edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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joint-stock limited liability company — 42 books
first published 1995
mittelstand — 52 books
first published 1995
a term used in the German-speaking world to describe small and medium-sized enterprises that form the backbone of the German economy
centralized clearinghouse — 49 books
first published 1995
GDP growth — 499 books
first published 1995 added 16 Sep 2024
Network effects — 393 books
first published 1995
cross-subsidies — 46 books
first published 1995
revenue passenger mile — 5 books
first published 1995 added 27 Oct 2021
unit for revenue passenger transport work defined as the number of persons in a vehicle multiplied by kilometers transported
karōshi / gwarosa / guolaosi — 26 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 29 Apr 2022
Kaizen: continuous improvement — 36 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 5 Oct 2023
food cooperative — 32 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 12 Nov 2023
food distribution outlet organized as a cooperative
pink-collar — 46 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
post-Fordism — 28 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 10 Jan 2022
system of economic production, consumption, and associated socio-economic phenomena in most industrialized countries since the late 20th century
crop rotation — 171 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 6 Dec 2023
practice of growing a series of dissimilar or different types of crops in the same area in sequenced seasons
Erik Brynjolfsson — 166 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
American academic
low skilled workers — 264 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
compensation consultant — 36 books
first published 28 Dec 1994 added 17 Jun 2021
cashless society — 74 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
Richard Florida — 143 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
American urban studies theorist
employer provided health coverage — 34 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
John Maynard Keynes: technological unemployment — 71 books
first published 28 Dec 1994
Boris Johnson — 264 books
first published 1 Dec 1994 added 27 Aug 2017
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022
electricity market — 80 books
first published 1 Dec 1994 added 9 Dec 2022
for trading electrical power
Neil Kinnock — 71 books
first published 1 Dec 1994 added 4 Mar 2017
a British Labour Party politician who served as the Leader of the Labour Party from 1983 to 1992
Washington Consensus — 201 books
first published 1 Dec 1994
broad set of economic policies commonly prescribed by institutions based in Washington D.C. such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank
Edward Snowden — 235 books
first published 1 Dec 1994
a former National Security Agency contractor who leaked classified information about global surveillance programs run by American and British spy agencies.
fake news — 432 books
first published 1 Dec 1994 added 26 Jan 2023
false or misleading information presented as news
Leo Hollis — 30 books
first published 1 Dec 1994 added 29 Sep 2022
British writer
discovery of penicillin — 48 books
first published 31 Oct 1994 added 30 Dec 2016
biofilm — 35 books
first published 31 Oct 1994 added 28 Jan 2017
group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each other and, often, to a surface
mass incarceration — 140 books
first published 31 Oct 1994 added 26 Feb 2017
invention of air conditioning — 8 books
first published 31 Oct 1994
Edward Jenner — 63 books
first published 31 Oct 1994 added 26 Nov 2021
1749-1823 English physician, scientist and pioneer of vaccination
correlation does not imply causation — 267 books
first published 31 Oct 1994
global macro — 62 books
first published 31 Oct 1994 added 1 Nov 2021
A type of investment strategy
transfer pricing — 72 books
first published 31 Oct 1994
pricing of goods, services, or intellectual property transferred within an organisation, especially cross-border, for tax optimization
megacity — 283 books
first published 31 Oct 1994
a very large city, typically with a population exceeding 10 million people.
