edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Simon Singh — 39 books
first published 1997
American Legislative Exchange Council — 37 books
first published 1997 added 26 Feb 2017
a nonprofit organization that facilitates collaboration between legislators and corporations to draft model legislation
backpropagation — 59 books
first published 1997 added 13 Apr 2021
an algorithm used in machine learning to adjust the weights of artificial neural networks
anesthesia awareness — 5 books
first published 1997
inadequate unconscious state during general anesthesia
Chinese Room — 48 books
first published 1997 added 24 Dec 2023
oil rush — 35 books
first published 1997
tower defense real-time strategy game
battle of ideas — 95 books
first published 1997
a concept referring to the ideological competition between different beliefs, theories, or philosophies
Wolfskehl Prize — 3 books
first published 1997
German physician and mathematician
Parents Music Resource Center — 5 books
first published 1997 added 31 Dec 2021
defunct American committee
Oklahoma City bombing — 80 books
first published 1997 added 9 Jul 2023
a domestic terrorist attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City, USA, in 1995 that resulted in 168 deaths
fundamental attribution error — 43 books
first published 19 Nov 1996
Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral — 12 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 27 Feb 2024
Mosaic web browser — 85 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 8 Oct 2023
popular early web browser
digital capitalism — 46 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 27 Oct 2021
Long Now Foundation — 53 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 26 Jun 2024
nonprofit organization
peer-to-peer — 154 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 24 May 2017
type of decentralized and distributed network architecture
export processing zone — 44 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 10 Aug 2023
area where goods may be landed, stored, handled, manufactured, reconfigured, or re-exported under specific customs regulation and generally not subject to customs duty
content marketing — 51 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 27 Nov 2021
a type of digital marketing based on online content (text, video, audio and images) typically published on digital platforms and social media platforms.
digital divide — 157 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 5 Oct 2023
the gap between those who have access to modern information and communications technology and those who do not.
the new new thing — 58 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 23 Feb 2017
a term often used to describe a recent innovation or trend that is considered a breakthrough or revolutionary in some way.
trade liberalization — 160 books
first published 31 Aug 1996
Shenzhen special economic zone — 60 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 23 Nov 2020
first special economic zone in the People's Republic of China
moral panic — 160 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 5 Mar 2017
feeling of fear spread among a large number of people that some evil threatens the well-being of society
invention of the steam engine — 47 books
first published 31 Aug 1996
an advancement that powered the Industrial Revolution, invented in various forms by people like Thomas Newcomen and James Watt.
social software — 46 books
first published 31 Aug 1996
software that facilitates social interactions, communications, and collaborations among users
"watch time" YouTube — 71 books
first published 31 Aug 1996 added 30 Jan 2024
Silicon Valley startup — 304 books
first published 31 Aug 1996
a new business venture based in Silicon Valley, often in the tech or digital sector, aiming for rapid growth and, frequently, a lucrative exit strategy
spectrum auction — 45 books
first published 23 Aug 1996
Antoine Gombaud: Chevalier de Méré — 18 books
first published 23 Aug 1996
Bayesian statistics — 59 books
first published 23 Aug 1996 added 21 Feb 2017
a branch of statistics based on the Bayesian probability theory
Philip Mirowski — 59 books
first published 23 Aug 1996 added 10 Feb 2017
US professor
tulipmania — 34 books
first published 23 Aug 1996 added 21 Mar 2024
17th-century economic bubble in the Netherlands
Thomas Bayes — 80 books
first published 23 Aug 1996 added 21 Feb 2017
an 18th-century statistician and Presbyterian minister best known for formulating Bayes' theorem, which is fundamental to probability theory.
