edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Southern State Parkway — 9 books
first published 14 Apr 1975 added 20 Aug 2022
highway in New York
housing crisis — 293 books
first published 14 Apr 1975
Wikimedia disambiguation page
large denomination — 53 books
first published 2 Jan 1975
Ken Thompson — 70 books
first published 1975 added 24 Feb 2022
Anton Chekhov — 57 books
first published 1975
Russian dramatist and author (1860–1904)
drop ship — 36 books
first published 1975 added 3 Oct 2023
supply chain management method in which the retailer directs their suppliers to ship directly to the retailer's customers
Multics — 69 books
first published 1975 added 3 Jun 2023
operating system
HyperCard — 35 books
first published 1975
hypermedia system for Apple Macintosh and Apple IIGS computers
Occam's razor — 17 books
first published 1975
philosophical principle used to judge credibility of statements
Boeing 747 — 224 books
first published 1975 added 26 Oct 2021
seminal paper — 201 books
first published 1975 added 17 Jul 2022
an academic paper that has a significant and lasting influence on its field
Strategic Defense Initiative — 108 books
first published 1975 added 15 Nov 2021
American missile defense system
no silver bullet — 21 books
first published 1975 added 30 Jun 2022
thought leader — 332 books
first published 1975 added 11 Oct 2023
Tacoma Narrows Bridge — 21 books
first published 1975
Khyber Pass — 64 books
first published 1975
mountain pass connecting Afghanistan and Pakistan
Conway's law — 8 books
first published 1975 added 23 Feb 2022
adage stating that organizations design systems that mirror their own communication structure
colonial exploitation — 53 books
first published 1 Dec 1974
refers to the historical practice where colonial powers extracted natural resources and exploited indigenous populations for economic gain.
free-rider problem — 108 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 30 Dec 2023
consumption of goods & services without payment
night-watchman state — 17 books
first published 15 Mar 1974
minimal state
Ronald Coase — 155 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 20 Jan 2017
British economist and author (1910-2013)
Pareto efficiency — 74 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 14 Feb 2017
economic concept of a state in which no reallocation of resources can make everyone at least as well off
Kenneth Arrow — 133 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 22 Feb 2017
an American economist notable for his contributions to welfare economics, general equilibrium analysis, and information economics; winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics
The Nature of the Firm — 94 books
first published 15 Mar 1974
a paper wrote by Ronald Coase
Machinery of Freedom by David Friedman — 9 books
first published 15 Mar 1974
Herbert Marcuse — 101 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 20 Jun 2021
a German-American philosopher and sociologist, known for his association with the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory
veil of ignorance — 73 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 19 Nov 2023
album by Raised Fist
John Rawls — 162 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 19 Nov 2023
school vouchers — 65 books
first published 15 Mar 1974
Animal Liberation by Peter Singer — 21 books
first published 15 Mar 1974 added 2 May 2024
card file — 49 books
first published 1974
Gödel, Escher, Bach — 79 books
first published 1974
a Pulitzer-winning book by Douglas Hofstadter that explores the connections between the works of mathematician Kurt Gödel, artist M.C. Escher, and composer Johann Sebastian Bach.
G4S — 135 books
first published 1974 added 26 Feb 2017
Jacquard loom — 60 books
first published 1974
weaving loom controlled by punched cards
Ivan Sutherland — 46 books
first published 1974 added 23 Aug 2023
Howard Zinn — 85 books
first published 1974
American historian, playwright, and socialist thinker
sorting algorithm — 72 books
first published 1974
algorithm that puts elements of a list in a certain order
housing justice — 14 books
first published 1974 added 12 Jul 2022
London based charity
working poor — 313 books
first published 1974
social class
Ralph Nader — 217 books
first published 1974
probability theory / Blaise Pascal / Pierre de Fermat — 32 books
first published 1974
linked data — 58 books
first published 1974
a method of structuring data to enable interlinking and become more useful through semantic queries
public intellectual — 272 books
first published 1974 added 20 Sep 2023
zero day — 88 books
first published 1974
disinformation — 518 books
first published 1974 added 18 Oct 2020
false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive and manipulate
distributed generation — 73 books
first published 1974
decentralized energy generation from small energy sources
nuremberg principles — 9 books
first published 1974
set of guidelines for determining what constitutes a war crime, created by the UN International Law Commission to codify the legal principles underlying the Nuremberg Trials
linear programming — 64 books
first published 1974
programming method to achieve the best outcome in a mathematical model
How many piano tuners are there in Chicago? — 8 books
first published 1974 added 6 Nov 2020
Markov chain — 57 books
first published 1974 added 27 Oct 2023
Seymour Hersh — 117 books
first published 1974 added 30 May 2021
American investigative journalist
Gerard Salton — 3 books
first published 1974 added 27 Feb 2017
an American computer scientist who made significant contributions to the field of information retrieval and is often called the 'father of digital search'.
