edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Trinity test — 39 books
first published 1 Feb 1963 added 15 Aug 2024
positional goods — 22 books
first published 1 Feb 1963
asset-backed security — 141 books
first published 1962 added 9 Feb 2017
security with value derived from a commodity or asset
fear of failure — 246 books
first published 1962
Arthur Eddington — 73 books
first published 1962
an English astrophysicist best known for his work on the theory of relativity and the Eddington limit, the natural limit to the luminosity of stars.
price discrimination — 82 books
first published 1962
pricing strategy of offering similar products at different prices according to buyers' willingness to pay
Lao Tzu — 108 books
first published 1962 added 2 Jan 2017
6th-century BC semi-legendary Chinese philosopher, founder of Taoism
prudent man rule — 23 books
first published 1962 added 1 Jun 2022
Black-Scholes formula — 101 books
first published 1962
a mathematical model used for calculating the theoretical value of European-style options
secular stagnation — 107 books
first published 1962
land bank — 80 books
first published 1962 added 10 Aug 2023
low cost airline — 147 books
first published 1962 added 15 Oct 2020
airline with generally lower fares
credit crunch — 322 books
first published 1962
sudden reduction in the general availability of loans or credit or a sudden tightening of the conditions required to obtain a loan from banks
market friction — 32 books
first published 1962
"Friedman doctrine" OR "shareholder theory" — 85 books
first published 1962 added 22 Aug 2023
index card — 338 books
first published 1962
card stock cut to a standard size, used for recording or storing small amounts of data
Robert Metcalfe — 78 books
first published 1962 added 14 Feb 2017
collateralized debt obligation — 227 books
first published 1962
a type of structured asset-backed security whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of fixed-income underlying assets.
Right to Buy — 107 books
first published 1962 added 25 Feb 2017
tacit knowledge — 150 books
first published 1962 added 1 Nov 2021
barriers to entry — 557 books
first published 1962
factors that make it difficult for new firms to enter a market
The Design of Experiments — 17 books
first published 1962
moral hazard — 356 books
first published 1962
John Snow's cholera map — 73 books
first published 1962
road to serfdom — 168 books
first published 1962
diversification — 219 books
first published 1962
financial innovation — 359 books
first published 1962
flag carrier — 44 books
first published 1962 added 26 Oct 2021
The Chicago School — 183 books
first published 1962
education organization in Los Angeles, United States
minimum wage unemployment — 96 books
first published 1962
Deng Xiaoping — 319 books
first published 1962
a Chinese politician who served as the leader of the Communist Party of China and was instrumental in modernising China
central bank independence — 200 books
first published 1962
currency risk — 110 books
first published 1962 added 11 Feb 2022
a financial risk that exists when a financial transaction is denominated in a currency other than the domestic currency
invisible hand — 710 books
first published 1962
economic concept popularized by Adam Smith
risk free rate — 124 books
first published 1962 added 19 Oct 2020
risk-adjusted returns — 114 books
first published 1962
credit default swaps / collateralized debt obligations — 150 books
first published 1962
Commentariolus — 12 books
first published 1962
work by Copernicus
Fractional reserve banking — 79 books
first published 1962
banking system where bank holds reserves equal to fraction of deposit liabilities
rent control — 224 books
first published 1962
Carl Icahn — 114 books
first published 1962 added 27 May 2023
an American businessman known for his activities as an activist shareholder
experimental subject — 161 books
first published 1962
person who participates in human subject research by being the target of observation by researchers
Bear Stearns — 393 books
first published 1962 added 25 Oct 2021
an investment bank that collapsed during the 2008 financial crisis
financial engineering — 375 books
first published 1962 added 1 Nov 2021
application of technical methods, especially from mathematical finance and computational finance, in the practice of finance
mortgage debt — 223 books
first published 1962
carried interest — 82 books
first published 1962
share of profits in an investment fund paid to the fund manager
risk/return — 138 books
first published 1962
floating exchange rates — 105 books
first published 1962
Greenspan put — 61 books
first published 1962 added 11 Feb 2022
Monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve
Myron Scholes — 143 books
first published 1962 added 26 Apr 2017
Canadian economist
zero-coupon bond — 72 books
first published 1962
a debt security that doesn't make periodic interest payments and is issued at a discount to its face value
Thomas Kuhn: the structure of scientific revolutions — 124 books
first published 1962
two and twenty — 88 books
first published 1962 added 29 Oct 2020
backtesting — 86 books
first published 1962
the process of testing a trading strategy or model on historical data
liquidity trap — 76 books
first published 1962
economics concept
locking in a profit — 28 books
first published 1962
Victor Gruen — 27 books
first published 1 Nov 1961
Austrian architect (1903-1980)
The Death and Life of Great American Cities — 145 books
first published 1 Nov 1961
Golden Gate Park — 111 books
first published 1 Nov 1961
sidewalk ballet — 11 books
first published 1 Nov 1961 added 27 Dec 2023
company town — 209 books
first published 1 Nov 1961 added 18 Apr 2023
indoor plumbing — 182 books
first published 1 Nov 1961 added 2 Jan 2017
urban renewal — 310 books
first published 1 Nov 1961
program of land redevelopment in cities, often where there is urban decay
Lewis Mumford — 200 books
first published 1 Nov 1961 added 27 Sep 2023
American historian, sociologist, philosopher of technology and literary critic (1895-1990)
Jane Jacobs — 220 books
first published 1 Nov 1961
an American-Canadian journalist and activist best known for her influence on urban planning and her opposition to the urban renewal policies of the 1950s in New York.
