edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

Sort: count | alphabetical | first mention | added date

peer-to-peer model — 17 books
first published 26 Feb 2001 added 24 May 2017
type of decentralized and distributed network architecture
P vs NP — 6 books
first published 26 Feb 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
unsolved problem in computer science about time complexity
SETI@home — 37 books
first published 15 Feb 2001
everything is a file — 4 books
first published 15 Feb 2001 added 24 Jan 2024
defining feature of Unix, and its derivatives
bioinformatics — 123 books
first published 15 Feb 2001
Big Mac Index — 17 books
first published 15 Feb 2001 added 4 Mar 2024
informal way of measuring the purchasing power of two currencies
more computing power than Apollo — 27 books
first published 15 Feb 2001
remote working — 115 books
first published 15 Feb 2001
George Church — 65 books
first published 15 Feb 2001 added 26 Jun 2024
geneticist, molecular engineer, chemist
bash_history — 14 books
first published 15 Feb 2001
a file that stores the command line history in Unix and Unix-like operating systems
personalized medicine — 77 books
first published 15 Feb 2001 added 29 Dec 2016
Larry Wall — 35 books
first published 15 Feb 2001 added 16 Feb 2017
American computer programmer and author
Carrington event — 14 books
first published 1 Feb 2001 added 1 Mar 2017
a solar storm in 1859 that was the most powerful geomagnetic storm on record. It caused widespread electrical disruptions and is used as a benchmark for potential future events.
Abraham Wald — 28 books
first published 15 Jan 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
Hungarian mathematician, contributions to decision theory and statistical quality control
streetcar suburb — 28 books
first published 15 Jan 2001 added 20 Aug 2022
residential community whose growth and development was strongly shaped by the use of streetcar lines as a primary means of transportation
decarbonisation — 142 books
first published 10 Jan 2001
Anthropocene — 162 books
first published 10 Jan 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
informal geologic chronological term
Medieval Warm Period — 20 books
first published 10 Jan 2001 added 25 Sep 2023
time of warm climate in the North Atlantic region lasting from c. 950 to c. 1250
geoengineering — 132 books
first published 10 Jan 2001 added 23 Nov 2023
deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system
climate change refugee — 15 books
first published 10 Jan 2001 added 15 Apr 2022
people forced to leave their home region due to the global warming changing their local environment
motion control photography — 1 books
first published 2 Jan 2001 added 23 Oct 2023
a technique used in photography and cinematography that allows precise control of, and optionally also allows repetition of, camera movements
imposter syndrome — 54 books
first published 2 Jan 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
a psychological pattern where an individual doubts their skills or accomplishments and has a persistent fear of being exposed as a 'fraud'
rolling blackouts — 54 books
first published 2 Jan 2001 added 9 Dec 2022
album by The Go! Team
Mark Spitznagel — 9 books
first published 2001 added 5 Aug 2023
American businessman
availability heuristic — 64 books
first published 2001
Andrew Cuomo — 116 books
first published 2001 added 20 Aug 2024
Adam Curtis — 38 books
first published 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
British filmmaker, focuses on socio-political issues
carbon tax — 259 books
first published 2001 added 25 Sep 2023
Doha Development Round — 58 books
first published 2001
international trade negotiations
BRICs — 100 books
first published 2001
Corrections Corporation of America — 18 books
first published 2001 added 26 Feb 2017
US prison-operating company
peak oil — 156 books
first published 2001
shared worldview — 13 books
first published 2001 added 3 Apr 2018
single-payer health — 57 books
first published 2001
Mark Shuttleworth — 16 books
first published 2001 added 16 Feb 2017
South African entrepreneur; second self-funded visitor to the International Space Station
eurozone crisis — 159 books
first published 2001
multi-year debt crisis in multiple EU countries since late 2009
global supply chain — 251 books
first published 2001
Peoples Temple — 16 books
first published 2001 added 16 Nov 2021
Project for a New American Century — 16 books
first published 2001 added 11 Mar 2017
former American neoconservative think tank
Dalí's melting clocks — 6 books
first published 2001 added 28 Feb 2024
Dennis Tito — 21 books
first published 2001 added 11 Nov 2021
an American engineer and entrepreneur, best known as the first space tourist to fund his own trip to the International Space Station.
