edward: concepts

2,557 concepts

Sort: count | alphabetical | first mention | added date

the strength of weak ties — 65 books
first published 2 Feb 2000 added 25 Oct 2021
Goodhart's law — 39 books
first published 2 Feb 2000 added 25 Oct 2021
adage that when a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure
frictionless — 39 books
first published 2 Feb 2000
frictionless market — 24 books
first published 2 Feb 2000
Silicon Glen — 7 books
first published 2 Feb 2000 added 29 Dec 2023
high tech sector of Scotland
Superbowl ad — 13 books
first published 2 Feb 2000
labour mobility — 39 books
first published 15 Jan 2000
the ability of workers to move freely between different regions or occupations
postnationalism / post nation state — 23 books
first published 15 Jan 2000
an ideology or political trend that advocates a structure beyond the concept of a nation-state
mini-job — 10 books
first published 15 Jan 2000
Mars Society — 29 books
first published 15 Jan 2000 added 16 Oct 2022
American space-advocacy nonprofit corporation
basic income — 240 books
first published 15 Jan 2000 added 10 Feb 2017
a regular, unconditional payment made to individuals by a government
Wall-E — 79 books
first published 10 Jan 2000 added 17 Jan 2017
en.wikipedia.org — 672 books
first published 10 Jan 2000
English-language edition of Wikipedia
pets.com — 107 books
first published 2 Jan 2000
a failed dot-com enterprise known for selling pet supplies online
the Gates Foundation — 143 books
first published 2 Jan 2000 added 26 Jan 2024
web application — 359 books
first published 2 Jan 2000
application that uses a web browser as a client
Russell Brand — 48 books
first published 2000 added 25 Sep 2023
British comedian, actor, and author
Phillips curve — 69 books
first published 2000 added 2 Nov 2021
economic model illustrating an inverse relationship between inflation and unemployment
user experience design — 70 books
first published 2000 added 20 Jun 2024
field of design focusing on the creation of user centered products and services
big-box store — 195 books
first published 2000
a large retail establishment, usually part of a chain
late fees — 112 books
first published 2000
episode of Sonic Boom (S1 E24)
coronal mass ejection — 27 books
first published 2000 added 11 May 2024
IFF: identification friend or foe — 12 books
first published 2000
Morris worm — 18 books
first published 2000 added 3 Jun 2023
one of the first computer worms distributed over the Internet
Bilderberg meeting — 9 books
first published 2000 added 28 Oct 2023
Annual private conference 2018 in Turin
scientific mainstream — 19 books
first published 2000
Fermi Paradox — 34 books
first published 2000 added 7 Oct 2023
the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial life and the lack of contact or evidence for such civilizations
cold peace — 26 books
first published 2000 added 20 Oct 2023
scientific article published on 12 February 2004
Tyler Cowen — 163 books
first published 2000 added 2 Nov 2021
American economist, columnist and blogger
pez dispenser — 33 books
first published 2000
popular device for distributing the Pez candy
multilevel marketing — 50 books
first published 2000 added 23 Nov 2021
a business model where salespersons earn money both through direct sales and by recruiting new salespeople, often criticized as being similar to a pyramid scheme.
quantitative easing — 284 books
first published 2000
monetary policy tool
crack epidemic — 46 books
first published 2000
Lean Startup — 103 books
first published 2000
Early business development tool
A. Roger Ekirch — 9 books
first published 2000 added 20 Mar 2017
American author and historian
business intelligence — 148 books
first published 2000
Bobos in Paradise — 36 books
first published 2000 added 6 Dec 2023
book by David Brooks
macro virus — 5 books
first published 2000 added 3 Jun 2023
Computer virus written in a macro language
The future is already here — 67 books
first published 15 Dec 1999 added 18 Oct 2020
a phrase often attributed to William Gibson, suggesting that the future is unevenly distributed and already exists in some places or sectors.
Ignaz Semmelweis: hand washing — 40 books
first published 4 Nov 1999
Stanford marshmallow experiment — 75 books
first published 2 Nov 1999 added 6 Oct 2017
study on delayed gratification by psychologist Walter Mischel
Vision Fund — 31 books
first published 2 Nov 1999 added 27 Nov 2021
Japanese venture capital fund
Walter Mischel — 63 books
first published 2 Nov 1999
Austrian-born Jewish American psychologist
c2.com — 29 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
first-ever user-editable website
domain-specific language — 61 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
computer language specialized to a particular application domain
boiling frog — 32 books
first published 19 Oct 1999 added 28 Oct 2023
a metaphor describing a frog slowly being boiled alive, used to warn about the danger of gradual change
Broken windows theory — 52 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
a criminological theory suggesting that visible signs of disorder and neglect cause an increase in crime
slashdot — 128 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
a social news website that originally focused on technology and science-related news and discussions
Stone Soup — 19 books
first published 19 Oct 1999 added 30 Oct 2023
the Cathedral and the Bazaar — 54 books
first published 19 Oct 1999 added 5 Oct 2023
off-by-one error — 21 books
first published 19 Oct 1999 added 24 Nov 2022
type of numerical or counting error
continuous integration — 103 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