work culture — 193 books
first published 1 Nov 1961 added 22 Aug 2022
Etonian — 149 books
first published 15 Sep 1959
merchant ship
back-to-the-land — 187 books
first published 15 Sep 1959
a social movement encouraging migration from urban to rural areas
MITM: man-in-the-middle — 140 books
first published 15 Sep 1959 added 14 Oct 2017
Rory Stewart — 27 books
first published 15 Sep 1959 added 27 Oct 2023
a British politician, diplomat, and writer who has served as a Member of Parliament and as Minister of State for International Development.
always be closing — 38 books
first published 1959 added 15 Feb 2017
three-masted sailing ship — 75 books
first published 1959 added 28 Sep 2023
painting by unknown artist, Poole Museum
Northern Rock — 165 books
first published 1957
former British bank
haute couture — 164 books
first published 1957
term used to describe the creation of exclusive, custom-fitted clothing
fixed income — 403 books
first published 1957 added 9 Feb 2017
jitney — 58 books
first published 1957
American ideology — 51 books
first published 1956 added 28 Nov 2017
the set of beliefs and values such as individualism, freedom, and capitalism that are generally thought to be held by the American populace
one-China policy — 20 books
first published 1956 added 24 Apr 2017
desegregation — 245 books
first published 1956
the process of ending racial segregation in institutions such as schools and buses
long peace — 50 books
first published 1956 added 17 Jul 2017
absence of major wars following World War II
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen — 89 books
first published 1956 added 24 Jul 2021
Asilomar — 69 books
first published 1956 added 11 Feb 2017
pneumatic tube — 75 books
first published 1956 added 29 Dec 2021
a system that propels cylindrical containers through a network of tubes using compressed air or vacuum.
Thorstein Veblen — 210 books
first published 1956
an American economist and sociologist, famous for introducing the term 'conspicuous consumption'
Vilfredo Pareto — 107 books
first published 1956 added 10 Aug 2017
Simon Kuznets — 129 books
first published 1956
affirmative action — 395 books
first published 1956
policies to improve opportunities for discriminated minority groups
it's over 9,000 — 104 books
first published 1956 added 9 Jul 2023
military-industrial complex — 438 books
first published 1956 added 3 Nov 2021
concept in military and political science
Ida Tarbell — 62 books
first published 1956 added 23 May 2021
an American journalist, known for her pioneering investigative reporting that led to the breakup of the Standard Oil Company
Joseph Schumpeter — 335 books
first published 1956
Austrian economist
creative destruction — 471 books
first published 1956 added 1 Apr 2017
The World Is Flat — 162 books
first published 1955 added 30 Jan 2024
Mason jar — 133 books
first published 1955
a molded glass jar used primarily for home canning and preserving food, but has gained popularity for various crafts and applications.
financial independence — 285 books
first published 1955
Charles Lindbergh — 220 books
first published 2 Jan 1953 added 15 Oct 2020
American aviator, author, inventor, explorer, and social activist
sugar pill — 66 books
first published 2 Jan 1953 added 6 Sep 2022
Mercator projection — 42 books
first published 2 Jan 1953
Y2K — 220 books
first published 1949 added 15 Oct 2020
stock buybacks — 114 books
first published 1949 added 29 Dec 2021
the repurchasing of shares by a company to reduce the number of shares on the market, often to increase shareholder value.