If somebody some place makes a bad decision, it could bring the whole place down.” When talking about the firm, TPG partners are quick to mention Coulter’s “No assholes” rule. Another way Coulter and Bonderman said they stressed togetherness and transparency is open meetings: any person at any level of the firm can register to listen in and participate in any investment committee meeting across TPG’s funds.

pages: 253 words: 79,595

The Joy of Less, A Minimalist Living Guide: How to Declutter, Organize, and Simplify Your Life
by Francine Jay

Likewise, do everything you can to keep the floor clear. These spaces can be awkward and dark, providing a ripe tripping hazard if anything is underfoot. When you’re negotiating the terrain with a ten-foot ladder, or fifty-pound bag of rock salt, it’s a bad time to discover that your child’s wagon is out of place. Make liberal use of vertical storage space—such as shelving, and wall-mounted hooks and holders—to store things off the floor. Hang garden tools like rakes and shovels, sporting equipment like skis and skates, and mesh bags of smaller items like soccer balls, helmets, and other accessories. Install overhead racks to stow bicycles and large items out of the way.

pages: 206 words: 78,882

The New Tourist: Waking Up to the Power and Perils of Travel
by Paige McClanahan
Published 17 Jun 2024

The terms, which began cropping up around the turn of the millennium, describe a very postmodern approach to exploring the world: on our overcrowded, over-mapped, over-photographed planet, human beings are no longer racing to be the first to go somewhere extraordinary or do something exceptional. Now, we’re racing to be the last. Through the eyes of a last-chance tourist, the ephemeral nature of a melting, sinking, or otherwise disappearing place makes the site significantly more alluring. In some cases, people whose job it is to market tourist destinations have seized on the macabre appeal of the dying destination, playing on people’s angst over climate change, in particular, to try to motivate them to come visit their tourist attraction before it’s gone.

The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science
by J. Kenji López-Alt
Published 20 Sep 2015

Spread the chile mixture evenly all over the chicken and under the skin. Roast according to either recipe (here or 594), skipping step 2. Serve with the chile sauce if desired. Thai-Style Sweet Chile Sauce NOTE: If you can’t find fresh chiles, 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes can be used in their place. MAKES ABOUT ½ CUP 2 medium cloves garlic, minced or grated on a microplane (about 2 teaspoons) 2 small fresh red Thai chiles, finely minced, or 1 red jalapeño or Serrano chile (see Note above) ½ cup palm or packed light brown sugar ¼ cup distilled white vinegar ¼ cup water 2 tablespoons Asian fish sauce Combine all the ingredients in a small saucepan, bring to a simmer, and simmer gently until reduced by one-third, about 10 minutes.

Pesto can be frozen for up to 6 months like this. To use it, cut a pesto cube into rough pieces on your cutting board, then thaw them in a skillet or directly in the saucepan with the cooked pasta. CLASSIC GENOVESE PESTO WITH BASIL AND PINE NUTS NOTE: For a more intense flavor, omit the spinach and use additional basil in its place. MAKES ABOUT 1½ CUPS, SERVING 4 2 ounces (about 3 loosely packed cups) fresh basil leaves 1 ounce (about 1½ loosely packed cups) baby spinach leaves 1 medium clove garlic 3 ounces (about ¾ cup) toasted pine nuts 2 ounces Parmigiano-Reggiano, grated (about 1 cup) 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest (from 1 lemon) ½ cup olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1.

Marcona Almond Vinaigrette I like to accentuate the natural dirt-candy sweetness of beets with a lightly sweetened dressing, and honey is the natural choice. It makes a great emulsifier, which means that your oil and vinegar should come together into a nice sauce-like consistency without you having to strain your wrist. NOTE: Marcona almonds can be found in many specialty food shops. Regular almonds can be used in their place. MAKES ABOUT ½ CUP 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 1 tablespoon honey ¼ cup toasted Marcona almonds 1 small shallot, finely minced (about 1 tablespoon) 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper Combine the vinegar, honey, almonds, and shallots in a small bowl.

Frommer's London 2009
by Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince
Published 25 Aug 2008

EXPENSIVE Bluebird MEDITERRANEAN Before it was a restaurant, the site was a garage that repaired the legendary Bluebird, an English sports car that is, alas, no longer produced. Today, this enormous space resounds with clinking silverware and peals of laughter from a loyal clientele. You’ll find a color scheme of red-and-blue canvas cutouts in the shape of birds in flight. Tables are close together, but the scale of the place makes dining private and intimate. The massive menu emphasizes savory, precisely cooked cuisine, some emerging from a wood-burning stove used to roast everything from lobster to game. An immense shellfish bar stocks every crustacean you can think of, and the liquor bar does a thriving business with the Sloane Square subculture.

NOTTING HILL GATE Ladbroke Arms Previously honored as London’s “Dining Pub of the Year,” Ladbroke Arms is that rare pub known for its food. A changing menu includes roast cod filet with lentils and salsa verde; and aged bone-in rib steak with mustard, peppercorn, and herb and garlic butter. With background jazz and rotating art prints, the place strays from the traditional pub environment. This place makes for a pleasant stop and a good meal. The excellent Eldridge Pope Royal is on tap, as well as John Smiths, Courage Directors, and several malt whiskies. 54 Ladbroke Rd., W11. & 020/7727-6648. Tube: Notting Hill Gate. ST. JAMES’S Red Lion This Victorian pub, with its early-1900s decorations and 150-year-old mirrors, has been compared to Manet’s painting A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (on display at the Courtauld Gallery).

pages: 292 words: 81,699

More Joel on Software
by Joel Spolsky
Published 25 Jun 2008

More reading I f you’re still all gung-ho about exceptions, read Raymond Chen’s essay “Cleaner, More Elegant, and Harder to Recognize” (blogs. “It is extraordinarily difficult to see the difference between bad exception-based code and not-bad exception-based code . . . exceptions are too hard and I’m not smart enough to handle them.” Raymond’s rant about Death by Macros, “A Rant Against Flow Control Macros” ( 06/347666.aspx), is about another case where failing to get information all in the same place makes code unmaintainable. “When you see code that uses [macros], you have to go dig through header files to figure out what they do.” For background on the history of Hungarian notation, start with Simonyi’s original paper, “Hungarian Notation” ( en-us/library/aa260976(VS.60).aspx).

pages: 218 words: 83,794

Frommer's Portable California Wine Country
by Erika Lenkert
Published 8 May 2006

The five luxury cottages include king-size beds, a single bed (perfect for the tot in tow), sitting areas, fireplaces, private patios, and two-person Jacuzzi tubs. One of the inn’s best features is the heated outdoor pool, which is attractively landscaped into the hillside. Another favorite feature is the selection of suites, which come with stereos, plenty of space, and lots of privacy. The family that runs this place makes guests feel extra welcome and serves wine and plenty of appetizers nightly, along with a hotel-staff hospitality in the inviting living room. A full buffet breakfast is served there, too. Note: TV junkies book elsewhere. You won’t be able to tune in in rooms here. Wine Country Inn 1152 Lodi Lane, St.

pages: 332 words: 91,780

Starstruck: The Business of Celebrity
by Currid
Published 9 Nov 2010

Considering that most uploads are an average of one minute each, you get a sense of how hard it is to stay on top. As one YouTube executive put it, “You are up against a sea of competition.” And this is another aspect of how democratic celebrity plays out: The sheer number of contestants all vying for the same place makes democratic stardom much harder to sustain than conventional Hollywood or sports celebrity. Uploading a video to YouTube might take five minutes and no one needs an agent to do it, but the only YouTube celebrities who make it in the long term are those who have viewers who “subscribe” to see their videos regularly, or those whose video is featured on the YouTube home page.

pages: 346 words: 89,180

Capitalism Without Capital: The Rise of the Intangible Economy
by Jonathan Haskel and Stian Westlake
Published 7 Nov 2017

The cities of the Kingdom of Bar have chosen one of two unfortunate paths: in some cases, they have privileged continuity over dynamism in its towns—creating places like Oxford in the UK, which are beautiful and full of convivial public spaces, but where it is very hard to build anything, meaning few people can take advantage of the economic potential the place creates. Other cities resemble Houston, Texas, in the 1990s—a low-regulation paradise where an absence of planning laws keeps home and office prices low, but where the lack of walkable centers and convivial places makes it harder for intangibles to multiply. (To Houston’s credit, it has changed for the better in the last twenty years.) The worst of Bar’s cities fail in both regards, underinvesting in urban amenities and making it hard to build. In all three cases, the economic disadvantage of not having vibrant cities that can grow have become larger and larger as the importance of intangibles has increased.

pages: 722 words: 90,903

Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought
by Drew Neil
Published 6 Oct 2012

Record One Unit of Work To begin, we record all changes made to the first line: Keystrokes Buffer Contents qa ​​1. one​​ ​​2. two​​ 0f. ​​1. one​​ ​​2. two​​ r) ​​1) one​​ ​​2. two​​ w~ ​​1) One​​ ​​2. two​​ j ​​1) One​​ ​​2. two​​ q ​​1) One​​ ​​2. two​​ Note the use of motions in this macro. We begin with the 0 command, which normalizes our cursor position by placing it at the start of the line. This means that our next motion always starts from the same place, making it more repeatable. Some might look at the next motion, f., and consider it wasteful. It moves the cursor only one step to the right, same as the l command. Why use two keystrokes when one would do? Once again, it’s a matter of repeatability. In our sample set, we have lines numbered only one to four, but suppose the numbers ran into double digits? ​​

pages: 343 words: 93,544

vN: The First Machine Dynasty (The Machine Dynasty Book 1)
by Madeline Ashby
Published 28 Jul 2012

But after what had happened to her mother, perhaps that was best. "I'd have to spend a few years there?" "It's much safer there than anywhere else. And the doctors there really know what they're doing." He hunched over in his chair. "Don't look so glum! It's great over there! You could have your own place, make new friends, do anything you want." "Except leave," Javier said. "With respect, Javier, it's not your decision," Dr Sarton said. "Besides, Amy, do you want to be on the run forever? Wouldn't you rather try to help yourself get better, and get your life back?" Amy looked at her hands. Get her life back?

pages: 290 words: 94,968

Writing on the Wall: Social Media - the First 2,000 Years
by Tom Standage
Published 14 Oct 2013

Everything should include the theme of our great reconstructive work, or at least not stand in its way. Above all it is necessary to clearly centralize all radio activities … We want a radio that reaches the people, a radio that works for the people, a radio that is an intermediary between the government and the nation. Radios were placed in offices, factories, and public places, making the endless coverage of speeches and rallies almost inescapable. Writing in Foreign Affairs in 1938, the American journalist César Saerchinger described the Nazis hieroglyphicthIQ’ use of radio. “In their hands it has become the most powerful political weapon the world has ever seen. Used with superlative showmanship, with complete intolerance of opposition, with ruthless disregard for truth, and inspired by a fervent belief that every act and thought must be made subservient to the national purpose, it suffuses all forms of political, social, cultural and educational activity in the land.”

pages: 313 words: 95,077

Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
by Clay Shirky
Published 28 Feb 2008

That collection now exists because people have always desired to share, and the obstacles that prevented sharing on a global scale are now gone. Think of these activities as lying under a Coasean floor; they are valuable to someone but too expensive to be taken on in any institutional way, because the basic and unsheddable costs of being an institution in the first place make those activities not worth pursuing. Our basic human desires and talents for group effort are stymied by the complexities of group action at every turn. Coordination, organization, even communication in groups is hard and gets harder as the group grows. That difficulty means that whatever methods help coordinate group action will spread, no matter how inefficient they are, so long as they are better than nothing.

pages: 346 words: 90,371

Rethinking the Economics of Land and Housing
by Josh Ryan-Collins , Toby Lloyd and Laurie Macfarlane
Published 28 Feb 2017

Money and Banking in the UK: A History. Vol. 6. Abingdon: Routledge. Community Land Trust Network. 2015. ‘Housing: It’s in Our Hands’. Conaty, Pat, and Martin Large. 2013. Commons Sense: Co-Operative Place Making and the Capturing of Land Value for 21st Century Garden Cities. Manchester: Co-Operatives UK. Cribb, Jonathan, Andrew Hood, and Robert Joyce. 2016. ‘The Economic Circumstances of Different Generations: The Latest Picture’.

Alpha Girls: The Women Upstarts Who Took on Silicon Valley's Male Culture and Made the Deals of a Lifetime
by Julian Guthrie
Published 15 Nov 2019

We can wrap it up for you and put it in an online store for people to download, and you collect the money.” Matthew couldn’t tell whether Susanne Brey disliked him or the idea. He hoped Theresia would take over. She had mastered this kind of strategic corporate dance—the language, the pauses, the eye contact, and the pacing. It was Theresia who had landed the meeting in the first place, making the case to Symantec that its Norton antivirus software required regular updates that could be done electronically rather than in boxed software. Matthew’s heart sank when he saw Brey checking her watch. That was Theresia’s cue to take over. She covered as much territory as she could, as efficiently and quickly as possible.

EcoVillage at Ithaca Pioneering a Sustainable Culture (2005)
by Liz Walker
Published 20 May 2005

And Phebe completed her MA and graduated. But her work at EcoVillage had just begun. Phebe and Wayne moved to EVI in March 2002 and started building a house in SONG. Phebe continued to search for her niche in the educational side of things and often felt frustrated that her role was not clear. She eventually found her place. Making use of the “Living the Questions” model she’d already developed, Phebe helped the whole community to refocus on what it means to live here. First she convened a working group to map out an effective process. Phebe’s husband Wayne signed on, as did a contingent of EVI old-timers, including Monty, Jay, Elan, and me.

pages: 376 words: 93,160

More Blood, More Sweat and Another Cup of Tea
by Tom Reynolds
Published 30 Apr 2009

I was considering just driving off. Eventually one of the usual foot-shuffler ‘nurses’ made an appearance and we left for the hospital. It’s depressing, and I’ve written about this before, but it’s all too common to find this sort of neglect going on in nursing homes. The companies who run these places make huge amounts of profits, yet the care is what I, in fact what most people, would call substandard. If the number of people with dementia continues to increase then more people will need nursing care, and if the care isn’t there at the moment I dread to think what it will be like in the future. Violence We ambulance crews are verbally and physically abused on an almost daily basis—it has become so common that we tend to ignore the verbal abuse that we get.

pages: 312 words: 91,835

Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization
by Branko Milanovic
Published 10 Apr 2016

Herlihy argues that many estates lost their owners as a result of the plague; these estates were then bought for a low price by those who survived, thus concentrating wealth. Even if this might have happened in the fourteenth century, Alfani writes, by the mid-seventeenth century, when the last of the big plagues occurred, new institutional arrangements were in place, making it more difficult for small parcels of land that had lost their owners to be bought up and concentrated in larger estates. Herlihy’s mistake, according to Alfani and Ammannati (2014, 23), seems to have been in not making adequate allowance for the differences in wealth and income coverage in the two sources he used, the quota d’estimo (the earlier taxation mechanism used by the Florentine state) and the more well-known catasto of 1427. 17.

pages: 293 words: 90,714

Copenhagenize: The Definitive Guide to Global Bicycle Urbanism
by Mikael Colville-Andersen
Published 28 Mar 2018

There seems to be tough competition to dominate the conversation. Off the top of my head, there is 8 80 Cities out of Toronto but operating across North America; the Green Lane Project, which was a branch of People for Bikes; Complete Streets Coalition; the National Association of City Transportation Officials, NACTO; Strong Towns, all the place-making people, and Better Block Foundation. I’m probably missing some, but the point is that it’s incredibly difficult for the outside observer to navigate the messaging from so many organizations intent on their angle becoming the standard. It’s not my business to get them all to merge into one super organization, and that is unlikely to happen.

pages: 350 words: 90,898

A World Without Email: Reimagining Work in an Age of Communication Overload
by Cal Newport
Published 2 Mar 2021

The real surprise in all this was the fact that until the engineer forced the issue, no one had ever stopped to wonder about whether the way they were working was actually working. Nish Acharya’s story from this book’s introduction provides another example of a position where it’s accepted that focused thought is important, but the workflows put in place make these efforts nearly impossible. It wasn’t until Acharya’s email servers were temporarily taken away that he got the “whitespace” needed to actually figure out his team’s strategy. Journalists suffer from a similar mismatch. Not long ago, I was chatting with a well-known reporter who had started his own media company.

Data Action: Using Data for Public Good
by Sarah Williams
Published 14 Sep 2020

Creating a map from geo-registered social media data similarly notes people's thoughts in the place where they thought them, which becomes a landscape of feelings, emotions, and personal landmarks. 3.16 Key to Kevin Lynch's concept of the cognitive map, popularized in the 1960s and 1970s, is his belief that as we attempt to understand how people perceive the places where they live, memory can tell us a lot about how those places makes them feel and what creates those memories. Source: Kevin Lynch, Some Major Problems, Boston: MIT Libraries, 1960, Perceptual Map, 1960, MC 208, Box 6, MIT Dome, One of the first projects to download social media and use it this way was a project I worked on in 2011 called “Here Now!

The Wood Age: How One Material Shaped the Whole of Human History
by Roland Ennos
Published 18 Feb 2021

It strips off the leaves and side branches of the branch with its hands and sharpens the thin end with its teeth. When hominins made a spear using a hand ax, their actual actions are not necessarily more complex, but the process did involve two separate sets of actions that could take place at different times and places: making a hand ax, and then using it to make the spear. The whole process therefore involved not only integrating information from the past, using so-called working memory, but also imagining future actions, using what has been called constructive memory. Haidle analyzed the two processes by classifying and counting all the steps needed to make a spear, and the objects on which they are focused, to produce what she called a cognigram.

pages: 302 words: 92,206

Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World
by Gaia Vince
Published 22 Aug 2022

By 6,500 years ago this had changed, with inequality among households and violent punishment for wayward members of society – as evidenced by skulls with deliberate attack marks that had healed. Settlement had clear advantages at the societal level, allowing larger populations that could develop more complex cultures. But being fixed to one place makes you vulnerable if the conditions become unsafe. Climate change, for instance, has always prompted migration. Whenever the planet has cooled, people have migrated south towards the equator; whenever it has warmed, people have pushed north. The shocking and brutal ice age of 12,900 years ago, when parts of Europe dropped 12°C in fifty years, sent hunter-gatherers south to the Middle East.

Practical Vim, Second Edition (for Stefano Alcazi)
by Drew Neil

Record One Unit of Work To begin, we record all changes made to the first line: KeystrokesBuffer Contents qa ​ 1. one ​ 2. two 0f. ​ 1. one ​ 2. two r) ​ 1) one ​ 2. two w~ ​ 1) One ​ 2. two j ​ 1) One ​ 2. two q ​ 1) One ​ 2. two Note the use of motions in this macro. We begin with the 0 command, which normalizes our cursor position by placing it at the start of the line. This means that our next motion always starts from the same place, making it more repeatable. Some might look at the next motion, f., and consider it wasteful. It moves the cursor only one step to the right, same as the l command. Why use two keystrokes when one would do? Once again, it’s a matter of repeatability. In our sample set, we have lines numbered only one to four, but suppose the numbers ran into double digits? ​

Practical Vim
by Drew Neil

Record One Unit of Work To begin, we record all changes made to the first line: KeystrokesBuffer Contents qa ​ 1. one ​ 2. two 0f. ​ 1. one ​ 2. two r) ​ 1) one ​ 2. two w~ ​ 1) One ​ 2. two j ​ 1) One ​ 2. two q ​ 1) One ​ 2. two Note the use of motions in this macro. We begin with the 0 command, which normalizes our cursor position by placing it at the start of the line. This means that our next motion always starts from the same place, making it more repeatable. Some might look at the next motion, f., and consider it wasteful. It moves the cursor only one step to the right, same as the l command. Why use two keystrokes when one would do? Once again, it’s a matter of repeatability. In our sample set, we have lines numbered only one to four, but suppose the numbers ran into double digits? ​

pages: 288 words: 90,114

Scuba Diving
by Dennis K. Graver
Published 14 Mar 2017

Good blades are corrosion resistant and hold a sharp edge; serrated blades cut lines more effectively than straight blades. Some knives are multipurpose tools designed for prying, digging, pounding, and measuring in addition to cutting. If you have a multipurpose knife as a diving tool, you should also have a small, separate dive knife. A dive knife comes with a sheath, which has some means to lock the knife in place. Make sure the sheath lock is reliable to prevent losing a knife. You can attach a small knife to your leg, your arm, your console, or your BC. Wear a large knife on the inside of your leg and secure it with straps that stretch to compensate for exposure suit compression. To prevent corrosion, rinse your dive knife after diving.