equity risk premium — 50 books
first published 2001 added 11 Aug 2023
the excess return that investing in the stock market is expected to provide over a risk-free rate
managed futures — 44 books
first published 2001 added 1 Nov 2021
Jon Ronson — 34 books
first published 2001 added 16 Aug 2023
British journalist and documentary filmmaker
statistical arbitrage — 55 books
first published 2001
Class of short-term trading strategies involving diverse portfolios and data mining
banks create money — 50 books
first published 2001
the concept that banks create money through lending beyond their deposits
Paradox of Choice — 80 books
first published 2001 added 5 Oct 2023
book by Barry Schwartz
precision agriculture — 33 books
first published 18 Dec 2000
the use of technology for optimizing field-level management in farming practices
Haber-Bosch Process — 44 books
first published 18 Dec 2000
Artificial nitrogen fixation process which is the main industrial procedure for the production of ammonia nowadays
duck typing — 29 books
first published 15 Dec 2000 added 2 Jun 2022
style of dynamic, structural typing with lazy checking of objects' attributes
Ruby on Rails — 103 books
first published 15 Dec 2000 added 16 Feb 2017
book scanning — 33 books
first published 15 Dec 2000
process of converting physical media into digital media
Debian — 144 books
first published 15 Dec 2000
David Heinemeier Hansson — 43 books
first published 15 Dec 2000 added 16 Feb 2017
programmer, racing driver, creator of Ruby on Rails
easy for humans, difficult for computers — 24 books
first published 5 Dec 2000 added 7 Jan 2017
hypertext link — 43 books
first published 1 Dec 2000
invention of hypertext — 4 books
first published 1 Dec 2000
augmented reality — 228 books
first published 1 Dec 2000
interactive experience of a real-world environment enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information
hydrogen economy — 28 books
first published 18 Oct 2000
industrial cluster — 58 books
first published 18 Oct 2000 added 9 Apr 2017
a geographical concentration of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field, often leading to various economic advantages.
We are as Gods — 33 books
first published 18 Oct 2000 added 6 Aug 2023
2021 film directed by Jason Sussberg and David Alvarado
first draft of history — 33 books
first published 16 Oct 2000 added 26 Oct 2023
Wayback Machine — 79 books
first published 12 Oct 2000 added 18 Nov 2021
digital archive founded by the Internet Archive
time value of money — 83 books
first published 12 Oct 2000 added 1 Feb 2017
conjecture that there is greater benefit to receiving a sum of money now rather than later
create, read, update, delete — 46 books
first published 30 Sep 2000
four basic functions of persistent storage in computer programming
recommendation engine — 212 books
first published 30 Sep 2000
information filtering system to predict users' preferences
Global Witness — 56 books
first published 4 Sep 2000 added 8 May 2023
an international NGO that works to expose economic networks behind conflict, corruption, and environmental abuse.
Celtic Tiger — 47 books
first published 4 Sep 2000
Irish musical and dance production
non-tariff barriers — 38 books
first published 4 Sep 2000
type of trade barriers
liberal world order — 32 books
first published 4 Sep 2000 added 13 Feb 2017
if you build it, they will come — 53 books
first published 31 Aug 2000
Kangaroo Route — 2 books
first published 31 Aug 2000
flight routes from Australia to United Kingdom via Eastern Hemisphere
Pierre-Simon Laplace — 72 books
first published 31 Aug 2000 added 21 Feb 2017
French mathematician and astronomer (1749-1827)
controlled vocabulary — 18 books
first published 24 Aug 2000 added 17 Nov 2023
standardized and organized sets of words and phrases for retrieval and disambiguation of information, distinguishing preferred terms from non-preferred terms
government statistician — 29 books
first published 24 Aug 2000 added 8 Jun 2022
National Debt Clock — 12 books
first published 6 Jun 2000 added 18 Oct 2020
clock displaying the national debt of the United States of America
Large Hadron Collider — 125 books
first published 31 May 2000 added 9 Jul 2022
particle collider
carbon footprint — 495 books
first published 31 May 2000
total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual, event, organisation, or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent
ride hailing / ride sharing — 352 books
first published 31 May 2000
services that allow individuals to book rides from drivers via a smartphone app
Art Basel — 37 books
first published 31 May 2000 added 15 Aug 2024
bike sharing — 140 books
first published 31 May 2000
system enabling communal bicycles to be shared, often in an urban setting
Airbnb — 548 books
first published 31 May 2000
online platform for short-term lodging listings and rentals
QR code — 125 books
first published 31 May 2000 added 12 Feb 2017
Project Xanadu — 22 books
first published 14 May 2000 added 25 Nov 2021
first hypertext project
digital map — 99 books
first published 2 May 2000 added 3 Mar 2017
computer-based map
Jeff Rulifson — 7 books
first published 27 Apr 2000
an American computer scientist known for his pioneering work in computer networking and human-computer interaction.
The Spirit Level — 100 books
first published 27 Mar 2000
book by Seamus Heaney
dual-use technology — 44 books
first published 24 Mar 2000 added 3 Oct 2023
technology that can be used for both civil and military purposes
Silicon Valley garage — 28 books
first published 15 Mar 2000 added 9 Sep 2024
Buck's of Woodside — 17 books
first published 15 Mar 2000 added 30 Jun 2024
belly landing — 7 books
first published 15 Mar 2000 added 13 Feb 2017
an emergency landing made by an aircraft without extending its landing gear
Baudrillard hyperreality — 15 books
first published 9 Mar 2000 added 5 Oct 2023
a concept in sociology and philosophy that describes a reality generated by simulations
World Values Survey — 90 books
first published 1 Mar 2000
organization; network of researchers
Elisha Otis — 16 books
first published 29 Feb 2000 added 9 May 2023
Founder of Otis Elevator Co.
hindsight bias — 72 books
first published 15 Feb 2000
scientific article published on September 2012
Small Order Execution System — 14 books
first published 15 Feb 2000
social media influencer — 131 books
first published 15 Feb 2000 added 27 Feb 2024
Project Plowshare — 12 books
first published 15 Feb 2000
mouse model — 51 books
first published 15 Feb 2000 added 28 Dec 2016