edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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bilateral investment treaty — 21 books
first published 4 Jul 2007
a treaty between two countries that establishes the terms for private investment across borders
"there is no alternative" (TINA) — 27 books
first published 4 Jul 2007 added 10 Jan 2022
Neolithic agricultural revolution — 4 books
first published 1 Jul 2007 added 28 Sep 2023
The Great Moderation — 116 books
first published 30 Jun 2007
computerized markets — 9 books
first published 30 Jun 2007 added 21 Feb 2017
mail merge — 12 books
first published 4 Jun 2007
combining mail and letters and pre-addressed envelopes or mailing labels for mass mailings from a form letter
unpaid internship — 80 books
first published 1 Jun 2007
Greenspun Tenth Rule — 2 books
first published 1 Jun 2007 added 10 Oct 2023
Red Clydeside — 13 books
first published 16 May 2007 added 28 Jan 2017
Era of political radicalism in Glasgow, Scotland
Arthur Marwick — 9 books
first published 16 May 2007 added 27 Oct 2022
British historian (1936-2006)
Peak Car — 18 books
first published 13 May 2007 added 8 Nov 2023
decline of private vehicle use
Art Basel Miami Beach — 8 books
first published 13 May 2007 added 15 Aug 2024
dark triade / dark tetrad — 23 books
first published 7 May 2007 added 27 Oct 2021
Year of Magical Thinking — 10 books
first published 7 May 2007 added 29 Mar 2018
don't be evil — 130 books
first published 7 May 2007
informal motto of Google
climate anxiety — 8 books
first published 6 May 2007 added 28 Sep 2023
worry over climate change
algorithmic trading — 106 books
first published 3 May 2007
the use of automated algorithms to execute trading orders in financial markets
targeted sanctions — 15 books
first published 25 Apr 2007 added 19 Jan 2024
dynastic wealth — 23 books
first published 5 Apr 2007 added 19 Jan 2024
nuclear taboo — 12 books
first published 26 Mar 2007 added 4 Jun 2022
oil-for-food scandal — 14 books
first published 20 Mar 2007 added 24 Jun 2021
programme headed by the United Nations
Renaissance Technologies — 73 books
first published 19 Mar 2007
American hedge fund firm
traumatic brain injury — 77 books
first published 15 Mar 2007 added 28 Dec 2022
condition caused by an external force which has traumatically injured the brain
Moneyball by Michael Lewis explains big data — 27 books
first published 6 Mar 2007
big data - Walmart - Pop Tarts — 19 books
first published 6 Mar 2007
an example of how Walmart used big data analytics to discover that Pop-Tarts sales increased before hurricanes
quantitative hedge fund — 29 books
first published 6 Mar 2007
Blue Bottle Coffee — 20 books
first published 1 Mar 2007 added 9 Aug 2023
coffee roaster and retailer headquartered in Oakland, California
IKEA effect — 20 books
first published 19 Feb 2007 added 9 Jun 2018
cognitive bias in which consumers place a disproportionately high value on products they partially created
subprime mortgage crisis — 130 books
first published 19 Feb 2007 added 5 Oct 2023
2007 mortgage crisis in the United States
cross-border payments — 26 books
first published 9 Feb 2007 added 24 Jun 2022
transactions involving the transfer of money between parties in two different countries
context collapse — 11 books
first published 5 Feb 2007 added 18 Nov 2021
Academic concept used in communication
Modern Monetary Theory — 44 books
first published 23 Jan 2007 added 7 Nov 2020
heterodox macroeconomic theory; describes currency as a governmental monopoly and unemployment as evidence that monetary supply is restricted; argues governments should print money to achieve full employment and fund purchases
Airbus A320 — 38 books
first published 16 Jan 2007 added 13 Feb 2017
family of single-aisle commercial jet airliners by Airbus
legacy carrier — 7 books
first published 16 Jan 2007 added 27 Oct 2021
American airline that had established interstate routes prior to the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978
country house hotel — 35 books
first published 2 Jan 2007 added 22 Mar 2022
a hotel that is usually a large historic building in a rural or semi-rural location
Ascot racecourse — 10 books
first published 2 Jan 2007 added 31 Oct 2021
a British racecourse, located in Ascot, Berkshire, most famous for its Royal Ascot meeting
Arab womb — 3 books
first published 2 Jan 2007 added 13 Oct 2023
period drama — 50 books
first published 2 Jan 2007 added 15 Feb 2017
drama fiction work of art set in, or reminiscent of, an earlier time period
North Ronaldsay sheep — 7 books
first published 2 Jan 2007 added 12 Aug 2023
a breed of sheep native to North Ronaldsay, the northernmost island in the Orkney archipelago of Scotland, known for its diet of seaweed
lost cosmonauts — 5 books
first published 2007 added 5 Oct 2023
conspiracy theory
Nixon shock — 26 books
first published 2007
1971 decoupling of the US dollar from gold
Golden arches theory — 14 books
first published 2007 added 24 Dec 2021
single source of truth — 18 books
first published 2007 added 15 Jul 2023
information systems good practice for data normalization using one source for a particular data element
standardized shipping container — 16 books
first published 2007 added 15 Oct 2017
AI safety — 32 books
first published 2007 added 24 May 2024
research area on making artificial intelligence safe and beneficial
Amazon Mechanical Turk — 120 books
first published 2007
Micro-work service subsidiary of Amazon
Akira Okazaki — 3 books
first published 2007
Japanese scientist, contributions to molecular biology
search inside the book — 10 books
first published 29 Dec 2006 added 24 Dec 2016
move 37 — 17 books
first published 18 Dec 2006 added 3 Oct 2023
food desert — 47 books
first published 15 Dec 2006 added 5 Oct 2023
area that has limited access to affordable and nutritious food
general purpose technology — 73 books
first published 7 Dec 2006 added 28 Sep 2023
type of technology
address space layout randomization — 3 books
first published 20 Nov 2006 added 4 Jun 2023
security technique to randomise memory locations of processes
mass affluent — 16 books
first published 15 Nov 2006
Satyajit Das — 23 books
first published 15 Nov 2006 added 10 Feb 2017
riskless arbitrage — 15 books
first published 1 Nov 2006
a form of arbitrage that involves no risk, typically exploiting price differences of the same asset in different markets.