Fodor's Costa Rica 2012
by Fodor's
Published 6 Oct 2011

Clarion Hotel Amón Plaza From its active in-hotel recycling program and its eco-friendly store that sells no products made from endangered woods, to its small garden that acquaints you with rain-forest plant species and its liaison program with the community, the Amón Plaza is greener than most countryside hotels. Read full Clarion Hotel Amón Plaza review. Hotel Rincón de San José Your hot water in this small Barrio Otoya hotel will be solar heated, and the place makes maximum use of natural lighting during the day in its public areas. The Rincón de San José uses only biodegradable products whenever possible, it also engages in an active recycling program. Even captured rainwater finds its way into your room’s toilet basin. Read full Hotel Rincón de San José review.

$ | On the road from Paquera, just outside Tambor’s entrance, stands this festive blue-and-orange hotel with spacious and tastefully decorated Mexican-theme rooms. Those with terraces face the pool and hot-tub area, and all have well-kept kitchenettes. The top floor holds a restaurant and bar, with karaoke on Thursday night. The beach lies about 300 meters away. This place makes for a good overnight stop on your way to or from Paquera. Pros: wonderful staff; clean. Cons: very out of the way; little English spoken. TripAdvisor: “comfortable as home,” “clean and nice rooms,” “food was excellent.” | Road to Cóbano, 200 m from Tambor’s cemetery, left-hand side | 60105 | 2683–0105 or 2683–0280 | | 10 rooms | In-room: a/c, kitchen.

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
by Martin Fowler , Kent Beck , John Brant , William Opdyke and Don Roberts
Published 9 Mar 2012

The resulting software is more difficult to maintain in general, although it is easier to flex in the direction I had in mind. Even there, however, you have to understand how to flex the design. For one or two aspects this is no big deal, but changes occur throughout the system. Building flexibility in all these places makes the overall system a lot more complex and expensive to maintain. The big frustration, of course, is that all this flexibility is not needed. Some of it is, but it's impossible to predict which pieces those are. To gain flexibility, you are forced to put in a lot more flexibility than you actually need.

pages: 341 words: 99,940

Will Storr vs. The Supernatural: One Man's Search for the Truth About Ghosts
by Will Storr
Published 4 Sep 2006

The night sky outside them is tinted and glowing with cloudy moonlight. Suddenly, there’s a flash. It’s Dane’s digital camera. I can see his face as he studies the screen on the back of it. He’s looking for orbs – or ‘ghost lights’, as Lou Gentile would have it. He flashes and checks, flashes and checks. The thought that orbs could be invisibly zipping about the place makes me uneasy and I shift about, nervously. ‘I’ve got one over by the fireplace,’ Dane says. In the torchlight that his girlfriend is shining on him, I watch Dane go and kneel down on the dusty floorboards where he saw the orb. He has a set of rods in his hands. ‘Is there a spirit present with us now?’

pages: 367 words: 99,765

Maphead: Charting the Wide, Weird World of Geography Wonks
by Ken Jennings
Published 19 Sep 2011

When people talk about their experiences with the defining news stories of their generation (the Kennedy assassination, the moon landing, the Berlin Wall, 9/11), they always frame them as where-we-were-when-we-heard. I was in the kitchen, I was in gym class, I was driving to work. It’s not relevant to the Challenger explosion in any way that I was in my elementary school cafeteria when I heard about it, but that’s still how I remember the event and tell it to others. Naming the place makes us feel connected, situated in the story. And maps are just too convenient and too tempting a way to understand place. There’s a tension in them. Almost every map, whether of a shopping mall, a city, or a continent, will show us two kinds of places: places where we’ve been and places we’ve never been.

pages: 346 words: 102,625

Early Retirement Extreme
by Jacob Lund Fisker
Published 30 Sep 2010

They would last a little under 3 years given equal amount of wear. If shirt fashion changes faster than this, 10 shirts is too many. As clothes can take up a lot of space, you may want to reduce the size of your wardrobe to keep other things in your closet, or to simply require less closet space in the first place. Making your own clothing Clothing is now so inexpensive, at least in terms of getting dressed, that making your own isn't worthwhile other than for the satisfaction it brings. Mending and darning are still valuable skills, as is resizing. Laundry You may want to put in an external constraint that all dirty clothes should comprise a full laundry load to minimize laundry machine use (wear, money, water, electricity).

pages: 317 words: 100,414

Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction
by Philip Tetlock and Dan Gardner
Published 14 Sep 2015

The quotation wasn’t central to my work and being right about it wasn’t part of my identity. But if I had staked my career on that quotation, my reaction might have been less casual. Social psychologists have long known that getting people to publicly commit to a belief is a great way to freeze it in place, making it resistant to change. The stronger the commitment, the greater the resistance.8 Jean-Pierre Beugoms is a superforecaster who prides himself on his willingness “to change my opinions a lot faster than my other teammates,” but he also noted “it is a challenge, I’ll admit that, especially if it’s a question that I have a certain investment in.”

pages: 317 words: 101,475

Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class
by Owen Jones
Published 14 Jul 2011

In the most deprived areas 54 per cent are likely to fall pregnant before the age of 18, compared to just 19 per cent in the least deprived areas.' It was a real wake-up call: over half of all teenage girls in some areas were falling pregnant! It turned out the Tories had put the decimal points in the wrong place, making figures wrong by a multiple of ten. The real figure for the ten most deprived areas was actually just 5.4 per cent. The document also failed to mention a decline in under-eighteen conceptions of over 10 per cent in these areas--reversing a trend that had been going up under previous Tory governmenta/ By 2007,11.4 per cent of conceptions were to women under the age of twenty-aboutthe same level as that conservative golden age of family values, the 1950s.

pages: 306 words: 97,211

Value Investing: From Graham to Buffett and Beyond
by Bruce C. N. Greenwald , Judd Kahn , Paul D. Sonkin and Michael van Biema
Published 26 Jan 2004

Despite all their experience with value investing and how the Schlosses practice it, these former clients were unable to incorporate the idea that at the right price-very low-the shares of a troubled company make a good investment. The Schlosses are very attentive to the taxes their partners will have to pay. They do not like to sell shares in which they have a profit whenever the sale would constitute a short-term capital gain. This occasionally may put an investment at some risk; tax laws currently in place make it difficult, if not impossible, to protect the gain by a hedge until it goes long-term. Given the different tax rates between short- and long-term gains, that is a risk the Schlosses are willing to take. There are two policies that the Schlosses follow in their partnership that set them apart from most money managers running similarly struc tured investment funds.

Data and the City
by Rob Kitchin,Tracey P. Lauriault,Gavin McArdle
Published 2 Aug 2017

Storey 106 Governing Smart Specialisation Edited by Dimitrios Kyriakou, Manuel Palazuelos Martínez, Inmaculada Periáñez-Forte, and Alessandro Rainoldi 105 Innovation, Regional Development and the Life Sciences Beyond clusters Kean Birch 104 Unfolding Cluster Evolution Edited by Fiorenza Belussi and Jose Luis Hervás-Olivier 103 Place-based Economic Development and the New EU Cohesion Policy Edited by Philip McCann and Attila Varga 102 Transformation of Resource Towns and Peripheries Political economy perspectives Edited by Greg Halseth 101 Approaches to Economic Geography Towards a geographical political economy Ray Hudson 100 Secondary Cities and Development Edited by Lochner Marais, Etienne Nel and Ronnie Donaldson 99 Technology and the City Systems, applications and implications Tan Yigitcanlar 98 Smaller Cities in a World of Competitiveness Peter Karl Kresl and Daniele Ietri 97 Code and the City Edited by Rob Kitchin and Sung-Yueh Perng 96 The UK Regional–National Economic Problem Geography, globalisation and governance Philip McCann 95 Skills and Cities Edited by Sako Musterd, Marco Bontje and Jan Rouwendal 94 Higher Education and the Creative Economy Beyond the campus Edited by Roberta Comunian and Abigail Gilmore 93 Making Cultural Cities in Asia Mobility, assemblage, and the politics of aspirational urbanism Edited by Jun Wang, Tim Oakes and Yang Yang 92 Leadership and the City Power, strategy and networks in the making of knowledge cities Markku Sotarauta 91 Evolutionary Economic Geography Theoretical and empirical progress Edited by Dieter Kogler 90 Cities in Crisis Socio-spatial impacts of the economic crisis in Southern European cities Edited by Jörg Knieling and Frank Othengrafen 89 Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities East meets West Edited by Tiit Tammaru, Szymon Marcińczak, Maarten van Ham, Sako Musterd 88 People, Places and Policy Knowing contemporary Wales through new localities Edited by Martin Jones, Scott Orford and Victoria Macfarlane 87 The London Olympics and Urban Development The mega-event city Edited by Gavin Poynter, Valerie Viehoff and Yang Li 86 Making 21st Century Knowledge Complexes Technopoles of the world revisited Edited by Julie Tian Miao, Paul Benneworth and Nicholas A. Phelps 85 Soft Spaces in Europe Re-negotiating governance, boundaries and borders Edited by Philip Allmendinger, Graham Haughton, Jörg Knieling and Frank Othengrafen 84 Regional Worlds: Advancing the Geography of Regions Edited by Martin Jones and Anssi Paasi 83 Place-making and Urban Development New challenges for contemporary planning and design Pier Carlo Palermo and Davide Ponzini 82 Knowledge, Networks and Policy Regional studies in postwar Britain and beyond James Hopkins 81 Dynamics of Economic Spaces in the Global Knowledge-based Economy Theory and East Asian cases Sam Ock Park 80 Urban Competitiveness Theory and practice Daniele Letri and Peter Kresl 79 Smart Specialisation Opportunities and challenges for regional innovation policy Dominique Foray 78 The Age of Intelligent Cities Smart environments and innovation-for-all strategies Nicos Komninos 77 Space and Place in Central and Eastern Europe Historical trends and perspectives Gyula Horváth 76 Territorial Cohesion in Rural Europe The relational turn in rural development Edited by Andrew Copus and Philomena de Lima 75 The Global Competitiveness of Regions Robert Huggins, Hiro Izushi, Daniel Prokop and Piers Thompson 74 The Social Dynamics of Innovation Networks Edited by Roel Rutten, Paul Benneworth, Dessy Irawati and Frans Boekema 73 The European Territory From historical roots to global challenges Jacques Robert 72 Urban Innovation Systems What makes them tick?

pages: 364 words: 100,898

by Candice Carty-Williams
Published 19 Mar 2019

Introduction Queenie Jenkins is a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican British woman living in London, straddling two cultures and not feeing entirely comfortable in either. She’s worked hard to obtain a job at a national newspaper, but once there, she finds she’s constantly comparing herself to her white, middle-class peers and coming up wanting. Plus, there’s the break-up with her long-term boyfriend. Unmoored, Queenie seeks comfort in all the wrong places, making many questionable decisions. As Queenie careens from one poor choice to another, she finds herself wondering, “What are you doing? Why are you doing it? Who do you want to be?”—all of the questions today’s woman must face in a world trying to answer them for her. With “fresh and honest” (Jojo Moyes) prose, Queenie is a remarkably relatable exploration of what it means to be a modern woman searching for meaning in today’s world.

pages: 412 words: 97,696

Bad Actors
by Mick Herron
Published 9 May 2022

Anyone watching Oliver Nash approach La Spezia that evening would have thought he’d been hanging around the Park too long. His every move betrayed an excess of caution. For a start, he made three passes—walking straight by the first time; pausing to study the menu the second; the third, hovering in place, making a play of indecision—which was one too many for a man casing a brothel, let alone a small Italian restaurant off Wardour Street. Before he at last braved the front door he paused to turn his overcoat collar up, and for all the street dazzle of Soho—the neon lights and mirrored windows; the pavements shiny with party-poppered sequins—you’d have thought Nash was stepping into noir, dimming everything to a monochrome rainbow: black and white and grey and white and black.

pages: 341 words: 99,495

Built to Move: The Ten Essential Habits to Help You Move Freely and Live Fully
by Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett
Published 3 Apr 2023

White noise machines aren’t too costly, either, if you find you need soothing sounds to help you drift off. If there’s any takeaway from our personal sleep cave, it is that your bedroom doesn’t have to conform to traditional standards of design. Find the accoutrements that will enhance your sleep and put them in place. MAKING IT ALL WORK 24-HOUR DUTY CYCLE AND 21-DAY BUILT TO MOVE CHALLENGE IF YOU WERE born thousands of years ago, you’d have no need to ask the question “How can I fit in all the things I need to do for my body?” All of those things would have just been part of your natural day-to-day life.

Fodor's Costa Rica 2013
by Fodor's Travel Publications Inc.
Published 1 Oct 2012

What is left over is offset by a tree-planting project the lodging supports. The Presidente has organized a small but growing consortium of San José hotels to take up recycling. All in all, not bad for a place located smack-dab in the center of the city. Hotel Rincón de San José Your hot water in this small Barrio Otoya hotel will be solar heated, and the place makes maximum use of natural lighting during the day in its public areas. The Rincón de San José uses only biodegradable products whenever possible, it also engages in an active recycling program. Even captured rainwater finds its way into your room’s toilet basin. PEDESTRIANS ONLY The government is forever announcing some grandiose plan to make San José more livable and a bit less of an urban hell.

$ | HOTEL | On the road from Paquera, just outside Tambor’s entrance, stands this festive blue-and-orange hotel with spacious and tastefully decorated Mexican-theme rooms. Those with terraces face the pool and hot-tub area, and all have well-kept kitchenettes. The top floor holds a restaurant and bar, with karaoke on Thursday night. The beach lies about 300 meters away. This place makes for a good overnight stop on your way to or from Paquera. Pros: wonderful staff; clean. Cons: very out of the way; little English spoken. TripAdvisor: “old-fashioned rooms,” “excellent retreat,” “amazing experience.” | Rooms from: $65 | Road to Cóbano, 200 m from Tambor’s cemetery, left-hand side | 60105 | 2683–0105, 2683–0280 | | 10 rooms | Breakfast.

pages: 462 words: 172,671

Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
by Robert C. Martin
Published 1 Jan 2007

Instead, we go up a level: inspect the machines every day and fix wearing parts before they break, or do the equivalent of the proverbial 10,000-mile oil change to forestall wear and tear. In code, refactor mercilessly. You can improve yet one level further, as the TPM movement innovated over 50 years ago: build machines that are more maintainable in the first place. Making your code readable is as important as making it executable. The ultimate practice, introduced in TPM circles around 1960, is to focus on introducing entire new machines or replacing old ones. As Fred Brooks admonishes us, we should probably re-do major software chunks from scratch every seven years or so to sweep away creeping cruft.

pages: 326 words: 29,543

The Docks
by Bill Sharpsteen
Published 5 Jan 2011

This, of course, makes the inspection of “empty” containers all the more compelling and an absolute necessity in any port security program. Mitre then demonstrated the kind of fertile imagination so many people have when it comes to possible terrorist acts: Once the cargo within the container has been unloaded at its eventual destination, there is no system, protocol, or requirement in place making the last shipper responsible for closing and sealing the doors. As a result, this empty container will travel over the roads of the U.S. unlocked and open. It may serve as a platform or vehicle for anything or anyone who may desire to do harm to our country. It may lie unattended on city streets or even within the port for days or even weeks until it is returned to the terminal for shipment [usually back to Asia.]

pages: 385 words: 103,561

Pinpoint: How GPS Is Changing Our World
by Greg Milner
Published 4 May 2016

Pilots delivering mail and supplies to remote regions such as the Amazon or the Australian outback learned that if they tied their package to a rope dangling from the side of the plane and flew the plane in a pylon turn—a continuous orbit on an imaginary axis extending from the plane to a single point on the ground—the package would hang in one place, making it easy for someone on the ground to retrieve. A fixed-wing gunship has armaments that fire from the side of the aircraft as it makes a pylon turn. Done right, a gunship allows for precise targeting from a fairly high altitude. The reality of engaging the Viet Cong’s guerrilla tactics was that aircraft were spotting targets on a first pass and then losing them on the second.

pages: 352 words: 109,653

by Ann Leckie
Published 25 Sep 2017

Ingray considered asking why, if that was the case, Chenns had neglected to mention just how few people would care very personally if anything happened to these particular children. “And actually, between you and me, she’s relieved to be rid of them. It’s just that she wonders why you troubled yourself over them, when no one else did and they’re no relations of yours. And it’s difficult for her to think that your mother allowing you to take her place makes any kind of sense, but Netano went with the children immediately, with no hesitation or even any sign that it might trouble her. Even though the commander agreed to the switch, she’s very suspicious of your presence here, for that reason.” “But Mama hadn’t named her heir yet,” Ingray protested.

pages: 319 words: 105,949

Skyfaring: A Journey With a Pilot
by Mark Vanhoenacker
Published 1 Jun 2015

We forget, unless we cross it as often as long-haul pilots do, that the Sahara isn’t much smaller than the United States; then there are the vast, barely inhabited portions of Australia, a continent comparable in breadth to the contiguous United States (as Australian postcards that overlay maps of the two make so clear); and then there is the Kalahari, and Arabia. I don’t mean to suggest that the portions of the earth that look empty have not been disturbed—nearly all of them have been, not least by climate change, to which the planes that carry us over such places make a growing contribution—or that we can make useful assessments of our impact on the environment from casual aerial observations. Only a specialist can look down on a brown autumn landscape of Canada or Finland, for example, and say where the snow would likely have fallen by this date a hundred years ago.

pages: 317 words: 107,653

A Place of My Own: The Architecture of Daydreams
by Michael Pollan
Published 15 Jan 1997

Even with my eyes shut tight I know I could have sensed that constriction of space followed by its sudden release, my brainstem performing some ancient animal calculus on the sense data streaming in, measuring the slight but perceptible changes in the properties of the air, subtle swings in its temperature and acoustics, even in the shifting scents of the different woods all around me. Our vocabulary for describing the work of the senses may be impoverished (one reason, perhaps, they don’t get much play in the architectural treatises), but that doesn’t mean the senses aren’t always at it, giving shape to our sense of place, making the experience of space just that: a fully fledged experience, something greater than the sum of what you can read about or glean from the photographs in a magazine. Joe was outside, gathering up his tools and getting ready to go, when I called him in to check out the new room. Plainly it worked on him too, because he gave a tremendous smile of satisfaction as he stepped down into the room and drank in the view.

pages: 416 words: 106,582

This Will Make You Smarter: 150 New Scientific Concepts to Improve Your Thinking
by John Brockman
Published 14 Feb 2012

The reason human beings dominate the planet is not because they have big brains: Neanderthals had big brains but were just another kind of predatory ape. Evolving a 1,200-cubic-centimeter brain and a lot of fancy software like language was necessary but not sufficient for civilization. The reason some economies work better than others is certainly not because they have cleverer people in charge, and the reason some places make great discoveries is not because the people there are smarter. Human achievement is entirely a networking phenomenon. It is by putting brains together through the division of labor—through trade and specialization—that human society stumbled upon a way to raise the living standards, carrying capacity, technological virtuosity, and knowledge base of the species.

