edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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TechCrunch disrupt — 34 books
first published 28 Nov 2012 added 31 Dec 2021
annual technology conference hosted by TechCrunch, where startups launch new products and services and compete for attention and funding
extractivism — 10 books
first published 28 Nov 2012 added 25 Sep 2023
economic model involving the removal of natural resources particularly for export with minimal processing
nuclear ambiguity — 3 books
first published 27 Nov 2012 added 4 Dec 2022
Israel maintains a policy of deliberate ambiguity regarding its nuclear weapons capability, neither confirming nor denying possession, as a strategy to maintain strategic balance in the region without provoking neighbouring states or a regional arms race
anti-fragile — 16 books
first published 27 Nov 2012 added 5 Jun 2022
a term coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb referring to systems that improve in response to stressors, shocks, or failures
GoFundMe — 73 books
first published 25 Nov 2012 added 5 Jan 2024
crowdfunding platform
incognito mode — 10 books
first published 21 Nov 2012 added 15 Jul 2023
privacy feature in some web browsers
chief data officer — 22 books
first published 14 Nov 2012
senior executive responsible for overseeing an organization's data management, ensuring data quality, driving data strategy, and leveraging data for business value, often focusing on data governance, analytics, and technology integration
Phillip Zimbardo — 3 books
first published 29 Oct 2012
an American psychologist and a professor emeritus at Stanford University, creator of the 1971 Stanford prison experiment
Coronary heart disease and physical activity of work — 3 books
first published 15 Oct 2012 added 2 Feb 2021
Wow! signal — 8 books
first published 1 Oct 2012 added 13 Apr 2024
1977 narrowband radio signal from SETI
humanitarian revolution — 5 books
first published 24 Sep 2012 added 17 Jul 2017
cryptocurrency — 298 books
first published 12 Sep 2012
a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security
poker boom — 5 books
first published 31 Aug 2012 added 14 Aug 2024
The Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver — 44 books
first published 31 Aug 2012
a 2012 book by Nate Silver detailing the art of using probability and statistics as applied to real-world circumstances
Narrative Science — 22 books
first published 29 Aug 2012 added 3 Jan 2017
Google Hangouts — 57 books
first published 23 Aug 2012
communication software developed by Google
TikTok — 148 books
first published 14 Aug 2012 added 26 Jan 2023
a Chinese social media app for creating and sharing short video clips
techno-determinism — 11 books
first published 14 Jul 2012 added 21 Sep 2022
fizzbuzz — 7 books
first published 3 Jul 2012 added 23 Mar 2022
Group word game to teach mathematical division
multicultural london english — 4 books
first published 19 Jun 2012
sociolect of English in the United Kingdom
post-truth — 86 books
first published 11 Jun 2012 added 25 May 2022
disappearance of shared objective standards for truth
Minecraft — 95 books
first published 5 Jun 2012
a sandbox video game developed by Mojang Studios, where players can build and explore their own virtual worlds
London Whale: Bruno Iksil — 35 books
first published 4 Jun 2012
French trader, known for causing a loss of approximately $6.2 billion for JPMorgan Chase in 2012 through large-scale, risky trades in credit derivatives
single page application — 16 books
first published 2 Jun 2012
web application based on a single web page and client-side logics
Hibernia Atlantic: Project Express — 6 books
first published 28 May 2012
Frankfurt Kitchen — 9 books
first published 28 May 2012 added 17 Nov 2023
Early fitted kitchen concept, 1926
Kondratiev cycle — 5 books
first published 28 May 2012 added 6 Aug 2023
Hudson River Trading — 5 books
first published 21 May 2012 added 10 Oct 2023
Single dealer platform
The New Geography of Jobs — 30 books
first published 21 May 2012 added 6 Dec 2023
book by Enrico Moretti
latency arbitrage — 7 books
first published 21 May 2012
demographic winter — 4 books
first published 20 May 2012 added 23 Sep 2023
Kevin Roose — 84 books
first published 16 May 2012 added 22 Aug 2023
technology columnist and author
data is the new oil — 38 books
first published 7 May 2012
man camp — 5 books
first published 7 May 2012 added 26 Sep 2023
Bakken shale — 14 books
first published 23 Apr 2012
a rock unit in the Williston Basin, rich in oil and natural gas
software is eating the world — 61 books
first published 8 Apr 2012
Masayoshi Son — 32 books
first published 8 Apr 2012 added 27 Nov 2021
Japanese businessman
American energy revolution — 10 books
first published 8 Apr 2012
full stack developer — 6 books
first published 6 Apr 2012
software developer covering the full range of technology between frontend and backend development
unbanked and underbanked — 16 books
first published 20 Mar 2012
Russell Ohl — 2 books
first published 15 Mar 2012 added 26 Apr 2021
American engineer (1898-1987)
Space Barons — 10 books
first published 13 Mar 2012 added 14 Apr 2024
Snapchat — 301 books
first published 3 Mar 2012
an American multimedia instant messaging app and service
Mike Bracken — 8 books
first published 3 Mar 2012 added 16 Jun 2024
ASML — 11 books
first published 1 Mar 2012 added 26 Nov 2020
bitcoin — 376 books
first published 14 Feb 2012
digital cash system and associated currency
real-name policy — 14 books
first published 31 Jan 2012 added 5 Oct 2023
Tactical Technology Collective — 4 books
first published 31 Jan 2012 added 30 May 2021