mental accounting — 71 books
first published 23 Aug 1996
Alvin Roth — 27 books
first published 23 Aug 1996 added 9 Aug 2017
Kowloon Walled City — 6 books
first published 2 Jan 1996
Indoor air pollution — 52 books
first published 1996
Transnistria — 26 books
first published 1996
a breakaway state located mostly on a strip of land between the Dniester River and the eastern Moldovan border with Ukraine, not internationally recognised
tall poppy syndrome — 8 books
first published 1996 added 8 Oct 2023
Defenestration of Prague — 14 books
first published 1996
Index librorum prohibitorum — 15 books
first published 1996
Marc Andreessen — 234 books
first published 1996 added 20 Feb 2017
American entrepreneur, investor, and software engineer
Steve Crocker — 15 books
first published 1996
purchasing power parity — 224 books
first published 1996
economic theory that states that the exchange rate between two countries is equal to the ratio of the currencies' respective purchasing power
family office — 110 books
first published 1996
family controlled investment group
charter city — 28 books
first published 1996
Machynlleth — 18 books
first published 1996 added 13 Feb 2024
Hush-A-Phone — 12 books
first published 1996
privacy enhancing telephone device
Compatible Time-Sharing System — 20 books
first published 1996 added 3 Jun 2023
early and influential timesharing operating system developed at MIT in early 1960s for IBM 7090 mainframe
ending welfare as we know it — 39 books
first published 1996 added 30 Dec 2016
a phrase popularised by Bill Clinton during his presidency, referring to welfare reform policies
Joseph-Marie Jacquard — 30 books
first published 1996
French inventor
Leonard Kleinrock — 26 books
first published 1996 added 5 Mar 2017
American computer scientist
deliberate practice — 82 books
first published 1996
continuation of politics by other means — 34 books
first published 1996 added 12 May 2017
experimental economics — 74 books
first published 1996
Robert X Cringely — 20 books
first published 1996
Bill Duvall — 13 books
first published 1996
publication bias — 53 books
first published 1996 added 5 Mar 2017
Bill Gates: Altair 8800 — 28 books
first published 15 Nov 1995
SimCity — 57 books
first published 15 Nov 1995 added 24 Sep 2023
first square of the chessboard — 12 books
first published 15 Nov 1995
first square of the chessboard / second half of the chessboard — 18 books
first published 15 Nov 1995 added 29 Dec 2016
a concept referring to the point where an exponentially growing factor begins to have a significant economic impact on an organisation's overall business strategy
invention of the printing press — 98 books
first published 15 Nov 1995
Bob Noyce — 39 books
first published 15 Nov 1995 added 21 Feb 2017
American businessman and engineer
Von Neumann architecture — 42 books
first published 15 Nov 1995
computer architecture
1960s counterculture — 73 books
first published 13 Nov 1995
MVC pattern — 54 books
first published 18 Jul 1995
supersonic airliner — 25 books
first published 1 Mar 1995 added 8 Oct 2023
commercial airliner able to fly faster than the speed of sound
Watson beat the top human players on Jeopardy! — 132 books
first published 14 Feb 1995
Big Tech — 288 books
first published 14 Feb 1995 added 22 Feb 2022
label for large technology companies including Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, Meta Platforms and Microsoft
Kevin Kelly — 206 books
first published 14 Feb 1995
Apple Newton — 25 books
first published 14 Feb 1995 added 28 Jun 2022
PDA platform by Apple Inc.
Biosphere 2 — 31 books
first published 14 Feb 1995 added 21 Oct 2020
Stuart Kauffman — 47 books
first published 15 Jan 1995 added 5 Oct 2023
an American theoretical biologist and complex systems researcher concerning the origin of life on Earth
UUNET — 19 books
first published 15 Jan 1995 added 1 Jun 2022
Conway's Game of Life — 20 books
first published 15 Jan 1995
Two-dimensional cellular automaton devised by J. H. Conway in 1970
Rodney Brooks — 66 books
first published 15 Jan 1995
Australian roboticist
Danny Hillis — 54 books
first published 15 Jan 1995 added 30 Dec 2016
American computer scientist
Hacker Ethic — 70 books
first published 15 Jan 1995
moral values and philosophy that are common in hacker culture
famous thought experiments — 64 books
first published 15 Jan 1995 added 24 Dec 2023
strong AI — 64 books
first published 15 Jan 1995
neoliberal agenda — 36 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
financial repression — 48 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
race to the bottom — 325 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
California energy crisis — 22 books
first published 2 Jan 1995 added 26 Oct 2021
energy crisis in 2000–01 in California
"World Economic Forum" Davos — 388 books
first published 2 Jan 1995 added 5 Aug 2023
We are all Keynesians now — 36 books
first published 2 Jan 1995 added 26 Sep 2023
a phrase attributed to Milton Friedman and Richard Nixon signifying the general acceptance of Keynesian economics in the 1960s and 1970s
global reserve currency — 70 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
deglobalization — 51 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
process of diminishing interdependence and integration between certain units around the world
low-wage service sector — 33 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
industries that provide services rather than goods and generally pay lower wages, often without benefits or job security
structural adjustment programs — 78 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
Loma Prieta earthquake — 41 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
major earthquake in northern California
labour market flexibility — 53 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
speed with which labour markets adapt to changes
Gini coefficient — 197 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
measure of inequality in income or wealth distribution
debt deflation — 66 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
theory that recessions and depressions are due to the overall level of debt rising in real value because of deflation
Mexican peso crisis / tequila crisis — 47 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
Bay Area Rapid Transit — 45 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
a public transportation system serving the San Francisco Bay Area
financial intermediation — 119 books
first published 2 Jan 1995
the process of facilitating the flow of funds from savers to borrowers through financial institutions
revenue passenger mile — 5 books
first published 1995 added 27 Oct 2021
unit for revenue passenger transport work defined as the number of persons in a vehicle multiplied by kilometers transported
centralized clearinghouse — 49 books
first published 1995