The Last Best Cure: My Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of My Brain and Get Back My Body, My Joy, a Nd My Life
by Donna Jackson Nakazawa
Published 21 Feb 2013

But if I run my fingers over the now crumpled index card beneath my pillow on which I’ve written my three blessings, the lovely moments of the previous day come flooding back. I savor them again. It changes my heart rate. Literally. I can feel my pulse slow down. Realizing why pleasant things happen in the first place makes me recognize and internalize what I need to do to make more feel-good moments happen tomorrow and the next day. And it does something else. Noticing what’s working, what’s going right, helps us to figure out what we love. The next day, and the day after, we gravitate to doing more of what yields that feeling of pleasure, because we are more keenly aware of what that is.

pages: 335 words: 111,405

B Is for Bauhaus, Y Is for YouTube: Designing the Modern World From a to Z
by Deyan Sudjic
Published 17 Feb 2015

Look closely at the Miyake shop portrayed on that Blueprint cover, Chipperfield’s first substantial project, and you see veined white marble, wide timber floorboards, and an intricate palette for the supporting cast of materials. A little rich for the Chipperfield of today, perhaps, but a sophisticated exercise in place-making that, in its intentions and ambitions, is not so far from what he is doing now. Even then he was ready to say that it was important not to do too much; all that a shop might need could simply be to install a very beautiful floor. Early on in his career there were a couple of bruising encounters with the militantly philistine nature of the British way of doing things.

pages: 370 words: 107,791

Burning Down the Haus: Punk Rock, Revolution, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
by Tim Mohr
Published 10 Sep 2018

After about a year, the Stasi gave up chase—though Lieutenant Müller of the Volkspolizei did not give up his patriotic crusade to rid his district of her “negative-decadent” influence. It was difficult to get an apartment at the time, so in 1979 Major registered herself at her great-grandmother’s place, making it her official residence in the hope that she might be able to stay there when her great-grandmother eventually died. Late that summer, while wandering through an annual local summer fair, Major saw something she had never seen before outside of her own mirror, a few Western magazines, and record covers: punks.

pages: 444 words: 107,664

The Secret Lives of Buildings: From the Ruins of the Parthenon to the Vegas Strip in Thirteen Stories
by Edward Hollis
Published 10 Nov 2009

There was a massive sound system in the front room—the downstairs kitchen had been turned into a bar selling Red Stripe, and the whole block seemed to ooze spliff. Not that it matters because every one is E’d up—gonzoid-eyed and scrunched-up faces leering into the dark haze. Careful as you wander around that staircase that sort of goes to the second floor. Soon enough the parties started taking over the whole place, making it more or less uninhabitable for anyone who wasn’t dancing. Gonnie recalls the memorable Hulme Demolition Sound System, not so much because of their music selection, but more because they set up in the little shopping precinct to play techno from Wednesday into Thursday morning, after the clubs had closed until the shops had opened, with just one police patrol car popping by to check the proceedings.

pages: 406 words: 105,602

The Startup Way: Making Entrepreneurship a Fundamental Discipline of Every Enterprise
by Eric Ries
Published 15 Mar 2017

Phase One is about laying the foundation through experimentation, adaptation, and translation. It is about preparing for the moment when decisive change becomes possible by building a critical mass of success stories and demonstrating that the new way of working is not only viable but preferable. In the government, a committed group of technologists was already in place, making this first phase work, collecting data, and preparing for a bigger role. Once that moment arrives, the organization shifts into Phase Two, which is for rapid scaling and deployment. All the resisters and objectors come out of the woodwork. The transformation either develops its own political heft or it dies.

The Targeter: My Life in the CIA, Hunting Terrorists and Challenging the White House
by Nada Bakos
Published 3 Jun 2019

I’ve realized in the time since then that it’s possible that no professional job I’ll hold in the future will mean as much as one I’ve already had. The colleagues I worked with who embraced the magnitude and responsibility of the sort of work we did—who sacrificed as much as I did, and far more, for the larger mission and still maintained a passion for making the world a safer place—make corporate America pale in comparison. I remember Roger telling me once about the bureaucracy at his technology firm and the stacks of paperwork he had to file before signing a nondisclosure agreement with a client. “Really?” I said. “I had to get through less red tape to target somebody.” I left the JTTF and retired from the Agency for good in 2007.

pages: 403 words: 110,492

Nomad Capitalist: How to Reclaim Your Freedom With Offshore Bank Accounts, Dual Citizenship, Foreign Companies, and Overseas Investments
by Andrew Henderson
Published 8 Apr 2018

Be ready to live there for at least five full years within the next nine years. The biggest challenge with the expat style of living is tax concerns; living in Ireland may get you a passport, but it will also get you a ‘Tax Return Due’ notice from Revenue Ireland. If you want to stay in one place, make sure your plan includes a way to ensure that you are not taxed, or at least pay very little. The Base Cities Strategy The more time I spend away from my home country, the more I crave a base. I have done the full-on perpetual traveler routine, but my penchant for decorating and the fact that I own a lot of suits and carry-on luggage means that I prefer to have a base these days.

Kanban in Action
by Marcus Hammarberg and Joakim Sunden
Published 17 Mar 2014

You still need to have a good description, and a simple mnemonic that we’ve used is the Friends naming convention: in your mind, put “The one where” before the description on the card. (All the titles of the episodes of Friends started this way, such as “The one where Ross and Rachel think they’re in/out of love again.”) Using this little reminder will put the focus back on why this work item is up on the board in the first place. Make the title easy to refer to in a conversation, like these work items, for example: (The one where) the name field allowed too many characters (The one where) you were missing the administration rights, if you logged in as administrator A Word from the Coach Remember that “The one where” doesn’t need to go on the card.

pages: 366 words: 110,374

World Travel: An Irreverent Guide
by Anthony Bourdain and Laurie Woolever
Published 19 Apr 2021

MAC’S CLUB DEUCE: 222 14th Street, Miami Beach, FL 33139, Tel 305 531 6200, (drinks are 2-for-1 from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily; cash only) Atlanta, Georgia * * * “Atlanta: been through a few times, don’t know it well, and it’s been a long time since I did any serious eating there,” said Tony at the start of an episode of The Layover. What he found was a deeply diverse food scene, with chicken-fried steak classics like the Colonnade, excellent tacos, and northern Chinese specialties standing alongside “New Southern” places making sophisticated, cliché-defying dishes. “There is this notion of southern food. It’s not just a misunderstanding by people who live outside the South, it is a notion propagated by people within the South that heavily deep-fried everything is classic southern country cooking. But if you’ve got somebody with a cookbook, saying ‘Ya’ll’ on the cover a lot, chances are everything’s cooked in lard, everything’s breaded, everything’s heavy.

pages: 366 words: 105,894

Moon Coastal Oregon
by Judy Jewell and W. C. McRae
Published 13 Jul 2020

When the south coast is foggy and cold on summer mornings, it’s often warm and dry here. Trails and Tide Pools Coastal Oregon has a large number of high-quality state parks. There are nearly 80 state parks—19 with campgrounds—easily accessible from U.S. 101 in Oregon. Parks are located at all of the coast’s most beautiful places, making access easy and affordable. Each of these itineraries makes for a great weekend trip, or you could combine them for a weeklong adventure. colorful tide pool life North Coast DAY 1 A dramatic start to a tour of the coast’s parks begins at the point where the Columbia River enters the Pacific, at the northern edge of the huge Fort Stevens State Park.

pages: 391 words: 106,255

Cheap Land Colorado: Off-Gridders at America's Edge
by Ted Conover
Published 1 Nov 2022

Or you could, as the newspaper ads from the 1970s put it, own your own ranch and live in what was, to my way of seeing, one of the most beautiful places in the world. Last, and probably the biggest thing, was the way I felt out here on the prairie. I felt good. I felt free and alive. I liked the weather even when it was bad—perhaps especially when it was bad, because it was so dramatic. I felt like taking notes on everything I saw and learned. When a place makes you feel like that, I think you should pay attention. I walked around my new property, getting a feel for the land. Around the edges there was chamisa, chico bush, sagebrush, and some low cactuses—plants I had already gotten to know. There were also the scraggly weeds whose prickly seedpods Kanyon Gruber had first named for me: goatheads.

pages: 373 words: 107,111

Fodor's Seoul
by Fodor's Travel Guides
Published 29 Nov 2022

The best times to visit are April through June and September and October. Not only is the weather at its most comfortable for walking around, but spring cherry blossoms and fall foliage fill the city with magnificent colors. These goldilocks windows are also when many of Seoul’s major festivals and holidays take place, making airfare, hotels, and train travel during these months more expensive than the rest of the year. If you do visit in winter or summer, know that all public transportation is air-conditioned and heated respectively, as are nearly all shops, restaurants, and hotels. Summer is also the rainy season, with typhoons regularly blowing in from the east.

pages: 298 words: 43,745

Understanding Sponsored Search: Core Elements of Keyword Advertising
by Jim Jansen
Published 25 Jul 2011

In the late 1950s, McCarthy [78] condensed the number of variables in the marketing mix into four principal categories that today are known as the four P’s of marketing: • • • • Product: select the tangible and intangible benefits of the product. Price: determine an appropriate product pricing structure. Promotion: create awareness of the product among the target audience. Place: make the product available to the customer. The overlay of the four P’s, within a given context, provides a business with their target audience, as shown in Figure 6.3, with the targeted market and potential markets. Where all four P’s overlap is the target market, as these are the consumers who are interested in your product, have the means to purchase the product, are in the right location, and who respond to the promotion.

pages: 366 words: 117,875

Arrival City
by Doug Saunders
Published 22 Mar 2011

It belonged to his uncle, who had been one of the revolutionaries who built this place in the ’70s. Actually, it was only half a house: his uncle had built at the bottom of the valley, and when the highway came along, he’d happily taken the money to have his house bisected. Kemal spent some money renovating the place, making it habitable, installing a satellite dish. He brought his mother and his little sister over to live with him. The noisy half-house became impossible, so he rented a flat on the third floor of one of those innumerable five-story buildings. He worked in the furniture store for two years, then in an insurance company’s branch office.

pages: 225 words: 121,045

by Iain M. Banks
Published 14 Jan 2011

But people grumble about this tax or that, or that the Protector keeps such a large harem when many an honest working fellow can hardly find a wife, or they grumble about the luxurious life led by some of the Grand Aedile's generals,' ZeSpiole said, accepting a piece of fruit from Terim with a broad smile. RuLeuin smiled too. YetAmidous drank greedily. 'We are to be reassured, then, that we are in no immediate danger from the general populace,' he said. 'But what of our other frontiers? They are reduced to the minimum or less. Where are the reinforcements if some other place makes war on us?' 'The problem in Ladenscion will not last for ever,' RuLeuin said, though he looked troubled. 'The troops will come home. With the new men and machines now in Niarje, Simalg and Ralboute should be able to bring it to a swift conclusion.' 'We were told that at the start,' YetAmidous reminded the other man.

pages: 385 words: 118,314

Cities Are Good for You: The Genius of the Metropolis
by Leo Hollis
Published 31 Mar 2013

In the book How To Turn a Place Around, Kent tips the traditional relationship between architect and client on its head and shows that the community is the expert when it comes to the usage of a place. This has been taken to its logical conclusion with the increasingly popular practice of ‘crowd-sourced place-making’, which uses social media and the wisdom of the group to develop new places. It is indeed a radical alternative to the twentieth-century view of how to build a city. Stroget in Copenhagen started out as an early example of a ‘pop-up’ community experiment – a temporary project. Often, the best ways to change the city are for only a short amount of time and on a small scale: improve the city block by block, allow people to own their own streets, make people the catalyst for change.

Lonely Planet Best of Spain
by Lonely Planet
Published 1 Nov 2016

La Viña del Ensanche map Google map (Calle de la Diputación 10; h8.30am-11pm Mon-Fri, noon-1am Sat) Hundreds of bottles of wine line the walls of this outstanding pintxo bar – it could well be the best place to eat pintxos in the city. Museo del Vino (Calle de Ledesma 10; h1-5pm & 8-11pm Mon-Fri ) Delicious octopus pintxos and an excellent wine selection (as you’d hope with a name like this). This place makes us smile. Bitoque de Albia map Google map (Alameda Mazarredo 6; h1.30-4pm Mon-Wed, 1.30-4pm & 8.30-11.15pm Thu-Sat) Award-winning modern pintxo bar that also offers a pintxos tasting menu (€12). Chocolates de Mendaro Food map Google map (; Calle de Licenciado Poza 16; h10am-2pm & 4-8pm Mon-Sat) This old-time chocolate shop created its first chocolate treats way back in 1850 and is hands down the best place to ruin a diet in Bilbao. 5 Eating In the world of trade and commerce, the Basques are an outward-looking lot, but when it comes to food they refuse to believe that any other people could possibly match their culinary skills (and they may well have a point).

The City on the Thames
by Simon Jenkins
Published 31 Aug 2020

There are no yachts in the basin, just rubbish, but a Victorian clock tower was imported somehow to cheer things up. Thamesmead was never rooted in humane town planning but in architectural fantasy. In 2019 Peabody anticipated having to spend £1 billion on a new town centre, in the hope of revitalizing an area of London to be expanded one day to equal the size of Westminster. A different form of ‘place-making’ was inspired by the new borough of Croydon. In 1965 the ambitious leader of Croydon council, James Marshall, produced plans to create what he dreamed would be a ‘mini-Manhattan of the suburbs’, or at least a mini-Abercrombie. He constructed as many offices as Birmingham did at the time, threading his new town centre with dual carriageways and underpasses.

pages: 296 words: 118,126

The Great Displacement: Climate Change and the Next American Migration
by Jake Bittle
Published 21 Feb 2023

where it seeped across the fields: Kim Whitley and Jeri Ledbetter, “Hohokam Canal System,” Arizona Heritage Waters, a project of Northern Arizona University, accessed November 2021, “for irrigating their fields”: Father Pedro Mendez, quoted in Charles Polzer, The Jesuit Missions of Northern Mexico (New York: Garland, 1991). a more marketable name—Phoenix: Patricia Gober, Metropolitan Phoenix: Place Making and Community Building in the Desert (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013). “one of the handsomest in the West”: “Bird’s Eye View of Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Arizona,” map dated circa 1885, Library of Congress, “reclaim” the desert land for farming: “The Bureau of Reclamation: A Very Brief History,” US Bureau of Reclamation, accessed November 2021,

pages: 382 words: 118,547

Off the Rails: 10,000 Km by Bicycle Across Russia, Siberia and Mongolia to China
by Chris Hatherly and Tim Cope
Published 31 Aug 2013

I could tell she was trying to suppress a giggle. Her hair sprang up in tight bushy curls, and thick pink lipstick contrasted starkly with the blue of her apron, which barely fitted around her bulging waist. ‘I was wondering if you had any bread?’ I asked. ‘Sorry, no bread here. Everyone in this place makes their own.’ She seemed almost proud of the fact. ‘Okay, well then can I have a kilo of pryaniki biscuits?’ I asked, after a pause. With lightning fast swipes she whipped a couple of beads across an abacus and shuffled over to the shelf. ‘Do you mind if I ask where you are from?’ she asked. ‘Australia.’

pages: 302 words: 112,390

Everyday Utopia: What 2,000 Years of Wild Experiments Can Teach Us About the Good Life
by Kristen R. Ghodsee
Published 16 May 2023

This is consistent with other studies that show that older introverts understand the importance of regular social interaction for healthy aging.88 “Respondents reported it was less effortful to get together socially in this setting,” the study found. “They appreciated being part of a community where neighbors were looking out for each other.”89 Another 2020 study of the quality of life in a senior cohousing complex in Canada found that residents specifically appreciated the possibility of aging in place, making cohousing a far more desirable option than a commercial assisted living facility.90 A 2020 literature review of available research on cohousing and life satisfaction suggested that in addition to the quality-of-life benefits typically touted (benefits borne out by their review of the extant studies, mostly in Western Europe and North America), cohousing residents enjoyed more protection from price volatility.

pages: 405 words: 113,895

The Unclaimed: Abandonment and Hope in the City of Angels
by Pamela Prickett and Stefan Timmermans
Published 11 Mar 2024

* * * — The New Directions Alumni Association regularly organized memorial services at the facility in West L.A., the same building where Bobby had lived during his two stints in the veterans’ treatment program. The group scheduled Bobby’s service for July 18, 2019, roughly two weeks after his death. Clara would represent Bobby’s family, since none of his kin back in Gary could afford the trip. Even so, Clara felt slightly out of place making her way into the treatment facility. She knew that the organizers had also invited Bobby’s fiancée. It was only because Clara’s two friends from her Redlands days said they’d accompany her that she found the courage to show up. They offered to run interference if the girlfriend caused trouble.

pages: 377 words: 117,339

The Biggest Bluff: How I Learned to Pay Attention, Master Myself, and Win
by Maria Konnikova
Published 22 Jun 2020

After gambling, arrive back with cash (if any is left) to pick it back up (or upgrade if you’ve been lucky), and then exchange one last time by returning it to the original store. Or forgo the merchandise entirely: some pawnshops allow you to withdraw large amounts of cash without actually purchasing anything. Everything about this place makes me recoil. On my own, I would have never come. But I’ve listened to the voices who told me that what I’ll find here is beyond what I’d find anywhere else. They were right, and here I am. It doesn’t hurt that Erik is here, too. The APPT—Asia Pacific Poker Tour, hosted by my new sponsor—is known for its juicy high roller events, and he wouldn’t miss it.

pages: 555 words: 119,733

by John Calcote
Published 20 Jul 2010

However, if you need distdir to be formatted correctly in another file in your project, just set it in that file as well. The technique presented in this item does not automatically reconfigure the project to generate a new SVNREV file when you commit new changes (and so change the Subversion revision used in your build). I could have added this functionality with a few well-placed make rules, but that would have forced the build to check for commits with each new build.[142] * * * [142] My work habits are such that I tend to regenerate a build tree from scratch before releasing a new distribution package, so this issue doesn't really affect me that much. Item 4: Ensuring Your Distribution Packages Are Clean Have you ever downloaded and unpacked an open source package, and tried to run configure && make only to have it fail half way through one of these steps?

pages: 439 words: 124,548

The Clockwork Rocket
by Greg Egan
Published 30 Jun 2011

But I suspect that, whatever its origin, there are only three things that can happen to a world: it remains dark, like Gemma and Gemmo; it catches fire, like the sun and the stars; or life comes along to perform the same kind of chemistry in a more controlled way.” Yalda gazed into the hole left behind by the Great Ignition. “This place makes me think that those possibilities need not be mutually exclusive.” “True enough,” Tullia replied. “In fact, for all we know that might be a universal truth. Maybe the stars didn’t just burst into light; maybe they started out covered in plants, which grew too productive for their own good. All the liberators we’ve discovered so far are plant extracts, after all.

pages: 755 words: 121,290

Statistics hacks
by Bruce Frey
Published 9 May 2006

Find the coconut that is labeled with the current position. (For the first move, it is a blank layout.) Close your eyes and randomly draw out a pebble. Mark an X on your board (drawn in the sand, I'm assuming) in the space indicated by the color of the pebble. Set the pebble aside in a safe place. Make your move, marking an O in your chosen space. There is a new position on the board now. Go to the corresponding coconut and randomly draw out a pebble from it. Return to step 2. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until there is a winner or a draw. What happens next is the most important part because it results in the computer learning to play better.

pages: 538 words: 121,670

Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress--And a Plan to Stop It
by Lawrence Lessig
Published 4 Oct 2011

But the majority will process these facts by concluding that they are now no longer sure about whether cell phones are safe. The mere fact of money in the wrong place changes their confidence about this question of science. 3. These two stories rely upon an obvious intuition—that money in the wrong places makes us trust less. My colleagues and I at Harvard wanted to test that intuition more systematically. Can we really show that money wrongly placed weakens the confidence or trust that people have in any particular institution? And if it does, does it have the same effect regardless of the institution?

pages: 1,064 words: 114,771

Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell
by Paul Raines and Jeff Tranter
Published 25 Mar 1999

Slave interpreter names are commands that also accept these options: slave aliases slave alias srcCmd slave alias srcCmd {} slave alias srcCmd targetCmd [arg...] slave eval arg... slave expose hiddenName slave hide exposedCmdName slave hidden slave invokehidden [-global hiddenName] [arg...] slave issafe slave marktrusted Name join join list [joinString] Concatenate the elements of list list and return the resulting string. Optionally separate the elements using joinString, which defaults to a single space. Name lappend lappend varName [value...] Append the value arguments to the list contained in variable varName, interpreting each value as a list element. Works in place, making it relatively efficient. If varName does not exist, it is created. Name lindex lindex list index Return item number index from list list. Index starts at zero, and can be the string "end" to return the last item. Name linsert linsert list index element... Insert elements into list starting at the specified index.

pages: 663 words: 119,916

The Big Book of Words You Should Know: Over 3,000 Words Every Person Should Be Able to Use (And a Few That You Probably Shouldn't)
by David Olsen , Michelle Bevilacqua and Justin Cord Hayes
Published 28 Jan 2009

fumigate (FYOO-mih-gate), verb To release fumes in order to get rid of insects or other pests. We had the place FUMIGATED, used sound-waves, and set dozens of traps, but our house continued to be plagued by cockroaches. fusty (FUHSS-tee), adjective Old-fashioned and out of date, or clinging to old-fashioned, conservative values. My father-in-law’s FUSTY opinions of “a woman’s place” make me want to sock him every time I have to see him! garish (GAIR-ish), adjective Showy in an excessive and over-the-top manner. I’ d always thought of Martha as refined, so I was surprised by the GARISH way she decorated her home. genocide (JENN-uh-side), noun The deliberate, systematic destruction of a culture, people, nation, etc.

pages: 481 words: 120,693

Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else
by Chrystia Freeland
Published 11 Oct 2012

The rent-seeking beneficiaries of these big shifts in the United States in the nineteenth century and in China over the past three decades were part of a change that had broadly shared benefits. Third, and most important, rent-seeking in China isn’t just the result of a fast and turbulent economic transformation—though that is, of course, taking place. Making money through government connections isn’t a temporary, one-off thing in the People’s Republic, or a “corrupt” instance of rule breaking. In a state-capitalist system like China’s, making money by being close to the state isn’t an exception to the rules or a violation of them—it is how the system really works.