software development practice based on frequent submission of granular changes
if you see hoof prints, think horses—not zebras — 22 books
first published 19 Oct 1999
don't repeat yourself — 51 books
first published 19 Oct 1999 added 16 Feb 2017
software development principle with the goal of reducing repetitive software patterns, and replacing them with abstractions that use data normalization to avoid redundancy
Mary Meeker — 62 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 19 Jun 2022
an American venture capitalist and former Wall Street securities analyst, known for her annual 'Internet Trends' reports
tech worker — 149 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 26 Oct 2021
wealth creators — 76 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 16 Feb 2017
Benchmark Capital — 46 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 23 Jun 2022
a venture capital firm based in Menlo Park, California
PalmPilot — 146 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 11 Feb 2022
a line of personal digital assistants developed by Palm Inc., one of the first widely adopted PDAs
Andy Kessler — 27 books
first published 29 Sep 1999
Larry Ellison — 139 books
first published 29 Sep 1999 added 8 Mar 2023
American internet entrepreneur and businessman
Grace Hopper — 63 books
first published 28 Sep 1999 added 3 Jan 2017
an American computer scientist and US Navy rear admiral, known for pioneering work in computer programming
Free Software Foundation — 88 books
first published 28 Sep 1999 added 21 Sep 2023
millennium bug — 35 books
first published 28 Sep 1999
a computer bug related to the rollover into the year 2000. Many feared it would cause failures in computing systems, although the impact was generally mild.
Admiral Zheng — 45 books
first published 14 Sep 1999
Ming Dynasty admiral, explored and influenced Indian Ocean
Just-in-time delivery — 45 books
first published 14 Sep 1999
Seaside, Florida — 17 books
first published 17 Aug 1999
unincorporated master-planned community in Walton County, Florida
three strikes and you’re out — 40 books
first published 17 Aug 1999 added 31 Dec 2023
Harry Beck — 27 books
first published 16 Jul 1999 added 21 Aug 2024
RFID — 171 books
first published 15 Feb 1999
technology using electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects
3D printing — 222 books
first published 15 Feb 1999
layer-by-layer additive process used to make a three-dimensional object
Hedy Lamarr / George Antheil — 8 books
first published 15 Feb 1999
single-use zoning — 7 books
first published 8 Feb 1999 added 27 Dec 2023
mega-rich — 59 books
first published 15 Jan 1999 added 13 Feb 2017
McMansion — 167 books
first published 15 Jan 1999 added 15 Oct 2020
large mass-produced dwelling
adverse selection — 98 books
first published 15 Jan 1999 added 4 May 2024
mirror neurons — 92 books
first published 2 Jan 1999 added 23 Oct 2022
dirty bomb — 105 books
first published 2 Jan 1999 added 22 Nov 2023
radiological weapon that combines radioactive material with conventional explosives to contaminate an area with radioactive material, serving primarily as an area denial device against civilians
SpaceShipOne — 41 books
first published 2 Jan 1999 added 10 Nov 2021
suborbital, air-launched spaceplane
Virgin Galactic — 85 books
first published 2 Jan 1999 added 11 Nov 2021
American spaceflight company
X Prize — 64 books
first published 2 Jan 1999
a public competition intended to encourage technological development, often in fields like space travel, energy, and healthcare.
Clay Shirky — 144 books
first published 2 Jan 1999 added 28 Feb 2024
American technology writer
l'esprit de l'escalier — 11 books
first published 2 Jan 1999
carbon credits — 91 books
first published 1999 added 25 Sep 2023
certificates that allow the holder to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide, often traded as part of emissions reduction schemes
regenerative medicine — 61 books
first published 1999 added 23 Nov 2023
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) — 94 books
first published 1999 added 5 Mar 2017
Brewster Kahle — 39 books
first published 1999
American computer engineer, founder of the Internet Archive
Helicobacter pylori — 41 books
first published 1999 added 26 Oct 2021
Metcalfe’s law — 64 books
first published 1999 added 14 Feb 2017
internet strangers — 80 books
first published 1999 added 28 Feb 2024
Barry Marshall: ulcers — 21 books
first published 1999
an Australian physician who proved that ulcers are caused by the bacteria H. pylori
corporate social responsibility — 191 books
first published 1999
form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model
space tourism — 75 books
first published 1999 added 23 Nov 2023
space travel for recreational purposes
biodiversity loss — 87 books
first published 1999 added 3 Oct 2023
extinction of species worldwide, and also the local reduction or loss of species in a certain habitat
narrative nonfiction — 49 books
first published 1999 added 17 Jun 2024
Ray Oldenburg — 26 books
first published 1999
American sociologist
worker-owned cooperative — 37 books
first published 1999 added 17 Jun 2024
cooperative that is owned and self-managed by its workers
Hans Moravec — 63 books
first published 31 Dec 1998 added 20 Nov 2021
an Austrian-born roboticist and futurist known for his work on robotics, artificial intelligence, and writings on the future of non-biological intelligence.
Ray Kurzweil — 236 books
first published 31 Dec 1998
American author, scientist, inventor and futurist
I think there is a world market for maybe five computers — 16 books
first published 31 Dec 1998