Jony Ive — 44 books
first published 23 Oct 2006
a British designer known for his work as the Chief Design Officer of Apple Inc.
Tony Fadell — 39 books
first published 23 Oct 2006 added 24 Jun 2023
Engineer, entrepreneur, founder and investor
Google Earth — 206 books
first published 18 Oct 2006
virtual map program developed by Google
Powell Memorandum — 14 books
first published 30 Sep 2006 added 26 Feb 2017
1971 memo for the US Chamber of Commerce
Entropy House — 4 books
first published 18 Sep 2006 added 5 Jun 2024
negative emissions — 25 books
first published 16 Sep 2006 added 1 Nov 2021
removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Internet of things — 327 books
first published 14 Sep 2006
Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects
James Dyson — 47 books
first published 14 Sep 2006
happiness index / gross national happiness — 81 books
first published 1 Sep 2006
Californian Ideology — 28 books
first published 31 Aug 2006 added 21 Aug 2022
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace — 50 books
first published 31 Aug 2006
document asserting internet independence from government interference
prefigurative politics — 8 books
first published 31 Aug 2006 added 17 Jan 2024
demographic dividend — 40 books
first published 23 Aug 2006
the economic growth potential that can result from shifts in a population's age structure, mainly when the share of the youth and elderly dependents decreases
helicopter parent — 61 books
first published 16 Aug 2006
parent who pays extremely close attention to a children's experiences and problems
Two Sigma — 27 books
first published 16 Aug 2006 added 28 Jun 2023
Flash crash — 132 books
first published 11 Jun 2006
commons-based peer production — 24 books
first published 14 May 2006 added 5 Oct 2023
jimmy wales — 96 books
first published 14 May 2006
co-founder of Wikipedia (born 1966)
reshoring — 43 books
first published 9 May 2006
food miles — 65 books
first published 1 May 2006
distance food is transported from production to consumption
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall — 21 books
first published 1 May 2006
British chef
future of food — 46 books
first published 1 May 2006 added 23 Nov 2023
Monty Hall problem — 15 books
first published 30 Apr 2006 added 24 Oct 2021
mathematical problem
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — 117 books
first published 24 Apr 2006 added 28 Oct 2023
a private charitable foundation established by Bill and Melinda Gates
Vladimir Vetrov: Farewell Dossier — 13 books
first published 14 Apr 2006
Irwin Jacobs: Qualcomm — 6 books
first published 14 Apr 2006 added 21 Feb 2017
subscription business — 76 books
first published 14 Apr 2006
Apollo Guidance Computer — 16 books
first published 14 Apr 2006 added 20 Sep 2023
an early digital computer produced for the Apollo missions; it played a crucial role in landing astronauts on the Moon.
folksonomy — 26 books
first published 14 Apr 2006 added 12 Aug 2022
classification based on users' tags
Golden age of television — 23 books
first published 5 Apr 2006 added 7 Jul 2022
overview effect — 20 books
first published 3 Apr 2006 added 6 Dec 2022
experience of seeing the reality and fragility of the Earth in space
panic early — 4 books
first published 31 Mar 2006 added 6 Aug 2023
household responsibility system — 13 books
first published 15 Mar 2006 added 23 Nov 2020
practice in China, first adopted in agriculture in 1979 and officially established in 1982, by which households are held responsible for the profits and losses of an enterprise
second-price sealed-bid — 7 books
first published 15 Mar 2006
Shenzhen was a fishing village — 29 books
first published 15 Mar 2006
Paul Lévy — 8 books
first published 7 Mar 2006
leftpad — 8 books
first published 2 Mar 2006 added 17 Apr 2022
Kibera — 36 books
first published 1 Mar 2006
Largest neighborhood in Nairobi
TSMC — 23 books
first published 1 Mar 2006 added 15 Oct 2022
semiconductor foundry company headquartered in Taiwan
end world poverty — 16 books
first published 1 Mar 2006 added 23 Feb 2017
space pen — 3 books
first published 24 Jan 2006
gravity-independent ballpoint pen
non-player character — 19 books
first published 12 Jan 2006 added 15 Aug 2024
fictional character in a role-playing or video game that cannot be played or controlled by a real-world person
messenger bag — 78 books
first published 12 Jan 2006 added 9 Aug 2023
autism spectrum disorder — 109 books
first published 10 Jan 2006 added 3 Mar 2023
range of neurodevelopmental disorders
"Hurricane Katrina" Superdome — 35 books
first published 2 Jan 2006 added 9 Aug 2023