pages: 309 words: 122,748

Out of Africa
by Karen Blixen
Published 1 Jan 1937

A lion and a lioness have come there, and stood, or lain, on the grave for a long time. Some of the Indians who have passed the place in their lorries on the way to Kajado have also seen them. After you went away, the ground round the grave was levelled out, into a sort of big terrace, I suppose that the level place makes a good site for the lions, from there they can have a view over the plain, and the cattle and game on it." It was fit and decorous that the lions should come to Denys's grave and make him an African monument. "And renowned be thy grave." Lord Nelson himself, I have reflected, in Trafalgar Square, has his lions made only out of stone.

pages: 257 words: 56,811

The Rough Guide to Toronto
by Helen Lovekin and Phil Lee
Published 29 Apr 2006

Half a cadillac hangs above the entrance to this place, which features rockabilly, classic rock, alt country and blaring honky tonk. Cameron House 408 Queen St W, at Cameron St, Downtown T416/703-0811, Streetcar: Queen (#501). A line of huge metal ants marches up the side of this legendary place, making it easy to spot. The interior is a wondrous clash of Beaux Arts boudoir and honky tonk bar, and the stage at the back of the room has provided a showcase for emerging talent of every genre. College Street Bar 574 College St, at Bathurst St, Uptown T416/533-2417. Streetcar: College (#506). A laid-back jazz bar that often dips into the blues.

pages: 404 words: 124,705

The Village Effect: How Face-To-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier, and Smarter
by Susan Pinker
Published 30 Sep 2013

In 2003, when several Harvard epidemiologists put nearly 350 Chicago neighborhoods under the microscope, they discovered that social capital—as measured by reciprocity, trust, and civic participation—was linked to a community’s death rates. The higher the levels of social capital, the lower its mortality rates, and not just from violent crime but from heart disease too.25 Clearly the place makes a difference to your health: some locales foster more trusting relationships. But places can also foster hostility toward outsiders. In tightly knit villages such as Villagrande, the powerful sense of cohesion is counterbalanced by an equally powerful distrust of outsiders—including hostility toward residents of neighboring towns, say, two valleys over.

pages: 435 words: 127,403

Panderer to Power
by Frederick Sheehan
Published 21 Oct 2009

This was Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s “Great Moderation.” A History of Interest Rates, which catalogs interest rates since Mesopotamian times, shows no such precedent except in times of hyperinflation, total war, and social disintegration.53 46 Patricia Gober, Metropolitan Phoenix: Place Making and Community Building in the Desert (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2005), pp. 50–51. 47 Dan Roberts, “Phoenix Gives Its Newcomers the American Dream They Can Afford,” Financial Times, September 28, 2005. 48 James Quinn, “Green Ashes and Black Swans—The Alan Greenspan Legacy, Part II,” The Cutting Edge, September 29, 2008. 49 U.S.

pages: 510 words: 120,048

Who Owns the Future?
by Jaron Lanier
Published 6 May 2013

If people are paying money to use your server, don’t accept any of it directly if you can possibly avoid that. You should be a broker between buyers and sellers to the degree that’s possible. You can then earn commissions, placement fees, visibility fees, or any number of other fees yet to be conceived, but without taking any responsibility for the actual events that took place. Make both buyers and sellers click through agreements that make them, not you, take on all liabilities. These click-through agreements are the grandiosely verbose descendants of the Zen koan about a tree falling in a forest that no one hears. No one will read them, so they are very unlikely to be tested in a legal proceeding.

Multicultural Cities: Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles
by Mohammed Abdul Qadeer
Published 10 Mar 2016

The strategic goal of urban planning, regarding enclaves, Urban Planning for Cultural Diversity 231 is to enhance the enclaves’ economic and social vitality, reduce their segregation, and tie them closely to other parts of cities. The goal is to advance their social sustainability by increasing equitable access to the collective goods of a city and by integrating them into the web of city life. This is an ongoing exercise in neighbourhood planning, place making, and local economic and cultural development. But urban planning has developed neither comprehensive goals nor overall strategies for carrying out these various tasks. It has largely dealt with the challenges of ethnic enclaves in neutral but incremental ways. The history of Chinese malls in Toronto is an example of accommodation and mutual learning.

pages: 419 words: 119,476

Posh Boys: How English Public Schools Ruin Britain
by Robert Verkaik
Published 14 Apr 2018

We as a nation commit a greater share of our spending (15 per cent of the combined private/state annual budget of roughly £75 billion41) to educating pupils at private schools than any other rich country on earth.42 So the first step must be to withdraw state funding for private schools. Each year more than £200 million of taxpayers’ money is spent on independent school places, making our private schools the most subsidised schools in the Western world (although there is a case for keeping the specialist schools which educate children with behavioural problems). The second step must be to strip the schools of their charitable status. For too long, politicians have failed to challenge the bizarre assertion that the education of the privileged few is a charitable pursuit.

pages: 452 words: 126,310

The Case for Space: How the Revolution in Spaceflight Opens Up a Future of Limitless Possibility
by Robert Zubrin
Published 30 Apr 2019

Thus, it is hard to see how, with all the additional costs involved in manufacturing and positioning the solar panels and their huge transmitting system on the moon, a lunar array could be economically competitive against Earth-based photovoltaics (which themselves have yet to become competitive against fossil fuels, hydroelectric, nuclear, wind, or geothermal power). Furthermore, since the Earth is always turning, it would be impossible for the lunar solar power station to provide continuous power to any one region. Instead, it would only be able to supply power for a few hours per day to any one place, making its utility somewhat problematic. The other proposal, that of University of Wisconsin professors Jerry Kulcinski and John Santarius and Apollo astronaut Harrison Schmitt, is far more interesting.7 These gentlemen propose to mine the lunar regolith for its helium-3 and then export this unique substance to Earth for consumption in terrestrial fusion reactors.

pages: 424 words: 122,350

Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life
by George Monbiot
Published 13 May 2013

There are, in the Highlands, plenty of opportunities. The tragic history of this region–the Clearances that followed the Battle of Culloden (which took place not far from Findhorn)–has left most of the north of Scotland in the hands of a tiny number of landowners, few of whom live on their estates, and most of whom are not Scottish. In some places, making use of the right-to-buy laws passed by the Scottish parliament,23 communities of smallholders have begun to regain a footing on the land. Some of these communities are rewilding parts of the land they have bought. But in the rocky mountain core of the Highlands, where the soil is poor, the facilities sparse and most of the estates too large for communities to handle, human beings are an endangered species.

pages: 469 words: 124,784

Moon Shot: The Inside Story of America's Apollo Moon Landings
by Jay Barbree , Howard Benedict , Alan Shepard , Deke Slayton and Neil Armstrong
Published 1 Jan 1994

You could fill the sky with more than five hundred of those bombers, throttles mashed to the gate, and all of them combined didn’t have the power to heave this rocket from earth. At this moment, as Alan Shepard slept to rest for his lunar mission, fears gnawed at Deke. He had to know that everything at the pad was ready. He began his slow walk down the stairs, stopping at each level, checking and rechecking making sure everything was in place. Making sure . . . Good Lord, just making sure . . . For Alan Shepard the early afternoon of January 21, 1971, provided an eerie moment of déjà vu. He had just left the van that transported him along with Ed Mitchell and Stuart Roosa to the launch pad. Walking toward the elevator for the long ride skyward, Alan stopped.

Cyprus Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

Livadhiotis CityHOTEL €€ (2462 6222;; Nikolaou Rossou 50; r €60-115; ) Recently refurbished and in a central location (a stone’s throw from Agios Lazarus and the beach), this hotel offers comfortable, clean, compactrooms with late-retro decor. Cool coffee shops in and around this place make it a summer hot spot. EleonoraAPARTMENTS €€ (2462 6222;; Ermou 55; r €55-85; ) Ideally located right in the heart of the town, Eleonora has large, simply decorated rooms and studios with balconies overlooking busy little Ermou square. It’s a great value-for-money option with extras like two-room apartments, ovens, ironing board (and iron) and discounts for sun beds on the seafront.

Superpower Interrupted: The Chinese History of the World
by Michael Schuman
Published 8 Jun 2020

I think of the arrows that hung at my waist and my sword in its scabbard, Now moth-eaten or covered with dust. What did they accomplish? How fast the time has gone. My heart is still passionate but my years are numbered.… Yet I have heard that the old who were left behind in the central plains Constantly look toward the south Hoping to see the decorated imperial chariots, Arriving at this place makes this traveler’s feelings well up And his tears fall like rain.27 Far to the north, the steppe was stirring once again. The latest swarm to emerge from the distant grasslands would be the most famous and momentous of them all—the Mongols, under Genghis Khan. In 1210, one hundred thousand mounted archers flooded south with that dazzling speed only the most skilled equestrians can attain.

pages: 412 words: 122,655

The Fund: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates, and the Unraveling of a Wall Street Legend
by Rob Copeland
Published 7 Nov 2023

He gave interviews for months in print, on television, on podcasts, and in virtually every other medium. In each, he seemed to raise the import of his work. To The Times of London, in an interview that the newspaper noted was held over almonds and mineral water in a Manhattan boardroom, Dalio said, “I’ve made discoveries that can change the world, make the world a much better place, make people better.” He went on, “Imagine you discovered a cure for cancer, and you say, ‘Should I be quiet or put it out there?’ That’s how I feel about The Principles. This is the best gift I could give the world.” Though the publicity blitz no doubt helped sell books, Dalio also bought plenty of his own.

pages: 454 words: 127,319

Billionaires' Row: Tycoons, High Rollers, and the Epic Race to Build the World's Most Exclusive Skyscrapers
by Katherine Clarke
Published 13 Jun 2023

“They came back to us when we were already in the foundations,” he said of the Times Square project. “And we said, ‘Sorry, too late.’ We were already under construction and the financing was tied up.” The economics of assemblage can be unpredictable and punishing when the pieces don’t fall into place, making such speculative projects more risky than many developers can stomach. In their early stages, these projects are also less appealing to the public markets and traditional lenders like banks, since their success is tied so closely with a given developer’s ability to sew up the pieces. Because developers often pay above-market prices for key pieces of an assemblage, they are left more vulnerable to shifts in the larger market.

pages: 666 words: 131,148

Frommer's Seattle 2010
by Karl Samson
Published 10 Mar 2010

Washington State wines, coffee from the original Starbucks, and fish that fly—these are just a few of the culinary treats that await you here. 1 The Shopping Scene Although Seattle is a city of neighborhoods, many of which have great little shops, the nexus of the Seattle shopping scene is the corner of Pine Street and Fifth Avenue. Within 2 blocks of this intersection are two major department stores (Nordstrom and Macy’s) and two upscale urban shopping malls (Westlake Center and Pacific Place). A sky bridge between Nordstrom and Pacific Place makes shopping that much easier. Fanning out east and south from this intersection are blocks of upscale stores that have started to look more and more familiar as small, local shops have been replaced by national and international boutiques and megastores. Here in this neighborhood, you can now find Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, Barneys New York, Coach, Gap, and Niketown.

pages: 537 words: 135,099

The Rough Guide to Amsterdam
by Martin Dunford , Phil Lee and Karoline Thomas
Published 4 Jan 2010

First published in 1995, this infinitely readable trawl through the city’s past is a simply wonderful book – amusing and perceptive, alternately tart and indulgent. It’s more a social history than anything else, so – for example – it’s here you’ll find out quite why Rembrandt lived in the Jewish Quarter and why the city’s merchant elite ossified in the eighteenth century. It’s light and accessible enough to read from cover to cover, but its index of places makes it easy to dip into. Highly recommended. Geoffrey Parker The Dutch Revolt. Compelling account of the struggle between the Netherlands and Spain. Quite the best thing you can read on the period. Also The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road 1567–1659. The title may sound academic, but this book gives a fascinating insight into the Habsburg army that occupied the Low Countries for well over a hundred years – how it functioned, was fed and moved from Spain to the Low Countries along the so-called Spanish Road.

pages: 624 words: 127,987

The Personal MBA: A World-Class Business Education in a Single Volume
by Josh Kaufman
Published 2 Feb 2011

—JERRY SEINFELD, COMEDIAN Agood salesman, as the old (and politically incorrect) saying goes, can sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo. It’s a cliché, but there’s some truth to it: Inuit who live above the Arctic Circle use insulated refrigerators to keep their food from freezing in subzero temperatures. The real barrier isn’t need, it’s finding these customers in the first place: making the sale involves traveling thousands of miles through brutally wild terrain just to get their attention, let alone land a sale and deliver the product. Addressability is a measure of how easy it is to get in touch with people who might want what you’re offering. A highly Addressable audience can be reached quickly and easily.

pages: 496 words: 137,645

Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002)
by David Sedaris
Published 29 May 2017

Next door is a bumper-car pavilion. The thuds are fairly constant. I went out tonight after dinner and had a beer at a gas station with a table in front of it. The owner had a live duck in her hands. When I went to pay, I saw her in the back room, wringing its neck and singing along to the radio. This place makes me feel stoned. August 30, 1982 Athens Back in Athens after Rome. The bus ride from Patras was dismal. I’d run out of books, so all I could do was stare out the window. After we arrived at the station, I met Rosa Rubio from Madrid. She speaks only Spanish, and after talking for a few hours, I brought her to my hotel.

pages: 453 words: 132,400

Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Published 1 Jul 2008

At this point, the relationship is in danger of becoming a boring routine that might be kept alive by mutual convenience, but is unlikely to provide further enjoyment, or spark a new growth in complexity. The only way to restore flow to the relationship is by finding new challenges in it. These might involve steps as simple as varying the routines of eating, sleeping, or shopping. They might involve making an effort to talk together about new topics of conversation, visiting new places, making new friends. More than anything else they involve paying attention to the partner’s own complexity, getting to know her at deeper levels than were necessary in the earlier days of the relationship, supporting him with sympathy and compassion during the inevitable changes that the years bring.

pages: 483 words: 134,377

The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor
by William Easterly
Published 4 Mar 2014

Avner Greif and Guido Tabellini, “Cultural and Institutional Bifurcation: China and Europe Compared,” American Economic Review 100, no. 2 (May 2010): 135–40. Available at SSRN: or, accessed August 24 2013. 32. Ibid., 137–38. 33. John Friedmann, “Reflections on Place and Place-Making in the Cities of China,” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 31, no. 2 (2007): 274; quoted in Greif and Tabellini, “Cultural and Institutional Bifurcation.” 34. Gordon S. Redding, The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism, second edition (Berlin: Gruyter, 1993), 66; quoted in Greif and Tabellini, “Cultural and Institutional Bifurcation.” 35., accessed September 23, 2013. 36.

pages: 485 words: 143,790

The Race Underground: Boston, New York, and the Incredible Rivalry That Built America's First Subway
by Doug Most
Published 4 Feb 2014

Cheatham told Russell he could get back to work, and with the strike averted, Pilkington relaxed as he watched scoops of dirt once again fly out of the ground and into the carts. * * * THE CUT-AND-COVER WORK MOVED QUICKLY below Tenth Street for one reason: The ground in lower New York was a soft, granular soil, almost like sand. Those pipes that were pounded into the ground downtown went sixty, seventy, and more than a hundred feet deep in some places, making excavation a breeze. But the soft soil was also more challenging because of the danger of the hole collapsing. Even as the guts of the city’s streets were being torn up, the street railway tracks rerouted around the trenches, the sidewalks rendered almost impassable, and businesses along the route suffered exactly the sort of losses that they feared, the work progressed smoothly.

pages: 464 words: 127,283

Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic Hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia
by Anthony M. Townsend
Published 29 Sep 2013

Clinton, lecture, World Business Forum 2011, New York, October 5, 2011. 33Author’s calculation based on published open-data sets and current US Census Bureau population estimates. 34“City Protocol Framework”, n.d., 35Urban Systems Symposium: Defining Urban Systems, New York City, May 12, 2011. 36Bertrand Russell, radio address, January 9, 1949, BBC Home Service, transcript at 37Eran Ben-Joseph, The Code of the City: Standards and the Hidden Language of Place Making (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005), 1. Chapter 9. Buggy, Brittle, and Bugged 1J. Casale, “The Origin of the Word ‘Bug,’” The OTB (Antique Wireless Association), February 2004, reprinted at 2Thomas P. Hughes, American Genesis: A History of the American Genius for Invention (New York: Penguin Books, 1989), 75. 3William Maver Jr. and Minor M.

pages: 478 words: 146,480

Pirate Cinema
by Cory Doctorow
Published 2 Oct 2012

Aziz and his elves were working on gluing heavy fixings to the lamp-posts so that they could be attached to whatever was handy and then fast-cemented into place once they were correctly lined up. If we got it all right, each crew would show up in hi-viz vests with cones and that, get the reflector into place, make sure it was working, fix it with fiendish adhesive, and scarper. The projector crew would hit each reflector until the law showed up and took it down -- they could just drape someone's jacket over the reflector, of course, but it might take them a while to hit on that strategy, and once the pic went dark, we'd wait a random interval and then switch to another one.

The Trade Lifecycle: Behind the Scenes of the Trading Process (The Wiley Finance Series)
by Robert P. Baker
Published 4 Oct 2015

Service their clients The clients come to the bank with requirements that are satisfied by trading. The bank can either act as the middleman or broker to execute trades on behalf of the client who has no access to counterparties or it can trade directly with the client and either absorb the trade or deal an equal and opposite trade (known as back-to-back) in the market place, making a profit by enjoying lower trade costs. 2. Proprietary trading Most investment banks have proprietary (or ‘prop’) desks with the aim of using the bank’s resources to make profit. The financial knowledge and skills base within the bank should enable it to understand the complexities of trades and take a realistic view on the future direction of the market in order to generate revenue for the bank. 3.

pages: 420 words: 135,569

Imaginable: How to See the Future Coming and Feel Ready for Anything―Even Things That Seem Impossible Today
by Jane McGonigal
Published 22 Mar 2022

If you had to sum up your future emotions on Thank You Day in one word, what would it be? What kind of worker or volunteer would you advocate to add to the registry? Whom else would you want to thank in this future? Does this economic policy feel fair to you, or unfair? What would you change to make it more fair? Would having this system in place make you consider a change in your work life or career path? Do you think it would potentially change other people’s career choices? How do you predict a national Thank You Day might change your relationships to others—particularly the people you thank or are thanked by? Did your mind jump to how people might try to game this system or exploit it?

pages: 420 words: 130,714

Science in the Soul: Selected Writings of a Passionate Rationalist
by Richard Dawkins
Published 15 Mar 2017

When Darwin himself was laying down his theory, of course, the gene had not yet been identified, let alone pinpointed as the subject of natural selection. ‘An ecology of replicators’, first published in a collection in honour of Mayr, takes up the discourse of evolution in the context of twentieth-century debates about the level at which natural selection takes place, making the case for the gene, as the only replicator in the system, with exemplary clarity. Significantly, the core of the article is the investigation of an apparent disagreement (with Mayr himself) to identify where it is real and where illusory; the purpose, as so often, that of making a key distinction that enhances and refines understanding, and of revealing a key commonality under a disparity in terminology or expression.