international NGO advancing the use of information and digital technologies by activists
Khan Academy — 79 books
first published 15 Jan 2012
Twitter Arab Spring — 50 books
first published 3 Jan 2012 added 16 Aug 2023
Disneyland with the Death Penalty — 4 books
first published 3 Jan 2012 added 1 Aug 2022
article about Singapore by William Gibson
node package manager — 21 books
first published 2012
package manager for the Node.js JavaScript runtime environment
microaggression — 74 books
first published 17 Dec 2011 added 14 Apr 2021
subtle, often unintentional, expressions or behaviors that communicate negative or derogatory messages or assumptions towards members of a marginalized group, typically reflecting underlying prejudices or stereotypes
Adrian Hon — 5 books
first published 13 Dec 2011 added 15 Aug 2023
British entrepreneur, author, game designer
WebRTC — 3 books
first published 26 Nov 2011 added 15 Oct 2020
API definition drafted by W3C that supports browser-to-browser communication without plugins
critical race theory — 40 books
first published 24 Nov 2011 added 27 Oct 2021
academic movement regarding society, race and culture
Second Machine Age — 128 books
first published 15 Nov 2011
4th Industrial revolution or current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies 4.0
Capital in the Twenty-First Century by Thomas Piketty — 214 books
first published 15 Nov 2011
book focusing on wealth and income inequality in Europe and the United States since the 18th century
Costa Concordia — 9 books
first published 15 Nov 2011
an Italian cruise ship that capsized in 2012 off the coast of Tuscany
uber lyft — 286 books
first published 15 Nov 2011 added 28 Nov 2017
Lyft — 307 books
first published 15 Nov 2011
middle-income trap — 35 books
first published 15 Nov 2011 added 6 Feb 2022
Silicon Roundabout — 16 books
first published 7 Nov 2011 added 29 Dec 2023
tech cluster in East London
two-pizza team — 18 books
first published 27 Oct 2011 added 23 Feb 2022
Shai Danziger — 15 books
first published 24 Oct 2011 added 2 May 2018
Supply of New York City Cabdrivers — 4 books
first published 24 Oct 2011 added 14 Oct 2017
Irish property bubble — 9 books
first published 2 Oct 2011
Irish mid 2000s asset price bubble
Freestyle chess — 17 books
first published 2 Oct 2011
a form of chess where players are allowed to consult external sources, such as books and computers, during the game.
green hydrogen — 8 books
first published 27 Sep 2011 added 11 Aug 2024
ransomware — 68 books
first published 19 Sep 2011
Program that locks files until a sum of money is paid
parking minimums — 7 books
first published 8 Sep 2011 added 27 Dec 2022
regulation that governs how much parking spots a building should provide
Carlos Moreno — 3 books
first published 8 Sep 2011 added 27 Nov 2023
volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity (VUCA) — 18 books
first published 1 Sep 2011 added 8 Oct 2023
an acronym used to describe or reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations
bet made by Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne — 2 books
first published 16 Aug 2011
a public bet about the existence of black holes, which Stephen Hawking eventually conceded
Overton Window — 35 books
first published 16 Aug 2011 added 19 Nov 2021
the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time
epistemic closure — 4 books
first published 16 Aug 2011 added 7 Oct 2023
principle in epistemology
gamification — 92 books
first published 14 Aug 2011 added 8 Nov 2021
the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems
minimum viable product — 92 books
first published 14 Aug 2011
D. B. Cooper — 6 books
first published 8 Aug 2011 added 10 Nov 2021
unidentified man who hijacked an airplane in 1971
nuclear paranoia — 6 books
first published 2 Aug 2011 added 5 Mar 2017
CRISPR — 110 books
first published 27 Jul 2011 added 5 Oct 2023
family of DNA sequence found in prokaryotic organisms
The Present Situation in Quantum Mechanics — 5 books
first published 25 Jul 2011
We are the 99% — 76 books
first published 14 Jul 2011
Political slogan
graphics processing unit — 72 books
first published 23 Jun 2011 added 15 Aug 2024
cyber-physical system — 15 books
first published 21 Jun 2011
engineered systems built and operated with seamless integration between physical components and computation
We are Anonymous. We are Legion — 15 books
first published 14 Jun 2011
pill mill — 18 books
first published 6 Jun 2011 added 27 Oct 2021
illegal pain clinic
Deep Water Horizon — 4 books
first published 1 Jun 2011
former offshore oil drilling rig
Basel III — 75 books
first published 23 May 2011
an international regulatory framework for banks, focusing on liquidity and leverage ratios
Parler "social media" — 23 books
first published 23 May 2011 added 17 Aug 2023
Filter Bubble — 115 books
first published 11 May 2011
intellectual isolation involving search engines
adjacent possible — 24 books
first published 11 May 2011 added 1 Jun 2022
concept of incremental innovation based on existing technologies
Palm Treo — 7 books
first published 8 May 2011 added 28 Jun 2022
a line of smartphones originally developed by Handspring and later Palm Inc.
turn-by-turn navigation — 12 books
first published 12 Apr 2011 added 26 Apr 2017
GPS feature
large language model — 14 books
first published 12 Apr 2011 added 2 Jun 2023
language model built with large amounts of texts
Google bus — 36 books
first published 12 Apr 2011
shuttle bus service for Google employees in the San Francisco Bay Area
Double Irish / Dutch Sandwich — 27 books
first published 11 Apr 2011
Masters of Doom — 7 books
first published 5 Apr 2011 added 30 Jul 2024
2003 book by David Kushner