edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Everybody Ought to Be Rich — 15 books
first published 1949 added 10 Mar 2018
the rule of 72 — 27 books
first published 1949 added 26 Apr 2017
sharing economy — 230 books
first published 1949
an economic system where assets or services are shared between individuals, often facilitated by a platform
risk tolerance — 374 books
first published 1949
the degree of variability in investment returns that an individual is willing to endure
corporate governance — 558 books
first published 1949
Alan Greenspan — 535 books
first published 1949 added 11 Feb 2022
American economist, former Federal Reserve Chairman
junk bonds — 334 books
first published 1949 added 26 Feb 2022
financial product
market bubble — 249 books
first published 1949
economic phenomenon of very high prices driven by speculation
hiring and firing — 291 books
first published 1949
buy low sell high — 77 books
first published 1949
2018 simulation video game developed by Red Fox Game Studios
accounting loophole / creative accounting — 117 books
first published 1949
manipulation of financial records for favourable company presentation
Andrei Shleifer — 106 books
first published 1949
a Russian-American economist and a professor at Harvard University, known for his work in the field of finance
asset allocation — 202 books
first published 1949
Ralph Waldo Emerson — 329 books
first published 1949
Y2K — 220 books
first published 1949 added 15 Oct 2020
AOL-Time Warner — 135 books
first published 1949 added 23 Oct 2022
former American multinational media conglomerate
dogs of the Dow — 13 books
first published 1949 added 10 Mar 2018
stock investment strategy based on Dow Jones Industrial index
VA Linux — 15 books
first published 1949
tulip mania — 93 books
first published 1949
17th-century economic bubble in the Netherlands
air freight — 106 books
first published 1949
transportation of goods via air, usually high-value items
low interest rates — 520 books
first published 1949 added 21 Sep 2022
South Sea Bubble — 168 books
first published 1949
John Bogle — 88 books
first published 1949 added 25 Oct 2021
Isaac Newton — 667 books
first published 1949 added 28 Jan 2017
English mathematician and physicist (1642–1727)
corporate raider — 190 books
first published 1949 added 21 Feb 2017
Steve Jobs — 944 books
first published 1949
Robert Shiller — 234 books
first published 1949
American economist
Michael Milken — 179 books
first published 1949 added 6 Feb 2022
American investor
Richard Thaler — 234 books
first published 1949
business cycle — 583 books
first published 1949 added 18 Mar 2018
fluctuation in the degree of utilization of the production potential of an economy
3Com Palm IPO — 6 books
first published 1949 added 27 Apr 2017
transaction costs — 552 books
first published 1949
Eugene Fama: efficient market hypothesis — 99 books
first published 1949
shareholder value — 429 books
first published 1949
stock buybacks — 114 books
first published 1949 added 29 Dec 2021
the repurchasing of shares by a company to reduce the number of shares on the market, often to increase shareholder value.
index fund — 274 books
first published 1949
fund representing a specific index
high-yield bond — 137 books
first published 1949 added 17 Aug 2024
capital asset pricing model — 104 books
first published 1949
merger arbitrage — 46 books
first published 1949
stock trading strategy
Carter's malaise speech — 24 books
first published 1949 added 29 Oct 2023
Daniel Kahneman / Amos Tversky — 237 books
first published 1949
Yogi Berra — 151 books
first published 1949 added 17 Jan 2017
an American baseball catcher, coach, and manager known for his humorous and paradoxical quotes
survivorship bias — 92 books
first published 1949 added 18 Feb 2017
Long Term Capital Management — 287 books
first published 1949
money market fund — 247 books
first published 1949 added 12 Feb 2017
type of investment fund
diversified portfolio — 234 books
first published 1949
an investment strategy that allocates assets across a variety of different types of investments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate to reduce risk.
intangible asset — 178 books
first published 1949 added 9 Aug 2017
asset that lacks physical substance and usually is very hard to evaluate
stocks for the long run — 71 books
first published 1949 added 10 Mar 2018
1994 book by Jeremy Siegel
Yom Kippur War — 196 books
first published 1946
October 1973 war between Egypt and Syria at one side and Israel on the other side
William of Occam — 23 books
first published 21 Mar 1945
English Franciscan friar and theologian (c.1287–1347)
Byzantine Empire — 186 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 7 Oct 2023
Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages
Thales and the olive presses — 23 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 19 Feb 2018
source of truth — 68 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 9 Apr 2017
a term used in data management to indicate the primary, authoritative source of a particular piece of data.