Elixir in Action
by Saša Jurić
Published 30 Jan 2019

You can use it in the familiar way to manipulate the list: iex(5)> bobs_list = Todo.Cache.server_process(cache, "Bob's list") iex(6)> Todo.Server.add_entry(bobs_list, %{date: ~D[2018-12-19], title: "Dentist"}) iex(7)> Todo.Server.entries(bobs_list, ~D[2018-12-19]) [%{date: ~D[2018-12-19], id: 1, title: "Dentist"}] Of course, Alice’s list isn’t affected by these manipulations: iex(8)> Todo.Cache.server_process(cache, "Alice's list") |> Todo.Server.entries(~D[2018-12-19]) [] Having the cache in place makes it possible for you to manage many to-do lists independently. The following session creates 100,000 to-do list servers and verifies that you have that many processes running: iex(1)> {:ok, cache} = Todo.Cache.start() Managing multiple to-do lists 185 iex(2)> :erlang.system_info(:process_count) 54 iex(3)> Enum.each( 1..100_000, fn index -> Todo.Cache.server_process(cache, "to-do list #{index}") end ) iex(4)> :erlang.system_info(:process_count) 100054 Here you use the :erlang.system_info/1 function to get the number of currently running processes.

pages: 505 words: 133,661

Who Owns England?: How We Lost Our Green and Pleasant Land, and How to Take It Back
by Guy Shrubsole
Published 1 May 2019

Far from dying away Chris Bryant, Entitled: A Critical History of the British Aristocracy (Doubleday, 2017), p. 11. During the eighteenth century Dr Oliver Cox, ‘Why was Lancelot “Capability” Brown so important?’, https://www.nationaltrust­­/why­-was­-lancelot­-capability-brown-so-important The astonishing scale John Phibbs, Place-Making: The Art of Capability Brown (English Heritage, 2017). they tend to be 500 acres George Monbiot, ‘A Land Reform Manifesto’, 22 February 1995,­/1995/02/22­/a­-land­-reform­-manifesto/ fossil fuels are not Matt Ridley, ‘Fossil fuels are not finished, not obsolete, not a bad thing’, 22 March 2015­.uk/blog/fossil­-fuels­-are­-not­-finished-not-obsolete-not-a-bad-thing/.

pages: 444 words: 139,784

How to Read a Book
by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren
Published 14 Jun 1972

It is definitely located by the meaning that you and the author share in using it. The remaining words must be put in place. You do this by trying to make them fit this way or that. The better you understand the picture that the words so far in place already partially reveal, the easier it is to complete the picture by making terms of the remaining words. Each word put into place makes the next adjustment easier. You will make errors, of course, in the process. You will think you have managed to find where a word belongs and how it fits, only to discover later that the placement of another word requires you to make a whole series of readjustments. The errors will get corrected because, so long as they are not found out, the picture cannot be completed.

First Time Ever: A Memoir
by Peggy Seeger
Published 2 Oct 2017

Many traditional singers do it – it helps in setting your pitch and sends your voice forward and around you. Try it. The folk revival that began in the 1950s has been an extraordinary cultural movement. The grassroots part of it was never captured wholesale by the establishment. Singers were lured away from it but there were always new singers taking their place, making sure that the revival itself has remained a vital part of the UK’s subterranean cultural life. It is fed and watered by the network of folk clubs whose breeding and stamping ground is the pub. Keep grassroots movements down in the grass. We are cultural wildlife in danger of extinction. Grow the grass higher so we won’t be seen and gobbled up.

pages: 505 words: 138,917

Open: The Story of Human Progress
by Johan Norberg
Published 14 Sep 2020

No government would have planned for it, and no research group would have included her in its team. It was only by having an open platform, where everybody was allowed to test their skills, that we were able to find much-needed talent when it hid from sight. For the same reason, openness to workers and thinkers from other places makes us so much stronger because the chance that we will find someone who improves our way of doing things or comes up with useful innovations increases when more people are allowed to try their luck. The economist Julian Simon was a pioneer in arguing that progress was possible and poverty would decrease just as 1970s and 1980s doomsayers and environmentalists claimed that overpopulation would result in hunger and the end of resources.

pages: 506 words: 132,373

The Good, the Bad and the History
by Jodi Taylor
Published 21 Jun 2023

I know the guards had only anticipated the actual firing squad by a few seconds, but even so . . . there’s something quite shocking about shooting a man while he’s lying helpless on the ground. The soldiers shoved us up against the now bloodstained wall. I think the man next to me was praying. He was repeating the same phrase over and over again. I don’t know in what language because my thoughts were all over the place. Making my peace with the universe, trying to think of a way out, of Leon and Matthew, of how I didn’t want to die . . . The soldiers retreated. Not anywhere near far enough away. Ten, twelve feet? No further. I could see the fastenings on their uniforms. The wrinkles in their trousers. Dust and ash on their boots.

Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War
by Branko Milanovic
Published 9 Oct 2023

All governments which thwart this natural course, which force things into another channel, or which endeavour to arrest the progress of society at a particular point, are unnatural, and to support themselves are obliged to be oppressive and tyrannical. 6 Another quote, putting the arrogance and the conceit of the government in its place, makes his view even clearer: It is the highest impertinence and presumption, therefore, in kings and ministers, to pretend to watch over the economy of private people, and to restrain their expense, either by sumptuary laws, or by prohibiting the importation of foreign luxuries. They are themselves always, and without any exception, the greatest spendthrifts in the society.

pages: 541 words: 135,952

Lonely Planet Barcelona
by Isabella Noble and Regis St Louis
Published 15 Nov 2022

First Time Barcelona For more information, see Survival Guide Checklist AFind out if you can use your phone in Spain and ensure you’re up to date on potential roaming charges. ABook accommodation ahead; Barcelona hotels fill up fast, especially in spring and summer. ACheck calendars to figure out which festivals to attend (or avoid!). AOrganise travel insurance. ALook into restaurants and, if required (eg for Michelin-starred places), make reservations. What to Pack AMoney belt AEarplugs for noisy weekend nights ATrainers or walking shoes ABathing suit ASwim towel ASunglasses ASunscreen AHat ASandals AReading material (try page-turners by Carlos Ruiz Zafón or Manuel Vázquez Montalbán) Top Tips for Your Trip AVisit the top Gaudí sites and the Museu Picasso early in the morning or late in the day, to avoid the worst crowds.

Southwest USA Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

Dragon Room Bar BAR (406 Old Santa Fe Trail) This 300-year-old adobe is a consistent top fave for locals and Hollywood-famous visitors alike. Drop by for a signature Black Dragonmargarita. Visit after 9pm on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday if you want it served with live music (flamenco guitar, Latin jazz and the like). Ore House BAR (50 Lincoln Ave) We think this place makes the best fresh lime (no sweet and sour) margarita in town, and with more than 40 different types to choose from, there’s bound to be a margarita for everyone. Choose from the seats on the heated balcony overlooking the Plaza or a table inside. The steaks here make it worth staying for dinner. Marble Brewery Tap Room PUB (60 E San Francisco St) With microbrews on tap and an espresso bar, this upstairs place covers both ends of the legal substance spectrum.

Double Eagle Restaurant STEAKHOUSE $$$ (575-523-6700;; 308 Calle de Guadalupe; mains $27-65; 11am-10pm Mon-Sat, noon-9pm Sun) Central courtyards, chandeliers and a 30ft bar are all fabulous assets to this upscale eatery, which serves delicious Continental and Southwestern cuisine in an elegant 19th-century Victorian-and Territorial-style setting. The steak is the thing. The restaurant is on the National Register of Historic Places; make sure to walk off lunch with a stroll around the property. Chope’s Bar & Café NEW MEXICAN $ (Hwy 28; mains $5-10; 11:30am-8:30pm Tue-Sat) About 15 miles south of town and worth every second of the drive, Chope’s is a southern New Mexican institution. It isn’t anything to look at, but the hot chile will turn you into an addict within minutes.

Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone
by Deborah Madison
Published 14 Aug 1997

They needn’t all pop—it’s nice to have a lot of them whole. Remove from the heat, cool to room temperature, then refrigerate. Serve chilled. Cranberry Relish with Walnuts This is the way I prefer my cranberries. If orange seems dull to you, try tangerines, a Meyer lemon, or a few drops of orange oil its place. MAKES ABOUT 3 CUPS 1 12-ounce bag cranberries 1 orange or 2 tangerines ½ to ¾ cup sugar as needed Salt 1 teaspoon orange flower water, optional 3 tablespoons finely chopped walnuts or pecans Sort through the cranberries, removing any that are mushy, then rinse well. Chop the orange into large chunks and remove the seeds.

Chinese Noodle Cake These fat cushiony cakes make an appealing accompaniment to stir-fried vegetables and nice change from rice. The finished cakes can be held in a low oven if there’s a gap in your timing. Chinese egg noodles are usually found in the Asian vegetable section of the supermarket, but spaghettini can be used in their place. MAKES ONE 8-TO 10-INCH CAKE ½ pound thin fresh or dried Chinese egg noodles 2 teaspoons dark sesame oil 1½ tablespoons sesame or peanut oil for frying Gently pull the fresh noodles apart with your fingers into a large, loose heap. Boil them in a large pot of salted water until pleasantly firm, 2 to 3 minutes.

pages: 1,236 words: 320,184

Lonely Planet Turkey
by Lonely Planet

Food at breakfast is locally sourced, barbecues regularly take place, free bikes are offered to guests and the complex has a gym, pool tables, table tennis, fussball, a volleyball field and mini football playing area. It’s about 1km from central Dalyan, along the road to İztuzu Beach, and connected to both by dolmuş. 5Eating & Drinking Dalyan’s restaurant scene swings between good quality and tourist-oriented places making generally poor versions of international staples, with most eateries found on main square Cumhuriyet Caddesi and Maraş Caddesi. For local eateries, head to the warren of side streets between Cumhuriyet Caddesi and Karayol Sokak to the south. Saturday is market day – great for fresh local produce.

A daily Cide Aslan Seyahat bus on the Zonguldak-Bartin-Amasra-Cide route stops outside the PTT (post office) at around 10.15am in both directions reaching Cide (₺) around 12.30pm, in plenty of time to connect with the 2pm Abicim Minibus to İnebolu. Otherwise the only transport east along the coastal route is the dolmuş to Çakraz (roughly hourly). İnebolu %0366 / Pop 21,740 No town along the Black Sea coast has retained as many of its old timber-topped houses as İnebolu has. This bustling but manageable little place makes an ideal midway break if you’re taking the tortuous Amasra–Sinop coastal route. The central grid of streets retains loads of character, antique houses and Ottoman graves. The beach wins no prizes but there’s a very pleasant seaside walk past fish restaurants with sunset views over distant headlands, a kids’ play park, mosque and outdoor swimming pool that’s remarkably well kept.

pages: 487 words: 147,891

McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
by Misha Glenny
Published 7 Apr 2008

In 1976 when I was on the Drug Squad and we took down a pound or a key, it’d have a big effect on the street. They weren’t even cutting the stuff then. You had to go hunt the addicts to find ’em. By ninety-six, they were all over the city—everywhere, outside the back door, in the parking lot, in the parks, on the streets. One day we just woke up in Vancouver and said Holy Jesus, this place makes Needle Park look like a children’s playground. We gotta do something!” After his encounter with Tuck, John Walters was heading off to see an even more sordid den of iniquity—Insite, the clinic set up in Vancouver where heroin was administered to addicts under medical supervision. For a while cannabis was the recreational drug of choice for most of British Columbia’s users; heroin (which was strictly illegal) had gained a stranglehold over parts of inner-city Vancouver and other urban areas in British Columbia.

pages: 433 words: 53,078

Be Your Own Financial Adviser: The Comprehensive Guide to Wealth and Financial Planning
by Jonquil Lowe
Published 14 Jul 2010

However, this may be the part of financial planning where you prefer to delegate the task to an adviser or broker, who will normally have access to specialised ‘platforms’ – professional websites that compare products and provide specific quotes. Chapter 2 describes the various types of adviser available. Using the internet safely OO If you are using a computer in a public place, make sure that the screen and keyboard are not overlooked either by people or security cameras. OO When using a computer shared with others, always log off fully at the end of a session, so that the next user cannot access the screens you have visited. OO On your own computer, install a firewall and virus software with an updating service.

pages: 523 words: 149,772

by Greg Bear
Published 1 Jan 1995

I do not enjoy being here, even among these orphans.” He gestured at the arborids. “She still has her place,” he continued, waving his hand around to the house, where Nimzhian sat alone, dozing on the porch. “She will happily die here. But…” His voice trailed off. He splashed his feet in the water for a moment. “This place makes me feel my mortality like a knife in my ribs. And you?” I shook my head. “It affects us all differently,” I said. The island did not disturb me as much as it did others. Salap had never before confided in me — or to my knowledge, anyone else. I was intrigued. The head researcher never did anything — even engage in casual conversation — without having some goal in mind.

pages: 623 words: 155,587

Anvil of Stars
by Greg Bear
Published 4 Mar 2008

“An individual would enjoy seeing you. Is this okay with you?” “Acceptable,” Eye on Sky said. Seconds later, a bright red nightmare of jointed arms pushed through the water and heaved part of itself onto the ferry. Paola gave a little squeak and backed close to Martin. The Brothers seemed frozen in place, making no comments, weathering this surfeit of experience. The nightmare’s arms parted with a motion combining the curl of a squid’s tentacles and the up-and-down pistoning of a spider’s legs. A remarkable “face” appeared, four glittering egg-shaped eyes in a mass of glossy black flesh, surrounded by alternating fleshy rings of yellow and gray.

pages: 298 words: 151,238

by Iain M. Banks
Published 14 Jan 2011

Shattered palisades, lines of stakes and bunkers had been chewed up by the initial bombardment and later by the hooves of the cavalry. Bodies lay scattered like twisted, shredded leaves amongst the torn-up grassland and the rich brown-red soil. The blood of men and animals saturated the grass in places, making it thick and glossy, and collected in little hollows like pools of dark ink. The sun was high in the cloudless sky; the only cover was the wispy remnants of cannon smoke. Already a few carrion birds - no longer too concerned by the noise of the battle near by - had landed and started to investigate the corpses and the shattered bodies of the wounded.

The Old Patagonian Express
by Paul Theroux
Published 23 Sep 1979

This was not only greener and steeper than what I had seen just over the border in the Motagua Valley, but had a cared-for look, a rustic neatness and a charm that made it quite attractive. I did not know then that El Salvador imported most of its vegetables from Guatemala, and yet El Salvador was clearly the busier-looking of the two, the better integrated. Its real burden was its size: what claim could such a small place make? I had heard that it was run by fourteen families, a melancholy statistic suggesting ludicrous snobberies and social jostling as well as an infuriated opposition to them, Marxist students sweating with indignation. Mario and Alfredo confirmed that this was true. 'I do not like to talk about politics,' said Alfredo.

pages: 385 words: 117,391

The Complete Thyroid Book
by Kenneth Ain and M. Sara Rosenthal
Published 1 Mar 2005

The low-iodine diet needs to be started by the fourth week of the preparation and continued for as many weeks as it takes to reach a TSH greater than 30. The advantage to this method is that there are diminished hypothyroid symptoms. It is still advisable to avoid driving an automobile during this time. Other difficulties you may encounter with this method include difficulty predicting when the scan would take place (making significant scheduling problems for the patient and the physician), the likelihood of a prolonged time on the low-iodine diet, and the possibility that you may not be able to raise your TSH sufficiently within a reasonably short time and may still suffer prolonged, though diminished, hypothyroid symptoms.

pages: 526 words: 155,174

Sixty Days and Counting
by Kim Stanley Robinson
Published 27 Feb 2007

Not a voice, just part of the house somehow. It was comforting.” “Good for him,” Frank said. He liked the sound of such a moment, also the fact that she had noticed it. It occurred to him again how little he knew her. She was watching the ice ahead of the boat, holding the boom line and the tiller in place, making small adjustments, splayed in the cockpit as if holding a kind of dance position with the wind. And there they were barreling across the frozen surface of the lake, the ice blazing in a low tarnished sun that was smeared out in long bars of translucid cloud—the wind frigid, and flying through him as if the gusts were stabs of feeling for her—for the way she was capable, the way she liked it out here.

pages: 443 words: 153,085

The Intern Blues: The Timeless Classic About the Making of a Doctor
by Robert Marion
Published 1 Jan 1989

I did my subinternship and my third-year rotation there. I’m looking forward to it. But I know I’ll never beat the hours I’ve been able to keep at University Hospital. Mark AUGUST 1985 Sunday, August 4, 1985 I started on Infants’ [a ward at Mount Scopus Hospital] last Monday and so far this place makes Children’s look like an amusement park! I was on yesterday; I worked my ass off all day long, running from one thing another; and at no time did I have any idea what the hell I was supposed to be doing. Usually, when you’re on call on the weekend, you start with work rounds where you and the resident decide what needs to be done on each patient.

pages: 482 words: 147,281

A Crack in the Edge of the World
by Simon Winchester
Published 9 Oct 2006

Much earlier research showed that the Kenora series of rocks displayed evidence of a major episode of ancient mountain-building, a so-called orogeny, which had taken place all over Canada, as well as in Wyoming, the Dakotas and the Outer Hebrides of Scotland (geology knowing no national boundaries, of course, and the distances between these ‘places’ of yesterday having no relation whatsoever to the distances that we know of today: Wyoming and Scotland lapped up so close to one another then as to be one place, making the very concept of ‘place’ more than a little surreal). In recognition of the importance of the Kenoran rocks and the Kenoran Orogeny, Canadians have proudly christened the huge body that they suppose to have existed Kenorland,* and they think of it as having a presence quite as valid and provable as that of Ur and of Arctica.

The Hero With a Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell
Published 14 Apr 2004

And on the other hand, if the hero, instead of submitting to all of the initiatory tests, has, like Prometheus, simply darted to his goal (by violence, quick device, or luck) and plucked the boon for the world that he intended, then the powers that he has unbalanced may react so sharply that he will be blasted from within and without— crucified, like Prometheus, on the rock of his own violated unconscious. Or if the hero, in the third place, makes his safe and willing return, he may meet with such a blank misunderstanding and disregard from those whom he has come to help that his career will collapse. The third of the following chapters will conclude the discussion of these prospects under six subheadings: (1) "Refusal of the Return," or the world denied; (2) "The Magic Flight," or the escape of Prometheus; (3) "Rescue from With THF, HERO AND THE GOD out"; (4) "The Crossing of the Return Threshold," or the return to the world of common day; (5) "Master of the Two Worlds"; and (6) "Freedom to Live," the nature and function of the ultimate boon.42 The composite hero of the monomyth is a personage of exceptional gifts.

pages: 470 words: 148,730

Good Economics for Hard Times: Better Answers to Our Biggest Problems
by Abhijit V. Banerjee and Esther Duflo
Published 12 Nov 2019

It is in the developing world, where growth is sometimes held back by an egregious abuse of economic logic, that we may have something useful to say, though, as we will see, even that is very limited. THE MILLION-DOLLAR PLANT The key ingredient of Romer’s happy narrative was the spillovers: the idea that skills build on each other and that putting skilled people together in one place makes a difference. Clearly, this is something people in Silicon Valley believe. There are many parts of California prettier than Silicon Valley, and most are cheaper. Why do companies still want to locate there? States and cities in the United States and elsewhere offer large subsidies to attract firms.

pages: 466 words: 150,362

It's Easier to Reach Heaven Than the End of the Street: A Jerusalem Memoir
by Emma Williams
Published 7 Nov 2012

In his view, the message was unmistakable: Israel intended to stay, and would not be persuaded to leave through civil resistance or disobedience. Professor Morris concludes that for the Palestinians, “the only real option was armed struggle.”2 Over the weeks our children grew accustomed to seeing the armed struggle, and elements of war and its context. We grew accustomed to explaining the situation to them, even in unexpected places. Making the most of Israel’s tourist sites, we once visited Ayalon Park, near the Green Line—the 1949 armistice line between Israel and the remainder of Mandate Palestine. The park had all the features of a well-organized recreational area: picnic benches, gravel paths, and public toilets under the trees.

Lonely Planet Southern Italy
by Lonely Planet

For a taste, head below the Complesso Monumentale di San Lorenzo Maggiore or follow the leader on a tour of the evocative Catacombe di San Gennaro. Complesso Monumentale di San Lorenzo Maggiore, Naples | GANDOLFO CANNATELLA/SHUTTERSTOCK © Paestum Great Greek temples never go out of vogue and those at Paestum are among the greatest outside Greece itself. With the oldest structures stretching back to the 6th century BC, this place makes Rome’s Colosseum feel positively modern. Tempio di Cerere, Paestum | GIMAS/SHUTTERSTOCK © Pompeii Short of stepping into the Tardis, Pompeii is your best bet for a little time travel. Locked in ash for centuries, its excavated streetscapes offer a tangible encounter with the ancients and their daily lives.

pages: 576 words: 174,529

Consider Phlebas
by Iain M. Banks
Published 15 Jan 2008

“I want her clean of anything, anything at all that could be used as a weapon or that could turn into one. The Culture’s latest gadgetry for the Special Circumstancers includes things called memoryforms; they might look like a badge, or a medallion…” He smiled at Balveda, who nodded back wryly, “… or anything else. But do a certain something to them—touch them in the right place, make them wet, speak a certain word—and they become a communicator, a gun or a bomb. I don’t want to risk there being anything more dangerous than Ms. Balveda herself on board.” “What about when we get to Schar’s World?” Balveda said. “We’ll give you some warm clothes. If you wrap up well, you’ll be all right.

