edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Sloane Ranger — 17 books
first published 30 Jun 2004 added 12 Feb 2017
United Kingdom subculture/stereotype
Brixton riot — 13 books
first published 30 Jun 2004 added 16 Feb 2017
sensor fusion — 13 books
first published 24 Jun 2004
combining of sensor data from disparate sources
SQL injection — 62 books
first published 8 Jun 2004 added 3 Jun 2023
type of code injection, used to attack vulnerable data-driven software applications
regenerative agriculture — 15 books
first published 15 Apr 2004 added 10 Aug 2024
conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and farming systems
geopolitical risk — 35 books
first published 15 Apr 2004 added 19 Feb 2022
Climatic Research Unit — 23 books
first published 15 Apr 2004
UK climate change research body
Frank Levy and Richard Murnane: The New Division of Labor — 16 books
first published 11 Apr 2004
Westphalian system — 20 books
first published 7 Apr 2004 added 23 May 2017
concept of the sovereignty of nation-states in Europe
Craig Reynolds: boids flock — 8 books
first published 1 Apr 2004
digital nomad — 36 books
first published 1 Apr 2004 added 19 Feb 2022
those who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and, more generally, conduct their life in a nomadic manner
Reflections on Trusting Trust — 8 books
first published 1 Apr 2004 added 24 Feb 2022
a lecture by Ken Thompson that discusses the risks in trusting the software and tools one uses, and demonstrates a compiler backdoor.
Bob Geldof — 52 books
first published 26 Mar 2004 added 12 Feb 2017
safety elevator — 12 books
first published 15 Mar 2004 added 29 Dec 2023
Therac-25 — 10 books
first published 15 Feb 2004
Radiotherapy machine involved in six accidents
naked short selling — 10 books
first published 26 Jan 2004
Elon Musk — 500 books
first published 15 Jan 2004
Peter Thiel — 334 books
first published 15 Jan 2004
an American entrepreneur and venture capitalist, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir
Max Levchin — 50 books
first published 15 Jan 2004 added 2 Nov 2021
American businessman
brain emulation — 28 books
first published 13 Jan 2004
post-war consensus — 28 books
first published 2 Jan 2004 added 22 Nov 2021
period in British political history, 1945 to 1970s
built by the lowest bidder — 5 books
first published 2 Jan 2004 added 10 Nov 2021
post-oil — 16 books
first published 2 Jan 2004 added 15 Oct 2020
superintelligent machines — 37 books
first published 2004
science of happiness — 39 books
first published 2004
eat what you kill — 23 books
first published 2004 added 17 Jun 2021
a phrase often used in finance and law firms to describe a compensation system where employees earn from their own efforts
Robert Durst — 6 books
first published 2004 added 18 Oct 2020
American real-estate heir and convicted murderer (1943–2022)
light touch regulation — 98 books
first published 2004 added 12 Feb 2017
meritocracy — 49 books
first published 2004 added 25 Jun 2022
type of organisation
stagnating wages — 64 books
first published 2004 added 4 Dec 2023
horn antenna — 11 books
first published 2004
a type of antenna that consists of a flaring metal waveguide to direct radio waves
three-martini lunch — 22 books
first published 2004 added 1 Nov 2021
business lunch
Alexander Shulgin — 10 books
first published 2004 added 4 Mar 2017
the High Line — 61 books
first published 2004
PIHKAL and TIHKAL — 6 books
first published 2004 added 5 Mar 2017
domesticated silver fox — 11 books
first published 2004 added 24 Oct 2021
domesticated form of the red fox
Atul Gawande — 99 books
first published 2004
American surgeon
Chance favours the prepared mind — 3 books
first published 2004
1919 Motor Transport Corps convoy — 10 books
first published 2004
US Army transcontinental expedition evaluating the state of America's roads
Erwin Freundlich — 2 books
first published 2004
Desert Island Discs — 41 books
first published 2004
BBC Radio 4 programme
Monkeys Reject Unequal Pay — 16 books
first published 2004 added 16 May 2018
Pier Paolo Pasolini — 13 books
first published 2004 added 20 Jun 2021
Italian film director, poet, writer and intellectual (1922-1975)
Olbers’ paradox — 7 books
first published 2004
the argument that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the assumption of an infinite, static universe
peak-end rule — 10 books
first published 2004 added 2 Jul 2022
psychological heuristic
Dmitri Mendeleev — 24 books
first published 2004
Russian chemist
Jeff Hawkins — 39 books
first published 2004 added 11 Feb 2022
Picturephone — 10 books
first published 2004
Videotelephony system
Emanuel Derman — 36 books
first published 24 Dec 2003
South African economist
fiber to the home (FTTH) — 11 books
first published 24 Dec 2003 added 10 Jan 2024
transit-oriented development — 35 books
first published 15 Dec 2003
urban development that maximizes the amount of residential, business, and leisure space within walking distance of public transport
Donald Shoup — 30 books
first published 15 Dec 2003 added 7 May 2023
American economist known for his work in economy of parking
congestion pricing — 58 books
first published 15 Dec 2003 added 7 May 2023
system of surcharging users of public goods that are subject to congestion
YIMBY: yes in my backyard — 15 books
first published 15 Dec 2003 added 2 Jan 2024
Ship of Theseus — 20 books
first published 4 Dec 2003 added 1 Jan 2024
Japanese asset price bubble — 19 books
first published 12 Nov 2003 added 23 Oct 2022
economic bubble in Japan from 1986 to 1991 in which real estate and stock market prices were greatly inflated, collapsing in early 1992
Real Time Gross Settlement — 16 books
first published 12 Nov 2003
special drawing rights — 60 books
first published 12 Nov 2003
financial asset
Nixon triggered the end of the Bretton Woods system — 65 books
first published 12 Nov 2003 added 9 Dec 2020
skinny streets — 7 books
first published 28 Oct 2003 added 13 Jan 2017
narrow streets designed to limit vehicle speed and prioritize pedestrian safety.