George Santayana — 85 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 21 Jun 2017
Thales of Miletus — 42 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 19 Feb 2018
liberation theology — 75 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 11 Mar 2017
Christian theological approach emphasizing the liberation of the oppressed
Mahatma Gandhi — 331 books
first published 21 Mar 1945
an Indian political and spiritual leader who played a key role in India's struggle for independence
Eratosthenes — 79 books
first published 21 Mar 1945
"High Line" AND "New York" — 93 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 27 Aug 2024
Georg Cantor — 45 books
first published 21 Mar 1945
Plato's cave — 67 books
first published 21 Mar 1945 added 24 Oct 2022
a philosophical allegory by Plato describing people who perceive only the shadows of reality, used to explore themes of knowledge, reality, and perception.
Norman Mailer — 169 books
first published 1 Mar 1943 added 1 Apr 2017
American writer (1923–2007)
defense in depth — 55 books
first published 1 Mar 1943
collective bargaining — 409 books
first published 1943
Easter island — 203 books
first published 1943 added 4 Jul 2022
Polynesian island of Chile
the scientific method — 492 books
first published 1943
mathematical and experimental techniques employed in the natural sciences; more specifically, techniques used in the construction and testing of scientific hypotheses
transatlantic cable — 85 books
first published 1943 added 22 Nov 2023
Beryl Markham — 11 books
first published 1942 added 6 Nov 2022
a British-born Kenyan aviator and author
Louis Blériot — 23 books
first published 1942
French aviator, inventor and engineer
invention of writing — 84 books
first published 1939
earthrise OR "earth rise" — 85 books
first published 1939 added 26 Jun 2024
animal electricity — 25 books
first published 1937 added 6 Apr 2018
out of africa — 234 books
first published 1937
greater fool theory — 69 books
first published 1937 added 14 Feb 2024
place-making — 297 books
first published 1937
invention of agriculture — 69 books
first published 1935
transition from hunter gatherer to settled peoples
profit motive — 453 books
first published 1935
the intent to achieve monetary gain in a project, transaction, or material endeavor
invention of gunpowder — 29 books
first published 1935
failed state — 303 books
first published 1935
a political entity that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly
plutocrats — 371 books
first published 1935
book by Chrystia Freeland
Bertrand Russell: In Praise of Idleness — 24 books
first published 1935
an essay by Bertrand Russell advocating for a reduction in the workweek to improve human happiness
margin call — 183 books
first published 14 May 1923
fiat currency — 133 books
first published 14 May 1923
currency established as money by government regulation or law
short selling — 253 books
first published 14 May 1923
an investment strategy where an investor borrows shares to sell them, aiming to buy them back later at a lower price.
technology bubble — 77 books
first published 14 May 1923
a market situation characterised by inflated valuations for tech companies, often irrespective of their profitability
gentleman farmer — 64 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 22 Mar 2022
Landowner and hobby farmer
buy the rumour, sell the news — 10 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 9 Jan 2021
refrigerator car — 50 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 2 Jan 2017
a refrigerated railway car, traditionally used to transport perishable goods
Glass-Steagall Act — 250 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 5 Oct 2023
Credit Default Swap — 341 books
first published 14 May 1923
financial swap agreement in case of default
price stability — 265 books
first published 14 May 1923
economic term
Hernando de Soto — 92 books
first published 14 May 1923
either a 16th-century Spanish explorer and conquistador or a modern Peruvian economist known for his work on property rights.
Black Monday: stock market crash in 1987 — 111 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 22 Mar 2022
refers to October 19, 1987, when stock markets around the world crashed, shedding a huge value in a very short time.
activist fund / activist shareholder / activist investor — 143 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 19 May 2017
individual or group buying shares to influence company management
short squeeze — 49 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 9 Nov 2022
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator — 39 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 30 Jul 2022
book by Edwin Lefèvre
buy and hold — 236 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 9 Mar 2018
investment strategy
Ford Model T — 321 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 28 Jun 2022
yellow journalism — 61 books
first published 14 May 1923 added 5 Mar 2017
a type of journalism that presents little or no well-researched news and instead uses sensationalism to attract readers
Ponzi scheme — 391 books
first published 14 May 1923
a type of financial fraud where returns are paid to earlier investors using the capital of newer investors, rather than from profit.