edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Ada Lovelace — 93 books
first published 2 Jan 1984
English mathematician, work on Analytical Engine
LNG terminal — 12 books
first published 2 Jan 1984
facility for managing the export and/or import of liquefied natural gas
Neal Stephenson — 124 books
first published 2 Jan 1984 added 4 Mar 2023
American science fiction writer
industrial robot — 163 books
first published 1984
restrictive zoning — 50 books
first published 1984 added 30 Jul 2022
Everything should be made as simple as possible — 30 books
first published 1984 added 19 Feb 2017
Traffic in Towns by Colin Buchanan — 14 books
first published 1984 added 7 May 2023
The Wisdom of Crowds — 170 books
first published 1984
a book by James Surowiecki that explores the idea that large groups of people are often smarter than the smartest individuals within them when it comes to problem-solving.
attribution theory — 9 books
first published 1984
functional programming — 131 books
first published 1984 added 7 Nov 2020
programming paradigm
Norman Macrae — 20 books
first published 1984 added 3 Nov 2017
British economist and journalist (1923–2010)
loose coupling — 125 books
first published 1984
the built environment — 203 books
first published 1984
the human-made spaces in which people live, work, and interact, including buildings, parks, and transportation systems.
iterative process — 205 books
first published 1984
numerical method in which the n-th approximation of the solution is obtained on the basis on the (n-1) previous approximations
wikimedia commons — 123 books
first published 1984
online repository of free-use image, sound, and other media files; part of the Wikimedia ecosystem
Richard Stallman — 106 books
first published 1984
American software freedom activist, short story writer and computer programmer, founder of the GNU project
Andrew Wiles — 43 books
first published 1984
British mathematician; (born 1953)
higher-order functions — 53 books
first published 1984 added 6 Jun 2022
late capitalism — 128 books
first published 1 Nov 1983
Ideas concerning the potential end of capitalism
Frederick Winslow Taylor — 128 books
first published 1 Nov 1983
American mechanical engineer
airline deregulation — 49 books
first published 1 Nov 1983
removal of government controls on airline industry
emotional labour — 86 books
first published 1 Nov 1983 added 22 Feb 2022
Own Your Own Home — 49 books
first published 14 Jun 1983
Malacca Straits — 48 books
first published 24 Feb 1983
Pearl River Delta — 75 books
first published 24 Feb 1983 added 9 Apr 2017
Ayatollah Khomeini — 182 books
first published 24 Feb 1983
an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader who led the 1979 Iranian Revolution and became the country's Supreme Leader.
the long tail — 221 books
first published 24 Feb 1983 added 3 Oct 2023
Milgram experiment — 76 books
first published 1983
series of social psychology experiments, studying obedience to authority figures
school choice — 81 books
first published 1983
arrangements giving parents the facility to choose schools for their children
orbital mechanics / astrodynamics — 79 books
first published 1983 added 15 Oct 2020
Peter Pan Syndrome — 12 books
first published 1982 added 27 Oct 2021
a term referring to adults who refuse to grow up and take on responsibilities, instead maintaining childlike attitudes and behaviours.
Recombinant DNA — 88 books
first published 1982 added 16 Nov 2021
DNA molecules formed by laboratory methods
p-value — 111 books
first published 1982
a statistic used in hypothesis testing to indicate the strength of the evidence against the null hypothesis
stem cell — 364 books
first published 1982
Tragedy of the Commons — 233 books
first published 1982 added 25 Oct 2021
self-interests causing depletion of a shared resource
Douglas Hofstadter — 86 books
first published 1982
an American professor known for his work on consciousness, artificial intelligence, and the book 'Gödel, Escher, Bach'
quantitative trading / quantitative finance — 105 books
first published 1982
Computing Machinery and Intelligence — 101 books
first published 1982 added 11 Feb 2022
reinforcement learning — 127 books
first published 1982 added 20 Apr 2024
field of machine learning
selection bias — 155 books
first published 1982 added 18 Feb 2017
Mount Improbable — 27 books
first published 1982 added 24 Dec 2023
assortative mating — 69 books
first published 1982 added 11 Aug 2017
the tendency of individuals to mate with those who have similar traits
deindustrialization — 365 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
process of reduction of industrial activity
labor-force participation — 163 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 15 Jan 2017
the percentage of working-age people who are either employed or actively seeking work
Jeff Bezos — 562 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
American business magnate (born 1964)
power law — 231 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 28 Apr 2022
Skinner box — 48 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 24 Oct 2022
accelerated depreciation — 33 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 26 Oct 2021
accounting method for faster asset cost write-off
Robert Solow — 173 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 4 Feb 2018
American economist
clean tech — 91 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
US scientific journal
San Francisco homelessness — 78 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 24 Oct 2021
Solyndra — 44 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 21 Sep 2022
a solar panel manufacturer that filed for bankruptcy, controversial for receiving government loans
Mont Pelerin Society — 65 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 24 Dec 2016
