edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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"Hurricane Katrina" Superdome — 35 books
first published 2 Jan 2006 added 9 Aug 2023
Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) — 14 books
first published 2 Jan 2006 added 16 Feb 2017
a title given to a person with life-long authority over a software project
post-Panamax — 9 books
first published 2006
social bookmarking — 28 books
first published 2006 added 30 Aug 2023
online service which allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents
functional fixedness — 16 books
first published 2006 added 5 Mar 2017
Port of Oakland — 19 books
first published 2006
port in California, USA
back-to-the-city movement — 9 books
first published 2006 added 8 Aug 2023
the migration of people from suburbs and rural areas back to urban centres
Detroit bankruptcy — 23 books
first published 2006
John Gruber — 19 books
first published 2006
Malcom McLean invented shipping containers — 12 books
first published 2006
Merlin Mann — 15 books
first published 2006
an American writer, blogger, and podcaster known for coining the term 'Inbox Zero' and for his focus on productivity techniques.
Panamax — 22 books
first published 2006
class of ships of the maximum size that can pass through the original locks of the Panama Canal
price elasticity of demand — 19 books
first published 15 Dec 2005 added 15 Oct 2022
responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good or service to a change in its price
two-factor authentication — 58 books
first published 13 Dec 2005 added 8 Oct 2023
authentication method in which a computer user is granted access only after successfully presenting two pieces of evidence (or factors) to an authentication mechanism
supply chain finance — 8 books
first published 13 Dec 2005 added 12 Sep 2022
financial practices designed to optimize cash flow and liquidity between trading partners in a supply chain
Contributor License Agreement — 2 books
first published 13 Oct 2005 added 28 May 2022
copyright terms
collaborative editing — 22 books
first published 13 Oct 2005
editing of groups producing works together through individual contributions
AGPL — 9 books
first published 13 Oct 2005 added 9 Mar 2018
GNU Affero General Public License, free software license for network software
patent troll — 50 books
first published 13 Oct 2005
business that cashes in on inventions of others by buying up patents before expiration date
Benjamin Mako Hill — 12 books
first published 13 Oct 2005
a free software activist and contributor to the Debian project
pull request — 53 books
first published 13 Oct 2005
feature available at source code repository hosts such as GitHub or Gitlab
fintech — 122 books
first published 13 Oct 2005 added 27 Oct 2023
technologies used in finance and the industry which produces these technologies
Great Grain Robbery — 4 books
first published 26 Sep 2005 added 19 Jun 2021
Soviet purchase of American grain that increased global food prices
Firefox — 293 books
first published 13 Sep 2005
a free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla
underbanked — 34 books
first published 9 Sep 2005
those without sufficient access to mainstream financial services
predatory finance — 5 books
first published 9 Sep 2005
Steve Jurvetson — 32 books
first published 31 Aug 2005 added 2 Nov 2021
American entrepreneur and venture capitalist
Marc Benioff — 88 books
first published 31 Aug 2005 added 13 Feb 2022
connected car — 51 books
first published 31 Aug 2005
car that is equipped with Internet access
Silicon Valley ideology — 76 books
first published 31 Aug 2005
business process outsourcing — 31 books
first published 31 Aug 2005
the practice of contracting various business-related operations to third-party vendors.
Nicholas Carr — 93 books
first published 31 Aug 2005
zoonotic diseases — 36 books
first published 8 Aug 2005 added 5 Oct 2023
wages for housework — 23 books
first published 2 Aug 2005
global feminist movement
founder crops — 7 books
first published 15 Jul 2005 added 11 Nov 2021
AI winter — 72 books
first published 14 Jul 2005
periods of reduced funding and interest in AI research
Aubrey de Grey — 38 books
first published 14 Jul 2005 added 26 Jun 2024
lifelogging — 86 books
first published 14 Jul 2005 added 23 Feb 2017
artificial general intelligence — 99 books
first published 14 Jul 2005
theoretical class of AI able to perform any intelligence-based task a human can
autonomous vehicles — 296 books
first published 14 Jul 2005
radical life extension — 28 books
first published 14 Jul 2005 added 26 Oct 2021
Nick Bostrom — 139 books
first published 14 Jul 2005 added 3 Mar 2023
Swedish philosopher and writer (born 1973)
hype cycle — 51 books
first published 14 Jul 2005 added 13 Mar 2023
graphical presentation of the maturity of specific technologies
Bill Joy: nanobots — 17 books
first published 14 Jul 2005
friendly AI — 28 books
first published 14 Jul 2005
hypothetical artificial general intelligence that would have a positive effect on humanity
Chekhov's gun — 6 books
first published 1 Jul 2005 added 25 Oct 2021
dramatic principle
lock screen — 26 books
first published 1 Jul 2005 added 14 Dec 2022
the user interface displayed on mobile or computer screens when not in use, requiring a user action to access functionality.
Lakeside School, Seattle — 19 books
first published 19 Jun 2005 added 17 Jan 2024
GPS: selective availability — 24 books
first published 13 Jun 2005 added 21 Oct 2022
supply-chain management software — 8 books
first published 13 Jun 2005
Beeching cuts — 24 books
first published 29 May 2005
reductions in the UK rail network in the 1960s
Dean Kamen — 35 books
first published 10 May 2005
American businessman
crew resource management — 15 books
first published 10 May 2005 added 13 Feb 2017
fulfillment center — 85 books
first published 9 May 2005 added 20 Nov 2021
a facility where orders placed by customers are picked, packed, and shipped to their final destination.
