edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

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Ted Kaczynski — 39 books
first published 31 Dec 1998
American domestic terrorist, mathematician and anarchist (1942–2023)
Alan Turing: On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem — 51 books
first published 31 Dec 1998
paper by Alan Turing, foundational to theoretical computer science
world market for maybe five computers — 24 books
first published 31 Dec 1998 added 28 Sep 2023
There's no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home - Ken Olsen — 10 books
first published 31 Dec 1998 added 14 Feb 2017
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers — 16 books
first published 31 Dec 1998
quantum entanglement — 63 books
first published 31 Dec 1998 added 5 Oct 2023
ought to be enough for anybody — 5 books
first published 31 Dec 1998 added 13 Feb 2017
Ray Kurzweil — 236 books
first published 31 Dec 1998
American author, scientist, inventor and futurist
Edward Lorenz: Chaos theory — 28 books
first published 1 Dec 1998
Livingstone, I presume — 29 books
first published 5 Nov 1998
surplus humans — 13 books
first published 5 Nov 1998
lump of labour — 17 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
Edward Glaeser — 140 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
American economist (born 1967)
pensions crisis — 32 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
predicted difficulty in maintaining pensions
everywhere but in the productivity statistics — 29 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
a phrase describing the paradox where technological advancements seem ubiquitous but do not appear to be reflected in improved productivity metrics.
pension time bomb — 6 books
first published 29 Oct 1998 added 9 Dec 2022
Tobin tax — 44 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
a proposed tax on spot currency conversions, named after economist James Tobin, aimed at reducing volatility in foreign exchange markets
winner-take-all economy — 91 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
Mahbub ul Haq — 15 books
first published 29 Oct 1998 added 1 Aug 2021
Pakistani economist (1934-1998)
Nick Leeson — 69 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
former derivatives broker
Meghnad Desai — 19 books
first published 29 Oct 1998 added 22 Jun 2023
British economist and politician (born 1940)
invention of the sewing machine — 7 books
first published 29 Oct 1998 added 20 Mar 2018
the development of a machine for stitching fabric, attributed to various inventors but commercialised by Isaac Singer in the 19th century
Diane Coyle — 45 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
two tier labour market — 7 books
first published 29 Oct 1998
yottabyte — 14 books
first published 31 Aug 1998 added 5 Oct 2023
a unit of digital information storage, equivalent to one septillion bytes
currency manipulation / currency intervention — 97 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
microcredit — 110 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
Cheap credit (banks which charge loans at low rate of interest)
liquidationism / Banker’s doctrine / the Treasury view — 21 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
bond market vigilante — 32 books
first published 30 Aug 1998 added 25 Oct 2021
investors who sell bonds, driving up yields, as a protest against fiscal or monetary policies they consider inflationary
The Market for Lemons — 59 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
1970 paper by the economist George Akerlof
natural interest rate — 10 books
first published 30 Aug 1998 added 4 Nov 2023
Slavoj Žižek — 60 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
a Slovenian philosopher and cultural critic known for his work on psychoanalysis, Marxism, and critical theory
George Akerlof — 154 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
an American economist who won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on information asymmetry
The inhabitant of London could order by telephone, sipping his morning tea in bed, the various products of the whole earth — 21 books
first published 30 Aug 1998 added 23 Feb 2017
a quote highlighting the global reach and convenience of modern commerce, often attributed to Keynes
pension reform — 73 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
changes made to pension systems to ensure long-term sustainability or improved benefits
equity premium — 40 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
Financial Instability Hypothesis — 38 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
an economic theory proposed by Hyman Minsky, suggesting that financial markets are inherently unstable and prone to crises
Hyman Minsky — 105 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
American economist
payday loans — 122 books
first published 30 Aug 1998
long and variable lags — 5 books
first published 30 Aug 1998 added 15 Oct 2022
market design — 120 books
first published 11 Jun 1998
practical methodology for creation of markets of certain properties, which is partially based on mechanism design
second-price auction — 24 books
first published 11 Jun 1998
auction priced by second-highest sealed bid
Kenneth Rogoff — 163 books
first published 11 Jun 1998
Economist and chess player
Al Roth — 8 books
first published 11 Jun 1998
an American economist known for his work in game theory, market design, and experimental economics. He is a Nobel laureate in Economics.