Valgrind — 8 books
first published 22 Sep 2003
Clayton Christensen — 145 books
first published 22 Sep 2003
American economist (1952-2020)
Zawinski's Law — 1 books
first published 22 Sep 2003 added 23 May 2024
level 1 cache — 13 books
first published 22 Sep 2003 added 20 Nov 2021
fastest level of hardware cache used in modern central processing units
one-state solution — 22 books
first published 31 Jul 2003 added 19 May 2017
proposed resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict involving a single state with both Israelis and Palestinians as citizens
Jeffrey Epstein — 45 books
first published 31 Jul 2003 added 18 Oct 2020
an American financier and convicted sex offender. He gained infamy for his involvement in criminal activities related to sexual exploitation.
delta neutral — 15 books
first published 6 Jul 2003
All science is either physics or stamp collecting — 7 books
first published 5 May 2003
neurotypical — 59 books
first published 5 May 2003
microplastics / micro fibres — 48 books
first published 5 May 2003 added 11 Aug 2023
tiny particles of plastic or fibres that pollute water and soil
Ferguson, Missouri — 87 books
first published 14 Apr 2003
city in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States
Martin Cooper — 10 books
first published 15 Mar 2003 added 20 Dec 2023
father of the handheld cell phone
William Shockley: the traitorous eight — 28 books
first published 4 Mar 2003
William Shockley was a Nobel-prize winning physicist whose management style led eight of his employees to leave and form Fairchild Semiconductor, effectively founding Silicon Valley.
Geoffrey West, Santa Fe Institute — 26 books
first published 1 Feb 2003
domestication of the camel — 7 books
first published 28 Jan 2003
New Economic Geography — 20 books
first published 15 Jan 2003
Passenger Name Record — 8 books
first published 15 Jan 2003 added 14 Jan 2024
record used for exchanging information about passengers in travel
hockey-stick growth — 44 books
first published 15 Jan 2003 added 24 Oct 2021
High speed trading — 41 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
National best bid and offer — 7 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 19 Jun 2022
algorithmic bias — 77 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 5 Dec 2020
systematic and repeatable errors in a computer system that create unfair outcomes, such as privileging one arbitrary group of users over others
search engine result page — 17 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
the page displayed by a web search engine in response to a query, typically containing a list of links to web pages deemed relevant to the search terms.
steel-frame skyscraper — 25 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 29 Dec 2023
PageRank — 84 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
algorithm for calculating the authority of a web page based on link structure.
market fragmentation — 19 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
WeWork — 83 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 17 Jun 2021
an American company offering shared workspaces and office services, known for its rapid growth and subsequent controversies.
full text search — 43 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
techniques for searching a single computer-stored document or a collection in a full text database
paperwork crisis — 5 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 4 Dec 2023
marketing automation — 30 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 4 Mar 2024
text mining — 42 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
process of analysing text to extract information from it
Bob Litterman — 14 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 6 Aug 2023
an American economist, notable for his work in risk management, particularly the development of the Black-Litterman asset allocation model
Netflix Prize — 71 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
competition from 2006-2009 to improve Netflix's personalization algorithm
Colossal Cave Adventure — 10 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 19 Oct 2020
1976 video game
two-sided market — 43 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
market having two distinct user groups that provide each other with network benefits
price discovery process — 19 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
business-class flight — 17 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 26 Jan 2024
payment for order flow — 16 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 8 Nov 2021
compensation that a broker receives
automated trading system — 33 books
first published 2 Jan 2003
a method of trading that uses algorithms and pre-set rules for entering and exiting trades, without human intervention.
side project — 260 books
first published 2 Jan 2003