Branko Milanovic — 74 books
first published 9 May 2005
Serbian-American economist
gender pay gap — 86 books
first published 9 May 2005
average difference in remuneration amounts between men and women
asset management industry — 46 books
first published 20 Apr 2005 added 14 Jan 2024
regulatory arbitrage — 80 books
first published 20 Apr 2005
additive manufacturing — 77 books
first published 1 Apr 2005
layer-by-layer material addition for object creation, aka 3D printing
razors and blades business model — 9 books
first published 1 Apr 2005 added 8 Oct 2023
Vickrey auction — 10 books
first published 1 Apr 2005
auction priced by second-highest sealed bid
gun show loophole — 12 books
first published 28 Mar 2005
sale of firearms by private sellers that do not meet federal background check requirements
Pax Mongolica — 14 books
first published 21 Mar 2005
period of social, cultural, and economic stability after the conquests of the Mongol Empire in Eurasia during in the 13th and 14th centuries
fixed-gear — 32 books
first published 16 Mar 2005 added 9 Aug 2023
SpamAssassin — 14 books
first published 14 Mar 2005
A computer program for e-mail spam filtering
pushing on a string — 34 books
first published 14 Mar 2005
figure of speech
Negawatt — 12 books
first published 14 Mar 2005
a unit of power representing the amount of energy saved through conservation or efficiency measures.
Build a better mousetrap — 34 books
first published 15 Feb 2005
software as a service — 144 books
first published 15 Feb 2005
software licensing and delivery model in which software is licensed on a subscription basis and is centrally hosted
Singularitarianism — 27 books
first published 22 Jan 2005
belief in an incipient technological singularity
Pluto: dwarf planet — 38 books
first published 22 Jan 2005
ghost work — 16 books
first published 22 Jan 2005 added 10 Jan 2024
advance fee scam — 17 books
first published 22 Jan 2005 added 30 Aug 2024
farmers can use mobile phones to check market prices — 5 books
first published 15 Jan 2005
fishermen Kerala — 11 books
first published 15 Jan 2005 added 20 Dec 2023
mobile phones allowed the fishermen to determine which villages offered the best markets for their fish
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid — 24 books
first published 15 Jan 2005
fiscal drag — 12 books
first published 2 Jan 2005 added 9 Nov 2023
Stephen Fry — 57 books
first published 2 Jan 2005 added 22 Jun 2023
business continuity plan — 15 books
first published 2005
the process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to deal with potential threats and significant disruption of business operations
Masdar — 27 books
first published 2005
Paul Terrell — 7 books
first published 2005
Late Heavy Bombardment — 20 books
first published 2005 added 19 Aug 2022
hypothesized event, occurring ca. 4.1–3.8 billion years ago, during which a large number of asteroids collided with the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars
nocebo — 21 books
first published 2005 added 18 Oct 2022
the effect of a harmless substance that creates negative psychologically induced response in a patient
multiplanetary species — 16 books
first published 2005
language of flowers — 5 books
first published 2005
active transport: walking or cycling — 55 books
first published 15 Dec 2004 added 17 Jan 2017
transport modes requiring physical activity
synthetic biology — 116 books
first published 15 Nov 2004 added 2 Oct 2023
Joi Ito — 53 books
first published 15 Nov 2004 added 18 Oct 2020
Japanese-American activist, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist
future of journalism — 25 books
first published 15 Nov 2004
a topic of discussion focusing on how journalism will evolve, particularly in the context of technological change and economic models
value engineering — 29 books
first published 1 Nov 2004 added 31 Mar 2023
Buy land – they’re not making it any more — 10 books
first published 1 Nov 2004 added 17 Jul 2017
tail risk — 79 books
first published 23 Sep 2004 added 24 Oct 2021
risk of rare events, typically defined as more than 3 standard deviations from expected values, far above the risk of a normal distribution
Oxycodone — 65 books
first published 20 Sep 2004 added 28 Dec 2023
analgesic alkaloid (opioid)
Pripyat — 30 books
first published 15 Sep 2004 added 13 Jul 2024
sustainable fashion — 56 books
first published 1 Sep 2004 added 23 Nov 2023
part of design philosophy and trend of sustainability in fashion
McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit — 13 books
first published 9 Aug 2004 added 25 Oct 2021
a 1994 legal case where a woman sued McDonald's after suffering third-degree burns from a cup of coffee; the case is often cited in debates over tort reform.
Asperger Syndrome — 72 books
first published 2 Aug 2004
neurodevelopmental disorder affecting social interaction
Beos Apple "Steve Jobs" next macos — 3 books
first published 1 Aug 2004 added 17 Jul 2022
refers to BeOS, an operating system, and its potential influence on or competition with Apple's MacOS, especially during the time when Steve Jobs returned to Apple and introduced NeXT technology
blue screen of death — 32 books
first published 1 Aug 2004 added 28 Oct 2023
error screen displayed on a Microsoft Windows computer system following a fatal system error
Metcalfe's law — 11 books
first published 1 Aug 2004
empirical rule that that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of its number of users