non-fiction novel — 14 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
literary genre
Norman Borlaug — 67 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 23 Jan 2024
paradox of thrift — 45 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
economic paradox that an increase in autonomous saving decreases aggregate demand and thus gross output, which will in turn lower total saving
volatility arbitrage — 6 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
type of arbitrage
moving assembly line — 56 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 30 Oct 2023
manufacturing technology where an unfinished product is moved from workstation to workstation where work steps are performed or parts are added in sequence until the product is complete
income inequality — 778 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
hub-and-spoke system — 93 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 30 Oct 2023
form of transport topology optimization in which traffic planners organize routes as a series of "spokes" that connect outlying points to a central "hub"
generational wealth — 219 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 11 Oct 2023
George Gilder — 111 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
an American investor, writer, and economist known for his views on technology and economics
skunkworks — 69 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
longitudinal study — 295 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 1 May 2018
a research design that involves repeated observations or examinations of the same subjects over a period of time
Mark Zuckerberg — 636 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
Economic Anthropology — 31 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 7 Oct 2023
Frances Cairncross — 23 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 6 Dec 2023
British journalist and economist (1944-)
money: store of value / unit of account / medium of exchange — 71 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
job-hopping — 46 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
crony capitalism — 187 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
capitalism featuring undue alliances between business interests and politicians
Aspen Institute — 146 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 19 Jun 2024
capital controls — 232 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
monetary policy limiting transfer of assets in or out of a country
cloud computing — 481 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
the delivery of computing services, such as servers, storage, and networking, over the internet to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.
inverted yield curve — 23 books
first published 30 Apr 1981 added 19 Jun 2022
an interest rate environment where long-term debt instruments have lower yield than short-term debt instruments, often seen as an indicator of an impending recession.
Home mortgage interest deduction — 76 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
a tax deduction for homeowners based on the interest paid on a home mortgage
Bernie Madoff — 266 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
an American financier convicted of running a Ponzi scheme
Robert Gordon — 136 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
knowledge economy — 296 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
approach to generating value
yield curve — 144 books
first published 30 Apr 1981
curve showing several interest rates across different contract lengths for a similar debt contract
Peter Eisenman — 24 books
first published 2 Jan 1981 added 11 May 2017
an American architect known for his designs and writings that blend modernist esthetics with post-structural theory
industrial research laboratory — 26 books
first published 1981 added 28 Mar 2023
VTOL — 25 books
first published 1981 added 11 Sep 2022
aircraft capable of taking off and landing vertically
fudge factor — 49 books
first published 1981
ad hoc element introduced into a calculation
post-industrial society — 107 books
first published 1981
societies whose service sector provides more economic value than manufcaturing
carbon-based life — 38 books
first published 1981
life forms primarily composed of carbon compounds
silicon-based life — 8 books
first published 1981
life whose primary component is silicon
social contagion — 49 books
first published 14 Jul 1980 added 23 Aug 2023
behavior, emotions, or conditions spreading spontaneously through a group or network
Studio 54 — 61 books
first published 14 Jul 1980 added 17 Aug 2024
North Sea oil — 117 books
first published 14 Jul 1980
rent stabilization — 26 books
first published 14 Jul 1980 added 12 Jul 2022
a form of rent control that limits how much a landlord can increase rent for existing tenants in certain types of housing.
working-age population — 158 books
first published 14 Jul 1980
business logic — 188 books
first published 14 Jul 1980 added 28 Mar 2023
Gunnar Myrdal — 88 books
first published 14 Jul 1980 added 21 Feb 2017
Swedish economist (1898-1987)
oil shock — 274 books
first published 2 Jan 1980
subclass of energy crisis
German hyperinflation — 73 books
first published 2 Jan 1980
foreign exchange controls — 49 books
first published 2 Jan 1980 added 22 Nov 2020
controls imposed by a government on the purchase/sale of foreign currencies
Sam Peltzman — 26 books
first published 2 Jan 1980 added 18 Oct 2017
American university professor and economist
Unsafe at Any Speed — 52 books
first published 2 Jan 1980
Mars Rover — 88 books
first published 1980 added 20 Jan 2017
space exploration vehicle designed to move across the surface of Mars
luminiferous ether — 25 books
first published 1980