Frommer's Paris 2013
by Kate van Der Boogert
Published 24 Sep 2012

Inside, nine salons and dining rooms, each of whose 300-year-old walls have been carefully preserved and painted a deep red, are available for languorous afternoon coffee breaks or old-fashioned meals. Menu items include platters of shellfish, onion soup au gratin, coq au vin (chicken stewed in wine), duck breast in honey sauce, and grilled versions of various meats and fish. Every day between 3 and 6pm, the place makes itself available to sightseers who come to look but not necessarily eat and drink at the site that welcomed such movers and shakers as Diderot, Voltaire, George Sand, Victor Hugo, and Oscar Wilde. Especially charming is the ground-floor room outfitted like an antique library. 13 rue de l’Ancienne-Comédie, 6e. 01-40-46-79-00.

pages: 558 words: 164,627

The Pentagon's Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America's Top-Secret Military Research Agency
by Annie Jacobsen
Published 14 Sep 2015

ILLIAC IV began making calculations for the Navy’s Project Seaguard, a classified program to track submarines using acoustics, another ARPA program, with research taking place at ARPA’s classified Acoustic Research Center, deep underwater in a lake in northern Idaho. The submarine research facility was one of ARPA’s best-kept secrets, an underwater test site located at the south end of a small resort community on Lake Pend Oreille in Bayview, Idaho. The forty-three-mile-long lake is 1,150 feet deep in places, making it the perfect locale to conduct secret submarine research. Acoustic sensors placed on the floor of the lake recorded and processed data which were then fed into ILLIAC IV, allowing for major Cold War advances in antisubmarine warfare. The ILLIAC IV controversy coincided with a major turning point in the history of the Advanced Research Projects Agency.

pages: 577 words: 171,126

Light This Candle: The Life & Times of Alan Shepard--America's First Spaceman
by Neal Thompson
Published 2 Jan 2004

In the rear seat, Shepard would often insist on taking the controls and flying the lion’s share of each flight. Still, Shepard operated on the fringes of the astronaut lifestyle he had so recently defined. As the boss of all astronauts, he was their teacher, not their classmate. His job was to corral them, get them places, make sure they didn’t take advantage of their easy-access, government-funded jets. Like a camp counselor, he had to make sure no one wandered off into the woods. He was the taskmaster. And he was good at it. Among Shepard’s unique management techniques was the silent treatment. He’d call an astronaut into his office, and the other man would stand in front of his desk while he looked up at them “with those bulging eyes” and “stare right through you,” recalled Lovell.

Lonely Planet Nicaragua (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet , Alex Egerton and Greg Benchwick
Published 30 Jun 2013

The beachside pool is sweet. Hotel Villa Isabella HOTEL $$$ OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP ( 2568-2568;; Iglesia, ½c E; d US$85; ) Spacious, comfortably decorated island-style rooms in a classic old house at the top of town. The pool is for dipping purposes only, but the cool tranquility of the place makes it one of the better options in town. Eating Super Frutto ICE CREAM $ OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP (Calle Central s/n; ice cream US$2-3) The best gelato in all of Nicaragua is served up at this after-dinner favorite. Note: in the heat, you are better off avoiding cones. El Gato Negro SANDWICHES $ OFFLINE MAP GOOGLE MAP (Texaco station, 2c O; sandwiches & light meals US$4-6) The coolest cafe around has a great selection of espresso-based drinks, yummy cakes, comfy lounges, and a large selection of new and used books for sale.

A Clearing in the Distance: Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the 19th Century
by Witold Rybczynski
Published 1 Jan 1999

He was an experienced plantsman, but his interest was the landscape, not the garden. He was concerned with creating a unified experience, just like Olmsted and Vaux in Greensward. Like them, he built on the natural advantages of a site but did not hesitate to radically rearrange nature. He referred to this as “place-making.” Greensward was not directly influenced by Brown, but in the work of this great gardener, Olmsted—likewise a park-builder—discovered a precedent for the soundness of his own views. Olmsted was broadening his tastes. He was impressed by Brown, but in France he admired the late-seventeenth-century formal gardens of Versailles and Saint-Cloud, both the work of the celebrated André Le Nôtre.

Lonely Planet Sri Lanka
by Lonely Planet

The big attraction is the tandoori oven, which fires up at 6pm daily and pumps out delicious naan bread, tikkas and tandoori chicken. It's BYOB. oJetwing Jaffna Rooftop BarROOFTOP BAR ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %021-221 5571;; 37 Mahatma Gandhi Rd; h6-11pm; W) It gets no points for creative naming, but this place makes up for it with the sensational views. The rooftop bar at the hotel is breezy and has a variety of seating. It has a full range of cocktails and some light snacks. Make certain your beer is cold. 3Entertainment Jaffna Cultural CentrePERFORMING ARTS ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Esplanade Rd) Wow! India has gifted Jaffna a huge new cultural centre due for completion by 2019.

pages: 735 words: 165,375

The Survival of the City: Human Flourishing in an Age of Isolation
by Edward Glaeser and David Cutler
Published 14 Sep 2021

Farmers left rocky New England in the early nineteenth century for the rich soil of the Ohio River Valley. African Americans fled the Jim Crow South for higher wages and political freedom in northern cities. The Dust Bowl led thousands to flee Oklahoma for California. The limits on building in productive places makes that process far more difficult. Historically, the migration of poor people into rich places helped smooth out income differences across space. As new workers came to high-wage areas, wages inevitably fell, just as they rose in low-wage areas after workers left. For 140 years, incomes rose more quickly in poorer parts of the country than in richer parts of the country.

pages: 626 words: 181,434

I Am a Strange Loop
by Douglas R. Hofstadter
Published 21 Feb 2011

However, the whole question here is whether or not such usages are legitimate. If switch after switch were thrown, converting Parfit more and more into Napoleon, at what stage would he — or rather, at what stage would this slowly morphing person — simply be Napoleon? As I have already made clear, asking exactly where along the line the switchover would take place makes no sense from Parfit’s point of view, for what matters is psychological continuity (i.e., proximity in that quasimathematical space of personalities or brains that I suggested a little while ago), and that is a feature that comes in all shades of gray. It is not a 0/1 matter, not all-or-nothing.

HBase: The Definitive Guide
by Lars George
Published 29 Aug 2011

Again, before doing any loading, make sure you have configured Hadoop’s conf/hdfs-site.xml file, setting the xcievers value to at least the following: <property> <name>dfs.datanode.max.xcievers</name> <value>4096</value> </property> Note Be sure to restart your HDFS after making the preceding configuration changes. Not having this configuration in place makes for strange-looking failures. Eventually, you will see a complaint in the datanode logs about the xcievers limit being exceeded, but on the run up to this one manifestation is a complaint about missing blocks. For example: 10/12/08 20:10:31 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Could not obtain block blk_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX_YYYYYYYY from any node: No live nodes contain current block.

by Becky Ohlsen
Published 19 Jun 2009

The combined processes of glaciation, glacial retreat and land rising from the sea (which continues today at a rate of 90cm per century) are the combined forces that led to this stunning scenery. It’s a wonderful area for scenic drives, although the narrow twisty roads can make it difficult for whoever’s stuck behind the wheel. Höga Kusten stretches from north of Härnösand to Örnsköldsvik, and either place makes a handy base for exploration. The regional tourist office (504 80; can help you with information on exploring the region by bus, car or on an organised tour; it’s located inside Hotell Höga Kusten, just north of Höga Kustenbron, the spectacular E4 suspension bridge over Storfjärden.

pages: 671 words: 228,348

Pro AngularJS
by Adam Freeman
Published 25 Mar 2014

If there has been an error, then details of the error are displayed, along with a link that takes the user back to the shipping details view so they can try again. If the request is successful, then the user is shown a thank-you message that contains the id of the new order object. You can see the successful outcome in Figure 8-6. Figure 8-6. Displaying feedback to the user when an order is placed Making Improvements In building the user side of the SportsStore application, I took a couple of shortcuts that could be improved upon with techniques that I describe in later chapters but that depend on some concepts that I didn’t want to introduce here. First, when you load the app.html file into the browser, you may notice a small delay between the view being displayed and the elements for the products and categories being generated.

pages: 757 words: 193,541

The Practice of Cloud System Administration: DevOps and SRE Practices for Web Services, Volume 2
by Thomas A. Limoncelli , Strata R. Chalup and Christina J. Hogan
Published 27 Aug 2014

The statistics one needs to be able to generate include how much time is spent in each step of the process. The workflow for an IT helpdesk is more about the back-and-forth communication with a person. 12.7.2 Version Control Systems A version control system (VCS) is a central repository for storing, accessing, and updating source code. Having all source code in one place makes it easier to collaborate and easier to centralize functions such as backups, build processes, and so on. A VCS stores the history of each file, including all the changes ever made. As a consequence, it is possible to see what the software looked like at a particular date, revert changes, and so on.

Carrying the Fire: An Astronaut's Journeys: 50th Anniversary Edition
by Michael Collins and Charles A. Lindbergh
Published 15 Apr 2019

I manage, in my thrashing around, to turn off the radio by accident, which at least gives us a few moments of blissful silence. When we finally re-establish contact, John tries to be funny. “He’s down in the seat because there is about thirty feet of hose wrapped around him. We may have difficulty getting him out.” I try to be funny. “This place makes the snake house at the zoo look like a Sunday-school picnic.” Pretty thin humor, but we are trying to tell them just how glad we are to be back inside again, with the spacecraft pressure up at a comfortable five pounds per square inch. We have one more EVA to go, the final one being simply a quick hatch opening to dump all unnecessary equipment.

pages: 583 words: 182,990

The Ministry for the Future: A Novel
by Kim Stanley Robinson
Published 5 Oct 2020

There are those who say it could not succeed outside of its Basque context, that Basque culture makes it possible; this seems unlikely, but there are many who don’t want to consider that an alternative to capitalism, more humane, what you might even call a Catholic political economy, not only is possible, but has existed and thrived for a century, and is still going strong. There have also been moments of crisis, as when recessions struck just at the moment that certain critical cooperatives had expanded, or when a manager absconded with an immense amount of money, causing severe cash flow problems. Still, the place makes a good living for its people, and creates a culture that is mostly loved by those who perform it. There is solidarity and esprit de corps, and even in a world of intense competition, it makes a profit most years, enough for over a hundred thousand people to make a living from it and to give back to the general culture.

The Rough Guide to Sweden (Travel Guide eBook)
by Rough Guides
Published 1 Nov 2019

Now part of the upmarket Elite chain, it’s lost its edge but the rooms are big and very comfortable, and the extensive breakfast is an experience in itself. 1215kr/1800kr Good Morning Malmö Stadiongatan 21 040 672 85 70,; bus #8. Although a 30–45min walk from the centre, the prices at this simple yet functional place make up for the inconvenience, especially during the summer when prices fall by twenty percent. 760kr/1095kr Mayfair Tunneln Adelgatan 4 040 10 16 20, Very central luxury place and one of the finest of Malmö’s more intimate hotels. Rooms are well furnished in cherry and Gustavian pastels.

pages: 696 words: 184,001

The Brussels Effect: How the European Union Rules the World
by Anu Bradford
Published 14 Sep 2020

Facebook has 250 million users in Europe,76 contributing 25% of Facebook’s global revenue.77 Google’s share of the search market is over 90% in most EU member states, which exceeds its 67–75% market share in the United States.78 Abandoning the EU market is not even remotely a commercially viable option for them. It will further be difficult for these digital companies to circumvent the GDPR by moving their data processing activities outside the EU. The GDPR’s protection of European data subjects regardless of where the data processing takes place makes the regulation both extraterritorial and highly inelastic. The EU’s regulatory capacity and stringency in data privacy are also considerable, further contributing to the Brussels Effect. This has been the case, especially after the GDPR bolstered the EU’s data protection regime with demanding standards and robust sanctions that are calculated based on the global turnover of the data processors.

pages: 647 words: 201,252

The Mad Man: Or, the Mysteries of Manhattan
by Samuel R. Delany
Published 1 Jun 2015

Oh, like anyplace else, it’s got a few guys who just hang out and watch the action. But this isn’t Cats. And it sure isn’t the Fiesta!” I looked around. “It doesn’t look too busy right now.” “Yeah? You hang around for another hour, hour and a half. Even on Tuesday night, once you get past nine o’clock, nine-thirty, this place makes the New York Stock Exchange look like a Sunday-school picnic. You talk about philosophy—really it’s a matter of the philosophy of a place like this. If philosophy’s what you’d call it.” “I’m kind of lost.” “You see,” he said, “this place is a lot of older men who think the only way they can get anything worth having sexually is to pay for it.

Lonely Planet London
by Lonely Planet
Published 22 Apr 2012

Butler & Wilson Accessories Offline map Google map (; 20 South Molton St SW1; Bond St) There’s a sybaritic 1920s Shanghai vibe to Butler & Wilson’s central branch, where costume jewellery, handbags, T-shirts and knick-knacks are sold beneath red Chinese lanterns. Rigby & Peller Lingerie Offline map Google map (; 22a Conduit St W1; closed Sun; Oxford Circus) This old-fashioned place makes the Queen’s bras, but Rigby & Peller’s fitting and alteration service – open to us plebs – is equally legendary. Get yourself measured – many a customer has been surprised to discover they’ve been wearing the wrong size for years. Off-the-peg underwear and swimwear is also available. West End: Central Top Sights Piccadilly CircusF6 Soho G3 Sights 1 ChinatownH4 Eros StatueF6 3 London Trocadero F5 4 Photographer's GalleryC2 5 Regent Street D5 6 Soho Square G1 7 St James's Piccadilly E7 Eating 5th View (see 88) 8 Andrew Edmunds E3 9 Arbutus G2 10 Bar Shu H3 11 Barrafina G2 12 Berwick St MarketF3 13 Bocca di Lupo F4 14 Dean Street Townhouse G3 15 Fernandez & Wells E3 16 Gay Hussar G1 17 HIX E5 18 Koya G3 19 Kulu Kulu D5 20Mildred'sE3 21 Milk Bar G2 22 Momo C5 23Mooli'sG3 24 New World H4 25 Nordic Bakery D5 Polpetto (see 43) 26 Princi F2 27 Sakura A4 Spice Market (see 94) 28 Spuntino F4 29 Star Café F1 30 Veeraswamy D6 31 Wild Honey A4 32YauatchaE3 Drinking & Nightlife 33 Academy H3 34 Barcode F5 35 Boheme Bar & Kitchen H3 36 Candy Bar F2 37 Coach & Horses H3 38 DiuG2 39 Duke of Wellington F4 40 Edge G1 41 Endurance E3 42Experimental Cocktail ClubH4 43 French House G3 44 Friendly Society F4 45 John Snow D3 46 Ku Bar Frith St G3 Lo Profile (see 49) 47 Madame Jo Jo's F4 48 Milk & Honey E3 49 Profile F3 50 Village F4 51 White Horse F4 52 Yard F4 Entertainment 53 Amused Moose Soho H2 54 Borderline H1 Comedy Camp (see 34) 55Comedy StoreG6 56 Curzon Soho H3 57 Pizza Express Jazz Club F1 58 Prince Charles H4 59 Ronnie Scott's G3 60 Soho Theatre F2 Shopping 61 Abercrombie & Fitch C6 62 Agent Provocateur E2 63 Algerian Coffee Stores G3 64 Apple Store B2 65 Aquascutum D6 66 Beyond The Valley D3 67 Foyle's H2 Grant & Cutler (see 67) 68 Hamleys C4 69Harold Moore's RecordsD2 70 Joy E1 71 Liberty C3 72 Marshmallow Mountain C4 73 Minamoto Kitchoan D7 74 Miss SelfridgeB1 75 Phonica D2 76 Prowler F4 Ray's Jazz (see 67) 77 Reckless Records E2 78 ReissC1 79 Rigby & Peller B4 80 Sister Ray E2 81 Sounds of the Universe E2 82 Sting E6 83 Topshop & Topman B1 84 Urban Outfitters B1 85 Vintage House G3 86 Vivienne Westwood A5 87WarehouseB2 88 Waterstone's E7 Sleeping 89Brown'sB7 Dean Street Townhouse (see 14) 90 HaymarketH7 91Hazlitt'sG2 92Number 5 Maddox StreetB3 93 Soho HotelF2 94WG5 95YHA Oxford StD2 West End: Bloomsbury Top Sights British Museum D5 Wellcome CollectionB2 Sights 1 Bedford Square C5 2 Brunswick Centre E3 3 BT TowerA4 4 Gordon Square C3 5 New London ArchitectureC5 6 Petrie Museum of Egyptian ArchaeologyB4 7 Pollock's Toy Museum B5 8 Russell Square D4 9 St George's BloomsburyE6 Eating 10 Abeno E6 11 Busaba Eathai B5 12 Chilli Cool D2 13Diwana Bhel Poori HouseA2 14 Fino B5 15 Hakkasan C6 16 Hummus Bros E5 17 North Sea Fish Restaurant D2 18 Rasa Samudra B6 19 Ravi ShankarA2 20 Roka B5 Drinking & Nightlife 21 Bradley's Spanish Bar B6 22 Lord John Russell D2 23 Museum Tavern D6 24Newman ArmsB6 25Queen's LarderE4 26 Tempus Bar D4 Entertainment 27 100 Club B7 28 Place C2 Shopping 29 Bang Bang Exchange B5 30 Gay's the Word D2 31 Gosh!

Patriot Games
by Tom Clancy
Published 2 Jan 1987

The Palace was larger than he'd expected, but it seemed a dour building, three hundred yards away, hidden behind a marble monument of some sort. Traffic was a little thicker here, but moved briskly. "What do we do for dinner?" "Catch a cab back to the hotel?" She looked at her watch. "Or we can walk." "They're supposed to have a good dining room. Still early, though. These civilized places make you wait until eight or nine." He saw another Rolls go by in the direction of the Palace. He was looking forward to dinner, though not really to having Sally there. Four-year-olds and four-star restaurants didn't go well together. Brakes squealed off to his left. He wondered if the hotel had a baby-sitting BOOM!

pages: 1,429 words: 189,336

Mauritius, Réunion & Seychelles Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

Escale VacancesGUESTHOUSE€€ ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %831 2555;; Rue Johnston, Fond La Digue; s/d incl breakfast €61/94, incl half board €70/112; as) Located just outside the town centre, Port Mathurin's most upmarket option occupies a converted colonial mansion that feels somewhat like an old schoolhouse. Rooms are quiet and well appointed. Coco VillasGUESTHOUSE€€ ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %831 0449;; Caverne Provert; per person incl half board Rs 1400-2000; aW) Simple rooms at this family-run place make a quieter alternative to Anse aux Anglais just down the road. Rooms are nothing special, but the price is about right. Les CocotiersHOTEL€€€ ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; %831 1058;; Anse aux Anglais; s/d with half board from €131/186; aWs) A great choice at the end of the coastal road, this friendly resort comes with an airy restaurant, an inviting swimming pool and a popular dive centre.

pages: 420 words: 219,075

Frommer's New Mexico
by Lesley S. King
Published 2 Jan 1999

Breakfast, served all day, offers creative twists on standards, such as French-style pancakes with fruit and crème fraîche, but the real winner here is the croque madame—Black Forest ham, tomato, and Gruyère cheese on rustic farm loaf, topped with a sunny-side-up egg. Lunch offers an array of salads and sandwiches. My favorites are the pressed ones such as the BLT, with applewood smoked bacon and guacamole on whole wheat. With cupcakes “in” these days, this place makes six flavors. My favorite is the strawberry cheesecake with mascarpone frosting. Wash it all down with latte or chai tea. This is also an excellent place to stock a picnic basket and purchase specialty teas and local truffles in the market portion of the restaurant. 600 Central Ave. SE (just west of I-25). & 505/248-9800.

pages: 725 words: 221,514

Debt: The First 5,000 Years
by David Graeber
Published 1 Jan 2010

Venetian galleys doubled as both merchant vessels and warships, replete with cannon and marines, and the differences between trade, crusade, and piracy often depended on the balance of forces at any given moment.131 The same was true on land: where Asian empires tended to separate the sphere of warriors and merchants, in Europe they often overlapped: All up and down Central Europe, from Tuscany to Flanders, from Brabant to Livonia, merchants not only supplied warriors—as they did all over Europe—they sat in governments that made war and, sometimes, buckled on armor and went into battle themselves. Such places make a long list: not only Florence, Milan, Venice, and Genoa, but also Augsburg, Nuremberg, Strasbourg, and Zurich; not only Lübeck, Hamburg, Bremen, and Danzig, but also Bruges, Ghent, Leiden, and Cologne. Some of them—Florence, Nuremberg, Siena, Bern, and Ulm come to mind—built considerable territorial states.132 The Venetians were only the most famous in this regard.

pages: 388 words: 211,314

Frommer's Washington State
by Karl Samson
Published 2 Nov 2010

Within 2 blocks of this intersection are two major department stores (Nordstrom and Macy’s) and two upscale urban shopping malls (Westlake 131 08_607510-ch05.indd 13108_607510-ch05.indd 131 9/28/10 8:41 PM9/28/10 8:41 PM SEATTLE Shopping 5 Center and Pacific Place). A sky bridge between Nordstrom and Pacific Place makes shopping that much easier. Fanning out east and south from this intersection are blocks of upscale national and international boutiques and megastores that will likely be familiar to most shoppers. Here in this neighborhood, you can now find Ann Taylor, Banana Republic, Barneys New York, Coach, Gap, and Niketown.

