edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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spaced repetition — 7 books
first published 31 Mar 2011
evidence-based learning technique performed with flashcards
Vincenzo Peruggia: Mona Lisa — 4 books
first published 28 Mar 2011
Ocado — 23 books
first published 28 Mar 2011 added 11 Feb 2022
British online supermarket
the triumph of global capitalism — 4 books
first published 28 Mar 2011 added 9 Apr 2024
black hole information paradox — 3 books
first published 1 Mar 2011 added 28 Oct 2023
a puzzle resulting from the combination of quantum mechanics and general relativity, questioning whether information that falls into a black hole is lost forever
Nudge Unit — 42 books
first published 27 Feb 2011
organization working with behavioural insights, in order to inform policy and public services
universal basic income — 206 books
first published 27 Feb 2011
sociopolitical financial transfer proposal
job polarisation — 6 books
first published 27 Feb 2011 added 25 Oct 2021
Gabriella Coleman — 32 books
first published 19 Feb 2011 added 5 Oct 2023
Internet anthropologist
WarGames: Global Thermonuclear War — 10 books
first published 15 Feb 2011 added 3 Oct 2023
Bluma Zeigarnik — 9 books
first published 2 Feb 2011 added 1 Aug 2021
Blue Ocean Strategy — 25 books
first published 2 Feb 2011 added 5 Oct 2023
a business strategy that encourages companies to create new market spaces rather than competing in existing industries
Downton Abbey — 109 books
first published 1 Feb 2011
Jacob Appelbaum — 24 books
first published 1 Feb 2011
computer security researcher, journalist and hacker from United States
Mohammed Bouazizi — 56 books
first published 1 Feb 2011
a Tunisian street vendor who set himself on fire in protest of police corruption, sparking the Tunisian Revolution and wider Arab Spring
why are manhole covers round? — 7 books
first published 25 Jan 2011
hydraulic fracturing — 66 books
first published 25 Jan 2011
Tyler Cowen: Great Stagnation — 71 books
first published 24 Jan 2011
solopreneur — 18 books
first published 15 Jan 2011 added 23 Sep 2023
unmanned surface vehicle — 19 books
first published 14 Jan 2011 added 8 Jan 2024
Huaqiangbei: the electronics market of Shenzhen, China — 4 books
first published 6 Jan 2011 added 20 Nov 2021
paypal mafia — 43 books
first published 6 Jan 2011
a group of former PayPal employees and founders who have since founded and developed additional technology companies such as Tesla, LinkedIn, and Palantir
source lines of code — 5 books
first published 5 Jan 2011 added 10 Oct 2023
software metric
Veblen good — 15 books
first published 4 Jan 2011 added 24 Feb 2017
Luxury good for which the demand increases as the price increases
green transition — 19 books
first published 2011 added 24 Mar 2023
renewable energy credits — 8 books
first published 2011
circular economy — 62 books
first published 2011 added 29 Dec 2021
regenerative system in which resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage, are minimised
linear model of innovation — 4 books
first published 2011 added 21 Apr 2021
patient HM — 7 books
first published 2011
microapartment — 11 books
first published 28 Dec 2010 added 20 Sep 2023
type of house
Google X / Alphabet X — 68 books
first published 9 Dec 2010
longevity escape velocity — 15 books
first published 4 Dec 2010 added 26 Jun 2024
life extension concept; idea that a person's remaining life expectancy would increase at a faster rate than they age
John Bercow — 12 books
first published 19 Nov 2010 added 12 Feb 2017
former British politician who was Speaker of the House of Commons from 2009 to 2019
Streisand effect — 17 books
first published 16 Nov 2010 added 5 Oct 2023
a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet
Chesa Boudin — 4 books
first published 16 Nov 2010 added 19 Aug 2024
American lawyer
Inbox Zero — 23 books
first published 18 Oct 2010
capitalist realism — 36 books
first published 17 Oct 2010 added 10 Jan 2022
Commerzbank Tower — 5 books
first published 17 Oct 2010 added 27 Oct 2023
skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany
TaskRabbit — 126 books
first published 14 Oct 2010 added 15 Oct 2020
American online task marketplace
Vesna Vulović — 2 books
first published 7 Oct 2010 added 29 Dec 2016
Serbian former flight attendant who survived the highest fall without a parachute
intermittent fasting — 40 books
first published 30 Sep 2010 added 27 Feb 2024
a diet that cycles between a period of fasting and non-fasting
Rory Sutherland — 16 books
first published 30 Sep 2010
online collectivism — 5 books
first published 28 Sep 2010
Book of Ingenious Devices — 3 books
first published 28 Sep 2010
an Arabic-language book about mechanical devices, written during the Islamic Golden Age
Julian Assange — 127 books
first published 28 Sep 2010
Australian editor, publisher, and activist (born 1971)
croissantification — 2 books
first published 27 Sep 2010 added 9 Feb 2024
FOSDEM — 5 books
first published 23 Sep 2010 added 2 Dec 2022
annual event in Brussels centered on free and open source software development
Climategate — 27 books
first published 22 Sep 2010
Hans Island — 5 books
first published 22 Sep 2010
a small, uninhabited barren rock in the Arctic Ocean, the sovereignty of which is disputed between Canada and Denmark
medical bankruptcy — 18 books
first published 7 Sep 2010
bankruptcy declared due to unmanageable medical bills, often in contexts where healthcare is not universally provided.
