edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Estimating the Reproducibility of Psychological Science — 13 books
first published 6 Feb 2018
a 2015 paper that highlighted the replication crisis in psychology by attempting to replicate 100 studies
climate fiction — 1 books
first published 16 Jan 2018 added 3 Oct 2023
a literary genre that deals with climate change and its impact on humanity
AI guardrails — 7 books
first published 15 Jan 2018 added 4 Mar 2024
ByteDance — 28 books
first published 15 Jan 2018 added 12 Oct 2023
a Chinese tech company, known for creating the social media app TikTok
Russian election interference — 19 books
first published 5 Jan 2018 added 16 Aug 2023
efforts by Russian state actors to influence elections in other countries, notably the United States
Piers Corbyn — 6 books
first published 14 Dec 2017 added 6 Oct 2023
a British weather forecaster and climate change sceptic, also known for his political activism
peak TV — 9 books
first published 21 Nov 2017 added 15 Apr 2023
the idea that the number of scripted television shows has reached unsustainable levels
Housing First — 7 books
first published 9 Oct 2017 added 3 Jul 2022
a policy that offers permanent housing as quickly as possible to homeless people, and other supportive services afterward
Greyball — 18 books
first published 9 Oct 2017 added 23 Jun 2022
a software tool developed by Uber to identify and deny service to certain users
Comet Ping Pong — 14 books
first published 2 Oct 2017 added 5 Oct 2023
a pizzeria in Washington D.C., subject of a false conspiracy theory known as 'Pizzagate'
Zenefits — 11 books
first published 30 Sep 2017 added 23 Jun 2022
a software-as-a-service company for human resources
Nomadland — 9 books
first published 18 Sep 2017 added 5 Jun 2022
a 2020 film and book about older Americans who live as modern-day nomads
Jessica Bruder — 13 books
first published 18 Sep 2017 added 5 Jun 2022
journalist and author of 'Nomadland,' a book about modern-day nomads in America
customer journey mapping — 3 books
first published 4 Sep 2017 added 10 Aug 2024
Rainbow Mansion — 2 books
first published 14 Jun 2017 added 31 May 2023
a co-living space in Silicon Valley known for its community of tech entrepreneurs and professionals
jobs below the API — 2 books
first published 29 May 2017 added 17 Aug 2023
roles where people have to do what the machine tells them instead of programming the machine
Dubai on the Hudson — 1 books
first published 19 May 2017 added 27 Aug 2024
Jeff Seder — 2 books
first published 8 May 2017 added 12 Oct 2022
CEO of EQB, known for applying data analytics to the selection of racehorses
The Brussels Effect — 5 books
first published 7 May 2017 added 23 Sep 2023
the phenomenon where European Union regulations become the global standard due to market size
Stop de Kindermoord — 6 books
first published 3 Apr 2017 added 24 Sep 2023
a Dutch activist movement that pushed for safer road conditions, notably for children
Sidewalk Labs — 17 books
first published 3 Apr 2017 added 29 Sep 2022
an Alphabet subsidiary focused on urban innovation, particularly smart cities
Erlich Bachman — 5 books
first published 31 Mar 2017 added 13 Feb 2022
a fictional character in the television series Silicon Valley, often seen as comedic relief
hustle culture — 12 books
first published 31 Mar 2017 added 30 Apr 2021
a societal trend glorifying relentless work and entrepreneurial spirit at the expense of work-life balance
super pumped — 18 books
first published 31 Mar 2017 added 18 Oct 2020
a colloquial term for extreme enthusiasm, also the title of a book about Uber
"Susan Fowler" uber — 23 books
first published 31 Mar 2017 added 23 Jun 2022
Susan Fowler is known for her blog post that exposed systemic sexual harassment at Uber
rent gap — 6 books
first published 7 Mar 2017 added 9 Aug 2023
theory that capital flows to the rate of highest return, and return is highest after a city has been economically drained and primed for gentrification
Amazon Picking Challenge — 4 books
first published 28 Feb 2017 added 16 Apr 2021
a competition by Amazon to advance robotic manipulation technology for supply chain automation
Navinder Sarao — 4 books
first published 14 Feb 2017 added 22 Nov 2022
a British trader convicted of market manipulation through 'spoofing,' contributing to the 2010 Flash Crash.
