edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Colossal Cave Adventure — 10 books
first published 2 Jan 2003 added 19 Oct 2020
1976 video game
carbon dioxide removal — 25 books
first published 2003 added 25 Nov 2023
process in which carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is removed from the atmosphere by deliberate human activities and durably stored in geological, terrestrial, or ocean reservoirs, or in products
polynesian navigation — 35 books
first published 2003
methods to navigate the Pacific ocean
complex and multifaceted — 44 books
first published 2003 added 4 Dec 2023
private military company — 43 books
first published 2003
company providing armed security services
energy security — 166 books
first published 2003
national security considerations of energy availability
Hans Lippershey — 11 books
first published 2003
German-Dutch spectacle-maker
Astronomia nova — 10 books
first published 2003
book by Johannes Kepler
systematic trading — 30 books
first published 2003
high batting average — 11 books
first published 2003
deep learning — 241 books
first published 2003 added 3 Oct 2023
Getting Things Done — 46 books
first published 31 Dec 2002 added 11 Nov 2023
book by David Allen
continuous double auction — 4 books
first published 18 Nov 2002
The Coming Technological Singularity — 29 books
first published 18 Nov 2002
foundational text — 72 books
first published 10 Oct 2002 added 14 Aug 2024
Spread Networks laid a new fibre optics cable between New York and Chicago — 20 books
first published 10 Oct 2002
an infrastructure project aimed at reducing latency for financial transactions by laying a more direct fiber optic cable route between these two cities.
Thomas Davenport — 23 books
first published 1 Oct 2002 added 2 Sep 2017
experience curve — 24 books
first published 31 Aug 2002 added 26 Nov 2023
the relationship between experience producing a good and the efficiency of that production, specifically, efficiency gains that follow investment in the effort
Danilo Kiš — 4 books
first published 31 Aug 2002 added 22 Jun 2021
Serbian and Yugoslav novelist (1935–1989)
a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away — 13 books
first published 26 Aug 2002 added 15 Feb 2017
male gaze — 37 books
first published 26 Aug 2002 added 16 Nov 2023
depiction of girls and women as sexual objects for the pleasure of a male, heterosexual viewer
endogenous growth — 50 books
first published 1 Aug 2002 added 24 Feb 2017
interest rate derivative — 55 books
first published 14 Jul 2002
a financial derivative where the underlying asset is based on interest rates
Eben Moglen — 18 books
first published 14 Jul 2002 added 21 Sep 2023
American law professor and free software advocate
SoftBank — 112 books
first published 14 Jul 2002 added 27 Nov 2021
Guido van Rossum — 35 books
first published 14 Jul 2002 added 16 Feb 2017
Dutch programmer and creator of Python
follow your passion — 49 books
first published 14 Jul 2002
scientific article published on 01 July 2016
smart meter — 82 books
first published 11 Jul 2002
type of utility meter that uses advanced technology
Hurricane Sandy — 130 books
first published 11 Jul 2002 added 14 Jan 2024
Category 3 Atlantic hurricane in 2012
urban farming — 85 books
first published 11 Jul 2002 added 23 Nov 2023
agriculture in urban environments
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere — 26 books
first published 11 Jul 2002
book by Jürgen Habermas
social distancing — 198 books
first published 11 Jul 2002 added 24 Jun 2022
reduction of human social interaction in an effort to prevent the spread of infectious disease
digital rights — 80 books
first published 11 Jul 2002 added 6 Jun 2022
human rights that allowing individuals to access, use, create, and publish digital media or to access and use computers, other electronic devices, or communications networks
publish or perish — 51 books
first published 7 May 2002 added 20 Jan 2017
phrase coined to describe the pressure in academia to rapidly and continually publish academic work to sustain or further one's career
GnuPG — 18 books
first published 7 May 2002
Carmen Reinhart — 130 books
first published 30 Apr 2002
American economist
stocks for the long term — 9 books
first published 26 Apr 2002 added 10 Mar 2018
an investment strategy that recommends holding equities for significant periods of time to leverage the benefits of compound growth and reduce impact of volatility
butter production in bangladesh — 15 books
first published 26 Apr 2002 added 5 Mar 2018
Performance of Mutual Funds in the Period — 14 books
first published 26 Apr 2002 added 15 Nov 2020
market urbanism — 25 books
first published 15 Feb 2002 added 27 Dec 2023
negative equity — 95 books
first published 3 Feb 2002 added 26 Feb 2017
the situation where the value of an asset falls below the outstanding balance on the loan used to purchase it
Jim Simons — 48 books
first published 15 Jan 2002 added 22 Nov 2021
Perl 6 — 8 books
first published 4 Jan 2002 added 16 Feb 2017
Turing complete — 46 books
first published 4 Jan 2002
Russell's paradox — 3 books
first published 4 Jan 2002 added 15 Aug 2017
paradox in set theory concerning the set of all sets not containing themselves
incomplete markets — 24 books