Lonely Planet London City Guide
by Tom Masters , Steve Fallon and Vesna Maric
Published 31 Jan 2010

AGENT PROVOCATEUR Map Lingerie 7439 0229;; 6 Broadwick St W1; 11am-7pm Mon-Sat, to 8pm Thu, noon-5pm Sun; Oxford Circus For women’s lingerie that is to be worn and seen, and certainly not hidden, pull up to Joseph (son of Vivienne Westwood) Corre’s wonderful Agent Provocateur. Its sexy and saucy corsets, bras and nighties for all shapes and sizes exude confident and positive sexuality. RIGBY & PELLER Map Lingerie 7491 2200; 22a Conduit St W1; 9.30am-6pm Mon-Sat, to 7pm Thu; Oxford Circus This old-fashioned place makes the Queen’s bras, but Rigby & Peller’s fitting and alteration service – open to us plebs – is equally legendary. Get yourself measured – many a customer has been surprised to discover they’ve been wearing the wrong size for years. Off-the-peg underwear and swimwear is also available. There’s also a Knightsbridge branch (Map; 3 Hans Rd; Knightsbridge).

pages: 823 words: 220,581

Debunking Economics - Revised, Expanded and Integrated Edition: The Naked Emperor Dethroned?
by Steve Keen
Published 21 Sep 2011

Many of the leading lights of US academic economics have lived in the revolving door between academia, government and big business, and in particular big finance. The fact that their theories, while effectively orthogonal to the real world, nonetheless provided a smokescreen behind which an unprecedented concentration of wealth and economic power took place, make these theories useful to wealthy financiers, even though they are useless – and in fact outright harmful – to capitalism itself. The fact that both government and corporate funding has helped the development of these theories, while non-orthodox economists like me have had to labor without research grants to assist them, is one reason why the nonsense that is neoclassical economics is so well developed, while its potential rivals are so grossly underdeveloped.

pages: 1,510 words: 218,417

Lonely Planet Norway (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet and Donna Wheeler
Published 1 Apr 2015

Halden Pop 24,410 The soporific border town of Halden, at the end of Iddefjord between steep rocky headlands, possesses a hugely significant history as a cornerstone of Norwegian defence through centuries of Swedish aggression. With a pretty little harbour filled with yachts, a looming fortress rising up behind the town and a sprinkling of decent restaurants, this place makes a worthwhile detour. The Halden tourist office ( GOOGLE MAP ; %69 19 09 80;; Torget 2; h9am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon Sat & Sun mid-Jun–mid-Aug, 9am-3.30pm Mon-Fri rest of yr), just off Torget, has some useful information. History Halden served as a garrison during the Hannibal Wars from 1643 to 1645.

The Rough Guide to Norway
by Phil Lee
Published 25 Nov 2013

The town’s first modern settlers were the navvies who built the railway line, the Ofotbanen, to the mines in Kiruna, over the border in Sweden at the end of the nineteenth century – a herculean task now commemorated every March by a week of singing, dancing and drinking, when the locals dress up in period costume. The town grew steadily up until World War II, when it was demolished during ferocious fighting for control of the harbour and its iron-ore supply. Today, the place makes no bones about what is still its main function: the iron-ore docks are immediately conspicuous, slap-bang in the centre of town, the rust-coloured machinery overwhelming much of the waterfront. Yet, for all the mess, the industrial complex is strangely impressive, its cat’s cradle of walkways, conveyor belts, cranes and funnels oddly beguiling and giving the town a frontier, very Arctic, feel.

pages: 948 words: 214,109

Foucault's Pendulum
by Umberto Eco
Published 15 Dec 1990

“Excuse me for butting in,” Diotallevi said, “but if I understood correctly, when the first seal is opened, the succession of keepers of that seal doesn’t end; it lives on until the breaking of the last seal, when all the representatives of the order are to be present. In every century, then—or, strictly speaking, every hundred and twenty years—there would always be six keepers for each place, or thirty-six in all.” “Right,” Ardenti said. “Thirty-six knights for each of the six places makes two hundred and sixteen, the digits of which add up to nine. And since there are six centuries, we can multiply two hundred and sixteen by six, which gives us one thousand two hundred and ninety-six, whose digits add up to eighteen, or three times six, or 666.” Diotallevi would perhaps have gone on to a numerological reconstruction of the history of the world if Belbo hadn’t stopped him with one of those looks mothers give children when they are acting up.

Engineering Security
by Peter Gutmann

As with heuristic reasoning you’ll find a whole range of additional terms like “risk thermostat” being used for what’s more or less the same phenomenon, but as long as you don’t call it risk homeostasis you should be safe). If users “know” that viruses can only be caught in shady parts of the Internet then they don’t need to keep their virus scanners up to date because they don’t visit such places, making them much more vulnerable to the mass of malware that doesn’t operate by this model. The effects of this virus risk compensation were illustrated by the fact that users who had this mental model of viruses did indeed often fail to keep their virus scanners up to date or stopped scans that were already in progress [370].

When the user visits the phishing site they’ll get no warning from the browser, all of the SSL security indicators will be present, and on the very remote chance that they bother to check the certificate, they’ll see that it’s been authorised by Verisign, the world’s largest CA. Not bad for a few fragments of CSS and an extra flag set in a certificate! An even greater opportunity for abusing Javascript to defeat security measures exists with home routers. These invariably have the default manufacturer’s password left in place, making them easy targets for Javascript-based attacks launched from the user’s own browser, which is inside the router’s trusted perimeter and therefore able to change its settings at will. Routers typically live at a fixed address, or occasionally, but even if that isn’t the case it’s possible to use Javascript to find the required IP address [374][375], or even do the scanning using pure HTML [376][377] or CSS [378].

Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
by Martin Kleppmann
Published 17 Apr 2017

Further changes to storage engine design will probably be needed if non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies become more widely adopted [46]. At present, this is a new area of research, but it is worth keeping an eye on in the future. Transaction Processing or Analytics? In the early days of business data processing, a write to the database typically corre‐ sponded to a commercial transaction taking place: making a sale, placing an order with a supplier, paying an employee’s salary, etc. As databases expanded into areas that didn’t involve money changing hands, the term transaction nevertheless stuck, referring to a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit. A transaction needn’t necessarily have ACID (atomicity, consis‐ tency, isolation, and durability) properties.

pages: 1,237 words: 227,370

Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems
by Martin Kleppmann
Published 16 Mar 2017

Further changes to storage engine design will probably be needed if non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies become more widely adopted [46]. At present, this is a new area of research, but it is worth keeping an eye on in the future. Transaction Processing or Analytics? In the early days of business data processing, a write to the database typically corresponded to a commercial transaction taking place: making a sale, placing an order with a supplier, paying an employee’s salary, etc. As databases expanded into areas that didn’t involve money changing hands, the term transaction nevertheless stuck, referring to a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit. Note A transaction needn’t necessarily have ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) properties.

pages: 778 words: 239,744

by Nick Harkaway
Published 18 Oct 2017

Living across multiple bodies is, obviously, safer than sole-substrate existence – that’s living in one body, as you do – because it’s wildly unlikely that all your brains should be in an accident at once, especially if you make sure one or two of them are somewhere nice and secure. But this same precautionary approach of putting your eggs in a large number of baskets and distributing those baskets all over the place makes us vulnerable to the peculiar sin known as wetjacking, in which one such body is severed from its overarching mind and held incommunicado, an incapable semi-person with enough awareness to be afraid and alone. The wetjacker then takes advantage of this suggestible state to force a new, alternative connection, integrating the experience and memories of the kidnapped body into his or her own mind, stealing a fragment of personality and selfhood, and swallowing, in primitive terms, a little of the target’s soul.

by Stephen Baxter
Published 23 May 2011

It was having a visible physical effect on Mike, she thought, if not on Ben… Security lights were coming on all over the nuclear test rig; they made it into a sculpture of shadows and glimmering reflections, an angular, deformed representation of a true spacecraft. As if the ambitions driving the men and women who worked there had actually shaped the geometry of the place, making it into something not quite of the Earth. While he was talking to Priest about the day’s events, Mike Conlig tried to keep a hawkeye on Natalie. She was gazing around the plant. Natalie was a little too tall, slim, intense, her hair jet black and tied back; those big Romanian-peasant eyebrows she hated so much were creased in concentration.

Lonely Planet Norway
by Lonely Planet

Halden Pop 30,550 The soporific but sweet border town of Halden, at the end of Iddefjord between steep rocky headlands, possesses a hugely significant history as a cornerstone of Norwegian defence through centuries of Swedish aggression. With a pretty little harbour filled with yachts, a looming fortress rising up behind the town and a sprinkling of decent restaurants, this place makes a worthwhile detour. 1Sights Fredriksten Fortress & MuseumsFORTRESS (Fredriksten Festning; MAP GOOGLE MAP ;; fortress free, adult/child all museums 60/20kr, guided tour 70/30kr; hfortress 24hr, museums 11am-5pm daily mid-May–Aug, guided tours 2pm year-round) Crowning the hilltop behind Halden is the 1661 Fredriksten Fortress, which has resisted six Swedish sieges and never been captured.

pages: 892 words: 229,939

Lonely Planet Poland
by Lonely Planet

The house where he was born on 1 March 1810 has been reconstructed and furnished in period style to create a museum (Dom Urodzenia Fryderyka Chopina; %46 863 3300;; Żelazowa Wola 15; adult/child museum & park 23/14zł, park only 7/4zł, Wed free; hmuseum 9am-7pm Tue-Sun Apr-Sep, to 5pm Oct-Mar, park daily). It’s a lovely little country house with extensive, beautiful gardens. Exhibits examine the story of the Chopin family’s time here. The tranquillity and charm of the place make it a lovely stop. Piano recitals are normally held here each Sunday from May to September. There are usually two concerts, up to an hour long, at noon and 3pm; there’s no fee other than the park entry ticket. Other seasonal recitals can be heard from Thursday to Saturday. The museum is a branch of the Fryderyk Chopin Museum in Warsaw.

pages: 2,323 words: 550,739

1,000 Places to See in the United States and Canada Before You Die, Updated Ed.
by Patricia Schultz
Published 13 May 2007

Most are local events held in churches, firehouses, service clubs, and community centers, serving variations on the traditional menu: eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, baked beans, home fries, muffins, maybe an oddity like french toast or quiche, plus a signature Rhode Island favorite known as a jonnycake—a hard cornmeal cake that was originally called a “journeycake” for its usefulness while traveling. Jonnycakes vary by locale: Some places make them thick and others thin; some serve them with syrup, while others use ketchup—a surprising amount of diversity, considering Rhode Island’s small size. The original Oak Lawn event, sponsored by the Oak Lawn Community Baptist Church, is still going strong after almost 140 years, with volunteer servers dressing in traditional Quaker garb.

Natural Wonder of the World GRAND CANYON Arizona Few things in this world produce such awe as one’s first glimpse of the Grand Canyon. “It will seem as novel to you,” wrote a mesmerized John Muir, “as unearthly in color and grandeur and quantity of its architecture as if you found it after death, on some other star.” The mile-deep chasm carved by the Colorado River is 277 miles long and up to 18 miles wide in places—making the views more like looking down on an ancient multihued mountain range. Most of the 4.6 million visitors per year head to the South Rim, about an hour’s drive north of Flagstaff (see preceding page). Here you’ll find the main visitors center, a cluster of shops, and six lodges led by the grand old El Tovar, the park’s main man-made wonder.

pages: 897 words: 242,580

The Temporal Void
by Peter F. Hamilton
Published 1 Jan 2008

‘Once you return to your clan you can become a fully fledged warrior and fight the Starflyer.’ ‘You know of the Starflyer?’ ‘Kazimir, I know this must be hard to believe, but the Commonwealth defeated the Starflyer a very long time ago. You’re not who you think you are.’ He grinned delightedly. ‘Then who am I?’ ‘You are a dream I had. This place makes you real.’ His face produced a thrilled expression while his mind registered a brisk amusement. ‘What are you saying, that I have died and this place is the Dreaming Heavens?’ ‘Oh my God!’ Justine stared at him in complete astonishment. ‘I’d forgotten that part of the Guardians’ ideology.’ Well, consciously, anyway.

pages: 944 words: 243,883

Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power
by Steve Coll
Published 30 Apr 2012

“Business arrangements we have entered into have been entirely commercial, have been at market-based rates, arm’s length transactions, fully recorded on our books,” Swiger answered robotically. Then he seemed to improvise a little: “They are a function of completing the work that we’re there to do, which is to develop the country’s petroleum resources, and through that and our work in the community, make Equatorial Guinea a better place.” “Make it what?” “A better place.”26 Fourteen “Informed Influentials” James Rouse, the U.S. Army veteran who ran ExxonMobil’s Washington office, retired in 2004. Lee Raymond appointed Dan Nelson, previously the lead country manager in Saudi Arabia, as his successor. Nelson stood six feet eight inches tall.

Fodor's Hawaii 2012
by Fodor's Travel Publications
Published 15 Nov 2011

Endangered nēnē geese, red-footed boobies, Laysan albatross, wedge-tailed shearwaters, white- and red-tailed tropic birds, great frigate birds, Pacific golden plovers (all identifiable by educational signboards) along with native plants, dolphins, humpback whales, huge winter surf, and gorgeous views of the North Shore add to the drama of this special place, making it well worth the modest entry fee. The gift shop has a great selection of books about the island’s natural history and an array of unique merchandise, with all proceeds benefiting education and preservation efforts. | Kīlauea Lighthouse Rd. | Kīlauea | 96754 | 808/828–0168 | | $5 | Daily 10–4.

pages: 920 words: 237,085

Rick Steves Florence & Tuscany 2017
by Rick Steves
Published 8 Nov 2016

. $$$ Ristorante Giglio is a venerable old dining hall where waiters are formal, but not stuffy, and the spirit of Puccini lives on. This is where local families enjoy special occasions under a big chandelier. They also have simple tables outside facing a tranquil square and the old theater. The short but thoughtful menu—with both traditional and creative Tuscan dishes influenced by the mama and son who run the place—makes you want to return. It’s only slightly pricier than most of my listings, but is a big step up in dining experience (impressive wine list, Wed-Mon 12:15-14:30 & 19:15-22:30, closed Tue, Piazza del Giglio 2, tel. 0583-494-058). Restaurant Price Code I’ve assigned each eatery a price category, based on the average cost of a typical main course (pasta or secondi).

pages: 768 words: 252,874

A History of Judaism
by Martin Goodman
Published 25 Oct 2017

Blessed and praised, glorified and exalted, raised and honoured, uplifted and lauded be the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, beyond any blessing, song, praise and consolation uttered in the world – and say: Amen. May there be great peace from heaven, and life for us and all Israel – and say: Amen. May He who makes peace in His high places, make peace for us and all Israel – and say: Amen. Of new rituals which originated entirely from within the rabbinic academies, the most striking may be the celebration of Lag BaOmer. The period of counting the omer in its biblical formulation involved nothing more than a ritual means to celebrate the passage from Passover to Pentecost, but it was decreed in rabbinic texts of late antiquity to be a period of mourning because of a legend that in one year in the mid-second century a dreadful plague took place in the omer days in which 24,000 disciples of R.

pages: 882 words: 240,215

The Rough Guide to Wales
by Rough Guides
Published 14 Oct 2024

accommodation Accommodation is limited inside the Snowdonia National Park; Llanberis is the hub. The exception is Betws-y-Coed, which is packed with guesthouses that are all busy in summer. There are five YHA hostels within 5 miles of Snowdon’s summit and a further half-dozen other budget places, making walking from one to another possible. Betws-y-Coed and around Spread across a plain around the confluence of the Conwy, Llugwy and Lledr valleys, BETWS-Y-COED (pronounced “betus-e-coyd”) – the self-described “gateway to Snowdonia” – is almost totally devoted to the needs of visitors, particularly walkers.

pages: 1,364 words: 272,257

Jerusalem: The Biography
by Simon Sebag-Montefiore
Published 27 Jan 2011

On 12 March 1920, Churchill convened his Arab experts in the Semiramis Hotel while a pair of Somalian lion cubs played around their feet. Churchill enjoyed the luxury, having no wish to experience 'thankless deserts', but Lawrence hated it. 'We lived in a marble bronze hotel,' he wrote. 'Very expensive, and luxurious - horrible place. Makes me Bolshevik. Everybody in the Middle East is here. Day after tomorrow, we go to Jerusalem. We're a very happy family: agreed upon everything important' - in other words, Churchill had accepted the 'Sherifian solution': Lawrence finally saw some honour restored in the wake of the broken British promises to the sherif and his sons.

Lonely Planet Chile & Easter Island (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet , Carolyn McCarthy and Kevin Raub
Published 19 Oct 2015

Quellón While the southern terminus for one of the world’s great highways (the Panamericana Hwy, also known as Hwy 5) and a salmon epicenter, Quellón is for the most part an unsophisticated town, one you’re likely only to see coming or going from the ferry to Chaitén. If you come in on the ferry and have had enough traveling for a day, there are some excellent eats, but an increase in street crime due to the salmon fallout (see the boxed text,Click here), and a generally insipid shadiness about the place, makes Quellón a get in, get out town. Don’t wander west of the Naveira Austral office on the costanera or around the bus station, especially at night. Sleeping Hotel El Chico Leo HOTEL $$ ( 681-567;; Costanera Pedro Montt 325; r per person without bathroom CH$8000, d CH$22,000; ) Known for its clean, bright rooms, attentive staff and quality beds, El Chico Leo is a cramped but comfortable choice, though the low-ceilinged bathrooms pose a serious challenge for taller travelers.

pages: 2,020 words: 267,411

Lonely Planet Morocco (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet , Paul Clammer and Paula Hardy
Published 1 Jul 2014

Some riads accept payment in euros, but often at less preferential rates than you can get at the bank. » Keep a handful of small denomination notes in your wallet, or just in a pocket (but never a back pocket), for day-to-day transactions. » Put the rest in a money belt or another safe place. » If you’re travelling in out-of-the-way places, make sure you have enough cash to last until you get to a decent-sized town. » Keep an emergency stash of euros in small denominations. » The endless supply of small coins may be annoying, but they’re handy for taxis, tips, guides and beggars. Credit Cards » Major credit cards are widely accepted in the main tourist centres. » They often attract a surcharge of around 5% from Moroccan businesses. » The main credit cards are MasterCard and Visa; if you plan to rely on plastic cards, the best bet is to take one of each. » Most large bank branches will give you cash advances on Visa and MasterCard.

pages: 1,152 words: 266,246

Why the West Rules--For Now: The Patterns of History, and What They Reveal About the Future
by Ian Morris
Published 11 Oct 2010

These gatherings would have been the most exciting social events on the calendar. We are guessing, of course, but many archaeologists think these festival days lie behind western Europe’s spectacular cave paintings: everyone put on their best skins and beads, painted their faces, and did what they could to decorate their holy meeting places, making them truly special. The obvious question, though, is why—if these hard facts of life applied all across Africa, Asia, and Europe—we find such spectacular cave paintings only in western Europe. The traditional answer, that Europeans were more culturally creative than anyone else, seems to make a lot of sense, but we might do better to turn the question around.