evil maid attack — 3 books
first published 14 Feb 2017 added 22 Feb 2022
a security attack where an adversary gains physical access to an unattended device to compromise it
Blitzscaling — 25 books
first published 14 Feb 2017 added 23 Jun 2022
a strategy for rapid business growth at the risk of operational scalability
Valeant Pharmaceuticals — 13 books
first published 7 Feb 2017 added 8 Nov 2023
multinational specialty drugs company based in Laval, Quebec, Canada
Girl Boss — 6 books
first published 6 Dec 2016 added 17 Aug 2023
a term popularised to describe ambitious young women, also a Netflix series and book
Didi Chuxing — 31 books
first published 30 Nov 2016 added 11 Sep 2022
a Chinese ride-sharing company, similar to Uber
Bandra-Worli Sea Link — 2 books
first published 8 Nov 2016 added 7 May 2023
a cable-stayed bridge that links Bandra and Worli in Mumbai, India
mega-constellation — 2 books
first published 5 Nov 2016 added 29 Nov 2023
time-restricted eating — 6 books
first published 18 Oct 2016 added 27 Feb 2024
persistent metabolic adaptation — 3 books
first published 18 Oct 2016 added 23 Sep 2023
the phenomenon where metabolic rate remains low after significant weight loss
Bottomless brunch — 4 books
first published 3 Oct 2016 added 9 Aug 2023
a dining option where patrons pay a fixed price for unlimited food or drink within a set time
Bolivian navy — 2 books
first published 21 Sep 2016 added 28 Oct 2023
the naval force of landlocked Bolivia, primarily active on inland lakes and rivers
electronic logging device — 3 books
first published 5 Sep 2016 added 16 Aug 2023
a hardware device used in commercial vehicles to automatically log driving hours
Cambridge Analytica — 139 books
first published 5 Sep 2016 added 13 Jul 2022
a British political consulting firm involved in data mining and analysis for electoral processes
Ben McKenzie — 2 books
first published 11 Jul 2016 added 5 Aug 2023
an American actor known for his roles in 'The O.C.' and 'Gotham'
AlphaGo — 103 books
first published 27 Jun 2016 added 3 Mar 2023
an artificial intelligence developed by Google's DeepMind to play the board game Go
FPV drone — 1 books
first published 6 Jun 2016 added 5 Nov 2023
an FPV (First-Person View) drone is equipped with cameras, transmitting live video to goggles or a screen, giving the pilot a drone's-eye view, often used in racing and aerial filming
Paris climate accords — 44 books
first published 23 May 2016 added 27 Oct 2021
an international agreement aimed at mitigating climate change by limiting global warming
Institute for Strategic Dialogue — 10 books
first published 23 May 2016 added 25 Nov 2023
think thank that gives policy advice and publishes articles on hate, extremism, and disinformation
robotic process automation — 15 books
first published 23 May 2016 added 19 Apr 2021
the use of software robots to automate highly repetitive and routine tasks
digital sovereignty — 5 books
first published 18 Apr 2016 added 23 Nov 2023
reproducible builds — 7 books
first published 15 Apr 2016 added 28 May 2022
a software development practice where the compilation process is deterministic
multi-armed bandit — 8 books
first published 4 Apr 2016 added 15 Feb 2022
a problem in which a fixed limited set of resources must be allocated between competing (alternative) choices in a way that maximizes their expected gain, when each choice's properties are only partially known at the time of allocation, and may become better understood as time passes or by allocating resources to the choice
German Tank Problem — 2 books
first published 4 Apr 2016 added 25 Nov 2023
mathematical problem
Martin Shkreli — 25 books
first published 15 Mar 2016 added 1 Apr 2024
American businessman and convicted felon
Moravec's paradox — 3 books
first published 7 Mar 2016 added 15 Jul 2017
the observation that tasks humans find simple are often the most challenging for AI
Wargames Reagan — 9 books
first published 1 Mar 2016 added 7 Jul 2022
President Ronald Reagan reconsidered cyber warfare policy after watching the film 'WarGames'
data sovereignty — 7 books
first published 19 Feb 2016 added 7 Oct 2023
the concept that data is subject to the laws and governance structures within a nation's borders
Black Lives Matter — 296 books
first published 2 Feb 2016 added 5 Oct 2023
an activist movement advocating for the rights of black individuals
initial coin offering — 38 books
first published 2 Feb 2016 added 5 Mar 2023
a type of crowdfunding using cryptocurrencies, often used as a capital-raising strategy for startups
The Rise and Fall of American Growth — 79 books
first published 12 Jan 2016 added 15 Oct 2020
a non-fiction book by Robert J. Gordon, an American professor of economics at Northwestern University
digital twin — 19 books
first published 11 Jan 2016 added 15 Oct 2020
a digital replica of a physical object or system used for simulation and analysis
parabiotic — 5 books
first published 29 Dec 2015 added 23 Sep 2023
refers to the joining of two organisms to share circulatory systems, often for scientific research
William Bengen — 5 books
first published 20 Dec 2015 added 6 Oct 2022
a financial planner known for his research on the sustainability of withdrawal rates in retirement planning
Frances Oldham Kelsey — 7 books
first published 3 Nov 2015 added 5 Oct 2023
a pharmacologist known for refusing FDA approval of thalidomide, preventing a US tragedy
9 dash line — 13 books
first published 27 Oct 2015
a demarcation used by China to claim territories in the South China Sea
Fairphone — 11 books
first published 27 Oct 2015 added 5 Oct 2023
a social enterprise company that aims to develop smartphones with ethical considerations, such as fair labor conditions and conflict-free materials
The Day the Music Died — 2 books
first published 27 Oct 2015 added 2 Aug 2022
refers to the plane crash in 1959 that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. 'The Big Bopper' Richardson
Charlie Hebdo massacre — 15 books
first published 19 Oct 2015 added 7 Aug 2023
a terrorist attack on the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015
r/findbostonbombers — 3 books
first published 1 Oct 2015 added 15 Aug 2023
a controversial Reddit thread that aimed to identify the perpetrators of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing
Jeremy Corbyn — 146 books
first published 30 Sep 2015 added 6 Oct 2023
a British politician who served as the leader of the Labour Party from 2015 to 2019.