Steve Ballmer — 115 books
first published 19 Sep 1994
American businessman, former chief executive officer of Microsoft
Fairchild Semiconductor — 114 books
first published 19 Sep 1994 added 13 Feb 2022
American company
thinkpad — 34 books
first published 19 Sep 1994
business computers and tablets series by Lenovo
Gary Kildall — 22 books
first published 19 Sep 1994 added 23 Nov 2021
American computer scientist and entrepreneur
ROLM — 9 books
first published 19 Sep 1994 added 13 Feb 2022
Russian science society
six sigma — 90 books
first published 19 Sep 1994
a set of management techniques aimed at improving business processes by reducing defects
sceptred isle — 19 books
first published 29 May 1994 added 20 Feb 2017
lone genius — 85 books
first published 29 May 1994
flying shuttle — 64 books
first published 14 May 1994 added 1 Oct 2023
James Hargreaves — 43 books
first published 14 May 1994
John Maynard Keynes: Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren — 111 books
first published 14 May 1994
Ted Nelson — 75 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
The Home Computer Revolution — 11 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 30 Aug 2023
Mother of all demos — 43 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
computer demonstration by Douglas Engelbart
QWERTY keyboard — 96 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
Bill Atkinson — 32 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 19 Oct 2020
Pepsi Challenge — 24 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 27 May 2022
a marketing campaign by PepsiCo where participants do a blind taste test comparing Pepsi and Coca-Cola
reality distortion field — 69 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 5 Oct 2023
a term coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981 to describe company co-founder Steve Jobs' ability to persuade himself and others to believe almost anything
Computer Lib — 35 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 23 Aug 2023
General Magic — 38 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 10 Jul 2023
Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life? — 16 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 5 Aug 2023
information trail — 11 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
Productivity paradox — 58 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
Marc Porat — 9 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 28 Oct 2023
American businessman
Vannevar Bush — 65 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
American electrical engineer and science administrator (1890-1974)
Douglas Engelbart — 107 books
first published 2 Feb 1994 added 5 Mar 2017
American engineer and inventor
Dynabook — 30 books
first published 2 Feb 1994
uptick rule — 23 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 21 Apr 2022
trading restriction that states that short selling a stock is only allowed on an uptick
implied volatility — 78 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
financial mathematical measure
Louis Bachelier — 41 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
computerized trading — 61 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 21 Feb 2017
commodity trading advisor — 30 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
individual or organization who is retained by a fund or individual client to provide advice and services related to trading in futures contracts, commodity options and/or swaps
Ralph Nelson Elliott — 11 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 17 Jan 2017
American accountant (1871-1948)
proprietary trading — 192 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 6 Aug 2022
practice of trading financial instruments using a firm's own money
Elliott wave — 36 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
the map is not the territory — 36 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 17 Jan 2017
a phrase emphasizing that models or representations of reality are not the same as the reality they represent
butterfly effect — 111 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
Sharpe ratio — 92 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
measure of an investment's risk premium
market clearing — 108 books
first published 28 Jan 1994
an economic term for the situation where supply equals demand, typically resulting in an equilibrium price.
Market Wizards by Jack D. Schwager — 34 books
first published 28 Jan 1994 added 1 Mar 2023
precariat — 98 books
first published 2 Jan 1994
social class formed by people suffering from precarity
Occupy movement — 214 books
first published 2 Jan 1994
international branch of the Occupy Wall Street movement that protests against social and economic inequality around the world
corporate personhood — 39 books
first published 2 Jan 1994
notion that corporations can have some legal rights, responsibilities and accountability
Kwajalein Atoll — 18 books
first published 2 Jan 1994 added 31 May 2023
Plutonomy: Buying Luxury, Explaining Global Imbalances — 14 books
first published 2 Jan 1994
Nate Silver — 112 books
first published 2 Jan 1994
Asian financial crisis — 209 books
first published 1994
a financial crisis that started in 1997, affecting various Asian economies by causing currency devaluations and financial collapse.
Francis Fukuyama: the end of history — 214 books
first published 1994
leapfrogging — 122 books
first published 1994 added 8 Oct 2023
natural language processing — 203 books
first published 1994
field of computer science and linguistics
unemployed young men — 34 books
first published 1994
rising living standards — 127 books
first published 1994
pre–internet — 223 books
first published 1994
the death of distance — 52 books
first published 1994 added 4 Dec 2023
Computational Linguistics — 74 books
first published 1994 added 7 Oct 2023
elephant in my pajamas — 4 books
first published 1994 added 7 Jan 2017
invention of the telephone — 49 books
first published 1994
your tax dollars at work — 9 books
first published 1994 added 13 Feb 2017
talking drums — 9 books
first published 1994
discovery of DNA — 57 books
first published 1994
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis — 23 books
first published 1994 added 19 Feb 2017
principle claiming that the structure of a language affects its speakers' world view or cognition
operation paperclip — 30 books
first published 1994
a secret United States intelligence program that recruited and employed German scientists, including former Nazis, after World War II
Loebner Prize — 32 books
first published 1994
annual competition in artificial intelligence
contact tracing — 63 books
first published 1994 added 14 Aug 2023
process of finding and identifying people in close contact with someone who is infected with a transmissible pathogen