F. W. de Klerk — 26 books
first published 11 May 1998 added 3 Feb 2017
7th state president of South Africa from 1989 to 1994
addicted to oil — 45 books
first published 11 May 1998 added 4 Sep 2017
over-reliance on oil as an energy source
David Brooks — 231 books
first published 21 Apr 1998
type inference — 40 books
first published 12 Apr 1998
automatic detection of the data type of an expression in a programming language
William Langewiesche — 39 books
first published 15 Feb 1998 added 13 Feb 2017
American journalist
Paul Erdős — 45 books
first published 15 Jan 1998
Hungarian mathematician (1913–1996)
Zipf's Law — 5 books
first published 15 Jan 1998
superconnector — 9 books
first published 2 Jan 1998 added 6 Apr 2018
forensic accounting — 74 books
first published 2 Jan 1998
accounting of engagements from disputes or litigation which have or are expected to happen
Bollinger bands — 17 books
first published 1998 added 28 Oct 2023
type of statistical chart characterizing the prices and volatility of a financial instrument or commodity
The Turner Diaries — 11 books
first published 1998 added 9 Jul 2023
error bars — 51 books
first published 1998 added 15 Aug 2024
When Old Technologies Were New — 14 books
first published 1998 added 30 Jul 2024
mandatory minimum — 62 books
first published 1998 added 26 Feb 2017
Iridium satellite — 33 books
first published 1998
a series of satellites forming the Iridium satellite constellation for voice and data communication around the globe
Extropian — 27 books
first published 1998
information asymmetry — 221 books
first published 1998 added 27 Aug 2017
a situation in which one party in a transaction has more or better information than the other, creating an imbalance of power
workplace surveillance — 20 books
first published 1998 added 22 Sep 2023
the use of technology to monitor employees in the workplace, often to improve productivity or security
remunicipalization — 7 books
first published 8 Sep 1997 added 25 Sep 2023
Kuiper Belt — 40 books
first published 8 Sep 1997
area of the Solar System beyond the planetary orbits comprising small bodies
safety bicycle — 22 books
first published 1 Sep 1997 added 20 Aug 2022
archaic term for pedal-driven bicycles with equal-size front and rear wheels, geartrain and tires ("common" bicycle)
avocado toast — 37 books
first published 14 Aug 1997 added 9 Sep 2024
Islamic Golden Age — 34 books
first published 14 May 1997
period of cultural flourishing in the 8th to 13th centuries
Guggenheim Bilbao — 49 books
first published 14 May 1997
Museum of modern and contemporary art in Bilbao, Spain
discovery of the americas — 44 books
first published 14 May 1997
the exploration and subsequent colonization of the Americas by European powers, starting with Christopher Columbus in 1492
Blue Zone — 47 books
first published 14 May 1997 added 25 Jan 2024
cyber war — 151 books
first published 3 Feb 1997 added 27 Oct 2023
seigniorage — 49 books
first published 3 Feb 1997
profit from minting money
falling living standards — 83 books
first published 3 Feb 1997 added 29 Dec 2016
Salesforce — 259 books
first published 18 Jan 1997 added 13 Feb 2022
8-hour work day — 37 books
first published 16 Jan 1997
stealth mode startup — 79 books
first published 16 Jan 1997
The Great Good Place — 29 books
first published 15 Jan 1997
Henry Singleton — 16 books
first published 2 Jan 1997 added 13 Feb 2022
caloric restriction — 45 books
first published 2 Jan 1997 added 24 Oct 2021
scientific article published on June 2011
dividend-yielding stocks — 14 books
first published 2 Jan 1997
stocks that pay dividends on a regular basis, often appealing to investors looking for current income in addition to capital growth.
Laplace demon — 17 books
first published 1997 added 5 Mar 2018
a hypothetical, all-knowing entity that can predict the future based on complete knowledge of the present
lake wobegon effect — 27 books
first published 1997
cognitive bias wherein a person overestimates their own qualities and abilities
Simon Singh — 39 books
first published 1997
four colour theorem — 19 books
first published 1997
statement in mathematics
American Legislative Exchange Council — 37 books
first published 1997 added 26 Feb 2017
a nonprofit organization that facilitates collaboration between legislators and corporations to draft model legislation
John Conway — 37 books
first published 1997
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — 297 books
first published 1997 added 9 Apr 2017
an international body established by the United Nations to assess the science related to climate change
telepresence robot — 22 books
first published 1997
a remote-controlled, wheeled device with a display to enable video chat and videoconferencing
battle of ideas — 95 books
first published 1997
a concept referring to the ideological competition between different beliefs, theories, or philosophies
greed is good — 119 books
first published 1997
precautionary principle — 137 books
first published 1997 added 9 Feb 2022
risk management strategy emphasizing caution in scientific proceedings
Linda problem — 13 books
first published 1997 added 3 Jun 2023
a problem used in psychology to illustrate the conjunction fallacy in probability theory
Oklahoma City bombing — 80 books
first published 1997 added 9 Jul 2023
a domestic terrorist attack on a federal building in Oklahoma City, USA, in 1995 that resulted in 168 deaths
negative feedback loop — 86 books
first published 1997 added 8 Oct 2023
anesthesia awareness — 5 books
first published 1997
inadequate unconscious state during general anesthesia
Tipper Gore — 17 books
first published 1997 added 31 Dec 2021
an American social issues advocate, known for her work in promoting mental health and as the wife of former Vice President Al Gore.
oil rush — 35 books
first published 1997
tower defense real-time strategy game
Wolfskehl Prize — 3 books
first published 1997
German physician and mathematician
Parents Music Resource Center — 5 books
first published 1997 added 31 Dec 2021
defunct American committee