opioid epidemic / opioid crisis — 125 books
first published 28 Sep 2015 added 26 Oct 2021
a public health crisis involving the excessive use and abuse of opioid drugs
crewed spaceflight — 7 books
first published 27 Sep 2015 added 12 Mar 2023
space travel with human astronauts on board
Kintsugi — 14 books
first published 26 Sep 2015 added 5 Oct 2023
a Japanese art form where broken ceramics are repaired with lacquer mixed with precious metals
Valery Gerasimov — 13 books
first published 21 Sep 2015 added 13 May 2017
Russian General of the Army, the current Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and first Deputy Defence Minister
data is not the new oil — 6 books
first published 21 Sep 2015 added 21 Jun 2022
a phrase challenging the idea that data is the most valuable resource, emphasizing differences such as renewability and the ethical implications of data collection.
multi-sided market — 23 books
first published 14 Sep 2015
an intermediary economic platform having multiple distinct user groups that provide each other with network benefits
transport as a service — 6 books
first published 14 Sep 2015
the shift from personal vehicle ownership to on-demand transportation services
John Zimmer (Lyft cofounder) — 20 books
first published 14 Sep 2015 added 29 May 2022
an American entrepreneur and co-founder of the ride-sharing company Lyft
Citymapper — 12 books
first published 17 Aug 2015 added 8 Nov 2023
public transport app and mapping service, providing route planning across various modes of transport like buses, trains, and cycling in cities around the world, integrating real-time data and user-friendly features
Yitang Zhang — 1 books
first published 17 Aug 2015 added 7 Nov 2022
a Chinese-American mathematician who made a significant breakthrough in number theory, specifically in the theory of prime numbers
remote work: asynchronous communication — 9 books
first published 13 Aug 2015 added 18 Oct 2020
a work arrangement where team members communicate without the expectation of immediate response
Social Justice Warrior — 59 books
first published 14 Jul 2015 added 8 Nov 2022
a pejorative term for individuals promoting socially progressive views, often used sarcastically
Wikidata — 2 books
first published 10 Jul 2015 added 27 Oct 2021
a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike, linked to Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects
Machynlleth Comedy Festival — 1 books
first published 1 Jul 2015 added 13 Feb 2024
robo advisor — 17 books
first published 14 May 2015 added 10 Nov 2022
an automated financial adviser that provides investment advice based on algorithms
null island — 3 books
first published 2 May 2015 added 21 Jun 2022
a fictional place located at zero latitude and zero longitude, often a default in mapping errors
side hustle — 85 books
first published 24 Apr 2015 added 28 Nov 2017
an additional job that a person takes in addition to their primary job in order to supplement their income
Port Arthur massacre — 3 books
first published 15 Apr 2015 added 1 Dec 2023
HBO: Silicon Valley — 36 books
first published 7 Apr 2015 added 30 Oct 2023
2014–2019 American television series
hyperautomation — 3 books
first published 7 Apr 2015 added 10 Aug 2024
Richard Hendricks — 5 books
first published 7 Apr 2015 added 13 Feb 2022
a fictional character in the television series Silicon Valley, depicted as a software engineer
birth tourism — 5 books
first published 1 Apr 2015 added 31 Jul 2022
the practice of travelling to another country for the purpose of giving birth there
Mr. Money Mustache — 12 books
first published 19 Mar 2015 added 17 Oct 2022
a financial blog focused on achieving early retirement through frugal living and investing
transportation-network company — 20 books
first published 17 Mar 2015
a company that uses online platforms to connect passengers with drivers using their own vehicles
gig workers — 69 books
first published 17 Mar 2015 added 10 Jan 2024
Amazon Robotics — 22 books
first published 15 Mar 2015 added 22 Aug 2023
a subsidiary of Amazon focusing on automation solutions for its fulfilment centres
data storytelling — 6 books
first published 10 Mar 2015 added 17 Nov 2023
translating complex data analyses into understandable, engaging narratives, often involving visual elements like charts or graphs, to effectively communicate insights and findings to a broader audience
Silicon Lagoon — 2 books
first published 10 Feb 2015 added 29 Dec 2023
ImageNet competition — 21 books
first published 3 Feb 2015 added 12 Jul 2017
an annual competition in computer vision where algorithms are evaluated on the ImageNet dataset
Silicon Savannah — 7 books
first published 27 Jan 2015 added 29 Dec 2023
Uber and Lyft — 156 books
first published 27 Jan 2015
Brian Armstrong — 12 books
first published 27 Jan 2015 added 26 Jun 2024