Fermat's Last Theorem — 9 books
first published 1974
declining real wages — 79 books
first published 1974 added 30 Dec 2016
Y Combinator — 168 books
first published 1974
American startup accelerator
Parkinson's law — 47 books
first published 1974
adage that work expands to fill the time available
activist lawyer — 24 books
first published 1974 added 18 Oct 2020
lawyer advocating for social, economic, or political change
Donald Knuth — 92 books
first published 1974 added 2 Mar 2017
discrete time — 64 books
first published 1974
pocket calculator — 147 books
first published 31 Dec 1973 added 19 Dec 2023
sexual politics — 91 books
first published 31 Dec 1973 added 3 Mar 2017
episode of Brothers & Sisters (S1 E12)
fail fast — 98 books
first published 27 Jun 1973 added 27 Oct 2021
scientific article published on October 2013
gravity well — 123 books
first published 27 Jun 1973 added 4 Feb 2017
hydroponic farming — 25 books
first published 27 Jun 1973 added 5 Oct 2023
Magellanic Cloud — 40 books
first published 27 Jun 1973
Abraham Maslow — 150 books
first published 1973 added 24 Mar 2022
American psychologist, creator of Maslow's hierarchy of needs
independent contractor — 250 books
first published 1973 added 25 Apr 2021
natural person, business, or corporation that provides goods or services to another entity under a contract or verbal agreement.
Abbie Hoffman — 75 books
first published 1973 added 17 Aug 2024
American activist (1936–1989)
complexity theory — 174 books
first published 1973
do what you love — 103 books
first published 1973 added 10 Feb 2022
Murray Rothbard — 68 books
first published 1973 added 21 Nov 2023
American economist (1926–1995)
antiwork — 46 books
first published 17 Oct 1972 added 27 Oct 2021
anti-work — 20 books
first published 17 Oct 1972
ethical theory and social movement that advocates for the abolition of paid work as a central aspect of society
Henri Poincaré — 98 books
first published 14 Jun 1972
French mathematician, physicist, engineer, and philosopher of science
uranium enrichment — 180 books
first published 14 Jun 1972 added 14 Jan 2017
industrial process of increasing the proportion of uranium-235 in uranium (and lowering the proportion of uranium-238) through isotope separation
invention of the telescope — 35 books
first published 14 Jun 1972
hybrid work — 21 books
first published 14 Jun 1972 added 4 Dec 2023
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe — 103 books
first published 14 Jun 1972
land tenure — 111 books
first published 14 Jun 1972
On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres — 20 books
first published 14 Jun 1972
time dilation — 65 books
first published 1 Mar 1972 added 20 Mar 2022
a difference in the elapsed time measured by two observers due to velocity or gravitational differences between them, as predicted by the theory of relativity.
post-capitalism — 73 books
first published 1972 added 18 Dec 2023
éminence grise — 85 books
first published 1972
a person who exercises power or influence behind the scenes without holding an official position
joint-stock company — 242 books
first published 1972
business entity which is owned by shareholders
young professional — 342 books
first published 1971
call centre — 737 books
first published 1971
centralised office used for the purpose of receiving or transmitting a large volume of requests by telephone
squatters' rights — 21 books
first published 1971 added 7 Oct 2023
Socratic dialogue — 53 books
first published 1971
genre of literary prose
land reform — 315 books
first published 1971
changes to land ownership
the medium is the message — 74 books
first published 1971
centre right — 407 books
first published 1971 added 9 Feb 2017
California gold rush — 155 books
first published 1971
a period of intense migration to California between 1848 and 1855 after the discovery of gold, greatly impacting the state's demographics and economy.
God and Mammon — 31 books
first published 1971 added 25 Feb 2017
mass immigration — 484 books
first published 1971 added 19 Mar 2017
banking crisis — 399 books
first published 1971
a situation where a significant number of banks or financial institutions are in danger of failing
business climate — 153 books
first published 1971 added 9 Feb 2017
New Journalism — 204 books
first published 31 Dec 1970
Style of journalistic writing
South China Sea — 304 books
first published 31 Dec 1970
marginal sea of the Western Pacific Ocean
Jarndyce and Jarndyce — 14 books
first published 2 Jan 1970
fictional court case created by Charles Dickens