The Giving Pledge — 38 books
first published 7 Sep 2010 added 19 Jan 2024
4chan — 118 books
first published 24 Aug 2010 added 15 Oct 2020
English-language imageboard website
Galaxy Zoo — 17 books
first published 16 Aug 2010
crowdsourced astronomy project
Clive Stafford Smith — 7 books
first published 2 Aug 2010
British attorney
Kinder Surprise — 9 books
first published 31 Jul 2010 added 24 Sep 2023
Brand of chocolate egg
WebSocket — 39 books
first published 23 Jul 2010 added 15 Oct 2020
computer network protocol
Caribbean Basin Initiative — 6 books
first published 20 Jul 2010 added 11 Aug 2023
skeuomorphism — 19 books
first published 14 Jul 2010 added 22 Dec 2022
a design principle in which interface objects mimic their real-world counterparts, such as a digital calendar resembling a paper one.
Jason Scott: textfiles.com — 8 books
first published 5 Jul 2010
Section 230 — 50 books
first published 5 Jul 2010 added 28 Jun 2024
US legal legislation of Internet sites
Paul Volcker talking about ATMs — 18 books
first published 22 Jun 2010 added 26 Oct 2021
Scaled Composites — 21 books
first published 1 Jun 2010 added 10 Nov 2021
American aerospace company
name-letter effect — 2 books
first published 31 May 2010 added 4 Jul 2022
measure of self-esteem
Demis Hassabis — 61 books
first published 31 May 2010 added 22 Aug 2023
CEO and co-founder of DeepMind
material flow analysis — 4 books
first published 12 May 2010 added 8 Oct 2023
analytical method to quantify flows and stocks of materials or substances in a well-defined system
printed gun — 21 books
first published 11 May 2010 added 14 Nov 2021
Growth in a Time of Debt — 26 books
first published 10 May 2010
balance sheet recession — 22 books
first published 10 May 2010
a type of economic recession that occurs when high levels of private sector debt cause individuals or companies to collectively focus on saving by paying down debt rather than spending or investing, causing economic growth to slow or decline
Les Trente Glorieuses — 31 books
first published 30 Apr 2010 added 23 Aug 2023
the thirty years from 1945 to 1975 following the end of the Second World War in France
Pershing Square Capital Management — 20 books
first published 26 Apr 2010 added 23 Nov 2021
American hedge fund
Enrique Peñalosa — 15 books
first published 28 Mar 2010 added 17 Jan 2017
Colombian politician
critique of consumerism — 8 books
first published 28 Mar 2010 added 20 Jun 2021
DIY culture — 11 books
first published 28 Mar 2010 added 2 Dec 2022
a subculture that encourages individuals to create or repair things without direct assistance of experts
commodity super cycle — 20 books
first published 18 Mar 2010
lifestyle creep — 12 books
first published 18 Mar 2010 added 5 Oct 2022
social phenomenon
private sector deleveraging — 19 books
first published 18 Mar 2010
Google Chrome — 100 books
first published 15 Mar 2010
financial thriller — 16 books
first published 1 Mar 2010 added 12 Feb 2017
subgenre of thriller fiction
circulation of elites — 11 books
first published 19 Feb 2010 added 11 Aug 2017
political concept (the process of continuous exchange of elites from the opposition to the ruling coalition and vice versa)
obamacare — 251 books
first published 15 Feb 2010
Affordable Care Act / Obamacare — 361 books
first published 15 Feb 2010
US federal statute for healthcare cost reduction and coverage expansion
Financial Modelers Manifesto — 5 books
first published 2 Feb 2010 added 20 Oct 2020
I will remember that I didn’t make the world, and it doesn’t satisfy my equations — 4 books
first published 2 Feb 2010 added 1 Mar 2017
a phrase cautioning against the arrogance of thinking the world must conform to one's theoretical models or expectations
Sergey Aleynikov — 9 books
first published 2 Feb 2010
James Bridle — 18 books
first published 31 Jan 2010 added 4 Jan 2023
Chris Moneymaker — 6 books
first published 26 Jan 2010 added 14 Aug 2024
American poker player
Brian Krebs — 30 books
first published 26 Jan 2010
American journalist specializing in cybersecurity
Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act — 9 books
first published 26 Jan 2010 added 14 Aug 2024
Boltzmann brain — 6 books
first published 14 Jan 2010 added 1 Jan 2024
Rat Park — 7 books
first published 5 Jan 2010 added 3 Nov 2017
drug harm reduction — 19 books
first published 5 Jan 2010 added 4 Dec 2022
collaborative consumption — 46 books
first published 2 Jan 2010
economic and social systems that enable shared access to goods, services, data and talent
billion-dollar mistake — 13 books
first published 2 Jan 2010 added 18 Apr 2022
new new economy — 3 books
first published 2 Jan 2010
nonsequential writing — 3 books
first published 2 Jan 2010
peer-to-peer rental — 9 books
first published 2 Jan 2010 added 24 May 2017
billionaire class — 32 books
first published 2010 added 18 Jan 2024
Boston Dynamics — 41 books
first published 2010 added 12 Feb 2022
engineering and robotics design company
paperclip maximiser — 34 books
first published 2010 added 12 Dec 2022
thought experiment to illustrate existential risk posed by artificial intelligence