first published 2 Jan 2002
UNCLOS — 42 books
first published 2002
international maritime law
satellite internet — 35 books
first published 2002 added 16 Jun 2022
connection to the Internet by satellite
proxy bid — 5 books
first published 2002
second-price auction without sealed bids
Filipino sailors — 11 books
first published 2002
DALL-E — 9 books
first published 2002 added 22 Aug 2023
image generator program
congestion charging — 98 books
first published 2002
Flynn Effect — 58 books
first published 2002
20th-century rise in intelligence test scores
private spaceflight — 35 books
first published 2002 added 15 Oct 2020
paid for by an entity other than a government agency
Crossrail — 54 books
first published 2002 added 27 Oct 2021
a railway construction project in London aiming to provide better east-west transit
cable laying ship — 13 books
first published 2002
a type of ship designed and used for laying underwater cables for telecommunications, electric power, and other purposes
first-price auction — 13 books
first published 2002
common type of auction where all bidders simultaneously submit sealed bids so that no bidder knows the bid of any other participant
the scorpion and the frog — 10 books
first published 2002 added 18 Jan 2024
the Future Doesn’t Need Us — 33 books
first published 2002 added 28 Oct 2023
More Guns, Less Crime — 11 books
first published 2002
railway mania — 63 books
first published 2002
speculative frenzy in the UK in the 1840s about railways
Hobbesian trap — 4 books
first published 2002 added 17 Jul 2017
a situation in which two parties cannot trust each other and therefore end up in a state of mutual harm, named after the philosopher Thomas Hobbes.
Stanford prison experiment — 34 books
first published 2002 added 1 Mar 2018
shill bidding — 3 books
first published 2002 added 8 Oct 2023
person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization
Xiaogang Anhui farmers — 10 books
first published 2002
presumed consent — 16 books
first published 2002
Celebration, Florida — 17 books
first published 30 Nov 2001
walkable city — 52 books
first published 30 Nov 2001
Robert Mercer — 51 books
first published 27 Nov 2001 added 23 Nov 2017
stochastic volatility — 26 books
first published 14 Oct 2001
when variance is a random variable
market microstructure — 38 books
first published 14 Oct 2001
branch of finance
volatility smile — 24 books
first published 14 Oct 2001
implied volatility patterns that arise in pricing financial options
value at risk — 99 books
first published 14 Oct 2001
estimated, as yet unrealised loss for an investment for a given set of conditions
martingale — 23 books
first published 14 Oct 2001
constrained optimization — 29 books
first published 28 Sep 2001
occupational segregation — 19 books
first published 27 Aug 2001
distribution of workers across and within occupations
immigration reform — 131 books
first published 27 Aug 2001
change to the current immigration policy of a country
ITER tokamak — 14 books
first published 27 Jul 2001 added 26 Oct 2021
Jean Tirole — 57 books
first published 14 Jul 2001
a French economist who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2014 for his analysis of market power and regulation
Yochai Benkler — 100 books
first published 14 Jul 2001 added 7 Nov 2020
American legal scholar
history of Unix — 9 books
first published 14 Jul 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
history of Unix
Innovator's Dilemma — 17 books
first published 14 Jul 2001
disruptive innovation — 194 books
first published 14 Jul 2001 added 6 Apr 2018
smart grid — 119 books
first published 14 Jul 2001
electrical grid operated by automatic control devices or controled and maintained from distance
Cass Sunstein — 245 books
first published 14 Jul 2001
American legal scholar, writer, blogger
decentralized internet — 23 books
first published 14 Jul 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
tragedy of the anticommons — 5 books
first published 14 Jul 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
phrase from economics
x509 certificate — 4 books
first published 7 Jul 2001
Philip Hazel — 2 books
first published 7 Jul 2001 added 22 Aug 2022
a computer scientist known for his contributions to the development of the Exim mail transfer agent.
spread of share-ownership — 4 books
first published 1 Jul 2001 added 23 Feb 2017
marginal employment — 6 books
first published 1 Jul 2001
IBM and the Holocaust — 16 books
first published 30 Jun 2001
book by investigative journalist Edwin Black
David Sedaris — 45 books
first published 4 Jun 2001 added 15 Aug 2023
American author
Byte Shop — 14 books
first published 14 Apr 2001
Wiener process — 17 books
first published 14 Apr 2001
stochastic process generalizing Brownian motion
Kula ring — 9 books
first published 27 Mar 2001 added 30 Dec 2016
Wolfgang Streeck — 32 books
first published 27 Mar 2001
German economic sociologist
inflation targeting — 112 books
first published 27 Mar 2001
object permanence — 21 books
first published 1 Mar 2001 added 5 Nov 2023
semantic web — 76 books
first published 26 Feb 2001
an extension of the World Wide Web that allows data to be interconnected and reused across applications, enterprises, and communities.