Egypt Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

White Elephant ASIAN ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Hurghada Marina Promenade, Sigala; mains E£40-90; v) After a hot day there's nothing like a spicy and zingy Thai feast to help you sweat it out. White Elephant doesn't scrimp on the heat factor either (though you can ask them to tone down the spice). Perfect for Thai-food fans. Serves sushi as well. El-Halaka EGYPTIAN ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Sharia Shedwan, Sigala; mains E£15-40) This place makes up for its understated location and interior with some superfresh seafood (the fish market is close by). Fish is priced by weight, but there are plenty of cheaper grills and seafood dishes on the menu. Nubian Cafe EGYPTIAN ( MAP GOOGLE MAP ; Hurghada Marina Promenade, Sigala; mains E£25-70; v) In a town where international food rules, it's nice to see someone taking a stand for Egyptian cuisine.

pages: 919 words: 252,171

The Rough Guide to Portugal (Travel Guide eBook)
by Rough Guides
Published 1 Mar 2023

Note that prices fall everywhere in summer. Covilhã Jardim Rua São Salvador 40; Located by the public gardens, this superb guesthouse has fifteen smart en-suite rooms, some with French windows and little balconies. The central location and friendly family who run the place make the prices something of a steal; there’s also pay parking right outside, and a café-bar on the ground floor. € Hotel dos Carqueijais Penhas road, N339; For serious views, head towards the mountains, 5km northwest of Covilhã, to this four-star ski-oriented inn, with panoramic bar and restaurant, plus summer outdoor pool.

pages: 1,006 words: 272,324

Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th Edition
by Henry M. Robert Iii , Daniel H. Honemann and Thomas J. Balch
Published 24 Aug 2020

Even if the entire resolution or main motion is replaced, adopting the motion to substitute only amends the resolution, which remains pending as amended. 12:74 After a paragraph, section, or version of a resolution has been substituted for another, the substituted paragraph or resolution cannot be amended during the same session except by adding something that does not modify the paragraph’s existing content—as is true of any paragraph that has been inserted. The paragraph that has been replaced cannot be inserted again during the same session unless a material change in the wording (or possibly, the place) makes a new question—as is true of any paragraph that has been struck out. 12:75 If a motion to substitute is lost, the assembly has decided only that the paragraph proposed as a substitute shall not replace the one specified. The same proposed new paragraph can still replace a different one, or can simply be inserted.

Great Britain
by David Else and Fionn Davenport
Published 2 Jan 2007

The Bijou ( 01423-567974;; 17 Ripon Rd; s/d from £75/85; ) Bijou by name and bijou by nature, this Victorian villa sits firmly at the boutique end of the B&B spectrum – you can tell that a lot of thought and care has gone into the design of the place. The husband-and-wife team who own the place make fantastic hosts, warm and helpful but unobtrusive. Harrogate Brasserie & Hotel ( 01423-505041;; 28-30 Cheltenham Pde; s/d from £60/90) Stripped pine, leather armchairs and subtle colour combinations make this one of Harrogate’s most appealing places to stay. The cheerful cosy accommodation is complemented by an excellent restaurant and bar, with live jazz Wednesday to Sunday evenings.

Return to beginning of chapter AROUND AYR Alloway This pretty village – now a southern suburb of Ayr – is where Robert Burns was born on 25 January 1759. Several sights are clustered around the poet’s birthplace under the umbrella title of Burns National Heritage Park ( 01292-443700;; ticket covering all sites adult/child £5/3; 10am-5.30pm Apr-Sep, 10am-5pm Oct-Mar). If you only have time to visit one place, make it Burns Cottage & Museum, where the poet lived the first seven years of his life. The cramped, thatched cottage contains musty byre, a warm storytelling hearth, and the actual box bed where Burns was born. The neighbouring museum of Burnsiana exhibits some fabulous artwork as well as many of his original manuscripts and letters.

Frommer's Israel
by Robert Ullian
Published 31 Mar 1998

Heftier choices include the rich smoked salmon with aioli, avocado and egg on Russian bread, and the lamb kabobs on Lebanese focaccia. Erez’s cakes are famous throughout Israel, and the brownies should be eaten very slowly. Both sidewalk and indoor seating are available. Lehem Erez branches are popping up all over Israel, and takeout is great to pack for the road (see Ibn Givrol St. location, p. 261). Tons of places make sandwiches to order, but Erez is beyond compare. 120 Ben-Yehuda St. & 03/529-1793. Sandwiches NIS 30–NIS 45 ($7.50–$11/£3.75–£5.60). AE, DC, MC, V. Sat–Thurs 8am–8pm; Fri 8am–8pm. 11_289693-ch07.qxp 254 10/28/08 12:28 PM Page 254 C H A P T E R 7 . T E L AV I V Loop Noodles Bar Value ASIAN Everything in this small, stylish place is delicious and very fairly priced, from the many noodle, rice, and soup dishes to the Asian chicken salad with cucumber and sesame seeds and the soba noodles with chicken and sweet and hot peppers.

pages: 1,758 words: 342,766

Code Complete (Developer Best Practices)
by Steve McConnell
Published 8 Jun 2004

You can optimize the code in one place instead of in several places. Having code in one place will make it easier to profile to find inefficiencies. Centralizing code into a routine means that a single optimization benefits all the code that uses that routine, whether it uses it directly or indirectly. Having code in one place makes it practical to recode the routine with a more efficient algorithm or in a faster, more efficient language. To ensure all routines are small? No. With so many good reasons for putting code into a routine, this one is unnecessary. In fact, some jobs are performed better in a single large routine.

pages: 1,079 words: 321,718

Surfaces and Essences
by Douglas Hofstadter and Emmanuel Sander
Published 10 Sep 2012

A student was relating the story of the tragically early death (at age 20) of the great French mathematician Évariste Galois, and he said, “And so, the night before the fateful debate, Galois stayed up all night and in a frenzy wrote down all his ideas…” The student knew very well that Galois had died as a result of a duel, not a debate, but the concepts debate and duel were semantically close to begin with in his mind (as they are in ours as well). Also, the presidential campaign was in full swing at the time (not “in high swing”, as we originally wrote here!), and televised debates had just taken place, making it much more likely for these particular wires to be crossed. The debate/duel analogy is just one of myriads of potential analogies that are hidden in each human mind but whose existence one wouldn’t suspect a priori. The student’s error, however, reveals that this analogy was indeed lurking in his mind and simply needed the right opportunity to show its face.

Central Europe Travel Guide
by Lonely Planet

Cuisine is copious Swiss and international, and tables are cleared at 11.30pm when the place morphs into a dance club. Alpenrose SWISS $$ ( 044 271 39 19; Fabrikstrasse 12; mains Sfr24-42; Mon-Sat) With its timber-clad walls, ‘no polka dancing’ warning and fine cuisine from regions all over Switzerland, this place makes for an inspired meal out. Try risotto from Ticino, pizokel (a kind of long and especially savoury spätzli, or dumpling) from Graubünden or freshly fished local perch filets. Reservations essential. Seidenspinner MODERN EUROPEAN $$$ ( 044 241 07 00;; Ankerstrasse 120; mains Sfr29-55; lunch & dinner Tue-Fri, dinner Sat) A favourite with the media and fashion crowd, Silk-spinner boasts an extravagant interior with huge flower arrangements and shards of mirrored glass.

pages: 1,169 words: 342,959

New York
by Edward Rutherfurd
Published 10 Nov 2009

Charles Schwab, having the boldness and intelligence to realize that the city’s greatest asset was the magnificent view over the Hudson River, and ignoring timid fashion entirely, had, like a true prince, built his mansion where he liked. They might not know it, but he had left them—Astors, Vanderbilts, everyone, save maybe Pierpont Morgan—far behind. His former boss and partner, Andrew Carnegie, said it all. “Have you seen Charlie’s place? Makes mine look like a shack.” They stopped the Rolls for several minutes in front of the gateway to admire the place. Rose had to confess that, West Side or not, it was something to talk about. “Now,” Hetty announced, “we’ll go up to Columbia University.” She smiled. “We’re going to pay a call on young Mr.

I You We Them
by Dan Gretton

So, according to the arbitrary nature of where the paces take us, we may be hearing these words next to pounding traffic, in the shade of a hedge or under the gaze of curious villagers … J. and Kay are happy with this plan; we order coffees and brandies, and talk of past summers and many journeys made together. I notice a group of young people at the next table. Something in their behaviour, a kind of ease with each other, and relaxation in this place, makes me realise they must be from here. I love the way that every few minutes, another couple of friends joins this group, pulling up extra chairs, to laughter, cigarettes offered, stories shared. We head back, past the house where Gropius once lived, and a little further on, Rudolf Steiner’s former home, through the tree-lined streets of Weimar, to our little gasthaus. 9 July 1999, Weimar to Buchenwald We walk into the centre and find a café on Schillerstrasse for a late breakfast.

pages: 2,313 words: 330,238

Lonely Planet Turkey (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet , James Bainbridge , Brett Atkinson , Steve Fallon , Jessica Lee , Virginia Maxwell , Hugh McNaughtan and John Noble
Published 31 Jan 2017

The rooms and suites are wonderfully decorated in a tactile mix of natural wood and stone, antique furnishings and original artwork. Hostess Kamer's cooking is legendary; she ran a restaurant in the USA. Full-board accommodation is available. 5Eating & Drinking Dalyan's restaurant scene swings between good quality and tourist-oriented places making generally poor versions of international staples, with most eateries found on main-square Cumhuriyet Caddesi and Maraş Caddesi. For local eateries, head to the warren of side streets between Cumhuriyet Caddesi and Karayol Sokak to the south. Saturday is market day – great for fresh local produce.

pages: 675 words: 344,555

Frommer's Hawaii 2009
by Jeanette Foster
Published 2 Jan 2008

Or take TheBus no. 55. THE NORTH SHORE CAMP MOKULEIA The centerpiece of this 9-acre campground is a quiet, isolated beach on Oahu’s North Shore, 4 miles from Kaena Point. Camping is available on the beach or in a grassy, wooded area. Activities include swimming, surfing, shore fishing, and beachcombing. This place makes a great getaway. Facilities include tent camping, cabins, and lodge accommodations. The tentcamping site has portable chemical toilets, a water spigot, and outdoor showers; there are no picnic tables or barbecue grills, so come prepared. Tent camping is $15 per person, per night. The cabins sleep up to 22 people in bunk beds.

The the Rough Guide to Turkey
by Rough Guides
Published 15 Oct 2023

Cross the Koca Çayı bridge and bear immediately right onto the marked side road to both Tlos and Saklıkent. After driving 17.5km south, bear left for just over 3km to the (signed) gorge mouth. Accommodation Saklıkent Gorge Club Saklıkent; Set at the mouth of the gorge near the car park, this backpacker-oriented treehouse place makes a great base if you want to explore the gorge and enjoy the ambience once the tour groups have gone. Tent pitch ₺; dorm ₺; treehouse double ₺₺ Pınara Charge when guard present • If driving, turn right off Highway 400 and continue just over 3km to the village of Minare, from where the ruins are a 2.2km walk along a steep signposted track Almost nothing is known about the ancient city of PINARA, 46km southeast of Fethiye, except that it may have been founded as an annexe of Xanthos.

pages: 1,199 words: 384,780

The system of the world
by Neal Stephenson
Published 21 Sep 2004

“Prevent sight-seers from coming up here, thank you,” Daniel returned, then wheeled round and began to scan the walls. This upper storey was not as prized by the Governors of Bedlam as it had been by Hooke; rather than situating their best offices here, they had sprinkled tables and trunks about the place, making it into a dovecote for clerks, and a dump for little-used documents. “When we were here for my party it looked much as it does now,” Daniel said to Isaac, “which is to say that these inward-sloping walls—which are, of course, the inner surface of the roof’s structure—had been plastered over.” “Yes.”

Frommer's Mexico 2008
by David Baird , Juan Cristiano , Lynne Bairstow and Emily Hughey Quinn
Published 21 Sep 2007

. & 442/214-1481. Main courses $4.50–$7 (£2.50–£3.85); menú del día $4–$6 (£2.20–£3.30). No credit cards. Daily 7:30am–11pm. Cafetería La Mariposa MEXICAN This coffee shop, sweet shop, and restaurant is a popular hangout with locals. The full breakfasts are probably better at Bisquets, but this place makes its own breads and yogurt and is a nice spot for a light breakfast. Z AC AT E C A S 221 The old-time dining room is comfortable (less cramped than at Bisquets). For lunch or dinner you can count on most of the Mexican standards on the menu. Angela Peralta 7 (between Corregidora and Juárez). & 442/212-1166.

pages: 889 words: 433,897

The Best of 2600: A Hacker Odyssey
by Emmanuel Goldstein
Published 28 Jul 2008

But it is difficult to establish meaningful communication with minds that ban TV remote controls because “transmitting devices” are forbidden in California prisons, and electronic typewriters are considered a “threat to institution security.” We used to have a large collection of California phone books in our library. They were all locked away when a guard supposedly found his own home address listed in one. This place makes me think of the sign I once saw: “Help, the paranoids are after me.” Growth of a Low-Tech Hacker (Winter, 1992–1993) By The Roving Eye About a year ago I wrote an article about the birth of a hacker in a low technology atmosphere. A lot has happened since then. For one thing, I have been able to meet with hackers from the area.

pages: 803 words: 415,953

Frommer's Mexico 2009
by David Baird , Lynne Bairstow , Joy Hepp and Juan Christiano
Published 2 Sep 2008

Pino Suárez 7 (between Juárez and Allende). & 442/214-1481. Main courses $4.50–$8 (£2.25–£4); menú del día $4–$6 (£2–£3). No credit cards. Daily 7:30am–11pm. Cafetería La Mariposa MEXICAN This coffee shop, sweet shop, and restaurant is a popular hangout with locals. The full breakfasts are probably better at Bisquets, but this place makes its own breads and yogurt and is a nice spot for a light breakfast. The old-time dining room is comfortable (less cramped than at Bisquets). For lunch or dinner you can count on most of the Mexican standards on the menu. Angela Peralta 7 (just off Corregidora). & 442/212-1166. Main courses $5–$8 (£2.50–£4).

by David Else
Published 14 Oct 2010

The Bijou ( 01423-567974;; 17 Ripon Rd; s/d from £75/85; ) Bijou by name and bijou by nature, this Victorian villa sits firmly at the boutique end of the B&B spectrum – you can tell that a lot of thought and care has gone into the design of the place. The husband and wife team who own the place make fantastic hosts, warm and helpful but unobtrusive. Harrogate Brasserie & Hotel ( 01423-505041;; 28-30 Cheltenham Pde; s/d from £60/90) Stripped pine, leather armchairs and subtle colour combinations make this one of Harrogate’s most appealing places to stay. The cheerful cosy accommodation is complemented by an excellent restaurant and bar, with live jazz Wednesday to Sunday evenings.

by Andrea Schulte-Peevers
Published 17 Oct 2010

Tickets are available from bus drivers and orange vending machines at U-Bahn and tram stops and must be validated upon boarding. TAXI For a taxi, call 333 33 or 212 121. Flag fall is €5.50, including the first 2km; additional kilometres are €1.70. Return to beginning of chapter AROUND DÜSSELDORF If you have a penchant for art in weird places, make the trip out to the Langen Foundation ( 02182-570 10;; Raketenstation Hombroich; adult/concession €7.50/5; 10am-6pm). The location: a former NATO missile base where Pershing tanks armed with nuclear warheads held the line against the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The architecture: a minimalist glass, steel and concrete box by Japanese Meister-architect Tadao Ando.

Caribbean Islands
by Lonely Planet

Rhymer’s Beach Hotel HOTEL $$ ( 495-4639;; Cane Garden Bay; r US$100; ) Smack on the beach and right in the center of the action, Rhymer’s was one of the area’s first inns. The big pink concrete building with its restaurant and laundry shows serious signs of hard use, but the price and energy of the place make up for it. Rooms are mostly studios with kitchenettes and patios. Ole Works Inn HOTEL $$ ( 495-4837;; Cane Garden Bay; d with hill/beach view from US$110/145; ) Reggae master Quito Rymer built this bright-yellow, 18-room inn within the walls of a centuries-old rum factory. Rooms are fairly small and dated, though that may change as Quito has recently turned the property over to new managers.

The Rough Guide to Mexico
by Rough Guides
Published 15 Jan 2022

South of San Felipe South of San Felipe, cars and motorbikes can continue for around 200km (5–7hr) on Hwy-5 to rejoin Hwy-1 at Chapula, a once harrowing journey that is now much easier thanks to the gradual paving of the road. Nevertheless, conditions can change fast; diversions over rougher tracks to avoid road works are common, and in 2018 Hurricane Rosa washed out the highway in several places, making the journey possible by 4WD only for several months – always check the latest conditions before setting out. Fill up in San Felipe, as there’s no guarantee that you’ll find petrol en route. Puertecitos, 85km south of San Felipe, is a small US retirement community where you’ll find natural hot springs on the beach, a basic restaurant (Sat & Sun only) and a PEMEX petrol station that should be open.

Lonely Planet Mexico
by John Noble , Kate Armstrong , Greg Benchwick , Nate Cavalieri , Gregor Clark , John Hecht , Beth Kohn , Emily Matchar , Freda Moon and Ellee Thalheimer
Published 2 Jan 1992

Though lacking the lobby’s colonial splendor, rooms are generally bright and comfortable. Hotel del Principado (Map; 5233-2944;, in Spanish; Londres 42; s/d/tr incl breakfast M$580/780/890; Insurgentes; ) Conveniently poised between the Zona Rosa and Colonia Roma, this friendly little place makes a nice cocoon. Its carpet was recently replaced with faux wood floors, light stained furniture was added and the keys have been updated to cards. A breakfast buffet includes fruit, chilaquiles and much more. Look for weekend discounts. Hotel Bristol (Map; 5533-6060;; Plaza Necaxa 17; s/d M$792/909; Insurgentes; ) A good-value option in the pleasant and central Cuauhtémoc neighborhood, the Bristol caters primarily to business travelers, offering quality carpet, soothing colors and an above-average restaurant.

pages: 1,799 words: 532,462

The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication From Ancient Times to the Internet
by David Kahn
Published 1 Feb 1963

The President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board cannot substitute for Congress, which is in a different branch of government from the intelligence agencies and which holds the pursestrings. Congressional surveillance would benefit both N.S.A. and the nation as a whole. It would, in the first place, help keep N.S.A. from reverting to its old, dangerous smugness; the Un-American Activities Committee investigation was the object lesson for this. It would, in the second place, make an essentially antidemocratic operation responsible to the processes of free men. The mail-opening activities of N.S.A. are repugnant to Americans, who tolerate them reluctantly only because of the Cold War. Its spyings can never be wholly reconciled with the ideals of a nation founded on a respect for the dignity of the individual.

by Lonely Planet Publications and Damien Simonis
Published 14 May 1997

BEACHES The closest beach to Ibiza City is Platja de Figueretes, about 20 minutes’ walk southwest of Sa Penya. In the next bay around to the northeast of Sa Penya is Platja de Talamanca. These beaches are all right for a quick dip, although if you have the time, head for Ses Salines (Click here). Sleeping High season is mid-June to mid-September, ­although some places make August ultrahigh. BUDGET Casa de Huéspedes Navarro (971 31 07 71; Carrer de sa Creu 20; s/d €30/55) Right in the thick of things, this simple place has 10 rooms at the top of a long flight of stairs. The front rooms have harbour views, the interior rooms are quite dark (but cool in summer) and there’s a sunny rooftop terrace.

pages: 3,292 words: 537,795

Lonely Planet China (Travel Guide)
by Lonely Planet and Shawn Low
Published 1 Apr 2015

One of the deepest gorges in the world, it measures 16km long and is a giddy 3900m from the waters of the Jinsha River (Jinsha Jiang) to the snowcapped mountains of Haba Shan (Haba Mountain) to the west and Yulong Xueshan to the east, and, despite the odd danger, it’s gorgeous almost every single step of the way. The gorge hike is not to be taken lightly. Even for those in good physical shape, it’s a workout and can certainly wreck the knees. The path constricts and crumbles and is alarmingly narrow in places, making it sometimes dangerous. When it’s raining (especially in July and August), landslides and swollen waterfalls can block the paths, in particular on the low road. (The best time to come is May and the start of June, when the hills are afire with plant and flower life.) A few people – including a handful of foreign travellers – have died in the gorge.

pages: 1,909 words: 531,728

The Rough Guide to South America on a Budget (Travel Guide eBook)
by Rough Guides
Published 1 Jan 2019

Choose from the likes of kefta (spiced lamb meatballs), prawns wrapped in bacon, fish in passionfruit sauce and grilled Camembert. Mains range C$15,000–38,000. Mon–Sat 6pm–1am. Parque Nacional Tayrona Colombia’s most unspoilt tropical area, PARQUE NACIONAL TAYRONA, a 45-minute drive east of Santa Marta, is a wilderness of beaches, with lush jungle running right down to the sand. The laidback attitude of the place makes it feel like a paradisiacal summer camp, though it does get overcrowded during the holidays so it’s best to avoid coming in peak season if you can. Tayrona stretches over 120 square kilometres on land, with an additional 30 square kilometres of marine reserve, but since much of the park isn’t easily accessible, visitors find themselves sticking largely to the string of beaches that stretch for around 8km from the entrance of the park, bounded by Cañaveral to the east and with Cabo San Juan to the west.