edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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luminiferous ether — 25 books
first published 1980
clockwork universe — 36 books
first published 1980
a concept from classical physics describing a deterministic, mechanistic universe that runs like clockwork, based on laws discoverable by humans.
dark pattern — 25 books
first published 1980 added 6 Apr 2022
user interface designed for a user to make choices without being aware of them
germ theory of disease — 83 books
first published 1980 added 30 Dec 2016
Prevailing theory about the cause of infectious diseases
double entry bookkeeping — 120 books
first published 1980
Tunguska event — 15 books
first published 1980
an explosion that occurred in 1908 over Siberia, likely caused by the airburst of a small comet or asteroid
CDC contaminated tests — 23 books
first published 1980 added 29 Dec 2023
planetary scale — 142 books
first published 1980
Ernest Rutherford — 83 books
first published 1980
British physicist of New Zealand origin, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1908) (1871–1937)
Mars Rover — 88 books
first published 1980 added 20 Jan 2017
space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of Mars
global pandemic — 249 books
first published 1980 added 15 Oct 2020
an epidemic of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population
invention of movable type — 101 books
first published 1980
David Ricardo: comparative advantage — 164 books
first published 23 Sep 1979
an economic principle formulated by David Ricardo, stating that countries should specialize in the production of goods where they have a relative efficiency advantage.
Atahualpa — 37 books
first published 23 Sep 1979
15th Emperor Inca
Francisco Pizarro — 59 books
first published 23 Sep 1979
Cepheid variable — 18 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
type of variable star
Harvard Computers: women astronomers — 17 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
invention of radio — 21 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
aspect of history relating to the invention of radio
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence — 83 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
Eddington experiment — 48 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
1919 observational test which confirmed Einstein's theory of general relativity
Edward Charles Pickering — 9 books
first published 2 Jan 1979
Gene Kranz — 48 books
first published 1979 added 5 Jun 2022
NASA Flight Director and manager
"chuck yeager" AND ("broken ribs" OR "broom handle") — 11 books
first published 1979 added 18 Feb 2024
radical decentralization — 52 books
first published 2 Jan 1978 added 15 Jun 2022
Vernor Vinge — 84 books
first published 2 Jan 1978
American mathematician, computer scientist, and science fiction writer
Money creation — 133 books
first published 2 Jan 1978 added 9 Nov 2020
the process by which the money supply of a country or a monetary region is expanded, typically by its central bank
Tax Reform Act of 1986 — 39 books
first published 2 Jan 1978 added 23 Nov 2020
US federal tax legislation
medical malpractice — 72 books
first published 2 Jan 1978
Whole Earth Catalog — 158 books
first published 2 Jan 1978
Maslow's hierarchy — 9 books
first published 1978 added 24 Mar 2022
Kanban — 42 books
first published 1978 added 20 Nov 2021
inventory management — 168 books
first published 1978
in business, the process of managing the stock of goods held for sale in a retail establishment or warehouse
Toyota Production System — 62 books
first published 1978
technoutopianism — 144 books
first published 1978
ideology based on the premise that advances in science and technology could and should bring about a utopia
medical residency — 104 books
first published 1978
Jerry Rubin — 46 books
first published 1978 added 17 Aug 2024
American activist
Kitchen Debate — 39 books
first published 1978 added 16 Aug 2017
exchanges of views between Nikita Khrushchev and Richard Nixon at an exhibition in Moscow in July 1959
prosperity theology / prosperity gospel / gospel of success — 43 books
first published 1978 added 30 Oct 2020
Induced demand — 29 books
first published 1978 added 16 Feb 2017
oil shale / tar sands — 233 books
first published 15 Dec 1977
blood diamond — 72 books
first published 15 Dec 1977
agricultural Revolution — 235 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
transition from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture
Mikhail Gorbachev — 370 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 28 Dec 2016
death of newspapers — 66 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 20 Jan 2017
a term that refers to the decline of newspapers due to the rise of digital media
equal pay for equal work — 53 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
Bartolomé de las Casas — 42 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
a 16th-century Spanish historian and missionary known for advocating for the rights of indigenous people in the Americas
New Urbanism — 344 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
urban design movement promoting walkable neighborhoods with a wide range of housing and job types
Timothy McVeigh — 77 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 9 Jul 2023
American domestic anti-government terrorist (1968–2001)
W. E. B. Du Bois — 135 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 26 Nov 2021
offshore financial centre — 464 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
Rosa Parks — 139 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
Herman Kahn — 88 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 18 Mar 2022
very high income — 57 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
Savings and loan crisis — 189 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 22 Nov 2020
a financial crisis that occurred in the 1980s and 1990s involving the failure of numerous U.S. savings and loan associations
mechanical reaper — 31 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 6 Dec 2023
passive income — 76 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
agricultural surplus — 42 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 6 Dec 2023
jobless men — 13 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 1 Mar 2017
wealth tax — 170 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 19 Jan 2024
levy on the total value of personal assets, including owner-occupied housing; cash, bank deposits, money funds, and savings in insurance and pension plans
active measures — 131 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 15 Apr 2017
covert actions to influence events, often linked to Russian intelligence
Bernie Sanders — 347 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
an American politician, senator from Vermont, and two-time presidential candidate
Telecommunications Act of 1996 — 45 books
first published 2 Jan 1977
Act of Congress in the United States
Fairness Doctrine — 72 books
first published 2 Jan 1977 added 12 Jan 2024
former US broadcasting policy
Scientific racism — 77 books
first published 1977 added 28 Jan 2017
misuse of the scientific method to justify racism
trickle-down economics — 199 books
first published 1977
music of the spheres — 49 books
first published 1977
dematerialisation — 150 books
first published 1977
estate planning — 106 books
first published 1977
process of planning for inheritance of property
twin studies — 96 books
first published 1977 added 2 May 2018
placebo effect — 199 books
first published 1977
commoditize — 298 books
first published 1977 added 22 May 2017
guns versus butter model — 91 books
first published 1977 added 16 Oct 2022
macroeconomic relationship between defense spending and civilian welfare
European colonialism — 298 books
first published 1977
settlement, conquest, and colonization by Europeans
technological determinism — 108 books
first published 1977 added 29 Sep 2022
theory holding that social progress is shaped by technological progress
Drosophila — 92 books
first published 1977
genus of insects
Future Shock — 126 books
first published 1977 added 2 Nov 2021
correlation coefficient — 121 books
first published 1977
Alistair Cooke — 23 books
first published 1976
Neil Armstrong — 294 books
first published 1976 added 5 Jun 2022
telemarketer — 181 books
first published 1976
Fran Lebowitz — 15 books
first published 1976 added 22 Aug 2024
American author and public speaker (b. 1950)
popular capitalism — 24 books
first published 1976 added 23 Feb 2017
Selfish Gene — 197 books
first published 1976 added 13 Oct 2023
a book by Richard Dawkins that popularized the gene-centric view of evolution
Garrett Hardin — 119 books
first published 1976 added 25 Oct 2021
American ecologist (1915–2003)
Apollo 11 — 215 books
first published 1976 added 5 Jun 2022
first Moon landing and fifth crewed flight of the United States Apollo program
Thomas L Friedman — 128 books
first published 1976
American journalist and author
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote — 27 books
first published 1976
a non-fiction novel that details the 1959 murders of the Clutter family in Kansas and the investigation that led to the capture of the killers
Necker cube — 27 books
first published 1976
Gregor Mendel — 121 books
first published 1976 added 26 Nov 2021
Silesian scientist and Augustinian friar (1822–1884)
information retrieval — 174 books
first published 1976
activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources
urban decay — 107 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
scientific management — 235 books
first published 14 Apr 1975 added 14 Nov 2021
Southern State Parkway — 9 books
first published 14 Apr 1975 added 20 Aug 2022
highway in New York
ghettoisation — 127 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
urban planning — 478 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
the technical and political process of designing and regulating the use of land, resources, and infrastructure in cities.
American Society of Civil Engineers: Report Card — 47 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
Works Progress Administration — 159 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
benefit corporation — 75 books
first published 14 Apr 1975 added 5 Oct 2023
a type of for-profit corporation that also has social or environmental goals
friendly fire — 178 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
attack on friendly forces misidentified as hostile ones
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory — 47 books
first published 14 Apr 1975